Fortune telling and predictions for the old new year. Fortune telling for the old new year and ways to achieve what you want

The celebration of the Old New Year falls on the winter holidays, which are celebrated from Christmas Eve to Epiphany. People believed that at this time the evil spirits could take a little walk and play pranks, which is why on holy days they were in use. various kinds fun, including fortune telling.

There was a rumor among the girls that fortune telling for the Old New Year, the night of January 13-14, was the most accurate.

“KP in Ukraine” has prepared a selection of the simplest and truthful fortune telling, which will help girls brighten up the Generous evening and just have fun.

Fortune telling for the OLD NEW YEAR BEFORE BED

Fortune telling for kings

On the night of January 13-14, before going to bed, girls need to put playing cards with the image of kings. In the morning, without looking, you should pull out one card. Whichever king the girl gets, so will the husband: the king of spades is old and jealous, the king of clubs is military, the king of hearts is young and rich, and the king of diamonds is desirable.

Fortune telling with bread and scissors

According to legend, if you put bread and scissors under your pillow before going to bed on Old New Year, a girl will certainly dream about her betrothed.

Fortune telling for a love dream

Before going to bed, a fortune-telling girl needs to eat something salty and under no circumstances wash it down with water. When going to bed, you need to say: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink!” According to legend, whoever comes to give you something to drink is the one you will marry.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a stocking

Girls will have to prepare for this fortune telling in advance - buy stockings. Before going to bed, you need to put on a new stocking on one leg and go to bed. At the same time, the girl must say: “Betrothed, mummer, come take off my shoes.” A man who takes off a fortune-telling girl’s stocking in a dream will become her husband.

Fortune telling for love

You need to put a small bowl of water under the bed, and put a small wooden stick on it and say before going to bed: “Betrothed, come take me across the bridge.” Whoever crosses the bridge in a dream will marry him.
This fortune telling is not suitable for everyone, but rather for those who like to tickle their nerves. It is popularly considered one of the most dangerous. Fortune telling on mirrors

For fortune telling, two mirrors (large enough and, if possible, equal in size) are taken, placed opposite each other and illuminated by two candles. It is best to place one mirror opposite the illuminated wall mirror, so that you get a long corridor illuminated with lights. All animals and strangers must be removed from the room. If it’s very scary, you can leave a couple of modest people, however, they should not make a sound, not look in the mirror and not approach the fortuneteller.

At the end of the corridor formed between the two mirrors, a narrowed one should appear. True, sometimes you have to look for a very long time, but you can see not only your betrothed, but also all sorts of evil spirits...

Fortune telling on the character of the groom and marriage

And various objects are placed in a bowl or saucer, which the fortune-telling girls must take turns pulling out without looking. The main condition is that the items must clearly reflect a character trait or quality of life.

For example, sugar sweet life, a good, flexible character of the groom, a ring - marriage, a glass - a cheerful life, Golden ring- wealth.

Fortune telling with matches

For this fortune telling, you need to prepare a matchbox and several matches in advance.

There are matches on each side of the box: one is the fortune-telling girl, the other is the man she likes. We light the matches and wait until they burn out completely. If the heads are facing each other, it means the guy and the girl will be together.

Fortune Telling with Dumplings

One of the most traditional fortune telling for the Old New Year.

The hostess of the house, inviting guests, prepares dumplings with potatoes, and puts some filling in the form of small surprises. The essence of fortune telling is that no one knows what he will get, and it is by the filling of the dumpling that they determine what awaits a person in the next year.

For example:

  • Lollipop - life in next year will be sweet;
  • Paper bill - big money awaits you;
  • Thread - to long road or travel;
  • Candies such as dragees are a new addition to the family;
  • Black peppercorn - means life with a peppercorn;
  • Button - many interesting new things.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

In order to find out the name of her future husband, a girl just needs to go out into the street and ask the first man she meets to tell him his name.

Fortune telling by ring

Fortune telling girls take turns rolling a ring on the floor. If it rolls towards the door, the girl will soon get married.

Fortune telling on an egg

It is necessary to prepare in advance fresh egg. Make a small hole in it and carefully pour the contents into a glass of water. After some time, the protein will coagulate, and the future will be judged by the shape it takes.

For example, if they see a church in a figurine, it means a wedding, a ring means an engagement. A car, ship or plane - for a trip, a business trip, an ambulance.

Fortune telling by book

It is necessary to prepare a book with suitable content in advance. Without opening the book, the girls guess the page number and the line at the top or bottom. Then they open the book to the desired page and read the required lines. Depending on what worries the fortuneteller the most, the chosen paragraph is interpreted.

Fortune telling on grains
Fortune Telling by Desire

This fortune telling is one of the simplest: any cereal is poured into a jar, a question is asked, after which a handful of cereal is taken out of the container with the left hand, and the grains are counted.

