Andrey Fefelov: “The Russian world is the whole universe, a springboard for the Transformation of the world. Why did the backstage appoint Prokhanov as the main Russian nationalist and editor of a major newspaper?

Igor Sechin since 2000, he has been considered the next most influential person in the country, after the President of Russia. Although this was not always the case. Today's head of the notorious Rosneft, unlike most Russian politicians, did not study to be a diplomat or economist. His first diploma was in philology. His parents predicted a career as a translator for him, but fate decreed otherwise.

Childhood and adolescence

Sechin was born in 1960 in an ordinary Leningrad family. His parents worked at a factory and did not hold high positions. There are rumors that the politician has Jewish roots, but no one has been able to prove this fact yet. Igor studied in a regular district school school N 133 with an emphasis on learning French. His sister Irana, with whom he twins, went to the same class with him. Teachers recall that the Sechins studied diligently and diligently. Even the unexpected divorce of their parents had no effect on their academic performance. After school in 1977, the future politician and head of Rosneft went to study at the Union University named after A. Zhdanova to be a philologist-novelist.

Almost immediately, in his group with a focus on the Portuguese language, where there were only 10 students, he became the most successful. For his special zeal for studying in the 5th year, the young man was recommended for consideration by the commission for a business trip outside the country of the Soviets. The commission approved the proposal, and he flew to Mozambique as a translator. In 1982, Mozambique was in the midst of an active civil war.

Therefore, the young man was entrusted with helping the Soviet military, who were there as peacekeepers. Before demobilization, he helped peacekeepers communicate with locals and organize courses military training, solve other internal problems of promoting the establishment of peace within the warring state.

In Angola

Upon arrival from Africa, Igor Sechin passed the exams with excellent marks, and he was solemnly awarded a diploma with honors with the qualifications of a teacher and translator of Portuguese and French. Almost graduation, like most young men in Soviet time, Igor Ivanovich was called up for service. Soldier Sechin completed the course for young fighters in Turkmenistan. In the middle of the first year of service, a promising private was noticed and transferred to Angola - another hot spot on a map of Africa. There he served as senior translator for the rest of his service.

Wives and children

According to official information, Igor Sechin is permanently registered in Moscow. In the same building, apartments are owned by , , relatives , , . Real estate in the center of the capital - expensive pleasure, but not for people of this level. One of the most influential people in the state does not devote all his time to work. His personal life is no less stormy than that of popular pop stars. What are only two not the most successful ones worth? Sechin's marriage ending in divorces with division of property. The first wife of a statesman - . A true fighting friend, who went with him all the way from his student days to holding a serious position in an oil company.

Marina Sechina

The couple met in St. Petersburg while studying. During their marriage, they had two children together: born in 1982 and 1989. None of them names the reason for the divorce, which occurred in the mid-2000s. Marina Vladimirovna - no less famous in high circles Human. As of 2018, she holds a senior position in a large energy holding company, and also owns 16.25% of the shares of the large system integrator RK-Telecom. In addition, the businesswoman owns controlling stakes in O-Hel Rus Private Limited and Exect. It is interesting that the companies she manages often intersect in business processes with the interests of Rosneft, the company headed by her ex-husband.

Daughter and son of the Sechins studied at Russian universities. Inga has a diploma from the St. Petersburg Mining Institute. Ivan graduated well from the Higher Business School at Moscow State University. Lomonosov. Both heirs live and work within the country. son famous father got a job at Rosneft in the department of joint projects on the oil shelf. Inga Sechina primarily engaged in business. On this moment she is related by marriage to the son of Ustinov, an ex-prosecutor. She and her husband own several companies in different business sectors. It is also known that in 2005 they had a son, a descendant of several of the most influential people in the state.

President of OJSC NK "Rosneft" Igor Sechin

At 51 Igor Sechin married Olga Rozhkova- a young and striking employee of the Presidential Staff. At first, marriage seemed to be the standard for the strength of family ties. Just think about the gifts that the politician did not hesitate to present to the girl. For an oil company manager, nothing is impossible. In 2013, he proved this when he gave his new wife the yacht “St. Princess Olga." A premium ship with designer decoration, a swimming pool and a helipad on board is estimated at $150 million.

