Thoughts to think about. Unusual questions that make you think

Sometimes you need to stop, take a break from the bustle of the world, take a deep breath and think about the future. Quo vadis? - Where we are going? Are we moving in the right direction? Maybe we should change course? What are we trying to achieve? It is likely that the statements of great representatives of humanity will help you find the necessary guidelines.

Life modern man with its endless flow of information, it is complex and multifaceted, and often people simply get lost among the variety of events and everyday routine. Here it is important to feel in time that you are starting to go with the flow, and not allow circumstances to get the better of you. Be creative own life, do not rely on fate - fortune is a capricious lady, she may not smile.

Read These Thoughtful Quotes famous people, think about them, and perhaps they will help you take stock of your own life. Take a moment from your daily routine and find some time for yourself.

No matter how busy you are - at work or at home with children - try to set aside at least a few minutes every day to switch gears and reflect on the essence of being. And - who knows? - maybe these quotes from the greats will help you find your place in life.

1. “Someday in the future you will realize that the years of struggle were the best in life,” Sigmund Freud.

2. “If you don’t like something, change it. If you can't change it, treat him differently." Maya Angelou.

3. “The greatest difficulty in this world is that fools and fanatics are always confident in themselves, but wise men are filled with doubts,” Bertrand Russell.

4. “The thinking that gets us where we are is different from the thinking that gets us where we want to be,” Albert Einstein.

5. “Tell me and I will forget. Show me and I will remember. Make me do it and I will understand,” Confucius.

6. “I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so you learn to let them go; everything around you collapses so that you learn to appreciate when everything is normal; you believe when they lie to you, so that over time you learn to trust only yourself; and sometimes something good falls apart to create something better.” Marilyn Monroe.

7. “Never allow yourself to be silenced, never allow yourself to be made a victim. Don’t accept other people’s interference in your life – create it yourself,” Robert Frost.

8. “You will stop worrying about what others think of you once you realize how rare it is,” Eleanor Roosevelt.

9. “Just because something doesn’t make a profit doesn’t mean it’s worthless,” Arthur Miller.

10. “Promise me that you will always remember: you are braver than you think, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think,” Alan Alexander Milne.

11. “There is only one place in the world that you can absolutely improve - and that is yourself,” Aldous Huxley.

12. “A tree is judged by its fruits, and a man by his deeds. A good deed will never go unnoticed. Those who sow politeness reap friendship, and those who cultivate goodness will reap love,” St. Basil.

13. “It is not the strongest species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but those that are able to respond quickly to change,” Charles Darwin.

14. “Time is too slow for those who wait, too fast for those who fear, too long for those who mourn, too short for those who are happy, but for those who love, time is forever,” Henry Van Dyke .

15. “You don’t need to be a fantastic hero to do something, to compete with someone. You can be an ordinary guy who is motivated enough to achieve challenging goals." Sir Edmund Hillary.

Some of these thought-provoking questions may seem funny to you, others may be stupid, but they will definitely impress you because they affect each of us. Answer each one and you will rediscover yourself. To practice spoken English, we recommend formulating your answers in English.

Who are you?

There are people who say that there is no such thing as a person - only a set of roles that we play. How we understand this can say a lot about us. But who are we really? Boss or subordinate? Family man, bachelor, careerist?

In fact, we define who we are. Don't let other people take away your right to self-determination.

Who would you like to be?

Who would you like to be?

In an ideal world, the answer to this would be the same as the question above. But we, however, do not live in perfect world, therefore, “who we are” and “who we want to become” are completely different things. What do you want from life? Make sure you become what you dream of.

Are you proud of yourself?

Are you proud of yourself?

Short answer: yes or no? Why? If your answer is “no,” then you should do something that will make you look at yourself completely differently.

If you met yourself five years ago, what would you say?

If you met yourself five years ago, what would you say?

If you had the opportunity to prevent yourself from making mistakes during these five years, would you want to? Realize that you need to treat failures as experiences, and not try to fix them in every possible way.

If you met yourself in the present, what would you tell yourself?

If you met yourself in the present, what would you say to yourself?

Imagine if you saw your future, would you be happy with it? Or maybe you would like to change everything radically? If you have doubts about this, it's time to act!

What's the most important thing you've learned in your entire life?

What’s the most important thing that you’ve learned?

Why is this so important to you? Does this somehow help in life? Will this be useful for other people? Answer these questions to understand the value of your knowledge.

What is your greatest achievement?

What's your greatest achievement?

