Signs on how to quickly find a lost item at home. We return stolen items with a spell for a missing item

Hello. Help me please. I lost 2 gold pendants and 2 crosses. I left it on the table at home. Grandma moved it, but she doesn’t remember where. We searched everything, but we couldn’t find it.

Hello, Oksana! In fact, there is nothing special about the fact that we sometimes lose things. This is not due to disorder or negligence, but due to a combination of several reasons.

One of them is that at the moment when we are moving a thing, we are focused on something else, and therefore we do not remember the action itself, but we remember what we were thinking about at that moment.

The second, more esoteric, is that a person and his home have a common space-time field.

When we are in harmony with it, then all processes proceed perfectly, we are in harmony with ourselves, with our own mood, with health, we are happy and satisfied with everything. At this time, the house is clean and orderly, warm, special light and comfort, it seems to flicker and shimmer. On an energetic level, of course. And everything goes well and everything is fine. There are no quarrels or conflicts, all matters are settled, everything in the house is in its place and obeys its temporary schedule.

But when we enter into a phase of disharmony, various incidents begin. Concentration and well-being deteriorate, quarrels and shouting begin, something is constantly lost at home, things seem to wander from place to place without your knowledge. This means that you are in one space-time continuum, and the house is in another. Mismatch.

There are several ways to search for an item.

You can ask the brownie to give the item. To do this, you need to tie a scarf to the leg of a chair or table and say:

“Brownie-brownie, play and give it back!”

You can do it differently - sit on a chair, concentrate, relax and mentally imagine the thing. Imagine that it has already been found and is in your hands. You may immediately want to go to the place where this thing lies.

There is also a special conspiracy that will help you return a lost or stolen item.

Conspiracy to “Return a lost item”

To carry it out you will need a rope. In the evening, after sunset, take a string and start tying knots on it, saying:

“Lost (name of the missing item) tie up,

Answer me (your name).

Then place the knotted rope in the western corner of your house. In the morning, take a string and start untying the knots with the words:

“Lost (name of thing) untie,

Show yourself to me (your name)!”

After all the knots have been untied, place the rope in the eastern corner of the apartment. Soon the loss will be found

Good luck to you! And finding what was lost!

We all often lose something we need at home - keys, documents, flash drives, jewelry and a lot of other things. The search takes a lot of time and effort. It seems as if the whole house is already upside down, and there has been no loss. Let's try to find lost item in your home together.

If you drop and consequently lose something small, use a vacuum cleaner to search:
  1. Remove the brush from the vacuum cleaner.
  2. Put on and secure a nylon sock to the vacuum cleaner tube.
  3. Turn on the vacuum cleaner at low power.
  4. Carefully go through the tube over all the places where the lost item could have fallen.
  5. If you are lucky enough to find something missing, remove it from the surface of the sock and turn off the vacuum cleaner.
If the loss is not found or its size does not allow you to use a vacuum cleaner to search, do not give up. First of all, calm down, concentrate, stop being nervous and running around the house in a panic. Carefully inspect with fresh eyes the places where the missing item is likely to be located. It often happens that the object we need lies right in front of our eyes, but we don’t notice it. If your gaze is still not caught on anything, move on to the next part of our search. Close your eyes and try to remember where you saw the missing item in last time. For example, you lost your keys: imagine step by step how you get the right key, open the door with it, enter the house, lock the lock from the inside, take off your shoes, put the keys on the nightstand (hang it on a hook, take it with you to the kitchen, throw it on the sofa - it depends depending on the situation). Introduced? Now open your eyes and go look for the loss in the place where it is supposed to be. If it’s not there either, don’t stop searching. Let's move on to traditional methods, the most interesting of them is the appeal to the brownie. It is believed that he is the owner of your home and lost things are under his control. If you can’t find something that was literally in your hands a minute ago, the brownie decided to joke with you. Stop searching and say: “Brownie, brownie, play around and give it back!” For some reason, after this phrase, most of the lost things are never found. Don't believe me? Check it out, it won't hurt. Another old one folk way to find a lost thing - tie an ordinary handkerchief to a chair leg. It is difficult to explain the logic of this action, but grandparents claim that after performing this ritual, finding the loss becomes as easy as shelling pears.

