Collection of mathematical games (for preschoolers). Math games for kids

Interesting math games are aimed at teaching your child the basics of math. These games develop visual-figurative thinking in children, teach them to compare, introduce them to the quantitative composition of numbers, the proposed games introduce children to numbers and their digital notations, and teach them to solve simple mathematical problems.

"Who comes to visit in the morning"

A game to create a set from two subsets, to reinforce the concepts of “one”, “many”, “none”

Necessary equipment: story toys, circles of two colors: red and yellow.

◈ How we play: “Whoever goes to visit in the morning acts wisely, taram-param, taram-param, that’s why it’s morning.” Play with toys, say that guests came to us this morning and we need to treat them with apples (slices). There are apples on a plate: how many are there? (A lot.) And the guests? (Not enough.) Give it away first yellow apples and ask: “How many more apples are there left?” (A lot.) “Which ones?” (Red ones.) Give them out too. “How many apples are on the plate?” (Not a single one was left.) “How many apples did they give each guest? (One at a time.) “How many yellow and red apples?” (A lot of). “How many apples are there?” (There are a lot of apples, some of them are red and yellow.)

◈ To reinforce: if you are washing apples in the kitchen, offer to arrange them in plates by color. Note that there are many apples, but among them there are many, for example, green and yellow apples (a set of apples consists of a subset of yellow and green ones).

◈ When putting toys away in a box, ask the same questions.

➣ Attention: What is little, how to define it? Laugh with your child: if the candy is tasty, we say that there is not enough of it. It turns out that “little” is a relative concept.

◈ Play the game “One - Many”. “What items are there in the kitchen?” (Plates, spoons.) “And one item?” (Vase, painting, etc.) In the bathroom: one mirror, bathtub, rug, many tubes of shampoo, towels, etc. Outdoors: many houses, leaves, etc.

Button Buyer

The game teaches you to use the mediated set; develops visual-figurative thinking.

Required equipment: coat with buttonholes, buttons, circles or chips.

◈ How we play: how to buy the required number of buttons if the child does not yet know how to count? Very simple! Play out this situation: have the kid put the chips on the loops of his coat, then collect them and ask the “salesperson” in the store (an adult): “Give me the same number of buttons as I have chips.” The “seller” places each chip on a button and counts how many buttons need to be sold. And the “buyer” of the house should check whether he had enough buttons, whether he made a mistake? Switch roles.

◈ Fasten: on a sheet of paper, stick or draw two groups of geometric shapes - one under the other. Mark which is more, less or equal. Imagine with your child, imagine what the figures could be, compare butterflies and flowers, caterpillars and leaves, etc.

◈ Let’s make it more difficult: from each top figure, draw a path to the bottom figure - this is an equal sign (the sign itself does not need to be named).


The game reinforces the ability to compare two groups of objects

Required equipment: buttons different color, size and shape.

◈ How we play: everyone has buttons at home. With their help you can come up with the most different games. For example, place round buttons up (they can be of different colors and sizes), and square ones down under them. Are there equal numbers, more or less? Or put red round buttons up and blue square buttons down.

“Where did the sparrow have lunch?”

The game helps the child understand that Magnitude is a relative concept.

Necessary equipment: elephant, wolf, bear, hare, hedgehog cut out from any books, magazines; in scale they must be proportional to their actual size, five squares - “cages” for animals of corresponding different sizes.

◈ How to play: show your child pictures of a bear, a wolf and a hare, find out which animal is the largest, which is small, which is smaller, etc. They need to be put in cages of the appropriate size.

◈ An elephant was brought to the zoo. He needs to be given the largest cage. Note that the biggest was a bear, and now it is an elephant. Then the smallest animal, a hedgehog, was brought to the zoo. Pay attention to how the ratio of sizes has changed: the smallest was the hare, now the hedgehog. Compare again who is the biggest, who is the smallest, etc.

◈ Fasten: compare shoes by size: mom’s, dad’s, child’s and doll’s shoes. Change roles: the child asks, and you show. Compare anything: clothes, furniture. Don't forget about the dishes in the kitchen. What if you compare watermelon and radishes? Who is bigger: the giant or Uncle Styopa? And who is smaller: Thumbelina or the gnomes, or maybe Thumb? On the street, compare the heights of houses, trees, etc. This develops the eye.

First steps in mathematics

The game teaches you to compare two groups of objects

Necessary equipment: dolls or other toys, cups.

◈ How to play: sit five toys and place four cups in front of them. “Now we’ll treat them to tea. Why did one toy cry? How can I help her?