Looking back and seeing what accomplishment brought you the most satisfaction will help you understand what you want to achieve in the future.

If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don't like?

It is clear that there are situations in which you simply need to do something you hate, but, for example, work for 10 years in an unloved place under the leadership of bad management - why? Why do people like to torture themselves and look for excuses?

If life is so short, why don't we do what we love?

If life is that short, why do we do so many things we don’t like?

Maybe a lack of money, time, energy? But think about which memories will bring you more pleasure in forty years:

  1. work from morning to evening, seven days a week; a million-dollar car and a rich house?;
  2. a trip to the mountains with the family; a small car and children's laughter in the house.

Who knows, maybe you will be the lucky one who gets everything at once?

If you only had one year left to live, what would you like to do?

If you only had a year to live, what would you do?

What if it was not a year, but a month, a week, a day, an hour, ten minutes? I don't want to be a fatalist, but real life accidents happen. There were millions of us among us who thought they were going to the store, for a walk, or somewhere else, but never returned home. Don't put things off until later.

Agree with parents? Call your old friend? Apologize to someone? You may have many opportunities to do this, but it is better to do it right now.

What would you do if you knew that tomorrow would never come?

What would you do if you found out that there’s no tomorrow?

There is only here and now. Remember that not only the result is important, but also the process. Let me remind you that we have no idea when tomorrow will cease to exist for us.

Is it better to try and fail or never try?

What's better to try doing something and fail or don’t even try doing it?

If you have trouble answering this question, imagine this: You wake up in the morning and realize that you are now a superstar. The whole world knows and adores you. All roads are open. You are having the best day of your life. But the next morning everything was as usual, as if that day had never happened. Would you like to live it in this case?

Do you prefer to do something nice for you or right for others?

What do you like better, doing something that you like or doing something that’s right for others?

Of course, it would be better to combine the two, but imagine if you couldn't. You need to choose. What would you do in this case? This question is very complex and there is no clear answer to it. What is better: one's own good or human happiness?

Do you believe in what you are doing?

Do you believe in what you do?

Here you can only answer “yes” or “no”. There is no other option. Answer honestly to better understand yourself.

Is it more important in your life to pursue prey or to finally catch it?

What’s more important, stalking a victim or catching it?

Are you more satisfied with achieving your goal or taking the hardest route to get there? Are all means good to get what you want?

What does your self-talk look like?

What is your self-talk like?

Sometimes you need to talk to someone. Often you have to turn to yourself. How often do you do this? How do you address yourself? In what situations? For what? Are you listening to your inner voice? Do you pay attention to your needs or sometimes ignore them?

Do you know how to devote yourself entirely to something?

Can you devote yourself entirely to something?

One of the best feelings in life is the feeling of doing something you love. If a person has not found his calling, then he most likely will not be happy.

What good habits do you value?

What are your good habits you appreciate?

What do you like about yourself? Do others like this? There is not only criticism, but also praise. Don't forget this.

What habits would you like to get rid of?

What habits would you like to quit?

Coffee, cigarettes, sweets, snacks between meals... There are probably a lot of things that we would like to get rid of. And now answer the question: why haven’t you done this yet?

Would you rather be an unhappy genius or a happy but stupid one?

Would you rather be unhappy genius or a happy but stupid person?

Quite a difficult question, but very interesting. Answer it to set your priorities in life.

Do you live in the past, present or future?

What do you pay most attention to? Saving memories? Or maybe create new ones now? If you have already answered this question, then remember these principles:

  1. you will not change the past, no matter what;
  2. you shape the present NOW;
  3. the future will one day become the present.

Can you think of five situations that brought you pain in the past?

Can you recollect the five situations that hurt you in the past?

Do you remember? Think about whether they are hurting you now? Understand that any disappointment will go away, so don't focus your attention on the negative. A few more years and even today's problems will not be important to you.

What is the best memory from your childhood?

What is your best childhood memory?

Why is it so unique to you? Is there a chance to experience something like this again?

If you could only have one memory, what would it be?

If you could have only one memory, which one would you choose?

Many would prefer to keep the best memories in their memory in order to return to them again. But maybe it’s better to remember failures, because this way you can avoid them? A difficult question that requires time to think about.

What do you consider a waste of time?

What do you consider as a waste of time?

If you had to name three things that you would never spend even 10 seconds of your life doing, what would they be? Do you really see no value in this? Do you judge people who do this? Why?

Is what you do valuable to others?

Are your activities valuable for other people?

If so, who will care? If not, would you like to fix it? An excellent question that helps us understand what we really want.

