Applesauce for the winter: recipes.

Preparing apple puree for the winter, you, first of all, care about your loved ones, who autumn-winter period There is not enough fresh fruit in the diet. The dessert is not just tasty, but also very healthy, since it will retain all the advantages of fresh apple fruits. Jars with apple preparations will always be on hand if you want to bake apple puffs or a pie with fruit filling.

Apple puree for the winter: recipe

Getting ready homemade apple puree for the winter quite simple, but like any other recipe, there are secrets and subtleties that the housewife must know about. The first thing you should be concerned about is the right choice fruits for this recipe. Autumn fruits are best; they are sweeter, which means you will have to add less granulated sugar.

If on initial stage When preparing to grind the fruits into as small pieces as possible, or even pass them through a meat grinder, the heat treatment will take less time, and therefore more benefits will be retained in the finished apple product: more vitamins and microelements that are destroyed during long-term heat treatment.

There are certain subtleties regarding preparation apple puree for children for the winter In particular, you should not add too much granulated sugar. And for the recipe, it is best to select fruits with green or yellow skin, and if you use red fruits, then in some cases there is a high probability of allergic reaction after consuming this product.

Of course, you must not only choose the right sweet variety, but also make sure that the fruits are not rotten or spoiled. Rotten fruits can spoil the taste of the finished product; it will have a characteristic odor. It doesn’t matter if there are spoiled places on the apples, they must be carefully cut out before starting cooking.

If you buy fruit at a supermarket rather than at a farm fair, it is best to completely peel the fruit before cooking. Often in supermarkets, in order to give fruits a marketable appearance, they are covered with a thin layer of wax that is not washed off with running water. When buying apples at a seasonal agricultural fair, you can be sure that the fruit has not been covered with anything, so you just need to rinse them under running water and place them in a pan with the skin.

In case you have already chopped the apples, but you have other things to do, so you cannot finish cooking now, be sure to sprinkle the slices with lemon juice. Thanks to the acid, the slices will not darken, and the puree will have a “healthy”, appetizing color.

When cooking is complete, you must put the puree into pre-prepared jars; they must first be washed and sterilized. Metal lids must be boiled first so that the product can be stored for a long time and not spoil. Knowing this, you can prepare delicious and healthy dessert for the whole family.

Homemade apple puree for the winter

When you cook, you need to achieve a uniform consistency: without pieces of skin and seeds, the same rule applies when preparing puree. You will definitely need a fine metal sieve to puree the fruit mixture, removing seeds, skins and other solid particles that can ruin the taste and smooth consistency of the finished puree.

The most popular recipe is Apple puree for the winter “Nezhenka”, which fully lives up to its name. The taste is truly unique - delicate and rich. You can simply eat the product with a spoon after opening a new jar, you can add it to milk porridges, and also use it as a filling for homemade baked goods- puff pastries and pies.

IN classic recipe there are only two ingredients: apples and water, but there are more original options with the addition of other fruits, spicy spices, etc. but we will start with the classic version, which can be called the most versatile in culinary terms.

Fruits - 2 kg
Water - 250 ml
Sugar - 250 g
Lemon juice - 20 ml

First, all purchased fruits must be washed with running water. Then cut them into quarters and cut out the seed crust, and cut each quarter into smaller slices. To cook the puree, you will need a large enamel bowl large enough to fit all the fruit slices. Place the bowl on the fire and cook for half an hour, during which time the fruit slices should become soft. First, you need to pour a little water into the bowl so that the slices do not burn at the very beginning of cooking, and after the apples, let in a sufficient amount of juice.

The softened apple slices should be rubbed through a sieve, which will retain all the skin, leaving you with a homogeneous apple mass. It must be transferred again to an enamel bowl and granulated sugar must be added. If you want the puree to be sour, you can add a few spoons lemon juice. The juice will also lighten the apple mass a little, and it will have a pleasant, appetizing appearance.

The bowl must be put on the fire, and after the mass boils, cook it for another 15 minutes. The finished product can be placed in jars and hermetically sealed with prepared iron lids. Despite the fact that the product can be stored for two years, it is better to eat the product over the winter to exclude the possibility of the development of a bacterial environment in the preserved jar. But you can store it for 2-3 years without losing its taste and beneficial properties.

Apple puree for the winter

It is important not only make apple puree for the winter, but also guarantee its long-term storage throughout the year. To do this, you should carefully follow the cooking technology, listening to the advice of an experienced chef. This recipe will have only one difference from the previous one - we will additionally sterilize the finished product in a jar, so your preparations will definitely be stored throughout the winter, and even longer, until the new fruit harvest ripens.

