Western Dvina characteristics. Western Dvina River

The Northern Dvina is a navigable river. Located in the north of Russia, in its European part. At first glance, this river is unremarkable, but if you look deeper into its history and geography, you can find some interesting facts.

At one time (approximately from the middle of the 16th to the beginning of the 17th century), this river was the only route that connected the Russian Empire with those countries that at that time were located in the Northern and Western Europe. This route was actively used by merchants and diplomats. By the middle of the 19th century, its significance for foreign trade Russian Empire decreased significantly. However, in order to defend some cities in a possible war (for example, Arkhangelsk), the mouth of this river was very suitable.

Length of the Northern Dvina River

This river is not very large - its length is only 744 km. If we compare it with the Volga, the largest and longest Russian river, then the Northern Dvina is five times inferior to it - the length of the Volga is 3530 km.

Two rivers - Sukhona and Yug - merge into one, called the Malaya Northern Dvina. All this happens near the city of Veliky Ustyug, located in Vologda region. And this city is interesting because the Russian residence of Father Frost is located there.

After this, it turns north and flows through Arkhangelsk and its environs. The high-water Vychegda River brings its waters into the Northern Dvina watercourse immediately after Arangelsk, after which the river continues its movement strictly north. Just before it flows into the Dvina Bay, the White Sea, it merges with another river called Pinega.

The source of the Northern Dvina is located at the confluence of two rivers: the Sukhona and the Yuga. The Northern Dvina flows into the White Sea. There are many in the river rare species fish: bream, burbot, roach, pike. Migratory fish are of industrial importance: lamprey and salmon, and in the delta you can find smelt and river flounder.

Tributaries of the Northern Dvina River

The Northern Dvina is fed mainly by snow, which melts into its waters in the spring. It freezes at the end of October - somewhat earlier than other Russian rivers, which is explained by its more northern position. When the river opens up (and this usually happens in mid-April or even early May, if the spring is late and cold), the ice flow is quite stormy and active, and jams often form. During this period, it is not navigable - it can even be dangerous.

This river has two main tributaries - the Sukhona and Yug rivers. However, if we counted all the rivers that flow into it, then it would be

Cities of Russia on the Northern Dvina River

There are many cities - large and small - located on the Northern Dvina River. First of all, this is the above-mentioned Veliky Ustyug, famous for the fact that you can meet the real Father Frost there. In addition, the cities of Novodvinsk, Severodvinsk and the legendary city of Arkhangelsk are located near the mouth of the river.

Ships sail along the river. To this day, the paddle steamer “N.V. Gogol” operates on the Northern Dvina - it was launched back in 1911 and still operates as a full-fledged cruise ship, enjoying the attention of tourists.

Western Dvina, a river in the RSFSR, BSSR and Latvian SSR (within the latter it is called the Daugava). Length 1020 km, basin area 87,900 km 2 . Originates on the Valdai Hills, west of the sources of the Volga, flows into the Gulf of Riga Baltic Sea. The relief of the Western Dnieper basin is characterized by an alternation of relatively large uplands (Vitebsk, Gorodok, Latgale, Vidzeme) and wide lowlands (Polotsk, East Latvian, Central Latvian). The pool is located in an area of ​​excess moisture. W. D. begins with a small stream; after passing lakes Dvinets and Okhvat-Zhadanye, it expands to 15 m and flows in a deep valley with steep banks. This character of the valley is preserved almost throughout the entire length of the river; only below 150 km from the source in a small area the valley is poorly expressed (the river passes through lakes Luka and Kalakutskoye). On the coastal plain it flows in low banks. The channel is characterized by numerous rapids associated with the accumulation of boulders and, in places, bedrock outcrops of dolomite. In the lower reaches the river splits into branches. The mouth area is an erosive delta about 35 km long. When it flows into the Gulf of Riga it forms an underwater bar. Tributaries: Mezha, Kasplya, Luchesa, Ulla, Diena on the left; Toropa, Drissa, Dubna, Aiviekste, Ogre are on the right. The diet is mixed, with a predominance of snow and a large proportion of soil. The spring flood is from the end of March to the beginning of June, the summer low water is interrupted by rain floods, and in the fall the floods are more frequent. Winter low water is from December to mid-March, but in some years there are floods caused by thaws. Average consumption at the mouth about 700 m 3 /sec. Freeze-up from December to March. On the W. D. ≈ Plyavinskaya HPP named after. V.I. Lenin and Kegumska HPP; Riga Hydroelectric Power Station is under construction (1972). Navigable in some areas. Connected by the Berezinsky Canal with the Dnieper. On the river ≈ Vitebsk, Polotsk, Daugavpils, Jekabpils, at the mouth ≈ sea ​​port Riga.