Why do we love someone?

Why do we love someone?

Warning, this is a rather philosophical question. He seems ridiculous. We rarely think about why we love this or that person. Do you know why? Because our heart (or hormones) chooses it.

Does your life have meaning?

Does your life make any sense?

Try to look at yourself and your life as if you were looking at someone else. Does your life have meaning? What do you exist for? Supporting question: What is the difference between “life” and “existence” in your opinion? Where is the border? Are you crossing it by any chance?

If you needed to give your life more meaning, how would you do it?

If you had to make your life more meaningful, how would you do it?

Maybe you will go (or put “would go” here, or in the second sentence write “will create” instead of “would create”) to Africa? Or will you create something new? You must decide here and now what gives meaning to your life.

How could you change your life for the better right now?

How could you have changed your life for the better right now?

Of course, there are goals that are very difficult and take time. But there are things that you can change now. The main thing is to set tasks for yourself and diligently complete them.

Do you have any secrets?

Why? What would you do if other people knew them? Could it harm or embarrass you? If yes, then think about how this can be fixed.

What are you most afraid of in life?

What are you most afraid of?

Think about it. Is it really that scary? Remember that it is important to overcome your fears in order to become truly strong personality. Think about why you are afraid and when you started. If your fear has its origins in childhood, then you can contact a psychologist.

Can you name 3 situations where you did nothing because you were afraid of what others would think?

Can you name three situations where you did nothing simply because you were afraid of what others can think?

What is your attitude towards these situations now? Do you have any regrets? And if you knew that no one would judge you, what would you do with your life now? Would you change something or leave everything as it is?

If we learn from our mistakes, why are we afraid to make them?

If we learn from our mistakes, so why are we afraid to make them?

So where does this fear come from? Never forget that mistakes are experiences. When we do them, we become smarter. Learn to lose.

Are you waiting for a chance in your life?

Do you expect getting a chance in your life?

Why do you need this? Don't wait for someone to give you a chance, give it to yourself.

What's your first thought in the morning?

What’s your first thought in the morning?

It is very important to wake up in the morning with pleasure. If you have thoughts: “I don’t want to go to work,” “I have no desire to get out of bed,” then you should urgently do something with your life.

Is there anything you do differently than most people?

Is there something that you do in a different way than others do that?

What is this in your case? Can you say why you do it this way and not otherwise? Do you have any explanation for this? This behavior proves that you are unique, so you need to learn to value yourself.

If you could live anywhere on Earth, where would it be?

If you could live wherever you want, what place would you choose?

Don't worry about money, visas and other such things right now. Use your imagination. Hawaii? Majorca? Perhaps a harsher climate? Scandinavia? Why yes/no?

When are you most likely to take action?

When do you most likely to act?

Are you most inclined to take decisive action in moments of tension, or in calm situations? It is important to answer this question in order to create situations in the future that will motivate you.

If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it?

If you had a million dollars, what would you do?

Do you dream of winning the lottery? Do you need this to be happy? Think about where you would spend a million.

Would you break the law to save the person you love?

Could you break the law to help a person you love?

Where do you think your boundaries are? Could you cross them to save someone close to you? Try to imagine such a situation with all its consequences. How far can you go for your loved ones?

Do you think you know where is good and where is evil?

Do you think you know where is good and where is evil?

Are there things for which you can unconditionally condemn other people? Can the crime be justified in any way? Where is the line between good and evil?

Who are the five people you spend the most time with?

Who are those five people you spend the most time with?

What kind of people are these? What influence do they have on you? Are you inspired by them? Can you talk to them about any issue. And most importantly, are they dragging you down?

What connects your friends?

What binds your friends?

The choice of the company characterizes us perfectly. It's no secret that we like people we are similar to, or those we would like to be like.

Who is the one who inspires you the most?

Who is the person who inspires you the most?

What exactly do you like about this person? Is there a way for you to become more like him?

​Who is the most important to you?

Who is the most important to you?

Can you answer the question why this person is the most important to you? Are you paying enough attention to him? Do you still care about your relationship? Don't forget that sometimes you need to add a little wood to each fire.

If all the people you know died tomorrow, who would you visit?

If you knew that everyone you know die tomorrow, who would you visit?

Do you prefer to spend more time with one or two people, with all your friends? How would you deal with them if you knew you would never see them again? I bet you'd be great. Why not always be like this?

Would you like to have a friend like yourself?

Whoud do you like to have a friend like you?

