What can you eat during the 3rd week of fasting? Lent calendar: what is possible and what is not? Preparation for spiritual feat

Meals by day during Nativity Fast

2 week

3 week

4 week

5 week

week 6

What foods can you eat during Lent?

black bread, cereal crispbread;


cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, corn, wheat, etc.);

seasonal vegetables;

salted and pickled vegetables, as well as jam;

legumes (peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils);

fruits in season;

dried fruits, nuts, honey;

fish, but it is allowed to eat it this year only in Palm Sunday(April 1).

From Monday to Friday, unless there is a holiday on these days, vegetable oil is not consumed.

Advent 2018: nutrition calendar by day

There are different degrees of strictness in observing food fasting: the monastic charter (it also happens varying degrees severity) and restrictions imposed on themselves by the laity with the blessing of the priest.

The strictest abstinence: “dry eating” (refusal of cooked food) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays; on Tuesdays and Thursdays, wine and vegetable oil are allowed with cooked food. Eating fish is allowed on Saturday and Sunday, as well as on days church holidays. In the last week of the Nativity Fast from January 2 to January 6, fish is prohibited even on Saturday and Sunday. Most strict fast January 6, on Christmas Eve, when it is allowed to eat only “sochivo” - a dish made from wheat grains, and even then only “after the first star”.

The monastic charter is difficult to apply to working or unhealthy people. Therefore, believers living an ordinary life modern man, impose the following restrictions on themselves: in the dietary regime they refuse to eat meat, butter, milk, cheese, sour cream, eggs, poultry, alcohol, fish are eaten on all days except Wednesday and Friday.

What should you not do during the Nativity fast?

During fasting, there are restrictions not only on food consumption. First of all, of course, you cannot sin. Believers also consciously refuse entertainment. Weddings and weddings cannot be held. One of the most serious sins drunkenness is considered. Drinking wine during the Nativity Fast is allowed, but moderation must be observed.

Nativity Fast 2018-2019, daily nutrition calendar for the laity. What can you eat during the Nativity Fast?

On all days of fasting, meat, dairy products and eggs are excluded. On some days fish and vegetable oil are excluded.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday of Advent - the consumption of any food of animal origin is prohibited, including meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products. Also on these days you should not consume vegetable oil and wine, hot drinks, including coffee and compotes. It is allowed to eat only food of plant origin that has not been subject to heat treatment, uncooked food, bread, fresh, dried or soaked vegetables and fruits;

Tuesday and Thursday - hot food allowed plant food With vegetable oil;

Saturday and Sunday - hot vegetable food with vegetable oil, fish and wine are allowed;

November 21, the Feast of the Entry into the Temple Holy Mother of God Hot vegetable food with vegetable oil, fish and wine are allowed.

From December 20 to December 23, during the pre-celebration of the Nativity of Christ, you should follow the following diet:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday - dry eating should be observed;

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday - you can eat hot food with vegetable oil;

December 24, on Christmas Eve, you can eat hot food with vegetable oil. In addition, according to custom, they eat sochivo, a sweet porridge made from wheat, rice or other cereals, usually only after Vespers.

After graduation Maslenitsa comes Lent - a time of strict abstinence and prayer. Lent is called upon to prepare believers for the main Christian holiday - Happy Easter.

When does Lent begin and end in 2018?

Lent begins on Monday, February 19 and lasts until Saturday, April 7, inclusive. Easter,Bright Resurrection of Christ- comes April 8.

The meaning of Lent

Lent is not a diet. Main meaning fasting - cleansing the soul through imposing restrictions on oneself. At the beginning of Lent, the great penitential canon of the saint is read in churches Andrey Kritsky, which talks about sin and God's forgiveness, which cleanses the soul and body of a person.

Rules of Lent

During Lent, believers not only limit themselves in food, but also try not to be distracted by vain things, including various entertainments. It is appropriate to give up idle entertainment - watching entertaining television programs, computer games, going to the movies to watch comedies, noisy gatherings in a group, etc.

At this time, meat and all meat products, milk and dairy products, as well as eggs and dishes made from them are prohibited.

Limiting himself in food and entertainment, a true Christian should not be proud of this, either in front of himself or, especially, in front of others, otherwise it makes fasting meaningless.

Who should not fast

If you are going to observe all the strictures (considerable) of Lent, it is better to first consult with a doctor and a priest. You should not be overly zealous in fasting if you have chronic diseases - gastrointestinal tract, hematopoietic organs, oncological, etc. Pregnancy, weight loss, anemia are conditions in which you also need to be careful when limiting your food intake.