An even number symbolizes a positive answer to the question posed, and an odd number symbolizes a negative answer, respectively.

Fortune telling on the water

Prepare two identical glasses. One of them is filled to the top with water. Having made a wish, the fortune-telling girl begins to pour the liquid from one glass to another. He does this several times. After this, you need to look at the surface where the glasses stood. If no more than two or three drops remain on it, the wish will come true. If there are more drops, it is difficult to implement it.

Fortune telling by shadows

You need to prepare a saucer or flat plate, a sheet of clean paper, a candle and matches. A sheet of paper must be crumpled up and placed on a plate, carefully setting the lump on fire. When the sheet is completely burned, you need to use a candle to make its reflection on the wall. After this, it’s time to use all your imagination - by looking at the shadows you can learn about your future.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year is simple and accurate. On this mysterious holiday, you can look into the future, find out your fate, tell fortunes about love and your betrothed, about the fulfillment of your cherished desires.

Any of the many methods can be easily done at home. Also, during the period from January 13 to 14, our ancestors observed many traditions and performed rituals that helped to live in happiness and prosperity throughout next year.

  • 1. Rituals and traditions
  • 2. Fortune telling for the Old New Year
    • 2.1. With bread and water
    • 2.2. Gender of the child
    • 2.3. With a rooster
    • 2.4. Conversations
    • 2.5. With egg
    • 2.6. With glasses
  • 3. Fortune telling at the festive table
  • 4. Fortune telling
  • 5. Fortune telling for love and for the betrothed
    • 5.1. Who will be the first to get married in the new year?
    • 5.2. What will the future spouse and family life?
    • 5.3. In the name of the betrothed
    • 5.4. How to see the groom?
  • 6. Will what you want come true?
  • 7. Folk signs for the Old New Year

Generous evening is a holiday celebrated on the eve of the Old New Year (from January 13th to 14th). Many signs and rituals are traditionally associated with it, which allow us to lift the veil of secrets of the future. It's revelry time otherworldly forces. That evening, after sunset and until 12 o'clock at night, girls walked around the courtyards and gave generously, driving away unclean spirits with their singing and wishing their owners health, happiness and prosperity in the new year.

The night from January 13 to 14 is time for renewal. You need to burn your worn clothes and immediately put on new ones. This ancient ritual is still preserved in many villages; it symbolizes the beginning of a new life. And how it will turn out, simple and interesting fortune telling will help you find out.

By folk signs, on Old New Year, a man should be the first to enter the house - this will make all family members happy for the next year. But you cannot give money on this day in order to maintain well-being in the house.

A simple version of family fortune telling for the Old New Year. In the evening, you need to go outside during dinner and carefully look at your neighbors’ windows. If you can see the heads of everyone present at the table, then the relatives will be alive and well; if conversations are heard and no one is visible, then trouble will soon happen to one of your loved ones.

To protect your home and family from misfortunes, on January 14 you need to go around all the rooms clockwise with three lit church candles. At the same time, constantly be baptized. There is another way to prevent trouble: early in the morning, lightly knock on the threshold with an ax and say: “Life, health, bread.”

A ritual with bread is a simple way to find out the future of your family for the coming year. It is as follows:

  • You need to fill the bowl with plain water.
  • Break a crust of bread into pieces of different sizes according to the number of household members.
  • For each of them, make a wish for one of your relatives.
  • Throw the pieces into a bowl.
  • While swirling the water with your finger, say the following words: “Spin the bread and water, my whole family is here.” If there is trouble, separate bread and water.”
  • Look in the morning: if all the pieces come together, then the whole family will be complete all year. And if any of them floats separately from the rest, then the mysterious person will face a wedding, departure or death.

It was possible to find out the gender of the unborn child by fortune telling with a ring. It required:

  • Dip the ring into a glass of water.
  • Hang it on a thread or your own hair.
  • Carefully bring it to the hand of the person being told fortunes. If she begins to move in a circle, then a girl will be born, if she makes pendulum-like movements, then a boy will be born. Well, if it stands still, then there will be no children.

One of the most popular in rural areas was ancient fortune telling with a rooster:

  • grains were scattered around the room;
  • at midnight the rooster was taken from the roost;
  • They brought it into the room where the grain had been spilled.

If a rooster pecked every last grain, it was considered very good sign, promising happiness. If he ate several grains, it foreshadowed the same number of weddings in the new year. If the rooster refused to peck, then this promised a streak of failures in the future. Of course, it is almost impossible to carry out this ritual in a city, but for those living in rural areas it is easy to use this reliable way to find out the near future.

