Script for the 35th anniversary. Festive portal anniversary-na-bis.rf - everything for your anniversary

Presenter: Dear friends! The reason for today's meeting is an anniversary!
And we are pleased to invite the hero of the occasion to the hall! A wonderful person, just a charming and charming girl.
Meet Elena!
Guests: Congratulations! (a salute of applause, the birthday girl stops in front of the “star track”).
Presenter: Dear Elena! YOUR FINEST HOUR HAS COME! These stars did not “fall” here by accident. Each of them contains a hidden mystery-surprise, feel free to step on them, and see what gifts the stars have prepared for you! And friends will be your support group. Ready!? Begin!
1 star (the hero of the day steps on the star)

Guests: “Our Lena is the best, success accompanies her!
Presenter: As a gift from the first star, a fortune is told to you! Let's find out what awaits you today!
Guests: “Joy, Love and Health”
Presenter: The prediction is valid until the next anniversary! Great! Ah, we continue, we step on the second star. In this wonderful finest hour all congratulations to you!
Guests: Happy Birthday!
Presenter: Great! We continue, we are stepping on the third star!
Guests: Congratulations on your anniversary, we wish you happiness and joy!
Presenter: For all the anniversaries at such moments, long applause sounds
Everyone goes into the banquet hall and takes a seat at the table.
Guests are seated at tables
1. Presenter: Dear friends! Today in our hall there will be reign light festive the atmosphere that always accompanies the holiday. I wish everyone good mood and have a wonderful holiday! Following good tradition, I invite everyone to fill their glasses and rise (celebratory music sounds)
Opening this holiday,
Speaking to you,
I want to start with words
Not from pretentious speeches,
Not at the table, rather,
And the kind that is spoken to friends heart to heart.
May today be our evening
It will be warm and cheerful,
Let them sound today
A hundred congratulations in a row.
There will be dancing, there will be songs,
Jokes will be appropriate here.
Let's celebrate the anniversary together
Everyone needs to pour it into their glasses!
We will drink while standing and to the bottom and shout three times “HURRAY”!
(drank, ate)
Today, the birthday girl’s closest and dearest people are present at the anniversary – mom and dad!
Dear guests! Let's greet mom and dad with friendly loud applause. After all, they are also birthday people today! 35 years ago, on APRIL 1, 1977, angels descended from heaven and a great miracle happened: a charming baby was born, the first-born in the family, a girl - Elena!
Dear parents Natalya Ivanovna and Vladimir Nikolaevich, do you remember the day when you brought Lenochka from the maternity hospital? What was she like?
(Congratulations to mom and dad)
Well, now, friends, the moment has come
Fill a glass for your parents!
Glory, praise and honor to the parents!
I think the people will agree
Why should we raise a toast to our parents?
We wish you health and happiness!
(drank, ate)
I raise a glass of juice to you,
I'll drink it down while standing
Congratulations on your anniversary
Mom - you are the only one I have. (FIELDS)

3. Birthday holiday is an annual gift, given to a person in order to rejoice at the love and affection that his relatives, colleagues, and friends have for him. Today we have gathered to celebrate significant date in Lenochka's life.
Eastern wisdom says:
Only he will conquer his age,
Who once a year, having gathered relatives, gathered friends,
He will pour more glasses,
And he won’t drink for a year,
That they flew away forever
And he will drink for every year,
What will come to him in the future,
And the more fully and often you drink,
So you can more years live!
For the dear birthday girl! (The relatives continue their congratulations.)
(drank, ate)
4. One song says “Birthday is a sad holiday!”
But for a birthday girl, a birthday is an annual gift to rejoice in the love and affection that relatives and friends have for him, and for us it is a reason to come to a person, his friends and say what is in his heart! (congratulations from friends)
Happy anniversary, Lena
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Raise a toast to your happiness
We've been in a hurry for a long time.
Let all troubles go away
And let the sorrows go away,
Only joy to you Lenusya
May your years carry you.
Be cheerful and happy
And beautiful as it is now.
May good luck accompany you
Every day and every hour. (RESERVE)
And now I invite the guests to rise from their seats and, according to tradition, drink while standing for the anniversary of our birthday girl!
(smoke break)
5.Now let’s greet each other…. Table fun
They raised their right hand - they waved to the hero of the day!
well and left hand drops slightly to his knees...
Not yours! And your neighbor!
With our right hand we warmly hug our neighbor’s shoulder so decently... Did you like it? Great!
We swung left and right. Well done! Great! Bravo!
They stroked their belly - They smiled from ear to ear!
Let's nudge the neighbor on the right, wink at the neighbor on the left!
We take a glass in our hand and fill it to the brim!
We continue the fun - clink glasses with the neighbor on the right...
To prevent the glass from fogging up, let’s clink glasses with the neighbor on the left….
And with the opposite neighbor - for a cheerful team....
Let's get up from our seats together and say a loud toast...
Let's say together “Congratulations!” and we drink everything to the bottom!
Don’t forget to have a bite and pour yourself some more! (drank, ate)
LENA, From far away from Siberia,
From remote taiga places
They sent you a parcel.
There's even an inventory here.
(Garlic and onion)
You are always friends with them.
Cherish this friendship.
And they will save you
From all diseases and illnesses!
Living water(brine)
Since the feast lasts at night,
And in the morning my head hurts,
A glass of another kind of water
It won't hurt you at all.
Vegetables contain all the vitamins.
This one is ahead.
It will smooth out all the wrinkles
And it will make you blush. (Beet)