Under no circumstances should children be forced to give up dairy products - this can be dangerous, especially in the spring. It is better to ask the child, for example, to voluntarily give up sweets. Concerning meat products for children, then this issue can be left to the discretion of the parents - a temporary refusal of meat is not dangerous to health.

The Church officially grants relaxations in fasting for the sick, those who work hard, or who travel - they are allowed permission to have milk, and in case of some illnesses even for meat or meat broths. You can ask a priest for such permission.

Lent calendar 2018

We offer the so-called monastic food option during Lent - it is the most strict and not obligatory for the laity. During fasting you should eat more vegetables and fruits, legumes, potatoes, etc. You should also pay attention to porridges, lean soups, dried fruits, nuts, honey, jelly and fruit drinks, etc.

First week of Lent February 19 - 25

Second week of Lent February 26 - March 4

Third week of Lent March 5 - 11

Fourth week of Lent March 12 - 18

Fifth week of Lent March 19 - 25

Sixth week of Lent March 26 - April 1

March 31, 2018, Saturday - Lazarev Saturday. Allowed hot food with vegetable oil, fish caviar, wine.

April 1, 2018, Sunday - Palm Sunday. Hot food with vegetable oil, fish and seafood, and wine are allowed.

Holy Week April 2 - 8

April 8, 2018, Sunday - Easter, Holy Resurrection of Christ. The end of Great Lent. Any food is allowed.

CHISINAU, February 21 – Sputnik. Orthodox believers observe Lent, the longest period in the entire fasting calendar. It lasts 48 days and symbolizes the difficult path that every believer must go through before Easter.

On the third day of Lent, bread, vegetables, and fruits are allowed, which according to the monastery charter is called dry eating. In general, during the entire fast it is forbidden to eat products of animal origin - any meat, milk, eggs, and so on. You will have to give up fast food, fried foods, baked goods, pastries, cakes and other things. It is also not recommended to use a lot of sugar, salt and spices, or add them in small quantities.

The list of food products acceptable during Lent seems limited, but this is only at first glance.

What foods can you generally eat during Lent?

  • black bread, cereal crispbread;
  • mushrooms;
  • cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, corn, wheat, etc.);
  • seasonal vegetables;
  • salted and pickled vegetables, as well as jam;
  • legumes (peas, beans, chickpeas, lentils);
  • fruits in season;
  • dried fruits, nuts, honey;
  • fish, but it is allowed to eat it this year only on Palm Sunday (April 1).

From Monday to Friday, unless there is a holiday on these days, vegetable oil is not consumed.

The clergy advise ordinary people take into account your health status, activities and eating habits, avoiding the strictest prohibitions. During Lent, food should be simple, but maintain physical strength person.

Lent in 2018 runs from February 19 to April 7, marking dramatic changes in the diet of all believers. Lent is one of the strictest fasts in church calendar, starting seven weeks before Easter and lasting 48 days.

It consists of Pentecost, symbolizing Christ's fasting in the desert for 40 days, and Holy Week, reminiscent of last days the life of Christ, his crucifixion and resurrection.

  • How to eat during Lent
  • Features of Lent
  • Great Lent 2018: daily nutrition calendar for the laity
    • First week of Lent February 19 - 25: what you can eat
    • Meals in the second week of Lent February 26 - March 4
    • Third week of Lent March 5 - 11
    • What can you eat in the fourth week of Lent March 12 - 18 by day
    • Fifth week of Lent March 19 - 25
    • What to eat during the sixth week of Lent March 26 - April 1
    • Holy Week April 2 - 8 - The strictest week of Lent
  • Menu options for three types of lean food: dry eating, hot food without oil and with oil

During Lent, it is prohibited to consume animal products, including meat, eggs and milk, as well as products made with eggs and milk.

For example, cakes, pastries, cookies, baked goods butter dough– all this is prohibited, reports the Rosregistr website. The consumption of fish and vegetable oil is allowed only on certain days, while the inclusion of seafood such as squid, shrimp or mussels in the diet is not prohibited.

Allowed products include vegetables, fruits, cereals, legumes, mushrooms, nuts, dried fruits, honey, sugar, halva, dark chocolate and sauces, including lean mayonnaise. You can also include egg-free pasta and bread made without milk or eggs in your diet.

Don’t forget about homemade preserves, which will allow you to diversify your Lenten menu. certain days, and about greens that can add flavor to dishes Lenten dishes more pronounced.

If you can’t imagine your life without milk, soy or coconut milk can be a real lifesaver for you.

It is worth noting that fasting does not at all mean starving, and if you think through your diet rationally, you will definitely not remain hungry.

