Gymnastics for the face: exercises that will give you youth. Facelift exercises - a unique opportunity to stop time

What women do to prolong the youth of their faces. They buy expensive creams and other miracle products, visit beauty salons, undergo terrible procedures, and even go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Many girls don’t even think that the problem can be solved in safer ways.

Exercises for the face and neck are very effective. They will tone the muscles, visibly tighten the skin and smooth out wrinkles. Moreover, you can study anywhere: at home, sitting in front of the TV, or in the office at the computer. In a few months, thanks to such gymnastics, your face will become young and beautiful again.

Features of exercise effectiveness

The skin on the neck and face is so delicate that it must be handled very carefully so as not to injure or stretch the epidermis. It is believed that after thirty years, any facial movement can turn into a new wrinkle. Therefore, in order to maintain youth, you do not need to frown, squint your eyes, or even smile at all.

But in Lately this opinion is often disputed. Plastic surgeons have noticed that those who have well-developed muscles look younger. facial muscles. These people include teachers, artists and television presenters. They use many facial muscles, which is why they have well-defined facial contours and firmer skin.

And necks are based on constructing active grimaces, which is why they are so effective. Gymnastics affects the deep layers of the epidermis, which masks, creams and massage are not capable of. Thanks to exercises, blood circulation in tissues improves, muscles become stronger and skin turgor increases, as a result of which the face becomes young and attractive. Moreover, you can do gymnastics at any age: from 15 to 60 years old.

Proper execution

  • Before starting the course, it is recommended to take a photograph of your face. Then you need to take a control photo every 15 days. This way the result after gymnastics will be clearly visible.
  • It is better to practice in front of a mirror while sitting on a chair. This way you can track the correctness of your actions.

  • Before starting any exercise for the oval of the face and neck, you need to take the starting position. Straighten your back, pull your shoulders back and straighten, pull in your tummy, tighten your buttocks and thighs.
  • During exercises, fix your facial muscles with your hands. Some cosmetologists recommend doing gymnastics with cotton gloves to prevent your fingers from slipping. But in fact, it is difficult to control and feel hand movements in them.
  • Follow the instructions carefully, since violation of the technique may result in the appearance of new wrinkles. Therefore, you can additionally visit a cosmetologist who teaches facial gymnastics, or watch educational video lessons.
  • Develop the habit of doing exercises for the muscles of the face and neck every day. The main thing is not to be lazy and not to take breaks, then the result will be visible within a week. Do it for 21 days, and facial exercises will become as commonplace as brushing your teeth.

Preparing the face

Before gymnastics it is better to wash your face special means, if possible, to clean it from contamination. After this, you need to apply oil, nourishing or baby cream. You need to pay attention not only to the face, but also to the neck.

When the product is absorbed, it is recommended to warm it up light skin massage. To do this, gently pat your palms or lightly tap your fingertips on your forehead, cheeks, chin and neck for several minutes. This massage will prepare the facial muscles for further stress and prevent stretching of the skin.

Now you can start gymnastics. On initial stage A few exercises will suffice, so pick two or three and get started. Increase the load and number of approaches gradually.


This is a very simple and fun exercise for the neck. The idea is to chant the vowel sounds: a, u, i, o, e. Wherein great importance has tension in the muscles of the neck and face. Repeat this exercise five to ten times.


Throw your head back, point your chin up. At the same time, you need to tense your neck muscles. Do not change the position of your head, forcefully lower your lower jaw as if you were trying to bite off a hanging apple. It is important to take your time when performing all actions. You need to try to feel the tension of the muscles in the face and neck. However, moderation must be observed, especially at the stage elementary lessons. If you have not done facial gymnastics before, then do five approaches. If you have experience in this matter, then ten repetitions will be optimal.


Want to do perfect oval? Exercise for the face and neck “Dandelion” will help make this dream come true. The steps are very simple and familiar to everyone. You need to slightly stretch your lips and exhale air at the same time. At the same time, you can imagine that you are blowing the fluffy cap off a dandelion or extinguishing the flame of a candle. As in previous cases, five to ten approaches are provided.


To perform this gymnastics, you need to strongly tense the muscles of your cheeks and press on the palate from the inside with the tip of your tongue. All actions are performed simultaneously. If there is a feeling of tension in the chin area, then the exercise is being performed without errors. Five to ten repetitions will be enough.


