What to tell an employer to get hired. How to behave during an interview: basic psychological techniques

The process of any employment is associated with stress. An interview with an employer is difficult even for experienced job seekers with an impressive range of professional skills. Therefore, it is important to prepare in advance for this important moment. How to successfully pass an interview? What is the correct answer to a recruiter’s questions?

Many people feel fear and uncertainty before communicating with future management

Once you have already agreed on a meeting with the employer, there is not much time left to prepare. It is advisable to familiarize yourself in advance with information about the company where you are submitting your resume.

Your first steps to how to pass an interview correctly are:

  1. collecting all the documents necessary for it - resume, diploma of education, passport, certificate of completed courses related to the position for which you are applying;
  2. calculating the time and route to get to the interview location - make sure you have a temporary reserve in case of unforeseen circumstances;
  3. immediate preparation for answering common questions - why did you leave your previous job, why do you want to work for this company and how you can benefit it;
  4. also be prepared for practical and test tasks so that their presence does not become an unpleasant surprise for you;
  5. make a favorable impression of yourself - choose clothes that will match the position you want to get a job for, watch your manners and speech.

Collect all possible information

Collecting information will allow you to adequately assess the future work environment and values ​​of the company to which you are submitting your resume. It is best if you are applying for a specific position and are not limited to just one company.

Read reviews on the Internet, find out the location of offices and branches, what prospects and working conditions the company offers its employees, and what exactly it does.

Try to find out as much as possible about your future position and possible risks.

It is necessary to prepare thoroughly and in advance for such an important moment in your career.

Make a list of answers to expected questions

You cannot know in advance what questions the recruiter will ask you, but you can prepare answers in advance to those that are mandatory:

  • where you work now and why you left your previous position - eliminate the possibility of negative reviews about your former and current place of work;
  • why you want to work with us - tell us about the prospects you see in your new position, what you can learn;
  • how you will be useful to us - indicate your strengths and strengths, highlight your professional skills;
  • What are your achievements and failures as a specialist? A little self-criticism won’t hurt, but in moderation, but you definitely shouldn’t exaggerate your merits.

Always prepare to give only truthful and neutral answers, without negative connotations.

Make a little self-introduction

Self-presentation is needed to demonstrate your professional skills and qualities. Think about what your strengths are and what services you can offer your employer as a specialist.

Remember that your appearance says no less about you than yours seniority and the ability to conduct dialogue. Therefore, look neat, think in advance what you will wear, get yourself in order, and prepare clean shoes.

Take the initiative

Not only can your interviewer ask questions, but you should ask them too. Showing initiative is welcome. If you are not interested in the nuances of the work process or the company itself, then most likely they will not be interested in you as an employee.

But also purely material interest regarding one wages would also not be the best solution. Also, do not get too carried away with detailed answers about yourself, personal details and retelling of your life experiences. These moments will be unnecessary.

How to pass a job interview

Every person, in addition to mental preparation, must choose the right clothes, shoes and hairstyle

There are several universal tips that will help you pass the competition for a vacant position. These relate to how to conduct a job interview:

  1. be punctual - arrive a little earlier than the appointed time, it’s better to wait ten minutes in the reception area than to be a minute late;
  2. do not forget about the greeting - say hello when entering the office, ask the employee with whom you have an appointment to inform about your arrival;
  3. turn off your mobile phone - put your phone on silent mode so that it does not distract you from the conversation;
  4. take the correct position - sit opposite the interlocutor, move the chair if necessary, do not lounge on it and do not cross your legs and arms, do not twirl foreign objects in your hands;
  5. questions and answers - listen carefully to the recruiter and answer only after you understand the essence of what you were asked, if necessary - apologize and ask again, try not to talk for more than a couple of minutes at a time;
  6. self-confidence - avoid monosyllabic answers, unliterary speech and too quiet a voice, do not go into detail about your autobiography when you are asked to talk about yourself;
  7. indicate your strengths - tell us about your education, work experience, do not refer to the fact that everything is written in your resume;
  8. take an interest in the prospect career growth- keep in mind that you came to a specific position with the solution of a certain range of tasks, and it is difficult for the employer to discuss this point with you, since he does not yet know your abilities, it is appropriate to ask about personnel rotation and existing advanced training courses, are they conducted for employees;
  9. end of the conversation - be sure to say goodbye to the interviewer and thank him for the meeting and the opportunity to be among the applicants for this position, regardless of his decision.

How to mentally prepare yourself

A calm and confident state will help you achieve the desired success

The right strategy for successfully passing a job interview - moral preparation. Everyone knows that this is a nervous matter and if you get confused, you may not demonstrate even half of your business qualities.

To calm down, watch the office. Look around, pay attention to the details, the equipment present, how the employees work. The nuances you notice will tell a lot about the company, their analysis will lead your nervous system into a state of rest. Avoid adopting a critical attitude towards future colleagues, it will increase feelings self-importance, but not the chances of getting a job.