◈ We fix: in the future you can increase the number of toys to 10.

◈ Let’s make it more difficult: you can compare the number of objects by eye - real objects in the room, for example, glasses and cups, etc. What is more, what is less? If the child finds it difficult, stretch strings or place sticks from one object to another (this is an equal sign).

Pencil babies

The game introduces the child to the quantitative composition of numbers from units

Required equipment: colored pencils of different colors.

◈ How to play: put a pencil on the table, pay attention to the fact that there is only one red pencil. To the right of it, place another one, but of a different color. Now there are two of them: one is red, the other is green. This means that the number two consists of two ones. Place another pencil, e.g. yellow color. Say that the number three consists of three units. Similarly, bring the score to 5-10. Remember the fairy tale about the Little Goat, who could count to 10. How he saved the animals. Emphasize: “How good it is to be able to count!” What does your child think? What if everyone who was saved by the Little Goat was depicted as circles? Stick them on and count them, and it turns out that your child is saving the heroes of the fairy tale. Praise him.

◈ Reinforce: Play the guessing game. How many units does the number 3, 4 consist of? Show numbers if the child knows them. Next time, take different toys: a car, a hedgehog, a dog, a hare, etc. The number four consists of four units (one hedgehog, one car, one dog, one hare). Count from left to right and vice versa, emphasizing that the quantity will not change. And if you put the toys in a circle, how can you remember which one you started counting from?

◈ Change roles. Encourage your child constantly.

Bang Bang

The game introduces children to numbers

Required equipment: two hares, two carrots, numbers 1 and 2.

◈ How to play: take two bunnies or other toys from a toy box and tell a story about their friendship. About how one day they received packages. One box contained one carrot, and the other contained two. Why are they not equal? Find out that on one box there is a number “1”, so there is one carrot in the box, on the other there is a number “2”, so there are two carrots in it. Introduce the children to these numbers. Don't forget to match the gifts for the bunnies so as not to offend them.

◈ We consolidate: this way you can introduce other numbers (up to 10).

◈ Write these numbers in your notebook. You can also sculpt them from plasticine.

Wise Owl School

The game teaches you to correlate the number of objects with their digital designation

Necessary equipment: cards with numbers, object pictures or toys, Wise Owl (toy or drawn).

◈ How to play: tell your child that the Wise Owl will come to visit you. Today she brought pictures and cards with numbers from 1 to 5. Show a picture on which, for example, four cars are drawn. Have your child find a card with the number “4”. Play the rest of the pictures in the same way. Can the child cope on his own, without the help of Owl? Praise him for his effort.

◈ We consolidate: we play the other way around - you show a card with the number “3”, and the child must present a picture with three apples on it, etc. Change roles: the child shows cards with numbers, and you look for the desired picture. Or maybe the Wise Owl will help him?

◈ We play the game “Tasty Numbers” in the kitchen. We take three tangerines and find a card with the number “3”, etc. Don’t forget to invite the Wise Owl - let him feast on it.

◈ What if you attach the number “1” to the refrigerator and the number “2” to the curtains? What about the rest? Think about it. Allow your child to do this. If he has an interest in numbers, he will be happy to stick them on everything he finds, what about you?

Counting tables

The game introduces ordinal counting. Required equipment: toys.

◈ How to play: place the toys in a row on the table. Tell them that the Wise Owl has come to visit you again. She will play a game with you. You need to correctly answer who is in first (second, etc.) place. We count from left to right. “Who stands between the hare and the bear?” - “There is a squirrel standing here. She is second,” etc. Please note that if toys are counted from right to left, then those toys that were first will be last.

◈ Securing: toys can be placed one after another - like a train. Are you all at home? Play train. Who will be first: mom, dad? It's up to the child to decide. Be sure to pay attention to where the count is coming from.

◈ Find out who is in second place - mother or grandmother, and who is in third? What if the last carriage becomes the locomotive? Will the ordinal score change?

◈ Are you busy in the kitchen? Play this game on new way: place on the table different dishes- plate, cup, spoon, etc. Ask what comes first, second, third. Swap dishes. Now they are different in number.

➣ Attention: the quantitative composition is a composition of units, it does not change. And the ordinal composition can change if you count in a different direction. Don't get confused!

The engine from Romashkovo

The game introduces ordinal counting

Required equipment: chairs.

◈ How to play: place the chairs one behind the other - this is a train from Romashkov. Invite children or adults to play with you. You can sing the Little Engine song from this cartoon:

My merry locomotive passed the bridge;

He'll slow down now

He will invite you to board.