It is also necessary to remember that the fasting table represents only a part of fasting, while the primary point is concentration on prayers, visiting temple, good deeds, abandonment of bad thoughts and entertainment, forgiveness of offenses and a benevolent attitude towards others. If you follow all these rules, dietary restrictions will benefit both body and soul.

The most important rule of fasting, which everyone must follow, is prayer for the salvation of the soul, which helps believers instill and strengthen a sense of peace and tranquility.

That is why Orthodox Christians should try, if possible, to attend evening and morning services throughout the seven weeks, but as for various entertainment events, try to avoid them if possible.

After all, according to church rules and the canons, loud music is simply not acceptable, and this list can also include watching television, cheerful laughter and noisy conversations, gatherings. Also during this period of time, various weddings are strictly prohibited.

There is an opinion that Lent was established in memory of the asceticism of Christ, who after His baptism wandered in the desert for 40 days without food or water. True, there is another explanation. At the dawn of Christianity, future adherents of the church had to fast and read prayers daily before their initiation into the faith.

Christenings took place several times a year - on major holidays, one of which is considered to be Easter. Those wishing to undergo the baptismal ceremony were urged to fast and tirelessly pray for the salvation of all humanity. The post was not established immediately.

Today, the church charter requires fasting for 47 days. One way or another, Lent is dedicated to the miracle of the Resurrection.

For several weeks, people read prayers, visit temples, observe strict diet. Perhaps this is the most strict post of all that there is in Orthodox calendar. All this is done in order to properly prepare for the great holiday.

For Christians, this is a time of great sorrow, because the Messiah knew what awaited Him in the future. Christ went to certain death in order to save people, showing them His love. It was a sacrifice for which we will never pay. All that is required of us is gratitude, and faithfulness to the word of God is the best gratitude for all that Jesus has done for us.

Lent ends Happy Easter, which everyone is looking forward to. On this day, believers remember a great event - the Resurrection of the Son of God. This episode from the Gospel shows us that the body dies, but not the soul. But only love for the Lord will help you gain eternal life.

So let's consider more details food by day during Lent in 2018. The first and last weeks of fasting are the strictest - on these days especially strict restrictions are imposed on the diet.

  • Monday - strict fasting, complete abstinence from food.
  • Tuesday - bread and water.
  • Thursday - complete abstinence from food.
  • February 26, 2018, Monday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.
  • Wednesday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.
  • Thursday - hot food without oil is allowed.
  • Friday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.
  • Saturday - hot food with vegetable oil.
  • Sunday - hot food with vegetable oil, wine.
  • March 5, 2018, Monday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.
  • Tuesday - hot food without oil is allowed.
  • Wednesday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.
  • Friday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.
  • Saturday - hot food with vegetable oil.
  • Sunday - hot food with vegetable oil, wine.
  • March 12, 2018, Monday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.
  • Tuesday - hot food without oil is allowed.
  • Wednesday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.
  • Thursday - hot food without oil is allowed.
  • Friday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.
  • Saturday - hot food with vegetable oil.
  • Sunday - hot food with vegetable oil, wine.
  • March 19, 2018, Monday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.
  • Tuesday - hot food without oil is allowed.
  • Wednesday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.
  • Thursday - hot food without oil is allowed.
  • Friday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.
  • Saturday - hot food with vegetable oil.
  • Sunday - hot food with vegetable oil, wine.

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  • March 26, 2018, Monday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.
  • Tuesday - hot food without oil is allowed.
  • Wednesday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.
  • Thursday - hot food without oil is allowed.
  • Friday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.

Lazarus Saturday is celebrated on March 31, 2018. On this day, hot food with vegetable oil, fish caviar, and wine are allowed.

April 1, 2018, Sunday - Palm Sunday is celebrated. You can eat hot food with vegetable oil, fish and seafood, and wine.

  • April 2, 2018, Monday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.
  • Tuesday - hot food without oil is allowed.
  • Wednesday - dry eating is allowed: raw food without oil.
  • Thursday - hot food without oil is allowed.
  • Friday - complete abstinence from food.
  • Saturday - Annunciation. Hot food with vegetable oil is allowed.

April 8, 2018, Sunday - light Christ's Sunday. The end of Lent.

The three weeks before Lent, like three stages, are established to help believers prepare for the upcoming test. Gather your strength. Set your soul up for hard work. Realize why the Holy Pentecost was given to us - a time of taming our base bodily “I”, a constant struggle with passions and spiritual self-improvement. What purpose do these days serve?

Preparation for spiritual feat

No serious business is started without preparation. Having decided to cleanse your body, you will choose an appropriate diet, create a menu and load the refrigerator with the necessary products. Having decided to improve your body, you will think over a training plan. It is logical that the upcoming cleansing and improvement of the soul requires no less thoughtful preparations. This is why the Church has set aside three weeks and four weeks before Great Lent.

