Creepy photo. Scary photos with a creepy story

Below are the most scary photos With creepy story. Not for the faint of heart. 18+.

The Holocaust during World War II brought many truly horrific images. The photograph taken on April 17, 1945 shows the Bergen-Belsen camp. Prisoners of war died in thousands from hunger and hard physical work, and at that time the SS men had everything. The food never ran out.

The photo shows diary pages that little 11 wrote summer girl Tanya Savicheva. The recordings were made during the siege of Leningrad in 1941. Every month one of her relatives died. Tanya wrote down the name and date of death of a relative in her diary. Her mother was the last to die. last record in the diary: “The Savichevs have died.” "Everyone died." “There’s only Tanya left.” Unfortunately, Tanya Savicheva also did not survive and died from severe exhaustion and tuberculosis on July 1, 1944, not a year before the end of the war.

In this photograph, an experiment is being conducted on the girls regarding the influence of spatial disorientation on children. The photo was taken in one psychiatric hospital, which was famous for its terrible experiments over children and was on the outskirts of London in 1957. Inspector John, entering one of the rooms, was petrified with horror. It turned out that the girls were attached to the wall using a special device.

Ed Gein was a serial killer. However, after the murder, he did not like to part with the body of the victim and tried to use it to the maximum. Either as food or in interior items. The photo shows a belt made from the human nipples of Gein's victims.

At the time of shooting, the photographer did not see the child behind the stairs; there were no children in the house at all. The photo was taken at the Amityville House in 1979. Perhaps this is someone's joke and there is a real one behind the stairs ordinary child, but the picture looks quite creepy, especially if you know that the boy’s silhouette vaguely resembles John Defeo, the youngest child in the family. Whose entire family was shot dead in this very house.

The journalist who saw this dog for the first time felt ill. The photo shows a donor dog with a puppy's head attached to it, without a heart or lungs. The head behaved actively, licked itself, and when it saw food, it looked around. Such operations were carried out by Vladimir Petrovich Demikhov, and his goal was to make it possible for a human heart to be transplanted. Today such operations are carried out everywhere. Currently, some surgeons are seriously planning to soon perform a human head transplant operation.

There are a huge number of photographs with human mutations. As a rule, such people can only perform in traveling circuses. The photo shows Myrtle Corbin on her wedding day at age 19. The two extra legs belonged to my unformed sister Myrtle. Myrtle lived until she was 60 years old and gave birth to five healthy children.

In the 19th century, child mortality was high and photographers were expensive. The photo shows a boy who is no longer alive. Such post-mortem photographs They were made as a keepsake, often this was the only photograph of the child.

The photo shows a fragment of the magical Akodessewa market located in Africa. This market sells thousands of body fragments from a wide variety of animals. Heads, Tails, limbs, skulls. In order to carry out black rituals, animals are literally skinned.

There are many suicides happening around the world, one of them was accidentally captured by a Chinese correspondent who came to the bridge to take photographs of the abnormal fog that had fallen over the city. As it turned out later, a guy and a girl jumped from this bridge. Their bodies were never found.

Dried Maori heads (the indigenous people of New Zealand) were traded. They were exchanged for firearms to gain an advantage over another tribal group. The Europeans, in turn, willingly bought Mokomokai (scalps of local residents) and paid generously for them. The photo shows the collection of Horace Gordon.

The photo shows a white mule. His head was just blown off by the photographer himself, Charles Harper Bennett, in 1881. The photo was taken as an experiment. At that time, photographs had exposure times, and Charles wanted to learn how to take instant photographs. As you can see from the photo, he succeeded. A moment ago the mule's head was torn off by dynamite.

This photo taken near the shore of the Indian city of Varanasi. All Indians strive to get here, since according to legend, the ritual after death performed at this place grants liberation from the eternal circle of birth and death. Someone's corpse is floating in the river, and local residents are swimming and drinking water nearby.