To mentally prepare yourself, practice your smile. It won’t interfere with a business conversation, just like good, unobtrusive humor. It will add the right amount of self-confidence to you, and will leave the recruiter with the impression of an experienced and strong person.

What clothes to choose

A neat appearance goes without saying. Clothing should be appropriate for the occasion. The suit is too expensive, as is sport style will be equally irrelevant.

Prepare the things you are going to wear in advance. Find out what is customary to wear in the company, what dress code corresponds to the position for which you are applying.

Don't forget about such little things as accessories and choose the right shoes. Sandals, sneakers, open sandals and high heel not right away best options. A pair of clean shoes and a minimum of things - a simple bag or folder with documents.

The same applies to makeup and strong perfumes - moderation should be present in everything.

Also make sure that all the details of your wardrobe match each other. The optimal style of clothing is business. Therefore, a simple suit or a buried shirt and skirt middle length- the perfect choice.

How to pass an interview for a sales manager

This is one of the in-demand specialties in modern market labor. The question of how to pass an interview for a manager is always relevant for job seekers. Mere ideas about how he looks in the movies are not enough for this. But it still wouldn’t hurt to watch a couple of films about salespeople to recharge their atmosphere. For example, the ideas of many personnel officers are based only on film experience.

But if you have an interview in large company, then the preparation must be serious. And it’s good if you already have experience in this field. Here are some tips on how to pass an interview for a sales manager:

  1. read some of the most famous books about sales - some questions in your conversation may be copied directly from them by recruiters;
  2. pay attention to your appearance - the manager should be dressed like a brand;
  3. adhere to active behavior - start with questions of praise, fill pauses in the conversation with stories and admiration, but do not overdo it;
  4. general strategy - it is based on a smile, a correctly written resume and the ability to ask the right questions, the initiative of which remains with the employer.

The higher the level of professional experience and practical knowledge- the more the employee is valued

In general, questions play special role in how to successfully pass an interview for a sales consultant or manager, their essence is that:

  • they demonstrate that you understand how to work and want to clarify the conditions;
  • give an idea about the company - whether it will provide opportunities for self-realization;
  • allow you to prolong the dialogue - the more time an employee spends on an interview, the greater his desire to hire you in order to justify the effort expended;
  • give you a chance to play in your favor - the more interested you are, the less they ask you, and giving a competent answer is more difficult than asking about something.

How to successfully interview for a leadership position

High positions are directly related to certain candidate selection criteria. To determine how to successfully pass an interview leadership position, you must have:

  1. self-confidence;
  2. work experience and professionalism;
  3. developed communication skills;
  4. developed behavior;
  5. clean and fresh appearance;
  6. letters of recommendation.

In addition, every manager must:

  • be a multitasker - be able to handle several things at the same time;
  • show initiative - work for results;
  • have a sense of humor, observing all responsibility and seriousness;
  • be able to organize the work of a team - have management abilities;
  • Feel confident in a team - be a team player.

It is also worth preparing for possible tasks during the interview:

  • list your leadership qualities and specialist skills;
  • talk about past professional mistakes and lessons learned;
  • answer questions about the ability to influence employees;
  • name the characteristics of an ideal leader in your opinion;
  • find the optimal way out of the proposed test situation.

To manage staff, you will need a number of abilities that your employers will definitely focus on, namely:

  1. courage and confidence;
  2. tendency to introspection;
  3. presence of a worldview;
  4. communication skills;
  5. ability to create and manage a team;
  6. providing support to your subordinates.

And the most important advice- Beware of wasting words and don't forget to check with your interviewer for specifics and specifics. The future leader must know what and how he will have to work in the new place.

Greetings, dear readers. I’ll say right away that this is not an ordinary article about how to find a job and pass interviews, of which there are plenty on the Internet; a little later I’ll tell you what the originality is. Here I will talk not only about how to successfully pass a job interview, but I’ll also explain how not to sell yourself short and achieve the maximum salary for yourself. IN this cycle articles I will touch on how to prepare for an interview, how to correctly answer the most tricky questions HR and . I will also explain how to be and not feel nervous during an interview.

This will be a whole series of Anti-HR materials devoted to this issue. So far, two articles are ready, these are “Anti-HR: How to successfully pass a job interview” (this article itself) and “Anti-HR: how to answer questions at an interview”, later in this article I will give a link to it, since I recommend reading it order and start with this text.

What does it mean to be effective in an interview?

To pass an interview effectively, in my understanding, means not only to receive a job offer from the company where you came to apply. This also applies to choosing the right organization and position in which you plan to work, having previously assessed your desires and capabilities. This means get a job on the most favorable terms for yourself: wages, bonuses, social package and prospects. Work is an important part of our lives; employment largely determines our future and present. I will tell you how to do it in order to achieve the most useful effect in your job search and not make mistakes. I hope that the advice in this article will not only help you pass an interview and find a job you like, but, as a result, improve your life.

