Personal life and biography of Irina Viner. Biography of Irina Viner - a brilliant woman and an unrivaled trainer

Alisher Usmanov’s wife is not used to sitting behind her husband’s back. She is a self-sufficient person who knows how to earn money with her talent. Irina Viner has dozens of famous gymnasts who have conquered and continue to conquer the podiums of the highest sports competitions in the world.

Irina Viner – star of Uzbek gymnastics

The future wife of a famous billionaire, owner of the largest metallurgical enterprises, was born on July 30, 1948 in Samarkand, and soon moved with her parents to Tashkent. Irina grew up in an intelligent family: her father was People's Artist Uzbekistan, a member of the Academy of Arts, and his mother was a doctor. Irina Viner’s childhood was no different from thousands of other girls in the USSR: she went to a simple school, participated in amateur performances, and attended a dance club in the Palace of Pioneers. It was with him that the career of the future star began rhythmic gymnastics. The girl’s extreme plasticity attracted the attention of coaches, who invited Irina to try her hand at sports. She was already 11 years old then, which by the standards of gymnasts is considered a respectable age. Despite this, persistent training allowed the girl to become a star in rhythmic gymnastics of the USSR, because she became the winner of Uzbekistan three times. In 1965, Irina graduated from school with a gold medal and easily entered the Uzbek Institute physical culture. Wiener's career began in 1969. From that time onwards famous trainer hundreds of victories of her students. The first person she brought to the podium was Vera Shatalina. Such eminent gymnasts as Venera Zaripova, Elena Kholodova, Amina Zaripova, Yanina Batyrshina, Alina Kabaeva, Yulia Barsukova, as well as British athletes Debi Southwick and Viva Siefert considered her and still consider her their second mother.

Today Irina Viner is an honored coach of Russia, heads the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics, and holds the post of vice-president of the technical committee for rhythmic gymnastics international federation gymnastics

The wife of Alisher Usmanov seeks help from her husband in difficult times

The future spouses met in their youth. At that time, training for fencers and gymnasts took place in the same gym. Alisher was fond of swords, even reaching the level of a master of sports, and Irina conquered gymnastic apparatus. When Wiener became a coach, there were no ways young specialist there were many difficulties. At that time, the competition among athletes was so great that it was very difficult to make your way to the podium with talent alone. The eminence of the coaches also played a role here, and own experience athlete. Wiener took on the impossible: she decided to lead her first ward, Vera Shatalina, to victory at any cost. And then her husband came to the rescue: he simply rented a two-story hotel room for the young athlete so that she could constantly practice throwing objects. So it has been since then that Alisher Usmanov tries to help his wife in everything. He more than once paid for the rental of gyms, sewing suits, and sponsored entire tournaments. Some accuse him of trying to launder illegal money in this way, but this is not at all the case, because today’s billionaire understands perfectly well that for a person who lives by sports, existence without victories is impossible. In addition, he engages in such charity because he loves his wife immensely and respects her talent. Irina Viner herself says that her main fan is her husband.

Irina Viner: “Children are the best people in the world”

Irina Viner perceives each of her students as her own child. It happened that young gymnasts they lived for a long time with the coach’s family, and she took care of them like a mother. But like any parent, Irina Viner raises her children with love and severity. For example, she penetrates into personal problems with all her heart, tries to follow their fate, but at the same time, she considers it necessary to teach them life and survival in our world. “Only by overcoming yourself can you achieve heights in life,” Usmanov’s wife is sure. Her colleagues note the strong and authoritative character of Irina Viner, and it cannot be otherwise, because dozens of followers and devotees will not follow the weak. She is always working and fighting, protecting her girls, protecting them like a lioness. And they reciprocate her feelings. Sometimes loved ones do not recognize Irina and do not understand how two hypostases can exist in this woman at the same time: on the one hand, she is soft, loving, optimistic, looking for bright impressions, and on the other hand, she is conservative, tough and straightforward.

