“I gave him a choice”: Natalya Gvozdikova spoke about Evgeny Zharikov’s infidelities. Abandoned children of Evgeniy Zharikov And this despite the fact that his parents are actors

Natalya Gvozdikova took strict control over the life of her 34-year-old son

Natalya Gvozdikova took strict control over the life of her 34-year-old son

In February, one of the most honored figures of Russian cinema, Evgeniy ZHARIKOV, will turn seventy. Preparing for the glorious anniversary, Express Gazeta asked how the deafening sex scandal that the actor’s mistress Tatyana SEKRIDOVA unleashed across the country five years ago ended.

Readers of "EG" remember this heartbreaking story very well. Tanya gave birth to two illegitimate children to Evgeniy, and then spilled the beans about everything to his wife, actress Natalya GVOZDIKOVA. Evgeniy Ilyich refused parental rights and for a long time begged forgiveness from his legal wife...

- Evgeniy and I have not communicated for several years. As it was before the trial, five years ago, it remains so. “He doesn’t appear with us,” she noted a little irritably Tatiana Sekridova, as soon as we mentioned Zharikov. - The children are already big: Seryozha is 15, Katya is 13 years old. They study at the gymnasium. According to the court, Zhenya pays them alimony - this is where his participation in the life of his son and daughter ends. What’s typical is that I didn’t want a trial, a scandal, or a genetic examination. This is his initiative. I asked Zharikov to give 100 dollars for children - is that a lot for today?! But he refused. And now the court pays more. It's your own fault! I told him that I would tell the press everything, there would be a scandal. He said he didn't care. Well, if so, get it!

Passion on a ship

In 1994, Tatyana Sekridova came to the Baltic Pearl festival in Jurmala to prepare a series of reports on the instructions of the editors. There she first met Zharikov. I was sitting on a bench, reading a book. Suddenly he hears someone swearing. Raises his eyes: Zharikov with Gvozdikova they scold. Evgeny Ilyich cast an appraising glance at the stranger, smiled and moved on.

A month later, Tatyana and Evgeniy found themselves on a ship that was sailing from Odessa to Kyiv - first along the Black Sea, then along the Dnieper. His wife Natalya Fedorovna remained in Moscow. All ten days spent on the ship, the actor showed signs of attention to Sekridova. And one evening he became so brave that he rushed at Tatyana with passionate kisses...

The journalist fought off the celebrity’s unambiguous advances as best she could, insisting that he was a married man and it was inappropriate to deceive such a wonderful wife, like Gvozdikova. But the ladies' man didn't care; he repeated that with Natalya not everything was as smooth as it seemed.

A few days after the start of the novel, Zharikov asked new lover: “Will you give birth to my child?” Then followed a lengthy monologue about how children are the most important thing in his life and he always dreamed of big family, like his parents - Evgeniy was the sixth child, the youngest.

By the way, Zharikov broke up with his first wife, a trainer figure skating, due to the fact that she was infertile. Before his wedding to Natalya Gvozdikova on November 25, 1974, Evgeniy made her promise that she would give him at least three children. But when Fedya was born a year and a half later, the actress said:

Sekridova, probably secretly hoping that her lover would sooner or later leave his wife, gave birth to a son and daughter a year and nine months apart. For seven and a half years, Tatyana and Evgeniy were very happy. We went on holiday to Spain together, took our children to Disneyland Paris, Evgeniy spoiled the kids expensive gifts. But in the early 2000s, at a film festival in Sochi, Sekridova caught a gentleman in a room with a young lady. And in revenge she called Gvozdikova, reporting the details of his double life.

Everything was fine with Zhenya before his betrayal. And then everything seemed to snap out of me,” Tatyana admits. - I don’t even know if I feel sorry for his wife, Gvozdikova... If a man has everything going well in his family, will he really go to the left and build a second family?! Of course, Natalya did not want a divorce. Who is she without him? Honored Artist? There are many of those! Behind Zharikov she is like behind a stone wall. And Natalya’s character is complex. Look what happened to my son Fedor. After all, he is 34, and he is nothing and no one. And this is “thanks” to her. Not a single girl of his is suitable for Gvozdikova. Fedor is a good guy, but is this a profession? His mother consumes him.

Depraved sexual intercourse

The scandal in the family of Zharikov and Gvozdikova was hard for Natalya’s mother. The 84-year-old woman supported her daughter as best she could: she calmed her down for a long time when she complained with tears about her husband, whom she had trusted for so many years, and helped with the housework. But the pensioner’s heart could not stand it, and at the end of October 2005 she died.