A very interesting and complex question that will allow you to see your negative sides. Imagine a fight with yourself. 🙂 I wonder what it will be like?

Can you describe people who, in your opinion, are worse and better than you?

Can you describe people who are better or worse than you are?

Why do you think so? Which of these questions was more difficult? The answer speaks volumes about your perception of yourself.

When, if not now?

Stop putting your life on hold for later. When should we live if not now? Don't waste your time.

What thought-provoking question surprised and touched you the most? Which one made you rethink your life? Did you find the answers? Even if not, keep looking!

Don't try to answer all the questions in one minute right here and now. It won't do anything. Instead, choose one question per day. Try to live this day by “trying on” the question for everything that happens to you and around you: on family life, on relationships with work colleagues, on fellow travelers on the subway, etc. And only at the end of the day, before going to bed, formulate your final answer.

*If I gave you 200 rubles, how much of this money would you put aside for a rainy day? And if I gave 2 million rubles, then what part would you put aside for a rainy day? Is there a difference?

*If you had a friend who addressed you in the same terms that you sometimes use when addressing only yourself, how long would you remain friends?

*Would you rather be rich but paralyzed, or poor but healthy?

*What is the most expensive gift you have received in your life? Was this the best gift?

*When you last time lied? Is it possible to lie without saying anything at all?

*Theft is immoral, don’t you agree? But what if stealing was the only way to feed a starving child?

*You are for death penalty? What if someone kills your mother in cold blood? What if someone kills the mother of a stranger, but it turns out that he saved your life a month before?

*If someone could tell you the exact date and the time of your death, would you like him to tell you?

*If you knew that you would die today, would you regret and repent? Are you happy with how you spent the past 24 hours of your life?

*What was your biggest personal failure? Looking back at it now, did it make you weaker or stronger? What did he teach?

*Do the words freedom and independence mean not to be persecuted and discriminated against or do they mean “do what you want”?

*Have you ever been prejudiced against someone? Imagine that street gang, also known for wearing purple shirts, robbed and killed several hundred people in your city. If a man in a purple shirt rang your doorbell, would you answer him?

*Which is the crazier choice: being poor or living forty years hating forty hours a week?

*Are you feeling short on time? How many hours a week do you spend watching TV or computer games or at...?

*If you could gain a talent or new ability for anything, what would you choose? Have you ever actually tried to develop this ability on your own?

*When helping someone, do you always think about your own benefit?

*What is the difference between life and existence?

*If you could start all over again, would you change anything in your life?

*If your life could be summed up in a novel, what would its title and ending be?

*How would your life change if you always remembered everything and could not forget a single moment from your life?

I often write here, but then I came across an interesting text and wanted to translate it. And translated :)
Original here: ions-that-will-free-your-mind/

50 thought-provoking questions.

  1. How old would you give yourself if you didn't know your age?
  2. What's worse: screwing up or not trying?
  3. If life is so short, why do we do so many things that we don't want to do?
  4. When everything is said and done, will there be more said than done?
  5. What would you like to change most in the world?
  6. If happiness were a national currency, how would you get rich?
  7. Do you do what you believe in or what you are forced to do?
  8. If average duration a person's life was 40 years old, how would you live your life?
  9. How much control do you have over the events in your life?
  10. Are you more concerned with doing things right or doing the right thing?
  11. You are at dinner with three people you respect and appreciate. They begin to criticize your close friend in disgusting and unfair ways, not knowing that he is your friend. What are you going to do?
  12. What is the top piece of advice you would give to a newborn?
  13. Would you break the law to save someone you love?
  14. Have you seen madness where you then saw creativity?
  15. What do you do differently from most people?
  16. How is it that the things that make you happy don't make everyone happy?
  17. What have you not done yet but would really like to? What's stopping you?
  18. Are you holding onto something that should be let go?
  19. If you were to move to another place, what country would it be and why?
  20. Do you press the elevator call button more than once? Do you really believe that the elevator will arrive faster this way?
  21. Would you rather be a steamy genius or a carefree simpleton?
  22. Why are you you?
  23. Would you like to be friends with a person like you?
  24. What's worse: when a friend moves far away or when you stop communicating with a friend who lives near you?
  25. What are you most grateful for?
  26. What would you choose: to completely forget the past or not be able to remember the present?
  27. Is it possible to know the truth before checking it?
  28. Has your greatest fear come true?
  29. Do you remember that 5 years ago you were completely depressed? Does it matter now?
  30. What is your happiest childhood memory? Why is it like this?
  31. What were the last times you felt truly happy?
  32. When, if not now?
  33. If you didn't achieve something, what would you lose?
  34. Have you ever walked with someone in silence, feeling like you were having the best conversation of your life?
  35. Why do religions that promote love cause so many wars?
  36. Is it possible to know without doubt what is good and what is evil?
  37. If you won a million dollars, would you quit your job?
  38. Would you rather work less or work long hours doing what you love?
  39. Do you feel like this day is the same as hundreds of previous ones?
  40. When was the last time you jumped into the unknown with a small parachute of an idea in which you strongly believed?
  41. If you knew that everyone you know would die tomorrow, who would you visit today?
  42. Would you like to live 10 years less in exchange for attractiveness and fame?
  43. What is the difference between “being alive” and “living”?
  44. When should you stop counting the pros and cons and just move forward, doing what you think is right?
  45. If we learn from our own mistakes, then why are we so afraid to make them?
  46. What would you do differently, knowing that no one would judge you for it?
  47. When was the last time you heard yourself breathing?
  48. What do you like? Have you done anything recently that showed this love openly?
  49. Will you remember this day in 5 years? What about yesterday? What about the day before yesterday?
  50. Do you decide for yourself or let others decide for you?