In family relationships, everything is different, but here the lifestyle of Usmanov and Wiener plays a big role. The spouses simply cannot spend much time together and meet only 1-2 times a week. Perhaps in their case this is correct, because otherwise they both can suppress each other with their energy. Having lived together for many years, going through grief and joy, they learned to value personality in their soulmate. Spouses completely lack mistrust of each other, because respect for their partner makes their life stable and strong. Usmanov’s wife loves to give joy and love to her loved ones. Anyone who truly once entered Irina’s heart will remain there forever. This also applies family relations, because for Wiener, completely giving her feelings to her husband and son is perhaps the most important thing in life.

Viner-Usmanova Irina Aleksandrovna was born on July 30, 1948 in Samarkand, into a family of creative intelligentsia. Grandfather is a musician, father is a famous recognized artist. Mother worked as a doctor. The girl was interested in art, loved music, played in the school theater and did rhythmic gymnastics, and was very successful. She became the champion of Uzbekistan three times. But it all started with the fact that she came to this sport in order to better perform the panther dance in a ballet club.

Education and academic degree

In 1965 she graduated from school with a gold medal. I dreamed of becoming an actress. My parents insisted on medical treatment. The Uzbek Institute of Physical Culture made a compromise.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences and Professor. In 2003, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic “Training highly qualified female athletes in rhythmic gymnastics,” and in 2013, she defended her doctoral dissertation on integral training in the same sport.

Youth and coaching

Strange as it may sound now, Irina did not plan to become a coach. She was studying science, and the teacher gave her the task: to recruit a group of children in order to evaluate their results and conduct sports measurements. That's how it all started.

From 1972 to 1992 future wife The billionaire worked in the capital of the Uzbek SSR: first she coached the Tashkent national team, and then the republic’s rhythmic gymnastics team. Among her students were complete champions: Vera Shatalina, Venera Zaripova, Elena Kholodova, Marina Nikolaeva. During this period of work, Irina Aleksandrovna was awarded the title of Honored Trainer of Uzbekistan.

After the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, she moved to Moscow, where she began her career at the Moscow City Physical Culture and Sports Association (MGFSO). During this difficult period for the country, sports were not held in high esteem: they had to look for money, gyms, costumes, and housing for athletes. In the same year, she was appointed head coach of the Olympic Training Center, and in 2001 - the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team. Since 2008, she has been president of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics (VFKhG).

Last news

On July 30, 2018, the honored coach of Russia celebrated her 70th birthday. The government hastened to congratulate the head of the WFHG on her birthday - a telegram addressed to her on behalf of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was published on the Cabinet website:

“You have made a real revolution in rhythmic gymnastics, making this sport one of the most beautiful and popular.

Thanks to you, many brightest stars- world, European, Olympic champions.”

Party affiliation

In 2016, she was elected to the Supreme Council of the United Russia party.


The honored athlete has many regalia and awards: orders, certificates of honor and badges of honor.

Winner of many awards and Hero of Labor Russian Federation.

Family status

Married. According to the billionaire's wife herself, she first saw her husband in the gym - among the fencers. And they met a little later, in Moscow. We ran into each other by chance and said hello: it turned out that Alisher’s sister was training with Irina.

She received a marriage proposal many years later: from prison, where Usmanov ended up as a defendant in a high-profile case, he gave her a scarf. In Uzbekistan there is a custom according to which this is a request to get married. The wedding took place in 1992, the wedding was quite modest.

For Irina Alexandrovna, this marriage was the second; from her first, she has a son, Anton (born in 1973).

The biography of Irina Viner is an example of how successfully the fate of a real woman can turn out. In addition to the fact that Wiener has made an excellent career in sports, she managed to successfully marry a billionaire and give birth to his child. How did Irina Viner manage to become a champion in rhythmic gymnastics three times and a lucky lady in her personal life?

Irina Viner-Usmanova: biography, childhood

From the very beginning, fate did not predict any special status or position in society for little Irina. The biography of Irina Viner begins in Samarkand (Uzbekistan) in 1948.