Hairstyle, makeup, outfit
You look disgusting
To always be like this
Use this sometimes. (Cosmetics)

Your cooking is simply awesome
We ate it ourselves more than once
With the inspiration of a poet
Whoa, add this to something. (Seasoning)

If sadness creeps in,
There is no place for fun in the heart,
Sweeten this life
Eat 200 grams of sweets. (200 grams of sweets)

If you suddenly don't like someone
Or trying to do mischief,
There is no need to enter into conflict,
Draw the enemy and erase it piece by piece.
In general, don’t listen to us,
Smile and create
And in spite of any adversity
Shine with creative light. (Pencil and eraser)
6. Dear friends, before we begin our heated celebration of the anniversary, I want our hero of the day to read to you her poetic message, which will sound appropriate at the beginning of our festive evening. ON YOUR BIRTHDAY – THANK YOU TO THE GUESTS.
I love you, my dear guests,
In honor of my birthday,
Thank you in which toast
Because I have you!
For forgetting your worries
And putting off work for a day,
Leaving an endless life,
You - Sasha, Katya, Zhenya, Ira,
Came to my name day -
My birthday is not forgotten by you!
For that I drink a hundred and two hundred toasts,
May we be together for another hundred years! (We have a drink and a snack)
(to the tune of the song "Let them run clumsily...")
1. Why we have fun, we don’t skimp on words
Why are there so many guests?
Don’t guess in vain, this has become clear to everyone
What today big anniversary.
Let them play at least on spoons,
And our friendly choir will sing,
It would be nice if there were anniversaries every year.
2. With respect, with love we wish you good health
And in your work - glorious victories.
Well, don’t be shy, and try in return
Live up to a hundred years without sadness.
3. The hero of the day gets excited and becomes younger at heart,
The whole group is singing next to her,
Happy anniversary, we wish you happiness
Well, everything else will come.

