Angelina Vovk: career and personal life of a TV presenter. Angelina Vovk: personal life

Angelina Vovk still cannot forgive Alla Pugacheva for the fact that about two years ago she was left without a job because of her.

She believes that with the change of presenters, the Song of the Year festival has changed a lot, and not in better side, and is very worried about the image of his brainchild.

Let us recall that at the end of 2006, Alla Pugacheva decided to replace the hosts of the “Song of the Year” show, Angelina Vovk and Evgeny Menshov. At first it was planned that the three of them would lead the project, but as the show progressed, the diva unexpectedly took the reins into her own hands, completely forgetting about all the agreements and the script.


How do you feel about the fact that “Song of the Year” continues without you?

As far as I know, this festival has exhausted itself. Now the “New Wave” has become more popular due to the fact that Pugacheva and I have separated. And “Song of the Year” is not that kind of festival. Alla Pugacheva is like that strong personality that she suppressed everything there with her authority. Everyone looks at her in fear and up and down. Even personalities such as Philip Kirkorov are under it. This means that this is no longer “Song of the Year”, but a festival of Pugacheva’s favorite songs, her favorite performers, who look like puppets against her background. By and large, other singers deservedly look towards Alla with respect - Pugacheva changed the stage for the better when Soviet time rebelled.

Many attributed you to an affair with your co-host Evgeny Menshov...

No, we are just colleagues. Apparently, from the screen we looked so harmonious that people were happy to turn us into husband and wife or lovers. Zhenya had a magnificent wife, Larisa, who, unfortunately, died. Now he is married to TV presenter Olga Grozny. But even if he had not been married, nothing would have worked out for us - we are very different people. At first it was very difficult for me to work with him. As a theater actor, he was used to learning roles for a long time, for months, but on “Song” he had to pick up everything on the fly and improvise.


Angelina Mikhailovna, tell us about the secrets of your heart - so many novels are attributed to you!

Gennady Chertov is the first love, collaboration on TV. We had many common interests, and they united us. I didn't plan on leaving my husband and marrying someone else. But there really has been some chill in our relationship. And another person appeared in my life - Jindrich Goetz. He was the chief artist of the Czech film studio. We connected our lives, although we lived in different countries. He is in the Czech Republic, I am in the Soviet Union. I was not ready to leave the country and my job, and he did not want to move to Russia, but a long-lasting feeling arose that did not fade away. And suddenly the Velvet Revolution began in the Czech Republic. New barriers arose between countries, and as a result, under the pressure of political whirlwinds, inconsistencies in our relations also began to arise. Soon our marriage came to its logical conclusion. Although we have wonderful memories of life together. I am grateful to fate that there were two such people in my life. good people. I lived with my first husband for 16 years, with my second husband less - about 10 years.

Angelina was happy with her second husband Jindřich Getz for 10 years

You are a very bright woman. Surely you still have fans...

I, of course, have many friends. I don't suffer from a lack of male attention. But I can’t say that I can dramatically change my destiny. I think my time has already passed. Yes, and I didn’t have it in Lately some bright meetings. Although they say that all ages are submissive to love, nevertheless, over time, I began to have even more complaints about men. After two husbands, it’s very difficult for me to fall in love with someone...

The marriage with her first husband Gennady Chertov lasted 16 years

Angelina Mikhailovna, unfortunately, you never managed to become a mother, did you try to take the child from the orphanage?

A woman cannot help but feel the need to have a child, but I was so unlucky in life that I had very serious health problems. And taking someone from an orphanage is a very big responsibility. With our first husband, we really hoped that we would still have children; with our second husband, this didn’t work out either, and then we separated. How can I take a child if I am alone? I can't handle it. If I had stable income, with whom I could also provide for a child, then it’s a different matter. But there are no such possibilities. I have six cats and one dog at home, and when I get sick, I immediately start thinking: if I die, what will happen to them, who will protect them?

As far as I know, second husband Henry wanted to adopt a child. Did something go wrong?