Ex wife

According to press reports, well-known designers had a hand in its creation Alberto Pinto and Igor Lobanov. Family idyll lasted 5 years. Gradually the passion faded away. There were versions that the young beauty did not hesitate to cheat on her influential husband. For this or other reasons, in the summer of 2017, Igor Sechin again joined the list of eligible bachelors. The divorce passed quietly, even if Rozhkova laid claim to some property, the division was not advertised so as not to spoil the image of Igor Ivanovich.

First steps on the career ladder

Demobilized in 1986 the future deputy head of the Russian Presidential Administration returned from hot, warring Africa to his native peaceful Leningrad. There he was almost immediately willingly hired to work at Technoexport. The association was engaged in the supply of Soviet industrial equipment, heavy equipment, spare parts and weapons to socialist countries. For work, he even had to travel abroad several times, which in those days not everyone was allowed to do.

Sechin - Mr. Putin's first secretary

In 1987, Igor Ivanovich got a job at Leningradsky State University. His area of ​​responsibility included organizing the exchange of experience between Soviet teachers and students with their colleagues in countries friendly to the Union. At the same time, he helped those leaving to learn languages ​​and prepared them for trips abroad. Three years before the collapse of the USSR, he began to actively establish external political ties with Latin America. On this occasion, a vacancy has opened in the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council for a specialist with knowledge of the Portuguese language to oversee the direction of cooperation with Brazil. This position was offered to Igor Sechin, he agreed without hesitation.

Putin and Sechin

This step is believed to have had a huge impact on the future fate of the philologist-translator. After all, it was at this job that in 1990 he met the current President of Russia, Vladimir Putin. Then the current head of state was Deputy Chairman of the Leningrad City Council Anatoly Sobchak, and current president oil company "Rosneft" - an ordinary employee of the twin cities department. Fateful meeting occurred during their joint diplomatic visit to Brazil.


Moving to Moscow and the first years of work in the Kremlin

In 1991, the Union collapsed, and former head Lensovet Sobchak took the post of mayor of St. Petersburg. Putin and Sechin ended up on the Committee on Foreign Relations. Vladimir Vladimirovich became the head, and Igor Ivanovich became his subordinate. Over the course of 5 years of government work, he managed to quickly rise quite high in the rankings. career ladder. Putin and Sechin did not go to the next term with Anatoly Sobchak. In 1996, Putin moved to Moscow and took his colleague with him. In 1996-1998, Putin was an adviser to the then President of Russia. Sechin, as before, remained in the shadow of Vladimir Vladimirovich, and in fact was chief assistant promising politician.

In the last quarter 1998, plentiful practical experience in economics, Igor Ivanovich Sechin, on the first attempt, defended his PhD on a topic directly related to investing in the transit of petroleum products. It is believed that he wrote it himself, and although he might have had enough experience, few people believe it. Academic degree candidate of economic sciences was awarded to him at the same university. A. Zhdanov, where he once studied, and where Putin defended his PhD thesis a year earlier.

At the meeting

A year after his defense, Sechin began to more actively move up the career ladder in the government of the country. Immediately after the appointment of Putin and... O. President of the country, he was entrusted with the chair of the head of the government secretariat. A few months later, another politician took his place, and Igor Ivanovich was appointed to the post of deputy head of the presidential administration. Vladimir Putin's expected victory in the 2000 elections did not in any way affect Sechin's position. The post of Deputy Head of the Russian Presidential Administration was assigned to him for a long time as the best candidate for this role.

Head of Rosneft Igor Sechin

In 2004 There was another round in the career of politician and businessman Igor Sechin. Several influential people immediately recommended that the chairman of Rosneft include Igor Ivanovich on the board of directors. At that time, Rosneft was the sixth largest working capital oil company V Russian Federation. Yusufov agreed. At the same time, to official name Sechin's posts added the phrase "President `s assistant

When Sechin was first included on the board of directors of Rosneft, the company was not a serious player in the fuel market. Over the 6 years of his chairmanship, Igor Ivanovich managed to turn a passable state company into a leader in its segment. This was largely due to financial injections "YUKOS". You cannot call a politician a public figure. Still, most of his life is hidden from the press. And if he is still somehow ready to share personal things, little is known about his work achievements. For example, there are practically no facts about the impact of his decisions in his role as deputy head of the presidential administration. Although since 2008 he was responsible for several years development of the energy sector and industrial complex.