═ Lit.: Rogov M. M., Romashin V. V., Steinbach B. V., Hydrology of the mouth area of ​​the Western Dvina, M., 1964.

═ K. G. Tikhotsky.

  • - 1) city, district center, Tver region. Originated as a village. at Art. ; name by location on the river . Since 1937 the city...

    Geographical encyclopedia

  • - North War Site of the 1701 battle between 15,000 Swedes under the command of Charles XII and 12,000 Saxons under the command of March. von Stenau. Karl, advancing on Riga, discovered that Stenau had blocked the crossing of the Dvina...

    Encyclopedia of Battles of World History

  • - the Western River: The Sula no longer flows in silvery streams to the city of Pereyaslavl, and flows like a swamp like the formidable Polochan under the cry of the filthy. 33. .....

    The Word about Igor's Campaign - dictionary-reference book

  • - 1., a river in Eastern Europe, flows through Russia, Belarus, and Latvia. 1020 km, pl. basin 87.9 thousand km2. It begins on the Valdai Hills, flows into the Gulf of Riga of the Baltic Sea, forming a delta...

    Russian Encyclopedia

  • - 2 big rivers Europe Russia, see Zap. and Sev. ...
  • - a small lake in Ostashkovsky district. Tver province, from which the river flows. Zap. Dvina...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - A river in the Baltic basin that flows into southern part Gulf of Riga...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - a river in the western European part of the USSR; see Western Dvina...
  • - I Western Dvina River in the RSFSR, BSSR and Latvian SSR. Length 1020 km, basin area 87,900 km2...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Western Dvina, city, center of the Zapadnodvinsky district of the Kalinin region of the RSFSR. Located on the right bank of the river. Western Dvina. Railway station, 321 km to the south-west. from Kalinin...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - city in Russian Federation, Tver region, on the river. Zap. Dvina Railroad station. 11.4 thousand inhabitants. Wood processing plant, flax mill...
  • - river in Vost. Europe. It flows through the territory of the Russian Federation, Belarus, and Latvia. 1020 km, basin area 87.9 thousand km²...

    Big encyclopedic Dictionary

  • - Western Dvin...

    Russian orthographic dictionary

  • - ́ – the name of the river, then also transferred to the North. Dvina. Zap. called in OE. Dýn, Wed. Polish Dźwina, German Duna, lit. Dauguva, ltsh. Daugava; Wed still lit. daũg "many", as well as common Russian...

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  • - noun, number of synonyms: 1 river...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - noun, number of synonyms: 3 city of Daugava river...

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"Western Dvina (river)" in books

Battles at the Dnieper - Western Dvina line

From Book Two World War on the land. Causes of defeat ground forces Germany author Westphal Siegfried

Battles on the line Dnieper - Western Dvina Encirclement of the Russians in the Uman region In accordance with the directive, Army Group "South" on July 5 again went on the offensive on the line Prut River - the middle reaches of the Dniester River - Zbruch River - Sluch River, with the task of quickly leaving the left flank

Northern flank: attack of the Stumme group on the cities of Andreapol and Western Dvina August 29 – September 9

From the book The Collapse of the Barbarossa Plan. Volume II [Blitzkrieg thwarted] author Glanz David M

Northern flank: the offensive of the Stumme group on the cities of Andreapol and Western Dvina August 29 - September 9 If Timoshenko believed that on August 25 the situation along the right flank of the Western Front had stabilized, he was seriously mistaken. Even though the rear units

25. Western Dvina

From the book Empire - II [with illustrations] author

25. Western Dvina Western Dvina, river - Duna (scand. Duna), p. 35 (= (aut.)) Danube (scand. Danubis) (= (aut.)) Don –

From the book Reconstruction general history[text only] author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

4.12.12. THE NEPRYADVA RIVER ON THE KULIKOVY FIELD AND THE NAPRUDNAYA RIVER IN MOSCOW ON THE KULISHKY FIELD. AND ALSO THE MOSCOW RIVER NEGLINKA The Battle of Kulikovo took place on the Nepryadva River, p.76. This famous river is mentioned MANY TIMES in all the chronicles talking about the Battle of Kulikovo. River