“Hey, friends, come here quickly!

Don't push at the door

Don't meow, don't bark,

Take your place quickly."

◈ Where are we going? And at least where: to the zoo, to the country house, etc. But be sure to play.

◈ We fix: toys can also go, the driver is a child.

Smart girl

The game teaches you how to solve simple problems

Required equipment: bowl of fruit.

◈ How to play: tell your child: “We have two apples in a vase, I’ll give you one. How many apples will be left? Why will there be fewer of them? Be sure to show everything clear example. “How can we make them more?” — The child must put one apple in the vase. Come up with similar problems for everything you have at hand. Use any situation for this: did you buy your child new shorts, the third in a row? Ask something like, “How many shorts do you have now?” Note that if we subtract, we say “remained,” if we add, we say “became.”

◈ We consolidate: you saw children sitting on the street, one left. Offer to come up with a problem about them and solve it. If the child knows the numbers, then you can write it down.

◈ Let’s complicate it: the child must come up with an oral problem himself, and you will solve it and be sure to make a mistake. Give your child the pleasure of correcting you.

Tasks of the Wise Owl

The game teaches you to solve simple addition and subtraction problems: add, subtract 2; forms visual and imaginative thinking

Necessary equipment: notebook, pencil, small items.

◈ How to play: today Wise Owl will teach you how to solve problems. Place two red and two blue circles in front of the child on the left, and two blue ones on the right. Say that these are enchanted forest dwellers. Offer to come up with a problem about them. Let the child fantasize: red circles can be squirrels and leaves. If the child cannot cope, then the Wise Owl will come to the rescue. Tell her the poem:

Little owl, big head,

She was sitting on a branch, turning her head...

◈ We fix it: we play in reverse. The child lays out circles and squares, and you solve the problems. What if you are waiting for a long time for the train and you have chalk? Or do you do laundry in the bathroom and your child helps wash the toys? Together with your child, come up with a problem about them. This will prepare your mathematician for school.

Fairytale mathematics

Necessary equipment: books of fairy tales with pictures.

◈ How we play: remember the fairy tales “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”. Offer to count how many heroes of the fairy tale pulled a turnip, met Kolobok, or lived in the little mansion. What if the characters in “Teremok” are compared by height and size? Who is the biggest, smallest? Who smaller than a bear, but more bunnies? Etc. What if you “turn” them into circles, stick them in a notebook and sign the numbers under them? For example: a mouse is a gray circle, a frog is green, a bunny is white, a top is a large gray circle.

◈ We consolidate: remember the fairy tales of V. Suteev “Different Wheels” and “Under the Mushroom”. How could the animals hide under the mushroom, what happened to it? Why didn't the cart roll in the fairy tale "Different Wheels"? (The wheels were different sizes.) What if you sketched all the fairy tales? It will work out the whole Country fabulous mathematics.

Useful verses

Seryozhka fell into the snow,

And behind him Alyoshka,

And behind him Irinka,

And behind her is Marinka.

And then Ignat fell.

How many guys are there in the snow?

The hostess came from the market one day.

The hostess brought home from the market:

Potatoes, cabbage, carrots,

Peas, parsley and beets - oh!**

(How many vegetables did the hostess bring?)

The lady was checking in luggage

Sofa, suitcase, travel bag,

Picture, basket, cardboard

And a little dog*

(How many items did the lady check in as luggage?)

In the mornings at Aibolit's,

Until lunchtime

Printed board game for preschoolers “Math Puzzles”. Junior - middle group

Description: the material will be of interest to teachers and parents. It is intended for children 3-4 years old (counting from 1 to 5) and for children 4-5 years old (counting from 1 to 10).
The game helps develop: fantasy, imagination, trains memory and visual perception, forms spatial thinking, promotes quick memorization numbers. Develops logical thinking: the ability to compare, contrast, analyze, generalize, and draw conclusions.
Make one like this board game It’s very easy to print out pictures on a color printer, cut them into strips, you can laminate them or simply glue them with tape (for strength).
I just took the picture, opened it using the Paint program and did it in graphic editor(cut it into pieces and put numbers).
Child's task collect a picture from stripes using numbers from 1 to 5 for children 3-4 years old, and for children 4 to 5 years old, pictures from stripes from 1 to 10. Children will enjoy collecting a picture from parts.
This will allow them not only to learn how to lay out the correct number series, but will also easily teach them to count and name numbers - neighbors.
Purpose of the game:
- Teach children to count from 1 to 5; from 1 to 10.
Game objectives:
- fixing the score from 1 to 5;
- preparing children to learn addition and subtraction;
- focus on the place of the number in a series of other numbers;
- promote the development of skills to compare, contrast, analyze, generalize, and draw conclusions.

