Why might a bird knock on the window? Why is the bird knocking on the window? Let's find out

The sign of a bird knocking on a window is popularly considered to foretell trouble. Is it so? Below we will talk about various interpretations this sign, as well as what to do to ward off trouble.

A bird knocking on the window is usually a bad omen. First of all, because it is believed that birds are inhabited by the souls of the dead. And the arrival of a dead person in the house is always bad. He either calls with him or wants to warn about impending trouble.

Actually, this is how signs appear. First, some bird flies to the windows of a residential building, and then people notice that something bad is happening to them. Our ancestors noticed and collected such coincidences.

There is another reason for this sign. However, it is not associated with birds, but with the window. The fact is that in ancient times the dead were carried out through windows, and not in the usual way - through the door. That is why a bad omen appeared - a bird knocked on the window - a messenger from the world of the dead came to the house.

In turn, biologists can object to folk wisdom. After all, birds often approach a person and his home for food. That is, for example, if a dove knocks on the window, this is a sign that it does not have enough food, and not imminent troubles for your home.

Bad omens: a bird knocking on the window

What to do if a bird knocks on your window with its beak? First of all, pay attention to the behavior of the child, if there is one nearby. Our ancestors believed that children could see the dead.

Accordingly, if a child reacts joyfully to a feathered alien, then the latter did not bring bad news. If a child cries when, for example, a sparrow knocks on the window, the omen works. In this case, action must be taken.

Magpie knocking on the window - signs or superstition?

So, what to do if a bird knocks on your window and your child starts crying? First of all, you cannot drive such a bird away from the windowsill. Second, offer her a treat and say:

Come for the food, don't come for the soul.

Another way is to tie a red ribbon to the window. It is believed that a red ribbon or thread scares away the negativity that feathered creatures can bring with them into your home.

Interestingly, you can tie a red thread both in advance and when you see the bird. There is no need to chase it away, just tie the ribbon.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the bird itself that visited you.

The sign of a dove knocking on a window is considered good. Since ancient times, doves have been considered symbols of hope, good news, and peace. The sign itself suggests that one of your deceased friends or relatives is worried about you. In this case, you should also not drive the bird away. Feed her and remember your deceased loved ones.

Another option here is to feed stale bread to the pigeons near the church. It was believed that in this way you would appease world of the dead.

A wagtail knocking on the window is a contradictory omen. On the one hand, this bird is considered a harbinger of spring, and on the other, it is a symbol of tears. This applies specifically to the white wagtail. The arrival of such a bird speaks of imminent quarrels and grievances with a loved one. This is also a bad omen for pregnant women. The colorful wagtail brings joy and cheerfulness to the home.

But it’s definitely a bad omen - a crow knocks on the window. The fact is that these birds were considered by the Slavs as guides between Reality and Navya. That is, the appearance of a crow at your windows was considered not good.

What to do in this case, you ask. Of course, you need to clean your home. This means both ordinary wet cleaning and going around the house with candles and prayers. It is recommended to go to church.

There are also folk pagan methods. For example, the youngest member of the family, but he should not be less than seven years old, must collect all the small items in the house and take them to the crossroads. There he leaves the money with the words:

Trouble, take a ransom, don’t follow us on our heels, don’t touch anyone, go your own way!

The child must return back without turning around or talking to anyone.

They also call for help from the brownie. To do this, they leave him a treat for three days in a row with the words:

Brownie, mistress, my home, protect my family, avert trouble. Here's a treat for you, and give us comfort.

In addition, it is not advisable to start a new business when crows appear at your windows. large purchases and make plans for the future.

A tit knocking on the window is a sign

If a tit knocks on the window, this is an ambiguous omen. On the one hand, in ancient times this bird was associated with the Blue Bird of Happiness. According to ancient beliefs, it brought good luck. If you believe good omens, then a tit knocking on the window brings happiness to the house and good news. A lonely person will find a loved one, a long-awaited addition to the family will occur, and perhaps we should expect an increase in the income of the head of the family. In the old days, this list was supplemented good harvest, but now this part of the sign is not as relevant as before.