7. If only life were like a film
Scroll back many years
So that you become a simple girl,
Pure, pure like a spring garden.
Dear guests, I invite you to watch a film of the life of the hero of today’s celebration.
(Using a pointer, I show frames with photographs on whatman paper, reading out the text.)
1. There is one wonderful number in April, it is connected with your birth. (Photo from early childhood)
2. Growing up as a girl, you were playful, shy and very sweet. (Children's photography)
3. Seven years have passed, now you have opened the school door. (First school photo)
4. You have become taller than your mother. You are sixteen. You are a teenager. (Photos from my teenage years)
5. You decided: “I also need to study at a youth school.” (Photo from the technical school)
6. At the age of 17, everything is still ahead: the choice of a friend, a goal and a path. (Photo at age 17)
7. I worked with all my heart at my dear school. (First photos from work)
8. Not hiding high and joyful feelings, a young family was born then. (Wedding photography)
9. That year you became a happy mother, for your daughter - dear, irreplaceable. (Photo of mother and daughter)
10. And now it’s just time for you to get a trip to the Caucasus. (Family vacation photo)
11. Life goes on and on, the smart daughter grows up. (Family photo with a grown-up daughter).
And now I will talk about life path hero of the day And you, Lenochka, will help me. Your task is as simple as a synchrophasotron. It is necessary to say: “Should we have a drink?” This should be done after the words “And he says...”
Once upon a time there was a birthday girl. She was inquisitive - passion! It happened back in preschool age She comes up to her parents and says. ..
Not really! She says: “Where do children come from?” or “Why doesn’t the sun fall?”….
And the parents bury themselves in books, but they explain and explain. But time passed, and in the 7th grade, the school principal came out and said... (Jubilee: Shouldn’t we have a drink?)
Yes you! He says that every student will participate in some kind of Olympiad, and (Lyalko Lena) - in all of them at once! And she took part, even taking first place. Therefore on last call Lena Lyalko takes a response from all the graduates and says...
(The hero of the day. Shouldn’t we have a drink?)
No, she says: “Thank you for participating, I received such hardening in the struggle of life.” ... Then college, institute, sessions, coursework. She came to work to get settled and said...
(The hero of the day. Shouldn’t we have a drink?)
No, she asks: “Are specialists needed?” And the head of the personnel department says... (The hero of the day. Shouldn’t we have a drink?)
No, he says: “Start tomorrow.” She started, and every year on her birthday she says... (Celebrant of the day. Shouldn’t we have a drink?)
Now that's right! Note that the hero of the day herself suggested!... Let's pour and drink to the health of the birthday girl! (We have a drink and a snack)
8.- And now the competition “Hunt for Congratulations” is announced. Within a certain time, you need to find as many hearts with wishes as possible, hidden by me in the room.
Options for wishes:
May the road be bright!
May you always be happy!
Don't let anxiety bother you!
You will always be loved!
Bloom and smell like spring
Be red like spring
Soar like a bird in the sky
Set sail to destiny!
The morning will come
And the rose will bloom its petals...
Let your tender eyes not know
What are tears?
Let there be gloomy days in life
They will be warmed by friendly participation,
Let him be a companion on the way
Simple human happiness!
Let there be a lot of sun in your life!
Let everything come that you want!
Let happiness burst through your door!
And all your dreams will come true!
Shine like the sun in the sky
Be beautiful in spring!
Soar like a bird on its wings,
Give your smile to the world!
May you have what you need in life,
Why life is good:
Love, health, happiness, friendship
And forever kind soul!
Enjoy life
Live one day at a time!
And then it will be
You're all right!
I wish you a whole heap of happiness!
A joyful bouquet of smiles!
Reliable and cheerful friends!
Happy life for a century!
I am on this day, so beautiful,
I wish you to drown in happiness!
I wish you to forget all the bad weather
And sigh with tender joy!
I wish you peace on earth
And bread and salt on the table!
To have good health
And it never failed!
So that joy knocks on the house
Morning, evening and afternoon!
Let the ruby ​​bright star
Your happiness is burning above you!
Everything is loved, everything is dear,
May he always be by your side! (HAVE A DRINK, A SNACK)
Warm up before dancing.
The guests drank and treated themselves,
The hero of the day was admired
And then we sang songs
And we decided to stay too long!
I should get up and dance
Wave your wings

Smoke break Anniversary TV show program “Oh, yes I am!”, in which everyone can participate. I invite the three bravest women and three men to the studio.
Dear participants! I ask you to be divided into pairs. Women will act as players, men as buttons.
I explain the rules of the game: the host asks a question to all players at the same time. The participant who knows the answer to it must press the “button”, which will immediately “produce” its musical signal, and only after that can answer. I ask you to confer in pairs and choose an original musical signal, for example: “meow-meow”, “peak-peak”, etc.
(For men, “buttons” should put shower caps on their heads.)
Attention, questions:
1. How many letters are in the word "anniversary"? (Six.)
2. What is the date of birth of the birthday girl? (04/01/1977)
3. What is the name of the daughter of the hero of the occasion? (PAULINE)
4. Which village is the birthplace of the hero of the day?
5. How many rooms are there in the house where the birthday girl lives? (4)
6. What is the name of the bicycle that the hero of the day has in his family? (
7. Name the river that flows in the village where the birthday girl lives?
8. How many children does the hero of the day have? (1)
9. In what month does the birthday girl celebrate autumn? (September)
10. Which newspaper notifies the hero of the day about the life of our village?
This was the last question.