Stop. So is it still three or four?..

Both. The fact is that the word “week” in the Church Slavonic language means Sunday - a day of “idleness”, freed from ordinary earthly labors and dedicated to thinking about God. But the term “week” just refers to the week we are used to, seven calendar days running in a row one after another. So no confusion.

Video: About the Publican and the Pharisee, project “Gospel Readings”

First week

The first week before Great Lent (remember, we are talking about Sunday) is dedicated to the parable of Jesus Christ about the publican and the Pharisee. The first of them, entering the temple, bitterly repented of his sins and asked the Lord to forgive him. The second, confident in his own piety, thanked God for the fact that he was not like other sinners. Need I say that it was not the Pharisee, swollen with narcissism, who received forgiveness, but the repentant publican?

Repentance cannot be replaced by any donations

This parable is intended to remind us of the harmfulness of pride, which hinders our spiritual growth, and of the benefits of repentance - the ability to soberly look at oneself from the outside, notice in time the bad impulses of the soul and heart, recognize them, repent of them and try to eradicate them. And don’t be afraid to sincerely ask for forgiveness: from God, or from our neighbor who has been offended by us...

The first week falls on February 17, and the first week lasts from January 18 to February 23 and is called Omnivorous or Solid. Lenten days it does not, from Monday to Sunday it is allowed to eat any food, including meat and dairy products.

Second week

Second preparatory week before Great Lent, he refers us to the story of the prodigal son. Having begged his father for his share of the inheritance, the young man went to distant lands, where he squandered all the wealth he had received and returned to his parent beggars, lost and full of repentance. And he was received with great joy by his father, who did not even think about wasted money, but was only glad that his prodigal son was finally home, alive and unharmed.

The one who loves is ready to accept us in any way

What lesson can be learned from this parable? First of all, she calls on believers to never fall into despair and not give up. If in the previous week main task If a person were to mentally go over his bad deeds and condemn them with all his soul, then this should be remembered: The Lord forgives everyone who comes to him with sincere repentance.

Just as an earthly father greeted with rejoicing his son who had gone astray, but was therefore no less beloved, so the Heavenly Father is ready to joyfully accept each of his children. Even if it now seems that we are mired in sins “to the very top”, a return to pure righteous life It’s even impossible to go into church sometimes, ashamed from the abundance of dirt accumulated in the soul...

There is always One who is only waiting for our request to lend a hand and help us get onto solid ground. The main thing is to gather your courage and not be afraid to turn to Him.

In 2019 The Sunday of the Prodigal Son falls on February 24, and the week lasts from February 25 to March 2. It is called Motley, since the usual “fast” days alternate at this time with fasting Wednesdays and Fridays. March 2, at Parents' Saturday, memorial services for the dead are held in churches, and parishioners try to visit cemeteries to honor the memory of the deceased.

Video: Week of the Prodigal Son

A simple and clear story from the site “Orthodoxy in Detail”

Third week

No one will be able to escape the final trial

Last week before Lent is designed to make people turn their thoughts to the final Judgment that awaits everyone, and to think that one day all our words and actions will be weighed and assessed by God himself. And we will have to bear responsibility for them!

The task of this week is to convey to people a simple understanding: one cannot indulge in carelessness, hoping for God’s forgiveness, since repentance alone, without effort on our part, means little. Right now, when Great Lent is approaching, the time is coming to change for the better, to adjust our behavior, thoughts, deeds, so that later, at the Last Judgment, we will have something to say in our defense.

In 2019 The Week of the Last Judgment falls on March 3rd. The week following it is called Cheese, Meat, and in folk calendar- Maslenitsa.

It's easy to guess by the name alone what you can eat in the week before Lent, and what not to do (we are talking about a secular week, a week lasting from March 4 to 10). Until Monday, believers are allowed to eat any dairy products and eggs, but meat is already prohibited. A church services on Wednesday and Friday they become longer and more solemn, emphasizing: just a little more, and the time for spiritual labor will come...

Cheese week ends with a noisy celebration!

Meat Week ends Forgiveness Sunday, immediately followed by a post. On this day in last time Meal food appears on the table, with the exception of meat dishes, and the Church remembers Adam and his expulsion from Paradise. This is done to remind believers: although a person once fell away from God, there is an opportunity to return to Him, bringing purity to his thoughts, words and actions. On this day, a special service is performed, at the end of which everyone, starting with the priest, asks each other for forgiveness in order to enter into fasting without unnecessary heaviness in the soul.

Video: Sermon on the Last Judgment in the Church of the Holy Martyr Alexandra, Odessa
