What to do on Parents' Saturday. What to do on Parents' Memorial Saturday

IN Orthodox calendar There are several days that are specially set aside for commemorating the dead. The first such day in 2017 will be Ecumenical Parental Meat and Eating Saturday.

Every year, two days before the start of Maslenitsa and the week of the Last Judgment, people remember those who are no longer with us. This Ecumenical Parental Saturday can be considered the most important.

The meaning of Meat Saturday

The solemn commemoration of all the dead takes place in the church, where most of the believers will go on February 18. At the funeral service, believers ask Jesus Christ to forgive all their deceased relatives, so that he will forgive them their sins and accept them into the Kingdom of Heaven.

The beginning of Great Lent is coming, which should cleanse us from filth, sin and teach us to look at the world differently. Everyone deserves cleansing, even the dead. That is why we ask God on this day not to forget about our loved ones who did not have time to atone for all their sins.

Do's and Don'ts

  • speak ill of the deceased;
  • spend the day in celebration and fun, drink alcohol;
  • clean the house;
  • to be sad, to grieve;
  • wash;
  • eat meat.

Starting from this day, most Orthodox Christians no longer eat meat. According to the rules, you can eat eggs, dough, butter. On this day, they set the table and remember with food those who have been no longer with us for a long time. Many people visit the graves of loved ones, leaving a festive pancake there and lighting candles - in honor of the upcoming Maslenitsa, which will be on February 20 this year.

On Meat Saturday, February 18, you can and even need to get together with your family. There is nothing more satisfying for departed souls than seeing their loved ones love each other. Help your loved ones without turning away from them when problems arise. There is a tradition of drinking in honor of the departed, but this is absolutely not a church tradition: it is better to honor their memory with prayer.

During Lent there will also be parental Saturdays, which you should not forget about: March 11, 18 and 25. Remember that life should be filled with positivity, and not despondency, which is one of the most serious sins. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

    Remembrance of the dead is special days, established by the church so that we, leaving our everyday worries, remember our deceased parents and loved ones and bring our prayers and alms for their souls. When would we remember them again if not for these special days of remembrance? When would you go to the cemetery to clean up the grave?

    To Trinity funeral Saturday one must be at the service and pray for the departed. Naturally, you cannot dig in the garden, do repairs and other important and great things, but you need to pray for your loved ones.

    Trinity Parents' Saturday, this day is intended to commemorate the souls of our loved ones, parents, older generation and, in general, all deceased relatives who have passed on to another world. Therefore, you can begin to remember them on the eve of this day by submitting notes with demands in the church at the evening service. According to church rules, the day begins with Vespers and the children of the Parental Souls of the deceased will already know that they are remembered and prayed for.

    But you can also go to the morning service and pray for them.

    Afterwards, the whole family usually sits down at the table, and then goes to the cemetery and cleans up there.

    Usually on this day we go to church and to the cemetery, it is a memorial day, therefore, on this day it is impossible to organize such a feast out of remembrance, which could end in a lot of drinking and fun and the resulting sins from this.

    What can't you do on Parents' Saturday?

    I don’t know what you mean, what kind of violations.

    It’s easier for me to say what SHOULD be done on Trinity Parents’ Saturday, and how to spend it correctly.

    In general, parental Saturday, also called Trinity, Ecumenical, Spiritual Saturday, is a special day of remembrance of our loved ones. It carries a distinctive, spiritual meaning. The Orthodox Church believes that all people on this parental Saturday should commemorate our deceased loved ones and cleanse our souls with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

    At church services on Trinity Saturday, it is even allowed to remember people whose souls ended up in Hell. Conciliar (joint) funeral prayer will be a great help for the deceased.

    On Trinity Parent Saturday it is good to go to the service, where the 17th kathisma of the Psalter is read on this day; it is considered a funeral service. In this kathisma, all dead Christians are remembered, and the priests read all the notes submitted by parishioners. In the evening, this 17th kathisma can be read at home.

    If according to good reason, for example, illness or work, you were not able to go to church, then you can pray at home, because prayer is available to any Christian believer. This is a manifestation of gratitude and love for deceased relatives. At the same time, this is a huge grace and salvation for the souls of the departed, so you should not skimp on prayers.

    You must pray consciously, with an understanding of what you are doing and saying, so as not to turn prayer and Parental Saturday itself into a formal ritual. Funeral prayers We need it mainly for ourselves, and not just for the deceased.

    On Trinity Parents' Saturday it is not customary to get drunk, remember grievances, you cannot swear, swear and make trouble, steal, but you must only have pure intentions and desires. That is, you cannot sin on this day, although it would be nice if people always behaved this way.

    I learned about what you shouldn’t do on Trinity Saturday from grandmothers who attend church; on Trinity Saturday you should spend the day without quarrels, your intentions to do something on this day should be good, and you should not drink alcohol on this day. On this day, people who left our world are remembered, you can go to church and pray for the souls of people dear to you, you can also visit the cemetery.