9. Presenter: Probably each of you read astrological forecast. At the request of the hero of the day, an astrological forecast for the evening was compiled today you just need to enter the names of the guests present, and I will read it out. (The birthday girl names 13 names of guests)
Today _______ stars predict that at exactly 21-00 ______ will be waiting under
festive table at the feet of the birthday girl. At 22-00 ___ will fall face first into the salad and say: “Don’t bother me, I’m having lunch.” __ will fall asleep in a sweet dream on ___'s wide chest. The same chest will later serve as a pillow for several more honored guests. At 22-30 the dance program will begin, where ___ and ___ will perform the erotic dance “Butterfly Polka”, for which they will collect a large sum money to buy new ones dance costumes. At 23-00 _____ will sit on the table with the words “Who ordered hot? Take me, I’m all on fire!” The evening will end with a musical number. The duet consisting of ________ and ______ will perform the song “Oh, why was I born.” Today ------- will be inviting girls to relax in Haiti all evening. Tomorrow he invites ___ to improve his health. Well, and in conclusion of our forecast, I can’t help but say about _______, who will now stand up and say loudly: “Enough, people talk, we need to pour it, people!”
10. No one will argue that our LENA is a real goddess, so you shouldn’t be surprised that her colleague from Olympus also came to our holiday.
(Lena comes out with a vessel in her hands).
- Today we will honor and glorify Dear Elena.
Zeus the Thunderer sent me from Olympus,
To sing her praises.
But I'm afraid, my timid sounds
They are unlikely to be able to show bliss to the whole world,
Something appears to us at just one glance
This is an example of purity, beauty and talent!
Can anyone compare to the beautiful
Our Elena?
Her voice is sweeter than the singing of the Siren!
Aphrodite herself envies such a face!
I suggest you visit the famous Delphi,
To learn the twists and turns of wayward fate.
Glorious guests and you, dear Elena!
In this vessel (demonstrates the vessel)
Find your predictions.
(Approaches the guests and offers to pull a note out of the vessel. These can be lines from songs or poems. Guests read their predictions out loud).
Prediction options:
1. For a week, until the second,
I'll go to Komarovo.
2. The quieter you drive, the further you will go.
3.I will ride my bike for a long time...
4. It’s not very bad to have three wives...
5. Don't fly high - they won't notice.
6. Don’t let your conscience gnaw at you, and it will slowly die of hunger.
7.And I’ll get into a convertible
And I'll go somewhere
7. There is a sharp turn behind...
8. A bottle of wine - no headache,
And it hurts for those who don’t drink anything.
(A last prediction I read it for the birthday girl):
You will shine like a star in the night sky.
There will be success, flowers and men's worship.
Enjoy life - then the years will not be scary,
And inspiration will never leave you!
And also a small message:
(Then I take out the scroll and read the congratulations):
You are a woman, you are a miracle of miracles,
You are purity in moments of inspiration!
We will get you a star from heaven,
To receive your blessing.

You are happiness, passion, you are affection and love!
You are the whole exciting, beautiful world.
You are a woman and you stir blood
With your mind, beauty, clear smile!

You are a woman, you are eternal spring!
You are eternal earthly renewal,
Always in business, work -
You are worthy of love and respect!

You are a flower woman, a source of light!
Mysterious, tender, beautiful and proud,
You are the flame of the hearth, the warmth of spring and summer.
You are the light that never goes out on earth!

You are a lily flower, beautiful and fragrant,
Shyly withdrawn and passionately golden.
And from your petals, confident, dewy,
Let us drink the aroma, and happiness, and peace!

You are a woman, a caring mother,
Goddess, wisdom, faith and hope,
And it's impossible to fully understand
Your frantic and tender soul!
(I put a second wreath on her head):
- Let me present you with this laurel wreath.
Accept this crown and become the queen of the party!

11. The hall is large, and our guests
They make a lot of toasts.
Is the situation familiar?
I suggest it a little differently!
The first table will learn the words: “There will be a lot of proposals!”
The second table will tell us directly: “A birthday is a glorious holiday!”
The third table will say: “Honor to the birthday girl!”
And the fourth, all jubilant: “We kiss the birthday girl!” Remember the words?

We have gathered in this hall
Yes, we drank a glass,
We ate delicious Olivier,
We became a little tipsier.
Is the situation familiar?
I propose differently!
We'll teach you to have fun!.... First table! There will be a lot of offers!
To congratulate the hero of the day,
we need to drink a lot,
For what? We'll say it straight!... Second table! Birthday is a glorious holiday!
We'll knock our feet
Like, we want something hot!
Someone will make a toast... Third table! Kudos to the birthday girl!
Vodka splashes in glasses,
For some reason we can't get enough...
What to do? This is the case... First table! There will be a lot of offers!
The proposal is:
We need to drink while standing.
Who will give the toast? ...Third table! Kudos to the birthday girl!
Well, did your heart warm?
Now it's a different matter!
We passed the test with flying colors! ...Third table! Kudos to the birthday girl!