1.13. Dnieper, Don, Danube, Europe, Egypt, Western Dvina

From the author's book

1.13. Dnieper, Don, Danube, Europe, Egypt, Western Dvina According to the Scandinavians, the DNEPR river =*= NEPR (Scandinavian NEPR), p. 35 =*= DANPR (Scandinavian DANPR), p. 212. River DON =*= TANAIS, p. 32 =*= TANAQUISL, p. 40, 111 = DANUBE =*= DANUBIS (Scandinavian DANUBIUS), p. 222 =*= DUN (Scandinavian DUN)

The Mecha River on the Kulikovo field and the Moscow River, or the Mocha River - a tributary of the Moscow River

From the book New Chronology and Concept ancient history Rus', England and Rome author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

The Mecha River on the Kulikovo field and the Moscow River, or the Mocha River - a tributary of the Moscow River. According to the chronicle, the Battle of Kulikovo continued throughout the day, after which Mamai’s troops fled and were pressed to the Mecha River (PSRL, vol. 37, p. 76 ), "where many Tatars drowned." And Mamai himself escaped with

2.13. The Mecha River on the Kulikovo field and the Moscow River, or the Mocha River is a tributary of the Moscow River

From the author's book

2.13. The Mecha River on the Kulikovo field and the Moscow River, or the Mocha River is a tributary of the Moscow River. According to the chronicle, the Battle of Kulikovo continued throughout the day, after which Mamai’s troops fled and were pressed to the Mecha River, “where many Tatars drowned.” Assam Mamai escaped with a few

The fight at the Dnieper - Western Dvina line. Encirclement of enemy troops in the Uman region

From the book The Protracted Blitzkrieg. Why Germany lost the war author Westphal Siegfried

The fight at the Dnieper - Western Dvina line. Encircling enemy troops in the Uman region In accordance with the directive for conducting operations, Army Group South again went on the offensive on July 5 from the line: the Prut River, the middle reaches of the Dniester, Zbruch and Sluch rivers. The troops had a task

Appendix 2 The leadership of the Western and Central fronts, armies, corps and divisions that took part in the battles on the Western Dvina and Dnieper rivers in July - August 1941

From the book Agony 1941 [Bloody Roads of Retreat] author Irinarkhov Ruslan Sergeevich

Appendix 2 Leadership of the Western and Central fronts, armies, corps and divisions that took part in the battles on the Western Dvina and Dnieper rivers in July - August 1941 Western Front Commander - Marshal Soviet Union Timoshenko S.K. Chief of Staff -

Breakthrough of the German defense by troops of the 1st Baltic Front north-west of Vitebsk and crossing of the Western Dvina River

From the book Operation Bagration author Goncharov Vladislav Lvovich

Breakthrough of the German defense by troops of the 1st Baltic Front north-west of Vitebsk and crossing of the Western Dvina River Combat operations of reconnaissance detachments On June 22 at 5 o'clock after a twenty-minute artillery preparation, reconnaissance detachments (from each

13. Dnieper Don Danube Europe Egypt Western Dvina

From the book Book 2. The Rise of the Kingdom [Empire. Where did Marco Polo actually travel? Who are the Italian Etruscans? Ancient Egypt. Scandinavia. Rus'-Horde n author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

13. Dnieper Don Danube Europe Egypt Western Dvina According to the Scandinavians, the DNEPR River = * = NEPR (Scandinavian NEPR), p. 35 = * = DANPR (Scandinavian DANPR), p. 212. River DON = * = TANAIS, p. 32 = * = TANAQUISL, p. 40, 111 = DANUBE = * = DANUBIS (Scandinavian DANUBIUS), p. 222 = * = DUN

Western Dvina (city in Kalinin region)


Western Dvina (river)

From the book Big Soviet Encyclopedia(FOR) the author TSB

Western Dvina

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (DV) by the author TSB

Western Dvina Ditch with river water

From the book Other 1941 [From the border to Leningrad] author Isaev Alexey Valerievich

Western Dvina Ditch with river water Dvinsk (Daugavpils). The key importance of a particular settlement can often be judged by the presence of an old fortress in it or its immediate vicinity. The Dvina Fortress began to be built in early XIX centuries and preserved

The Western Dvina River (Belarusian: Zahodnyaya Dzvina, Dzvina, in Latvia - Daugava, Latvian: Daugava) belongs to the category of the great rivers of Europe. It flows through the territory of Russia (325 km), Belarus (328 km) and Latvia (367 km). The total length is 1020 km, the basin area is 87.9 thousand sq. km.

Got to the root

The source of the Western Dvina was finally found only in the 1970s. expedition of the magazine "Tourist" under the leadership of A.S. Popova.