A creature reminiscent of the Dementor from the Harry Potter universe was filmed in the Zambian city of Kitwe. Strange cloud hung over shopping center about an hour. Many eyewitnesses, seeing this cloud, fled in horror.

Since the invention of the camera, photography has brought joy to many people and provided insight into the world from many different angles. Photographs have a powerful impact on people, whether they are shocking images or pictures filled with kindness. However, some photos are so shocking that they are considered too scary or disgusting for wide distribution. But thanks social networks managed to collect the most mysterious, sinister and creepy photos in the Internet.

At first glance, there's nothing wrong with this photo: a few divers enjoying snorkeling. But the diver in the background lies on the bottom separately from the others. Little does anyone realize that in the background is actually the body of a murder victim, thrown into the ocean a few days before the other two divers decided to dive in the area. The photo itself doesn’t look scary, but only if you don’t know what story is behind it.

Many people don't like spiders anyway, but these trees in Pakistan are truly terrifying. In 2010, the country experienced terrible flooding and many areas were inundated, including parts of Sindh province. The spiders, which could no longer hide on the ground, climbed into the trees and remained there. They ended up making nests in the leaves. In general, Sindh is not the place where people suffering from arachnophobia should go.

Many people know famous horror movie characters such as Jason or Michael Myers, but the most famous and terrible is Freddy Krueger. In this old photograph, which may already seem sinister because of this, is just three children looking at the camera. However, in the background you can see a man frozen in a strange position and grinning creepily. And he looks suspiciously like Freddy Krueger.

Imagine that you are walking around the city and suddenly come across an advertisement. A small piece of white paper with handwritten text stuck to it with a piece of clay. strange shape. The ad reads: “As you read this, there is a man standing in one of the windows high above you and he is filming you. Then he will make a little doll out of you, put you with others like him and play strange games with them.” When you finish reading the note, these words will probably be stuck in your mind. After all, you will never know if there was someone there who would then play something terrible with your doll.

This was drawn by a little girl who wanted to tell her that she had an imaginary friend. In the drawing the girl wrote: “This is Lisa. She's my friend. My mom and dad can't see her, so they said she's an imaginary friend. Lisa - good friend" However, looking at Lisa, one cannot say that she is such a pleasant friend: her mouth, hands, eyes and chest are bloody.

Little is known about this photograph. A girl is watching movies in a vending machine, and her head hangs unnaturally back. Some believe that the surveillance camera captured the girl possessed by demons. The true origin of the photo, as well as the circumstances under which it was taken, have never been revealed. One thing is clear: you cannot turn your head like that without serious injury.

On family photos people usually laugh or smile. Unfortunately, sometimes the situation takes a dramatic turn in the other direction. For the family in this photo, everything changed in one second. The moment the photographer pulled the trigger, the corpse, which had been lying under the ceiling for some time, fell next to the family. It is not difficult to imagine how terrified these people were.

There are a lot of events that mark the beginning of something important in life, and a wedding is one of the main ones. However, as this photo shows, weddings don't always go as planned. Bye happy couple got engaged in front of the house, behind them stood a group of strangely dressed people who looked like followers of some kind of cult. They all turned and watched the unsuspecting guests and newlyweds.

Among the extensive collection of creepy items is a pair of gloves from human skin. Ed Gean, who became famous for other terrible acts, made them out of his victims. It’s one thing to hear about maniacs, and another to see the fruits of their deeds. The worst thing is that these gloves show the texture of the skin of your hands.

Surely there is nothing worse than realizing that you are about to die. This is exactly what was on the minds of many Auschwitz victims. When they were brought to these cells, people thought it was for something else. In fact they were gas chambers, and once someone was there, there was no going back. The photograph shows scratches from the nails of victims who realized that they would not get out and were already dying from the gas.

It’s unlikely that any of the readers know what it means to face one’s death. Unfortunately, some people have no choice. In this photo of a burning wind turbine, a couple of people can be seen standing on top, realizing the horror of their situation. Nothing could be done, the only way out was on fire, and both died.