Develop memory
- teach the child self-examination and self-control.
- carry out search tasks;
- promote a sense of camaraderie and friendship;
- instill interest in the account.
For example, I took forest animals. We not only fixed the count to 5, but also repeated who lives in the forest, the structural features of animals (body parts), what they eat, where they live, etc. it all depends on your imagination.

Another option is to count from 1 to 5 seasons.

For those children who have mastered counting to 5 well, we offer more complex cards (counting to 10). In my case, these are illustrations from fairy tales (you can offer to collect not only a number series, but also offer to guess the fairy tale from the picture).

(Masha and the Bear)

(three Bears)
Or, as an option, counting from 1 to 10 seasons.

Game "Count it, guess it."

Conducted by 10th grade students for 4th grade students


Hello guys. It's math week at our school. It's difficult, but very interesting science. It requires concentration, thought and reasoning. Therefore, do not forget to take your speed, resourcefulness, and ingenuity with you!

Count, guys, or rather count,
Feel free to add a good deed,
Quickly read out the bad things,
The textbook will teach you accurate counting,
Hurry up to work, hurry up to work!

Now we will play with you. And our game is called “Count it, guess it.”

We have prepared 8 stations for you where you will need to complete interesting tasks.

But first you need to split into teams:

The guys are divided into teams, choose a captain and team name.

Introducing the jury:

In our game you will need attentiveness and observation, ingenuity and intelligence. Good luck!

Station 1 “Hurry up”

Let's start warming up
We'll find out the winners!
Who is the best at counting?
And knows the answer faster?

If a team doesn't know the answer, another team can answer.

    How many months are there in a year? (12)

    Reduce 389 by 29. (360)

    How many legs does a spider have? (8)

    How many days are there in a week? (7)

The jury announces the results.

Station 2: “Guess.”

“Arithmetic is the queen of mathematics» - said the German mathematicianCarl Friedrich Gauss. This is the most ancient branch of mathematics, which studies the properties of numbers and operations on them. Each team is given a set of numbers. It is necessary to insert arithmetic symbols between them so that the expressions are correct.

Time – 3 min.

Possible answers:

2222 = 8 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8

2222 = 44 22 + 22 = 44

2222 = 111 222: 2 = 111

2222 = 0 22 – 22 = 0

The jury announces the results.

Station 3: “Figure it out.”

Mathematics is not only exact science, but also funny. Each team receives a task on pieces of paper. You need to solve a math puzzle. I wish you success. Time – 5 minutes.

The jury announces the results.

Station 4: "Artistic" .

Geometry is another branch of mathematics. It examines various geometric shapes, bodies, methods of their construction and measurement. A. S. Pushkin wrote: “Inspiration is needed in geometry no less than in poetry.”

Task for teams: each team is asked to draw a picture using geometric shapes. Time 5-7 minutes.

The jury announces the results.

Station 5: "Game"

Pod game. (For each solved example - 1 point)

During the time of King Pea
To the laughter and jokes of the buffoon
The king, putting glasses on his nose,
Played pods with the queen.

Each team receives a task - enough simple examples. The king and queen were not very strong in mathematics. Rearrange one pod in each example - and the examples will be correct. Time – 3 min.

Examples of a king:

Queen examples:


The jury announces the results.

Station 6 "Ingenuity".

(8 words – 1 star, 12 words – 2 stars, 12+ words – stars)

Time – 3 min.

The jury announces the results.

Station 7 “I believe it or not.”

The team is asked a question, and after a little reflection the answer is “I believe” or “I don’t believe.”

The jury announces the results.

Station 8 “Mysterious”.

1. I run with two legs,
While the rider is sitting on me.
My horns are in his hands
And the speed is in his feet.
I'm only stable when I'm running,

Made from fine sheep wool;
How to walk - how to wear it,

3. Antoshka is standing
On one leg.
Where the sun will rise

The jury announces the results.

Winner's reward ceremony.

