Average life expectancy of a crocodile. The oldest crocodile? What is the oldest crocodile? How many years do turtles live

Crocodiles have inhabited our planet for 250 million years. They outlived the dinosaurs and others because they were able to adapt to changing living conditions. The evolution of these reptiles has led to the fact that they have become large amphibious predators. Scares and at the same time attracts the attention of the crocodile. Where the predator lives and what it eats, we will tell in this article.

Why crocodiles have been around for so long

All these many millions of years, crocodiles lived in the tropics and subtropics, settling in water bodies with fresh water. Because the habitat for a long time remained virtually unchanged, crocodiles have hardly changed since ancient times. After the huge dinosaurs and others became extinct, the crocodiles had no dangerous enemies left, and they became the masters of their habitats. New warm-blooded predators such as lions, tigers, leopards, and so on had a different habitat and could not exterminate crocodiles. Well, those, in turn, being strongly tied to water bodies, were not able to expand their possessions.

Man has become the most terrible and deadly enemy for crocodiles. Reptiles were killed for two main reasons. The first is the fear of being chained in durable shell a predator with a huge toothy mouth. The second reason is mercantile. became very valuable material for the manufacture of shoes, handbags and other leather products. Some peoples who eat meat and eggs of reptiles have contributed to the reduction of the crocodile population. Where do crocodiles live and what do they eat? This is the question that all children ask when they see this reptile for the first time.

Who are called crocodiles?

Currently, all crocodiles are summarized in three families:

  1. Real crocodiles.
  2. Alligators.
  3. Gharials.

Caimans are considered by zoologists as one of the species of the alligator family. In total, 23 species of crocodiles are known and described. Each of them has its own habitats and food system. The crocodile has long been interested in scientists - where it lives, how it reproduces and whether it poses a danger to humans. All these questions were asked regularly, and in order to get answers, one had to observe the animal for a long time.

Such different reptiles

Representatives of different families differ from each other primarily in the shape of the muzzle and teeth. In real crocodiles, the muzzle is narrow and elongated, the fourth tooth of the lower jaw is visible when the mouth is closed. In alligators and caimans, the head is wide and oval; when the mouth is closed, the teeth are not visible, as they are closed by the upper jaw. Gharials are distinguished by a very thin and elongated muzzle. There are other small differences, such as the length of the teeth, the shape and location of the scutes of the skin, and so on.

The body of caimans and gharials is far from perfect, like all amphibians and fish. He is not able to maintain the thermal regime of the body. All these reptiles can only live in hot climates and warm water. They maintain body heat balance by immersion in water or going ashore to bask in the sun. The salt metabolism of these reptiles is very poorly developed, so they live in fresh waters. Only real crocodiles have salt-exchange glands. The process of removing salts through is called "crocodile tears."

Reproduction and nutrition

Crocodiles spend most of their time in the water, but they lay their eggs in a nest on the shore. breathe atmospheric air through the nostrils. The powerful jaws of crocodiles are filled with large and sharp teeth, but the crocodile cannot chew food. He is able to drag a very large animal under water, drown him, and then tear him off the carcass big chunks and swallow them whole. Reptiles are very voracious, but they can go without food for a long time, as their vital processes are slowed down. Yet crocodiles are patient hunters and ruthless killers. They are able to patiently wait for prey for a long time, sneak up to it imperceptibly and silently, and then grab it with a swift throw and hold it with their jaws until it dies. Crocodiles do not disdain carrion, for which they are sometimes called cleaners of reservoirs.

Where can you find crocodiles?

Features of the behavior, nutrition and development of reptiles are determined by where the crocodile lives, in which zone it lives.

Salted crocodile is the only one of all species that can live in the salt water of the seas and oceans. It is distributed over a wide area - from south coast Asia to the coast of Australia. It can be found off the coast of India, on the islands of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, in northern Australia. This largest crocodile reaches a length of 6 meters or more and weighs about 1 ton. It feeds on animals, fish, that is, any representatives of the animal world that will attract its attention. There are cases of attacks on white sharks, large animals, including horses, tigers and so on. Cases of combed crocodile attacks on people have been recorded. Now you know how this crocodile differs from the rest, where it lives and what it eats.

Lives in the southeastern United States. Especially a lot of these reptiles are found in the swamps of Florida. Lives only in fresh water. It feeds on all living creatures that live nearby. Snakes, turtles, fish, birds and small mammals are part of his diet. A hungry alligator can come close to people's homes and attack small dogs and small pets. The Mississippi alligator is capable of digging small ponds. On the banks of these ponds, females make nests and lay their eggs in them. In cool weather, alligators lose their activity and are half asleep. Males are larger than females and reach a length of up to 4-4.5 meters. People carefully walk around the places where crocodiles live.

In which country are these animals considered sacred? Previously, the inhabitants of Egypt treated these animals with trepidation. Today the situation has changed - they try to avoid predators.

Crocodile angler

Gavial lives only in the rivers of the Hindustan peninsula. The only species that has survived to our time is called the Ghanaian gharial. There are no others. Gharials have an elongated muzzle, very long jaws with large quantity teeth. This allows them to hunt fish effectively. The length of the gharial reaches 4.5 meters, there are almost 100 teeth in the mouth. But despite its large size, it does not attack large animals and people, because, thanks to the device of the jaws, it is more of a fisherman than a hunter. Of all the reptiles of the order of crocodile gharials, they spend more time in the water than others, and sometimes even manage to grow shells. In addition to fish, it can also eat small animals and carrion.