One quick glance at this photo is enough to understand that something is wrong here. The girl seems to be afraid of the photographer and backs away from him in fear. The photo was taken by Robert Ben Rhodes, serial killer, who kidnapped the girl shown in the photograph. This is 14-year-old Regina Kay Walters, she was also killed. But first Robert cut her hair and forced her to wear heels and black dress. He is believed to have tortured, raped and murdered more than 50 women between 1989 and 1990, although only three have been confirmed.

Even at first glance this photo is creepy. The child behind the stairs seems to be trying to get into the frame, but not remain too noticeable. The most terrible thing about this famous shot is that it was taken in famous house haunted in Amityville. There were no children in the house at the time of shooting, and the photographer did not see anyone behind the stairs. There is an opinion that this photo is a fake, however, given the location and time of shooting, one can assume that this photo is an eternal mystery.

This creepy image was captured by a hospital CCTV camera moments before the patient's death. Something scary and black is standing on the bed, bending over the patient. None of the hospital staff had ever seen anyone like him. It is believed that cameras can record otherworldly phenomena that are not perceived by the human eye. When you see this, it’s hard not to believe in the existence of spirits and demons around us.

Not all artists prefer to depict portraits and landscapes. Some people want to convey in their images a certain mystery, mysticism, and a sense of fear. For example, the most terrible picture in the world, which brings endless horror to all Internet users, was photographed from the famous canvas called “Hands Resist Him.” This truly creepy painting created such a stir around itself that many were afraid to even look at it through the monitor screen, thinking that it was cursed. They say that the artist poured into the picture all his dark sides of his soul and his most terrible nightmares. However, more details about everything in our interesting article.

"The hands resist him." Fiction or real curse?

This creepy painting was painted in 1972 by the famous It depicts a girl resembling a doll and a boy, approximately 5 years old. Children stand against the backdrop of a glass door, on which a huge number of small palms can be seen.

The most terrible picture in the world was copied from a childhood photograph of the artist. Stoneham portrayed himself at age 5 and a little neighbor girl.

What did the artist want to say?

According to Stoneham, a door means nothing more than a wall between the world of the living and parallel world dreams The boy on the canvas is depicted as angry and dissatisfied. And this is no wonder, because he really wants to open the door and see what is outside. real world. But the children's hands resist this, blocking the boy's path. The doll standing nearby is emotionless and empty. She sees and hears nothing, but is the only one who in this case can help a boy enter the world of dreams.

What creepy stories are associated with the picture?

The first owner of “Hands Resist Him” was the famous American actor John Marley. After some time, the man died. No one still knows whether the ill-fated painting is really to blame for his death. The same thing happened with other owners of the mystical canvas. The young family who once owned this terrible picture told about the terrible things that happened in their house. They found the canvas in a landfill along with another pile. Overjoyed, the head of the family took it into the house and placed it in the most visible place. At night, their little daughter burst into her parents’ bedroom screaming that some children were quarreling in her room. The next day, the girl again reported that the image in the painting had changed somewhat - the children were outside the glass door. After this, the father decided to get rid of the “cursed” creation.

In 2000, an image of the canvas appeared on an online auction. Administrators warned Internet users that this was the most terrible picture in the world, because it was photographed from an analogue of the cursed canvas “Hands Resist Him,” which has already brought grief to many people. However, many looked closely at the image, showing their immense curiosity. And after some time, letters began to arrive at the administrator’s email address, indicating that after viewing the “ill-fated” image, many began to feel dizzy.

Despite the terrible letters, the most terrible painting was still sold. Its owner was a brave art gallery owner named Kim Smith. After some time, letters also began to arrive at his address, saying that this was the most terrible picture. Smith was even offered the services of famous psychics who promised to exorcise demons from this terrible canvas. To date, the fate of the painting is unknown.

"Crying Boy"

The painting “The Crying Boy” was painted by Giovanni Bragolina. Many people viewing the image on the Internet claim that it is the scariest picture of the planet they have ever seen.