    Lunch is the most important thing. Because dead people are always with us. We remember them, we love them, we think about them often, and dinner is a tradition that must be honored. The main thing is to have a family dinner. So that the deceased’s favorite dishes are on the table - this is how mother always cooks. Someone goes to church.

    You can't make a scandal. You cannot use foul language or speak badly about the deceased.

    Trinity Parents' Saturday.

    On this day you need to go to your parents to visit them.

    If you are in a quarrel, then make peace, even if you did not start fighting first.

    You also need to go to the cemetery to visit the dead.

    And of course you need to organize a good and tasty lunch.

    Gather with the whole family, remember the departed, and then have a good time.

    And there is no need to swear on this day - it’s not good.

    Definitely cannot be placed on a funeral table alcoholic drinks. Unfortunately, we cannot have a funeral dinner without alcohol. But it is better not to drink alcohol.

    On Trinity Parents' Day you cannot have fun, go to the cemetery in the morning, and go to rest in the evening. It is impossible not to remember the deceased, one cannot pretend that nothing happened.

    On Trinity Saturday, parents go to the cemetery, bring flowers, and clean up trash, if there is any. We talked to the deceased.

    At home they remembered in a quiet feast.

    You should not swear, remember grievances, or speak bad words. It is impossible not to remind your grandson about his deceased grandfather or grandmother.

    On Parents' Day, it is customary to remember the deceased, so on this day you definitely should not forget about deceased relatives; you need to have a memorial lunch and visit the cemetery. On such a day you cannot swear or drink.

    On Trinity Saturday, the grave is decorated with greenery and a ritual meal is served. Trinity Saturday is often called Ecumenical Parental Saturday.

Parents' Saturday is the day when, according to church traditions, it is customary to remember one's deceased ancestors. It is called parental precisely because on this day we commemorate our parents and grandparents. Of course, the memory of the deceased will always be appropriate. But it is believed that it is on these days that our prayers help the souls of our loved ones the most. For each calendar year There are seven parental Saturdays, most of which are in the spring.

Many people think that on parental Saturday you can’t work, clean, or do other things? Is this so and what do priests think about this?

Why is Saturday considered a special day among Christians?

Saturdays are not without reason chosen as the day when people should remember their deceased relatives. If you look at the Bible and remember that the Creator created the whole world in seven days, then everything will become clear. In ancient times, the first day of the week was Sunday. Thus, the seventh day, when God rested and enjoyed the work of his hands, is precisely the Sabbath.

Sabbath means rest in Hebrew. This is why many people believe that cleaning should not be done on Saturday, especially if it is special Saturday, parental. However, in this sense, Orthodox Christians honor Sunday, not Saturday. Every Sunday is a little Easter. And all the superstitions regarding the fact that you can’t work and clean on Saturday, including parents’, come from branches of Christianity, that is, from sects.

The opinion of the clergy

If you have any questions regarding any of these church holidays- what you can do these days and what you can’t do, it would be best to turn to church, to your priest, whom you trust. However, all clergy agree on one thing: on holidays and on parental Saturdays, working, cleaning, and washing are not prohibited! Nowhere in the Bible are there direct prohibitions on all these actions, and these excuses are very convenient for lazy housewives.

Naturally, on parental Saturday, the main thoughts should be thoughts about deceased relatives. On this day, you should definitely go to church, light candles for the repose and pray for the souls of your parents, grandmothers and other ancestors. If it is not possible to go to church, you can carry out all these same procedures at home.

But after visiting the temple, it is quite possible to go about your daily activities. Cleaning, washing, cooking - all these are activities that do not cause any denial from the outside Orthodox Church. On the contrary, work is never considered a sin, especially in modern conditions, when women work equally with men and have only two days off a week to have time to redo all their work.

There are restrictions on cleaning only because you must visit the temple first. This means that no household chores should prevent a person from praying for his deceased loved ones on Parents’ Saturday. So a direct ban on cleaning on Parents' Saturday is a superstition and a relic of the past.

In the Orthodox faith there is special days when it is necessary to remember deceased relatives. These days, the church always hosts a service, where people can come to pray for their loved ones. In the evening, funeral meals are held, observing Orthodox traditions.

What is parental Saturday in Orthodoxy?

Two main Ecumenical Saturday, when it is customary to remember all Christians who were baptized: Myasopustnaya and Trinity. They are necessarily accompanied by important services - ecumenical or general memorial services. There are also six other parental Saturdays: Radonitsa, Dimitrievskaya, Commemoration of the Deceased Soldiers and the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of Lent. To understand what Meat-Eating Parental Saturday means, it should be said that on this day meat is prohibited, and it is called parental Saturday because of the need to remember close relatives, in the list of which parents are in first place.

By Orthodox rules these days it is allowed to pray for people who died a natural death, were killed, and even went missing and were not buried. Ecumenical Meatless Saturday is an ancient holiday when we remember all the dead Orthodox Christians who suffered for their faith in the Lord. It is believed that the living have a chance to help the dead with their prayers.