You can find out how the coming year will turn out by listening to other people's conversations. First you need to concentrate, and then listen carefully to what others say. If you hear boisterous laughter, then everything will be fine in the new year, crying or swearing - the year will not be easy, if the conversation of tipsy people - you should beware of bad habits.

Girls with a rich imagination can tell fortunes using a fresh chicken egg:

  • late in the evening of January 13, get a fresh chicken egg;
  • make a small hole in it;
  • carefully pour the contents into a transparent glass of water;
  • wait until the protein curls;
  • by its shape one can judge the near future.

If the figure resembles a ring, this promises a wedding in the new year, a church - a wedding, any transport - a trip for a man or a husband returning from a business trip for a woman, a rectangle - a coffin, etc. If the squirrel sinks to the bottom, then the house is threatened by fire or other serious trouble.

An interesting, fun and accurate New Year's fortune telling to find out upcoming events - using glasses. It can be carried out in fun company girlfriends To do this you should:

  • take four glasses;
  • fill them halfway with water or melted snow;
  • pour a small spoonful of salt and sugar into two of them, put a ring into the third, and leave the fourth glass unchanged;
  • then one of the fortunetellers should turn her back;
  • her friend needs to point her finger at each of the glasses in turn until the girl who has turned away stops her;
  • You need to take a sip from the chosen glass: if you feel the taste of salt, then sadness and tears are ahead, if the water is sweet - fun and joy, if ordinary - then the year will be the same, when a ring comes across in the glass - the girl will soon get married.

Another name for the Old New Year holiday is the rich holy evening or rich Vasilyev evening, named after St. Basil the Great. On this day, according to the old tradition, it was customary to generously set the table. Pork dishes were considered a special treat, and a whole roasted pig - a symbol of fertility and fertility - was the main decoration of the festive table, because St. Basil was considered the patron saint of pig farmers. “A pig and a boletus for Vasily’s evening”, “The pig is an unclean animal, but God has nothing unclean - Vasily will bless the winter! “- our ancestors said in proverbs about this day. Another important dish at the holiday was generous kutia, which was generously seasoned with meat and lard, and then placed in a corner with icons.

On the festive evening of January 13, you can use folk songs for predictions. fortune telling. For one of them you need:

  • to put on festive table a bowl of water;
  • cover with a scarf;
  • each of the guests present at the feast must take off any accessory and put it in the water;
  • During traditional singing, any object was taken out of a bowl at random; its owner could judge his future from the lyrics of the song.

Another table method of divination was fortune telling using dumplings. It requires:

  • make dumplings with potatoes;
  • add some small object to the filling of each: a coin, a ring, a piece of salty or fresh cucumber, any sweetness, etc. (see picture below);
  • at dinner, guests each choose one dumpling;
  • on the subject they come across and judge their future.

The coin promised wealth, the ring promised a wedding, pickle- tears, a piece of bread - prosperity, sweet filling - fun, cherry pit or beans - a new addition to the family, Bay leaf- good luck at work, etc.

You can use this easy method. Freeze water in a spoon in the evening and look in the morning: if there are bubbles, this promises a long life. happy life. And if a hole forms in the ice, then this is with great grief, troubles and death.

Another the old way to predict fate is as follows: on the evening of January 13, blindfolded, count all the stakes in the fence and tie the ninth one with a scarf, reports the Rosregistr portal. And in the morning, if it is straight, then life is calm, without shocks; if it is crooked, then the fate of the fortuneteller is unhappy.

The following method of fortune telling is suitable for unmarried girls. It requires:

  • Pour any cereal or pebbles into a fabric bag.
  • Place a crust of bread, a hook and a ring in it.
  • Without looking, get any of the items.
  • Get a prediction. If a girl came across a loaf of bread, it promised a life of prosperity, a hook foreshadowed a difficult fate, and a ring - a happy marriage.

No less popular is the method of divination using the shadows of burnt paper. You should:

  • crumple up large leaf papers or newspapers;
  • put it on a flat dish;
  • set fire to;
  • when it burns down, you need to bring the dish to the wall, lit by candles, and judge the future by the shadows formed.

You can find out your fate by wax church candle. Need to:

  • fill any container with water (or melted snow);
  • melt the candle;
  • carefully pour the melted wax into cold water to the very center of the bowl;
  • It is by the resulting figure that one should judge future events.

For unmarried girls The festive evening and night with Melanka (January 13 is celebrated as the day of St. Melanka) on Vasily has always been considered a suitable time for truthful fortune telling about love and the betrothed. Based on ancient Slavic pagan rituals, modern ones were formed interesting ways fortune telling, with the help of which you can find out any information about your future husband or the feelings of your loved one.

Most of these fortune tellings are simple and accurate. They can be carried out independently at home alone or in the company of friends.