After all, this is a blog about self-development, not about work, so I try to consider the issue broadly, within the context of your entire life, and not limit yourself to a dry list of hackneyed advice to job seekers. I approach this critically; in some places I can allow myself more bold judgments than the format of articles about getting a job requires.

Why are these articles called Anti-HR?

But this is not the only reason why this material is unusual. The series of articles is called Anti-HR. Because these texts are not written from the person professional worker personnel service, which, when creating recommendations for applicants, is based on its interests, and they, in turn, express the goals of the organization that it represents. Therefore, I consider such recommendations not entirely honest.

HR will tell you to behave the way he wants you to behave. For example, they were honest and sincere. He does not want to be led by the nose; he wants to reserve the right to cunning and trickery only for himself. Therefore, in all these guides they advise never to lie, for the reason that a lie will supposedly always be revealed. This is complete nonsense, firstly, the HR employee does not have a lie detector built into his head, and secondly, not all information can be verified. Meanwhile, without exaggerating one’s merits and hiding some facts, it is sometimes difficult to achieve desired job. I will talk about this a lot more in these articles.

I am telling the story from the perspective of a job seeker, one who is looking for a job himself and is not hiring new employees. And I'll tell you how to achieve best result for yourself, and not come to a miserable compromise, the balance of which will be shifted towards the interests of the corporation!

I'm in search of the most suitable job, went through a lot of interviews, probably about fifty. At first I was plagued by failures because I was unsure of myself and had difficulty knowing what to say and how to position myself. But then, as I gained experience and knowledge, the presentation of myself began to bounce off my teeth and I began to receive job offers, among which I could already choose. In the end, I managed to find the job I was looking for. This item is the amount own experience passing interviews and knowledge obtained from books on personnel selection and information provided by HR themselves.

If you want to know what to say in an interview, it is best to read textbooks for HR themselves. From them you will learn a lot of information about the tactics of conducting interviews with the applicant, that is, with you. You will find out by what signs a company representative determines your motivation, whether you are lying or telling the truth. But since I read these textbooks, you don’t have to do this; I will present the main provisions from them here and comment on them.

The material of the articles cannot be called brief, but it is still much less than all the textbooks on the relevant topics. I lost a lot of time on all these interviews, made a lot of mistakes and stepped on a lot of rake. Only experience, trial and error, allowed me to draw the right conclusions about how to successfully pass a job interview, which I actually did, but it cost me hundreds of hours of my time. So it’s better for you to spend some part of your leisure time reading this article than to fill in the same bumps. I assure you that this time will more than pay off, in the literal sense: it will pay off financially as well.

How to properly prepare yourself for an interview

So let's get started. Before giving advice on passing an interview, first I want to get you in the right frame of mind. Without this it will be more difficult and in this case I cannot guarantee the quality of the result. This is what I want you to understand.

First: An interview is a negotiation, not an exam!

Think of the interview as a negotiation to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. No matter what pathos is instilled by the company’s employees who communicate with you, calling the interview a “competition”, in an attempt to impose on you the idea of ​​this event as a tough selection among many talented applicants, each of whom is only eager to take this position. This is done so that you are more willing to make concessions if you receive a job offer (for example, you agree to a lower salary, because you are afraid that they will take someone else instead of you) and rejoice at the mere fact of receiving this position, as if passing a difficult exam in the conditions strong competition.

Understand finding a good employee is very difficult, no matter what they tell you about competitions. For that matter, the interview is not only about checking the company for you, you are also looking closely and checking a company that is very interested in smart specialists, and if you are not satisfied with something, then this company does not pass your “competition”. This is a search for mutually beneficial conditions, remember this and set yourself up accordingly.

You don't have to agree to everything if you don't need to. Know your worth and don't lose your dignity. The company will still have to prove that it is worthy of an employee like you.

Of course, this pathos is not created everywhere; this is mainly the fault of large international companies that are trying to play on their name, and it is not a fact that working conditions and prospects there are better than elsewhere. This is also typical for various scams. So if you come somewhere, and they constantly tell you about the “selection”, that you are one of ten applicants who were selected out of a hundred, know this is a standard trick of all sorts of scammers. Don’t be fooled, after these words get up and get out of there, you can even slam the door.

Second: Everyone deserves a good salary

You deserve a good, reasonable salary that suits your needs and current realities. Life now is not the easiest: providing yourself and your family with everything you need is not an easy task. IN Russian families Often, both men and women have to work to feed all family members. Food prices are not the lowest, and I’m not even talking about the opportunity to purchase real estate, especially in the capital. You deserve a good salary so as not to live in poverty and not drown in loans. I'm not talking about all sorts of excesses, but about normal, reasonable consumption of material goods.