It is important to understand what Ecumenical Parental Saturday is and what to do and what not to do, since this day is very important for every Orthodox believer. In addition, many signs and ancient traditions are associated with it. Many are interested in why the dead are remembered on Saturday and not on another day, so, according to the Gospel, on this day of the week Jesus Christ was laid in a tomb and mourned.

Parents' Saturday - what needs to be done?

The most important thing on such days is to attend church services and the obligatory reading of prayers for deceased relatives. When figuring out what to do on Parents' Saturday, we should also mention the tradition of believers to visit the cemetery on this day to lay flowers on the graves. The priests believe that it is more important to defend the service than to go to the grave, but if you cannot do either one or the other, then you can simply pray at home. Big Parents' Saturday is an occasion to gather in a quiet environment with loved ones and remember the dead.

What to do on Parents' Saturday in church?

The day before, a great memorial service is held in churches, but in the morning it is held Divine Liturgy for the repose and general memorial service. People coming to church have the opportunity to submit notes with the names of the deceased and read them. Many people are interested in what to bring to church on Parents’ Saturday, so according to old church traditions, you can take food from home, but only lean foods, and wine for the liturgy. After the consecration, the products are distributed to everyone. When leaving the church, it is necessary to give alms to the poor so that they pray for the departed.

How to commemorate on Parents' Saturday?

Increasingly, funerals for modern people turn into a feast where people enjoy food and talk in different topics, but in fact in Orthodox traditions It is necessary to pray at the funeral table. Before sitting down to the table, it is customary to perform a litia, or, as a last resort, you should read the prayer “Living Help” and “Our Father”. Great Parental Saturday is a time to visit church service and pray, remembering your loved ones. You cannot remember the dead with wine, since this drink is a symbol of earthly joy.

What to cook for Ecumenical Parents' Saturday?

On this day, relatives gather around the table to remember their relatives. They put it on the table, and the obligatory treat is kutia - a dish intended to commemorate the dead. They consider it a symbol of the burial of all people who were not interred, so their spirit rushes about and does not know how to leave the earth. If there is a meat-and-eating Saturday ahead, then be sure to prepare wheat grains, which should first be soaked for several hours. Dried fruits, nuts, seeds, poppy seeds, honey, syrup or marmalade are used as a dressing.

What can't you do on Parents' Saturday?

Many prohibitions regarding this day are fictitious. Although there is a widespread belief that you can clean and work on this day, the main thing is to first visit church and read prayers, and the rest of the time can be spent as you see fit. There are other prohibitions regarding this day:

  1. Universal Parental Saturday implies compulsory attendance at church, and there many begin to remember people by having snacks and drinking alcohol. The Church considers these traditions pagan and prohibits them.
  2. You cannot leave alcohol at the grave of deceased relatives, especially if they often drank during their lifetime, since this can only aggravate the situation of his soul.
  3. Understanding what Ecumenical Parental Saturday is, what needs to be done on this day, and what is prohibited, it is worth pointing out that you cannot be sad, quarrel, curse or speak badly about the deceased.
  4. You cannot organize lavish banquets and prepare a lot of dishes. Only lean dishes should be on the table.
  5. The memorial Saturday of Meat and Fat prohibits the consumption of meat and meat products.

Prayers for Parents' Saturday

On this day, prayer requests are obligatory, and you can ask both for loved ones and for distant relatives. They help souls find peace and find their way in another world. The living cannot help their deceased relatives in any other way. Prayer on Parental Saturday for the departed helps sinners to cleanse themselves. You can ask for people who were killed, died in an accident, and so on, since all people are one before God.

Folk signs for Parents' Saturday

There are many superstitions associated with this day that have been formed over many years. To believe in them or not is the decision of each person.

  1. Many signs and superstitions on parental Saturday are associated with the feast, so on this day you cannot clear anything from the table or wash the dishes after the evening meal, since it is believed that deceased relatives will come to eat at night.
  2. On this day it is customary to bake pancakes, and the first one must be placed separately for the deceased. If the first pancake fell to the floor while frying, then before picking it up, you need to read a prayer of protection. Otherwise, death may occur.
  3. Marriage on this day prophesies trouble.
  4. When figuring out what Ecumenical Parental Saturday is and what needs to be done, it should be mentioned that weather conditions on this day they judged what spring would be like. If the weather is clear, then spring will be fine. When there was thunder, we listened to the first peals, so if they were from the north side, it means that spring will be cold, and if from the east, then it will be warm and dry.

Ritual for money on Parents' Saturday

It is considered an ideal time to contact deceased relatives and ask them for help. Eat simple conspiracies on Ecumenical Parent Saturday to attract financial well-being. A simple ritual will help you enlist the help of the spirits of the family, who will help throughout the year.

  1. During the day, purchase the sweets that you need to put in the alms basket in the church.
  2. When leaving, buy six candles and light them for the repose of six of your relatives.
  3. As you light each candle, ask the Lord for the repose of the soul of the deceased, calling his name.
  4. After this, read the funeral prayer, followed by a conspiracy.