To find out, you need to feed the cat dumplings. The one who eats it first will marry before the rest. If you don’t have dumplings on hand, you can use threads of the same length. The girl whose thread burns out the fastest will be the first to marry. If the thread accidentally goes out, then this is a bad sign. The fortuneteller will never get married or will wait a long time for the wedding.

Unmarried girls or their mothers can also tell fortunes imminent marriage using nut shells. Place two shells in a bowl of water walnut. If they get together, the girl will soon get married, if they go their separate ways, the wedding is still far away.

Can be used for divination and wedding ring, which should be placed in a container of water and left in the cold overnight. In the morning, count the number of tubercles on the water, each of which symbolizes the future groom. If the water is frozen in one large bulge, then there is a wedding ahead, and if the surface is flat, it is not time for marriage yet.

Fortune telling using beans is also popular. You need to take a small handful of beans and pour them into a cup. Make a guess whether a girl will get married this year or not, using two simple phrases that need to be repeated during the ceremony, for example: “there will be a wedding” and “the wedding will not take place.” Continuously pronouncing the hidden words, you must slowly transfer the beans from one cup to another. Whatever phrase they end on is what will happen.

Another famous one New Year's ritual on the betrothed is carried out using a towel. Need to:

  • take a new white towel;
  • before going to bed, hang it out the window;
  • say magic words: “My betrothed, my mummer, come quickly and dry yourself with a towel”;
  • Go to bed;
  • In the morning, touch the hanging towel.

If it is wet, it means the groom wiped himself with it at night and there will be a wedding next year. If it’s dry, then the girl will have to be unmarried for another year.

Fortune telling by groats is carried out together with girlfriends. For it you need:

  • arrange small plates in a circle;
  • pour different cereals into each: buckwheat, rice, millet, semolina, pearl barley, and pour water into the remaining one;
  • each of the fortune tellers must spin a raw egg in the center of the circle;
  • then see which way it rolls.

If the egg rolled towards the buckwheat, then future husband will be rich and generous. Rice portends falling in love with married man, millet speaks of a fair-haired man, semolina promises a groom from the north, and pearl barley promises a military man. Water means that the girl will have to move after the wedding. If the egg remains in place, then next year you can’t expect marriage.

You can also learn about the character of your betrothed with the help of animals and birds. In the late evening of January 13, you need to go outside. Which Living being The first one to come across on the road, the spouse will have such a disposition. A cat portends an affectionate and cunning man, a dog – a faithful one, and a bird – a creative and gifted person.

To find out how family life will turn out, you can tell fortunes in this way: on Old New Year, pour three piles of grain at the gate. In the morning, see if it remains in place or the piles are destroyed. In the first case, the marriage will be happy, in the second - unhappy.

The peel of the apple is carefully cut off with a thin continuous strip. If during the process it suddenly broke off, the fortune telling did not work. You need to throw the cut skin over your right shoulder and see what letter the resulting figure resembles. It is with her that the name of the future husband will begin.

Another interesting and fun fortune telling, which is carried out on the occasion of the Old New Year. The girls go out into the street and stop the first passers-by they come across, asking their names. The first male name reported will belong to the spouse.

You can look at the appearance of your future spouse in a prophetic dream. As a rule, fortune telling by sleep is simple and safe, but at the same time it is distinguished by truthfulness.

To see your betrothed in a dream, you need to put a handful of hay that was lying near the icons in your right shoe on January 7, Christmas. And on the eve of the Old New Year, put it under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, he will dream about this night.” In a dream, a girl will see her future husband.

You can make a dream about your betrothed in this way: you need to hide a small mirror and a comb under the pillow and say: “Come, come. Comb it, comb it. Look at me, show yourself." At night you will definitely dream about your future husband.

For the same purpose, they tell fortunes on cards. Four kings from the new one are placed under the pillow playing deck. At the same time, you need to pronounce a spell: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream about me.” The king of spades in a dream means that the girl is about to marry an elderly man, the club of clubs is a marriage with a divorced or widower, the one of hearts foretells a wealthy handsome man, and the king of diamonds - a desired and beloved one.

The most terrible fortune-telling, which can be performed on the night of January 13-14 and during the entire Christmas period, is considered to be a ritual with mirrors and candles. With its help you can see your future spouse in reflection. It is held at midnight alone. Need to:

  • take two identical mirrors;
  • install them opposite each other;
  • light two candles lit in the church and place them side by side;
  • peer into the flame-lit mirror tunnel;
  • at the end of it the devil will appear in the form of the future betrothed;
  • as soon as this happens, you need to quickly say: “Forget me.”

It is necessary to cover up the evil spirits so that they do not penetrate into reality and drag the girl into the world of the looking glass. According to another belief, words of amulets should be pronounced so that the betrothed does not live in the mirror, otherwise the girl will never meet him.