If none of the above helped you, but you are still firmly convinced that the loss is somewhere in the house, use the last method, which works in 100% of cases. Get started general cleaning! As a result, you will kill two birds with one stone - the house will shine with cleanliness, and everything that was lost in Lately– will be found.

Most of the time, it's the little things that irritate you the most. Therefore, a missing item can throw anyone off balance. It’s good if the loss is an ordinary trifle. After all, almost everyone has become accustomed to a missing remote control or a missing sock.

In this topic:

But if we're talking about about documents that are urgently needed, or about valuables that are nowhere to be found, and this makes thoughts of theft creep into your head; you can no longer react calmly to this. So you have to ask for help from the Saints, from the Lord God, and in such a situation you have to remember about the brownie and the devil, just to find what is missing.

The simplest conspiracy to disappear

If something goes missing, the Slavs usually say: “Damn it, play it and give it back!” Alternatively, instead of the words “damn-damn,” they say “brownie-brownie.” Everyone is accustomed to these words, and many do not even suspect that they are addressing old conspiracy to find your lost item. The simplest ritual almost always gives a positive result.

After all, there have been many times with everyone when, during the search process, they look at all the corners and places where the loss could be located, but no result is obtained. And after the above simple words, the desired thing appears where you were just looking for it. To be sure, you can tie a handkerchief to the leg of a chair or stool; this simple action is used to definitely get help higher powers. This action increases the impact of magic words.

Ritual with a burnt match

This ritual is used when no one can find a lost item for a long time. You need to light a match, wait until it burns a little, and then quickly extinguish it.

With the end that was burnt and turned black, you need to draw a cross on your left hand (palm). You need to walk around with the drawn cross for 30 minutes, and then wash the area with milk. After the ritual with a cross, the plot is read:

“Everything that has gone will return. Everything I need will be found. Christ and the forces of light are with me! Amen".

The words are repeated 3 times. Then you need to stand in the central part of the room, think, imagine the thing you want to find. After this, you will definitely get what you are looking for, or remember what you forgot.

Ritual with herbs

This ritual is performed in cases where there is a firm belief that the loss is in the home and not somewhere else. For the ritual you need to find dried wormwood, as well as lavender and motherwort. These herbs are placed in copper or cast iron dishes.

A drop of alcohol is applied to the herbs and set on fire. The smoke that appears during combustion must be used to fumigate all areas of your home. Then they continue with their normal activities. The loss will be found by itself.

Ritual with rope

If all else fails, and you urgently need to find the lost item, you can read strong conspiracy, given below. When the sun sets behind the horizon, you need to take a rope and start tying knots on it, reading the words of the spell for a lost thing:

“Lost (name an object), stop! Answer me (name)!”

Then the rope should be put away in a corner located in the western part of your apartment. When morning comes, the knots need to be untied, saying:

“Lost (name the item), untie! Show yourself to me (name)!”

After reading such words, the rope must be placed in the eastern part of the apartment. You can use clothes rather than rope. Men should take a shirt and tie its sleeves; women should take a dress and tie it at the waist. Such actions are necessary to find the loss as quickly as possible. After this conspiracy, the thing will be found much faster.

Ritual for items lost outside the home

Everyone has lost something on the street or in in public places. Finding the loss in this case is almost impossible. But if you turn to a strong spell for a lost item, you can get a positive result. Candles are purchased at the church shop; there should be 12 of them.