If you take a full-time job, you will not have the opportunity to work a second job, so the level of compensation should cover your basic living needs! Keep this in mind and ask for more if possible. Don’t be shy about this, corporations with large profits will not lose money if they increase your salary, but for you the extra capital will become a tangible addition to your budget.

But know that from the very fact that you deserve better, it does not at all follow that potential employer shares this belief (organizations don’t care about your problems and no one will pay you much just because you need it). You are paid for what kind of employee you are or how you show yourself. You will also have to prove that you are worthy of a certain salary. You shouldn't come to an interview with your nose in the air and act as if everyone owes you something. (but also don’t shyly lower your nose, keep it straight))

You need to understand that when you go for an interview, you accept certain rules of the game. You should not deviate from these rules: it is better to subtly and delicately conduct your chess game, setting traps for your opponent, than to simply thoughtlessly scatter pieces around the board, ignoring the laws of the game.

So now I can finally move on to tactics for effectively acing a job opening interview.

Preparing for an interview and writing a resume

Every interview starts with a resume. I will write a separate article about how to compose it; you can subscribe to my newsletter immediately below the article and receive a notification that such an article has appeared. I will touch on this only briefly here. Set your expected salary to be about one and a half times higher than your last one - you won’t go wrong, since there is a wide variation in the amount of compensation on the market for the same positions. Different companies pay differently. You will lower it only when you understand that no one will give that kind of money and this is a complete hopelessness.

Also, wait for an article on how to prepare for an interview, it will also appear soon, I promise not to delay its publication.

How much can I receive maximum?

We definitely increase the salary at previous places of work (again by one and a half times), this will help us achieve a higher level of compensation in the new place. In the job application guides that I found on the Internet, they advise not to do this under any circumstances, since everyone can check this. This is nonsense, they won’t check anything, if you do everything correctly, in an article that I promise to publish soon (it will be called: how to achieve the highest possible salary at an interview), I will write how everything can be done carefully and why, stay tuned or subscribe .

Interview Questions

In this article I will try to provide general tips on how to successfully pass an interview. If you want to know, then click on the link.

We keep our hands on the table in front of us, we shouldn’t fiddle with anything in them, we shouldn’t prop our face up with our hands. Watch your posture. The back is straight, the jaw line is parallel to the table. This is not just to project dignity and confidence. When you constantly pay attention to how you sit, how you speak, it increases your alertness, you begin to feel like a driver feels when he drives a car well. This increases the degree of self-control; you don’t have to expect unpleasant surprises from yourself. As a result, your self-confidence increases and you are calmer.

Tip 2. Don't be nervous! Or at least pretend to be calm

If we start to get nervous, we try to stabilize our breathing, take deep breaths and exhales. If we can’t cope with nervousness, use my tips from the article. It helps very well before an interview, it will make you calm and calm like a boa constrictor.

At the very least, under no circumstances should we show the company representative that we are under stress. Your concern may indicate to HR that we are mentally unstable, which may be incompatible with our future work. Therefore, even if we are very nervous, we try not to show it, we pretend to be completely calm. And the calmer we want to seem, the more we calm down, this works feedback principle: our pretended state becomes real, this is a fact.

We speak clearly and confidently. Look into the eyes. No, of course it won’t be good if you stare at HR as if you are trying to hypnotize him, look away sometimes. But you don't need to keep them down all the time. I think this is the most obvious.

This is the most important point and success factor for the interview. There is no need to turn this process into an interrogation! Let this be a live dialogue. Try to brighten the atmosphere with jokes, witty remarks, and response questions. HR conducts interviews every day, do you think he’s not tired of them? He will be glad to have at least some dilution of the everyday routine with a dose of humor and communication. But here, of course, stick to the boundaries of what is reasonable, I think this is obvious.

It is especially important to create a dialogue in a conversation with a future manager (after all, this is not as necessary with HR itself as it is necessary with your potential manager), he must like you. Here you should not be particularly brief and concise in your presentation: give real life examples, talk about situations at work, talk about how they teach your specialty in institutes (if you have recently graduated), this will be interesting to people old school. Smile and laugh at jokes. But everything should be organically woven into your presentation, it should not be said without a reason, and you should always observe moderation. I hope this is clear and is at the discretion of everyone.

I repeat once again that this is very important and I began to pass interviews without difficulty only after I began to adhere to this rule! Only then did I begin to have a choice of several offers from different companies, rather than having to settle for the only thing they offered.

This advice should not be taken literally. It refers to the fact that it can be difficult to make a decision quickly on the fly. For example, you are happy with everything, but HR says that the office will move to the other side of the city in half a year and is interested in whether this will suit you or not. Without thinking (after a theatrical pause), say, “yes, this is normal for me” (even if it is really far from you).

