Golden daughters: the most spectacular daughters of Russian oligarchs. “The girl who has never been on the subway and forgot how to fly not on a private plane” got married Tatler Diana Manasir engagement

A 16-year-old metropolitan it girl and Instagram star spoke about moving to England

Daughter of a Permanent Resident Forb es and one of richest people Russia - Zee poison Manasira This year Diana exchanged the elite Moscow school No. 1239 for a British one. The ancient college is located in Yorkshire, in the Thorpe Underwood Estate, imbued with the spirit of the Bronte sisters' creativity. The cost of one year of study at a prestigious school is almost three million rubles.

At her new alma mater, the billionaire heiress, in addition to basic subjects, chose a creative direction, including drawing lessons. Diana lives in a boarding house at the school, and on weekends she goes to the family mansion in London.

Having exchanged the measured lifestyle of a Moscow schoolboy for the harsh Oxford drill, Diana did not adopt the habit of British girls to save on their wardrobe. Manasir still carefully monitors the new collections of Stella McCartney and Chanel.

In an interview with SUPER, Diana spoke about the reasons for moving to England, the differences between Moscow and London schoolchildren, and new friends.

Why did you decide to leave Moscow?

I have always liked Moscow, and the education here is good. However, as far as I know, Moscow State University and MGIMO are no longer what they used to be.

Tell us about new school. Is it difficult to study there?

No, learning is not very difficult if you know well English language. In England, teachers don’t rush around with you if you haven’t understood anything, like in Russia. If you haven’t mastered the material, that’s your problem, you have to sit and study, no one will explain anything further to you.

Did you quickly make friends with your classmates?

I don’t have classmates in the generally accepted sense; the system is different here. On different lessons different students are sitting. I made friends here with all the Russians and only one Englishwoman - my roommate.

Did you have any problems with the lessons due to the language change?

No. The subjects here are not that difficult, and I know English well. During one semester of study, I improved it even more.

Have you mastered the British accent yet?

I hardly hear him here, the school is still international.

How are you spending your weekend? Do you often travel to London?

I go to the capital on weekends. Sometimes my parents come to me, I see them and relax. Well, or I spend time with friends.

Found your favorite places in London?

I probably won't surprise anyone if I say shopping mall Selfridges, Russian cuisine restaurant Mari Vanna, Novikov, I Robert.

Is the London crowd different from the Moscow one? Is there a cult of money, of golden youth?

My crowd is my friends from Moscow, who, like me, came to study. But the cult exists, of course, just like in Moscow.

Do you have a textbook division at school: loser, nerd, school queen?

Eat. Only in our country this division is not into individuals, but into companies of cool people, losers, etc.

Don't you miss Moscow?

Not good. Only for family and friends. I'm tired of the Moscow way of life.

Is the style of Moscow girls different from British ones?

Englishwomen save a lot on clothes. And it doesn’t matter what kind of family you come from - wealthy or not. They mostly wear jeans, simple tops and sneakers.

Does school uniform bother you?

Vice versa. You don't have to worry about what to wear to school every morning.

Is it true that the beauty industry in Europe leaves much to be desired?

It's hard to find here good master, in Moscow this is better.

What major subjects did you choose and why?

We have core subjects - mathematics and English. Additionally, I took art, I always loved to draw.

Where are you going to continue your education?

I will go to university in England, but I haven’t decided which one yet.

The girls-fans carefully looked at the luxurious ring from the master jewelry designers Graff (the cost of the product starts from 500,000 rubles) and brought out their verdit - a ring and a used box - which forced Diana to make excuses for her fiancé.

“And the ring box is used”

“I’m not jealous, I notice that the case is worn out, perhaps the girls in the salon slipped a used version to the groom. That’s okay, sometimes they can even add worn rings.”

“Used box. People, you are so funny... I wish I could see the ladies who write such nonsense. Diana, congratulations, the ring is very"

“Oh my God, used box, are you crazy?! Such happiness! Diana, congratulations! Happiness to you!”

“I would be glad to have such a ring, even in a used box, even wrapped in yesterday’s newspaper, but that’s not the main thing - the main thing is the one who gives it. Congratulations on such an important event in your life!!! May this be happiness for a long time and wonderful life!!»

Diana Manasir hastened to comment on the situation and justify the groom:“The ring was made to order, I edited the photo on Instagram with the effect of brightness, details, etc., so it seems so. Please don’t worry about the ring and the box, everything is new and untouched.”

It seems that we are in for another wedding of the century. We look forward to developments.