There are several versions of this painting. The first says that the artist had a little son of 4 years of age. The boy was very afraid of fire and everything connected with it. Rumor has it that Giovanni deliberately lit a match and brought it to the baby’s face in order to more believably capture all his anger and fear. Rumor has it that because of this, the baby hated his cruel father so much that he wished with all his heart that he would burn. After some time, the boy died of pneumonia, and later a fire suddenly broke out in his father’s workshop. The fire burned everything in its path. Only the canvas remained untouched. It is no wonder that “The Crying Boy” is the most terrible picture in the world, the sight of which makes many people’s hearts tremble.

Later, an unexpected series of fires occurred throughout England, in which people died. No matter how strange it may sound, in all the rooms there were works by Giovanni, which remained absolutely untouched. People decided that the ghost of the offended boy, who had moved into the canvas, decided to take revenge on the whole world. It is known that the most terrible picture in the world still haunts the subconscious of many. The fear that is reflected in the eyes of a small, innocent boy will never be forgotten. The original "Crying Boy" has never been found.

"Red Dragon" by William Blake

One of the most controversial artists and poets painted this painting, receiving inspiration from the Book of Revelations. In the painting, William depicted the devil himself, who appeared to him in his dreams.

The author managed to portray the king of darkness quite believably. Many at that time did not even have any doubts about the fact that the artist could really meet with the devil himself in his dreams.

"The Scream" by Edvard Munch

As I wrote in my personal diary an artist himself, he depicted in his painting those feelings that he once experienced. "Scream" is undoubtedly on the list of "Scariest Pictures." The art gallery that houses this eerie painting is located in the city of Oslo (Norway) and is called the National Gallery.

Many scientists are of the opinion that Munch was a mentally unbalanced person, because only a person with serious illnesses nervous system. The author created paintings of the same theme, which, as he himself claimed, tormented him for many years.

Many believe that the scariest picture in the world is the prototype of “Scream”. Few people know that the original of this famous painting caused many deaths. The owners of this creepy painting allegedly carried serious illnesses or became victims of terrible disasters.

"Venus with a Mirror" Diego Velasquez

There are other most terrible paintings and pictures, for example “Venus with a Mirror”, written by the artist Diego Velazquez.

This seemingly unremarkable painting has already brought a lot of grief to its owners.

Rumor has it that anyone who acquired the cursed painting quickly went bankrupt and died from this. That is why “Venus with a Mirror” for a long time I couldn't find a permanent owner. In 1914, the most terrible painting was destroyed, it was cut with a knife by an unknown woman.

"Saturn Devouring His Son" by Francisco Goya

He depicted in his painting a mythical character named Kronos, who was afraid that he would be overthrown by his own son, and in despair devoured the flesh of his children.

"Nightmare" by Henry Fuselli

"Nightmare" is the work of the famous English artist Henry Fuselli. The author's work leaned more towards mysticism and secrets. He drew his plots from mythology and literature (most often the master depicted the works of Shakespeare).

In Nightmare, Fuselli depicted a lying unconscious woman with an incubus (a demon indulging in sexual pleasures with lonely women) sitting on her chest. Her figure is curved and elongated. Between the curtains you can see the head of an eyeless horse, which personifies a contented demon.

Paintings by Zdzislaw Beksinski

The Polish artist most often depicted dying and deformed people, wars, collapsing worlds, apocalypses and eternal grief in his paintings.

Rumor has it that the artist depicted his death on the last canvas. The painting showed the body of a stabbed man. Such a terrible fate befell the artist. He was killed by the commandant's son because Zdislav refused to lend him money.

Theodore Gericault and his "Severed Heads"

For his works, the artist used real human limbs, which he found in morgues. Therefore, it is not in vain that, after looking at the image, many claim that this is the most terrible picture in the world.


The painting, like a sponge, absorbs all the positive and negative emotions artist. The fear, anger, negativity experienced - all this is certainly reflected on the canvas. This happened in the case of all the paintings listed in our article. Looking at them, we understand what a difficult fate haunted each artist.

