The mysterious disappearance of Aizenshpis’s son: he left everything and went to St. Petersburg. Yuri Aizenshpis - biography, information, personal life Producer with a criminal past

Employees of the patrol service of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg detained a 22-year-old man early on Thursday morning. When checking his documents, it turned out that he is the son famous producer Yuri Aizenshpis, who worked with the Kino group and Dima Bilan.

Mikhail Aizenshpis, detained by police, was on the wanted list in Moscow for almost a year as he had lost contact with his relatives. The young man was taken to the police department and interviewed, writes LifeNews.

Then the police informed their Moscow colleagues that “the citizen had been found,” a law enforcement source said.

In February 2014, Mikhail Aizenshpis was detained in Moscow for drug possession. 1.58 grams of cocaine were seized from him. In addition, the detainee had a briefcase with money on him.

According to the police, Mikhail behaved “not quite adequately” and was most likely under the influence of drugs.

The son of a famous producer spent several hours at the police station, and after paperwork and interrogation, he was released on his own recognizance.

Producer with a criminal past

Yuri Shmilevich Aizenshpis was born on July 15, 1945 in Chelyabinsk, where his mother, Muscovite Maria Aizenshpis, was evacuated.

The father of the future producer, WWII veteran Shmil Moiseevich Aizenshpis, was born in Poland, and came to the USSR to escape persecution after the occupation of the western part of Poland by the troops of Nazi Germany.

Yuri's parents worked at GUAS (Main Directorate of Airfield Construction). At home they had the first mass-produced Soviet TV, KVN-49, and a gramophone with a collection of gramophone records.

Until 1961, the Aizenshpis lived in a wooden barracks, and then received an apartment in the prestigious Sokol district of Moscow. IN teenage years Yuri played volleyball, handball and athletics. But due to a leg injury, he quit the sport at the age of 16.

In 1968, Yuri graduated from the Moscow Institute of Economics and Statistics with a degree in economic engineering, and two years later he was arrested. During a search of Aizenshpis's apartment, 15,585 rubles and $7,675 were confiscated. Eventually young man judged according to Art. 88 (“Violation of rules on currency transactions”) and was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

As Yuri Aizenshpis himself said, he took the criminal path because of his love of music, collecting records.

"Being involved in buying and selling music CDs, I developed a taste for money and beautiful life. Then came jeans, equipment, furs. Then gold and currency. It was in 1965 that I first saw and touched American dollars,” the producer recalled in an interview given to Gordon Boulevard.

According to him, he bought currency from taxi drivers and prostitutes, who were more likely than other Soviet citizens to come into contact with foreigners.

When Yuri served his first sentence and was released, a few weeks later he “carried out a large operation of buying and selling 50 thousand counterfeit dollars.” For this he was sentenced to another seven years in prison.

According to Yuri, although he had diplomat friends, there was no way to avoid prison. “Then society was not so corrupt. In prison, I was in prison with the son of the head of the KGB investigative department. And there were many such examples. Nowadays you can close a criminal case for money. Back then it was very difficult,” said Aizenshpis.

However, in the same interview he expressed the opposite idea. "There (behind bars. - Note website) 70 percent of prisoners are starving. I wasn't hungry. How? Money does everything, of course, unofficially,” a former prisoner who made brilliant career in show business.

Upon his release in 1988, at the height of perestroika, Aizenshpis worked in the creative association "Gallery" under the city committee of the Komsomol, organizing concerts of young performers. Since December 1989, he has been the director and producer of the Kino group. After the death of its lead singer Viktor Tsoi in 1990, Yuri took out a loan and used the money to release the “Black Album” (the last work of the Kino group). Thus, the producer was one of the first to violate the state monopoly on the release of records.

Aizenshpis was the producer of the groups "Technology" and " Moral code", and also brought Linda, Vlad Stashevsky, Katya Lel to the big stage.