And Zharikov himself was in disheveled feelings for a long time. In a frank conversation with our correspondent, he said that he had never felt any love for the mother of illegitimate children:

What doesn’t happen to us men! I had a vicious sexual relationship with Sekridova. We fucked. But only. Sex can happen without love. The first time I got married, I gave my word when I was not very sober. Stupid? And he lived for 12 years with a woman whom he did not love very much, as Evgeniy Ilyich blurted out then. - Tatyana wanted children.

She doesn’t forbid me to see them now, but I can’t do this myself, otherwise I’ll have to meet with her. I don't justify myself at all. I drink my cup of shame to the bottom. I repented before my confessor. (see article "Fried Gvozdikova" )

Probably, Zharikov’s position has not changed since his last interview with our newspaper, since today he does not want to stir up the past. Gvozdikova now looks at the scandal with Sekridova philosophically:

The Lord sends serious tests to those whom he loves more. The passions have subsided, but I still don’t want to talk about this topic.

Tatyana Sekridova only regrets that the children do not see their father, but speaks calmly about the breakup:

I've never been attracted to men. What does Zharikov have now? Just sores! Zhenya's anniversary is coming soon. Of course, I wish him health - this is the most important thing. And so that everything goes well for him - after all, he is the father of my children. I don't hold it against him!

An elderly man was sitting at a table covered with newspapers. He poured some vodka into the glass, but drank it.

15:24 4.10.2012

His gaze fell again on the newspaper headlines: “Evgeny Zharikov and Natalya Gvozdikova were considered perfect couple..." At that moment, it clearly seemed to Evgeny Ilyich that his whole life had collapsed...

The party was in full swing. The music was booming, the tables were crowded with treats, and the alcohol flowed like a river. The guests of the film festival - people known throughout the country - were having fun. Some, having already had quite a bit too much, shouted something, some hugged, some laughed, some watched what was happening, sipping a cocktail. People's Artist and favorite of women Evgeny Ilyich Zharikov did not let go of the slightly overweight brunette all evening. “Wow, Ilyich is a great guy, he rocks like a twenty-year-old,” they whispered about him. “Who’s that with him? I couldn’t find a younger one…” others giggled. “What do you know! This is Tanya, his secret wife, and they have children.” “Don't talk! He has only one wife - Natasha Gvozdikova. You never know who a drunk man hugs in the evening.”

The next day, Evgeny Ilyich appeared on the red carpet with his legal wife Natalya Fedorovna Gvozdikova. Holding a pen, they smiled at the cameras. They were considered an ideal couple - more than 30 years together! And they even awarded a prize as the strongest acting family... But the beautiful fairy tale fell apart overnight when journalist Tatyana Sekridova (the same slightly plump brunette) told the whole country about her affair with Zharikov. And two children whose father was Evgeniy Ilyich. erupted terrible scandal! There was not a person who would not accuse Zharikov of deception and double life...


The fragile blonde rushed through the endless corridors of the film studio. The worst thing that could happen to an aspiring artist happened to her - she was late for the audition. Flying into the pavilion, she came across a handsome young man. He sat in a chair, legs crossed. Suede jacket, coffee trousers, stylish boots. On his lap is a printout of the script, which he lazily leafed through. Natasha fussed and began to take off her fur coat, hoping that the handsome man would help. But he didn’t even deign to get up. “What an impudent fellow!” - she decided. “What can this big girl allow herself to do - the whole group is waiting for her!” - thought the striking young man, aka Evgeny Zharikov, irritably. He was already a star then, starring in a dozen films. The comedy “Three Plus Two” made him famous, and he was proud of his work with Andrei Tarkovsky. But Gvozdikova was still a nobody...

They both tried to refuse the role in the melodrama “Near These Windows” - the director did not allow it. And surprisingly, somewhere in the middle of the film they felt sympathy for each other. They say that Gvozdikova was very angry that Zharikov was having an affair with some girl from the crowd. And she decided to teach him a lesson - to attract his clear gaze to herself at all costs. She overdid it - they began a secret affair.

Secret - because both he and she were not free people. True, Natasha’s marriage was bursting at the seams. My husband Sasha drank and made a fuss. She tried to leave several times, but her parents-in-law persuaded her to stay. Zharikov’s situation was more serious: length of service family life crossed the second ten. His wife Valya, a figure skating coach, turned a blind eye to her husband’s affairs. When the comedy “Three Plus Two” was filming, someone from the group called her: “Come if you want to stay with your husband.” Valya rushed over. What happened then is unknown: Zharikov insisted that actress Natalya Kustinskaya (partner in the film) tried to seduce him. Kustinskaya insisted that it was he who pestered her. The marriage of Zhenya and Valya survived then, but over 12 years, enough claims and grievances accumulated. He wanted to have children, she couldn't get pregnant. To tell the truth, Evgeniy did not deny himself pranks on the side: on the set he had light and not very flings. Valya guessed about the tricks of “our Alain Delon” (as he was called) and remained silent. I also knew about my husband’s affair with Gvozdikova, but I thought it wouldn’t be the first time, it would resolve.