Those with a sweet tooth who often worry about their figure will also love this option. winter preparations. The puree turns out to be very aromatic, tender, has a pleasant sweetish taste, and its calorie content is only 68 kcal per 100-gram serving. At any time you can treat yourself to aromatic fruit dessert, without worrying at all that it will cause the appearance of extra pounds.

You will spend less than an hour on a simple cooking method, but you will get tasty and healthy home product, the analogues of which you definitely won’t buy in a supermarket. Baby apple puree for the winter can be used in the nutrition of preschoolers, but it is better to refuse this option of complementary feeding for infant. For babies, it is better to prepare a small portion of fresh puree every day using fresh apples and other fruits.

Apples - 1 kg
Granulated sugar - 1.5 cups
Water - 150 ml

The fruits should be thoroughly washed with running water at the very beginning, and damaged areas should be cut off. Then all the fruits must be peeled; for this it is convenient to use a special tool for peeling vegetables and fruits. The fruits must be cut into four parts and the core with seeds and plates removed. Cut the pulp into small cubes.

To prepare, we will use an enamel pan, where you need to pour water and sugar, and mix the syrup thoroughly so that the grains dissolve in the liquid.

Next, place the apple slices in a bowl and bring the mixture to a boil. The mixture should be cooked over low heat for 20 minutes after boiling. During the cooking process, the apple mass should be stirred regularly to prevent burning.

Since in in this case, to make apple puree for the winter, we peeled the fruits in advance and removed the seed box, so you don’t have to rub the fruits through a sieve, but grind them with an immersion blender or a regular potato masher. After grinding, we will not bring the puree to a boil again, but will immediately put it into clean, prepared jars.

At the next stage, sterilization awaits you: you need to place the filled jars in a wide pan, the bottom of which will be lined with a towel, pour in water so that it reaches the “hangers”, and put the pan on the fire. It is necessary to sterilize the jars within 10 minutes from the moment of boiling, while the boil should be medium, and so that drops of water do not fall into the inside of the container, they must be covered with iron lids. After sterilization, the jars must be hermetically sealed, and for storage, select a dark, cool place. You can complement these simple ones with cinnamon, whose aroma goes well with the apple flavor. The dessert will be simply amazing!

Apple puree for the winter “Nezhenka”

Will truly surprise everyone apple puree with condensed milk for the winter y, the taste of which definitely cannot be compared with any other recipes previously known to us.

Apples - 4 kg
Sweetened condensed milk - 1 can
Sugar - 4 tbsp.
Water -<2 стаканов

In the presented recipe, condensed cream is often used instead of condensed milk, which does not contain any herbal additives.

The initial recipe states that we will need four kilograms of fruit, but this is the approximate weight of whole apples, and after processing, when you peel them and remove the seeds, you should have three kilograms of processed fruit. If you took fruits with hard pulp, then cut them into small cubes, and softer pulp can be cut into larger slices.

Add about one glass of water to the apples placed in a large bowl and put on fire. Boil the fruit slices for about half an hour, during which time all the apple pieces will become completely soft. You must stir the mixture, otherwise it will start to burn to the bottom of your pan, just like when you cook. During the cooking process, do not cover the dish with a lid so that the moisture gradually evaporates, in this case the result will be thicker. “Nezhenka” apple puree for the winter, recipe may completely exclude the addition of water, then you can be guided by personal experience when assessing the juiciness of the selected apple variety.

The softened slices must be pureed in any way - pass through a meat grinder, rub through a sieve or grind with a submersible blender. Then you can add sugar to the mass to your taste and pour in condensed milk, and put the bowl on the fire. Stirring the dessert thoroughly, cook it for 20 minutes, but note that the mixture will splash a lot during boiling.

Now you have a delicious treat ready, and you can put it in clean jars, seal it tightly and turn it upside down until it cools. Preservation should be stored in a cool, dark place, but in a city apartment you can choose a closet or pantry to prevent direct sunlight.

This delicate apple delicacy can be eaten as a complete breakfast, added to oatmeal or semolina porridge, cottage cheese or pancakes.

Baby apple puree for the winter

If you want to cook Apple puree for the winter, recipe You can choose with various fruit additives. Very interesting combinations with pears, plums, and pumpkin. All the presented preservation options are prepared quickly, but they turn out very tasty and healthy for all family members, especially in the autumn-winter period, when the body lacks fresh fruits and vitamins.

