The Story of Anne Frank remains the most widely read diary in the world. Sawing frozen wood on a band saw

Stephen Covey, in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, retold the old parable about the saw. This parable, according to the author, illustrates the fact that many of us manage our time poorly and, instead of thinking about a tool to achieve a goal, we try with all our might and unsuccessfully to achieve this very goal, using bad tools.

In the original, the old pan-European parable looks like this:

A certain man saw a woodcutter in the forest, with great difficulty sawing a tree with a completely dull saw. The man asked the woodcutter:
- Dear, why don’t you sharpen your saw?
“I don’t have time to sharpen the saw, I have to saw,” the woodcutter groaned.

I saw with a dull saw because I don’t have time to sharpen the saw, I need to saw.

Would you like me to tell you another parable, it is closer both in geography and in time to modern business in Russia.

One day, a manager came to the company and saw that everyone in it was sawing with dull saws. The manager was very surprised... after all, cutting with a dull saw is not entirely wise. And since he was a manager, he tried to understand the reason for what was happening. To his surprise, it turned out that everyone who “cuts” in the company is divided into two categories. The first ones did not even imagine that there were sharp saws in the world. This happened because they were all from a small town, where “cutting” is a process from generation to generation.

The second half of the employees, who also used dull saws, could not raise their heads and, although clearly aware of what was happening, continued to saw diligently. Trying to explain smart people the senselessness of what was happening only caused wary attention, but nothing more - everyone continued to saw.

Then the manager forcibly stopped one of the sawyers and confidentially asked about the reasons for what was happening. What was discovered greatly surprised the manager. It turns out that the sawyer was clearly aware that firewood appeared automatically as he completed his work. And if you sharpen the saw and start cutting faster, then there will be no less work - the firewood bearer will simply start bringing them more often, increasing the amount of work. Thus, a dull saw saved the worker from more work, but sawing is not effective and he is already used to it for 12 hours a day.

Then the manager forcibly stopped another sawyer and inquired about what was happening with him. What was discovered shocked the manager. The sawyer had already asked three times to give him time to sharpen the saw, and three times he had been told that he needed to saw, and not to be indignant. Seeing him as a smart employee, his manager deliberately slipped him not just a dull saw, but the dullest one... Over time, the sawyer calmed down and no longer thought about either the saw or his manager. The sawyer was ready to leave, but continued to saw... he had several good reasons for this.

Then the manager turned to the owner of this “sawmill” and wrote a detailed justification, with calculations and conclusions about the reasons for the senselessness of what was happening. The owner listened to him carefully and... gave him a dull saw, the thickest log, into his hands. And the reason is clear - there is no need to “teach” the owner, you need to cut.

Abraham Maslow once said:

Anyone who is good with a hammer tends to think that all around him are solid nails
And Stephen Covey, obviously, did not know or forgot that often managers have only limited access to time management and not everyone who saws with dull saws is stupid or does it of their own free will.

P.s. I apologize, but I have to warn you that all coincidences are accidental, my first and last names have been changed and no animals were harmed in the writing of this note.

The way a wild female orangutan wields a handsaw. She is sawing a branch, and when she notices that a creature very similar to herself is also sawing a tree, she begins to work with double zeal, but, unlike the robot, she quickly gets tired. This is a very interesting case of the use of tools by great apes.

Filming took place in Borneo. A wild female orangutan somehow learned to use a saw. She liked this activity and quite often sawed branches and logs, holding them with her feet and removing sawdust with her mouth. The filming organizers knew about this and placed a spy robot at the orangutan’s favorite place of work, which looked very similar to a real monkey. This robot could move its limbs, change facial expressions using remote control and therefore did not arouse suspicion among the female. In addition, it was equipped with a camera for shooting video, which was its main purpose.

The robot not only recorded video, but also deliberately influenced the behavior of the female. At first he did not saw himself, but only watched her. Then he started sawing. This excited the living orangutan, and she began to saw with increased zeal. However, the robot did not know fatigue, unlike the female. Formally, he won the unspoken competition.

About 20 years ago, another orangutan rescued by humans also learned to saw, but was known to watch the workers. How the female shown in the video understood the principles of working with the tool is unknown.

Orangutans can hold a saw just like humans, due to thumb brush, opposed to everyone else. According to the results of a number of intelligence tests, orangutans were recognized as the most intelligent primates after humans, but not everyone shares this point of view.