We immediately agree with everything, which requires deliberation, you are not obligated to talk now about your final decision. And then, in a calm atmosphere, you’ll think about everything. It may turn out that you did not take into account the lack of traffic jams on this route and that the journey, in fact, will not take much time, and you will understand that this is not a critical factor. Or maybe just stick with your original decision.

But it’s better if they offer you a job, and then you’ll think about accepting this offer or not, than if HR immediately puts an end to you because you don’t agree with some conditions during the interview. This gives you greater freedom of choice. So feel free to agree with everything, then think about it.

Remember the phrase from American films about cops? "Anything you say will be used against you." Also during an interview, almost every HR question is an attempt to find out as much as possible about you and understand your hidden motives. Try to look at yourself from the outside, to understand what image you create with your behavior and manner of dialogue. Be sociable, but don’t say too much, say only what you want to hear from you. This is not a reason to withdraw into yourself and remain silent, this is an action aimed at enclosing your interview within a certain framework, without which it will be who knows what. But still have a dialogue, you don’t need to answer only in a dry and formal manner, just watch the presentation and what you say.

You may have to hide something else during the interview, and openly distort some information. I don’t see anything wrong with this and I think that you have every moral right to do this. In the article I tried to consider this issue in great detail.

Why don't they call us back after the interview?

And finally. Don’t be upset if they don’t call you back or they refuse, citing some vague reasons why you weren’t approached! It may not be your fault and it may not mean that you weren't a good fit or performed poorly during the interview! There may be something else here, I’ll share my guess. This conclusion is in the nature of an assumption, albeit quite logical and justified, but I do not have accurate information that it is 100% correct. But still, I will express it, because I think it makes sense.

Why don’t they call us back (although, it would seem, we are a perfect fit and don’t require much). First, imagine how HR works. A vacancy opens in some department. A list of responsibilities and requirements is formed, on their basis a so-called “vacancy profile” is formed (here I may not be precise in terms, but general principle, I think, is capable of conveying). It reflects the features of this position and lists the qualities that a person who, in the company’s opinion, would be ideal for this vacancy should have. “There are no bad applicants, but only people unsuitable for a certain position” - that’s what HR people say and it’s true. For example, if they hire a sales manager, they want to see in him a focus on results (sales = result), rather than on the process, while, for example, an accountant is expected to be attracted to the process itself, less than result. This should all be reflected in the vacancy profile.

After the profile is ready, all that remains is to start searching for applicants and interviewing them, which is what HR people do. After communicating with each applicant, they leave their notes and look at how well this or that interview participant matches the job profile. Thus, they compare and evaluate applicants. That is, their job is not only to interview you, but also to profile and evaluate you.

What happens when HR is young and inexperienced and needs to be trained? Or what should they do during the period when the company is not looking for employees to fill vacant positions? Now do you understand what I'm getting at? A non-existent vacancy is being created! A vacancy for which no one will ever be hired anyway! It is created only to train inexperienced HR people or to take over the existing staff of the HR department. Let them practice creating a profile and evaluating different employees in “field” conditions and not in theory! He will look at different candidates, evaluate them and present the results to his superiors, so a decision can be made to end the probationary period of this employee without any risks for the organization! This doesn’t cost the company anything, it’s just your time being wasted!

In my opinion, there are quite a few such fictitious vacancies on the market. Although I have not checked this and admit that everything may not be as I imagine, but, nevertheless, it seems very probable to me. So don’t be upset if you receive yet another job refusal; maybe you were just someone’s subject for personnel training! But nevertheless, you should not count on this too much, if you are not offered anything after many interviews, it is better to think about changing your tactics and presentation than to blame the HR conspiracy!

Conclusion. Don't be afraid of anything!

There is no need to be afraid or feel insecure. They are talking to you ordinary people, despite the fact that they have put on jackets and are trying with all their might to assume importance. Behind this form lies a person, with his own weaknesses and desires. There is no need to be timid and withdraw into yourself. Be more open where the situation requires it, but don’t say too much! Most often, not the most intelligent HR workers will talk to you, who ask their questions only to ask at least something.

Or you will immediately talk with your future manager, who does not understand anything about the intricacies of conducting interviews, and therefore many of my tips here will seem unnecessary. But I am trying to put you in a state of full combat readiness and prepare you for a meeting with the most powerful, cunning and insightful enemy. And there are certainly such people among HR people.

So I wish you good luck in your job search and interviews!

Today, getting a job is not so easy, and taking a vacant position in a good organization is even more so (much like a student entering a prestigious university upon admission). How should a graduate behave at an interview? We propose to consider this issue in more depth. The main topic We suggest asking questions: how to behave correctly during an interview and what to say in order to attract the attention and favor of the future employer.

How to behave during a job interview?

Lots of people in modern society can't get a job Good work, even having all the data for the proposed position: appropriate education and level of knowledge, age, absence of children, etc. . Often it all ends at the interview. What is the reason? Everything is simple, even good specialist must know how to behave during a job interview.