Historical reference

The source of the Western Dvina is located in the Pyanishnik swamp on the Valdai Upland, near the Main European watershed separating the Baltic and Caspian slopes of the drainage, in the Penovsky district of the Tver region. It enters Lake Dvinets (Koryakino) as a stream and leaves it as a river several meters wide. After a few kilometers it flows into the flowing Lake Okhvat and, receiving the Volkota and Netesma tributaries, becomes a full-flowing river. The Western Dvina flows into the Gulf of Riga in the Baltic Sea.

The width of the Western Dvina behind Lake Okhvat is 15-20 m, the width of its valley in the upper reaches is up to 0.9 km. In the section of the river between the cities of Andreapol and the Western Dvina, the width of the river increases to 50 m. Below the city of the Western Dvina, having overcome the rapids, the river reaches within the Western Dvina region major tributaries: Veles (left), Torop (right) and Mezha (left), after which it expands to 100 m. Beyond the mouth of Mezha, the Western Dvina leaves the Tver region.

Throughout history, the Western Dvina River had up to 14 names: Dina, Vina, Tanair, Turun, Rodan, Dune, Eridan, Western Dvina and others. The name "Dvina" was first mentioned by the monk-chronicler Nestor in beginning of XII V. in the chronicle “The Passage of Bygone Years.” At the beginning of the chronicle, he writes: “The Dnieper flowed from the Volkovsky forest and flowed at noon, and the Dvina from the same forest flowed at midnight and entered the Varangian Sea...” The etymology of the name Dvina (Latvian: Daugava ‘much water’) has not been definitively established. Some researchers consider the Finnish-language name to be primary, elevating it to “quiet, calm”, others attribute it to the Indo-European languages ​​with the meaning “river”, bringing it closer to the hydronyms Don, Dnieper, Dniester, Danube. In ancient times, a section of the route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” passed through the Upper and Middle Podvina.

The Western Dvina is attractive for fishing. It contains pike, perch, pike perch, catfish, chub, asp, burbot, ide, tench, dace, rudd, roach, bream, silver bream, bleak, crucian carp. This section of the Western Dvina flow is extremely attractive for water tourism. It is very picturesque, full of small rifts, rifts and rapids, but is not difficult for kayaking and is ideal for novice water tourists and family groups. There are many convenient parking places on the banks of the river.

How to get there

Above the city of Western Dvina, the river is crossed by the Moscow - Riga M9 highway. There are approaches to the shores every few kilometers, with the exception of the section between the mouths of the Toropa and Mezha, where there are few of them. In the Upper Podvina basin within the Western Dvina region - on the banks of its tributaries and lake shores - there are many wonderful places for recreation and active types of tourism.

The Western Dvina River flows through three countries - Belarus, Russia (Tver and Smolensk regions), Latvia, covering the territory (in the west) of the East European Plain.

The route from the Varangians to the Greeks passed along this river. The Western Dvina Valley arose around 13-12 thousand years BC.


The source of the river begins on the Valdai Hills in the swamps. Then it turns into Lake Coverage. Flows into the Gulf of Riga.


  • The length of the Western Dvina River is more than 1,020 km
  • basin area 87.9 thousand km 2
  • The width of the river in Belarus is 300 meters, and in Russia the channel widens to 800 meters, the river valley - up to 6 km
  • climate - temperate
  • The river's feeding regime is mixed, mainly snow and soil
  • average annual precipitation 550-650mm

Western Dvina River on the map

River mode

The current is tortuous. At the very bottom, the Western Dvina is divided into several branches. The water flow is more than 670 square meters per second. The direction of the current changes from east to west, forming an arc. And then it turns south, taking a slightly curved direction.

At first the river flows like a small stream, and then near Vitebsk the width gradually becomes larger and reaches almost 100 meters. During periods of spring floods, the width of the river is 1.5 kilometers, so the Western Dvina floods many valleys located near the banks.

Polotsk Western Dvina River photo

Power comes from snow, spring floods, rain and groundwater. The current is fast, especially in warm weather; in winter and autumn it slows down somewhat.

Plants and fish

The banks are covered with deciduous and mixed forests, pine forests, between which there are agricultural lands and fields. The plains, which are often found in the Smolensk region, contain large wetlands. The dominant trees are alder, aspen, birch and pine.

There are few representatives of ichthyofauna in the waters of the river, since it is shallow, so ordinary river fish species are found. Most of them then go to the Baltic Sea. These are dace, pike perch, catfish, bleak, perch, roach, ide, ruff, etc.