Sechin Igor

During this period in one team worked with him and, familiar to the politician from the St. Petersburg mayor's office. There was a period when Igor Sechin left Rosneft. He had to vacate the manager's chair for a year at the end of his presidential term. Medvedev then issued a decree on the inadmissibility of combining work in the ministry and management state companies. After Putin’s election, the decree was annulled, and Sechin again found himself at the helm, surrounded by a renewed council. Almost immediately after returning to Rosneft, Sechin turned out to be the hero of the agenda. Two international publications at once Time and Forbes included him in the lists of the most influential and expensive top managers in the market. The reason for this was the largest in the history of Russian oil industry deal to purchase British TNK-BP for $60 billion

Information about the amount of annual income

By order of the president, in mid-2015 the head of Rosneft agreed to officially disclose the amount of income. Prior to this, attempts to look into his wallet and bank accounts were constantly suppressed by an employee of the presidential apparatus, even challenging the data disclosed in the press several times in court. According to information from the document “Rosneft Oil Company Standard”, the monthly salary of an official is at least 20 million rubles. It consists of salary, all kinds of allowances and additional payments for positions held and duties performed. According to current legislation, the state pays officials of his rank all expenses, including business trips, rental housing, and payment for the education of children under 23 years of age. Annual income of a politician with all bonuses - 10 million dollars.

Igor Sechin is the current executive director of PJSC NK Rosneft.

"Boat" of the oligarch

Igor Sechin is increasingly becoming the hero of scandalous publications in the world media. In 2014, it was mentioned mostly in the context of sanctions. The official became one of the first to get into sanctions list government of the United States of America. It is noteworthy that only he himself received a ban on direct business contacts; the Rosneft company is not subject to restrictions on transactions. In the fall of 2016, the press was focused on the scandal surrounding the multimillion-dollar acquisition - yachts "Princess Olga".


The ship, which he gave to his wife, was recognized as having never belonged to him during a lengthy trial in the capital's Basmanny Court. Documents for the purchase of an expensive toy have been officially declared invalid. While journalists are looking for evidence of the excessively luxurious life of the Russian top manager of the oil giant, Rosneft is expanding to the East.

Not all stock transactions go so smoothly. At the end last year in government circles they started talking about secret deals between Ulyukaev and Sechin. Reputable publications write that Igor Ivanovich gave the former Ministry of Economic Development $2 million so that he would approve the buyout of the state stake in Bashneft. The case of bribery of an official was pending in the Zamoskvoretsky court. As a result of the trial, he was found guilty of the incident and charged with extortion. Sechin was involved in the case as an injured party. He did his best to hide details from journalists.

In narrow circles Sechin is called eminence grise, having an impact on government apparatus Russian Federation. For a long time he was considered one of the most influential, and also still remains on the list of the highest paid top managers in the world. He communicates little with the press, tries not to appear in scandals, and carefully gets out of any difficult situations.

In 1982 (1984) he graduated from Leningrad State University named after A.A. Zhdanov.

In 1998 he completed his postgraduate studies at the St. Petersburg Mining Institute.

Today we will talk about one of the most influential people in Russia, a statesman whom the whole country knows, Igor Sechin. Today he is the chief executive officer of Rosneft and has enormous influence in society.

This figure has always attracted the attention of the media, which happily savor any details related to his life. Well, I must say that there is something to write about this man; if you are interested, read on for the biography of one of the most influential people in the largest country in the world.

Height, weight, age. How old is Igor Sechin

If you are often well-known, rich and influential, then everyone urgently needs to know not only what you eat, when you sleep, with whom, but also your height, weight, age. How old is Igor Sechin is also not an unimportant question. The statesman turns 58 this year, his height is 175 cm, and there is no data on weight.