However, some beliefs call the tit not a harbinger of happiness, but a bird of death. She personifies the soul of a deceased relative who came to call someone close to him into the world of the dead. Some people still believe that a tit knocking on the window is a sign of the death of one of the relatives. There is also a more optimistic version of this superstition - a tit knocking on the window means losses and material losses.

It’s hard to say which version of the sign you should believe in. Most people prefer to show themselves as skeptics when we're talking about about bad predictions, and rejoice if you happen to observe what is considered a good omen. Expecting the death of relatives or worrying about losses in advance - this is in any case bad idea, so you can set yourself up for negativity. This phenomenon is sometimes called self-damage - a person sets himself up for bad things, and this happens.

It is important to understand that signs come true more often if you believe in them. If, when you see a bird knocking on your windows, you think about it and tell everyone about your doubts and fears, then the omen will definitely come true.

It's another matter if you don't pay attention to it and forget. Then the sign won't work. Of course, this does not mean that all signs do not work if you do not pay attention to them, just remember to adequately assess what is happening. In the city, many birds sit on the windowsills of residential buildings every day, and this does not bring misfortune to the owners of these apartments.

After all, it was not in vain that our ancestors believed in such things, and the signs themselves have been tested for centuries. In any case, the choice is yours: to believe it or not.

Why is a bird knocking on the window and what to do with this sign? - all the secrets on the site

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A knock on the window makes anyone involuntarily flinch. And when it is heard in the window of a high-rise building, no one remains indifferent. The cause of concern is often a bird and its sudden interest in the glass fence of the apartment. It would seem that there is nothing unusual: midges have settled on the glass, the bird has decided to feast on the available food, and so it knocks on the glass with its beak. But at such moments, anxiety creeps into the heart. Why? Subconscious memory, centuries of knowledge accumulated by ancestors, signs associated with them excite the soul. What are they talking about? First of all, about the fact that bird - messenger. Let's try to remember what exactly it portends.

Signs of many peoples and nationalities say that if a bird flies in and knocks on the window, dead ancestors are sending you a message. After all God's birds can be intermediaries between the world of existence and non-existence. By sending a bird to us, they send news of a different nature. And these are not always bad.

Joyful signs

  • Popular belief says that swallow brings the keys to heaven. And when she arrives on your windowsill and knocks on the window, expect good news. And if there is hope for continuation of the family in your home, a long-awaited child will soon appear in the family. The swallow's relative, the swift-winged swift, brings the same news.
  • The titmouse is knockingsure sign that unexpected, but well-deserved joy will come to you. If she knocks for a long time and persistently, a protracted streak of good luck has begun in your life. This is how the ancestors who have passed on to another world send their blessings for the successful start of the things you have planned.
  • The main carrier of news is the dove. And it’s good if at the time he arrived the window was slightly open. The sign says that if a dove knocks on the window, expect guests. And when there is also some kind of grass or twig in his beak, the guest will be rich and generous with gifts.

In addition, there is a popular belief if it's a bird white , and there is a girl of marriageable age in the house, she will soon be successfully matched.

And if it's dark, listen to your feelings while the bird is knocking on the window. If you are worried, contact your relatives and ask how they are doing. Usually the one whose name comes to mind at the first moment needs your protection. Visit him or dial his phone number, and trouble will bypass this person.

The same should be done if the dove does not just knock for a long time, but literally hits the window. The first person who comes to mind faces at least serious illness. Take her away. In this case, the following words will also help: “Every time has its hour, and this trouble is not for us. Amen". You can also feed the pigeons by taking bread or pies or cookies out of the house (without buying!). It is better to do this near the church.