Alla Borisovna left Vovk without work

You see what the matter is... It was after the earthquake in Armenia in Spitak. My husband suggested that I go to the Armenian Embassy so that we could be given an orphan to raise. But as it turned out, Armenians do not give up their children; their family ties are very strong. And if even the most are alive distant relatives, they take the baby to be raised.

But you have many godchildren!

Vovk loves spending leisure time with his godchildren

It's already twelve today! I see many of them often. We call back and communicate with the elders. But some don’t call me, and I don’t know how to find them either. This is how it happens. But once their parents wanted me to become godmother, and I couldn’t refuse. My first godson is my son school friend. The other two, Seryozha and Tanechka, are the children of a neighbor. Annushka is the daughter of my TV friend Galina Dorovskaya. Ilyusha is the son of a priest. Alyonka is my spiritual sister’s daughter. Kirill is my brother's son. Kolenka is the grandson of a swimming coach. I have such different godchildren. I even baptized one of my friends an adult woman, who already has three children. Now she calls me mommy, even though our age difference is not big.

Diana Bagautdinova

This talented TV presenter, charming, beautiful woman has become an idol for more than one generation of television viewers. She's still in great shape and leading active image life and does not lose optimism. Personal of Angelina Vovk was always rich and interesting. She dreamed of becoming a translator and was preparing to enter the institute. Maurice Thorez, but as a child she attended not only courses foreign languages, and also a drama club, and her passion for theater was quite serious. Therefore, when the time came to enter a university, she decided to try her luck at the entrance exams at GITIS, which took place earlier than in Foreign Languages. This attempt was successful, and Angelina Vovk became a student in the acting department.

In the photo - Angelina Vovk with her first husband

The pretty student had a lot of admirers, but she immediately liked her classmate Gennady Chertov, who captivated her with his romance and mystery. Despite the fact that he had a girlfriend at that time, the attention of such a beauty as Angelina could not leave him indifferent. A whirlwind romance broke out between them and soon they had a student wedding. But the actress’s career was not as successful as Angelina Vovk’s personal life. Having starred in her first film, “Goodbye,” the young actress did not receive the expected success or fame and was completely disillusioned with cinema.

In the photo - Angelina Vovk and Jindrich Goetz

Angelina decided to try to become a director, but after studying for a short time at the Institute of Television at the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, and having worked in practice, she realized that this was not her thing either. Then, together with her husband, after graduating from announcer courses, she got a job at Central Television. Her attractive appearance had a positive impact on the development of her career, but at the same time, it played a cruel joke on her. Having rejected the advances of one of the television executives, Angelina fell out of favor and began having difficulties at work.

Despite this, she always remained faithful to her husband. However, they gradually, after living together for eighteen years, began to move away from each other. One of the reasons for the discord in the family was Angelina Vovk’s inability to have children due to her health condition. Even before the divorce, Angelina Vovk came into her personal life new love- during the recording of one of the programs that took place in Czechoslovakia, she met the Czech artist Jindřich Getz, whom she later married. But living in two countries did not help strengthen family ties. After living with Getz for thirteen years, Angelina separated from him.

// Photo: Elizaveta Klementyeva, Nikolay Malyshev/TASS

Looking at the blooming Angelina Mikhailovna, you wouldn’t say that today, September 16, she turns 75 years old, and her kids have grown up long ago. But for most, Vovk is still the same kind Aunt Lina with a pleasant voice. The Soviet TV star will celebrate her anniversary in an unusual way– at the Luna Theater: he will present his friends and colleagues with the premiere of the musical “The Seagull” based on the play by Anton Chekhov. And in a couple of days he will fly away Cote d'Azur to France, where she will continue the celebration and will also act as the host of the film festival. A week before the event, Angelina Mikhailovna told StarHit who was saving her from depression, what frightens her about raising her granddaughters, and where she hid the dolls Khryusha and Stepashka during the coup.

The Irony of Fate

Angelina Mikhailovna, your age is known according to your passport. How much is there in the soul?