There are quite a few photographs on the Internet that depict Igor Sechin. Photos from his youth are still very popular today. Also available online archival photos, in which he is very young at the beginning of his career.

There are constantly conflicting debates in the media about what nationality Igor Sechin is, hinting at his Jewish roots. As a result, it turned out that the head of the Rosneft company was a Russian, and there were no Jews in his family.

Biography and personal life of Igor Sechin

The biography and personal life of Igor Sechin is interesting material that has already been covered many times in the media. He is a native of Leningrad, few people know, but he also has a twin sister. Many will think that the parents gave impetus to the boy’s development from childhood and helped him in his career, but not. Igor Sechin’s family is representatives of the most ordinary working class, his mother is Nina Konstantinovna Sechina, his sister is Irina Sechina. There is very little information about my father, we only know that he worked for metallurgical plant Leningrad, and when Igor and his sister went to school, he abandoned his family.

Igor Sechin graduated from the Leningrad school with advanced French. Further in his hometown he entered the university. Zhdanov, choosing the Faculty of Philology. The study took place in a Portuguese group (10 people), in which he stood out for his level of knowledge. Igor Sechin’s last course of study at the university took place on a business trip to Mozambique, just during the civil war.

The student’s main task was to help the Soviet military in organizing various events for combat training and assistance in providing them with the material and technical base.

Sechin hardly received a higher education diploma; he was immediately drafted into the army. Initially, the man’s service took place in Turkmenistan, and later in Angola. It is known from reliable sources that in general Igor Sechin was in hot spots for at least 4 years.

In 1986, the future head of Rosneft held a post at Technoexport, and two years later he worked on the executive committee of the Leningrad City Council. Here his main task was concluding agreements with foreign partners. At this time, Igor Sechin’s first meeting took place with the current President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, which significantly influenced his career in the future and his fate in general.

In the early 90s, Igor Sechin already worked for the benefit of the St. Petersburg mayor's office under the leadership of Putin and in just a few years advanced well up the career ladder.

In the mid-90s, the future head of Rosneft changed his job to an even higher-ranking one and closer to V. Putin. Then Putin was deputy head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, and Sechin, here, got a position in the department of foreign economic relations.

By the end of the 90s, Igor Sechin became the head of the administrative apparatus of Vladimir Vladimirovich, who then occupied the place of first deputy head of the presidential administration of Russia. At a time when Putin holds the post of head of the Russian government, Igor Sechin begins to lead the secretariat of V.V. Putin.

At the beginning of the 21st century, when Vladimir Vladimirovich was officially appointed president of the country, Igor Sechin was invited to serve as assistant to the president of the Russian Federation.

Four years later, Igor Sechin becomes head of the board of directors of the Rosneft oil company. His chairmanship here lasted about 6 years.

At that time, the company was not yet promoted, but a few years later it became the most important oil company in the country, one of the largest.

5 years ago, Time magazine recognized Igor Sechin as one of the most influential people in the world.

Many citizens are interested in Igor Sechin’s earnings, because over the years of working for the government he has accumulated a fortune.

Many were surprised by the monthly salary that Igor Sechin receives, and this is a lot (about 20 million rubles).

No matter how the media tries to lift the veil hanging over Igor Sechin’s personal life, everything is in vain. There is little news here. He met his first wife, Marina Vladimirovna, in early years. The marriage produced two children.

The second wife of the head of Rosneft is Olga Rozhkova, who is much younger than Igor Sechin. From the outside it was clear that the man was inspired, even rejuvenated, after meeting Olga. According to some reports, a luxury yacht for $150 million was purchased by Igor Sechin specifically for new lover, and the name fits “St. Princess Olga,” but the oilman himself denies this.

Family and children of Igor Sechin

The family and children of Igor Sechin attract a lot of attention from the press and public.

As is already known, the man was previously married to Marina Vladimirovna, with whom they had two children - son Ivan and daughter Inga. According to the ex-wife, the reason for the divorce was Igor Sechin’s constant absence from home. Despite the divorce, Igor and Marina remained friends and still manage the family business together.

