Dream interpretation of a joyful meeting. Why do you dream about meeting your ex-boyfriend?

Beloved - A dream in which you kiss your beloved in the dark warns you that you are under the gun of numerous gossipers and envious people.

If the kiss took place in the light, then you will be able to avoid scandals and intrigues.

If you dreamed that your fiancé married someone else, prepare your heart for an attack of jealousy. And in reality, everything is perfect.

If in a dream you are upset that your chosen one is indifferent to you, then you simply cannot decide whether to get married or continue to live on your own.

A dream in which you feel love from your chosen one promises you joy family life and true love.

If in a dream you allowed yourself to cheat on your loved one, it means that you will just as easily deceive him.

However, if you dreamed that your loved one was cheating on you, then in reality he may do the same.

A dream in which you receive a photograph from your loved one warns of the selfish feelings of your chosen one. He doesn't love you at all, he's just using you.

So think about whether you should date him.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

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dream interpretation meeting

If you dreamed of a business meeting, then anxiety and worries await you in your activities, things will proceed slowly and ineffectively. If lovers saw their own meeting in a dream, then their feelings will cool down on both sides. And if you dreamed of a meeting that someone interrupted, then soon you will do a rash act that will turn into trouble for you.

If you saw a meeting with a friend in a dream, then life will smile at you with a pleasant surprise, and if with an enemy, expect trouble.

what does it mean if a meeting is in a dream

If you are at a business meeting in a dream, then your business is stagnant. If you dream that you are inviting your loved one on a date, then real life you can expect reciprocity. Accepting an invitation or meeting a loved one in a dream symbolizes the security of your feelings and relationships.

meeting in a dream what is it for

If in a dream you are waiting for a meeting with the groom, but it never happens, then your hopes to meet young man very small in reality.

dream interpretation meeting

If in a dream you met a good friend and are driving interesting conversation with him, then friends and relatives will only call you positive emotions and at work everything will be smooth too. If the meeting was uncomfortable for you, at an inconvenient time, then your conscience and society will torment you because of your wrong actions. If in a dream you met your grandparents, expect difficult obstacles on your life path. In a dream you see a stranger with a pleasant appearance - expect good events in reality, and if with an ugly appearance - get ready for interference. A dream where you meet someone at a train station or airport means that you will need to make decisions about hidden problems. If you meet people with bread and salt, expect problems at home. If in a dream you meet with a representative of a partner company, it means that you are characterized by uncertainty in business affairs and a desire to improve difficult situation, using others.


This is very old dream, I dreamed about him many years ago, but I often remember him. Then I had a “telephone romance,” that is, I fell in love with a person, knowing him only by phone. And a few months later the opportunity arose to actually meet. I was really looking forward to this meeting, and then I had a dream. In a dream, we are walking with a group of tall young men across a field, it seems, towards a hill, one of them is next to me, and I understand that this is him, my telephone interlocutor. Then I decided that since this was a dream, let it be not this one, but another one. And another one appears next to me. Then, realizing that it was in a dream, I changed my mind again. And so he changed several completely different appearances for me. Only he was always very tall, because that was the only thing I knew about his appearance. Moreover, I understood all the time that this was just a dream and I was the mistress in my dream: I would appoint whoever I wanted. So we climbed a small hill, and that’s where I woke up.


“Telephone” love is most similar to love for one’s animus (for F) or anime (for M). The animus needs personification and in a dream it may turn out to be a person of unfamiliar appearance to us. In reality, the animus/s love to project themselves onto celebrities or unfamiliar but somehow attractive people. Full communication with them (collision with reality) destroys the projection, which is why disappointments are so common when meeting telephone/Internet acquaintances.


Or maybe all love is love for your animus (or anime)? Machado wrote: “all love is a fantasy, and the year is invented, and the day, and the hour, and its melody, the lover and even ... the beloved are invented. But it is not an argument against love that the beloved never existed.” Without this animus, no one would have known that it was possible to fall in love. What struck me in this dream was that I understood that I was dreaming and was doing something of my own free will. Usually this doesn't happen.