It is this point that potential employers often pay attention to. Leading employees have been hired to test future employees psychologists , who have developed a lot of psychological tests, based on which they focus not only on knowledge, but also on stress resistance and suitability for the proposed vacancy when choosing a candidate. But tests are not the whole arsenal. Important points such as behavior, a wardrobe properly selected for this purpose, speech, gender , experience(yes or not), etc.

How to behave correctly during a job interview

It is in view of what was described above that it is important to know how to behave during an interview with an employer when applying for a job, what to wear to the interview and what should or, on the contrary, should not be said during the process. However, no specialist can offer a single image, since in this option much depends on the choice of the applicant, i.e. the vacancy itself.

Eg, for work in the service sector in any variation: hostess, secretary, nanny in kindergarten, courier, car dealership, realtor, cook, sales agent, merchandiser, teacher, advertising agent, consultant in the Euronetwork, in a fitness club, housekeeper, waitress or maid in a hotel(for a woman or girl in maternity leave), beauty salon, etc.., it is enough to have a cooperative and at the same time strict outfit. And here for work in Gazprom, FSB, Ministry of Internal Affairs, prosecutor's office, police/militia, lawyer, security service (for civil service), a teacher in a school or a teacher in a college, a system administrator, a programmer, a doctor in a hospital (city hospital), an engineer, a designer at a modeling agency, etc. completely different requirements that are not limited to smiling, strict attire and sociability, but we will talk about all this in more detail a little later.

Basic rules of conduct when applying for a job: video

Getting a job is an art selling… yourself, your time, your knowledge (whether you have experience or not), etc. The presentation in this version must be appropriate. Don't be shy similar interpretation, because in a sense that's exactly what it is. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with some techniques (video tutorial so that you won’t be denied admission) for beginners, based on the advice of psychologists: training for beginners, how to dress, how to behave, how to prepare, what applicants may encounter when receiving offers from a recruiter, so that they can be calmly accepted even by their boss shopping mall (find any other vacancy, watch a master class from a pro or download it to your computer):

Advice from a psychologist: how to behave during an interview

Psychologists around the world have already determined main aspects how to behave at an interview, advice at the first stage begins with an offer to study in detail information about the future place of work . Today, finding out such details is not a problem: find on the Internet(receive recommendations on forums, the company’s official page, etc.), find out from friends who work in the selected company(they know a lot and can help them get a job, bring them to their superiors, for example, with recommendations), their friends, etc..

The second important aspect is punctuality. In order to arrive at the interview on time, study the route in detail, calculate the time it will take to travel, think through the entire route and eliminate mistakes. It is strictly not recommended to be late; it is better to arrive early, 10-20 minutes earlier (if the applicant is late, he is perceived as an unserious candidate).

I'm going for an interview - how to behave?

A smile wins hearts , even if it is a potential employer, be sure that she will be in place . But it’s important not to overdo it here. Your goal is to create the impression of a friendly applicant, and any hint of stupidity (and excessive smiling can be regarded as such) should be completely absent.

One of important points is preparation for the process and here we can include full preparation to point : question answer. And, most importantly, this is a mutual process, i.e. It is important not only to know the correct answers to possible questions, but also to prepare your questions for your opponent.

How to behave at an interview if you have no work experience

  • How to behave during an interview with an employer?
  • How to behave at an interview to get hired without experience?

The main thing that the applicant needs to do is to convince the opponent that he has the necessary knowledge base, sufficient (or better than exceeding) for the intended position. It won't be amiss convince him of your ability to learn. But the height of resourcefulness in this option would be to convince him that the lack of experience is more of a plus than a minus. Since in this option he himself will be able to correct your knowledge in the right direction . This can only be done if you are aware of the requirements for the applicant for the vacancy (knowledge of the responsibilities). Such information is usually posted on the company’s official website. If the selected organization does not have its own portal, use related resources (pages of similar enterprises).

Rules of behavior during a group interview

Group interview carried out during mass recruitment of personnel for the same or related positions (for example, waiters at McDonald's). For HR manager - This is an opportunity to select with the least loss of time. In this option, you need to be able to competently and adequately show your best skills and qualities. Try to take the situation into your own hands - show initiative and leadership qualities, if this is typical for you. Ask questions, answer questions , in a word, make sure that you are remembered in the best possible way.

How to behave during an interview on Skype?

Online dialogue is also intended to reduce the time spent by the recruiter, as well as preliminary conversation by phone(with an HR employee or manager). This allows him to evaluate the applicant's speech, appearance and business acumen. In this option, it is important that the conversation is not distracted by extraneous noises, pets, friends and relatives, etc. If the call does not ring at a convenient time, apologize and gently ask to call back a little later. Appearance also plays an important role in this matter. Homemade pajamas or a T-shirt are not the best option.

Interview in a cafe: what and how to say?