The last big one creative success Yuri Aizenshpis began collaborating with Dima Bilan. But in September 2005, the producer died of a heart attack, two days before the triumph of his pupil, who received the Russian version of the prestigious MTV-2005 music award.

Look for a boy

The only heir of the famous producer Yuri Aizenshpis, Mikhail, was found safe and sound. The 22-year-old guy has been wanted since January of this year. A statement about her missing son was written by her ex. common-law wife Aizenshpis Elena Goyningen -Gune. Then the woman told the cops a tearful story about how the “boy” left his Moscow apartment, did not answer the phone, and neither his family nor friends knew anything about him.

On January 28, the capital police put Mikhail on the federal wanted list. Photos of the slender guy were sent to all departments different regions. Soon the trail led them to St. Petersburg. The guy bought a ticket for the peregrine falcon and got lost in the city on the Neva.

They were looking for opera, but somehow very lazily. Photos of his orientations did not flood the metro stations, did not hang on every pole. They didn’t even ask for help from volunteers.

And yet Misha got caught. On June 2 at noon he was stopped in the south of the city near the Moskovskie Vorota metro station.

Alive and healthy. We talked to him, he wrote a note that he would return home and went about his business,” the police source briefly said. The cops don't want to share details. They only explain that they found him by “ operational development" So the guy didn’t give himself away at all.

The opera's reluctance to share details is understandable. Although Mikhail was on the federal wanted list, he was not wanted as a criminal. In fact, he simply stopped communicating with relatives, broke old ties and left for the most beautiful city Russia.

It’s his personal business how to live and where,” the police shrug their shoulders.

Star guy

Mikhail has always had a difficult relationship with his family. For example, his Aunt Faina - Native sister deceased producer - I learned about the disappearance of my nephew only from journalists.

“We never really communicated,” the woman explained then. - I don’t even know if he disappeared or not.

Misha did not see his father often, especially in childhood, although he is his only heir. When Yuri Shmilevich died, the guy was 12 years old. Aizenshpis's former common-law wife began to demand an inheritance for her son. This included the whole Dima Bilan - songs, brand. They asked for compensation of $2 million at the 2007 exchange rate.

Yura was not one of those fathers who was interested in messing around with kids, Elena Goyningen-Güne spoke at the trial. - But in Lately they were very friendly. And Yuri Shmilevich always solved his child’s problems, including financial ones. Misha is growing up, in a few years he will go to college... Only his father who could help him is no longer around.

The story of the division of the “Dima Bilan” project separated the artist from the family of the first producer, although before that the singer swore that he would not leave them.

Yuri Shmilevich died in 2005 from a heart attack, two years before the previously unknown but talented Vitya Belan became “artist of the year” and “performer of the year” at the prestigious MTV RMA-2005 award.

At the funeral, Dima was held by Yana Rudkovskaya on one side, and the son of the late producer Misha Aizenshpis on the other. After the death of his mentor and teacher, Bilan decided to leave the StarPro company, which was inherited by Aizenshpis’s widow and son. At the same time, he gave an interview to KP, where he talked about the contract with Aizenshpis’ studio:

Yes. There was a contract. But serfdom was abolished in 1861. And human relationships must remain human.

After that, Bilan thundered, and we heard about Aizenshpis’s son only in fits and starts. He, it seems, opened a company in Moscow that was developing software. But the peak of his popularity was the story with the suitcase. In February 2014, Misha was detained with cocaine and a suitcase of money. As the police say, he was brought to the station at his own request. Then, near the Polezhaevskaya metro station, he approached law enforcement officers and asked to take him under guard. The guy's behavior aroused their suspicions. They searched and found a bag of cocaine and a substantial amount of money in the car. After the operation, a search was carried out in his apartment. A case was opened, but it did not end in anything. The young man was released. A year later he disappeared.

Elena Goyningen-Güne, who wrote a statement about the disappearance of her son in January of this year, now does not want to discuss family matters. She told Komsomolskaya Pravda that Mikhail did not disappear at all and that she knew about his stay in St. Petersburg all this time.