Such a crocodile is not dangerous for a person. Where this animal lives, small villages can often be found there, people are not afraid of such a neighborhood.

All representatives of the crocodile family, having existed on Earth for millions of years, have found their niche in the animal world. As predators, they perform their function as orderlies of reservoirs and coastal space. They clear their territory from sick and weak animals, as well as from their decaying corpses. Crocodiles and alligators do not expand their possessions by capturing new territories and living spaces. Their fights with other predators are random and occur mainly at watering places. Victory or defeat in these battles does not mean the redistribution of territory. But the life and continued existence of crocodiles now depend only on man. natural enemies they do not have in nature. People do not like to visit places where crocodiles live. The country of America is inhabited by these animals, many residents see these creatures as an object for profit. Their skin brings a good income. But those who are not connected with crocodile profit try not to disturb this predator.

These amazing crocodiles

These amazing crocodiles

The most highly organized
Crocodiles occupy a special position among modern reptiles. Features of the nervous, circulatory and respiratory systems, allows us to consider them the most highly organized of all living reptiles. Now on earth there are twenty-one species of crocodiles belonging to three families.

Relatives of dinosaurs and birds
Crocodiles are closer relatives of extinct dinosaurs, outlived by almost 60 million years, and modern birds than other reptiles of our time. The evolution of crocodiles, starting from the appearance of this group about 150 million years ago, went in the direction of ever greater adaptation to the aquatic lifestyle and predation.

The biggest predator

The largest land predator of all time was perhaps the alligator, whose fossil remains were found on the shores of the Amazon in rocks, whose age is 8 million years. According to estimates made on the basis of the length of the skull (1.5 m), in which 10 cm teeth were preserved, the total body length of this predator was 12 m, and the weight was about 18 tons, i.e. he was bigger than the alligator king - Tyrannosaurus rex. It was identified as a giant specimen of the species Purussaurus brasiliensis, smaller specimens of which were first found in 1892.

Most big crocodile
...this is combed crocodile (Crocodylus porosus), popular in Asia and pacific ocean. The length of the largest of them exceeds 7 m. The combed crocodile often swims into the ocean, where, along with sharks, it hunts bathers near the coasts. 4-5-meter crocodiles prey on pigs, less often on cows and horses. A person who enters his hunting territory, who has reached large sizes The crocodile considers it its lawful prey. Residents of certain regions of Asia, not without reason, consider him an inveterate cannibal. In India, it often happens that crocodiles snatch people out of the boat and often do it so quickly that people in the neighborhood hardly notice it.

There are no crocodiles in Greece

... but this did not prevent the ancient Greeks from giving them the name "stone worm" ("croco" - a stone, and "dilo" - a worm. Travelers observed from afar croodiles basking on stone placers, whose elongated bodies resemble giant worms.

Stays submerged
The crocodile has enviable patience: having exposed only the slits of the eyes and nostrils from the water, it can watch for prey for hours. Usually in such an almost "flooded" position, he drifts several tens of miles from the coast, looking for a victim. At the moment the crocodile dives, its nostrils close with swollen edges, the ear openings hermetically close the movable skin folds, and the blood circulation in all organs, except for the brain and heart muscle, stops. Usually, in the first 20 minutes of being at depth, the reptile consumes half of the entire supply of oxygen, and the rest is utilized more economically over the next 100 minutes.

Can't stick out tongue

A crocodile cannot stick its tongue out of its mouth.

Maybe not eat for a whole year

A crocodile can eat nothing at all for a whole year.

Opens its mouth

When resting, the crocodile often opens its mouth to give rest to its jaws.

Complex heart and small brain

Due to the slow work of the heart, the pulse of an animal under water drops to very low values, nevertheless, the brain of a predator always receives a sufficient amount of blood, and the perception external environment he remains normal.

Interestingly, although the heart of a crocodile is recognized as the most complex heart on the planet, its brain is only the size of a walnut.

Light and circulatory system like land animals

On the one hand, this is good: crocodiles spend a lot of time on land, on the other hand, maybe not very much: after all, the crocodile is also in the water a lot, even sleeping in the water, although on the surface. As soon as it starts to descend, it wakes up and emerges: it still cannot breathe under water, its breathing is not regulated.

Excellent swimmer

Crocodiles are excellent swimmers. To the west of Java, 1100 kilometers, are the Cocos Islands - combed crocodiles manage to swim even to them.

High jump

Saltwater crocodile can jump out of the water to a height of two meters.

Able to climb trees

Sometimes crocodiles are able to climb trees.

Capable of running at a gallop

For a long time it was believed that on land, crocodiles were clumsy and cowardly, but this is not so. On the ground, crocodiles are able to run at a gallop. They straighten their legs, raise their body relatively high above the ground and run quite nimbly, with some special style, a kind of peculiar “crocodile gallop”, and young Nile crocodiles can reach speeds of up to 12 kilometers per hour.

Combat with lions
After all, an adult nile crocodile 14 times the weight of an adult male! He is quite capable of even dragging a buffalo under water. Crocodiles can show fierce resistance even to lions when they move overland from shallow reservoirs to full-flowing rivers. According to experts, on land, crocodiles most often defend themselves, but occasionally they can attack, always trying to drag the victim into the water.

Crocodiles fought gladiators

In 58 BC, the Romans organized a gladiator fight with crocodiles, since then such fights have become a popular spectacle, and crocodiles began to bring crocodiles to Rome. So Europeans got to know these reptiles closely.