Option business interview in a cafe or restaurant with management is not much different from a conversation in the office. But applicants for leadership positions are more often invited to such conversations. In this case, it is important to understand the purpose of the visit. Therefore the order large quantity dishes in in this case would be inappropriate . Knowledge of etiquette is also important. The applicant has unique opportunity demonstrate knowledge of the rules of business etiquette.

First interview - how to behave?

How to behave at an interview to get a job in general outline we discussed. We just didn’t touch on the topic appearance applicant. Meanwhile, people are greeted by their clothes. Especially if there is an interview with the director, how should you behave in this case?

In most cases, the requirements for appearance are identical, so we suggest you familiarize yourself with how to dress correctly: business suit, hairstyle, minimal makeup (for girls), complete lack of bright details (accessories, lipstick, nail polish, etc.). Availability too expensive things would also be inappropriate.

How to behave at an interview to please the employer

  • Pay attention to your voice: he must be moderately sonorous, speech is coherent and free, there should be a pause between phrases, questions and answers.
  • Get rid of stiffness.
  • Keep track of yours gestures And pose. Practice in front of a mirror.
  • You have to create an opinion serious and confident person. And yours embarrassment And stiffness will be transmitted to the interlocutor, and he will feel uncomfortable, which will negatively affect the general opinion of you.

To conclude the topic, we present some advice from behavioral experts for certain types of vacancies:

  1. How to behave during an interview for a leadership position. A good manager must have: leadership qualities(organize the work of the team, accumulate direction, ability to manage, etc.), have the ability to cope with several tasks at the same time, initiative, a tendency for introspection, the ability to attract resources from outside, etc. It is these qualities that the HR manager will look for in the applicant. good leader will give affirmative and confident answers to all questions: I did it, I delivered it, etc. . Successful experience in a similar position will be a good help, for example, general director or his deputy (when transferred to a higher position (career promotion) at an open meeting with superiors, for example, if an applicant was invited, etc.).

  2. Interview for a job as a manager, sales manager, sales representative. The main qualities of a manager, sales representative, supervisor, etc.: communication skills, persuasion and resourcefulness, stress tolerance (the ability to take a punch will probably be tested during an aggressive, i.e., stressful interview (initial or repeat)) and good sense of humour . At a business interview, your task is to convince the logistician of these qualities. And, of course, the appearance should inspire confidence and be conducive to conversation.

  3. I want to work as a salesperson: advice from psychologists. The seller is an intermediary between the buyer and the manufacturer. His main tasks: assess opportunities, needs and offer what you need . The main advice of a psychologist will help with this: learn to adapt to the voice and behavior of the buyer. This simple technique will help guide your opponent to the desired decision. It doesn’t matter if you want to get a job as a salesperson at Pyaterochka or as a cosmetics consultant, sell books, or in a store sportswear at Adidas or Sportmaster.
  4. Interviews for the position of psychologist, accountant, bank employee. These three professions are united required level of knowledge, references and resume . For an interview for the position of an accountant, the applicant is recommended to confirm his professional skills, especially knowledge of prof. programs, availability of relevant certificates, etc. The applicant must take care to outperform his competitors not only in theory, but also be prepared to demonstrate in practice (in order to successfully qualify for the final interview). The same tasks are facing psychologist, but in this situation, in addition to supporting documents about prof. In preparation, the interviewer must be prepared for mandatory compliance testing. For bank employee(for example, a girl was invited to the position of economist at Sberbank) the qualities and skills of a manager are important. If you have no experience, you can demonstrate your achievements in competitions during training, for example. It won't be superfluous Demonstration of knowledge in banking : successes and failures in the work of competitors, etc.

  5. How to behave during an interview at the American embassy . One of the most difficult tasks is successfully passing an interview at the embassy of the USA, the Czech Republic, Poland and especially the Schengen countries(Israel, for example). One of important conditions interviewer - neat appearance: Provocative outfits, flashy makeup, etc. are not allowed here. Jeans would also be appropriate, but don’t overdo it, everything should be in moderation. One more point - knowledge of the country(culture and history). Questions on this topic are required in the program. Besides, consul or Officer the consulate will definitely ask questions about you and about the program (for studying at the institute, working with foreigners (Chinese, for example), for medical education, tourist visa. Sometimes questions arise:

A job interview is a meeting between the employer and the applicant, based on the results of which a decision is made to hire a new employee. How about applying for a job? It is important to follow a number of simple rules.

The first “meeting” with the employer takes place over the telephone, when the issue of scheduling an interview is decided. The first opinion about the applicant is formed at this moment. By phone you should clarify the full title of the position, ask basic questions about future work. Find out right away whether this job is right for you, and discuss those nuances that may stop your interest in the job. This will help save both your time and the employer's time. Unpromising meetings are rarely beneficial.

Write down the full name of the company, contact phone number, name of the interlocutor. Also check who will be conducting the interview. It is very good if, when you meet in person, you address him by his first and patronymic names. Don't forget to check the address of the office or other meeting place.