Alas, Zhenya was pulled in tightly. And when he was invited to the series “Born of the Revolution,” he did everything impossible to ensure that the main role went to Natasha Gvozdikova. When Zharikov and Gvozdikova simply looked at each other in the frame, it was clear to everyone: they were a couple. At first, the actors carefully hid their romance. Then they stopped. She left her husband.

wrote his wife Valya a letter of repentance asking for a divorce...

Fried cloves

“Hey, fried cloves, go get your salary - you should work on camera!” - shouted the cashier of the film studio named after. Dovzhenko, where the filming of “Born of a Revolution” took place. With the light hand of this woman, this funny nickname stuck to the young spouses.

This period seems to have been the happiest in their lives. The series was so successful that Zharikov and Gvozdikova immediately became top actors. Young, beautiful, they seemed to everyone like celestial beings.

Zhenya dreamed of children - and Natasha gave birth to a son. Zharikov was from large family and wanted him and Natasha to have at least five children. The wife agreed to three, but when Fedenka appeared, she changed her mind: “Give birth to the rest yourself!”

The young couple settled with Zhenya’s parents. His father, writer Ilya Milakhievich, hoped that his grandson would be given his name. But Natasha named the baby after her parent - and the elder Zharikov was deeply offended. It turned out that fragile, sweet Natasha has a character of steel. She knew how to make decisions and confronted her husband with a fact: it would be this way - and no other way. Zhenya rebelled at first, then submitted. He loved his wife, avoided quarrels - like most men, and in general turned out to be a gentle person by nature.

At the same time, he worked like an ox to buy a separate apartment, to pamper his wife, so that the family would not need anything. Housing appeared very soon - the Soviet Alain Delon was in great demand at that time, women adored him. And Evgeny succumbed to women’s charms... Naturally, there were “kind” people who notified Gvozdikova about her husband’s tricks. Several times they quarreled violently, Zhenya made excuses: they say, except for her, he doesn’t need anyone. In fact, this was the case - but Zharikov could not give up his long-term habit of getting carried away. Weak man, weak!

He frivolously thought that Natasha, like his former wife Valya, would turn a blind eye to his hobbies. Why did it happen? One day, in a fit of quarrel, the strong-willed Gvozdikova threw her things into a suitcase and announced that she was leaving. Zhenya ran out of the house, slamming the door. I got into the car and felt that I was literally sliding out of my seat. Famous young artist They took me to the hospital with a diagnosis of a micro-infarction... Of course, Natasha didn’t go anywhere. They made peace, and Zhenya promised to stop going to the left.

Viewers really wanted to see this couple on screen. And Evgeniy appeared. But his wife was invited to filming less and less often. She gained a lot of weight and was very painful about it. They say she was even angry with her husband and jealous of the audience’s success. But then I discovered the advantages of my position. “Let the husband earn money,” she reasoned and calmed down. Alas, do good career she didn't succeed in the cinema.

But Evgeny Ilyich went uphill. And not only creatively - administratively. He chaired the newly created Screen Actors Guild and headed the Constellation Film Festival. He was a successful and fairly wealthy man.

And then Zharikov met Tanya Sekridova... And everything suddenly turned upside down!

Tanya. Second family

Summer, ship, sun and water - what could be better! Perhaps only a light romance on such a ship. First he heard her laugh - beautiful, powerful, energetic. They were immediately introduced: Zharikov’s friend really asked to accredit the journalist Sekridova to the film festival. Evgeniy Ilyich, the creator of the Constellation festival, even in his 50s, was a success with women - of all ages! And he was a little upset that the energetic Tanya somehow did not react to his sparkling smile. She was always surrounded by men. How so? Zharikov began to act ahead: for several days he treated her to fruit, gave her champagne, and persistently invited her to his cabin. One evening Tanya gave up...

No, a relationship with a heavily married superstar was not part of her plans. And Evgeny was sure that the romance on the ship would soon be forgotten. But with each meeting they grew closer to each other more and more. “Will you give birth to my child?” - he burst out (as it turned out, the idea of ​​​​having many children did not let Zharikov go). “What about your wife and family?” “Yes, my wife and I have long different lives... The son is an adult.” What a man won’t say to get a woman into bed, but... But, apparently, she really wanted to believe him.