“If the red maiden makes a wish for Vasily, everything will come true, but what will come true will not pass!” - said popular beliefs. Ancient fortune-telling on a holiday based on wishes is distinguished by its simplicity and variety. Here are some of them:

  1. 1. Take a book of any content and make a wish. Then open any page at random and point your finger at any paragraph, by which you should judge whether your plan will come true or not.
  2. 2. Fill one glass to the top with water, and leave the second empty. Think about something and pour water from one glass to another over the table several times. Carefully inspect the surface over which the ceremony was performed: if the table is dry or a little water has been spilled, the wish will be fulfilled, if a lot is not.
  3. 3. Fill the cup with rice. Say the magic words over it: “Tell me, fate, what should I expect: good or evil” and make a wish. At the same time, pour all the rice onto the table. Then select black or bad grains from the scattered grains and count them. An odd number foreshadows the fulfillment of a dream, and an even number indicates that the wish will not come true.
  4. 4. Throw a ring without stones, preferably an engagement ring, into a transparent glass with a flat bottom filled with water. Light a candle and place it on the left side of the glass. Exactly at 12 o'clock at night on January 13, make a wish and look closely at the center of the ring. After some time, the water in the glass will become cloudy and an image will appear that will tell you whether it will come true or not.
  5. 5. You can find out whether your plan will come true or not on the morning of January 14th. At the entrance to the church it is necessary to count the parishioners. You need to count the first thirteen people. If there are more men, then the answer is positive; if there are women, the wish will not come true.

Suitable for city dwellers modern views fortune telling:

  1. 1. If the fortuneteller has an elevator in her house, then you can ask him about the fulfillment of wishes. In the evening of Old New Year, you need to go out onto the site, think of a question and wait for someone to call the elevator. If he goes up, the desired will come true, if down, it won’t come true.
  2. 2. You can also use your phone to cast a spell. You need to think of a question, concentrate and look at the phone. If you receive a call from a man in the near future, your wish will come true; if you receive a call from a woman, your wish will not come true. It should be noted that you should expect a call not only on January 13, but also on January 14.
  3. 3. The next ritual is suitable for lovers of sweets. It is often used for fortune telling specifically for the Old New Year. You should fill the glass with champagne. On the night of January 14, a minute before midnight, think of any wish and ask: “Will the wish come true?” Then throw a small piece of chocolate into the glass. If he drowns, the wish will certainly come true, then champagne must be drunk very quickly within 12 seconds. If not, then the answer is negative.

There are many signs associated with this holiday that should be observed so that everything goes well next year:

  • You cannot say the word “thirteen” on holiday.
  • On January 14, they don’t count change, it leads to tears.
  • During the old New Year they do not lend money, otherwise the whole year can be spent in poverty.
  • It is not recommended to take out the trash on January 14 so that happiness does not leave the house.
  • A clear and starry sky predicts a generous harvest of berries.
  • January 14th can be shaken fruit trees so that Saint Basil would save the gardens from pests. In the morning you need to go around the garden, reading the spell: “As I shake off (name) the white fluffy snow, so Saint Basil will shake off every worm-reptile in the spring.”
  • The ancestors believed that on the Generous Evening, witches stole the moon from the heavens, but still could not stop the coming of the growing day.
  • On the holiday, early in the morning, it was customary to cook Vasiliev’s porridge and monitor its preparation. If the porridge “escapes” from the pan or the pot in which it is cooked cracks, there will be trouble. In this case, the porridge along with the vessel was thrown into the hole. If it was cooked as it should be, they would definitely eat it all.

The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

But how to rejuvenate them? Plastic surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - photorejuvenation, gas-liquid peeling, radio lifting, laser facelift? A little more affordable - the course costs 1.5-2 thousand dollars. And when will you find time for all this? And it's still expensive. Especially now. Therefore, I chose a different method for myself...

From January 13 to 14, the New Year is celebrated according to the old style. The tradition of celebrating the Old New Year is associated with the Julian calendar, according to which our country lived until 1918. This tradition has not passed away also because Orthodox Church has not switched to the Gregorian calendar and celebrates its holidays according to the old style.

It is January 14 according to the old style that January 1, 2016 occurs. The Old New Year is a rare historical phenomenon, an additional holiday that resulted from a change in chronology.

Because of this discrepancy in calendars, we celebrate two “New Years” - according to the old and new styles.

Thus, on the night of January 13-14, everyone can afford to “pre-celebrate” their most favorite holiday.

Indeed, for many believers, the old New Year has special meaning, since they can celebrate it only after the end of the Nativity Fast, writes BelTA.

All more people They treat it as an independent holiday that prolongs the charm of the New Year or allows you to feel this charm for the first time.

After all, this holiday is calmer; it is not characterized by the bustle that is an inevitable companion of the New Year.