Irina’s father was an Honored Artist of Uzbekistan and was enrolled in the Academy of Arts. The girl's mother was an ordinary doctor. In addition to little Wiener, her brother, Boris, also grew up in the family.

Passed on from Irina's father good taste, the ability to see beauty and create beauty, which soon came in handy for the girl in creating artistic performances. Mother remained for Wiener best friend and advisor.

Until the age of 11, the girl studied at the Samarkand Palace of Pioneers in a dance club, and then her family moved to Tashkent.

Sports career

In Tashkent, Irina Viner became seriously interested in rhythmic gymnastics. The girl was trained by Soviet champions Liliya Petrova and Eleonora Sumarokova. Even before graduating from school, Irina became the champion of Uzbekistan three times.

After the girl graduated from school, she didn’t think twice about future profession and went to study at the Uzbek Institute of Physical Culture.

Wiener’s coaching career began when, after college, she entered the Tashkent Olympic Reserve Youth School. For 22 years, Irina Aleksandrovna Viner, whose biography is inextricably linked with sports, coached the Uzbekistan rhythmic gymnastics team. During this time, under her strict leadership, several champions in this sport were trained, but Vera Shatalina, Venera Zaripova, Elena Kholodova and Marina Nikolaeva are considered the most famous students of Wiener.

During the Barcelona Olympics '92, Irina is invited to the UK to prepare Debi Southwick and Viva Cifer for the competition. After the end of the Olympics, the coach returns to Moscow, and not to Tashkent, and becomes the official coach of the Russian rhythmic gymnastics team.

Irina Viner: biography, first husband

It was hard not to notice the bright appearance of the young athlete and coach. Therefore, Irina Viner’s biography was probably rich in victories over men’s hearts.

But for the first time serious marriage the woman entered at the age of 23, after graduating from college and began her coaching career. In this marriage she was born The only son- Anton.

The first lady of rhythmic gymnastics does not talk about her first husband. And even Anton has long been bearing the name of his mother, not his father.

When Irina went to London in 1992 to train English gymnasts, she was already officially divorced. To Tashkent to ex-husband the woman never returned, and having moved to Moscow, she soon became the wife of Alisher Usmanov.

Irina Viner - talented teacher

The biography of Irina Viner is rich happy moments and lucky turns of fate. However, this woman is famous, first of all, as a talented teacher and mentor.

Her students do not need advertising, the whole country already knows about them: absolute European champion Alina Kabaeva, world champion Irina Chashchina, European champions Zarina Gizikova, Laysan Utyasheva and Vera Sesina.

Everyone who knows Irina personally notes her determination, her intention to perform her work to the limit of human capabilities and receive only amazing results from her students. Therefore, it is not surprising that this moment The post of President of the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics is occupied by such an outstanding woman. It is worth noting that Russian athletes under the leadership of Irina Viner continue to regularly take first places in international competitions.

Irina Viner and her second marriage

Alisher Usmanov and Irina Viner - the biography of these people could form the basis of a good book.

Usmanov and Viner first met in Tashkent when they were still teenagers. Young Irina practiced rhythmic gymnastics, and in the same hall of the House of Pioneers, Usmanov practiced fencing. That's when they became friends. Usmanov was just a young man who was passionate about sports - no one suspected then that this man would become a billionaire.

Then throughout for long years Usmanov helped Irina when financial issues arose that prevented Viner’s students from preparing for competitions: Alisher rented gyms for training, etc.

When Viner returned to Moscow after London as a divorced woman, she again met her old friend, but Alisher Usmanov now treated her somewhat differently and began to actively court the woman. And although Irina now had a prejudiced attitude towards marriage, she agreed to become his common-law wife.

Together, this couple survived Usmanov’s imprisonment, high-profile scandals, ups and downs. But in the end, both Alisher and Irina emerged victorious from all life’s ups and downs, and today it is difficult to imagine a stronger and more successful couple than them.

Children of Irina Viner

Irina’s son Viner, whose biography is not so well known, followed in the footsteps of his stepfather and went into business. Since 2011, he has been at the head of a large development company.