I feel, of course, not 18, but not 75 either. It is difficult to determine the age of the soul, because it does not age, but gains wisdom and develops. I feel like a mature person. And when I see peers my age, I understand how well done she is for always taking care of herself. It's not just about the outer shell. I realized a long time ago that you need to think positively, then life will be easier. Being an optimist is more pleasant, including for those around you. Why annoy them? This knowledge came to me from my family. My grandmother survived revolutions, wars, famine, but she never lost heart. Her faith in God saved her. Mom got it too hard fate. Dad, a pilot, crashed during the war. I was only two years old. Mom was very worried, but always looked forward. There are many reasons to drive yourself into depression, but a smile is like the sun that illuminates a person’s path.

Do you attend church?

Despite the fact that I often accompanied my grandmother to services, she never imposed faith. I became imbued with it myself many years later, in the 80s. One day I left the house on the street, and evil whirlwinds were whistling around me. Perhaps it was a natural phenomenon, but I felt internally that I had to run to church. Nearby, on Arbat, there was a temple of the Jerusalem Compound. I collapsed in front of the Kazan Icon Mother of God and since then I have been there often. I am grateful to Fathers Mikhail and Alexander for spiritual support. The latter is my mentor. Father Alexander, together with her friends, helped restore the Church of the Savior on Sands, where Soyuzmultfilm was located during Soviet times. And I, the presenter " Good night, kids!”, spoke out against her native organization with a request to return the land to the church. It is this temple, by the way, that is depicted in Vasily Polenov’s painting “Moscow Courtyard”. This is such an irony of fate.

You once said that you are in close connection with God...

Yes, once I even saw the face of Christ. I was going through a bitter moment, lay down during the day, and God appeared before me. Perhaps it was a dream, but after it the problem was resolved. And later a much more interesting incident occurred. My friend Sveta and I were once driving along the Warsaw Highway. She's driving, I'm in the passenger seat. And suddenly I look up, and it’s as if a woman in a white chiton, with her hair down, and her arms are raised up, is floating across the sky. The engines of all the cars stopped at once. While the people were looking around, the unusual figure disappeared. And the next day, August 18, 1991, the putsch began. I woke up at 4 am to the sounds of machine gun fire. They were shooting in the White House area, and the sound was as if it was under the window. I realized that I had to go save the country. I took the Piggy and Stepashka dolls, hid them under my cloak, called a friend, and we went together to White House. I didn’t manage to get inside, but the soldiers’ eyes welled up with tears when I opened my trench coat. My attempt to stop the riots looked so touching.

You are an activist! Probably for this reason they are still in demand, although many of your peers complain that they have been forgotten...

Of course, it was hard when we were all kicked out of the door in the 90s. Due to lack of funding, they wanted to close the “Good Night, Kids!” program, but I saved it - I brought a sponsor. Then she created the “Song of the Year” festival, which is being held for the 18th time at Orlyonok in Tuapse. This year my great-niece Anechka went there. I have always fought for programs for the younger generation. Once I even wrote a letter to the president, which I managed to convey with the help of friends. And two weeks later, Vladimir Putin announced that it was necessary to create children’s television, and that’s how the Carousel channel appeared.

House by the sea

Tell us about Angelina and Anna (Vovk’s nephew’s daughters – Note from StarHit). They have already grown up...

Yes. It so happened that I don’t have my own children. That’s why I raise girls like granddaughters. Both study at the mathematical lyceum. Angelina, named after me, is seriously studying English. Anya, in my opinion, has every chance of becoming a cosmetologist. A wonderful profession for women, always in demand. But we'll see how fate plays out. Maybe she can't stand the sight of blood? I can’t even clean my cats’ ears myself, I ask my friends. The only thing that scares me about today's youth is their passion for the Internet.

I won’t say that I’m a Facebook girl, although at first I regularly logged into this social network. Then I got tired of it, and I don’t have time. Meetings, work, procedures, cats, dogs... And at night I prefer to sleep. I am proficient with gadgets, but at the usual level. I have an iPhone. I like the WhatsApp application.