Right after telephone conversation begin thorough preparations for the meeting. Prepare your clothes, think over questions for the employer, read information on how to properly pass an interview.

So, you have resolved all the initial issues over the phone. Get ready necessary documents: Write a resume and autobiography. Even if the employer did not require this, it is better to have it all on hand. In addition, prepare your passport, education diploma (or diplomas), existing certificates, IDs and other similar things. If one of the certifications is not relevant to the position you are seeking to fill at a given company, leave it at home.

Study well the activities of the company where you are going for an interview. When thinking about how to successfully pass an interview, remember that you must show the employer your interest in the job. Study the company’s website, find out everything about its activities and history. Even if you can’t apply this knowledge, it will certainly be useful to you in the future.

Those who arrive on time know how to conduct an interview correctly. If you are late, most likely you will have to say goodbye to your job. Plan your route for the interview in advance. It’s better to arrive early and wait in the corridor, taking off your excitement there and wiping the anxious sweat from your face. Along the way, think again about how you'll answer frequently asked questions, and prepare your own questions as well. The main thing is that the answers are truthful. It is undesirable to embellish the facts and make up something in order to present yourself in a more favorable light. Again, talk to the interlocutor in such a way that he understands that you are really interested in his company and working in it. You need to be very careful when answering questions about previous works, about your shortcomings and advantages, failures and achievements.

All people have had to undergo an interview at least once in their lives. If earlier not all companies conducted interviews, now interviews are conducted almost everywhere. However, despite the importance of an interview, not all people know how to behave in an interview. An insecure employee who does not know how to present himself competently is unlikely to successfully pass this stage of hiring. In order to get the desired position and produce good impression during your interview, check out a few tips and tricks.

Preparing for an interview

In order for the interview to go smoothly and without problems, it is advisable to prepare for it.

  • Prepare in advance for the most common questions, such as: “Why did you choose our company?”, “How do you imagine your life in a few years?”, “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”, as well as questions about your education and previous jobs. Think in advance about the answer to the question: “Why did you leave your previous job?”

  • Think over your image. You shouldn’t wear clothes that are too bright and flashy, but it doesn’t hurt to emphasize your individuality with interesting clothing items or accessories. It is customary to come to an interview in clothes of neutral colors, such as white, black, gray and beige. It is better to choose simple, but elegant clothes, and in no case pretentious.

  • Find out as much information as possible about the company you will work for. A good employer will always appreciate a person who has familiarized himself with the activities of the organization before the interview. Thanks to this, you can make a favorable impression on your future boss.

  • Tune in good mood. In the morning before the interview, listen to your favorite music, drink your favorite tea or coffee. Tune in to positivity and calm. If you're feeling overly nervous, drink calming herbal tea or do breathing exercises. A person who is too stiff and nervous during an interview makes a negative impression.

  • If you have forgotten some information related to your specialty, then refresh your knowledge. First of all, any employer wants to see a competent person in his company good specialist. Everything is important: your work experience, place of education, participation in any conferences and forums. But do not forget that if you are tense and insecure, then your knowledge may not be able to help you. Therefore, do not neglect the tips outlined above.

How to behave during an interview?

  • Smile and sincerity. Don't be afraid to smile. A smile always puts people at ease. Answer questions sincerely and don’t lie, because sooner or later the truth will come out.

  • Showcase your skills. No need to be modest. It is very important to be able to adequately evaluate yourself. Show yours best projects, talk about your experience and don't think it's insignificant. Even the smallest things can be interesting to talk about.

  • Ask questions. They choose not only you, but you too. Don’t feel like you’re in a subordinate position at the interview; you don’t owe this company anything yet. Therefore, ask everything that interests you. This way you can understand whether this place of work is suitable for you or not.

  • Do not be nervous. There is no need to fiddle with the buttons on your blouse, twirl a pen in your hands, or run your eyes around the space. Take a few deep breaths and calm down. A calm person makes a more favorable impression. And excessive unevenness will only cause harm, as you will be tense: your voice may tremble, your palms may sweat, and your thoughts may become confused. There is no need for unnecessary nervousness.

  • Speak with sense, feeling and arrangement. No need to chatter. Speak calmly, pause in your speech and watch your voice. Also, do not actively gesticulate during a conversation.

What to do if you weren't hired?

Don't despair. Refusal at an interview is not the end of life. Go to another interview, analyze your past and take into account all your mistakes. Despite the fact that an interview is always a nervous process, and we want to get a positive result, not everything always happens positively. You shouldn’t look for flaws in yourself after the first refusal. It’s worth thinking about when you went to many interviews, but never received a positive answer.

So, the most important thing is to act confident and friendly during the interview. Show your best sides, and you will definitely get your dream job. Be confident, calm and demonstrate yourself as a competent specialist in your field.