The boy graduated from high school high school in Tashkent. And by the time the time came to go to college, Wiener was a fairly wealthy person and was able to organize her son’s studies in Germany. Anton then studied in London and finally at the Moscow Financial Academy.

Irina Viner-Usmanova, a famous former athlete, and now a coach and teacher, was born in 1948 on July 30 in the city of Samarkand, Republic of Uzbekistan.

The personal life and biography of Irina Viner began after birth. Irina together with younger brother and her parents moved to the capital of Uzbekistan. Alexander Efimovich, Irina’s father, the culprit of her success, has been involved with his daughter since childhood. Irina’s mother, Zoya Zinovievna, who worked in the medical field, also helped with this.

The girl’s dream was to study at a theater school, but her parents’ opinion did not at all coincide with her daughter’s wishes. But in order to curb her appetite for creativity, Irina was placed in the hands of experienced gymnastics coaches, who helped her get gold in Uzbekistan.

Sports career

After Irina Viner did not enter the medical school, the girl passed the documents to the Institute of Physical Education. After graduation educational institution and sports career, Irina Aleksandrovna quickly began coaching at the Children's Youth Sports School and helped many young gymnasts achieve success.

Until 1992, she honed the skills of the Uzbekistan national team. During this time, the following gymnasts came out from under her wing:

  • Venera Zaripova - became the champion of the Soviet Union five times;
  • Nikolaeva Marina - World Cup winner;
  • Elena Kholodova - champion of the Soviet Union;
  • Shatalina Vera is the winner of the main prize for performances at the Intervision Cup.

For producing talented athletes, Wiener received the title of honorary coach of the republic.

Since the early 90s, she began training British women, in parallel with the team from Uzbekistan. Thanks to her, the English women took prizes for the first time in the history of the games.

To fully understand the merits of Irina Viner, it is enough to know that her student was Alina Kabaeva.

"I love her. I love it very much. This is my daughter,” Irina Viner said about Alina Kabaeva.

Public life

After many years of work As a coach, Irina Aleksandrovna turned towards educational problems and defended her scientific dissertation. And in 2013, after another defense, she became a Doctor of Science in Pedagogy.

Irina Viner is also interested in social aspects Russia. Vladimir Putin appointed her as an authorized person while still in his post as Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. At the end of winter 2016, she joined the ruling party and joined the ranks of the high council.

Thanks to her high position, Irina Alexandrovna managed to open a training center for high-class gymnasts and give it a name - the Olympic Village of Novogorsk. This is where “existence began” International Academy sport of Irina Viner.” In her opinion new project will be able to provide the country with good athletes and Olympic reserves.

“Every candidate for the national team must be able to overcome herself, not be led by her mood and emotions.”

The richest man in the Russian Federation is Alisher Burkhanovich Usmanov. The billionaire began his activities in the late 80s. In just a few years, the man managed to organize his own company.

Currently, Alisher Usmanov is engaged in the development of Russian sports. It provides support to athletes and Paralympians.

The billionaire is involved in charity work. He bought many valuables that, for one reason or another, ended up in the West, and gave them as free gifts to the residents of the Russian Federation.

Alisher Usmanov is known to many world businessmen. He is cited as an example for people starting their own business. They are interested in everything about this businessman, including his height, weight, and age. How old is Alisher Usmanov? It’s easy to calculate by doing basic calculations in your head. In 2018, the businessman will celebrate his 65th birthday. With a height of 175 cm, he weighs 103 kg.

Alisher Usmanov, whose photo in his youth and now can be viewed in Forbes magazine, is involved in fencing, horse riding and fitness.

Biography 👉 of Alisher Usmanov

Alisher Usmanov, biography, photo, his family, wife and children, whose public has been interested in for a long time, was born in the early 50s of the last century. His father, Burkhan Usmanov, worked in the prosecutor's office, his mother was raising four children.

At school, the boy was one of the best students in the class. According to teachers, Alisher should have connected his life with jurisprudence or the diplomatic service.