Why are you so official?
To be perfect
We have no respect for the main one here... The second table! Birthday is a glorious holiday!
This is worth drinking for
So that we can live happily,
Congratulate the birthday girl,
To glorify the birthday girl,
What a date we are celebrating!.... The fourth table! We kiss the birthday girl!
Let's repeat again, jubilantly..... Table four! We kiss the birthday girl!

For success, achievements,
For the beginning and accomplishments
Let's put on this wreath with confidence
To the one who did the deed
Didn't sit idly by
Everything was puffing, puffing, puffing.
1. Reason - today we are walking, having fun, and tomorrow morning how nice it is to go to the refrigerator, open it, take out a cold can of beer and... put it to your forehead. Beauty! But imagine - there is no beer in the refrigerator. What should I do? I will help you. Right now you can get this coveted jar. There are beer lovers. I'm recruiting 5 people. They go out.
The beer is ready for you (in an opaque bottle), but we’ll find out who gets what. I have printed cards with the names of the beer, it is necessary to explain without words, show this name, if the guests guess - the jar is yours, if not, then tomorrow I will enjoy and drink beer.
Call boys
Dress code: roll up trousers, wear calico over top family panties knee-length, shirt unbuttoned, loose tie and socks dangling on his bare torso. You can put printed “currency” under the elastic band of your panties.
- We came to you for a holiday
Give yourself,
- Smile, laugh,
Make you laugh!
- I have this tie, he has socks.
The muscles are steel, the pants are iron, the nipples are hard!
- That’s how cool we are, we are sexual giants
And they are so beautiful - you can’t take your eyes off them!
- You’re sitting in that outfit, just tear your eyes out!!!
Apparently you want to harass us sexually!
2. - Your skin is like a peach, your eyes are like emerald.
The men, seeing this, will die of melancholy.
- Don’t touch us with your hands! It won't work that way!
Well, let’s move my husband aside, let him rest!
Don't look so sternly
Better pour yourself a glass.
- We are happy to congratulate you
On this Anniversary!
- Our wish will be:
So that the wine always flows,
- To eat, to drink,
1+2 - well, and most importantly - it could!
We are ours beautiful place Let's draw numbers
And your task will be to guess these numbers!
(They turn their backs to the birthday girl and the guests and “draw” numbers to the accompaniment of erotic music. Either the birthday girl’s age, or 18, or her date of birth... The birthday girl guesses.)
Dear friends, you all love the birthday girl very much, but you probably never told her why you love her and what you like about her. Therefore, I suggest you tell her about it now, looking straight into her eyes. Name the part of the body that you like best. So, let's start admitting who is the bravest?
And now, Elena, I will ask you to stand on a chair, each one, one by one, approaches the birthday girl and kisses her on the part of the body that he likes.
Game for drunk company
Everyone sits in a circle, the leader is in the center. He approaches any player and asks a question, for example: “What is your name?”, “Where do you live?” etc. But it is not the one who is asked who must answer, but his neighbor on the left. If the one whom the presenter asked answers, he must give the forfeit. After the game, forfeits are played out.
Birthday Contest
All the scarves that are available are collected, the main thing is that there is enough for all participants. Divide into two teams, stand in a line one after another, each holding a scarf. It's better to build MZHMZH. On command, the second player ties a scarf from the back to the first, as it happens (it is strictly forbidden to correct or help each other), then the third to the second, etc.. The last player ties the second to last one and triumphantly shouts “ready!” The entire team turns to face the opponent. After a long period of fun, the jury evaluates anything: speed, quality, who is funnier, this is the theme of the event. The main thing is funny and fun, have time to photograph it all!
The presenter writes the first letters of the birthday girl’s first and last name.
- Decipher them by their first letters!
For example, for Elena:
E is the only one
L – sweetheart, affectionate
E – natural
N – beloved, incomparable
A - neat, adequate, artistic, Oh, what a woman!
The birthday girl chooses the option that she liked best, and this adjective is written on a piece of whatman paper. Next, you can offer a “Musical Rebus” competition, where guests will not only guess the encrypted songs, but also perform them one verse at a time.
Happy anniversary, dear,
Tell us your secret
I've known you for many years -
There are just no changes.
You're still beautiful
No traces of wrinkles to be found,
And the figure is simply a miracle,
Sweeter than vodka for men.
The head is the chamber of the mind.
There is a kind soul in the heart.
There is a decent salary
In general, you are good to everyone.
So that after the anniversary
Life turned out without problems,
And they didn’t regret the past,
I suggest everyone have a drink!
3. 2 wreaths.
4.White sheet.
6. Can of beer
7. Garlic and onions, BEET, cosmetic, seasoning, brine, 200 grams of candy, pencil and eraser.
8.Text of the song (7 copies)
9. The hero of the day’s response.
10. Words of the goddess.