Zharikov suddenly looked younger! He courted me very nicely, even met Tanya’s parents. And when she realized that she was expecting a child, Ilyich’s joy knew no bounds. He did not chicken out - as usually happens with married men- on the contrary, he brought her food, vitamins, and took her to a consultation with doctors. Tanya began to frequent the Zharikovs’ house: Evgeniy introduced her as his good friend, a famous journalist. Then Tanya gave birth to a son, whom she named Seryozha at Zhenya’s request. The romance gained momentum - and two years later they had a daughter.

How did they live? It seems happy. Zhenya lived with two families, but was immensely happy about this turn in his life. His legal wife Natalya had no idea about anything: she had long since stopped tending to her husband, an older man. Tatyana registered her son Seryozha and daughter Katya under her last name. It was announced to everyone that Zharikov - Godfather children, and only a few knew how things really were.

And then that scandal happened. This situation could not have lasted long - because the women, Gvozikova and Sekridova, had a powerful strong-willed character. But Evgeniy couldn’t decide anything and didn’t want to.

At the next festival, Tatyana found her unmarried husband with a young journalist. Whether there was betrayal or not is unclear, but Sekridova immediately remembered her acquaintance with Zhenya. Anger, despair, hysteria. "You're lying to me!" - she shouted and dialed Gvozdikova’s phone. “While you are in Moscow, our husband is deceiving us! - she exclaimed. And after a pause: “This has something to do with me - because Zharikov is the father of my children!”

Evgeny Ilyich, pale as a sheet, realized: his calm and happy life was over. "Why did you do that? - he whispered with white lips. “She won’t let me in the door now, she’ll destroy me.” Where should I go?


All hell broke loose in the lives of these three people. Natalya was going to get a divorce. But her sister and mother persuaded her not to cut from the shoulder. Evgeniy went to his confessor, repented of what he had done, and begged forgiveness from his wife. I stopped all relations with Tatyana. Probably no one would have known anything about that situation if not for the children. They had to be raised, educated, taught. Tatyana filed for alimony. And in response, she received a counterclaim - a paternity examination.

Evgeny Ilyich was ready to do anything so that Natalya Fedorovna would forgive him. But she couldn't. "Traitor!" - she often threw at him. The quiet life in their home is over. At some point, their adult son could not stand it: “Parents, you are either getting a divorce or you are already living normally!”

An examination confirmed Zharikov’s paternity. This might not have been done, but Gvozdikova was clutching at straws: it was important for her to know for sure. She hoped that they were simply taking money out of her husband.

According to the court, the children were entitled to alimony. And suddenly it turned out that Evgeny Ilyich Zharikov is an ordinary pensioner: the apartment is in the name of his wife, the cars and the dacha are in the name of his son. It was new round scandal: one woman pressed because she had small children. The other, defending “her territory,” was not going to give a penny. And then there was a point of no return: Tatyana wanted to take the children abroad, the Zharikovs did not give permission - they were afraid that the mother of two children would demand money. And then the lawyers offered to sign a waiver for the kids - and the Zharikovs did it... Seryozha and Katya’s mother did not expect such a turn at all.

And then Tatyana Sekridova put the “fried cloves” in check and checkmate at the same time, giving frank interview on television and in some publications.

All the dogs were unleashed on the middle-aged Zharikov. "Bigamist! Scoundrel! Liar!" - they wrote so much about him. Having experienced all this horror a second time, Evgeny Ilyich suffered a severe stroke. His wife and son nursed him. In a hospital bed old man asked the Lord for death. But everything worked out: a common misfortune united the family.

For several years he refused interviews. Then he said that the connection with Sekridova was a mistake. He wanted to beg forgiveness from Gvozdikova so much that he crossed out both his love and seven years happy life, and even children.

He did not beg for forgiveness - on the contrary, he acquired a severe sense of guilt. I really wanted to see my son and daughter - and I was afraid. What if the children don’t talk to him or say the offensive “Traitor”? I asked Fyodor to meet Katya and Seryozha, but he replied: “Father, no!” During this terrible period, Zharikov lacked will and determination - those traits that both Natalya and Tatyana had in abundance.

When the soul is sick, the body also suffers. Evgeniy Ilyich’s illnesses worsened: the consequences of a stroke, operated joints - he could barely move with a cane. And then doctors discovered cancer. They operated on him, prescribed the necessary therapy - and Zharikov seemed to feel better. But last September he was hospitalized again. And in January he passed away...