To prepare purees, you can also use the latest advances in kitchen technology; for example, you can soften fruit slices in a double boiler, thus preserving more nutrients in the fruit.

You can also use a slow cooker for cooking, and you don’t have to worry that the fruit mixture will burn. In a multicooker, select the “Stew” program for cooking, but the process will take a little longer: for softening - about an hour, for final cooking of a homogeneous mass - 10 minutes.

Preparing applesauce for the winter for children at home is not at all a troublesome task. All you need are delicious apples. The puree contains no sugar, only apples and a little water. If you still take sour varieties of apples, you can sweeten the puree a little, but this is also at your discretion.

Take ripe, sweet and juicy apples to prepare baby puree. Even if their appearance is not ideal, ugly apples do not mean tasteless.

This recipe uses domestic summer juicy apples – the “Gala” variety.

Wash the apples thoroughly and cut off the peel. This process is quite lengthy in making puree. A vegetable peeler will help you quickly remove the peel, or get helpers to do the job.

While peeling apples, count the number of apples and write them down. This information will be useful to us.

Cut out the core with the seeds, remove the tails, etc. Cut the apples into small cubes.

By the way, don’t rush to throw away the apple peel. It can be frozen in plastic bags (for up to 6 months) and made into compotes or added to tea. The peel is very aromatic and contains many vitamins, so you can use it too.

Choose a saucepan or saucepan with a thick bottom and pour in boiled cold water at the rate of 1 apple - 1 tablespoon of water. Remember when you had to count the apples?

Why is water needed? To prevent the apple cubes from burning to the bottom, they will then be stewed in their own juice.

Reduce heat to minimum, put a saucepan with water and apple cubes on the fire, cover with a lid and simmer for 10-25 minutes. The time will depend on the variety of apples and how hard they are.

If you decide to add sugar, then do it now - at the stewing stage. Add it to taste, focusing on the acidity of the apples.

If older children (two years and older) will eat the puree, then you can add a pinch of cinnamon to it.

While the apples are stewing, you can prepare the jars for seaming. It is better to roll baby applesauce into small glass jars (about 100-150 ml). Such a small package is convenient to eat at one time and not leave for later.

Sterilize the jars with their lids by steaming, in the microwave or in the oven. I steamed it by placing a metal steamer in a pan of water.

After the specified stewing time has passed, you need to make puree from soft apples - you can use an immersion blender or rub through a fine sieve. Put the puree back on the heat and wait for bubbles to appear. It's best to cover the pan at this stage, otherwise the bubbles will explode and could get on your skin or stain your work surface and stovetop.

The apple harvest has passed, and there are large baskets of ripe, fragrant apples on the veranda. Well, after that, how can you not love these wonderful fruits, when just from the smell and sight, saliva begins to quickly flow and your hands are already reaching for the next apple.

But, unfortunately, apples of soft varieties are not stored for a long time; they ripen together, which requires very fast processing and preservation. When it’s a successful apple year, and all relatives and neighbors are supplied with apples, I begin to prepare apples for the winter. I think my favorite recipe is a simple one. It can be made with or without sugar. When I use “White filling” or “Robin” for mashed potatoes, I don’t add sugar.

And in a year when there are few apples, I make them from late varieties, with sourness. And by 3 kg. I add 1 cup of sugar to these apples.

In addition to sugar, you can add peppermint leaves, a cinnamon stick, and a little vanilla to apple puree for the winter, which will make your puree with a “zest.” The main thing is not to overdo it with these additives.

Apple puree according to this recipe can be safely given even to children.


  • Apples are ripe soft varieties.
  • Sugar as desired for 2-3 kg. apples 1 tbsp. Sahara.

Apple puree for the winter for children - recipe with photo:

We collect the apples, rinse them under running water, or directly in the basket.
We peel their skins and remove the core. Cut into slices. Place in a deep saucepan or cauldron with a lid. A lid on the container in which the puree is made is required.

Next, place the pan with the apples under the lid on low heat and simmer for about an hour or until the apples soften. If the apples do not soften at all, then it is possible that either the variety is strong, or the apples are not ripe. But don't worry, it won't spoil your puree. It will be tasty even with small lumps.

If you want a completely homogeneous puree for your child, just take a blender and mash the remaining lumps of apples with it. When ready, add sugar if desired and bring the puree to a boil. That's it, the apple juice is ready.