Just in case when counting votes.
1. Three boys Kolya, Petya and Vanya went to the store. On the way they found 3 rubles. How much money would Vanya find if he went to the store alone? (3 rubles)

2. There were 10 branches on the oak tree. There are 4 apples on each branch. How many apples are there in total? (0)

3. Which is heavier? 1 kg of iron or 1 kg of cotton wool? (Equal)

4. 2 ships are sailing towards them: 1 passenger, the other cargo. There is a lighthouse in the middle. It will go out, then go out, then go out, then go out. Which ship will notice the lighthouse first? Why? (No)

5. A cat sits on the window and has a tail like a cat’s, but still a cat. Who is sitting on the window?

6. Four played dominoes for 4 hours. How long did each person play? (4 hours)

7. The girls were walking down the street. One with a briefcase, the other with a bag. What was Natasha with if Marina was without a briefcase? (With briefcase)

8. Ant more than an elephant, dog less than an elephant. A butterfly is smaller than an ant, but larger than an elephant. Who is the most? (Ant)

9. The family has two children. Sasha is Zhenya’s brother, but Zhenya is not Sasha’s brother. Could this be true? Who is Zhenya? (Sister)

10. I came up with 2 numbers. When I added them up, it turned out to be 6. When I took away the other from one, it turned out to be 6 again. What are these numbers? (6, 0)


Answers for the jury

Station 1 “Hurry up”

    What is the name of the result obtained from addition? (sum)

    How many kilograms are in one ton? (1000)

    How many years are there in one century? (100)

    The largest four-digit number. (9999)

    What is half 180? (90)

    How many months are there in a year? (12)

    Reduce 389 by 29. (360)

    Two corners of the table top were sawed off. How many corners are left? (6)

    What number has 60 tens? (600)

    Which month only has 28 or 29 days? (in February)

    The number before 3000? (2999)

    How many legs does a spider have? (8)

    How many centners are in one ton? (10)

    What is the value of a number if its half is 80? (160)

    How many tens are there in the number 936? (93)

    How many vertices does a square have? (4)

    What is the 7th month from the beginning of the year? (July)

    What is the next number after 699? (700)

    Smallest five-digit number. (10000)

    How many days are there in a week? (7)

    Name the result obtained by multiplication (product).

Station 2: “Guess.”

Possible answers:

2222 = 8 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8

2222 = 44 22 + 22 = 44

2222 = 111 222: 2 = 111

2222 = 0 22 – 22 = 0

Station 3: “Figure it out.”


1. segment, fraction, task

2. minus, top, task

3. rhombus, angle, segment

Station 5: " Gaming ».


I + I = II, II – I = I, I + II = III, III – II = I

Station 6 "Ingenuity".

Teams must use the letters of the word “arithmetic” to form as many words as possible. Examples: ar, caviar, firm, farm, veil, river, reef, myth, measure, heretic, poppy, headlight, teak, rhyme, erik, container, checkmate, whale, label, theme, punishment, brand, cream, shooting range, meter.

Station 7 “I believe it or not.”

    Do you believe that the blue whale is the largest and heaviest animal? (Yes, its length reaches 30 meters and weight up to 160 tons)

    Do you believe that the hippopotamus is the largest animal living on land? (No, this is an elephant, its height is up to 3.5 meters, its weight is up to 7 tons)

    Do you believe that the tiger is the fastest animal? (no, this is a cheetah, its speed reaches 110 km/h)

    Do you believe that elephants are so huge because they never stop growing throughout their lives? (Yes)

    Do you believe that the eagle is the bird with the largest wingspan? (No, this is an albatross, wingspan 3m 70cm)

    Do you believe that the height of the smallest monkey is 12-15 cm and weight 100-125 grams? (Yes, it's a toy)

Station 8 “Mysterious”.

The teams are given riddles. If a team doesn't know the answer, another team can answer.

1. I run with two legs,
While the rider is sitting on me.
My horns are in his hands
And the speed is in his feet.
I'm only stable when I'm running,
I can't stand for a second. (Bike)

2. Two sisters, two braids
Made from fine sheep wool;
How to walk - how to wear it,
So that five and five do not freeze. (Wool mittens)

3. Antoshka is standing
On one leg.
Where the sun will rise
That's where he'll look. (Sunflower)

4. A hundred brothers live in a red house,
Everyone looks alike. (Watermelon)

5. Two bellies, four ears. What is this? (Pillow)

6. On one pit there are a hundred pits with a pit. (Thimble)

Extracurricular activities increase students' interest in studying mathematics, develop the ability to complete tasks, data in a non-standard form (puzzles, encryption, tasks), and develop logical thinking. There is a presentation for the game.



Extracurricular activity in mathematics in elementary school

Intellectual math game

"Tic Tac Toe"

for 3 - 4 grades.

Target : increasing students’ interest in studying mathematics, developing the ability to perform tasks, data in a non-standard form (puzzles, encryption, problems), development logical thinking; cultivate honesty, trust, and a friendly attitude towards each other.