Sawing frozen wood using sawmill equipment is associated with a number of problems that need to be solved. In conditions of negative temperatures, the physical and chemical properties of wood undergo changes.

Let's consider this problem in the context of working on band saw machines, because The specificity and type of cutting tool contribute to the greatest difficulties when sawing frozen wood due to the fact that the structural parts freeze unevenly, forming areas of different densities.

Why is sawing more difficult in winter?

Sawing as such is possible when the wood crushed during operation is completely removed from the cutting zone. In other words, for high-quality sawing it is necessary that the volume of the cavity between the teeth accommodate the cut chips, and they are immediately released when exiting the cut.

The degree of chip compaction directly depends on the density of the wood and its hydrothermal characteristics - the higher the moisture content of the wood, the higher the value of the chip compaction coefficient.

When the temperature environment drops to -25 C°, the moisture in the wood structures crystallizes, thereby creating additional resistance to the load produced by the saw teeth during sawing.

What should you pay attention to first?

The key to solving this problem lies in comprehensive measures to prepare the machine, saw and the wood itself for sawing.

1. Prepare the log for sawing!

Soaking and debarking logs to equalize the contrast of density values ​​in the structural parts of the wood - mandatory procedure, included in the technological cycle of material preparation during primary wood processing. In Russia it is omitted as “unnecessary”.

Such saws are designed with a reduced radius of curvature at the base of the tooth by 2-3 mm and a stepped shape of the teeth themselves, which protects the sawn surface from sticking wood dust and facilitates easy removal of chips from the cut.

3. Optimal setting of saw teeth is the key to quality sawing

An effective type of tooth set is “complex”: one tooth is set to the right, the second is not set, the third is to the left. This scheme ensures the stability of the saw in the cut and high-quality removal of sawdust.

4. Rolling and forging saws are especially important in winter

The rolling and forging processes not only help eliminate defects in the saw body, but also reduce the value of fatigue wear - this is a good help, because The load on the cutting tool in conditions of negative ambient temperatures is especially high.

Do not forget that the profile of the pulleys must correspond to the saw's rolling parameters.

Fundamental Principle

To summarize, we would like to remind you that the operation of any woodworking equipment is influenced by a combination of many factors. If this is your first time working with frozen wood, we recommend that you contact specialists who can give specific recommendations “on the spot.”

The rarest wood in the world, which is a kind of precious material, is bog oak. A cubic meter of this wood costs an average of $2,000. The bog oak has two lives, one of which it lives on land, and the second under water.

This second life began many centuries ago, when, subject to intergalactic laws, rivers changed their course. Time eroded the shores, and trees from coastal oak forests ended up under water, where they remained until an inquisitive person discovered them.

Just on post-Soviet space Such huge reserves of bog oak have been preserved. For example, in European countries For 100 years now, the discovery of a single specimen of bog oak has been an event. And such finds are reported in the media mass media.

For 100 years, many enterprising people in all corners of Russia have been harvesting bog oak. Bog oak, as part of other firewood, was mainly used as fuel.

One day, having pulled the trunk to the surface and tried to process it, he was amazed at the beauty and strength of the resulting wood. While admiring, the man asked himself the question: what unknown force turned the familiar oak into a mysterious one, covered on the surface with torn pieces of coal, and inside hiding a strong, smoky, living, unique texture of the material? And he began to look for answers to his questions, working with bog oak and giving it a third life...

In Rus', furniture sets and souvenirs were created from bog oak, which now occupy pride of place in museums fine arts and antique showrooms all over the world.

Not a single foreign furniture company can offer for public viewing products adequately made from natural bog oak. This is the prerogative of only Russian masters. Since from the beginning of the millennium to the present day, relict oak forests throughout the world have been completely destroyed, reserves of bog oak remain only in Russia.

Felling process big trees chainsaw requires a professional-grade tool, special equipment and knowledge of the relevant section of safety regulations. This information is about how to properly cut down a tree with a chainsaw without the risk of damaging buildings and landscaping elements located at a short distance.

Cutting down trees yourself with a chainsaw allows you to save money on paying a specialist, and also choose a convenient time for this work. A positive result is facilitated by the presence of a semi-professional or better professional-class chainsaw.

Trying to cut trees with a household-grade chainsaw with a low-power drive is undesirable from a safety perspective:

  • the productivity of such work is extremely low;
  • the risk of the headset getting stuck in the cut increases;
  • high loads negatively affect the service life of such a tool.

The scope of household chainsaws of medium and low power categories includes:

  • tree crowning;
  • pruning thick branches;
  • cutting locks in construction wood during the construction of log cabins.