“He was not missing, no one from the police called me,” said Aizenshpis’ mother. - He is not and has not been on the federal wanted list. This is all false information. And I won't discuss this with you. My son is not a star, like our whole family.


Yuri Shmilevich Aizenshpis was born on July 15, 1945 in Chelyabinsk, where his Muscovite mother Maria Mikhailovna was evacuated. After the war, the family returned to the capital. Also in student years(studied as an engineer-economist) Yuri began working in the underground Soviet “show business” - he organized concerts of the rock group “Falcon”, popular in the 60s among Moscow youth. In 1970, during a search in Aizenshpis's apartment, the police seized 15,585 rubles and 7,675 dollars. He was convicted under the article “Violation of rules on currency transactions” and was released only 18 years later, in 1988. A year later he became the director of the Kino group, and after the death of Viktor Tsoi he began collaborating with other artists. IN different years produced the groups “Technology”, “Moral Code”, “Dynamite”, singers Linda, Katya Lel, singer Vlad Stashevsky. The last big project of Yuri Aizenshpis is Dima Bilan.

The producer died on September 20, 2005 from a myocardial infarction. He was buried near Moscow at the Domodedovo cemetery.

Producer Yuri Aizenshpis was one of the first in our country to begin professionally “promoting” pop and pop stars. There were legends about this man, and his every step was shrouded in the most incredible rumors. But despite everything, all the projects that Yuri Aizenshpis took on turned out to be successful.

Contrary to the general trend, the performers who left him never threw mud at him in the press and never entered into legal battles.

Yuri Aizenshpis: biography. Childhood and adolescence

Aizenshpis was born in Chelyabinsk in 1945. His mother, Maria Mikhailovna Aizenshpis, a native Muscovite, was sent to evacuate to this city. Shmil Moiseevich Aizenshpis (Yuri's father) is a Polish Jew who was forced to leave his homeland to escape the Nazis. He fought in the ranks Soviet army and was a WWII veteran.

After the end of the war, the family returned to Moscow. Until 1961, she lived in a dilapidated wooden barracks, and then received a wonderful apartment in a prestigious area of ​​the capital. At that time they had a gramophone with large collection gramophone records and TV KVN-49.

As Yuri Shmilevich Aizenshpis himself recalled, in his youth he was seriously involved in sports: handball, athletics, volleyball, but due to a leg injury he had to stop playing. In addition to sports, the young man at that time was interested in jazz. He had a tape recorder, which the young man bought with his savings.

The first recordings were jazz compositions by famous musicians of the world - Woody Herman, John Coltrane, Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald. Yuri Aizenshpis, whose photo you can see in our article, was well versed in various directions- jazz-rock, avant-garde and popular jazz. After some time, he became interested in the origins of rock music, the founders of the rhythm and blues movement.

The circle of lovers and connoisseurs of this music in those days was very small; everyone knew each other. When one of the like-minded people had a new record, Yuri Aizenshpis rewrote it. At that time, “black markets” were widespread in our country, which the police constantly dispersed. Exchange, purchase and sale were prohibited. The disks were simply confiscated from the sellers. And despite everything, records entered the country from abroad regularly, overcoming powerful barriers customs rules and laws. Some performers were banned - Elvis Presley, the Bary sisters.


After graduating from school, Aizenshpis Yuri Shmilevich entered MESI and graduated in 1968 with a diploma in economics. But it should be noted that he entered the institute and successfully graduated only so as not to upset his parents.

First musical project

Yes, graduate Faculty of Economics Yuri Aizenshpis did not like his specialty at all. His soul was drawn to music. While still studying at the institute, twenty-year-old Yuri began his creative activity, showing courage and business acumen.