Objectives of the event:

  1. formation of sustainable interest among students in studying the subject of mathematics;
  2. creating conditions for the practical application of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in mathematics;
  3. development of individual creativity students, strengthening contacts among school students on the basis of friendly relations, mutual assistance and understanding.


Org. moment.

Do you think you can learn something new by playing?

What games do you know? (children give examples of various games)

During the dialogue, we divide games into sports and entertainment.

What do games like “Field of Miracles”, “What? Where? When?" “Wise Men and Women” “Chess”?

What are the names of games that develop the mind, thinking, and horizons? (Mind games)

Do you want to play intellectual game?

Today I invite you to play an intellectual game called “Tic Tac Toe”. And what topic our game will be devoted to, you will say for yourself after listening to the fairy tale.

What topic will our game be dedicated to? (MATH)


“Mathematics must then be taught, because it puts the mind in order!” said the great Russian scientist M. Lomonosov.

Our game is called “Tic-Tac-Toe” and has its own rules:

The game has 9 tasks, 2 teams: tic-tac-toe

The team chooses a task, and for a correctly completed task puts their badge

Every team has captain - captains stand up; (organizes team work, is responsible for everyone)

What do you think is the strength of any team? (unity, mutual understanding, the ability to listen and hear each other and make the right decision)

Now attention! The main condition of our game! This is honesty and trust!

Are the terms clear?

Then attention, friends, the game begins!


5 questions 1 question-30 sec. We write down the answers on pieces of paper.

1) Name a number that cannot be represented in Roman numerals?(0)

2) On one side of the scale there is a watermelon, and on the other there is a 3 kg weight. The scales are in balance. How much does a watermelon weigh? (3kg)

3) If a horse was shorter than a rabbit and taller than a giraffe, who would be tallest? (rabbit)

4) How many months in a year have 28 days? (12 months)

5) What does half an apple look like? (for the second half).

LET'S CHECK. Each correct answer is (+). Four (+) completed the task.

2 TASK-ENCRYPTION (2 minutes).





1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-G, 5-D, 6-E, 7-Ё, 8-F, 9-Z, 10-I, 11-Y, 12-K, 13- L, 14-М, 15-Н, 16-О, 17-П, 18-Р, 19-С, 20-Т, 21-У, 22-Ф, 23-Х, 24-Ц, 25-Ч, 26-Ш, 27-Ш, 28-Ъ, 29-ы, 30-ь, 31-Э, 32-У, 33-Я.

(To solve problems is to develop the mind.)

Did you manage to decipher the encryption? What did you get? Well done!

Enter your mark (X or 0)


One participant from each team comes out; whose team wins, he puts his sign.

I'll tell you a story

In one and a half dozen phrases

I'll just say the word "three"

Take the prize immediately!

One day we caught a pike

Gutted, but inside...

We saw small fish

And not just one, but whole ones ( three) (two)

A seasoned boy dreams

Become an Olympic champion

Look, don’t be cunning at the start,

And wait for the command “One, two, ... ( march!)

When you want to memorize poems,

They are not crammed until late at night,

And repeat them to yourself

Once, twice, or better.. ( five )

Recently a train at the station

I had to wait three hours

But why didn’t you take the prize, friends?

When was the opportunity to take it?!

4 TASK Riddles (3 minutes).



Change the position of one stick to make the equality true.

One person from each team comes out and explains their method.


VII + III=X- 1 way

VIII + II=X -2 way

Let's summarize the result: put your signs. Well done!


Name 3 proverbs and sayings in which numbers and numbers appear.

One participant from each team comes out and reads out the proverbs.


As if not in the world
Without table legs
As if not in the world
Baby goats without horns
Cats without whiskers
And without the shells of crayfish,
Not so in mathematics
Actions without signs.

What mathematical symbols do you know? (children's answers). To complete this task you will need exactly these signs.
- Place the signs of arithmetic operations:

1. 20...4...2 =40 2. 30...6...3 =15
20...4...2 =26 30...6...3 = 27
20...4...2 =18 30...6...3 = 39


And that means joke questions await you! Listen here:

Kondrat walked to Leningrad,
And there are 12 guys coming towards us.
Each person has 3 baskets,
There's a cat in every basket,
Each cat has 12 kittens,
Every kitten
There are 4 mice in each tooth.
And old Kondrat thought:
“How many mice and kittens
Are the guys taking it to Leningrad?”

Will you help Kondrat?