Next, we sterilize the jars. Since it is more convenient to put apple puree for children in half-liter jars for the winter, it is most convenient to sterilize them in the oven or microwave. Well, it’s also possible for a couple, of course.
Place apple puree into sterilized jars, screw them on with metal lids, or screw them on. Now it is very important to place the jars of puree under a blanket or peacoat so that the jars cool very slowly and upside down.

And the next morning, jars of applesauce can be sent underground for storage.

Bon appetit!!!

Applesauce can not only be consumed with tea and toast, but also used to prepare various pies, pies and other baked goods. Moreover, it is good to do such preparation when you have a large harvest at your dacha. After all, it’s a shame to throw away fruits you’ve grown with your own hands. That is why the presented canning method will help you not only preserve your harvest, but also enjoy it throughout the long winter.

Fruit selection

Before you make applesauce for the winter, you should choose the right main product. Fruits should not be rotten or wormy. If such parts are still observed on your apples, then it is advisable to get rid of them with a knife.

It should also be noted that it is better to make applesauce for the winter from sweet fruits. After all, if you use sour ones, you will need a large amount of granulated sugar. In this regard, such preparation should be done in late summer - early autumn. It is at this time of year that apples fully ripen and become sweet.

Product pre-treatment

Making applesauce at home is easy. But before you start preparing such a delicacy, you should carefully process each fruit. It must be washed thoroughly in warm water, then dried and cut into quarters. Next, you need to remove all wormy or putrefactive elements (if any) from the apples, as well as the seed box.

If you decide to make applesauce not from fruits that were grown in the country, but from store-bought ones, then it is advisable to peel them. After all, quite often manufacturers lubricate them with a wax mixture, which gives the product a marketable appearance and prevents its premature rotting. If you use homemade fruits, you can leave the skin on them.

Delicious and sweet applesauce for the winter: step-by-step recipes

There are several recipes for making apple puree at home. Today we will present just a few of them.

So, we will need:

  • fresh sweet apples - 5 kg;
  • granulated sugar, not very coarse - 1 kg;
  • boiled water - 4 cups.

Preparation of products

Before you make applesauce, you need to prepare the main ingredient. This process was described at the very beginning of the article. But after the fruits have been cleaned of putrefactive and wormy elements, as well as the seed box, you should begin to grind them. To do this, apple slices need to be cut into slices. Moreover, the thinner they are, the faster the puree will cook.

After you chop the fruits, it is advisable to place them in an (enamel) bowl and immediately cover them with not too coarse sugar. After mixing the components, they should be left warm for several hours. During this time, the apples will give juice and the sugar will partially melt, forming syrup.

Heat treatment

To prevent applesauce from spoiling during winter storage, the fruit must be heat treated. To do this, the filled basin must be placed on low heat. It is necessary to additionally pour several glasses of boiled water into it. If this is not done, then in the end you will not get puree, but ordinary jam.

After boiling the ingredients, they should be cooked for about half an hour. In this case, all apples should become as soft as possible. Before removing the bowl from the stove, it is advisable to add a small amount of fresh lemon juice to the food. This ingredient will not only give the product a special aroma, but will also contribute to its long-term storage.

Final stage

When the applesauce is completely ready, it must be removed from the heat and cool slightly. Next, you need to take a blender and beat the sweet fruit mass until smooth. After boiling the puree again over low heat, it should be divided into half-liter sterilized jars and immediately rolled up.

After keeping the workpieces at room temperature for 24 hours, they can be safely stored in the cellar or underground. In a cold room, the shelf life of applesauce increases by 2-4 months.

Fragrant applesauce: recipe with cinnamon

If you like very soft and airy apple puree, but you don’t want to spend a lot of time and thoroughly peeling and grating them, then we suggest you use the following recipe. For it you will need:

  • fresh sweet apples - 6 kg;
  • granulated sugar is not very coarse - 1.2 kg;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 3 large spoons;
  • ground cinnamon - a full dessert spoon;
  • boiled water - 5 glasses.

Preparing Ingredients

Homemade applesauce with the addition of cinnamon is very tasty and aromatic. This preparation can be safely used as a filling for large pies and small fried pies. But before you can preserve fruits, they need to be carefully processed.

First you need to wash all the apples and remove wormy and putrefactive elements. After this, they need to be cut into quarters and covered with sugar. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to remove the seed box or peel. We will get rid of the hard parts of the apples in the next step.