  • It's a good omen if a magpie knocks on the window. Firstly, good news, secondly, the visit of long-awaited guests; thirdly, if someone in the house has been seriously ill for a long time, he will definitely recover. The magpie simply won’t make any noise.

Two-digit sign

Interesting signs are associated with the sparrow. This small, lively bird is a real fighter and adventurer, capable of stealing tasty from under a nose many times larger than its feathered counterpart. So, if his loud visit makes you smile, expect to win a game, lottery, or argument.

If you have incomprehensible excitement, you will soon be deceived.
Moreover, you are threatened with some kind of meanness on the part of the one to whom you entrusted your secrets. Remember the legend about the sparrow, which, jumping on the crucified Jesus, joyfully announced: “alive, alive, alive, alive,” dooming him to additional cruel torture.

Bad news

Our loved ones who have passed on to another world send bad news with birds. Moreover, the soul of the dead is often hidden in them. For example, there is a belief that a seagull is the soul of a sailor or fisherman who died at sea. Her piercing cry is the cry of someone who has perished in the depths of the sea: for her loved ones and for the impossibility of being near them. The sign says that if a seagull persistently knocks on the window, the deceased calls his relatives to him, and one of his blood relatives will soon pass into another world.

Loss of a loved one or loved one portend, according to ancient signs, a raven, jackdaw, eagle owl, and owl knocking on the window. If they also shout something at the same time, trouble will not come alone. Some kind of inevitable threat threatens the whole family.

And if the cuckoo suddenly knocked on the window, you and your family are threatened with ruin and a series of diseases. Sometimes incurable.

In this case, you cannot give up. We need to act. The same signs say that if, upon seeing a black messenger, a person ties a red silk or wool thread on the window handle, or better yet, a ribbon - the trouble will go away. It's even better to collect all the little things you have at home. Take it to the intersection, throw it over your right shoulder onto the ground and say: “Take the money, save it from harm,” and, without looking back, leave this place. A generous gift to birds in the form of pieces of bread taken from home or a specially baked flatbread will also help protect them from harm.

More than enough. Believe them or not - it's up to you. In any case, it won’t hurt to treat the bird that knocked on your window with grain or bread. The birds are worth it.

Why this sign - a bird hitting the window? The appearance of such a guest is always a special sign for a person, sent with the purpose of warning or good news. Its interpretation depends on a number of factors, including the breed of the bird, its behavior, and condition.

According to folk beliefs the appearance of a bird portends trouble. This is due to the fact that birds have long been considered messengers of the other world. They can convey various messages, not always pleasant:

  • Report curses and damage.
  • Presage the death of a relative, a serious illness.
  • Warn about squabbles, gossip, dishonest behavior of colleagues at work or business partners.
  • Promise money, a sharp promotion, success.
  • Inform about the imminent addition to the family.

There are good and bad signs associated with birds for residential premises and for offices. To understand their meaning, it is important to know all the folk beliefs associated with birds of various breeds.

If there's a knock at home

What does it mean when a bird flies to your home windowsill? Pay attention to the behavior of the feathered guest and the reaction of children or pets to him:

  1. If the bird is calm, children laugh when looking at it, dogs or cats do not express concern, then its appearance is considered a favorable sign.
  2. If the bird is sick, wounded, struggling on the windowsill, causing concern among the children, it means that it promises troubles and losses for the house.

In both cases, you need to neutralize possible negativity and speed up the effect of a good omen. If you suspect that your home is destined for misfortune, contact a clairvoyant.

If he knocks at work

The appearance of a feathered messenger at work predicts changes for the company she has joined. If a bird flies and flies away, its message is insignificant - you can not pay attention to the animal. If the bird remains on the windowsill for a long time, then serious changes are coming to the company. Their interpretation depends on the breed of bird.

The appearance of swifts, swallows and pigeons usually portends profit. Crows, magpies, and sparrows indicate dishonest behavior of competitors.

What bird is knocking on the window?