(Not at all)

Stupid, stupid Kondrat!
He walked alone to Leningrad.
And the guys with baskets,
With mice and cats
They walked towards him - to Kostroma.

It was a joke task. And now I’ll give each team a funny problem. For the correct answer - a token. If a team does not answer, the question goes to another team.

  1. Two boys were walking along the road

And they found two rubles each,
Four more follow them.

How long will they find? (not at all)

  1. One two three four,
    Who lives in our apartment?
    Dad, mom, brother, sister,
    Murka the cat, two kittens, my puppy, a cricket and me That's my whole family. One two three four five! I'll start counting everyone again! How many people live in the family?(5)
    3. Egorka was lucky again,
    It’s not in vain that he sits by the river.
    Two crucian carp in a bucket
    And four minnows.
    But look - at the bucket
    A sly cat appeared...
    How many fishes go home Egorka
    Will he bring it to us? (not at all)4. There were four glasses of berries on the table. Vova ate berries from one glass. How many glasses are left on the table? (four)

5. Three candles were lit in the room.

Then one of them was extinguished.

How many candles are left on the table? (Three)

6. Three people waited for the train for three hours. How long did each of them wait? (three)

7. What will happen to the crow in

Three years after birth? (this will be the 4th year).
8. What does half an apple look like?

(for the second half).


What kind of figure is the name of which has one syllable?

Remember the figure whose name begins with the letter T , and ends with I .

Do you know a figure in which all the angles are right?

Which figure has three sides and three vertices?

Look at the row of figures. What figure is missing?

Tangram. The team whose team completes the animal figure the fastest wins.

Summing up the game.

Which task was the most interesting?

Friends, can you count your number of earned crosses?

Who won today in the game "Tic Tac Toe" based on mutual respect and trust? Applause!

Presentation of certificates.

Poems about mathematics

Even if you laugh, even if you cry,

I (pause ) I don’t like solving problems,

Because there's no luck

For damned tasks.

Maybe the textbook is bad,

Maybe there is no talent.

But I found the right way -

See the answer right away

How many cups, how many spoons?

It can be simpler, without any fuss.

I put together the hours and the cats,

Multiplied by people.

Exercise for your health

If you don't mind the effort.

One - multiply, two - add.

In general, science is not tricky,

If you look at the answer

Only the grandfather is younger than the grandson

Turned out to be 5 years.

The path to Mars has become short -

200 meters from the Earth...

Two boys and a half

Half a girl and I were going to school.

Alik is a lively mathematician:

Multiplies, divides in half...

I wonder how many twos

Is laziness worth a kilo?

Fairy tale dramatization

“TWO BROTHERS – Triangle and Square”

Triangle with square.

The eldest is square,

Good-natured, pleasant.

The youngest is triangular,

Always dissatisfied.

Began to question the square

Square : Why are you angry, brother?

Triangle : Look, you are fuller and wider than me

I only have three corners

You have four of them:

Square : Brother! I’m older, I’m a square.

Square : It is not known who is more needed!

Bumping into tables

The younger one climbs stealthily

Cut corners for the elder.

When leaving he said:

Triangle : I wish you pleasant dreams!

When I went to bed I was square,

And you'll wake up without corners!

I was not happy about the terrible revenge.

He looked - there was no square

Numb, stood without words

So much for revenge! Now my brother

Eight brand new corners!


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Intellectual Mathematical game "tic-tac-toe"

Mind games

A Tale of the Kingdom of Sciences Once upon a time, there was a kingdom of sciences. The king there was Natural Science, the queen was Mathematics, and the princess was Literature. And many servants served royal family. One day the Queen quarreled with her husband. “Oh, well,” she exclaimed, “try to do without me. She slammed the door in anger and rushed off to another country. At first everyone breathed a sigh of relief. But soon the real commotion began. It turned out that Literature cannot number chapters, parts and pages in novels and poems. Natural science has lost count of the planets in the Galaxy, the days, months and weeks of the year. History cannot establish exact dates events, geography - calculate the distance between cities, builders cannot build a new castle, and the cook does not know how to weigh food for cooking dinner. No one could do without Mathematics. Then they sent messengers all over the world, found Mathematics and asked her to return back to the kingdom of sciences. Queen Mathematics returned to her country, and since then order has reigned in the sciences. Mathematics is the queen of all sciences.