Incredible facts

The Internet is flooded photographs various contents.

Some of them are turned into real horror films with the help of Photoshop.

From time to time we actually see scary pictures , from which the blood runs cold.

But even more striking is the realization that they are genuine. And the true backstory behind these pictures is simply shocking.

The following photographs captured creepy moments of infamous murders, deaths and crimes. And, despite the fact that viewing them gives you goosebumps, these pictures will forever remain in history.

Scary photos with a creepy story

1. Traders and... goods

When viewing this photo any normal person horror will instantly seize you. What is this, footage from a horror movie about cannibals?

Two adults are selling... fragments of the human body.

According to him, the people in the photo are selling the remains of their own children in order to buy food for themselves with the proceeds. To completely shock us, the story goes that parents could kill their children with their own hands.

However, such a terrible detail can neither be refuted nor confirmed. Perhaps the children died after all own death, either from hunger or from disease.

If you believe another source, the photo shows Akulina Chugunova and Andrey Semykin. The first killed her own six-year-old daughter in order to eat her. The second, for the same purpose, hacked to death a lodger who died of typhus. Both horrific incidents occurred in the Volga region during the famine.

Psychologists say people are capable of doing unimaginable cruelty when they are hungry.

According to some information that has reached us, in those days such barbaric stories were far from uncommon. Food and resources were so low that people did not hesitate to consume human meat, to survive.

2. Wax copy of a woman

The woman in the photo on the left is a young and attractive person. Her name Maria Elena Milagros de Hoyos(Maria Elena Milagros de Hoya).

The photo on the right is still the same woman, but... after death.

The story of her life and death is simply shocking.

Beauty Maria was only 21 years old when she was diagnosed with tuberculosis. She went to Dr. Karl Tanzler for treatment.

The doctor did everything possible to cure the young patient. On top of everything else, he fell madly in love with her.

Unfortunately, medicine was powerless, and Maria died. Then Dr. Tanzler paid all the expenses associated with the funeral and even built a mausoleum for her.

But here the worst thing begins.

Exactly two years the inconsolable doctor visited the grave deceased lover. After one of these visits, he decided that he wanted to take her with him!

Karl spent seven years With a decomposing corpse, from time to time “repairing” parts of the deceased’s body.

He secured the crumbling bones with wire, replaced the damaged parts of the body and made a wax mask to replace the girl's face. The dancer turned the corpse into a real mummy.

The distraught doctor allegedly lived with the remains of Maria like with a real living woman.

Eventually, Dr. Chancellor was charged with abuse of a corpse.

However, he was still released due to the expiration of his term. limitation period. He died a few years later, his body was discovered in the arms of wax copy of Mary.

3. Knight Assassin

At first glance, you won’t see anything unusual, much less scary, in the photographs. If you don’t know the story, you might think that this is a joke dressing up as a knight.

The picture shows an ordinary Swedish resident dressed as Darth Vader. Next to him are two men, whom he will kill in a couple of minutes with this very saber.

It was an ordinary weekday when the man decided to come to local school in this slightly warlike attire without any particular reason.

Many people thought this a strange, but completely harmless decision.

Therefore, the guys who saw the man in the knight costume asked him to take a photo together as a joke.

Moments after this photo was taken, he hacked the guys to death. Deciding to use his sword as a real weapon, the man moved further along the floors, spreading death.

The madman managed to kill and wound several people before being captured by the police.

4. Children for sale

The story behind this photo is not as tragic as the first one. only because the kids were not killed by their own parents.

This photo shows a woman who advertised the sale of her four children. On the poster near the porch it is written in huge letters: Selling four children.

It is unclear whether she is crying or covering her face in shame.

The children's father left her alone, pregnant with her fifth child.

She decided to sell the children and use the money to begin new life with my new boyfriend. Apparently, there was no place for children in this life.