Have you decided to celebrate your 35th anniversary at home with your family? This is good, because for this occasion we already have an interesting and cool script anniversary for a woman's 35th birthday. The scenario is perfect for playing at home. After all, there are no complicated competitions, simple skits and game moments. All your guests will like it and be delighted with such a holiday.

And so, all the guests arrived and sat down in their places. The holiday can begin. And we offer you to start it with a beautiful toast and small game for guests.
Here's a toast and a game:

After that, we all drink together to the hero of the day.
Our hero of the day is a girl. And all girls dream of attention from men. Let's give our hero of the day such attention! Do you agree, men?! And if we agree, then we play a little game.

The hero of the day approaches each man in turn and reads three lines of the poem. And the man must say the last fourth line.
Here is the text for the game:

And after the poems, the men form a circle, and the hero of the day dances in the center of the circle.

A little game for guests.
To play the game you need to prepare cards with rhymes. We put all the cards in a bag. Each guest takes out one card and reads out a poem. And so on until each guest receives their card.
Examples of rhymes for the card:

1. I’ll tell you a secret,
I love anniversaries!
I always drink and sing on them,
And on this I will sing!

2. I’ll tell you a secret,
I'll walk home!
I'll take a walk and freshen up,
I'll show up to work as a cucumber!

3. I’ll tell you a secret,
I can't drink anymore!
I'll be honest - I'm tired
The glass won't rise!

4. I’ll tell you a secret,
I love my job!
I'll come and sleep on it.
I really love working!

5. I’ll tell you a secret,
I sing in the bathroom in the morning!
I'll turn on the water and sing,
I wash, I wash and aru!

Here are some funny poems like this. You can add more or use the search on our website and find even more such rhymes for card games.

Presentation of a gift to the hero of the day by guests.
This is a comic block in which comic gifts will be given to the hero of the day. Gifts will be given by guests from Europe, so it will be better if you find appropriate outfits for the guests.
And here are the words of congratulations:

Competition for guests.
For this competition you need to draw different characters. For example, a musketeer, a donkey from Shrek, a puss in boots, and so on. Where is the head, it needs to be cut out.
Several guests go into another room. At this time, these drawings are exhibited in the hall. The guests are brought back. They blindfold them and insert their heads into the holes in the drawings. Then the host invites the guests to guess which character they are playing. To do this, they take turns asking one question. And the presenter answers it. And so on until they guess their character. And when they guess right, their eyes are untied.
To make it more fun and for guests to be able to guess the character faster, the presenter needs to answer questions in more detail.
After the competition, you can take joint photographs with the heroes of the competition and their characters.

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Important dates are not celebrated so often, so every time you want everything to go perfectly, without ridiculous misunderstandings and insults. How to celebrate a woman’s 35th anniversary so that both the guests and the hero of the occasion are happy? The main thing is to understand that you cannot let such a matter take its course. A plan and systematic preparation are your first assistants.

How to properly create a guest list?

First of all, you should think about the list of invitees. The fact is that a lot depends on their composition in the future: what entertainment to choose, dishes on the menu, music. After all, it is clear that what is fun for middle-aged people can be sheer torture for young people, and vice versa. In addition, when compiling a guest list, pay attention to whether these people know each other, whether they would be interested in communicating, and whether their professional or life interests are close. In other words, will it happen that the hero of the day will be the only link between an absolutely disunited group of people? Having carefully thought through the guest list, you can proceed to the next stages of preparation.