When interpreting signs, it is important to take into account the breed of bird that knocked on the window. Some feathered guests - tits, swallows, swifts, pigeons - arrive with good news. Others - crows, magpies, flattering birds, sparrows - prophesy misfortunes.


This sign can be interpreted in two ways. Sparrow indicates unexpected events - favorable and unpleasant. He can predict winning the lottery, unexpected success of a project, or a precious find. The sparrow also warns against scammers and thieves. The feathered guest promises small disagreements in the family, which will soon be forgotten.


Usually good sign. If a bird knocks on the window, it means that a deceased loved one has come to the house, wanting to help and protect. It foreshadows the birth of a child for a young couple. The bird cannot be chased away; it must be fed with bread crumbs.

The dove portends unexpected news. If the bird is calm, the news will be joyful; if the bird is excited or irritated, it will be sad.


You should rejoice at the sound of a titmouse. The bird foreshadows monetary gain, an increase in permanent income, and ordinary everyday happiness. You should worry if she flew into the house. Popular signs say that this guest often takes people to the next world. This interpretation is applicable if a person dreams of a tit.


A visit from a magpie speaks of the machinations of gossipers and envious people. Be careful - among the ill-wishers there may be close people, friends, relatives. However terrible events in this case, you shouldn’t expect it to end in minor quarrels.

The appearance of a crow is most dangerous for humans. This bird is used by evil magicians and sorcerers; it may indicate that your family has been damaged, a slander, or a curse. The black raven is considered a harbinger of death, and its visit is very rare. Wait for the bird to fly away and take measures to protect your home from negativity.

What to expect in the future?

In most cases, the appearance of a bird portends changes for the whole family, but you need to be able to accept them. Knowing why a bird hits the window of a house according to the interpretation of a particular breed of feathered guest, you need to do this:

  1. If the omen is good, it is recommended to feed the birds and hang a birdhouse near the house. If the bird is injured, you should take it to the vet. If there is no suitable place for this, it is enough to feed the church pigeons. This will appease the birds and allow you to quickly make positive changes in your own life.
  2. If the omen is bad, you need to hang a red ribbon on the window - this will neutralize the negative. You can resort to the help of a brownie. Leave him milk and sweets overnight and ask him to look after the family. You can also ask the younger family member to go to the crossroads and leave a ransom in coins with a request to protect the family from misfortune. It is recommended to postpone important matters and large purchases after the bird’s visit.

We must remember that good and bad omens associated with birds are always a warning to humans. You shouldn't be afraid of them. Often, after a visit from a feathered guest, it is enough to take measures to protect the family from financial and personal problems or to pay attention to favorable opportunities. You should always be grateful for the appearance of birds. Then the next time a bird knocks on the window, the omen will definitely be favorable for you.

Most people are startled by a knock on the window. This fear doesn't just happen. The subconscious is triggered, the experience accumulated by the people “pops up”. The most common interpretation folk sign: why does a bird knock on the window - this is a harbinger of loss loved one, illness, death. This is most often not true. According to psychologists, people remember signs with scary meaning better. But there are many good beliefs.

Interpretations of signs: a bird knocks on the window

The appearance of birds on the windowsill primarily causes alarm because of the image of the window through which in the old days they carried the dead out of the house. In addition, people attribute to birds the ability to “travel” between worlds. It is into these winged creatures that the souls of the deceased migrate.

If birds knock on glass, it is believed that the spirits of deceased ancestors want to warn loved ones about possible problems.

There is also an opinion that the soul of the deceased wants to take someone living today with it to another world - this is how the sound of a seagull is interpreted (according to beliefs, the souls of dead sailors move into these birds).

In other cases, a bird simply knocking on the window is alarming only if its visit is accompanied by the crying of a child. It is believed that the soul of the deceased cannot find a place for itself; a relative needs to be remembered.

There is a dangerous omen swipe feathered on glass. He warns of a threat to all members of the genus.