This time in church you cannot sign the sign of the cross, you cannot read prayers. You need to buy candles and quickly leave, you can’t look back, they turn around only once and at the same time quickly say:

“Someone had a theft, and I lost. It will go away for someone, but it will come to me. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

When you return home, you need to continue the ritual so that the lost value is definitely returned to you. The candles brought from the church are lit and the visualization process begins. You need to sit quietly in front of the burning candles and imagine how the loss was found, how it was brought to you, you need to remember the loss in all its details. Then you need to read the lines of the conspiracy several times, which is needed to find the lost thing:

“As soon as a lost thing is found on the road, it will end up on my doorstep. Likhodey won’t find it; without a find, let him push. Let the black eye not see it, and let my hand not lift my thing. Let the missing person be found quickly and return to me unharmed. Let it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Ritual with a purple candle

So that you can use the power of magic at any time and find the right thing, you must always have purple candles. You should place a candle in the central part of the room where the loss is located, light it and imagine what you want to find. You need to formulate the words of the conspiracy yourself in order to find lost things.

You need to ask the candle for help. When engaging in such “communication” with a candle, you must carefully observe it and notice in time from which side the paraffin began to flow. It is from this side that you can find the missing item. You cannot put out a candle; it must burn out on its own.

Probably everyone is familiar with the situation when at the most inopportune moment a very necessary thing is lost. You are late for work, but there are no keys to the house, the sun is shining brightly on the street, and your glasses have disappeared somewhere, and very important documents have suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Absolutely anything can get lost. “Like a cow licked it with its tongue,” and it seems that nothing can be done. But conspiracies come to the rescue to find a lost thing, capable of short time return the loss back.

The simplest conspiracies

When puzzling over how to find a lost item at home, it is not at all necessary to immediately resort to strong magical rituals. First, you should start with simple but quite effective conspiracies:

For milk and matches

You need to purchase a new box of matches and some fresh high-fat milk from the store. At home, you should sit in the middle of the largest room, light a match and try to fully concentrate on the image of the lost object.

When the match burns out, use its burnt end to draw a cross on your left palm. Next, you need to sit on the floor and sit in complete silence.

During this time, you need to once again list in your head all the places where the loss may be located. After half an hour, take a glass of milk and use it to wash the cross from your palm, saying: “My loss will be found, it will soon return to my hands!” Amen!"

You need to repeat the words 4 times, then wipe your palm with a piece of clean cloth made from natural fibers. After a short period of time, the necessary thing will definitely be found.

On a scarf

Buy a handkerchief at the store. It is necessary that it be large enough and with good, smooth edges. When you arrive home, you should sit down on the sofa or bed, close your eyes and try to mentally imagine the lost item, holding the purchased scarf tightly in your left hand.

When the image becomes especially clear and bright, you need to open your eyes and tie a small knot on any corner of the scarf. In this case, you need to say the name of the loss out loud. When you find the right thing, you should definitely untie the knot on the scarf.

On a thread

It often happens that you lost an important thing quite a long time ago, but you still really want to find it. In such situations, you can perform a fairly simple ritual with threads. You will need a spool of thread, preferably red. Before going to bed, you need to measure a thread, the length of which will completely coincide with the height of the owner of the lost item.

Having cut the thread, you should fold it in three, mentally imagining your loss.

Then you need to fold the thread 7 more times and carefully tie a couple of knots on it. The resulting skein of thread should be hidden under the pillow and go to bed. It is in a dream that you can see the place where the necessary thing lies. If this does not happen, you need to take the thread out from under the pillow and try to untie the knots. And then the loss will definitely be found.

The presented conspiracies describe in detail how to return a stolen item, but you should not rely on their help alone. You must try to look for the loss yourself and thoroughly check all corners of the house. And when the loss is found, it is necessary to say words of gratitude for the help provided.

We ask the brownie for help

If you cannot find an item for a long time, it makes sense to turn to the brownie for help. But when turning to the small owner of the house, it is very important to believe in his existence, otherwise the conspiracy will not be heard, and the request will be useless. You can contact the brownie in different ways.

The ritual with a wool thread is in great demand. You need to buy a red one wool thread, cut a small piece and tie it to any of the table legs in the house.