Who is stronger

Residents of the Madagascar port of Tamatave decided to find out who is stronger: a man or a crocodile? For about twenty years in Tamatave, in the Pan-galan canal, public arenas have been organized between people and reptiles. The conditions of the fights are as follows: everyone who wants to catch a couple of young animals in the jungle - no more than twenty kilograms in weight - attaches floats to their backs to see where they are in this moment, then they are released into the water section of the canal, which is pre-fenced with a grate. After that, the daredevil climbs into the water himself, and the fight is not for life, but for death. Fortunately, they say, until now the winner has always been a man.

The strongest bite

Alligators have the strongest bite compared to other known "biting" predators such as hyenas, lions and dusky sharks, scientists from the University of Florida have found. A 4-meter American alligator weighing 332 kilograms was bitten by a special measuring device with a force equivalent to the gravity of a 1063-kilogram object (that's how much a small truck weighs). A large individual at the St. Augustine crocodile farm (USA) bit with a force equivalent to a weight of 1480 kilograms. Such a powerful mouth, filled with 80 teeth, is used by alligators to catch and chew freshwater turtles, which are distinguished by a particularly hard shell.

Trying to open the jaws of a crocodile while inside its mouth will require as much effort as lifting a small truck that has run over a person. The bite force of the smaller crocodiles was found to be proportional to this given the difference in weight.

Wild alligators have more strong jaws
Scientists are going to measure the bite force of wild alligators living in the rivers and lakes of central Florida - they are expected to have stronger jaws than those that live in captivity. Even a very old and already toothless crocodile is still deadly, its jaws slam shut with a force of several tons, grinding the body and bones of the victim. If the prey is small, the crocodile will swallow it whole. If the piece is too large, the old crocodile will call for help one of a dozen of his girlfriends to help tear the prey to pieces.

favorable temperature

The most favorable body temperature for life Mississippi alligatorsAlligatormississippiensis 32-35°; fatal for this type of temperature above 38 °. The lower threshold of activity is about 20°. On land, crocodiles often lie with their mouths wide open, which is apparently associated with thermoregulation: some heat transfer occurs when water evaporates from the mucous membranes of the oral cavity.

Large crocodiles maintain a stable body temperature

Reptiles are characterized as cold-blooded animals, but this is not entirely accurate. Their body temperature is mainly determined by the environment, but in many cases they can regulate it and maintain it at a higher level if necessary. When it is necessary to increase body temperature, reptiles usually bask in the sun, absorbing its heat through the entire surface of the skin. When they start to overheat, they tend to move into the shade. Some species are able to generate and retain heat within their own body tissues. Large reptiles can maintain a more stable body temperature because their massive bodies hold more heat and have thicker skin and fat.

Why does a crocodile have a long tail?

A powerful tail, as dangerous as the jaws, but with a long range, designed to usually kill fish, and sometimes knock down a buffalo. Old crocodiles sometimes break small boats into pieces with a blow of their tail, and each time one of the people in the boat becomes their prey.

Saltwater crocodiles are larger

Saltwater crocodiles are much larger and more aggressive than their freshwater relatives.

The smallest crocodile

it smooth-fronted caiman (Paleosuchus palpebrosus). Its maximum length from the northern part South America is 1.5 m for males and 1.2 m for females.

Rely on sense of smell and hearing
Aquatic reptiles (crocodiles, alligators, turtles) rely more on senses such as smell and hearing when tracking prey, finding a mate, or detecting an approaching enemy. Their vision plays a secondary role and acts only on close range, visual images are blurry, and there is no ability to focus on stationary objects for a long time.

Changes teeth

A crocodile can change its 60 teeth up to a hundred times in its lifetime.

Crocodiles don't drool
Having moved into the water, the crocodiles have lost salivary glands, but, since they eat prey in the water, this is not a significant loss.

Rhino Eater

Crocodiles hunt at night. An essential component in the diet of all crocodiles is fish, but crocodiles devour any prey they can handle. Therefore, the set of feeds changes with age: various invertebrates serve as food for the young - insects, crustaceans, mollusks, worms; larger animals prey on fish, amphibians, reptiles and water birds. Adult crocodiles are able to cope with large mammals. There is a known case of finding the remains of a rhinoceros in the stomach of a Nile crocodile. In many species of crocodiles, cannibalism is noted - devouring larger individuals of smaller ones.

Eating fresh meat
Although crocodiles sometimes eat carrion, in most cases they eat fresh meat. Information that crocodiles bury their prey in holes and wait until the meat spoils is not confirmed. In captivity, crocodiles willingly eat meat, fish, small mammals, and chicken eggs.

Several months may elapse between meals.

Very large reptiles do not need as much food to sustain themselves as mammals of the same size. Therefore, they are able to populate places that are not suitable for mammals, for example, deserts. This is an ideal place for reptiles, as there is enough sun to warm up and enough food. Once having eaten, they can digest food at rest. Some of the most large species between meals can take several months and even a whole year. large mammals would not have survived on this diet.

Crocodiles are talking
Eyewitnesses compare the alligator's voice to distant thunder or explosions that poachers use to drown fish with dynamite. When others connect to the first alligator, “heavy pulsing sounds begin to literally shake the swamp.

Most often, alligators talk in the spring, the male is talking with a female living on his territory, or with a male who has climbed into other people's possessions.