Natalya Fedorovna insisted that the memorial service for her husband be closed. Neither Tatyana Sekridova nor the first wife Valentina Zotova were able to say goodbye to Zharikov. Son Fedor is not married, he lives with his mother. Gvozdikova refuses to be interviewed and makes no comments. The younger children of Evgeniy Zharikov are growing up: they play sports and in the theater studio and, they say, look very similar to their handsome father.

Text: Tatyana Postolnikova

Handsome men are always surrounded by attention, and if they also have a noble profession such as an astronaut, pilot, inventor or artist, then even doubly so. The favorite of TV viewers, actor Evgeny Zharikov, was no exception. Biography, personal life, photos and everything connected with him have always interested fans and made their trembling hearts skip a beat. However, what was their idol like behind the scenes?

Artist's parents

The family into which Evgeniy Ilyich Zharikov was born was deservedly considered intelligent. His father, Ilya Milakhievich, was a writer who published under the pseudonym Leonid Zharikov. Mom worked at school as a teacher of Russian language and literature.

The future artist was born in the winter of 1941, a few months before the start of the war. He was the 6th child in the family, so his older brothers and sisters took care of him.

When the war broke out, the Zharikovs realized that feeding their children in Moscow would be problematic. Therefore, they sent their children to their grandparents, who lived in a village near Sergiev Posad.


In it hard times In addition to the six Zharikov children, the same number lived with their grandparents cousins and sisters, also sent by their parents to the village.

The old men managed to save the lives of all their grandchildren during the war, and only God knows how much effort they had to put in to do this. Evgeny Zharikov himself recalled that relatives taught their grandchildren to work almost from the cradle. Thus, young Zhenya learned to ride horses from the age of 4, and by the age of 10 he knew how to do almost everything that is required of the owner of a rural house.

After the war, the children returned to their parents. For the youngest of them, taken to the village almost as a baby, Moscow and all its customs were a real wonder. But he soon got used to it and became interested in the theater. The biography of Evgeniy Zharikov says that from that moment his life took a sharp turn, because now he realized what he wanted in life and decided to achieve his goal with all his might. The parents, as intelligent people, had nothing against their son’s wishes, so after graduating from school he submitted his documents to GITIS.

Biography of Evgeniy Zharikov during his studies at GITIS

Upon admission, the young applicant was fabulously lucky - he ended up in the workshop of Gerasimov and Makarova, who treated their students as their own children and helped them find Good work after graduating from GITIS. However, their patronage was not needed by a student named Evgeniy Zharikov: his biography contains information that the creative piggy bank of the aspiring actor, already in his second year, was replenished with a role in the film “What if this is love?” Although his character was minor, a start had been made, and a very successful one at that.

After Yuli Raizman, Andrei Tarkovsky himself invited the handsome artist to star in Ivan’s Childhood. This time the role was also small, but it was she who determined Zharikov’s role - people in uniforms.

A year later, the artist received an invitation to take part in the filming of the romantic comedy “Three + Two” by Henrikh Hovhannisyan. Got my first one this time main role Evgeny Zharikov.

The artist’s biography says that after this work his life took a sharp turn - having become famous throughout the country, he became an idol for many spectators, or rather, female spectators who bombarded him with letters and stood guard at his house.

Directors also became interested in Zharikov’s talent, vying with each other to offer to star in the most interesting films in the country. But the young man surprised everyone - he signed a two-year contract and went to Germany to film.

Business trip to the GDR

The project for which Zharikov left his homeland was the German television series “Russian for You.”

Throughout the entire period of his business trip, the actor not only earned good money playing the main role, but also learned from his German colleagues. Perhaps that is why, when he returned to Moscow in 1966, he was again in great demand.

Man in uniform and beautiful Lel

After the business trip, Evgeny Zharikov filmed a lot and often. His biography during these years is simply amazing: every year 2-4 films were released with him, and in most of them he played leading roles. How he managed to do all this remains a mystery.

Perhaps what helped to transform so quickly and effectively was the fact that many of Zharikov’s heroes were military (“No Death, Guys!”, “The Mysterious Monk,” “Day of the Angel”). At the same time, the artist made sure that, given the monotony of the roles offered, he did not become a hostage to one role. Therefore, he sometimes tried to choose heroes uncharacteristic of his image. Among them are the lover Lel from “The Snow Maiden” and Zinuli’s husband, Koka, from “It Can’t Be!”

The artist was also often invited to appear in projects of the GDR: “Signals”, “Declaration of love to G.T.”, “Anvil or Hammer”, “I want to see you”.