Perhaps someone will say that it is better to live in someone else's family than with such a terrible mother. However, tragedy of history is that the kids fell into even worse hands.

Children acquired local farmers who used children as slaves.

Only decades later were the children able to reunite and tell their story. sad story, but the tragedy they experienced was remembered by them until the end of their days.

Photos with scary stories

5. The killer's apartment

At first sight, in front of us incomprehensible chaotic picture.

White powder and bomb-like objects are scattered on the floor. What is this? Terrorist's home?

No, this is the apartment of James Holmes, the madman who opened fire on innocent people at the infamous Aurora movie theater at a movie premiere. "The Dark Knight Rise of a Legend."

During interrogation, the killer admitted that his apartment is mined. This photo captures the moment before the bombs were destroyed.

The sappers who arrived at the scene, indeed, saw many hazardous substances, which could explode if anyone entered the apartment.

The specialists managed to solve the problem, and the police were able to enter the killer’s home without risking life.

6. Crying mother

This photo also captures the tragedy.

The background of the photo is as follows: the sobbing woman is the mother of two children, Patricia and Raymond.

A few days earlier, the Thomas family had a picnic on the river bank. The children disappeared literally immediately after the picnic began.

A search and rescue team searched for their bodies for several hours. They eventually found Patricia's lifeless body.

The photo shows exactly the moment when the heartbroken the mother weeps upon seeing her daughter's corpse. The man in the picture is one of the rescuers who is trying to calm her down.

In a few minutes divers will pull the body of the second child out of the water...

7. Fatal mistake

To understand It's terrible, you need to look twice at this photo.

At first it seems that the pictures are simply people of a different culture. One of them sits thoughtfully on the porch.

But if you look closely, you can see remains of human bodies. The fragments of the leg and arm are horrifying.

The background of the photo is simply shocking: this man is one of the hired workers in the Congo, who, unfortunately, did not fulfill his quota of work, which is required of an employee.

As punishment his youngest the daughter was killed and eaten by overseers from the plantation. Only fragments of her body were given to her father as a reminder that what can happen if you perform your duties poorly at work.

Photos with horror stories

8. The Last Jew

This photograph captured perhaps one of the most shameful pages of the war, when a person’s life was worth nothing.

Name photo - Last Jew of Vinnitsa.

This man really the last of Vinnitsa's 28,000 Jewish residents. The fascists in the photo are ready to shoot him and throw his body into a ditch, which already contains thousands of corpses of people who were killed as innocently as he was.

The look of someone standing on the edge of the abyss speaks for itself. In it and despair, and the horror of what is happening, and resignation in the face of the inevitable.

His executioners, on the contrary, are full of determination and desire to make history, breaking human destinies

Since the invention of the camera, photography has brought joy to many people and provided insight into the world from many different angles. Photographs have a powerful impact on people, whether they are shocking images or pictures filled with kindness. However, some photos are so shocking that they are considered too scary or disgusting for wide distribution. But thanks to social networks, we managed to collect the most mysterious, ominous and creepy photos on the Internet.

At first glance, there's nothing wrong with this photo: a few divers enjoying snorkeling. But the diver in the background lies on the bottom separately from the others. Little does anyone realize that in the background is actually the body of a murder victim, thrown into the ocean a few days before the other two divers decided to dive in the area. The photo itself doesn’t look scary, but only if you don’t know what story is behind it.

Many people don't like spiders anyway, but these trees in Pakistan are truly terrifying. In 2010, the country experienced terrible flooding and many areas were inundated, including parts of Sindh province. The spiders, which could no longer hide on the ground, climbed into the trees and remained there. They ended up making nests in the leaves. In general, Sindh is not the place where people suffering from arachnophobia should go.

Many people know famous horror movie characters such as Jason or Michael Myers, but the most famous and terrible is Freddy Krueger. In this old photo, which may already seem ominous, there are only three children looking at the camera. However, in the background you can see a man frozen in a strange position and grinning creepily. And he looks suspiciously like Freddy Krueger.