5 questions 1 question - 30 sec. We write down the answers on pieces of paper. 1) Name a number that cannot be represented in Roman numerals? 2) On one side of the scale there is a watermelon, and on the other there is a 3 kg weight. The scales are in balance. How much does a watermelon weigh? 3) If a horse was shorter than a rabbit and taller than a giraffe, who would be tallest? 4) How many months of the year have 28 days? 5) What does half an apple look like? TASK 1 WARM-UP. 0 3 kg rabbit 12 for the other half

1)9,1,5,1,25,10 2)18,6,26,1,20,30 3)21,14, 4)18,1,9,3,10,3,1,20, 30 1-A, 2-B, 3-B, 4-G, 5-D, 6-E, 7-E, 8-F, 9-Z, 10-I, 11-Y, 12-K, 13 -L, 14-М, 15-Н, 16-О, 17-П, 18-Р, 19-С, 20-Т, 21-У, 22-Ф, 23-Х, 24-Ц, 25-Ч , 26-Ш, 27-Ш, 28-Ъ, 29-И, 30-ь, 31-Э, 32-У, 33-Я. Solving problems means developing your mind. TASK 2 ENCRYPTION






VIII – III = X Change the position of one stick to make the equation true. VII + III = X 1st method VIII + II = X 2nd method TASK 5 CONSIDERATIONS


TASK 6 NAME Name 3 proverbs and sayings in which numbers and numbers appear.


Just as there are no goats in the world without table legs, Just as there are no goats in the world without horns, Cats without mustaches, And without the shells of crayfish, So there are no actions in mathematics without signs. - Place the signs of arithmetic operations: 1. 20...4...2 =40 2. 30...6...3 =15 20...4...2 =26 30...6.. .3 = 27 20...4...2 =18 30...6...3 = 39 TASK 7 GUESS THE SIGN


Kondrat was walking towards Leningrad, and 12 guys met him. Each has 3 baskets, Each basket has a cat, Each cat has 12 kittens, Each kitten has 4 mice in its teeth. And old Kondrat thought: “How many mice and kittens are the guys carrying to Leningrad?” Stupid, stupid Kondrat! He walked alone to Leningrad. And the guys with baskets, with mice and cats, walked towards him - to Kostroma. TASK 8 JOKIC


What kind of figure is the name of which has one syllable? Remember the figure whose name begins with the letter t and ends with i. Which figure has three sides and three vertices? Do you know a figure whose angles are all right? TASK 9 GEOMETRIC

The team whose team completes the animal figure the fastest wins.

Congratulations to the winners! Well done!

Mathematical games are highly visual. At the same time, the child naturally develops abstract thinking about numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. Familiar characters, colorful design and clear examples from life teach the child the beginnings of analysis, comparison and comparison of objects in mathematics. And the words counting, addition, subtraction and multiplication will never scare your child again.
Much knowledge in preschool age are not easy for a child. But, perhaps, it is especially difficult to teach a child mathematical games. Since this happens for a child with certain difficulties, it is important not to scare him away from mathematics altogether. This means that getting to know the queen of sciences, “mathematics,” should take place in an exciting format.
Psychologists know: everyone, even the most restless child, can be interested and captivated. For example, special educational mathematical games for preschool children aged 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 years will allow creating a positive atmosphere of such acquaintance. Spending time with them, the child will, without noticing it, become familiar with numbers, simple techniques for operating with numbers, and will begin to clearly understand the concept of “more and less.”
When solving arithmetic problems, the child is motivated by the fact that he definitely wants to find the correct answer. Each the right decision– this is a small victory, so it is a reward in itself. For him, this is a habitual gaming activity, during which new knowledge is unconsciously stored. Information is obtained latently, in an entertaining format. This means that the child does not need to be forced to study new material. And this applies not only specifically to mathematical knowledge. A young explorer is born in whom natural curiosity will not be drowned out.
The free section "Math Games" is perfect for your child if you want to improve his knowledge of mathematics. These games are aimed at knowing numbers. This educational section in the form of educational games will definitely please your child.
In the “Online Math Games” section, a child will be able to learn to count to 10, name numbers correctly, and will also be able to solve some mathematical examples: for addition, subtraction or even multiplication and division. In the examples, several answer options will be given, from which he will have to choose the correct one.
The games in this section are aimed primarily at teaching the child. You won't find any entertaining games here. We recommend combining educational games with entertaining. After each completed material, turn on something for him to relax, so he won’t get bored and will work much harder with the learning games. Learning numbers is not an easy process, so your little one may need help or guidance at a certain level of difficulty. Don’t be lazy and sit with your child to solve these math problems. This will greatly help your child master numbers much faster. Also, you should not allow your child to sit at the computer for too long; this also applies to the learning process with the help of special games. The child should take a ten-minute break after every 40 minutes of classes.