If a bird knocked just once and flew away, this is a sign of deep spiritual changes in the life of one person or all family members.

If it is through the window, and you observe this while sitting at home, this is a warning about the possible loss of a loved one. Moreover, we are not necessarily talking about death or separation due to divergent views on life. Some extraordinary events may occur, as a result of which you will stop communicating forever.

If you happened to see from the side how a bird hit or knocked on someone else’s window, this is a harbinger that in the near future you will have to witness something not particularly pleasant. You will be faced with a choice: to take or not to take any action. The opinion of others about you will change depending on the decision you make in the current situation.

A dream involving a bird that hits the window has a special meaning. Folk wisdom Such a dream is considered a harbinger of misfortune. The main troubles will await you in your personal life. Perhaps things will go in such a way that they will force you to reconsider your life attitudes. The time for change is coming.

But Freud, in his dream book, makes an assumption about the presence of insurmountable spiritual barriers in a person who dreamed of a bird beating against a window.

According to superstitions, the species of the bird that knocks on the window matters. Among the signs there are many positive ones.


If this bird knocks on the window, pleasant events await you:

  • Receiving good news.
  • The imminent birth of a new family member.
  • Recovery of a sick person.
  • The appearance of long-awaited guests.

Eat negative interpretations signs about bird knocks from people who were afraid of magpies. If a magpie knocks on the window:

  • Tomorrow something bad might happen.
  • Unplanned expenses are coming.


This bird knocks on the window - to the news. Moreover, news can be both verbal and in the form of events. The “bird of peace” with white plumage brings news of an imminent wedding or the birth of a baby.

But if a dove hit the window and fell, much less died, this means the approach of crop failure, war, serious illnesses, and famine.

If a dove just knocked on the window with its beak, most likely one of your deceased relatives is worried about you. Don’t be scared, think about those you miss, remember the most pleasant or funny moments. You can also think about how you live. What might the person who left you not like or make him feel proud?


The knocking of a nimble feathered creature on the window warns of receiving news from distant relatives. There are other signs:

  • If the bird’s visit made you feel moved, you will win a lottery, game or bet.
  • Inexplicable excitement due to the knocking of a sparrow is a harbinger of deception. Perhaps you will be betrayed by the person to whom you told about your secrets.


If a wagtail with black and white plumage knocks on your window, you won’t expect anything good. The wagtail is a symbol of tears. Higher power warn you of upcoming troubles:

  • Troubles are coming at work.
  • Disputes will begin in the family about the ownership of property.
  • Possible problems for a pregnant woman.

But the wagtail, which has yellow feathers - a symbol of spring, brings joy to the house.


The “blue bird of happiness,” as it is fondly called by people, brings messages about various events. The yellow-breasted bird often promises increased well-being.


According to various folk beliefs, knocking on the window big bird portends either big changes or the loss of a loved one. In addition to the crow, owls, eagle owls, and jackdaws also fall into the category of “carriers” of tragic omens.

If a bird knocking on a window is accompanied by a loud scream, you need to prepare for a serious disaster affecting the whole family. These birds simply won’t even fly up to human habitation, and if they knock on a window, disaster is inevitable.

If crows appear at your windows, you should not start new things or plan for the future. You should also avoid large purchases.

If you saw in a dream a crow sitting on a windowsill or knocking on a window, this promises long-term illnesses, failures, disappointments, and a bad mood.

What to do if you don’t like the bird sign

It has been noticed that children feel the subtle worlds better than adults, and are even able to see the soul of a deceased person. Therefore, by a child’s reaction to a feathered guest knocking, you can determine what he came to you with.

When a child happily rushes to the window, rejoices at the knocking bird, then there is no need to wait for anything bad, no news, no events. But if the baby does not want to communicate with the winged guest who knocked on the window and looks at her in fear, measures must be taken to protect the family and home from possible harm. Moreover, if the bird’s visit is accompanied by a child’s crying or screaming, protective rituals must be carried out immediately, and the child must be removed away from the window.