According to popular belief, fortune-telling is considered the most accurate for the old New Year - on the night of January 13-14, although you can cast a fortune during all the days of Christmastide.

  • When doing fortune telling, maintain complete silence, do not talk or laugh.
  • You cannot cross your arms and legs. This will help you, first of all, not to get confused when during the ritual you need to take an object with a certain hand.
  • You need to take off all the things that encircle or bind you, be it a ring, bracelet or belt.
  • During fortune telling, a person should not be under the protection of religion, so they must remove their crosses and hide icons indoors, gives advice.

The people believed that on holy evenings ghosts, goblins, and spirits walk the earth. Therefore, this period was considered the most favorable for predicting fate, in particular marriage.

The most popular method among village youth was fortune telling on different objects - even or odd. The paired number symbolized married couple, and unpaired - loneliness.

For example, they went out into the yard and collected firewood. Having brought them into the house, they counted whether the number was even or odd. For the same purpose, they clasped the boards in the fence. And again, an even or odd number meant either an imminent wedding, or vice versa. The same principle is used to answer other questions asked.

Rice fortune telling. Place rice on a flat surface. Wet your palm with water. Make a wish and place your wet hand on the rice. Count how many grains of rice are stuck to your palm: an even number promises the fulfillment of a wish.

The following custom was found almost everywhere: they poured a pile of grains in the middle of the house and let it peck the rooster, and the remainder was recalculated.

An equally common method of fortune telling was eavesdropping under the windows of neighbors' houses. If they talked calmly in the house - good omen, but if they swore or argued, life promised to be turbulent.

You can get help blank sheet of paper. Each girl (2-3 fortune tellers participate) crumples up a leaf and sets it on fire on a clean plate. A pile of ash and a residue of burnt paper is formed. Using a candle, you should create a projection of shadows on the wall. Looking at the shadows, you can see various pictures, images, symbols, according to which the future is interpreted.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Fortune telling by threads. Several girls must tell fortunes. Everyone is given threads of the same length. The girls take their threads with their left hand by one end, and simultaneously set the other end on fire. Whose thread burns out first will get married first. Those whose thread has gone out will still have a very long time to wait for their wedding.

Fortune telling using pieces of paper with names. Another way to find out the name of your future husband is to write on several small pieces of paper male names and put them under your pillow before going to bed. In the morning, when you wake up, take out the first piece of paper you come across, whatever name is written on it - that’s what the betrothed will be called.

Fortune telling by matches. Matches will help predict whether a girl is destined to be with her lover. On the sides matchbox two matches are inserted and lit. If the burnt heads come together, there is no doubt that the couple’s love will be eternal. If the burnt matches remained in their places or leaned in different directions, the intended couple does not have a future together.

Can also be placed under your pillow four card kings. At the same time, you need to say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer - dream about him in a dream.” The betrothed will be dreamed of in the form of some king.

Bread and scissors. According to legend, if you put bread and scissors under your pillow before going to bed on Old New Year, a girl will certainly dream about her betrothed.

Before going to bed, a fortune-telling girl needs eat something salty and under no circumstances should you drink it with water. When going to bed, you need to say: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me and give me something to drink.” According to legend, whoever comes to give you something to drink is the one you will marry.

Need to be placed under the bed small bowl of water, and put a small wooden stick on it and say before going to bed: “Betrothed, come take me across the bridge.” Whoever crosses the bridge in a dream will marry him.

In a tub filled with water, the girls lower the wooden marked spoons and dangle the water. Whose spoon leaves the edge of the tub, that girl will certainly get married this year. They also tell fortunes about the name of the future groom.

At midnight the girls go to the crossroads. Here everyone asks the name of the first man they meet - it will be the name of the betrothed. By the way, modern girls They guess a little differently. At the crossroads they pick up mobile phone , dial any number, and if a man answers the phone, ask for his name, which presumably will be the name of the groom.

Various items are placed in a bowl or saucer, which the fortune-telling girls must take turns drawing out without looking. The main condition is that the items must clearly reflect a character trait or quality of life. For example, sugar - a sweet life, a good, flexible character of the groom, a ring - marriage, a glass - a cheerful life, a gold ring - wealth.

Here's another way to see your future spouse. Need to Use a clean comb to comb your hair at night and place it under your pillow with a fresh pillowcase. Before going to bed, you should imagine the image of the desired person.

Fortune telling for your betrothed using mirrors. Place two mirrors: one large, the other smaller, facing one another front side; the smaller mirror should be closer to the fortuneteller. Place two candles between the mirrors and look through the top of the smaller mirror. It turns out to be a long corridor, gradually darkening in depth. They look into this deep part and after a while begin to see there various items, by which the future is determined.