Has a harem
The male has a harem of ten to twelve females. If the prey is too large, the crocodile will call for help from its females to help tear the prey to pieces.

Drought kills crocodile love

In 2004, Australia was unexpectedly bypassed monsoon rains, as a result of which the crocodiles lost all their enviable sexual activity. In some individuals, the formation of sperm completely stopped. If the weather does not improve, crocodiles will temporarily lose their ability to reproduce. Well, if it rains, it will be worse for them than any Viagra.

guarding the treasure

On the shore of the reservoir, the female builds a rather high mound of grass, algae and other plant material. Then he will make a hole in it and lay eggs there (usually from 20 to 60). Then he will close the hole with grass, level and even tamp this place a little. And the most difficult thing for the female begins: to guard her treasure. It takes 60 - 70 days to watch, and all this time the mother hardly sleeps and does not eat anything, since it is impossible to move away, and there is no food nearby. Only occasionally does she allow herself to move into the shadows, but in such a way that she does not lose sight of the "incubator", or plunge into the water. If it is very hot, the female, having plunged, quickly approaches the heap of grass and stops over it so that the drops flow onto the grass, moistening it. The mother does not leave care for the offspring even after the eggs hatch, for a year and a half she keeps the cubs with her.

egg tooth

All crocodile cubs have an egg tooth - a process at the tip of the muzzle, with which they break the shell. Before being born, crocodiles make plaintive croaking sounds, and mother immediately rushes to their aid. After that, she accompanies the kids to the reservoir and stays there with them. Usually alligators are not so ferocious, and on land they attack very rarely. But at this time the female is very aggressive. photo from the site

How crocodiles grow

At birth, crocodiles weigh no more than 70-80 grams and are completely helpless. Despite the careful protection of the nest, most of the eggs in it die. Young alligators that are born also die in in large numbers: Only 5% survive to adulthood. Crocodiles are destroyed by both predators and monitor lizards, and the relatives themselves - crocodiles. Crocodiles grow up quickly and grow throughout their lives. Only after 20 - 30 years their growth slows down greatly. By a year and a half, they already reach meter length. Now they are not afraid of anyone but a man, and they go to look for places not yet inhabited by alligators.



If crocodiles live in ponds, they maintain exemplary order in them - they destroy unnecessary vegetation, remove excess dirt and silt from the bottom, taking it out with their snout and throwing it ashore. If the pond grows shallow, the alligators pull out deep holes and sit there. In this way, they help to save many aquatic animals, which would have had a bad time during such droughts and shallowing of water bodies.

Everyone has their own area

Crocodiles capture a territory of 20 - 40 hectares and vigilantly guard it: males - from males, females - from females. Representatives of the opposite sex are allowed to cross the border of the territory. True, if the pond is small, either one adult alligator (female or male), or a female with a brood, or several young, not yet settled crocodiles, lives in it.

The lifespan of crocodiles and alligators in nature is short

Mississippi alligator lives up to 5 years, caiman - 4 years, Nile crocodile - 8 years, gharial - 6 years.

How long do crocodiles live

They live up to 80-100 years, but at present, due to the predatory extermination of crocodiles by humans, animals over 50 years old are rarely found in nature.

The oldest crocodile
It is known for certain that one missySippian alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) lived 66 years. He was taken to the Adelaide Zoo, pc. South Australia, 5 June 1914 at the age of 2 years, and he lived until September 26, 1978.

The calmest alligator

All that is known about Chinese alligator (Alligatersinensis), testifies to his harmless and calm disposition. This animal is practically harmless to humans.

Crocodile from the Sahara

In the Sahara, a crocodile is known to live in an isolated stagnant body of water. Several species of fish are found in wells and drainless waters. freshwater shrimp Cardina togoensis stuhlmanni lives in one of the springs, more than 1,000 km away from the nearest river. This proves that in great wilderness Sahara previously existed large reservoirs.

Gharials are not dangerous

Ancient Indian legends describe cases of attacks on people gharials (Gavialis gangeticus), although they are usually considered harmless to humans due to the structure of the muzzle: a long and narrow nose, similar to a bird's beak, is ideally suited for eating fish. Perhaps their aggressiveness in this region was provoked by ancient customs to arrange cremation of the dead on the banks of the rivers or send the bodies downstream the rivers.

Australia will reduce the population of its crocodiles

The population has grown over the past 30 years from 5,000 to 70,000 individuals. These reptiles, which can reach 5.5 meters in length and weigh up to 1 ton, cause serious damage to farmers. This problem is especially relevant in the Northern Territory of Australia, where crocodiles cause enormous damage by attacking a large cattle, dogs, and sometimes people. Experts report that in recent years, crocodiles have become less afraid of the noise of motor boats, and are getting closer to farms, writes the newspaper.

In 1969 Australia banned the hunting of saltwater crocodiles as they were on the brink of extinction, but now some farmers are sometimes allowed to kill the larger reptiles.

The most dangerous crocodile

Manhunters can only be considered Nile (Crocodylus niloticus) and combed (Crocodylus porosus) crocodiles. 39 out of 43 crocodile attacks occurred from November to mid-April - the time when males guard the breeding territory from rivals and when males and females guard clutches and hatched young. At this time of the year, crocodiles are especially active because the water of flooded rivers and lakes warms up and becomes cloudy, and this helps crocodiles hunt. Noise and sounds made by humans do not frighten them

Usually the danger comes from male crocodiles guarding their territory. Attempts by females to attack a person who has violated the boundaries of their territory are not so aggressive and do not end in death. But an angry male can even attack a boat that crossed the boundaries of his possessions. If he is not hungry at the same time, people usually manage to escape.