Zharikov - star of the television series “Born of the Revolution”

The role of Kondratiev in the project “Born of a Revolution” brought real fame and transition to the category of a cult actor. His brave and somewhat naive Nikolai became business card Zharikova.

Participation in this project forever assigned the artist the role of a man in uniform, thanks to which, even in his twilight years, Evgeniy Zharikov was quite in demand in the profession. His biography was replenished with one more important event thanks to his participation in this series: on the set he became close to his future wife- Natalya Gvozdikova.

Career in the 80-90s.

In the new decade, the artist continued to receive a lot of filming offers. Most successful work In this decade, the artist considered participating in the film “The First Horse”, where he played Klim Voroshilov.

The excellent performance of the role contributed to the fact that 6 years later Evgeniy Ilyich was again invited to play this character in “The War in the Western Direction.” The 90s began for Zharikov with this role.

During these years, he played mainly businessmen, but there were also unusual roles in his filmography. He was twice Bishop of Tyre in the historical dramas Richard the Lionheart and Kenneth the Knight. He also played the landowner Roshchin in “The Peasant Young Lady.” But he considered the role of Stalin in the film “Trotsky” to be the highest achievement of this period.

Work in the field of dubbing

Besides beautiful appearance, nature has endowed the actor with a pleasant voice. Therefore, throughout his career, he not only acted in films, but also did voice-over and dubbing.

In total, Evgeny Zharikov voiced about 200 projects. Among them are “Generals of the Sand Quarries”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “Angelica - Marquise of Angels”, “Cleopatra” and many others.

Evgenia Zharikov (biography): personal life

Despite his success with women, the artist was not flighty and preferred to start serious relationship. His first lover, with whom he wanted to connect his life, was Valentina Zotova (skater coach). Although she was older than the actor for 5 years, this did not stop them from getting married in 1962.

This union was successful, but due to the lack of children, after 12 years of marriage, Evgeniy Zharikov began to think about divorce.

His biography, personal life and all his hopes for a happy future were under threat at that time. However higher power had mercy on him and sent him new love. She became the star of the film “Big Change” Natalya Gvozdikova. This is incredible beautiful woman with a mischievous smile, it was as if she was created for Zharikov.

By the time they met, Gvozdikova had already made a good career in cinema. However, at the suggestion of Evgeny Zharikov, who was in love with her, she received the role of Masha in the television series “Born of the Revolution.” A year after work on the project began, Natalya Gvozdikova and Evgeniy Zharikov officially formalized their marriage.

Evgeniy’s biography (a photo of the artist after his second marriage is presented below) says that his life was filled with numerous happy events, the first of which was the birth of a son, Fedor, named after Natalya’s father.

The parents doted on the baby. When he grew up, he did not follow their example, but went to study to become a French translator.

Scandal with Zharikov

Over the years, the union of Zharikov and Gvozdikova has been an example for many. But in the late 90s it thundered huge scandal, the main character of which turned out to be Evgeniy Zharikov. His biography, his children (yes, just children, not his son) were now on everyone’s lips. After all, it turned out that the actor had two more illegitimate children growing up - Seryozha and Katya. Their mother turned out to be journalist Tatyana Sekridova, who was younger than the actor for 19 years.

It turned out that their relationship lasted almost 7 years. According to the artist’s secret lover, Zharikov courted her romantically for a long time before she reciprocated. For a long time Tatyana Alekseevna hoped that he would legitimize her position, but, realizing that this would not happen, she told the press that the father of her children was the artist Evgeniy Zharikov.

Biography, children, photos of them - all this has now become not just public knowledge, but first of all affected the relationship with Natalya Gvozdikova. The courageous woman suffered the betrayal of her husband very hard. However, being a real lady, and first of all - loving wife, she not only managed not to make scandals in public, but also found the strength to forgive Zharikov. In turn, the artist not only broke off relations with Sekridova, but also more than once publicly characterized their relationship as lust, which had nothing to do with love.

The last years of the artist's life

Despite the fact that at the end of the 20th century. Yevgeny Zharikov managed to become a hero of the yellow press; his biography in the last decade of his life was full of events that had nothing to do with his personal life. At this time, he actively participated in the work of the Russian Film Actors Guild, helping his less fortunate colleagues survive in these difficult times. The artist also continued to act a lot.

Of course, the years have not been kind to him, but Evgeniy Ilyich managed to age with dignity. And even at 60 he looked younger than his age. His appearance has now acquired a certain solidity, thanks to which the artist was often invited to play the bosses: the FSB general in “Transit for the Devil”, General Gromov in “The Salvation Army”, the Minister of Internal Affairs in “Detectives”, the lieutenant general in “Code of Honor” and other characters. His last hero was General Zuev in “Hostages of Love.”