In the mid-seventies, Beatlemania swept the world. At this time, Yuri and a group of like-minded musicians created the first rock band in our country. Since all the members of the group lived near the Sokol metro station, they didn’t go too far with the name of the group and they also called it “Falcon”. Today this group has taken its rightful place in the history of the Russian rock movement.

At first, the musicians performed songs of the legendary band “The Beatles” on English language. At that time, it was believed that rock music could only exist in English. Friends had long noted Yuri’s activity and organizational talent, so they appointed him as something of an impresario.

After some time, the team was accepted into the staff of the Tula Philharmonic. The group toured a lot, and Aizenshpis’s monthly income sometimes reached the astronomical sum of 1,500 rubles at that time. For comparison: ministerial salaries Soviet Union amounted to no more than a thousand rubles.

Ticket selling

At the very beginning of his activities, more precisely during his collaboration with the Sokol group, Yuri developed an unusual ticket sales scheme. Having previously agreed with the director of some cultural center or club, Aizenshpis bought all the tickets for the last showing of the film, and then sold them for more high price, to the band's concert.

As a rule, there were significantly more people wanting to listen to music than there were seats in the hall. At times the situation got out of control. It was for this reason that Aizenshpis was the first to hire security guards in the seventies to ensure order at concerts.

With the money received from the sale of tickets, he purchased foreign currency, with which he purchased quality goods from foreigners. musical instruments and high-end stage sound equipment. Since all foreign exchange transactions were illegal in the USSR at that time, he always took great risks when making transactions.

Work at the USSR Central Statistical Office

In 1968, Aizenshpis joined the Central Statistical Office as a junior research fellow with a salary of 115 rubles. However, he rarely visited his workplace. His main income continued to be foreign exchange transactions, purchase and further sale of gold. He made transactions whose volume exceeded a million dollars a month. At that time, the underground millionaire was only 25 years old.


But this life did not last long. At the beginning of January 1970, Aizenshpis was arrested. During a search, $7,675 and 15,585 rubles were found in his apartment. He was convicted under Article 88 (“Currency transactions”). Even in places of detention, Aizenshpis’s entrepreneurial spirit was evident. In the Krasnoyarsk-27 zone, the future producer launched a brisk trade in tea, vodka and sugar. Then he began to be appointed to management positions at local construction sites.

When he was transferred to a settlement colony, Yuri fled from there to Pechory and settled with a local intellectual, whom he charmed with his charm and conversations about the capital. However, he was soon exposed by a guest at home - a police colonel. And again, Aizenshpis’s amazing luck, as well as his knowledge of the basics of psychology, came to the rescue. He was transferred to another colony to an excellent position as a normalizer.

Yuri Aizenshpis served almost 18 years in prison for something that any citizen is now allowed to do. But something else is important: over such a long period of time, Aizenshpis did not become embittered, did not become a criminal, and did not lose his human appearance.

Life after release

Finding himself free in 1988, Aizenshpis saw an unfamiliar Russia during perestroika. Alexander Lipnitsky introduced him to the rock scene. Initially, he was entrusted with heading the directorate of the Interchance festival. Gradually, step by step, he studied behind-the-scenes life and the basics of show business, and soon the aspiring producer began working with domestic music performers.

Yuri Shmilevich formulated his purpose quite frankly - to promote the artist using any means: diplomacy, bribery, threats or blackmail. This is exactly how he acted, for which they began to call him “the shark of show business.”

There were plenty of unknown young performers who dreamed of making it to the big stage. Among them, Yuri Aizenshpis chose those who could hook the viewer, who had at least a more or less interesting repertoire. At first he represented them through television general public, and then organized tours.

Group "Kino"

From December 1989 to tragic death Viktor Tsoi (1990) Aizenshpis was the producer and director of the Kino group. He was the first to break the state monopoly on the release of records. Already in 1990, he released the “Black Album” using funds taken on credit.