My opinion about your dream is a little different. It seems to me that the dream tried to prepare you in advance for the most different options reality. And trying to “change your mind” in a dream is an attempt to be prepared for everything, for possible options. Your psyche had the opportunity in a dream to tune in to a flexible attitude towards the person you were about to see. Perhaps your consciousness at that time was more conservative, and the unconscious came to its aid in order to protect you from possible stress when faced with reality.

A high growth all the men from your dream most likely indicates some idealization of your image of the prospective man, an overestimation of this image by you.


Hello Oracle and dreamers. Was very busy in Lately, thanks for the feedback.

Now I’ll tell you about the continuation. When I first talked to this man on the phone, I imagined him very clearly: fat, black-haired, thick arms, fingers, round face. He asked me to describe him, but the imaginary image seemed so caricatured to me that I did not dare. However, he turned out to be approximately the same as I imagined him the very first time (in reality, not in a dream). The only thing I didn’t guess then: it seemed to me that he vertically challenged, and he turned out to be tall. By the time we were supposed to meet, I already knew from him that he was very tall, but that was the only thing I knew about him. In the dream, all the characters were slender and beautiful. And, of course, not like him.


This time the picnic was, as expected, in nature, albeit on an area whose contours were the wooden sides of a ship. The fence, in general, is like this. There is a pilothouse inside and, in general, it’s just like a ship, but without a bottom. Instead there is grass. Alumni reunion day. Many teachers and our entire class. We're standing. Then the organizer selects five people from us and asks them to choose two more for each competition, but only with gray eyes. My eyes are gray, but for some reason no one chooses me. Finally, it’s my turn. But I obviously don’t get it from the hero of my novel. At school this classmate was very inactive and I didn’t like him at all. We used to call these people myamliks. So, he gets me. Moreover, he never found a second team member with gray eyes, which means that only I will have to participate in all competitions. And the first competition is like this: you have to go up the stairs, climb onto the wheelhouse, then onto some kind of ship roof, there is a spire on it, and a pistol is hanging from the spire. You need to take it off and shoot it in the air a couple of times. Oh, how! I see how one classmate in front of me is doing an excellent job with this task, the turn is almost reaching me, and then it dawns on me: how can I climb into the wheelhouse in high-heeled shoes and a miniskirt. In general, I decide not to participate in the competition and go looking for a teacher who should cross me off the list. My mumble commander is following me. I am silent, but I walk faster and faster. Somewhere in a vacant lot he starts to blatantly start pestering me. I pull him back and move my hands away. He doesn't let up. Then I stop and slap him in the face. I declare: He is trying to take me by the hand and explain that since I am on his team, I am now his. And then I see my mother (she is also a teacher) with some woman. They laugh at him. I'm leaving. I approach the pond. Some women in scarves are bathing there. And further away - my mother again. She also decided to swim, but for some reason naked. I feel alarmed - she doesn’t know how to swim, and the pond is overgrown with duckweed, somehow all nasty and green. But then one of the teachers, who was responsible for water safety at the picnic, comes up, whistles to my mother, and she leaves the pond. I sit down on a bench on the shore. Myamlik comes up and pretends that he didn’t come to me. I'm trying to explain why I didn't participate in the competition. He seems to now understand that it’s all about my clothes. I dreamily imagine that if my commander were someone else, then everything would look completely different. And I see me in a miniskirt very erotically climbing over the fence.