Imagine that you are walking around the city and suddenly come across an advertisement. A small piece of white paper with handwritten text stuck to it with an oddly shaped piece of clay. The ad reads: “As you read this, there is a man standing in one of the windows high above you and he is filming you. Then he will make a little doll out of you, put you with others like him and play strange games with them.” When you finish reading the note, these words will probably be stuck in your mind. After all, you will never know if there was someone there who would then play something terrible with your doll.

This was drawn by a little girl who wanted to tell her that she had an imaginary friend. In the drawing the girl wrote: “This is Lisa. She's my friend. My mom and dad can't see her, so they said she's an imaginary friend. Lisa is a good friend." However, looking at Lisa, one cannot say that she is such a pleasant friend: her mouth, hands, eyes and chest are bloody.

Little is known about this photograph. A girl is watching movies in a vending machine, and her head hangs unnaturally back. Some believe that the surveillance camera captured the girl possessed by demons. The true origin of the photo, as well as the circumstances under which it was taken, have never been revealed. One thing is clear: you cannot turn your head like that without serious injury.

In family photos, people usually laugh or smile. Unfortunately, sometimes the situation takes a dramatic turn in the other direction. For the family in this photo, everything changed in one second. The moment the photographer pulled the trigger, the corpse, which had been lying under the ceiling for some time, fell next to the family. It is not difficult to imagine how terrified these people were.

There are a lot of events that mark the beginning of something important in life, and a wedding is one of the main ones. However, as this photo shows, weddings don't always go as planned. While the happy couple was getting engaged in front of the house, behind them stood a group of strangely dressed people who looked like followers of some kind of cult. They all turned and watched the unsuspecting guests and newlyweds.

Among the vast collection of creepy objects is a pair of gloves made of human skin. Ed Gean, who became famous for other terrible acts, made them out of his victims. It’s one thing to hear about maniacs, and another to see the fruits of their deeds. The worst thing is that these gloves show the texture of the skin of your hands.

Surely there is nothing worse than realizing that you are about to die. This is exactly what was on the minds of many Auschwitz victims. When they were brought to these cells, people thought it was for something else. They were actually gas chambers, and once someone was in there, there was no going back. The photograph shows scratches from the nails of victims who realized that they would not get out and were already dying from the gas.

This is a photograph of a shell-shocked soldier on the battlefield. At first glance, this is just a man smiling from ear to ear, but the sparkle in his eyes and wide smile are terrifying and repulsive. It looks like the soldier is really going crazy.

It’s unlikely that any of the readers know what it means to face one’s death. Unfortunately, some people have no choice. In this photo of a burning wind turbine, a couple of people can be seen standing on top, realizing the horror of their situation. Nothing could be done, the only way out was on fire, and both died.

One quick glance at this photo is enough to understand that something is wrong here. The girl seems to be afraid of the photographer and backs away from him in fear. The photo was taken by Robert Ben Rhodes, the serial killer who kidnapped the girl in the photo. This is 14-year-old Regina Kay Walters, she was also killed. But first, Robert cut her hair and forced her to wear heels and a black dress. He is believed to have tortured, raped and murdered more than 50 women between 1989 and 1990, although only three have been confirmed.

Even at first glance this photo is creepy. The child behind the stairs seems to be trying to get into the frame, but not remain too noticeable. The creepiest thing about this famous footage is that it was taken at the famous Amityville haunted house. There were no children in the house at the time of shooting, and the photographer did not see anyone behind the stairs. There is an opinion that this photograph is a fake, however, given the location and time it was taken, one can assume that this photo is an eternal mystery.

This creepy image was captured by a hospital CCTV camera moments before the patient's death. Something scary and black is standing on the bed, bending over the patient. None of the hospital staff had ever seen anyone like him. It is believed that cameras can record otherworldly phenomena that are not perceived by the human eye. When you see this, it’s hard not to believe in the existence of spirits and demons around us.