If you have negatively interpreted the sign that a bird is knocking on the window, you urgently need to neutralize the bad omens. There are several methods for this:

  • If, in addition to the child's cry, you did not like other circumstances of the event, for example, the breed of bird or bird hit the window and fell, get ready and leave the house with the whole family. You can bring your pets with you. Trouble will bypass empty housing.
  • Collect all the little things you can find in your apartment. Head to the crossroads. Throw the coins over your right shoulder with the words: “Take the money, save it from harm.” Then, without looking back, go home.
  • If a bird knocks on the window, you can tie red ribbons (or strings) to the window frame for all family members.
  • After the crow’s visit, it is recommended to “clean” the entire house, especially the room on whose window the bearer of bad news knocked. Moreover, it is recommended to combine regular wet cleaning with energetic cleansing, during which they go around all the corners of the house with a church candle.

A good way to “pay off” from the misfortune prophesied by winged guests is to generously treat the birds. Place bread crumbs and grains into the feeder. It is important not to go to the store for bread, but to collect food for the birds at home. As you throw out the crumbs, say: “Come for food, not for your soul.”

Believers are recommended to go to church. Depending on the associations that appeared from the knocking bird, you need to light candles for the health of your loved ones, relatives, or pray for the repose of the deceased, whom you think about at the time of the bird’s visit.

As a rule, the subconscious gives the right hint: it makes you think about who exactly the misfortune or soul may affect, what kind of person appeared to you in the form of a bird. Sometimes it is enough to call this relative and just talk to him, ask how he is doing - misfortunes will pass you by.

And we must not forget about the power of thought. In order not to attract trouble, try to think about the good. If a bird knocks on your window, don’t tell everyone about it in horror. Try to find positive points what happened.

There are many beliefs and signs associated with birds. Birds have long been considered harbingers of happiness or misfortune; they were specially fed to attract money. The sign of a bird knocking on a window causes fear due to many conflicting interpretations.

A bird knocks on the window: what to expect?

Birds live next to us, they need food and it is logical to think that this is why they fly to our windows. But it's not that simple. At all times, it was believed that birds were inhabited by the souls of dead people. The appearance of a bird on the windowsill or in the house meant news from deceased relatives. People believed that in this way they were coming for the living. Nowadays, this sign often works only if a bird flies into the window.

In some cultures, it was customary to carry the body of the deceased out through a window rather than through a door. This was done in order to direct the soul of the deceased to heaven, straight to heaven. Therefore, a bird that flew into a window was considered a conductor of death.

The persistent knocking of a bird on a window causes anxiety for many. Ancient signs haunt us. Some consider this sign to be very favorable, promising joyful changes. Others are sure of the opposite: a bird can bring terrible misfortune to the house.

Good news

The bird has always been a symbol new information. The Bible mentions a dove that brought news to Noah about the appearance of dry land after a long flood. In times when there was no postal services, birds were trained to send letters.

Nowadays, the knocking of birds on the window is most often associated with receiving good news. Soon a letter may arrive, a call may ring, an announcement may appear. old friend with good news.

The knocking of a dove on the window is interpreted as especially auspicious sign, which foreshadows the arrival of a dear guest, new love, wedding and even the birth of a child. The dove has always been considered a symbol of peace; in Christianity it is revered as the personification of the holy spirit. Therefore, his appearance always carries positive value. There is an opinion that the appearance of a dove is a visit from a guardian angel. Someone from above protects you and encourages you, letting you know that you are protected.

If a dove has a twig or blade of grass in its beak, this is interpreted as the imminent arrival of a rich, generous guest with expensive gifts. This can also be interpreted as an increase in income, receiving an unexpected bonus, a large amount of money.