Cooking on the stove

You should not wait until the apples give their juice (as in the previous recipe). After adding sugar to the fruit, you must immediately pour boiled water and put it on low heat. All the ingredients will take quite a long time to boil. However, during this process they should be stirred regularly with a large spoon. If you don't do this, the apples will eventually just stick to the bottom of the basin.

After the syrup begins to boil, you need to note the time. The fruit should cook for about 30-46 minutes. During this short period of time they will become very soft.

Mechanical restoration

After boiling all the apples, they should be immediately removed from the heat and cooled in cold air. After this, you need to take a large enamel pan and place a very fine sieve on it. You need to put lukewarm apple puree into it and pass it through small multiple holes, using a masher. In this case, in the sieve you should only have a coarse and large cake from the skin of the fruit and its seed box. You can safely throw it away, and then place a new batch of boiled apples and repeat the “sifting” procedure.

As a result of such actions, only very tender and airy applesauce should remain in a large enamel pan.


After the apple pulp without skin and seed is in a large saucepan, it must be placed on low heat. Next, add ground cinnamon and fresh lemon juice to the fruit mixture. After mixing all the products, you need to wait until they boil, and then start laying them out in containers.

It should be noted that some housewives make this preparation somewhat differently. First, they boil the apples in water without adding sugar, grind the puree through a sieve, and only then boil them with sugar. I would like to say that this method has every right to exist. After all, grinding only boiled fruits is much easier than sweet ones.

Sealing and storage method

Now you know how you can make your own applesauce for the winter. The recipes for such preparations are monotonous. However, their consistencies depend entirely on how the fruit was processed. The coarsest puree is considered to be one that was prepared using a meat grinder, and the most delicate is considered to be using a fine sieve.

After the fruit mixture with cinnamon and lemon juice boils, it should be distributed into small sterilized jars. Next, the containers need to be rolled up and left under a cotton blanket for a day. You can store such preparations in the refrigerator, in the cellar, and in the pantry. Moreover, some housewives sometimes leave applesauce at room temperature. Nothing wrong with that. But you should remember that in this case the shelf life of the fruit treat is noticeably reduced.

In the fall, many families have impressive supplies of apples. Some people make jams, others bake delicious charlotte, but some apples still remain, and keeping them fresh at home is quite difficult. The best way is to make apple puree. The recipe can be adjusted to suit any taste. There are options that can later be used for mousses or baking. Can be made from apples, which is suitable for complementary feeding. In a word, this blank is universal. You just need to master a few nuances.

from apples for a child?

For complementary feeding, it is best to make a product without sugar and other ingredients. To preserve maximum vitamins, use an enamel pan, a wooden spoon and a masher for cooking. Wash and peel the apples, removing not only the seeds, but also the peel. Cut them into thin slices, place the dish on low heat and wait until the fruit releases its juice. After it appears, reduce the heat to low, as the apples should simmer and not boil. Simmer for about forty minutes, stirring occasionally to prevent burning. When the apples are soft, turn off the heat and puree the fruit into a smooth puree. Place the dish back on the stove and boil the apples. Boil for a couple of minutes, stirring gently. Place the still hot puree into clean glass jars, close the lids, turn the jars over and wrap them up. After cooling completely, store the resulting apple puree.

with sugar

If you do not plan to feed your baby, but just want to make puree, you can add other ingredients. The standard option is sweet apple puree. The recipe is as follows: for a kilogram of fruit you will need one hundred and fifty milliliters of water and one and a half glasses of granulated sugar. Wash and peel the apples thoroughly, remove the cores and cut the fruit into cubes. Pour water over sugar and stir, pour apples into a bowl and place on the stove to simmer over low heat. Cook for twenty minutes, stirring gently. Mash the softened apples a little with a masher to make a puree. Place the product in sterilized jars, seal and store in a cool place. It doesn’t matter whether you plan to use the apple puree or as a filling for homemade pies, you will definitely love this apple puree.

Recipe with condensed milk

This cooking option guarantees a particularly tender and appetizing result. Take one and a half kilograms of apples, one hundred grams of sugar and two hundred and fifty grams of condensed milk. Peel and pit the apples, chop and place in a saucepan, add half a glass of water and cook until softened. Cool slightly and use an apple masher to puree the apples. The recipe advises adding one hundred grams of sugar, but you can reduce or increase this amount to suit your taste. Boil the sweetened puree, simmer for ten minutes, then add condensed milk and after a couple of minutes pour the delicate dessert into sterilized jars. The result is a puree with a very soft, creamy taste that the whole family enjoys.