It's better to guess non-residential premises or in the attic, with her hair down and no belt. At the beginning of fortune-telling they say: “The betrothed-mummer! Come and have dinner with me!” Sooner or later, the betrothed appears in the mirror. Then you need to say: “Cheer me!” The vision will disappear. If you don’t have time to do this, your betrothed may jump out of the mirror and then a misfortune will happen.

Fortune telling

By the shadows. For the next fortune telling you will need a sheet of clean paper and a saucer. It is better to sit near a smooth wall, on which shadows would be reflected well. You need to focus on an exciting issue and set fire to a crumpled paper sheet in a saucer. The shadow of the burning paper displayed on the wall will give the answer.

Seeing a ring means a wedding, a flower means new love and popularity with the opposite sex. A ship portends a business trip or journey. The cross warns of future illnesses. If a human figure appears, you will soon find true friend, if you see a figurine of an animal, be careful, most likely you have an enemy.

Different figures and similarities can be interpreted in different ways and require imagination. If you are not alone in guessing, then you can unite your efforts and interpret them together.

They guessed about the future with the help books. It is best to take a book of spiritual content. Without opening it, you need to guess the page number and the line at the top or bottom, open it and read it in the indicated place. They interpret what they read, as a rule, in accordance with what interests the fortuneteller most - wealth, travel, marriage, health, etc.

For the advanced: fortune telling on TV

Those who consider cups, rings and pies to be yesterday can enjoy the fruits of progress with a clear conscience, writes Everything you need for these fortune tellings is modern man always at hand. You need to sit in front of the TV turned off, close your eyes and concentrate. After that, formulate some question that concerns you. Having clearly stated the question, turn on the TV and listen to the answer. Then draw conclusions.

Fortune telling is a sin

The Belarusian Exarchate called for abandoning Christmas fortune telling. “Any kind of divination has been considered a grave sin since Old Testament times,” the exarchate told Sputnik.

According to the old tradition, on the night of January 13-14, 2018, people celebrate a strange holiday - the Old New Year. This holiday is also called the “rich” or generous Vasilyev evening. Why generous? That evening it was supposed to generously set the table and treat everyone who entered the house. But what is especially interesting for unmarried girls is that this evening you could tell your fortune! Popular New Year's fortune-telling can predict the future and tell about the betrothed-mummer.

While our readers are discussing the holidays in January 2018 and the forecast for next year, we are publishing information about fortune telling for the Old New Year. On Vasilyev's evening, according to the belief that is so tenacious among the people, witches steal the month from heaven in order to forever restore the kingdom of night on earth. But their plan fails; under the power of the gradually growing day, the darkness dissipates and the sun appears in the sky, shortening the long winter night.

At the height of Christmastide, on the eighth day, Saint Basil is celebrated. People said about this day: “If a red maiden makes a wish for Vasily for the Old New Year, everything will come true, but what will come true will not pass!” The expected and favorite entertainment of unmarried maidens on the occasion of the Old New Year has always been fortune telling for the Old New Year.

To create a mysterious, magical atmosphere, the girls gathered in dark room which was lit with candles. They used it to tell fortunes using Christmas attributes and for fortune-telling on the occasion of the Old New Year, the Generous Evening of January 13th.

Fortune telling on a ring, bread and hook

Three objects - a hook, a ring and bread - are placed in a bowl with pieces white bread, coal, stones and other small things on the night of January 13-14, 2018. The bowl is covered with a towel, then the girls take turns pulling out the first thing that fell into their hand from the bowl (each time, before the next girl, the thing returns to the bowl). If you get a piece of bread, the hubby will be rich, if you pull out a ring, you will get a handsome man, but the key is not good: a poor man or a wretched one.

Ancient fortune telling with sticks

Take three sticks - red, white, blue - and put them in the box. Pull the sticks three times. For the first time you can see how rich your future husband will be. A red stick means a rich person, a white stick means a middle peasant, and a blue stick means a poor person. The second time you can look at the appearance: red - handsome, white - handsome, blue - unattractive.

Fortune telling for January 13th by dogs

A dog is allowed into the room where the fortune teller sits alone. The girl’s fate is judged by the dog’s behavior: if the dog runs right up to her, the girl will be happy in her marriage; if she sniffs the floor first, the husband will be angry and stern; married life it won’t work out, but if the dog immediately starts cuddling and wagging his tail, the hubby will come across as affectionate.

Fortune telling by shoe

Traditional fortune telling, in which girls threw any piece of shoe onto the road. the toe of a shoe that had fallen to the ground showed. Which way will the girl marry? If the shoe turned its toe towards the house, the maiden would not be seen this year.

Fortune telling by conversations

The girls walked around the village, where they could hear a conversation, approached the hut and listened - what they talk about will come true: there is fun in the house - to have a fun life, swearing in the house - means swearing, etc.