Me and my husband (again!). We are in some establishment, a lot of girls work here, I communicate with them, I communicate with the owner - she calls herself that and in the process of communication it turns out that she is not the owner at all, just the eldest, and there is also an owner who is going to kill me for something. I’m slightly surprised, I don’t understand why this is happening, I’m already talking to girls about this topic, absolutely without fear or desire to hide. And then I understand that the girls really like me and don’t want anything bad to happen. Then there’s a break, and we’re going to go to this person, we made the appointment ourselves, I’m getting ready with the thought: I need to talk to him. There is absolutely no fear, even more elated, although I know that that person’s goal is to kill me. My husband and I open the car doors, I strive to meet this person, I want to meet him, talk, my husband wants to protect me. Again there is no fear, only cheerful interest. The meeting takes place, we talk, he has red, tired, inflamed eyes, he says: everyone asks you not to do anything bad to you, and especially not to kill... For me, this is a natural state of affairs and I am not surprised, but the joyful feeling is growing... Here the youngest pulls me by the hair and have to wake up without finishing watching it :)


I am in my home school, but at the same time it is the same. editorial office where I used to work. Someone asks me about the health of our editor-in-chief (I already wrote once that in March last year he suffered a paralyzing stroke, for a long time he could not walk or even sit or talk, and the doctors predicted that there would be no improvement. And only recently he began to slowly get better. started walking, etc. My friend and I visit him sometimes). I say that we recently visited him and tell him about some of his latest achievements. And suddenly I see him standing around the corner. (It’s worth saying that I relate to this man very well. I’m interested in him, it’s always pleasant and cozy in his company. But I’m far from loving him. More precisely, from loving him as a man. As a person, I I love him very much and really want him to get well soon.). He has a yellow women's shawl on his head so as not to get sicker, because he has not yet recovered, but is only getting better (it was just a dream!). When he and I saw each other, we rushed into each other’s arms right in front of everyone (in reality it’s hard to imagine, we don’t have such a close relationship, but this is my second dream with an emotional meeting with him). ?That's who I'm really glad to see!? - he said. ?And how glad I am!? - I say. It really was an amazing feeling, filled with joy, light, and most importantly. sincere. We stood for a long time, hugging each other, he kissed me on the lips, but in a friendly way, and I responded to his kisses. Then he left to deal with some matters. And I suddenly found myself in an incomprehensible room with many wooden construction stepladders. I’m sitting on one of them with my legs dangling. It's kind of like a prison and I'm awaiting trial. But I’m not a criminal, but rather, on the contrary, a victim. My witnesses are sitting with me, but these are people whom I don’t really trust. We are all indignant about why we were put in prison, since we were not guilty. And then they finally summon us to court and apologize very much for the inconvenience caused.


There was a meeting with a person whom I love very much in reality. But in reality, we only communicated with him on the phone; he doesn’t know me by sight. And soon our meeting should really take place. I dreamed that we finally met, it happened on friendly party, and for some reason we drank milk with him. Well, then we left this party together. But in reality, I don’t drink milk at all, I just can’t stand it. What does it mean?


I dreamed of a man whom I had not seen for a long time. I know him only visually, but I can’t forget him. He was married, I was also not free, that’s why we didn’t start communicating. I dreamed that we met on scientific conference(both he and I took courses to prepare for graduate exams), got to know each other, were glad to see each other, showed signs of attention to each other, he invited me to go somewhere after the conference. And I’ve dreamed of riding his Opel for so long. we gave presentations (although I did not see the speech itself). Then I woke up very happy, and I wanted to see him. I tried for a long time to get rid of thoughts about him, but this dream, by the way, before the full moon, reminded me of him again. I am a woman, 29 years old, married 2 times, no children. I associate the conference with preparations for the next conference.


in a word, I met in a dream a man who, as some people say, is sugenim. I didn’t get acquainted with him in the dream, I just danced with my friend under the rain on the street, then we stopped and he touched next to me, we talked about his hair, and I touched his head and felt like an electric shock. it was a man who beat me who didn’t care about anything, they would explain it to me and it was just he who beat me


The dream occurred from Thursday to Friday. It’s as if I met a man with whom we had a long-term relationship, first love and very strong…. And this meeting seems to be many years later, and he is already old, but my feelings are the same... The dream was so strong in its impressions, namely emotional, that when I woke up it seemed like reality for a moment... And this meeting did not carry anything with it, I was the initiator... just to see each other... If anyone can say something, write a thank you note.