The biggest settlements are Polotsk, Disna, Vitebsk, Riga, Ogre, Ikskile, Kraslava, etc.

Vitebsk Western Dvina river photo


They are found throughout the river basin, the largest of which are:

  • Ushacha;
  • Kasplya;
  • Drissa;
  • Mezha.

In general, all tributaries are not deep and do not represent any special economic interest. Mezha is the largest tributary, the length of which is 259 kilometers, and it also begins to flow from the Valdai Hills. Veles also comes from there, the length of which is 114 kilometers.

Western Dvina river photo

Tourism on the river

The river is the center fishing, kayaking and rafting. In addition, there are recreation centers along the banks, so summer period you can relax on the river, swim in it, wander through picturesque places.

  • The settlement of the territory near the Western Dvina began in the Mesolithic, i.e. between 10-6 millennia BC
  • At the very mouth of the river there is a sunstone - amber.
  • In different historical periods the river was called differently - Dune, Dina, Vina, Tanair. But already as the Dvina it is mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Years. The ancient Balts called the river Daugava - a lot of water.

In the north of Eastern Europe, in Tverskaya and Smolensk regions Russia, as well as in Belarus and Latvia.

The name comes from ancient Balt. “daug” – “many”, “abundantly” and “ava” – “water”.

The first mention of the Western Dvina is found in the chronicle of a monk. In ancient times, the route “from the Varangians to the Greeks” passed along this river.

The Western Dvina originates on the Valdai Hills and flows into the Gulf of Riga of the Baltic Sea called Daugava. The length of the river is 1020 km (of which 325 km, or 31.8%, is in Russia), the basin area is 84.4 thousand km 2 (42.2%). In terms of basin area, the Western Dvina ranks 2nd among the rivers of the Smolensk (after the Dnieper) and Tver (after the Volga) regions and 24th in Russia.

The relief of the Western Dvina basin is characterized by an alternation of relatively large hills and lowlands. The river basin is located in an area of ​​excess moisture. The annual precipitation is 550−750 mm. On the western slopes of ridges and hills, the amount of precipitation increases to 800−900 mm. Pine and spruce-broad-leaved forests, young birch and aspen forests are common. main feature landscapes of the catchment area - a dense river network (up to 0.45 km/km 2), an abundance of lakes and swamps. The main tributaries: Usvyacha, Toropa, Obol, Drissa, Dubna, Aiviekste, Perse, Ogre (right), Veles, Mezha, Kasplya, Luchesa, Ulla, Disna (left). The lakes are mostly small and of glacial origin.

In its upper reaches, the Western Dvina is a small watercourse with a general direction to the south and then to the north. This is a lacustrine river crossing flowing lakes. Dvinets and Okhvat-Zhadanie. Below the lakes, the river bed widens to 15 m, flows in a relatively deep valley with steep banks on a section of the river 150 km long from the source. In areas where flowing lakes are located. Luka and Kalakutskoye, the Western Dvina valley expands to 3–4 km, in some places up to 10–15 km. Below the lakes, the valley and river bed widen. The height of the floodplain terrace is 7–8 m above the low water level. There is no floodplain. In the moderately meandering, weakly branched river bed there are many rifts formed by accumulations of boulder material, and thresholds in the zones of exposure of bedrock (dolomite) outcrops by the flow.

The average long-term water flow near Vitebsk (Belarus) is 221 m 3 /s (about 6.97 km 3 /year), at the mouth - 678 m 3 /s (about 21.398 km 3 /year). The Western Dvina has a mixed supply: the share of snow supply is 46% of the annual water flow, underground - 36%, rainfall - 18%. According to its water regime, the river belongs to the Eastern European type, which is characterized by high spring floods, low summer low water with frequent rain floods and stable winter low water. For a period of spring flood accounts for 56% of the annual runoff, summer-spring and winter low water – 33 and 11%, respectively. In some years, there are floods caused by thaws. The Western Dvina freezes in the first ten days of December. Freeze-up lasts from December to March. The maximum ice thickness (50–80 cm) forms in February–March. The river opens up in the first ten days of April. Spring ice drift lasts for several days. average temperature water in June–August is 18.7–19.2°C.

The waters of the Western Dvina are used for water supply and wastewater disposal. Below Velizh the river is navigable in some sections. Upstream the river bed is used for rafting. The river is inhabited by pike perch, perch, roach, bream, golden carp, bleak, silver bream, and pike.

On the banks of the Western Dvina there are the Russian cities of Andreapol, Western Dvina, Velizh.

N.I. Alekseevsky