Then you need to whisper:

“Grandfather Brownie, don’t joke with me. Return the lost thing (name), and take a treat in return!” You need to repeat the words 4 times, at each corner of the room, turning to face it.

If the item was stolen

    I stayed with a friend at her dacha for 3 days. And on the 4th day I was supposed to go back home to Moscow. When I arrived at her place, I immediately changed my clothes. She put her jeans and raincoat on the sofa. Nobody came into our house. Her neighbors only came into the veranda. I felt comfortable on the veranda. But there was no soul in the house. The house pressed me, I could only sleep, and then I slept with the light on. God bless warm days were. On the day of departure we ordered a taxi. And I get dressed, but there are no jeans anywhere. We went through everything, all the closets, behind the sofas. They dug through it several times. And my jeans are nowhere to be found. So she left without finding her. I don't know what to think. The brownie hid this, there is no one else. The village is almost empty, and everyone is old. And now I'm scared. This is probably not good.

    Please tell me what conspiracy can help. At work I missed the cash register a certain amount money. I can't figure out where I made a mistake. There is a suspicion that she passed it on to the boss, since in the evening he, out of the blue, asked if everything was okay with the cash register. But I was afraid to admit it. Maybe it’s not him after all, so you have to figure it out yourself. What conspiracy will help so that either the director confesses or I understand where I made a mistake?

    I lost my wallet with all the money, bank and discount cards and a gold chain with a cross...Will I find it...maybe some kind of conspiracy will help..?

    People, the match method worked 100%!!!
    I lost a gold set with diamonds, my mother’s gifts and a very expensive one. I was desperate.
    I couldn’t find it for a long time, I searched the whole house. I already thought that it was the housekeeper who stole it... Because for the past 4 years things and jewelry have been disappearing from my house. I still haven’t found a single one... I didn’t know what to do, whether to tell her or not, my conscience wouldn’t allow it, because if you’re not caught, you’re not a thief...
    And then I read about the match and decided to try it. You won’t believe it, I found it in 5 minutes! And along with it there were other jewelry, which I forgot about, that they were put together in one package. Now all that remains is to make a wish for other missing items, which are very dear to me and which I have also been trying to find in vain for several years now.
    Maybe it will work. Hope!!! So, go for it!
    And good luck to you all in your search!

Sometimes we lose the things we need, turn the whole apartment upside down, but don’t get the desired result. It seems that there are few secluded corners in the house, but we continue to wander in search of the lost. Now you will learn how to find a lost item at home - conspiracies for this have long been used by sorcerers.

Lost items sometimes disappear without a trace, and are found after a while. There are many such cases, but you don’t have to wait forever and turn everything upside down. A lost thing (or person) can be returned by using a strong spell. Let's get started.

To ensure that a lost item is quickly found, make friends with the keeper of your home - the brownie. This restless spirit often hides money, documents and other valuable items. Tie a handkerchief to the stool and ask the brownie for support:

“Brownie-brownie! Don't play with me anymore. Give back what you took."

If you appease a brownie with candy, then lost things will have a greater chance of being returned to the owner. Many, having read the plot, claim that the desired object was found on its own, fell “out of the void.” This is a sure sign that the wanted items were in the possession of the brownies.

Rituals with objects

An effective spell for a lost item is usually used in rituals related to household items. We use these things all the time, not realizing that they can be used to find what is missing. It is recommended to read the spell like this:

  • threads and ropes;
  • herbs;
  • handkerchief;
  • matches;
  • cup or glass;
  • purple candles.

The simplest ritual of household magic is done using a handkerchief. The name of the lost item is whispered into the handkerchief, after which one end of the fabric is tied in a knot. If you find the item, untie the magic knot and hide the scarf in the closet.

Spell with a glass

This ritual for a missing item also involves communication with the brownie. Contact with small (often harmless) evil spirits living in the corners of the house is allowed. Remember that you cannot address a brownie by name; it is customary to call him the Master. Procedure:

  1. Go to the kitchen.
  2. Take out a cup or glass.
  3. Sit at the table, turn the cup upside down.
  4. Now you need to read the return plot three times.