It should be noted: by the beginning of cooperation with the producer, Kino already had enough famous group. At that time, the most successful, legendary album “Blood Type” had already been recorded. According to critics, after him Tsoi could not write a single line for two or three years. Therefore, cooperation with Kino brought Aizenshpis to a new stellar level of activity, which allowed him to earn authority in his craft.


If “Kino” already had some success at the beginning of working with the producer, then the “Technology” group was fashioned almost from scratch by Yuri Aizenshpis. “Lighting up the stars” - this is how the producer began to be called more and more often after his second successful project. Using the example of “Technology”, he was able to prove that he could take guys with an average level of talent and “fashion” them into stars.

Among the numerous ensembles existing on the stage at that time was the Bioconstructor group, which over time split into two subgroups. One was called “Bio”, and the second was just thinking about its name and musical concept. They could show only two or three songs, which the already famous producer liked. As time has shown, Aizenshpis was not mistaken and was able to create a truly popular group called “Technology”.


In 1993, Aizenshpis drew attention to the young performer Svetlana Gaiman in Jurmala. Very soon the name of singer Linda became known to both viewers and music critics. Soon the compositions “I want your sex”, “Non-stop” and the famous hit “Playing with Fire” appeared. Linda's collaboration with the producer lasted less than a year, after which they parted ways.

Vlad Stashevsky

This project was more long-term - it lasted six years (1993-1999). Favorite fair half Russian viewers, the sex symbol of the mid-nineties was Vlad Stashevsky, who, in collaboration with Aizenshpis, released five albums.

The producer met Stashevsky at the Master nightclub. Yuri Shmilevich heard Vlad playing behind the scenes on an out-of-tune piano and singing songs from the repertoire of Mikhail Shufutinsky and Willy Tokarev. After this meeting, nothing foreshadowed long-term cooperation, although Aizenshpis left his business card for the unknown performer.

A few days later he called Vlad and they agreed on a meeting, during which Aizenshpis introduced Vlad to Vladimir Matetsky, who took part in the audition. Stashevsky's first performance took place at the end of August 1993 in Adjara, at a song festival.

Awards, further creative activities

In 1992, Aizenshpis was awarded the Ovation Prize as the best producer in Russia. Until 1993, Yuri Shmilevich produced the groups “Young Guns”, “Moral Code”, and the singer Linda. In 1997, he began to work with singers Inga Drozdova and Katya Lel, a year later singer Nikita became his protégé, and in 2000 he began collaborating with the Dynamite group.

During this period, Yuri Aizenshpis became especially famous as a very successful producer. The man who lit the stars on Russian stage, since 2001 he took the post of general director of the Media Star company.

Dima Bilan

Yuri Aizenshpis and Dima Bilan met in 2003. According to music critics, the last project of the famous producer, which he worked on for the last three years of his life, became one of the most successful in the work of Yuri Shmilevich. In September 2005, Dima Bilan was recognized best performer 2004 according to MTV, and much later became the winner of Eurovision 2008.

Other roles

In 2005, Yuri Shmilevich played a cameo role in the popular Russian film “Night Watch”. In addition, he became the author of the book “Lighting the Stars.”

Family life

Aizenshpis did not like to talk about his personal life. At the Interchance-89 festival, he met a very pretty assistant director, Elena. The couple did not formalize the relationship. In 1993, a baby appeared in the family - son Misha. But gradually the feelings lost their former severity, and the couple broke up.

Yuri Shmilevich spoiled his son Aizenshpis, however, the educational process was completely transferred to Elena’s shoulders. Mikhail often visited his father’s office and went with him to concerts. Yuri Shmilevich bequeathed to his son and ex-wife two huge apartments in Moscow. After the death of the producer, Elena married the editor of the TNT channel Leonid Gune.

Yuri Aizenshpis: cause of death

On September 20, 2005, this talented person, a recognized and successful Russian producer, passed away. At about eight o'clock in the evening, Yuri Aizenshpis died in Moscow City Hospital No. 20. Death was due to extensive myocardial infarction. Yuri Shmilevich was buried at the Domodedovo cemetery near Moscow.