By the way, about procedures. Do you still visit a cosmetologist? I know that you love this business.

Angelina Mikhailovna Vovk- Soviet and Russian film actress and TV presenter, announcer of the USSR Central Television in the 1980s. People's Artist Russian Federation(2006). Knight of the Order "Key of Friendship" (2012) - one of the highest awards Kemerovo region. In March 2012, she was elected to the Council of Deputies of the Arbat municipal district in Moscow for a period of five years.

Childhood, family

Angelina was born in war time in one of the cities Irkutsk region. My father flew on military planes. While performing a combat mission, his plane crashed in the skies of Yugoslavia in 1944. Already at the age of two, the girl’s biography began to take shape very sadly. The father died, the mother raised her daughter alone. She left with little Angelina for the capital of Russia and began working in the accounting department at Vnukovo airport. Thus, the girl dreamed of linking her destiny with the sky. Angelina wanted to become a flight attendant. English language was not only the most necessary, but also a favorite item.

Mom was against her daughter's choice. And the biographical page about Angelina Vovk’s further education began at GITIS. She was lucky enough to study with direct students of Nemirovich-Danchenko and Stanislavsky. But this did not really inspire the student, since Vovk had never been a fan of cinema. The girl was beautiful and statuesque by nature, so the All-Union Modeling Agency immediately became interested in her.

Fashion was not in honor of Soviet society, but fashion trendsetters and beautiful clothes. Working at an agency and studying at the institute often exhausted the student, and fitting and fitting clothes lasted for hours. Angelina went through five full-fledged clothing shows, where she was trusted to demonstrate sports outfits.

There are not many films to the credit of actress Angelina Vovk. You can count them on one hand, since the actress failed to make friends with feature films. Angelina takes the next step: she enters VGIK to study directing department. Studying for a year showed the girl that directing was not suitable for her. She decides to complete the announcer course.

Angelina Vovk - television

After completing the courses, Vovk was assigned to Central Television. The first was news, which had to be read from a page. This was somewhat difficult for Angelina, since she needed to read with glasses due to poor eyesight. And reading from the screen with glasses was humiliating for her. And there was too much officiality in the news broadcasts.

This is how the young announcer turned out to be in the children's department, which brought her incredible popularity. Aunt Lina was good friend for the kids who sat on the other side of the TV screen from Sunday mornings and every evening.

TV shows “Alarm Clock” and “Good Night, Kids!” were the most popular. With experience came recognition from the adult category of viewers. She co-hosted “Morning Mail” with Yuri Nikolaev, “Blue Lights” and eighteen episodes of “Song of the Year” with Evgeny Menshov.

The biography of the famous TV presenter included a number of equally popular TV shows, but the most surprising was her next participation in the show project “Dancing with the Stars.” More than a year worked with Gennady Malakhov in the “Good Health!” program. At seventy years old, Angelina Vovk took to the dance floor together with Oleg Vechkasov.

Angelina Vovk - biography of personal life

The TV presenter got married twice. For the first time she was married to her broadcasting partner Gennady Chertov. Their union existed for sixteen years, it was real love. But in family life Misunderstandings began and the couple divorced. The reason for the divorce was Angelina’s reluctance to have children; for her, only her career came first.

Vovk chose a foreigner as her second husband. The husband was from the Czech Republic and was an artist and architect by profession. They lived with Jindřich Getz for thirteen years in an official marriage. Unfortunately, none of them dared to leave their homeland for each other. And rare meetings served as a reason for the coldness of relations and divorce.

There was another short-lived romance in the presenter’s life. It was civil marriage, which left a mark on her heart. Living with her men, Angelina never became a mother. The actress is loved by many, so she is often invited as a godmother; she already has twelve godchildren, whom she considers to be her own grandchildren. This disappointment in family life does not prevent you from leading a full, active lifestyle.

Angelina Vovk takes care of her health, sticks to a diet, goes in for swimming, skiing, and winter swimming. Angelina Mikhailovna does not hide the fact that she takes special care of her appearance. She's done it many times already plastic surgery, boldly tries different new cosmetology products. She teaches the art of public speaking at the Institute for Young Children, so she herself must be a role model.