Observing his active professional and social life, few people knew that Zharikov was seriously ill. Back in 1999, 2 prostheses were introduced into the actor’s body, for which he had to undergo several serious surgical interventions, plus further rehabilitation therapy was required. However, he bravely endured all these difficulties.

Shortly before his death, doctors discovered he had cancer. Expensive treatment, unfortunately, did not bring healing, and, not a month before his 71st birthday, Evgeniy Zharikov died peacefully in one of the Moscow hospitals.

The biography of this actor was an example and inspiration for many, so spend it in last way not only colleagues, but also admirers of Evgeniy Ilyich’s talent gathered. He was buried on Troekurovskoye Cemetery, on the so-called “Alley for Actors”.

Interesting facts

  • One of the artist’s favorite children’s delicacies was seed cake and pseudo-sugar, which the grandmother cooked from various plants.
  • In total, the artist played in 70 projects, including both films and television series.
  • Zharikov managed to receive many prestigious awards for his work. The first of them - the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR - was awarded to him in 1976, on the eve of his 35th anniversary. Two years later, for the role of Kondratiev in “Born by a Revolution,” Evgeniy Ilyich and his wife received a State Prize. The end of the 80s brought Zharikov the title of People's Artist, and after the collapse of the USSR, the actor was awarded 2 more orders and one medal.

She did a lot for this. Any communication with her leads to a scandal and another trial. Therefore, when her lawyer approached me at the trial and asked whether I would insist on raising children together, he answered: “No.”

Natasha never demanded that I not see Seryozha and Katya. But she did not accept them, I know this and I have no right to condemn her. So I can’t bring the children to our home. This topic is closed.

If I am guilty before Seryozha and Katya, then God punished me for it. After everything I had experienced, I had a stroke. I don’t want to remember how I spent six months in the hospital, how my arms and legs were paralyzed, how I lay there and prayed for one thing - to die quickly and no longer torment myself and my loved ones.

But Natasha didn’t let me do this, she found the best doctors, sponsorship funds to pay for an expensive clinic, nurses. She and Fedya did not leave me in trouble. My son even left work for a while to bring medicine at the doctors’ request. Fedya also bought an expensive mattress so that I, who was bedridden, would not have bedsores. And I survived. Thanks to my family and doctors.

At that time, Tatyana was besieging the district department of social protection, to which I was attached. She found out what my pension was and whether alimony was calculated correctly. Women working in such organizations, in theory, should have sympathized with her, but they couldn’t restrain themselves: “Leave him alone, he’s not going to deceive you.” My pension is small - fifteen thousand rubles, now I give thirty-three percent of it to my children.

No other income is expected yet; I still have great difficulty moving around, so I’m not able to film or give concerts.

“I’m a fool, a fool,” Sekridova recently complained to our mutual friend. - And why did you start all this? She could continue to live with her children at Zharikov’s expense. What do I have now? Pennies." Money is the only thing that continues to worry her.

But something else torments me: my three children do not communicate with each other. Seryozha will turn sixteen this year, Katya will be fourteen. Of course they have Cell phones, and if you want to find out their numbers, it’s a small problem. At first I didn't do this because I was seriously ill. And now I'm afraid to call them. I'm afraid that Seryozha, upon hearing my voice, will simply hang up or, even worse, say something harsh.

This will make me very sad and painful.

I haven’t seen my children for nine years, I don’t know what they look like now. I heard that Seryozha teaches Chinese, is making progress. Recently Sekridova called another mutual friend of ours and said that she started going to church, praying and forgave everyone everything...

Natasha and Fedor don’t believe that I don’t communicate with Seryozha and Katya at all. We are convinced that I am doing this secretly from them. But they are wrong. Once I tried to talk to Fyodor about how he should at least look at his brother and sister, get to know them, but he didn’t want to listen: “No, father!”

I didn't put pressure on him. There is no point in rushing such events - everything has its time.

It's just that no one knows what lies ahead.

How are Seryozha and Katya doing? What do they look like? They've probably grown a lot. I hope that someday I will still see them...

Valentina Zotova is outraged that the children were not allowed to say goodbye to their father

February 26 marks 40 days since actor Evgeniy ZHARIKOV passed away. Believers believe that on this day God’s decision will take place about where the soul will be. We decided to find out how Evgeniy Ilyich is remembered by his beloved women.