A 22-year-old citizen was detained by patrol officers of the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg in the early morning of November 12. When checking the documents, it turned out that he is the son of the famous producer Yuri Aizenshpis, known for his work with the Kino group, Vlad Stashevsky and Dima Bilan, and has been wanted in the capital for almost a year as someone who has lost contact with relatives.


"The man was taken to the police station and questioned. After which the police informed their Moscow colleagues that the citizen had been found,” law enforcement officials told Life News.

Let us remind you that his mother reported the disappearance of the son of the famous producer Yuri Aizenshpis. On January 21, the police received a statement that the 21-year-old son of producer Yuri Aizenshpis had disappeared. His mother Elena Goyningen-Güne said that the young man left home on January 16 and nothing has been known about him since then.

Let us note that this is not the first time that the name of Mikhail Aizenshpis has appeared in the Ministry of Internal Affairs reports. In February last year, police detained him near the Polezhaevskaya metro station. He ended up in handcuffs after he approached the police. Then A 20-year-old guy asked for help, asking to be taken into protective custody..

The behavior and words of the young man seemed suspicious to the police, so just in case, law enforcement officers decided to detain him. During the search, Mikhail was found to have a suitcase with money and a narcotic substance.– presumably cocaine. Aizenshpis was taken to the police station for questioning, after which his apartment was searched. According to eyewitnesses, Aizenshpis Jr.’s stepfather came to the apartment during the search.

Yuri Shmilevich Aizenshpis was born a month after the end of the Great Patriotic War in Chelyabinsk. At that time, the producer's mother was evacuated there. Yuri Shmilevich comes from unusual family. My father’s ancestors lived in Spain, but Shmil Moiseevich’s passport indicated Poland as his country of birth. Already as an adult, the man fled to the USSR, fearing reprisals from the Nazis.

Interestingly, the real name of Yuri’s father is Shmul. The NKVD officer, filling out the passport, got it wrong. This is how Shmil Aizenshpis turned out. The man went through the Second World War and visited Berlin. However, the soldier was never wounded. Yuri Shmilevich’s mother’s biography is no less interesting. Maria Mikhailovna was born in Belarus.

After the death of her parents she was placed in foster care distant relatives. Because of the outbreak of the war, I did not have time to obtain a diploma in journalism. Maria Mikhailovna joined the partisan detachment and almost fell into the hands of the Germans several times. IN post-war years was awarded medals and orders.

Yuri's parents met at the Belorussky railway station in 1944. After the end of the war, Maria Mikhailovna and Shmil Moiseevich ended up in the Main Directorate of Airfield Construction. At that time, the Aizenshpis family lived well. In their house there was a TV and a gramophone with a large collection of records.

Until 1961, the producer's family lived in a wooden barracks, but then moved to an apartment located in the Sokol district of Moscow. Yuri Shmilevich was a sporty child and attended a sports school. The producer was a fan of handball, volleyball and athletics. I had to retire from professional sports due to a leg injury.

Yuri took his first steps as an administrator in his youth. In 1965, the man began collaborating with the rock group Sokol. Despite the obvious craving for show business, Aizenshpis received economic Education at the Moscow Economic and Statistical Institute.

Music and production

Yuri Shmilevich's career as a producer began while still studying at the institute. Collaboration with a rock band did not help achieve the desired heights. Then Aizenshpis went to prison for carrying out illegal foreign exchange transactions. After leaving prison, the producer found himself in the perestroika world, which became the starting point for developing a career in show business.

Meeting Alexander Lipnitsky allowed Aizenshpis to become the director of the Interchance festival. Gradually, the man studied the basics of behind-the-scenes life, identified methods of influencing musicians, and later moved on to producing.

“Promoting an artist is the functional responsibility of the producer. And here any means are good. Through diplomacy, bribery, threats or blackmail,” said Yuri Shmilevich.