I dream that I am in some huge building with many confusing corridors, passages, and stairs. Somewhere outside the dream, a duel took place, in which I received a wound in the chest, very painful, next to the heart, with a cold weapon. I understand that this wound is fatal, and I want to find a secluded corner to die peacefully in silence. But as soon as I notice a suitable place, I immediately meet some person, and he begins to bother me, ask me about something, tell me something. There were many such meetings, I even saw old friends whom I had not encountered for many years. I didn’t want to show any of them that I was feeling bad and in pain, I hid the wound under my clothes, cheered up, tried to smile, make wit - and no one noticed anything. But they all didn’t let me die:


I dreamed that I met with my friends from the military school. In fact, even in my dreams, we haven’t seen each other for 13 years. Everyone is happy, hugs, etc. Everything is in color, but I see one of my friends in black and white. Moreover, the contrast is sharp. What could this mean? Thank you.



Color rendering itself does not matter. A director can highlight a section of his film with color or lack thereof. For him, the main thing is to play in contrast. And the main thing for you is to remember how this friend differs from others? What happened when you met him or were in significant relationships? For example: I dreamed of an old friend with whom I had seen each other for a hundred years. Analyzing the dream, I can remember that we became friends when I was in trouble with my boss, had a liver problem, or something similar. After awakening, I must take measures to protect myself: become more polite to my current boss or stop loading my liver with alcohol. In short, actions must be adequate to the dream prompt.


I myself wanted to meet and it seemed like he did too, but after we met, he said that he didn’t want to meet with me. It was painful! 22 years old, female, with my boyfriend, with whom I am in a quarrel and no longer believe that he likes me


I call my friend on the phone and invite him to go for a walk. The most interesting thing is that I see him standing on the street and talking to me. I don’t remember what the conversation was about, but his mood changed every 2 minutes, then he yelled “DON’T CALL ME SEREZHA, YOU’RE GOING TO SHIT AND SHIT EVERYTHING!” Then we laughed with him, then there were moments when we were silent, but neither he nor I hung up. At some point, he gave the go-ahead for the meeting and said, come at 20:00, you’ll be on time - well done. And I look at the digital clock and it says 20:00 and the numbers are so healthy that a blind person can see them, large and bright. And I tell him - Well, I won’t make it in time - it’s already 8, and even if I go out now, by the time I go there, I’ll only arrive in an hour. And I told him, “Well, I don’t care, even if I blow myself up now, when I arrive I won’t have time to take a bath or drink a cup of coffee.” And he started laughing at the words “take a bath and drink coffee,” and I started laughing and woke up. Why is this time 20:00? the numbers were so bright and big


This is not the first time I’ve had this dream, it’s been repeated probably 7 times, maybe more... The only difference between these dreams is the location of the events, and of course there are small differences... A little background: I’m a little more than a year ago, I broke up with my loved one, but love has not gone anywhere and I feel like it’s not only for me, but for him too. The fact is that he is a musician and I sometimes have the opportunity to see him at concerts. I won’t lie, I really want to get him back... THE DREAM ITSELF: The dream begins with the fact that we meet after a long time of separation and in our relationship everything begins with new strength. This meeting takes place in big company, but we are exclusively occupied with each other and don’t notice anyone around. These people periodically try to attract our attention, but we react extremely reluctantly and try to isolate ourselves from those around us as quickly as possible in order to pay attention to each other. Everything is just wonderful, at this moment I feel love and passion and peace, I feel so good next to him. And I feel that our feelings are mutual. We periodically remember why we broke up, but we only say that we will never separate again and that now everything will be different, everything will be fine. We are in a place unfamiliar to me, it looks like some kind of hotel. And then the morning comes and we understand that we need to say goodbye. But then they tell him something (what exactly I can’t remember) and he runs out of the hotel without having time to say goodbye to me, I chase after him, stop on the porch and shout to him that he didn’t say goodbye. He replies that he is late, I answer that this is not a reason not to say goodbye. He replies that I never understood anything about the reasons for our breakup. And then I see that my very close friend is driving along the highway in a car and I am running after her car, but at the turn my beloved comes towards me in a limousine, he stops and begins to tell me that I look funny, that I am running after his car . I answer him that I’m actually bugging my friend’s car, he smiles, I move away from his car and go to my friend’s car (she somehow noticed me and stopped). I stop at her car and before getting into it, I look after the limousine as it drives away, and I see that my beloved is waving goodbye to me and driving away. Next, I get into my friend’s car and start excitedly telling her how fabulously wonderful it is that I made peace with my beloved, after such a long separation. She is sincerely happy for me and... I woke up. p.s. In the previous dreams, everything was about the same, only we didn’t say goodbye to him, and I just lost him, he disappeared and ran around looking for him, but didn’t find him... Help me understand what these dreams are for, they keep happening and don’t give me peace anymore of the year…


