The Empress and the Dancer. “An Unfinished Novel” by Irina Allegrova

// Photo: frame from the “Let Them Talk” program

The other day, Irina Allegrova’s ex-husband, Igor Kapusta, died. The man went to the doctors to undergo a routine examination. While in one of the hospitals in St. Petersburg, the celebrity’s ex-husband became infected from other patients in the general ward. Cabbage contracted an infection that became fatal to him. His sister Galina told reporters about this.

Igor's relatives believe that his body was unable to cope with the infection. IN short time she brought him to serious pneumonia with swelling of the lung tissue. Over time, the man did not get better. His condition worsened every day.

“My brother was taken to intensive care. The lungs did not react at all, the auxiliary abdominal muscles became involved,” said the sister of Allegrova’s ex-wife Galina.

On the eve of the sad event, Cabbage fell into critical condition. According to journalists, he stopped sleeping and eating and could not move. Igor’s relatives hoped that the doctors would be able to get him back on his feet. However, the efforts of medical specialists were in vain. The man passed away on the night from Monday to Tuesday.

According to Kapusta’s relatives, his health condition has deteriorated significantly after being behind bars. Last spring, a man was released from prison - he spent five years in a maximum security colony in the village of Fornosovo in Leningrad region. “This is a long time,” Allegrova’s ex-husband shared in the “New Russian Sensations” program. – There are no sensations yet. I came out stunned, looking at the street, looking at it all with completely different eyes. No, I didn’t go wild - I just always lacked communication. The lack of communication is scary, of course.”

// Photo: frame from the “Live Broadcast” program of the “Russia 1” channel

In June, Igor’s sister Galina told media representatives that he had been diagnosed with a serious illness - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a severe stage. Cabbage was helped by first-class specialists, but even they could not influence his situation, which was assessed as very difficult.

With my ex-wife Igor did not communicate with Irina Allerova. Kapusta dated the singer in the 90s. The lovers did not formalize the relationship. It is known that they got married by taking passports from friends. In total, Allegrova and Kapusta lived in marriage for several years. The star's chosen one wanted to prove his worth to her, but his business was not going well. Having learned that Igor was cheating on her, the singer decided to put an end to their relationship.

According to, in Lately Cabbage's life began to go uphill. After the man was released, he found new love. Despite the terrible diagnosis, Igor did not despair. The chosen one of Allegrova’s ex-husband planned to give birth to his child.

They recorded both my car and me a long time ago. “Hello, Igor Dmitrievich! - the guard's voice rang out. “Sorry, but you are not allowed in!”

Ira, I can’t get into our house. But I need to pick up my things and documents. And it’s worth talking... Please tell the guards to let me in.

He left the team and became a completely non-public person who ran the household. Many people thought that Kapusta was a gigolo. Igor refuted such speculation, because he constantly worked and loved this woman, and not her achievements and popularity.

Igor did not communicate with his ex-wife Irina Allerova. Kapusta dated the singer in the 90s. Lovers are not formalized the relationship officially. It is known that they got married by taking passports from friends. In total, Allegrova and Kapusta lived in marriage for several years. The star's chosen one wanted to prove his worth to her, but his business was not going well. Having learned that Igor was cheating on her, the singer decided to put an end to their relationship.

Cabbage believed that they simply ruined each other’s lives. He repeatedly tried to meet People's Artist, offering her companionship. Igor did not hesitate to admit that he remained in love with the singer. But knowing the unyielding, tough character of the star, all his attempts to get closer led to nothing.

The organizers of the exhibition - Channel Five, the Polytechnic Museum and the Leningrad Center - managed to collect in one place authentic artifacts of the history of domestic television and radio broadcasting, and every visitor will be able to see all these rare exhibits in action.

Igor Kapusta latest news. News today 07/05/2018

On the night of May 15, one of the ex-husbands of singer Irina Allegrova was in intensive care. According to media reports, Igor Kapusta underwent a routine examination. However, according to his relatives, he contracted an infection at the clinic, which turned into pneumonia.

Irina Allegrova married a dancer from her group, Igor Kapusta, in 1994 under different names. The couple is not made out marriage is official. According to, Kapusta never established a relationship with his ex-lover. The former spouses did not communicate.

Igor Kapusta: disease, Wikipedia. Fresh material as of 07/05/2018

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“The lack of communication is scary, of course. All my friends left earlier, I was the only one left there. There is simply no one to communicate with. I had to remain silent for days, and went into reading,” admitted Irina Allegrova’s ex-husband. [Read more...]

In summer last year Igor Kapusta’s sister stated that he had been diagnosed with a serious illness. The man was found chronic obstructive lung disease in a severe stage. Galina believed that her brother’s deterioration in health was influenced by being in prison.

Igor Kapusta was the fourth husband of Irina Allegrova. Before that, she was married to basketball player from Baku Georgiy Tairov, artistic director of the “Jolly Fellows” ensemble Vladimir Bleher and producer and leader of the “Electroclub” group Vladimir Dubovitsky.