Disposable or any other kind of forest felling is the prerogative of powerful and productive professional-level models. At the same time, it is not recommended to use saws with electric drive. With the same power as gasoline models, the torque of the electric saw range is significantly lower.

Working alone is prohibited. A companion may be required to assist in the event of an injury. His responsibilities also include additional control over the felling process and giving signals when problems occur. emergency situation.

Initial stage of preparatory work

Self-felling of trees with a chainsaw is carried out in a certain sequence.

Preparation for the main job begins with studying the safety requirements:

  • checking and serviceability of the chainsaw as a whole;
  • selection of comfortable shoes, clothing and protective equipment, the minimum list of which includes glasses and mittens.

The following mandatory factors must be taken into account in the calculations:

  • tire length;
  • engine traction characteristics;
  • trunk thickness, wind strength and direction.

The next stage of preparation

  • The felling of large trees requires careful preparation. coastal zone. Sawing a trunk that has fallen into the water creates many problems, the solution of which will require additional investment.
  • You should also decide on escape routes if the situation gets out of control. The felled tree still needs to be sawed and removed, so it is advisable to provide fairly convenient access to the place where the trunk is cut.
  • When felling large trees, the risk of large branches falling should be avoided. The problem in each specific case is solved individually, in the best case - by renting an articulated lift or paying for the services of an industrial climber. The information received from experienced sawyers will help you avoid mistakes that are typical for the first trial of strength.
  • When preparing the workplace for safe approach and movement, it is necessary to clear the surrounding area of ​​branches, leaves and other foreign objects.

Work sequence

The use of single-cut cutting of a trunk in amateur sawing practice is justified only when felling trees of moderate height and small diameter, in the range of 100-150 mm. Working with thick trunks requires compliance with the requirements of standard technology.

  • The first upper cut is made from the side of the planned laying of the trunk at an angle of 45 degrees and to a depth of up to a quarter of its diameter. The bottom cut is made horizontally until both cuts meet.
  • The most critical stage of the work is the felling cut, which is performed from the side opposite to the place where the felled tree is laid. Before you begin, you need to once again make sure that there are no people or animals in the surrounding area, check that you have a secure grip on the tool, and take a position that is comfortable for work.
  • The felling cut is made parallel to the bottom one, 50 mm lower. The technology dictates that the cut is approximately 1/10th of the diameter of the trunk, which is used as a kind of hinge.

If the requirements for the size of the undercut, the location of the guide and felling cuts are not met, the direction of the tree's fall, especially in windy weather, may become unpredictable.

It is better to practice the primary skills of logging work on dry trees of small diameter, which can be easily found in the nearest forest. As a rule, confidence in your actions appears after practicing 3-5 attempts.

  • To prevent the headset from jamming in the cut, it is recommended to use wooden wedges. The use of metal analogues is undesirable due to the risk of damage due to the reverse impact of the saw.
  • When making a felling cut, it is necessary to constantly monitor the verticality of the trunk; adjustments to the work process can be made by an unexpected gust of wind.
  • Typically the fall time big trunk enough to remove the saw attachment from the cut, turn off the engine and promptly leave the work area.

It is strictly prohibited to be in the workplace at this time, since when it hits the ground, the lower part of the trunk jumps to a height of up to one and a half meters.

Features of sawing a trunk on the ground

Subsequent cutting of trees with a chainsaw lying directly on the ground can create a lot of inconvenience. In particular, touching the working saw set to the ground can initiate the entry of abrasive material into the assembly and forced wear of the guide bar and saw chain shanks.

It is better to lift the butt with a long lever and place a flat piece of wood with a diameter of 100-150 mm under the bottom. The efforts made are compensated by increased operating comfort and safety of the material part.

When bucking a trunk lying on a slope, cleared of branches, it should be secured with stakes driven into the ground. When sawing, it is recommended to always remain on the elevated side.

Features of pruning branches

A significant part of the traumatic situations due to reverse impacts occurs when trimming thick branches and twigs, so for this work it is better to use a lightweight and easier-to-use garden-grade tool.

It is more convenient to start stripping the trunk from the top of the cut tree to the butt. It is strictly forbidden to cut branches with the end of the headset. In this option, the number of spontaneous emissions and the risk of injury increases significantly.

When the emergency stop system is frequently activated, the tool motor and saw kinematics are subjected to extreme loads, which negatively affect the longevity of the tool as a whole.