When people are related to crocodiles

In Madagascar, the Tsimiheti people, who live in the northwest of the island, consider the crocodile the most powerful creature in the world. The Antanusi, who live in the south, until recently treated crocodiles as sacred animals. When a reptile drags a girl who has been sitting by the river underwater, the locals rejoice. They believed that the spirits of the leaders of the tribe lived in crocodiles. When the animal tore the girl apart, her relatives celebrated the wedding of their daughter with an honorary ancestor. Killing a crocodile has always been the strictest fadi for a malgash. To kill a reptile means to destroy the soul of the father, grandfather, great-grandfather, as well as the soul of the father of the great-grandfather, the grandfather of the great-grandfather, and so on until the beginning of the family.

The villagers come to the lake to try to see the familiar features of their ancestors in the crocodile faces. Each reptile has its own name: Mbuti, Bakari, Kalu, that is, the names of old relatives. The local Malagasy give children the same names in order to seal the union of the living and the dead.

life span of a crocodile

The average life expectancy of a crocodile is up to 40 years, the maximum is 100 years.

giant crocodile

The giant crocodile that lived in the Pleistocene had a body length of 15 m; he lived in different parts Earth.

Saltwater crocodile as a lifeguard

A pensioner from Sri Lanka claims that during a terrible tsunami he was rescued by a sea (estuarine) crocodile - the largest of all crocodile species, one of those who often visited his garden before natural disaster. At the time of the tsunami, a man was walking in a garden through which a river flows into the sea, and was washed away by a huge wave. He saw, as it seemed to him at that moment, a log moving in his direction, and he clung to it with all his might. However, the man soon realized that he was holding onto a crocodile.
After seven hours spent in the water, the pensioner almost despaired, when he suddenly felt that the crocodile pushed him in the stomach, "directed" him towards the shore and, in the end, "pushed" him to him.

The crocodile is perhaps one of the scariest animals that scare children. His aggression is inexplicable for an unenlightened layman, although it is dictated only by instinct. Many plots are built on the inexplicable desire of an adult crocodile to drag the victim to the bottom faster. works of art. Therefore, the answer to a purely practical question is always interesting: “How much does a crocodile weigh so that it can deal with the victim so easily?”.

Size and weight

How much a crocodile weighs, what its dimensions will become, depends on the type and gender of the reptiles. Sea (aka ridged) can grow more than seven meters and, accordingly, will weigh about a ton. Dwarf he is West African) grow up to a maximum of 1.9 meters, and he will gain weight up to 32 kg (maximum - 80 kg). Crocodiles are animals with pronounced sexual dimorphism, males grow much faster and become much larger than females. Moreover, a carcass weighing more than a ton grows from a baby 20 cm in size.

Observing the size of crocodiles and their weight is difficult behavioral features and inaccessibility of reptile habitats.

Only observations of crocodiles in captivity are reliable. The largest crocodile ever seen is a combo-Siamese crocodile hybrid named Yai on a farm in Thailand. Its length is 6 meters, weight - 1114 kg.

The length of the largest crocodile caught alive is 6.17 meters, weight is 1075 kg (Philippines).

How long do crocodiles live

It is difficult to determine with a high probability the age of a crocodile. The usual method adopted is to measure lamellar rings in teeth and bones: once every year, when the climate changes from dry to wet, a new ring appears as a result of a change in growth rate.

Therefore, the age of crocodiles is almost always spoken of with an estimated degree of probability. According to such estimates, almost all species of crocodiles live from thirty to forty years, although it is believed that large ones (combed, Nile, swamp, Central American) can live up to 70 years. Some of the largest specimens of combed crocodiles live over a hundred years.

Crocodile as an animal

The name crocodile is commonly used to identify all reptiles of the crocodile species. But only representatives of the family of true crocodiles can be strictly attributed to Crocodylinae. Based on this, this article will consider the features of the crocodile family (with the exception of gavial and alligator)

There are 24 known species of crocodiles in the world, divided into 3 families and 8 genera.

Most big family- crocodile, includes three genera - real crocodiles, blunt-nosed, gavial.
1 genus - real crocodiles:

    African narrow-nosed;





    New Guinean;






    Central American.

2 genus - blunt crocodiles. Includes only one representative - blunt-nosed crocodile(in Latin -Osteolaemus tetraspis listen)) is a West African dwarf crocodile.

3rd genus - gavial.

It also has only one representative - Tomistoma schlegelii (false gharial).

African narrow-nosed (Mecistops cataphractus)

Considered an endangered species, little studied. Habitat - by throughout the western tropical Africa from Lake Tanganyika and Lake Mweru in the east/southeast to in the west. Dlength up to 4 meters (although individuals over 3-3.5 meters have not been observed today during observations), weight - presumably up to 230 kg.

It feeds mainly on fish, adults can eat turtles and birds, females lay up to 16 large eggs, they do not guard the clutch, the hatching period is up to 110 days. They live in rivers overgrown with vegetation, according to estimated estimates, now up to 20,000 adults, its number is constantly decreasing. They live in 10 subpopulations. Scientists cannot answer the question of how long Mecistops cataphractus crocodiles live due to insufficient knowledge of the species. . The estimated data of the Red Book is 25 years.