I remember the last meeting, or rather the attempted meeting, very well. This was in the winter of 2000. On a frosty December day I drove up to our house in Vatutinki. I approached the gate. Pressed the intercom button.

Irina Allegrova and Igor Kapusta got married in 1994, and five years later they separated. At the time of their acquaintance, 35-year-old Igor Kapusta was an ordinary dancer, while the concerts of Allegrova, who is 9 years older than him, were already drawing full houses.

According to relatives, Kapusta underwent a routine examination, but contracted an infection, which later turned into infectious pneumonia. The man was transferred to intensive care, where he died on the night of Tuesday, May 15.

In June, Igor’s sister Galina told media representatives that he had been diagnosed with a serious illness - chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a severe stage. Cabbage was helped by first-class specialists, but even they could not influence his situation, which was assessed as very difficult.

From the materials of the criminal case it follows that on that day Igor and his new wife were driving his partner’s car. The police stopped the car. After searching the car, they found a cache with two kilograms of hashish.

As journalists learned, Irina Allegrova’s ex-husband Igor Kapusta passed away in one of the hospitals in St. Petersburg. According to relatives, the man contracted an infection that caused pneumonia. As a result, Igor was transferred to intensive care. Doctors did everything possible to save Cabbage’s life, but their efforts were unsuccessful.

Correspondents contacted the sister of her ex-husband Allegrova. Galina Kapusta confirmed the data that had become public. A woman is experiencing a bereavement.

“Today at one o’clock in the morning Igor died. He is no longer with us,” Galina Kapusta is quoted as saying in the press.

Actor Stanislav Sadalsky found Kapusta's death very suspicious. “It's amazing. He just lay down for an examination and died - this is symbolic for our healthcare!” – the artist shared on social networks.

// Photo: Still from the program “Live”

Last spring, Igor Kapusta was released from prison. The ex-husband of Irina Allegrova spent five years in a maximum security colony in the village of Fornosovo in the Leningrad region. A man went to jail after two kilograms of drugs were found in his car. At the court hearing, Kapusta refused to admit his guilt and said that he was frightened by the prospect of imprisonment.

Igor's relatives tried to support him during a difficult period. Relatives of the pop star's ex-husband said that his detention was arranged by spiteful critics. Galina Kapusta suspected that her brother was in prison due to the dishonest behavior of business partners who decided to appropriate his share.

// Photo: Still from the program “Let Them Talk”

After Kapusta was released, he became the hero of the NTV program “New Russian Sensations.” The man told reporters how being behind bars changed him, and recalled his life together with Allegrova. “Five years is a long time. There are no sensations yet. I came out stunned, looking at the street, looking at it all with completely different eyes. No, I didn’t go wild - I just always lacked communication. A lack of communication is scary, of course,” shared the artist’s ex-lover.

Last summer, Igor Kapusta’s sister announced that he had been diagnosed with a serious illness. The man was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a severe stage. Galina believed that her brother’s deterioration in health was influenced by being in prison.

Irina Allegrova married a dancer from her group, Igor Kapusta, in 1994 under different names. The couple did not formalize their marriage. According to, Kapusta never established a relationship with his ex-lover. The former spouses did not communicate.

They say about Irina Allegrova that she is from the category of those women who change husbands like gloves. She actually married several times, but she never managed to build family happiness. Maybe because she considered bitchiness to be one of the most valuable female qualities. You can’t even throw out the words from her song: “All of us women are bitches...”. More than 15 years have passed since Irina Allegrova and Igor Kapusta separated, but the singer still cannot forgive him, so deep is this wound. This marriage was her fourth.

Igor Kapusta: biography, personal life

The singer was not immediately able to comment on her divorce. Only after a little time had passed, passions and resentments had slowly subsided, did the empress of the pop stage open the curtain of her boudoir a little.

When they met, Irina was 44 years old, and Igor was 35. Many of their friends and acquaintances initially predicted that their marriage was doomed, since Igor Kapusta was an ordinary dancer, and Irina was a popular soloist who attracted full houses in such huge halls as "Olympic". But love is evil. Allegrova forgot about everything next to him, she thought that finally a real fairy tale had entered her life.

And what's surprising is this Strong woman I didn’t doubt my chosen one for a minute, otherwise I wouldn’t have married him in 1993. Irina hurried with this event, since her father was very ill, and she wanted him to see her happy as soon as possible married woman. I immediately found cabbage with him mutual language. Two weeks after the wedding, her father died. Because of all this haste and difficult events, Irina Allegrova and Igor Kapusta never made it to the registry office. They got married using someone else's passports, which they took from friends.


Igor Kapusta, whose biography is little known, enveloped his wife with sincere care and love, tried to help her in everything, especially since she was very worried about the illness of her beloved father. Igor tried to be close all this time, took Irina and her daughter Lala to the hospital, then quit his job and devoted himself entirely to construction country house in Vatutinki. He really wanted to build a warm family nest for the two of them, and maybe for three. Irina wanted to give birth, but she couldn’t.