Our today's heroine lives in two cities: she masters the intricacies of business in London and tries to spend as much time as possible with family and friends in Russia. Young Diana Manasir is different from modern youth, eager to get on the big screens and covers of fashion publications. The girl is interested in business. She probably inherited her passion for this serious matter from father - successful Russian businessman Ziyad Manasir. In our exclusive interview Diana talked about her family, studies, proposal and shared her cherished dream.

Coat, IVI collection; fduck, By Malene Birger

Diana, our interview coincided with a joyful event in your life - engagement. In this connection, we want to ask: was it difficult to decide to take such a serious step at such a young age?

Honestly, I can’t say that it was difficult to decide to take such a serious step. It was a mutual decision, but if people love each other, then why bother?

What, in your opinion, is an ideal family? Is it as big as the one you grew up in, or do you have slightly different ideas?

In my opinion, the ideal family is friendly and loving. It doesn’t matter at all what size it is.

Continuing the conversation about family, I would like to note that you and Helen (Diana’s older sister - editor’s note) are completely different, she is a more creative person, you set a goal for yourself and stubbornly go towards it. She graduated from the Faculty of Journalism, and where and what are you studying for now?

I study at the English Queen Ethelburga's College at the Faculty of Business.

In one of your interviews, you stated that you prefer art, but now you want to devote yourself to business. So what attracts you more?

Time passes, tastes and preferences change. As a child, I was only attracted to art, but recently I decided to try myself at the Faculty of Business and Finance, and I really liked it. I plan to continue in the same spirit.

Do you have a hobby?

I'm used to constantly changing hobbies to try myself in everything. On this moment I go to the chess club.

We noticed that you love to cook. What is your favourite dish?

To be honest, I don't have a favorite dish. My favorite among the abundance of different cuisines is Japanese. I love raw fish and try to eat it as often as possible. But my signature dish is apple pie. I also love making classic Italian tiramisu. My loved ones say that I am great at it.

Nowadays a huge number of different culinary master classes are held. Do you visit them?

I attended a very interesting cooking course for a whole year. I received my diploma this spring.

Every girl has her own beauty secrets. Share your 5 secrets

1. I am deeply convinced that the main secret is beautiful and smooth skin. Naturally, I give her Special attention. This is a whole ritual for me - cleansing, moisturizing.
2. In addition, I have long noticed that beauty is in the details. For example, if you just slightly change the shape or color of your eyebrows, your image will change dramatically. Eyebrows should be in perfect condition - this is the secret of a girl’s open and attractive look.
3. Hair for a girl is a secret but very important weapon. I never appear in public without my hair done.
4. Almost the most important thing is a beautiful light tan. Sometimes it seems that with him and without him - it’s like I’m two different people. I really like myself tanned.
5. And the last, but very important point is a competent cosmetologist. Every girl should find a master - a professional in her field, to whom she can turn for advice on care. In addition, a reputable cosmetologist will select procedures for a specific skin type and will know what you need.

Is it difficult for you to make new acquaintances? What should a person be like for you to call him a friend?

It’s easy for me to make acquaintances, but in most cases, I’m just not interested. Most likely, this comes from the fact that I have formed a social circle a long time ago - these are people with whom I have been communicating for three or more years. I really appreciate sincerity and loyalty in people.

How do you feel about so-called haters?

No matter how banal it may sound, Omar Khayyam came up with the answer for them many centuries ago: “Only those who are worse than us think badly of us. And those who are better than us, they simply have no time for us,” and I, by and large, don’t care about them. I don’t think that the so-called haters are at all worthy of my attention and time.

Shirt, Sweater, Equipment; trousers, Gustav; coat, Li-Lu; Nissa shoes; bag, Mark Cross

We know that you spend little time in Moscow, in the summer you prefer Sardinia, but in which city do you feel at home?

I consider and feel like a citizen of the world. As a cosmopolitan, I feel comfortable in both Moscow and London. But my home is definitely where my loved ones are. Russia is my homeland, and hometown for me - eternally bustling, beautiful Moscow.

Three main pieces of advice you would give to all girls?

  1. Love and value yourself;
  2. Believe in a dream;
  3. Go to the goal.

Costume, Barbara Schwarzer; sneakers, Premiata

What do you think is the biggest drawback of today's youth?

The biggest drawback of modern youth is incorrect life values.

What is your biggest dream at the moment?

My dream is the most banal - world peace.

Photographer: Anna Dikareva

Stylist: Andrey Zubatyuk

Makeup/Hair: G.Bar

Thanks to “Oh My Look” for the shooting location