How to choose a place for an anniversary

The place for the celebration must be chosen in advance. First of all, you need to take into account the tastes of the hero of the day. If the reason for the party is that a woman is 35 years old, then it is clear that you should not book a table at a striptease bar, although for some it is the best place for relax. Having identified several establishments suitable for your case, you can choose a hall depending on the number of people and conditions. Inspect it: do you like everything, are the staff ready to change the interior or decorative elements if necessary? If you are ready, feel free to book your chosen place. You can move on to the next stage.

How to create a menu?

How to organize a woman's 35th birthday celebration so that her main memory is not indigestion and headaches? It is also very important to think through the composition of the dishes in advance. First of all, check if there are any special food lovers among the invitees: vegetarians, raw foodists? Do any of your guests have severe allergies to anything? These subtleties must be taken into account when creating a menu. So, if at any holiday you should provide at least two options for hot food, and among your guests someone does not eat meat, then one of the options should be vegetarian. Allergy sufferers need to be taken even more seriously; after all, a severe attack can be deadly. Generally speaking, the approximate scheme of the holiday menu is as follows: two hot options, two side dishes, at least four varieties of salads, two dessert options. Drinks are no less important than food. If you invite really close people and know who drinks what, it will be easy for you. It is recommended to buy both sparkling and plain water, at the rate of 1 liter per person.

How to choose a toastmaster?

When there are a lot of guests, more than 15-20 people, it will be difficult to organize general fun “out of the blue.” After all, it’s not for nothing that there is a whole industry for this and special people. If you decide to hire a toastmaster, you should not focus only on price. The most expensive is not always the best. The main criterion is the preferences of the society that will gather, so it is best to watch a recording of the work of the proposed presenter. Each toastmaster has his own prepared set of jokes, competitions and toasts - not all are suitable for celebrating a woman’s 35th birthday. Only after watching the video will you understand for sure whether this person is right for you.

How to decide on the cultural program of the evening?

If a toastmaster is chosen, then most likely, under his leadership, you will draw up a list of competitions and games that will be in the theme of your holiday and will appeal to the guests. Here we must not forget about the age of the invitees and whether they will be able to “ fun starts" After all, no one forbids organizing an intellectual quiz or talent competition instead of the “Musical Stick”, in which everyone can demonstrate something of their own.

The musical accompaniment should be focused on the tastes of the hostess of the evening and her guests. This could be a recording of folk songs, live jazz, or obscene ditties. The main thing is to choose music according to personal preferences, not fashion.

To successfully celebrate a woman’s 35th birthday, you may need:
1. Original script anniversary for a woman, choose it.
2. Fun competition for the anniversary, look.
3. Remade song for the anniversary, choose it on this page.
Very important! We need to take into account all the wishes of the hero of the day and not let the guests get bored!

How to decorate a room?

It’s not difficult to decorate the hall even on your own, and if you wish, you can order professional service. In any case, for a woman’s 35th birthday there is nothing better than decorating the hall with fresh flowers. It's expensive, but unforgettable. To order, you can make almost any composition from fresh flowers, from a swan on the surface of the water to the Eiffel Tower. Garlands made of balloons and colored paper are an invariable attribute of such a holiday.

Is it worth ordering a video shoot?

An anniversary is a special date. This is one of those days that you will want to relive again someday. Thanks to technological progress, this is not a problem now. If you really celebrate important date in a warm circle, you shouldn’t skimp on a videographer. There is always the opportunity to ask a disinterested friend to work with the camera, but in this way you will deprive your friend of rest and will not get a high-quality video. Only a professional can choose the right place and shooting mode, capture the most touching and important things, and turn this moment of your life into a real movie. However, you should not buy into tempting “2 in 1” offers, when you are offered to hire a photographer and cameraman in one person. It is impossible to do two things well at the same time. And don’t forget that editing a film from footage is a separate job and is paid for separately.

Spending a real, lively and warm festive friendly evening that will bring joy to everyone is not easy. Your weapon in this matter is planned and thoughtful preliminary preparation. Imagine what this day should be like, write everything down to the smallest detail, and it will definitely work out. The main thing is to enjoy communicating with loved ones who came to celebrate your personal holiday, and arrange everything the way you like, and not as is customary, fashionable or considered decent.


35 years is a wonderful date for every woman, there is wisdom, and achievements, family, but at the same time, the same lightness, beauty and admiration. You can’t do without a holiday, so be sure to arrange a big celebration for yourself.