A lucky sign is the sound of a swallow knocking on the window. This bird brings happiness, prosperity, and the birth of children. Its appearance on the windowsill foreshadows the onset of a white streak in life, the arrival of good luck and new opportunities. Such an event does not happen often: the swallow is afraid of people, but if it visited you, then rest assured that happiness is just around the corner.

Pay attention to the color of the bird that is knocking. The appearance of a white bird is a wonderful sign if there is unmarried girl. Soon she will meet her betrothed. For the rest of the family, it brings good health, material wealth, peace and harmony.

Bad omens

The most common sign with birds is a prediction of the imminent death of a relative. It appeared as a result of centuries of observations. The belief about the ability of souls to inhabit birds strengthens the power of such signs. Fortunately, not every bird visit to our window ends in someone's death. Tits, crows, owls, and cuckoos are considered traditional harbingers of misfortune.

A seagull landing on the windowsill is considered a negative omen. They carry within them the souls of dead sailors who want to take someone alive to the next world. If there were fishermen, sailors, or seafarers in the family, such a sign does not bode well.

A raven, eagle owl, or owl knocking on the window threatens terrible troubles for the whole family. These birds can bring ruin, a streak of failures, and serious illnesses. In addition, they are conductors evil spirits- perhaps someone is casting witchcraft on you.

The sudden sound of a cuckoo brings only trouble. She predicts ruin, loss of health, divorce, and a difficult period of crisis. If an arriving bird hits the window and tries to get inside the room, this is a very bad omen. The death of one of the blood relatives is likely soon.

To protect the family from negative consequences such visits from birds, tie a red ribbon or thread on the outside of the window - it will ward off trouble from the house. You can perform a ritual to buy yourself out of trouble: collect all the little things you have in the house, take it to the crossroads, throw it over your left shoulder, mentally buying yourself off from misfortune. Place a feeder outside the window and feed the birds grains and fresh bread every day. The birds like such a generous offering; they will only bring you good. A brownie can protect you from troubles. Ask him to take trouble away from home; as a reward, feed him milk, cookies, and candy.

What bird is knocking

The key is what kind of bird is knocking on the window. Each bird species has its own characteristics, habits, have different energy.

The dove can bring both good and bad news. He is a postal bird, so to determine the purpose of his visit, you need to observe the bird's habits. If the dove is very worried and persistently knocks, the news will come on the same day and may bring disappointment.

A visit from a sparrow has a double meaning. These birds are very cunning and agile, thanks to which they manage to survive in any conditions. Such a sign can promise an unexpected win and additional income. But it can also warn against thieves and scammers. Be on your guard in the near future, do not trust strangers, do not let strangers into your home.

The appearance of a magpie on the windowsill warns of gossip being spread and the machinations of envious people. Beware of betrayal by a loved one. The knocking of a crow is a very negative omen. The black bird is considered a guide dark forces. Magicians and sorcerers work through them. Her visit may indicate magical influence from your enemy. Take care of protecting yourself and all family members, go to church, buy candles, sacred water.

The knocking of the wagtail is interpreted in different ways. This bird brings news of the imminent onset of warmth, and it also predicts sadness and tears. The white wagtail portends discord in the family, quarrels, scandals, grievances between relatives. Bad sign for pregnant women - difficulties with bearing and giving birth to a child are possible.

The titmouse traditionally symbolizes simple everyday happiness. But they are afraid of her appearance. Our ancestors noticed that this type of bird most often claims lives. It is believed that tits are inhabited by the souls of our deceased ancestors. They come for the living in this guise. However, you should only be afraid of dire consequences if a tit flew into the house. In other cases, it carries the news of an increase in income and a new addition to the family.

In order to strengthen or weaken the consequences of such visits, try to feed the arriving birds more often. Feed them on the street, near the house, wherever you go. According to ancient beliefs, animals have patron spirits who take care of their charges. Good attitude birds can be attracted by the mercy of these creatures. Feeding birds is included in many rituals to attract wealth.