Swamp (Crocodylus palustris)

Listed in the Red Book, habitat - in India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Nepal and possibly Bangladesh, its range extends west into eastern Iran, the current state is about 87,00 individuals, an increase of nearly 6,000 adult crocodiles since 1989.

It lives in any reservoirs, even artificially created ones, digs holes along the banks, wheresurvives in dry times or extremely cold (up to 5 degrees).It feeds on fish, mammals, birds, turtles. In a fight with a leopard, he often wins. Seen in recent times in an attack on people, which, according to scientists, indicates an increase in numbers.

Considered an average species, the average size of a crocodile is:females - up to 2.45 meters, males - up to 3.5 meters, weight on average from 50 kg for females and up to 250 kg for males. The weight of a mature male can reach up to 400 kg with a length of up to 4.5 meters. The clutch can contain up to 30 eggs, the hatching period is from 50 to 75 days. It moves well on land, can develop a decent speed - up to 12 km per hour.An interesting feature is the creation of a bait for hunting birds. The crocodile lays on the muzzle (and it lies on the water in a horizontal plane) tree branches. Birds preoccupied with scarcity building material for nests, they fly very close to the reptile.

Ridged, or marine

Most great view crocodiles and the most dangerous for humans. Settlement area - inland and surrounding waters South-East Asia and Australia. This species is the most common and the most studied.

How long the combed crocodile lives is known most fully, since both hunters and scientists have been studying this species due to its danger. According to observations, the life span of this species is 50-80 years, although according to the studied remains, some specimens lived up to a hundred years.

The size of the combed crocodile is quite impressive. The maximum of those described is 10 meters, although today it is from 5 to 6 meters. Weight up to two tons. On average - up to 700 kg.

It grows throughout its life. In the biosystem of its range - the top of the food chain. Adults feed not only on fish, small and medium-sized mammals, but also on the largest animals, including predators.

According to paleontologists, this species of crocodiles arose more than 12 million years ago. It is considered very ancient.

The features of the combed crocodile include its ability to move far in sea ​​water. Marked individuals swam at distances up to 500 km from traditional places their habitat, using sea currents to save their strength.

Scientists define its status as the least vulnerable to extinction.

Cuban (Crocodylus rhombifer)

Z listed in the Red Book(there are up to 5000 adults, under the threat of extinction due to extermination and hybridization with the narrow-nosed (both in artificial and natural conditions, the offspring reproduces). Lives in Cubabelongs to the size of medium-sized (2.3 meters in length, weighing up to 40 kg), mature males can reach a weight of up to 200 kg with a length of up to 3.5 meters.

One of the most aggressive crocodiles. It moves well on land at speeds up to 17 km per hour. Females lay up to 60 eggs, the incubation period is up to 70 days. They eat fish, mammals, birds. People are rarely attacked in natural conditions, it is believed that this is due to their small number. Behavior in captivity extremely aggressive towards humans.

Nile (Crocodylus niloticus)

This species is considered as aggressive as the combed one. The size of the crocodile is slightly smaller than the combed one. The descriptions indicate a length of up to 6 meters, but today the existing mature individuals, depending on the region of habitat, can be up to a maximum of 3.5 meters. Modern reliable records of how much a crocodile weighs Crocodylus niloticus,there are enough to estimate his weight on average. Observations show that the weight of a modern Nile crocodile can range from 250 to 350 kg.

His cannibalistic predilections are known to all the inhabitants of the vast territory of Africa south of the Sahara. He prefers the fresh waters of Africa, but the population noticed him in coastal waters. He, like the combed crocodile, the top of the food chain of his ecosystem, eats everything and of various weights, which he can reach, jump, grab. The status of the animal is the least dangerous for extinction.

New Guinean (Crocodylus novaeguineae)

Relatively small of real crocodiles. According to DNA studies, it is recognized as a close relative of the Philippine, but it is separated into a separate species. Habitat - inland waters of the island of New Guinea. Until 1996, it was listed in the Red Book with the status of "threat of extinction", then with an assessment of "least concern". Like all crocodiles, it was exterminated in the fifties and sixties of the last century because of the valuable skin. In 1970, after the adoption of a program of conservation measures, the number by 1996 was restored to the natural continuation of the population. Now they are, according to various estimates, up to 50 thousand.

Crocodile sizeCrocodylus novaeguineae -from2.7 meters in females up to3 .5 meters in males.Measured body weight - 294.5 kg.

The New Guinea crocodile is divided into two populations - northern and southern. The way of life (especially masonry) of crocodiles in them is slightly different. In the northern population, the nest is built on water from plants, in the southern population, more often on land.

The New Guinea crocodile is the most vociferous crocodile: both babies and adults make a huge amount of soundsfor different life situations which allows them to "communicate".


This crocodile(Crocodylus intermedius) has the status of an endangered species in the Red Book. To date, its number is estimated as extremely low to maintain the population - only up to one and a half thousand.

ATin the fifties and sixties of the last century, after mass hunting, the population was practically on the verge of extinction. In 1970, after the introduction of the protected statusthe number has increased slightly.It is still exterminated, as it has valuable skin.In addition, the local population collects crocodile babies for the purpose of subsequent sale.

Lives in Venezuela and Colombia (the basin prefers fresh lakes and rivers.

The size of the crocodile is quite impressive - up to 5.2 meters (males), females are much smaller - up to 3.6 meters. Due to the lack of knowledge (due to the lack of the individuals themselves), there is a problem in determining the mass. How much does a crocodile weigh Crocodylus intermedius, known from hunters, the average weight of a male is 380 kg, females - 225 kg.