The boy literally devoured books. He read adventure novels. Most loved literary hero was Dartagnan. It was the book “The Three Musketeers” that influenced Usmanov. He learned to fencing masterfully, defending his country in international competitions.

After school, the talented guy entered MGIMO. Having received the most prestigious professions, Alisher got a job at the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union.

The biography of Alisher Usmanov met no obstacles. But in the 80s he was arrested and imprisoned, accused of extortion and fraud. A few years after this, the man was released. The complete rehabilitation of our hero occurred only at the beginning of the new millennium. It turned out that ill-wishers were involved in organizing the criminal case.

After his release, the businessman began to engage in the tourism business, taking interested people around the Pamirs. In the late 80s, he began organizing a business producing polyethylene, and also began supplying tobacco products to Moscow. Since the early 90s I began to study banking sector. In parallel with this, he receives a second higher education, this time financial.

Currently, the man owns a number of the most prestigious brands, including “ football club Arsenal, Megafon, MUZ-TV and many others. He is involved in metallurgy, develops sports, and provides support to small and medium-sized businesses. Among priority areas Alisher Usmanov has charity for which he spends large amounts money.

The billionaire does not tolerate gossip. He asks opponents to provide truthful information. For example, Navalny recently accused the billionaire of being unscrupulous in his activities. Alisher Usmanov answered Navalny to all the accusations that he is not afraid to look people in the eyes. If the opponent doubts this and he has irrefutable data on this issue, let him go to court.

Personal life 👉 Alisher Usmanov

A billionaire proposed his hand and heart to his chosen one while in prison. The girl received a scarf as a sign of love. After leaving prison, the lovers officially registered their marriage.

The personal life of Alisher Usmanov is happy. Since the early 90s of the last century, it has flowed along with the fate of the famous Russian trainer Irina Winner. The couple are happy. They cannot live without each other for a long time. The millionaire never even had rumors or gossip about his mistresses. Irina Winner knows that her husband is faithful to her, and the woman herself has never given rise to gossip.

Family 👉 Alisher Usmanov

Alisher Usmanov’s family is his beloved wife Irina and her son from a previous relationship, who have become the closest people to the billionaire.

The man’s parents were highly respected people in Uzbekistan. My father worked in the prosecutor's office, my mother took care of the housework and raising children.

Alisher Usmanov communicates with all his relatives. He provides assistance to relatives living in Uzbekistan.

Children 👉 Alisher Usmanov

The businessman does not have his own children. For what reasons the children of Alisher Usmanov were never born is unknown. Some say that the reason for the absence of children is the inability to bear children, but there are also those who say that he did not want children at all.

The millionaire considers his wife’s son, born in his first marriage, to be his son. The young man appears, like him Foster father, entrepreneur. He studied science at Cambridge. At the beginning of the new millennium, Anton got married, and currently he and his wife are raising 2 sons.

Alisher considered one of his nephews to be his son. He wanted to leave his business to him in the future. But Babur died in mid-2013.

Wife 👉 of Alisher Usmanov - Irina Viner

The young people met in childhood. Then they separated for some time. The meeting took place during my student years young man. Irina already worked as a gymnastics coach. They lived in a civil marriage.

After the man went to prison, Alisher Usmanov’s wife, Irina Viner, was waiting for him, not believing her lover’s accusations. She supported him. Having received the scarf, the woman agreed to become Alisher’s wife.

The couple have been together for almost 30 years, but during this time they have never had a serious fight. Alisher is engaged in business. Irina heads the All-Russian Federation of Rhythmic Gymnastics. Her students invariably receive first prizes at sports competitions.

Instagram and Wikipedia 👉 Alisher Usmanova

Instagram and Wikipedia of Alisher Usmanov have been maintained by the businessman himself since the beginning of the 2000s. He is registered on Twitter and Vkontakte, the pages on which detailed information about the type of your activity.

Wikipedia allows you to find out the details of his biography, professional activity. Here is information about his family and wife.

The Instagram page contains many photographs and videos that are posted famous businessman. Comments on posts are written by the billionaire himself, and in three languages.