After completing the ritual, leave the kitchen and pretend that you no longer need the lost item. Do some work, pointedly ignoring searches. When you return to your original place, you will discover a long-standing loss. Conspiracy text:

“Master, I lost (the name of the thing), help me find it. If you take it and play enough, then give it back. I will thank you."

Matches and water

Among powerful conspiracies To find a lost item, there is a ritual with matches and water. Rogue evil spirits are afraid of water and fire, so the devils can be intimidated by these elements. If an item is hopelessly lost, get the following artifacts:

  • bowl;
  • spring water;
  • matches.

Go to the kitchen and place a bowl filled with water on the table. Take turns lighting the matches, wait until they burn out, and throw the firebrands into the bowl. Things “come” back if you say the spell three times:

“The demon makes noise, brings darkness, he is a master at frightening people. He loves jokes and pranks, you won’t find things right away. You objects are, stand and roll over. Give me back my loss, evil spirits. Let it be so".

A ball of wool and clothing magic

If you don’t know how to find a lost item at home, wool spells will solve the problem. Take out a ball of red woolen thread (ideally sheep). Stand on the threshold of the room in which the item is supposedly missing and begin the ritual.

Hold the ball itself in your left hand, but the end will have to be wound around your right hand. Make sure you wrap forefinger. Mentally restore the image of the lost object and throw the ball, pronouncing the words of the spell. Throw and pull several times until the ball stops - that’s where you need to look for the loss. Spell text:

“Tell me, little ball, how to find the missing thing. Where is my item (name) hidden, why is it not in my hands? Ride and find, all the merits are yours. Let it be so".

Purple candle

The strongest search magic can be used without spells - an ordinary purple candle will suffice. Healers recommend keeping this artifact at home at all times, just in case. Procedure:

  1. Light a candle.
  2. Place the artifact in the center of the room.
  3. When looking at the fire, think about the loss.
  4. Ask the candle for help in any form.
  5. Spend a few minutes meditating.

Soon you will have an understanding of where to look for the lost item. Observe which side of the cinder the molten paraffin flows off. This is the direction for further searches.

We are looking for a person

There are several ways to find a missing person. The most powerful rituals are performed during the full moon, so wait until then and go outside. Stand so that your shadow lies directly under your feet. Having crossed yourself, say the words of the conspiracy:

“Just as a shadow always runs with me, so may the moon bring my beloved person (name) home. My shadow will rise next to me, the missing person will cross the threshold again. An angel will call God's servant(name), let him come back here soon. I lead and call, I offer praise to our Lord. Amen".

How to remove the veil from your eyes

Sometimes a veil covering the eyes prevents you from discovering the desired object - many sorcerers associate it with induced damage. Having calmed down and focused on the search object, begin active actions. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Enter the room where the object is supposedly lost.
  2. Read the conspiracy prayer three times.
  3. Cross yourself and look around.

If your faith is strong, the thing is found with lightning speed. Didn't work the first time? Relax, drink some tea and repeat the ritual again. Text of the search prayer:

“Lord, great is your power, help me discover the object (name). Remove the scales from the unclean from my eyes. Jokes aside, let my word end in heavenly deeds. Amen".

Punish the thief

Things in the apartment disappear even if you are visited by a thief. To punish a criminal, break off the leg of an old chair. The three-legged chair needs to be placed outside the threshold, and more chips should be cut from the remaining leg. Place these chips into a kind of fire, then say the spell:

“Whoever asks the devil for my good will punish himself. I left (the name of the lost item) in the house, and the damned thief grabbed it. If the thief does not return my property, the unclean one will drag it into hell and will not have mercy. Amen".

Return what was stolen

There is also a simple ritual to return stolen property. Go into the room where the item was lying before it disappeared. Cast the spell:

“Whoever took my little thing lost it a hundredfold. You won’t see peace and quiet until (name of the object) lies in place again. Be hungry and poor. Amen".