However, the ballet dancer could not get used to the status of his wife, because he perfectly understood who he was and who she was. Irina did not deny the rumors that he was her sponsor, although this was not true. No, Irina did not intend to make her husband a sponsor or director. Show business is not for everyone, but she tried to guide him along the line of development own business, but talent is also needed here, and Igor did not strive for this.

Destroyed Nest

After eight years life together The star's marriage gradually began to crack at the seams. And they played in this main role not only Igor’s constant betrayals - fame and money became a real test for him, which broke him. After all, be that as it may, he came to everything ready, so he quickly became proud, began to show off, get carried away with alcohol and change cars one after another, then his mistresses appeared.

Quarrels began in the house, at first Irina even thought about quitting the stage and sitting at home in the hope that relationships in the family would finally improve, but this required money, and only her solo concerts brought it.


One day, watching the life of her mother and Igor crumble, Lala wrote her a letter. Irina found it very cruel and insulting; there was a big quarrel, although it lasted for two weeks. But soon Allegrova realized how right her daughter was, although for a long time I didn’t want to delve into pressing family problems.

Having thus seen the light, she sharply changed her attitude towards her husband and decided to say goodbye to Cabbage. The singer’s mother and daughter were only glad of their separation, because in last years, except for Irina herself, everyone around her began to suffer. And she began to look for calm in a glass of alcohol. But then I was able to find the strength to start a new life.


Kapusta left Irina in September, before that he stopped at home, picked up a couple of sweaters and a toothbrush, got into the car and drove away. When they were just starting to live, he warned Irina that if things didn’t work out for them, just as he came with a toothbrush, he would leave with it. Thus, it was as if he had prophesied trouble for himself. Unable to bear the parting, Allegrova was the first to call, she wanted to talk to him, but his offended manhood did not want this, and after a while he began to look for a meeting with her, but nothing came of this either.

In 2001, Kapusta completely changed his social circle, started doing business, got married, and had a daughter, Sasha. Then he became a grandfather: his son from his first marriage, Stanislav, who lives in Moscow, had a daughter.

Let's go back in time. Igor Kapusta: biography, date of birth

There is very little biographical information about Cabbage. All that is known for certain is that he graduated from the St. Petersburg Vaganova Ballet School. At the age of 18, Igor Kapusta (date of birth is also unknown) decided to try independent life free from parental care. He went to Tashkent to dance leading roles at the Chelyabinsk Theater, but from there he was almost immediately drafted into the army. He returned to civilian life already married and with a small son, but very quickly became single again.

Igor's cabbage returned to form, and then his sister Galya brought him to the St. Petersburg Music Hall, with which he later traveled the whole world for six years. When he turned 26, he fell in love with a Muscovite Katya, with whom he began dancing in the famous musical dance group “Recital”. And then Evgeny Boldin (Pugacheva’s then-husband) sent them to tour Greece.

At that time, Kapusta was already in love with an artist from their ballet, Tatyana Kleptseva (nicknamed Klepa). They lived in Greece for several years, and when they arrived in the USSR, chaos and perestroika had already reigned here, the country became completely different. She and Tatyana rented an apartment in the Chertanovo area and began looking for work.

The most intriguing thing was that at that very moment Allegrova did not share the stage with Viktor Saltykov. She left, slamming the door, and began to urgently recruit her group. This is how Kapusta and Klepa ended up working with Allegrova. And then it started spinning and away. The “Empress” immediately noticed a handsome, sexy and brutal guy. Soon Klepa found out that Igor was cheating on her, and not with anyone, but with the boss herself. And then she went to work for Kirkorov, and Kapusta moved to Allegrova, who at that time lived with her daughter Lala on the first floor in a two-room apartment, and her parents lived on the second floor.


In 2012, in the fall, St. Petersburg police, during a search in Igor Kapusta’s car, found two kilograms of hashish. For drug possession, 52-year-old Igor Kapusta went to prison for 6 years. Accustomed to luxury at the expense of others, he suddenly wanted to prove to everyone, and especially to Irina, that he was worth something. However, he chose for himself a very dangerous criminal path of earning easy money by distributing drugs, which brought him to jail.

For a long time, he and nine other prisoners were kept in a cell measuring 9 square meters. m. The former artist developed pancreatitis, varicose veins and a severe cough, and then had a heart attack, and he was immediately sent to the hospital, where he was near death for three months. His sister Galya told about this. Igor’s relatives tried to pity Irina and asked her for help, but she made it clear that she would not interfere in this matter. That was the end of it.

Instead of an afterword

Cabbage Igor, in spite of everything, always stood out among others, according to Irina, with his intelligence and nobility, which at one time bribed her. He really loved her, and she really loved him, but for some reason fate separated them. They did not get along in character; pride, jealousy and passion got in the way. No drama - no plot. However, it can be noted that they were an extraordinary, beautiful and very passionate couple, who were envied by many at one time.