I met a person whom I had long wanted to see in a dream, but I never managed to do it. In all previous dreams I did not see him, but only felt his presence. And so, I met him, I saw him, I had this dream before Christmas, which naturally suggests some kind of mystical combination of what is happening. The meeting in the dream was very strange. In reality, apart from very rare business communication, there has never been anything more, although my feelings for this person have been continuing for 5 years. In the dream, as soon as he saw me, he began to show not just interest in me, but embraced me passionately and tenderly seeking reciprocity. I clearly remember what he was wearing - it was a strict business suit, but not dark color, what struck me most was that he smelled of tobacco smoke. This was a reason for me to moderate his passion a little. I asked him in surprise: “Do you really smoke?” to which he replied, a little embarrassed, that YES. In reality, this person gives the impression of someone who not only does not smoke but also does not drink. Despite my question, he continued to kiss me, trying to awaken passion in me, I stubbornly resisted this sensation that captured me. When I felt that a little more and I would give up, I stepped back from him, pulled out of his embrace and walked to the window. He remained standing behind me. For a moment I looked out the window, and then turning around, without completely quelling the passion awakened in me, I asked him about the girl to whom he was engaged. He wasn't surprised by the question, although a little embarrassment was evident in his answer. I’m not engaged of my own free will, it’s necessary! But I didn't believe it! I felt that there was something he was not telling me and his mother played a significant role in this. I was put into an uncomfortable state by the realization that he did everything in secret, that is, he showed his feelings for me in secret from my mother. Soon his mother came into the room, or rather into the office, I did not notice any dissatisfaction in her because of my presence, she was busy with something and practically did not notice the passion for each other that had not yet completely died out in us. After her arrival, I felt some kind of insignificant sadness from the inability to change anything. But in the space there was a feeling of someone’s request that only I could change. But I don’t know what to change. All this resembled some kind of test, something similar to an exam, but conducted by someone from above. I woke up after this dream with the feeling that I did not need to retreat and give up love for this person. That I have to do something and that there is still hope.


I'm madly in love with a guy...and the feelings are mutual. We have never met in real life, but we dream about it. Last night I dreamed that we finally met, but the whole time we met, on his part, it was a game, while he was soon getting married... well, naturally, not with me. He said that this kind of “casual connections” would help me get married... when I said that I was already married, for some reason he didn’t believe it, although outside of sleep, he knows perfectly well that this is so. He haunted me in my dreams, trying to explain something ridiculous that I didn’t want to listen to. HE didn't look like himself at all, but it was Him. I knew it, I felt it. In this dream, we never touched each other... although before that, there were hot nights in dreams and the fire of desire and love... My feelings are disappointment... strong... and annoyance at my stupidity and blind faith...


Here we must proceed from the fact that virtual love looks like a prolonged deception that turns into stress for the body. There is a film here that spins in the head, forcing a person to “work”, and “squeezes” the vitality out of him. Therefore, the unconscious expresses its disappointment about this as best it can.