Fortune telling: when will you get married?

In the old days, they could easily find out when it was time for a girl to get married. On Christmas Eve it was necessary to pour water into a glass. And near the glass - both opposite sides, two candles were placed next to the walls. With the help of their mother's or grandmother's wedding ring, which was tied to the girls' hair, they learned the future. It was necessary to lower the ring into the glass so that it did not touch the surface of the water. The ring began to sway little by little, and the girl listened. They said that the ring could sing the name of the future husband and ring out the wedding date. It happened, of course, that they could not guess the name of the betrothed, but then they counted how many times the ring hit the wall of the glass: then the girl would get married.

Fortune telling with a comb

Before going to bed, the girl combs her hair, saying: “Betrothed, mummer, come and comb my hair,” after which she puts the comb under the pillow. The man in the dream will be her betrothed. If he combs her, or combs himself with this comb, she will marry this year.

New Year's Eve is the border between the past and the future, and at such a magical moment you can not only send wishes to the Universe, but also ask it for answers to your questions. One of the most frequently asked questions from women is where to look for a betrothed and what kind of person he will be.

On Old New Year, you can take a moment and tell fortunes in order to reveal the secret. So, Ivetta will tell you some of the most exact ways cast a spell on your future husband.


Before you start the session, you should familiarize yourself with the rules of the process so that the prediction is as accurate as possible. On January 13, you need to wait until sunset and only then start. During fortune telling, there should be no animals in the room with those who want to know their fate, because they can frighten away the spirits and they will either not give out information at all or give incorrect information.

If you plan to tell fortunes using candles, then you need to buy them at the church. In this way, you can protect yourself from the influence of evil spirits, which are especially active during the holidays.

And the main rule: Before starting fortune telling, you need to prepare yourself mentally. There is no need to laugh and joke, because this is a serious matter.

Fortune telling by candles

Fill a bowl with a diameter of at least 30 cm halfway with water. Attach several pieces of paper to the edges, on which you first write: “I will get married this year,” “I will lose weight,” “I will be lucky,” “I will give birth to a child,” “I will increase my salary,” “I will travel a lot.”

Now you need to find a suitable candle so that it fits into the walnut shell. So, light the candle inserted into the shell and place it in the middle of the container with water. An improvised boat will wash up on one of the shores, on which a prediction is written.

You need to drip wax (from a church candle) onto the mirror and put it under the pillow. Before you go to bed, say: “My betrothed, dream about me this night.” Be sure prophetic dream guaranteed. Just don’t forget the guy’s name or face when you wake up, otherwise you’ll have to wait a whole year to repeat the ritual.

Fortune telling with a ring

Pour half a glass of water and throw into it the ring that you often wear, with the words: “Show yourself to me, my future husband!” Looking carefully through the water at the roundness of the decoration, you should see the man’s face.

Fortune telling on a chain

Sit at the table, rub the chain between your palms. When you feel warm, take the chain in right hand and throw it sharply on the table. Interpret the patterns:

  • Circle: You will find yourself in a difficult situation from which it will not be easy to find a way out.
  • Flat strip: good luck will accompany you all year.
  • Node: get ready for a very difficult year.
  • Triangle: success in amorous affairs.
  • Bow: you will get married.
  • Heart: you are loved very much.
  • Snake: Be careful, there is a traitor nearby.

Fortune telling on paper

Before you go to bed, take seven pieces of paper and write men's names on six of them. One sheet should remain blank. Put the notes under your pillow, and in the morning, as soon as you open your eyes, without looking, pull out one of the notes. Think about which of those whose names are written on the piece of paper are in your circle and, most importantly, whether he can lay claim to the title of your groom. If you get caught Blank sheet, this means that you have not yet met your betrothed.

On January 13, before going to bed, you need to put on a new stocking left leg with the words: “My betrothed, come and take off my stocking!” Whoever dreams about it will become your future husband, who will have to take off your stockings for the rest of your life and put on dresses and fur coats.

Fortune telling on the ridge

Comb your hair with a comb at night and braid it. The comb should spend the night under the pillow, but when sending it there, don’t forget to say: “I’m waiting for my betrothed so that he can undo my braid and comb my hair!” If you are going to be a bride in the coming year, your braid will definitely unravel overnight, and if it’s too early to think about marriage, your hair will remain neatly braided.

By the way, if you comb your hair with your favorite comb instead of a comb, then it’s okay. The main thing is to scratch your hair with an object that you use every day, because it carries very strong energy.

These are simple ways to find out how life will turn out in the new year and whether you will dance at your wedding. But remember that your destiny is only in your hands, and if you guessed something for yourself that you don’t want, then you can change everything not with the help of “magical” attributes, but by using hard work and the desire for the best.