This approach to the matter turned out to be successful. From an ordinary producer, Aizenshpis quickly rose to the rank of show business shark. Yuri began helping performers who wanted to be on big stage. Not everyone suited Aizenshpis. The producer, lighting the stars, chose artists who could “hook” the viewer. Required condition became the presence of a repertoire. To promote musicians, Yuri Shmilevich used the media and television.

In 1988, the Kino group fell into the hands of Aizenshpis. By this time, the musicians had already reached a certain level on their own, but a professional approach to promotion was required. The cooperation of two talented people - Yuri Shmilevich and - bore fruit.

The fame of the producer and musician soared to unprecedented heights. Two years later, Viktor Tsoi dies. Aizenshpis takes out a loan of 5 million rubles and releases the musician’s posthumous album “Black Album”. The disc's circulation exceeded 1 million copies. The producer earned 24 million from this project.

Musicians of the Kino group, Evgeny Dodolev and Yuri Aizenshpis at the presentation of the Black Album

Yuri Shmilevich's career developed rapidly. After “Kino” there was another group – “Technology”. In fact, Aizenshpis promoted the group from scratch. Young musicians became popular. For an unknown reason, after a year of working together, the paths of the producer and the wards diverge.

Already in 1992, Yuri Aizenshpis was recognized as the best producer in the country. A year after official recognition, he meets Svetlana Gaiman, known under the pseudonym. They worked for several months, after which he began promoting the singer.

For 6 years, Yuri Shmilevich collaborated with a singer famous in the 90s. Collaboration led to the recording of 5 albums. Aizenshpis increased Vlad’s popularity and recognition significantly. The musician was invited to major concerts and events in Russia and the USA.

Yuri Aizenshpis' track record includes such stars as Nikita, the Dynamite group. The main achievement in the work of the producer was. Under the leadership of Yuri Shmilevich, they learned about the artist in Russia.

Aizenshpis described bright moments life and work in books. The producer published “Lighting the Stars. Notes and advice from a show business pioneer,” “From a black marketeer to a producer. Business people in the USSR" and "Viktor Tsoi and others. How the stars light up." In memory of the producer, a program was broadcast on the TVC channel called “Wild Money.”

Personal life

Rumors constantly circulated around Aizenshpis. In show business they stated that the producer brought the so-called “blue lobby” into the work. Previously, women were brought to men for promotion; later, lovers of politicians and businessmen began to appear. More than once Yuri Shmilevich and the producer’s wards were called gay, but no official confirmation of the men’s orientation was found.

“Spending time in prison could have influenced Aizenshpis’s orientation,” the ex-husband suggested.

Numerous rumors did not stop us from living civil marriage Yuri Shmilevich with Elena Lvovna Kovrigina.

After the death of Aizenshpis, she quickly arranged her personal life by marrying director Leonid Goyningen-Güne. Yuri and Elena had a son, Mikhail. In 2014, a young man was taken into custody by the police due to drug use. During the search, Mikhail was found to have 1.5 grams of cocaine.


Imprisonment had a negative impact on the producer's health. For a long time Yuri Aizenshpis hid the fact that he had serious problems. Officially, the cause of death is myocardial infarction, but a number of diagnoses led to this, including cirrhosis of the liver, gastrointestinal bleeding, hepatitis B and C. The information that Yuri Shmilevich had AIDS, which led to death, is not documented.

Three days before his death, Aizenshpis felt unwell. Doctors decided to hospitalize the producer. After the manipulations, the condition improved, so Yuri Shmilevich persuaded the doctors to release him from the hospital. The producer wanted to see Dima Bilan receive the prestigious MTV-2005 music award.

The producer did not live to see the ceremony for two days. Aizenshpis's life was cut short at the age of 61. The funeral took place at the Domodedovo cemetery. The farewell ceremony was attended by artists, composers and other show business figures. Numerous photos mourning Dima Bilan spread across the Internet. The producer's grave is located next to his parents'.