I was in a hurry to go to the meeting, it was very important to me, but when this man was already walking towards me along the road, I suddenly realized that I was together with my friend in a completely opposite side from the house. She suggested we go to a hotel, where our grandmother did not allow us to go. I didn’t like this idea because we promised to be home by midnight, and if we go to the hotel, we’ll definitely be late. but we went. At first everything was fine, we had fun in the bar and even rented a room, but the hotel was attacked by terrorists. we moved to someone else’s balcony and looked into the room: there were two bleeding corpses lying on the bed. but there was no fear—absolute indifference. even when they started shooting at us and we were sitting crouched on the balcony, my mother called me and started shouting at me: they say, I don’t give a damn about my grandmother, I’m wandering around in the middle of nowhere, everyone is worried... And when I said that I was under terrorist fire, She didn’t believe me, but only got angrier and hung up. Feeling guilty, I crawled out of the shelter and went to look for the main one so that he would tell my mother that I was really being held hostage. What’s strange is that the security allowed me to see him, but at the moment when I gave my mobile phone to the leader, I woke up... I’m 18 years old, female, and I associate the dream with fear of my mother.


“I met an acquaintance on the street - and I haven’t seen her for a long time... we’re standing talking about nothing... (we’re standing near a multi-story building) some guy is spinning around... a stranger. Then I hear screams and crying, I turn around, a girl is lying on the grass under the windows is covered in gardens and blood... and sobs. And then Masha (an acquaintance) says to me, “Let's go!!!” And he walks towards the entrance - what’s more, there is no entrance - but instead you have to go straight into the elevator. I look at the girl lying down. And I feel uneasy. At the same time, I go to the elevator. This guy too. Then they call the elevator and we go in .The elevator doesn’t have time to close, I tell them “Wait! Don’t leave yet!” I get out of the elevator and head to the crying girl. I approach her and say, “Come to me and wash yourself. And put yourself in order!” At the same time, I begin to look at the abrasions on her body - and they turn into painted flowers - it looks like body painting. She refuses .I turn around and the guys are holding the elevator open…”At this moment I wake up…. At the present time, I’m really in trouble. Let’s say it’s a hopeless and dead-end situation. I heard that the elevator is quite significant symbol in a dream. I would like to know what my dream means


There are many meetings, a lot of communication, but now I’m on my way home, and suddenly I meet a traveler on the road. An ordinary hitchhiker, bearded, long-haired with a knapsack, but the strange thing was that he stopped somewhere, but right in the city, on the avenue... It seemed to me that I knew him, I took a closer look, and it’s true... The face of Kolbych (a traveler from reality), but when I started to get closer, the face began to change: it looked like gray-haired Kolbych, then it became completely black-haired and completely different. The man noticed that I was peering at him and rushed towards me. We met... It turned out that we had not met before, but we found mutual language. I talked with someone else for some time, but suddenly there was some strange crackling sound (as if cabbage was being choked), I turned my head and saw a car running over a person at high speed... Somehow this person ends up not on the road ( 4 meters from me), and literally dismembered right on the sidewalk. But although the head and limbs were separate from the body, the neck (on the body!) continued to breathe intensely! There was a traveler on the other side of the body, I stepped over the bloody breathing body, said goodbye to him, wished him a successful journey and was getting ready to go home when I woke up... I didn’t experience any special emotions, except that I was afraid to show fear of the traveler (And fear is in there really wasn’t!) Only at first I tried to close my eyes so as not to look, but it turned out that there was nothing scary about it. Someone shouted that this man, who had just been standing passively 2 meters from me, simply walked under the car... Squire, 19, F. Hitchhiker, survived the accident, but after 3 operations she was not left disabled... I saw people being hit by a car, but never like death...

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a business meeting in a dream means lethargy in business, worries and worries. For young people, seeing their date in a dream foretells their mutual cooling. Seeing a meeting interrupted by someone means a hasty and thoughtless step in some matter that will lead to trouble.