AT clutch maximum 70 eggs. The mother not only guards the eggs for two and a half months before hatching, but also takes care of the babies for the next three years.

There have been cases of attacks on people. But due to the small population and the inaccessibility of habitats, this rarely happens.


The largest crocodile in the New World. Lives in fresh and salt lakes, at the mouths of rivers. They move well on the water, populating the islands. The size of a crocodile of this species depends on the population, somewhere less (up to 4 meters on average), somewhere more (up to 5-6 meters in hardened males). The main food - fish, unlike combed and Nile (similar in size), do not switch to feeding on mammals. Seen in attacks on people, although these are quite rare cases.

Freshwater (Crocodylus johnsoni)

Inhabits does not go out to sea and estuaries, being afraid of being caught by the combed (marine) crocodile. It feeds on fish and small vertebrates. Sizes on average up to 3 meters, in the population in northern Australia, the size is smaller. It is not dangerous for humans, since the force of compression of its jaws is rather weak. How long do crocodiles Crocodylus johnsoni live in captivity (in particular, in Australian zoo) is known for sure - up to twenty years, although presumably individual individuals can exist and grow up to a hundred years or more.

Siamese (Crocodylus siamensis)

AND Yvet in Indonesia, Brunei, East Malaysia, southern Indochina. Populations of crocodiles living in all countries of the region number only 5,000 individuals. Listed in the Red Book. In Kam boje and thailand successfully operate special programs to preserve the species. The maximum size of this crocodile is 3 meters, although when hybridized with a combed one, it is up to 4 meters. It feeds on fish and small vertebrates.

Philippine (Crocodylus mindorensis)

An endangered species, only 200 adults. The maximum size is up to three meters. Feeds on fish and small mammals. Previously considered a subspecies of the New Guinean crocodile, it is now separated into a separate species.

Central American (Crocodylus moreletii)

Lives in the tropical forests of Central America. The size of males in today's conditions is up to 2.7 meters (earlier, according to the results of hunting, up to 4.5 meters and weighing up to 400 kg). Cannibalism has not been noticed lately, the explanation for this is the remoteness of habitats. It feeds on fish, reptiles and mammals.

Blunt-nosed crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis) - West African pygmy crocodile

Grows up to 1.8 meters (maximum), weight from 18 to 32 kilograms (maximum 80 kg), occurs alone or in pairs, lives in burrows or hollows lah of trees leaning close to the water. It's a heavily armored crocodile(he needs this to protect himself from those who eat him large predators) , with dark spots on the back and sides, with a yellow belly.Compared to the largest saltwater crocodile (up to9 -and meters) he's just a baby,countsthe smallest crocodilein the world (similar in size to a smooth-fronted caiman).

Belongs to the little-studied species. According to the study, the number of crocodile is slowly decreasing due to changes in the ecosystem of habitats (deforestation, approaching places of human activity). It is listed in the Red Book with the status of little vulnerable.

Lives in western Africa. Prefers fresh water. Leads night image life. It digs deep holes, and quite often their entrance is located below the water level.

The clutch usually contains 10 eggs (sometimes up to 20).

Tomistoma schlegelii (false gharial)

Lives in Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam. Prefers slow rivers swampy lakes. Lives among thickets or on drifting islands of vegetation. The species of false gharials is listed in the Red Book with the status of “threatened with extinction. The number of all populations is no more than 2500 adults. The size of males of this species can reach up to 6 meters. Because of the elongated muzzle, it got its name - gharial. The narrow long muzzle is the result of eating habits, mainly soft mammals and reptiles. AT last years b There have been several attacks on people her.

I remember how, in my distant childhood, I came to my grandfather in Nikolaev, and we went to the city zoo. Most of all I liked the crocodile Vasya. By chance, I ended up back in that city, decided to take a walk in the old places and wandered into the zoo. Now imagine my surprise when I met the same crocodile Vasya again! And this is almost 30 years later!

How long do crocodiles live in the wild

An adult crocodile is considered to be about 10 years old. AT wild nature, oddly enough, crocodiles live less than in captivity. On average, crocodiles live up to 40-50 years.

In fact, these reptiles in their native tropics and subtropics have no enemies, except for one - man. It is he who directly affects how long the crocodile will live. No matter how sad, but exterminate crocodiles for many reasons:

  • banal fear;
  • lust for profit on crocodile skin;
  • eating eggs and meat.

For a person, this is the most dangerous predators. The leaders in the number of attacks on humans were the Nile, combed and marsh crocodiles.

Danger in the wild lies only in young crocodiles, which can be eaten by turtles, monitor lizards and herons. It is interesting, but their own brethren do not allow a crocodile to live to a respectable age. They just kill the old one.

How long do crocodiles live in captivity?

In captivity, crocodiles live easier. Here, a person is not an enemy, other crocodiles will not attack the old people. With proper care in zoos, crocodiles live up to 90-100 years.

The oldest crocodile in the world today is the combed crocodile Cassius Clay from Australia. He lives on a ranch and feels great for 114 years. For his 110th birthday, he received a huge chicken cake, weighing about 20 kg, and finished it in literally 30 seconds. And this is on condition that daily allowance 1 kg of fish and 1 kg of poultry.

By the way, the familiar crocodile Vasya from the zoo in Nikolaev is also a record holder! This is the oldest Mississippian alligator that lives in captivity. In general, representatives of his species live for about 40-45 years, and Vasya managed to live to an advanced 70.