Awards and community service

Since 2006, Angelina Mikhailovna was awarded the title People's Artist Russian Federation. Every year, the former All-Russian children's camp "Orlyonok" holds its own festival "Song of the Year". Angelina Vovk – President of the Russian Foundation for Culture and Art. For her, it is a matter of honor to revive traditions and musical culture Russian people.

Angelina Vovk always said: to accept correct solution, you need to wait until morning. The woman believes that she has guardian angels, in particular her grandmother and father, who came and come to her in a dream and warn about something in difficult life moments.

Angelina Vovk can rightfully serve as a model for women of her age. She tries to look after herself and keep up with the times. You should also learn from her to steadfastly overcome all the difficulties that arise along the path of life.

“Suffering is natural. I am made of the same things that other women are made of. I always found the strength to move on, because I stopped, closed myself off in my grief, my despair, and didn’t look for a way out of the situation. What's next? There will certainly be a way out of any situation. At one time, when we were fired from the announcer's department, I found myself on the street. And you know - it’s not retirement age, there’s no job, there’s no money either, there’s simply nothing to live on. I was extremely scared then. I was overwhelmed by a feeling of despair.

I thought, well, what can I do? I went to the nearest church and saw an advertisement there for the recruitment of sisters of mercy and thought what a wonderful day it was today. I can look after the sick, adjust their pillows, spoon feed them. It was an impulse and a way to cope with despair - to help someone who is worse off than you. As soon as I signed up for the sisterhood, I was offered a job again. It’s as if God gave it to me. After that, everything got better for me.”

Angelina complies strict diet, greets and advises to lead healthy image life. Therefore, as hobbies Vovk chose swimming in a cold ice hole, riding alpine skiing(started training at the age of 60), swimming in the pool. Vovk also tries to be in nature more often, to do dacha chores - gardening and vegetable gardening.

Over the past 2 years, Angelina Vovk has added another new item to her biography. Her personal life does not pass without children, even if not her own. She plunged into social activities. Photo reports indicate that every August at the All-Russian Children's Center “Orlyonok”, Vovk holds an original musical event “Song of the Year”.

Her main motto in life:

“Optimism is a way of seeing life the way you want to see it.”

Vovk believes that for some reason optimism and faith in a bright future are not valued in society today. modern society, and people’s thoughts are more pessimistic.

Rudolf (later Rodion) Rachkov - the hero of Vladimir Menshov's Oscar-winning film “Moscow Doesn't Believe in Tears” - argued that over time television will replace everything. There will be no theater, no books, no cinema... Even though his prediction did not come true, it is worth recognizing that television still plays a significant role in people's lives.

Many Soviet and post-Soviet viewers are familiar with the name Angelina Vovk. Sometimes it seems that this woman has held so many concerts and other events - it’s hard to wrap my head around...

But Vovk graduated from the acting department, and then also went to directing courses, but neither one nor the other profession suited her.

Only after completing the broadcasting course did Vovk realize that she had found her calling. But there was a problem here too. Due to poor eyesight, Vovk could not read news on a piece of paper normally, and it was also difficult for her to keep her face serious.

In order not to lose her qualifications, Angelina began hosting children’s programs “Good night, kids!” and “Alarm Clock”, music programs “Morning Mail” and “Music Kiosk”, as well as concerts, festivals, competitions and other programs. It was then that real fame came to her.

Last year, Angelina Mikhailovna celebrated her 75th birthday. And recently, on her Instagram, a woman shared photos from her vacation in Thailand. It turns out that the woman has her own apartment there.

Angelina Mikhailovna keeps herself in shape by skiing. At home, the presenter works out on an exercise bike and treadmill.

In addition, Mrs. Vovk has another hobby in her life - winter swimming.

Among other things, Angelina Mikhailovna regularly visits beauty salons. They say that one cannot do without the notorious “beauty injections”...