I dreamed about acquaintances

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you have met an acquaintance and are having a pleasant conversation with him, then this foreshadows the successful course of your affairs. However, minor domestic disagreements are possible. But if your conversation proceeds in a raised tone, a hurricane of humiliation and controversy awaits you in reality. If you feel awkward at a meeting or dream that your meeting is inappropriate, you will be expected to rashly participate in something forbidden, which you cannot hide. If a young woman sees many of her acquaintances in a dream, the dream promises her several easy hobbies and great love, having won which, she will never regret the efforts spent on it. If in a dream she grieves about the poverty of her circle of acquaintances, then in reality a prosaic life awaits her, unless she becomes more critical of herself.

Why do you dream about friends?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

meet an old friend - what was lost will return; to be among friends is a state of affairs; new acquaintance is a warning; if they don’t recognize it - to money, fame; you don’t recognize - to gossip, slander; they will turn away from you; see Friend.

I dreamed about a reception

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are at some kind of reception, this promises you that you will soon have a nice meeting. If some kind of embarrassment happens to you at this reception, it means that anxiety awaits you.

I dreamed about a visit

according to Miller's dream book

If you visit someone in a dream, pleasant events may follow in reality. But if you feel awkward during the visit, this means that unkind people are interfering in your life. Visiting friends in a dream is always good news. The only unfavorable sign is the tired or sad look of your friends, as well as their black or white clothes.

The meaning of a dream about getting acquainted

according to Freud's dream book

If you dream about how you meet someone, it means that in real life you have an extremely modest character and it has always been very difficult for you to start a casual conversation with someone. stranger. For some reason, you tend to underestimate yourself, although there are no objective reasons for this. Most likely, you stubbornly keep in your memory long-past events that are dear to you in your relationship at that time. Understand that it is impossible to return that time and that person, and besides, it is not necessary, because in history nothing repeats itself twice. You should not think that if you meet him now, you will definitely correct the mistake you made several years ago. Delusion and arrogance. You live in the past, although you can and should live in the present and future. Pay attention to that person who has patiently existed next to you all these years as true friend and think about whether he is satisfied with the role of a friend imposed by you and wouldn’t he want something more from your relationship?

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a meeting:

Business meeting - stagnation in business, worries, worries; for young people, seeing their own date means mutual cooling; a meeting interrupted by someone is a hasty, thoughtless step in an important matter that will bring trouble.
Also see Acquaintances.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing a meeting in a dream means:

Seeing a business meeting in a dream means lethargy in business, worries and worries.
For young people, seeing their date in a dream foretells their mutual cooling.
Seeing a meeting interrupted by someone means a hasty and thoughtless step in some matter that will lead to trouble.

Dream book alphabetically

A dream with a meeting in the dream book is interpreted as:

If you dream of a meeting at an official level, it means that in reality you are so tired that you do not notice the changes taking place in your home. For lovers, meeting on a date in a dream means experiencing mutual cooling.

Meeting an enemy in a dream predicts that soon you will have to fiercely defend your interests, otherwise losses and illness await you. Meet in a dream New Year- to prosperity in the future; for young people this is a harbinger of a happy marriage.

If you dream that you have met friends and are having a pleasant conversation with them, then this portends a successful course of business for you, except for small ones. family disagreements. Meeting guests in a dream means that in reality you will encounter people who will treat you with distrust or even hostility.

Meeting a large animal in the forest that you scared away means a hasty and thoughtless step that will have negative consequences.

Dream book of the 20th century

Dreaming of a meeting means:

Unexpected meeting in a dream with someone you know: as a rule, this is an indirect clue.

To understand the meaning of the dream, remember what the most vivid impressions you have with this person.

If, for example, in reality you had successful business affairs with him: such a meeting again foretells you success or advises you to use the same strategy.

More exact value dreams can be suggested by other images of a given dream.

Rommel's Dream Book

Meeting dream meaning:

A fleeting meeting with someone means minor everyday troubles.

Meeting with friends (even if these people are no longer alive) - to mutual understanding, help, manifestation of friendship from people close to you and your benefactors.

Meeting enemies means trouble from your ill-wishers.

Business meeting - to worries and anxieties in business.

A date in a dream for young people means mutual cooling in reality.

An interrupted meeting means wrong steps, an incorrect solution to some issue.