We decorate the hall. In order not to forget the main numbers of the day, namely “35”, depict them on the wall using small balloons. For originality and entertainment of guests, you can create big poster with the hero of the day, in which her photo and the photo of her neighbor (with the exception of her face, there will be an empty space so that any guest can lean his face against it) will be processed in Photoshop in a funny or too fantastic way. Then everything is simple, any guest approaches the poster, and the photographer makes funny photo as a keepsake. It is best to do all this at the beginning of the holiday, and during the event, print everything out and distribute it to the guests at the end. Otherwise, everything is standard - congratulatory posters and garlands for the Anniversary, balloons and fireworks for salads (usually set on fire at the same time as the first toast).


(all guests are sitting in their places, the presenter enters the hall in the decorations, depicting the number “35”)

Hello everyone, I am number thirty-five,
I came to look for my owner,
It's time to celebrate her anniversary,
But how can I find her alone?!
I ask you, guests, help me,
Call the hero of the day in chorus!

(the guests begin to call for the hero of the day in chorus, she comes out, solemn music sounds, the presenter immediately runs up to the birthday girl)

And I already managed to get upset,
But you came, it's a big deal
Now I will congratulate you,
And give gifts in your own person!

(the presenter takes out gifts: a medal with the inscription “For the 35th anniversary” and a Diploma)

Here's a medal for you for thirty-five,
And don’t forget to take your Diploma as a souvenir,
And your beloved will give you thirty-five flowers,
He loves you, he values ​​you!

(to applause, the Anniversary’s husband hands her a bouquet of thirty-five white or soft pink roses, while the presenter takes off the decorations)

The gifts have been handed over, it's time for us to start,
To celebrate a big holiday in honor of (name of the Jubilee),
And we don’t sit like that, we fill our glasses,
And then we solemnly raise them up!

(everyone pours wine)

To give the toast later for others,
I will now list everything at once,
First, (name of the hero of the day) we drink everything to you,
Secondly, for having such friends and family,
Third, so that you are happy,
Fourth, so that there is endless joy,
Well, you are so worthy of the fifth,
Let's drink so that all (name of the hero of the day) dreams come true!

So that you don’t get bored during a good holiday,
We will play a competition with you!

The competition is called: “35”. All interested guests can take part, then we divide into two equal teams. Task: on the floor, using chalk or sheets of paper, for each team the presenter lays out two large numbers “3” and “5”, they must be big size, approximately 4 meters long and 2 meters wide. The first team members, as soon as the music starts, will have to run through these numbers clearly along the lines, starting from the top of the three and ending with the top corner of the five, then return to the team, hook the train to the next participant and so run around the anniversary numbers together with him. And so we play until the last participant. The team that can run around everything ahead of the other wins. Prize: thirty-five candies each.

The competition was well played,
“35” everyone ran around,
And now friends, it's time
Say congratulatory words
So don't be shy
And we try to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

(all guests take turns congratulating the hero of the day)

For wonderful congratulations,
We drink without delay,
May everything come true for (name of the Anniversary Girl) that you said,
I wish her health, happiness and much love!

(everyone is drinking, the meal is going on, music is playing)

And now I ask everyone not to get up,
Let's play competitions while sitting!

The competition is called: “Riddles about the Jubilee.” The presenter will ask riddles that relate to the life of the hero of the day; those who answer correctly will receive prizes (of your choice).

The main thing is that our hero of the day is not alone,
Always next to her is her...?

(answer: family)

And besides the home interior,
At thirty-five she has done an excellent...?

(answer: career)

And she also has those who are dearer to her than anything in the world,
And this is definitely her...?

(answer: children)

Today the hero of the day is worthy of all kinds of compliments,
And also dear guests of yours...?

(answer: applause)

And one more question,
What is announced at the celebration for the Anniversary?

(answer: toast)

And here is the last one who answered,
He will tell us a toast by raising his glass!

(the last participant makes a toast, everyone drinks, a meal takes place, music plays)

And now friends and guests,
We'll crush your bones,
Go out to the center of the hall,
Spin around in the anniversary dance with the hero of the day!

(dance break passes)

We did everything except one thing,
We haven't tried one dish yet,
We welcome a cake with thirty-five candles,
We confirm the meeting with applause!

(a cake with burning candles is brought into the hall to the music and applause)

And now dear Anniversary girl will make a wish,
And then let the cake blow out!
Have fun with you all,
Well, I’m leaving you, I apologize!

(the presenter leaves, but the celebration continues)