Igor Sechin’s children are already adults and independent people. The head of Rosneft has long been a grandfather, his eldest daughter Inga gave birth to a grandson, who turns 13 today.

Son of Igor Sechin - Ivan Sechin

The son of Igor Sechin, Ivan Sechin, was born in the first marriage of an oil worker in 1989. There is little information about the man, since the head of Rosneft carefully hides his personal life and family from outsiders. All we know is that Ivan Sechin graduated high school business at Moscow State University. Lomonosov. His place of work is first deputy director of the department of joint projects on the shelf in his father’s company.

At the age of 25, Igor Sechin’s son was awarded the medal “For Services to the Fatherland.” There are no details about Ivan Sechin’s personal life.

Daughter of Igor Sechin - Inga Sechin

Igor Sechin’s daughter, Inga Sechin, the first-born, was born in 1982. After school the girl received higher education at the Moscow Mining Institute.

In Inga's first marriage to Dmitry Ustinov, a boy was born, the grandson of Igor Sechin. For the second time, Inga Sechina married Timerbulat Karimov, ex-vice president of VTB. Inga also has her own business, but what exactly and how much she earns, of course, is not disclosed.

Inga Sechina communicates well with both parents, and their divorce did not become an obstacle to this.

Daughter of Igor Sechin - Varvara

Igor Sechin's daughter is Varvara. Various sources have already repeatedly reported about Igor Sechin’s third child, Varvara. According to some reports, the girl was born in 2015, in the marriage of Igor Sechin with a certain Olga Rozhkova.

The fatal blonde, who may have broken up the first marriage of the head of Rosneft, eventually left him. The media insists that the divorce did not follow at all because of the scandal with the most expensive yacht in the world, on which Olga Rozhkova was repeatedly seen vacationing, but because of an affair with an Italian racing driver.

Igor Sechin's ex-wife - Marina Sechina

Igor Sechin's ex-wife is Marina Sechin, with whom the head of Rosneft married back in St. Petersburg. He lived in marriage with Marina Sechina for quite a long time, but in 2011 it became known about the divorce of the spouses.

Marina Vladimirovna has been involved in real estate since the early 90s, and after her divorce from Igor Sechin, she became the owner of 51% of the shares of Exect Partners Group, where she also held the position of personnel development and training. In addition to the above, ex-wife Igor Sechin is the head of the Russian Equestrian Federation.

After the divorce, the former spouses maintained friendly relations.

Igor Sechin's ex-wife - Olga Rozhkova

Second and already too ex-wife Igor Sechin - Olga Rozhkova, employee of the Russian Government. In 2016, the woman worked as an analyst at Gazprombank.

Igor Sechin married Olga Rozhkova in 2012, almost immediately after the official divorce from his first wife Marina Vladimirovna. Igor Sechin and his young wife, whose photos often appear on social networks, were never able to build a strong family.

According to one version, it was because of the scandal with the luxurious and expensive yacht that the oilman allegedly purchased especially for Olga that the divorce followed.

It became known from the media that Olga Rozhkova, after her divorce from Igor Sechin, is in a relationship with the Italian racing driver. Perhaps these relationships on the side became the real reason for divorce. It is known that it was the head of Rosneft who was the first to file for divorce.

Instagram and Wikipedia Igor Sechin

Many citizens are interested in whether there is an Instagram and Wikipedia for Igor Sechin. How serious statesman and a very influential person, Igor Sechin, naturally did not open an account on the social network. But his second ex-wife, who is 25 years younger than him, after an official divorce from Igor Sechin, often pampers the public with fresh photographs with a new guy. Olga Rozhkova’s new lover is 32-year-old racing driver from Italy Francesco Provenzano.

Fresh photos of Igor Sechin's ex-wife are often savored by the yellow press.

Information about the head of Rosneft is on the Wikipedia website. Here the life of Igor Sechin is described in detail, including his service in Soviet army, career ladder.

Wikipedia quite widely covers Igor Sechin’s work with the current President of Russia, in particular his work at Rosneft in detail. Article found on