We present to you an interesting selection of questions that will make you think about the answer! Let's read and try to answer them for ourselves! So, let's go!

1. How old would you give yourself if you didn’t know your age?
2. What's worse: failing or never trying?
3. Why, if life is so short, do we do so many things we don’t like to do, and yet do so few of the things we love?
4. If the work is completed, all is said and all is done, what was more - talking or doing?
5. If you were allowed to change only one thing in the world, what would it be?
6. If happiness becomes the national currency, what job will make you rich?
7. Do you do what you believe in, or try to believe in what you do?
8. If on average human life lasted 40 years, what would you change in your life to live it to the fullest?
9. How much control do you have over what happens in your life?
10. What do you worry more about: doing things right, or doing the right things?
11. You are having lunch with three people whom you respect and appreciate. They start criticizing your close friend without knowing that you are friends with him. This criticism is demeaning and unfair. What will you do?
12. If you could give small child just one piece of advice for life, what would you say?
13. Would you be able to break the law to save a loved one?
14. Have you seen madness where you later saw genius?
15. What do you do differently in this life than other people?
16. How is it that what makes you happy doesn't make everyone else happy?
17. What did you really want to do, but never did? What's stopping you?
18. Are you holding on to something that you should have let go of?
19.If you were offered to move to another country permanently, where would you move and why?
20. Do you press the elevator call button more than once? Do you really believe this will speed up the elevator?
21. Who would you like to be: a nervous genius or a happy fool?
22. Why are you you?
23. If you could become your own friend, would you want such a friend?
24. What's worse: if your best friend will he move to live in another country, or will he live nearby, but you will stop communicating?
25. What are you most grateful for in this life?
26. What will you choose: lose all your past memories, or never have new ones?
27. Is it possible to achieve the truth without fighting?
28. Has your biggest fear become real?
29. Do you remember how terribly upset you were 5 years ago? Does it matter now?
30. What is your happiest childhood memory? What makes him like this?
31. What events from your past made you feel present and alive?
32. If not now, then when?
33. If you haven't achieved it yet, what do you have to lose?
34. Have you ever been with someone and said nothing, and then decided that it was the best conversation you ever had?
35. Why did the religion that preaches love cause so many wars?
36. Is it possible to know without a shadow of a doubt what is good and what is bad?
37. If you were given a million dollars now, would you quit your job?
38. Would you rather have a lot of work to do, or a little work that you enjoy doing?
39. Do you feel like today has been repeated hundreds of times before?
40. When was the last time you began to actively act, having only the germ of an idea in your head, but at the same time already strongly believing in it?
41. If everyone you know dies tomorrow, who will you visit today?
42. Would you like to trade 10 years of your life for worldwide fame and attractiveness?
43. What is the difference between life and existence?
44. When is the time to calculate the risk and start doing what you think is right?
45. If we learn from our mistakes, why are we afraid to make them?
46. ​​What could you do differently, knowing that no one will judge you?
47. When was the last time you noticed the sound of your own breathing? What about heartbeats?
48. What do you like? Did your last actions express this love?
49. For every day of the past 5 years, can you remember what you did yesterday? And the day before yesterday? And the day before yesterday?
50. Decisions are made here and now. The question is: Do you accept them yourself, or does someone accept them for you?