Crocodile animal reptile, belongs to the order of aquatic vertebrates. These animals appeared on Earth more than 200 million years ago.

The first individuals first lived on land and only later mastered the aquatic environment. The closest relatives of crocodiles are considered.

Features and habitat of a crocodile

Life in the water formed the corresponding body of a reptile: the body of crocodiles is long, almost flat, with a flat long head, a powerful tail, paws are short with fingers connected by membranes.

Crocodile cold blooded animal, his body temperature is about 30 degrees, sometimes it can reach 34 degrees, it depends on the ambient temperature. Animal world crocodiles very diverse, but only the species differ body length, there are reptiles up to 6 meters, but most are 2-4 m.

The largest combed crocodiles weigh more than a ton and have a length of up to 6.5 m, they are found in the Philippines. The smallest land crocodiles 1.5-2 m live in Africa. Under water, the ears and nostrils of the crocodile are closed with valves, transparent eyelids fall over the eyes, thanks to which the animal sees well even in muddy water.

The mouth of crocodiles does not have lips, so it does not close tightly. To prevent water from entering the stomach, the entrance to the esophagus is blocked by a palatine curtain. The eyes of the crocodile are located high on the head, so only the eyes and nostrils are visible above the surface of the water. The brown-green color of the crocodile camouflages it well in the water.

The green tint predominates if the medium temperature is elevated. The skin of the animal consists of strong horny plates that protect well internal organs.

Crocodiles, unlike other reptiles, do not shed, their skin is constantly growing and renewing. Due to the elongated body, the animal perfectly maneuvers and moves quickly in the water, while using its powerful tail as a rudder.

Crocodiles live in the fresh waters of the tropics. There is types of crocodiles well adapted to salt water, they are found in coastal strip seas are combed, Nile, African narrow-nosed crocodiles.

The nature and lifestyle of a crocodile

Crocodiles are almost constantly in the water. They crawl ashore in the morning and in the evening to warm their horny plates in the sun. When the sun bakes strongly, the animal opens its mouth wide, thus cooling the body.

Birds attracted by the remnants of food at this time are free to enter the mouth to feast on. And although crocodile predator, wild animal he never tries to grab them.

Mostly crocodiles live in fresh waters; in hot weather, when the reservoir dries up, they can dig a hole at the bottom of the remaining puddle and hibernate. In drought, reptiles can crawl into caves in search of water. If hungry, crocodiles are able to eat their relatives.

On the ground, animals are very clumsy, clumsy, while in the water they move easily and gracefully. If necessary, they can move to other bodies of water by land, overcoming several kilometers.


Crocodiles hunt mainly at night, but if prey is available during the day, the animal will not refuse to eat. A potential prey, even at a very great distance, reptiles are helped to detect receptors located on the jaws.

The main food of crocodiles is fish, as well as small animals. The choice of food depends on the size and age of the crocodile: young individuals prefer invertebrates, fish, amphibians, adults - medium-sized mammals, reptiles and birds.

Highly large crocodiles calmly deal with victims larger than themselves. So the Nile crocodiles are hunted during their migration; the combed crocodile hunts livestock during the rains; Madagascar can even eat.

Reptiles do not chew food, they tear it into pieces with their teeth and swallow them whole. Too large prey, they can leave at the bottom to soak. The stones swallowed by the animal help in the digestion of food, they crush it in the stomach. Stones can be of impressive size: the Nile crocodile can swallow a stone up to 5 kg.

Crocodiles do not use carrion, only if they are very weak and not capable of hunting, they do not touch rotten food at all. Reptiles eat quite a lot: they can eat about a quarter of their weight at a time. About 60% of the food consumed is converted into fat, so a crocodile can starve up to one to a year if necessary.

Reproduction and lifespan

The crocodile is a long-lived animal, he lives from 55 to 115 years. Puberty it comes early, at about the age of 7 - 11 years. Crocodiles are polygamous animals: a male has 10-12 females in a harem.

Although animals live in water, they lay their eggs on land. At night, the female digs a hole in the sand and lays about 50 eggs there, covering them with leaves or sand. The size of the depression depends on the illumination of the place: in the sun the depression becomes deeper, in the shade - not so much.

Eggs mature for about three months, all this time the female is next to the clutch, practically not eating. The sex of future crocodiles depends on the temperature of the environment: females appear at 28-30 ° C, males at temperatures above 32 ° C.

Before being born, the cubs inside the eggs begin to grunt. The mother, having heard the sounds, begins to dig out the masonry. Then it helps the babies to get rid of the shell by rolling the eggs in their mouths.

Appeared crocodiles 26-28 cm in size, the female carefully transfers to a shallow pond, capturing it in her mouth. There they grow up for two months, after which they disperse to the surrounding not heavily populated water bodies. Many small reptiles die, they become victims of birds, monitor lizards and other predators.

Surviving crocodiles first feed on insects, then prey on small fish and, from 8-10 years of age, they begin to catch larger animals.

Not all are dangerous types of crocodiles. So the Nile crocodile and the combed one are cannibals, and the gharial is not at all dangerous. Crocodile as a pet today they even keep them in city apartments.

In habitats, crocodiles are hunted, their meat is eaten, their skin is used to create haberdashery products, which has led to a decrease in the crocodile population. In some countries today they are bred on farms, in many tribes they are considered crocodile sacred animal.