Zharikov's forties coincided with Lent. This is a time of repentance, when you need to forgive and pray. Each of the ex-wives remembers Evgeniy Ilyich in their own way. Valentina Zotova, who had been married to the actor for 12 years, learned about the death of her ex-husband on TV.
“I didn’t go to the funeral because I understood that there would be a scandal,” says Zotova. - Knowing the character of Natalya Gvozdikova, her boorish essence, I was aware of what this could lead to. I can look at Zhenya at home, since I have many photographs of him, and light a candle in a Christian way. On the third day I went to the Donskoy Monastery and lit a lamp for the repose. These days I prayed endlessly. Either Zhenya was cursing me for telling your newspaper about our life with him, or something else, but I couldn’t sleep.
Valentina, who had been silent all these years, told us four months before the actor’s death what her life was like with People's Artist. An affair with actresses Larisa Luzhina, Larisa Vikkel, Gvozdikova, who was married at that time - those stories that she had to endure. Zharikov, who was hanging out on the side, twice infected her with syphilis. As a result of the infection, doctors had to remove both of the woman's ovaries. Valentina could not have the children she and Zharikov once dreamed of. She did not forgive the actor who had distorted her life even after his death.
“I expected that after the article in your newspaper he would call and ask for forgiveness,” says Zotova. - They probably told him that this scandalous material had come out, where I told about the infection, and about his love affairs, and how he did not come on time for the divorce.

The point is that then Zhenya would have pleaded guilty to me. His pride did not allow him to do this. And I think Natalya Gvozdikova was very afraid of this.
All these years, Valentina Zotova maintained a relationship with Zharikov’s sister, Nina. The latter always congratulated her on her birthday and often called her on the phone.
“She, sobbing into the phone, told me: “But now he is old, sick and no one needs him.” Zhenya was lying there, the puncture was done incorrectly, so his legs were paralyzed. He suffered two strokes. As a believer, I fulfilled the request. Then I see: Gvozdikova dragged him to the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.” In such and such a state! It’s not for nothing that our mutual friend, director Stanislav Govorukhin, when he found out who was the reason for my divorce, said: “So this is ours, Odessa...”
This year, Zharikov’s relatives never called Valentina Zotova.
- I think Gvozdikova forbade sister Nina to communicate with me. I learned all the news through our mutual friend. I knew that after the operation Zhenya was lying abandoned, his nails were ingrown - there was no one to cut him. And Natalya was in France during this difficult rehabilitation period...

Closed memorial service

Valentina Zotova did not know Zharikov’s mistress, journalist Tatyana Sekridova. They met only once in the Donskoy Monastery.
- I saw Nina, and next to her overweight woman. I realized that this was Tatyana. Neither then nor now would I want to meet her. My friends told me that Gvozdikova did not allow Sekridova’s two children from Zharikov to say goodbye to their father. Therefore, the civil memorial service was closed. This is a great sin! How is it possible - they are his children and he recognized them. Gvozdikova at one time really wanted to take my place. But Zhenya hung around with women both in front of me and in front of her. Well, a person stopped loving you, so why don’t you let him leave? There are children there. I wish Tanya Sekridova that the Lord will give her the strength to raise her children healthy and happy. And you shouldn’t let your children see Gvozdikova.
And I will remember Zhenya. Lent- a time of repentance, when you need to find strength and forgive...

Couldn't refuse a woman

A close friend of her mistress Tatyana Sekridova says that Natalya Gvozdikova deliberately canceled the civil funeral service.
- Gvozdikova did not want to see anyone from Sekridova and Evgeniy’s first wife, Zotova. She cheated: she said that it was Zharikov himself who did not want a civil memorial service,” Sekridova’s close friend Lyudmila Tsvetkova is sure. - A mulatto mistress or someone else could have come. She was more frightened not even of the children, but unexpected meetings. Natasha is like that, she lives by some kind of medieval customs. It was not for nothing that Gvozdikova dragged Zhenya to church to swear an oath that she would not communicate with Sekridova’s children. He was a good president of the actors' guild, but Zharikov did not have the will of a man. He is one of those people who cannot refuse a woman.
On the day of Zharikov’s death, Lyudmila dialed her friend’s number.

“Tatiana shared that she will not go to the funeral,” says Lyudmila. - On January 18, I called her. She tells me: “He once said on TV that he was only a donor for children. If so, we won’t go!” There is resentment and pain - all together. Tanya understood that he said this under the influence of Natasha.
After Zharikov’s death, Gvozdikova was worried that journalists were misinterpreting her husband’s diagnosis, talking about cancer rather than pneumonia.
- He had rectal cancer and had surgery. And pneumonia arose due to the fact that there was no proper care, says Tsvetkova. - And also bedsores. Gvozdikova was abroad at that time. No one organized care. It was necessary to hire a nurse.