Despite the fun of the actions, this is a very effective exercise for the face and neck, for wrinkles in the mouth and nasolabial folds. The gymnastics is very simple. You can imagine that there is an object in front that you want to kiss. You need to stretch your lips forward and forcefully smack the air. After this, you should relax your facial muscles and repeat all the steps again. Ten to fifteen approaches will be enough.


To perform this exercise correctly, you need to sit up straight and lower your shoulders. The idea is to try to turn your head back to the left as much as possible. Owls, for example, can do this at 270 degrees. When turning, you should freeze for thirteen seconds and tense your neck muscles. In the same way, gymnastics is performed to the right. It is recommended to do this exercise five to ten times on each side.

Reach your nose

Perhaps many competed with each other in childhood in performing this exercise, not even suspecting that it tightens the oval of the face. The technique of this gymnastics is both complex and simple. Its meaning is that you need to try to reach the tip of your nose with your tongue. But what is important is not the fact of performing this exercise for the face and neck, but the efforts that are made. It is important to feel the tension in the muscles in the chin and neck and do everything at a calm pace. It will be enough to repeat the gymnastics ten to fifteen times.

Bodyflex - simplicity and effectiveness

This breathing exercises, which is part of the same name and famous technique developed for weight loss. Classes will help improve overall appearance, strengthen the muscles of the forehead, cheeks and neck. Thanks to improved blood circulation, your face will acquire a fresh color.

The main advantage of gymnastics is its simplicity. No need to exhaust yourself challenging workouts. Bodyflex contains only two exercises for the face and neck in its complex. At the same time, they have a wide spectrum of action, thanks to which many muscles are worked.

The technique is based on breathing correctly, which saturates the blood with oxygen. This is why the tone of the face increases, the skin becomes tightened and elastic.

Features of performing bodyflex

For this type of gymnastics it is important to breathe correctly. First you need to release the air from your lungs, then take a deep breath. Again you need to exhale through your mouth, and then completely draw in your stomach. Now the breath is held for ten seconds, and again - inhale. The order of actions is of great importance, so it is very important not to violate it.

While holding your breath, you need to massage points on your face: around the lips, under the eyes, between the eyebrows, and so on. You need to apply a little pressure on these places with your fingertips and then release. All these actions are performed while there is no breathing. The manipulations are repeated about ten times for each active point.

Let's look at two miracle exercises for face and neck lifting, which are part of the breathing technique and help you look several years younger.

Exercise "Lion"

This element of gymnastics perfectly corrects the oval, eliminates wrinkles around the nose and mouth, strengthens the muscles of the cheeks and around the eyes. Let's take the starting position. Spread your legs about thirty centimeters wide, rest your hands on your thighs just above your knees. Lower your pelvis down a little, as if you are going to sit down, keep your head straight. Now you can begin bodyflex gymnastics, followed by drawing in the abdomen and holding your breath.

Pull your lips into a small circle and open your eyes very wide, trying to raise them as high as possible. This action will perfectly tighten the muscles under the eyes. Now the formed circle from the lips needs to be lowered down, straining the nasal area and cheeks as much as possible. Then stick out your tongue completely without relaxing your mouth. This will strengthen the muscles of the neck and chin. You should hold this position for at least eight seconds. Then return to the starting position. To strengthen the muscles of the face and neck, you need to repeat this exercise five times.

Exercise “Ugly grimace”

Here is the same starting position as in the “Lion” exercise. When you finish the introductory part, keep your back straight and try to move your lower jaw forward so that it extends beyond your upper teeth. After this you need to stick out lower lip and stretch your neck upward, tensing your muscles. Now slowly raise your head and try to reach the ceiling with your outstretched lips. In this case, the feet should be pressed to the floor, and the arms should be thrown back. We count to eight and return to the starting position. We also do five approaches of the exercise.

After exercise, you should feel a slight tingling or slight itching on the skin of your face and neck. This indicates increased blood circulation in the tissues, which means everything was done correctly. If there is no such feeling, you should work on your mistakes.

There is no need to try to complete all the suggested exercises for the face and neck at one time or set a record for the number of approaches. Loads should be moderate but regular.

After gymnastics, it is useful to do a contrast wash or wipe your face with an ice cube. This will provide additional stimulation of blood vessels and improve blood circulation in the tissues. After this procedure, it is recommended to apply your usual cream to the skin.

Perform the exercises correctly and you will restore your face and neck to their former elasticity and firmness.

In order for your facial muscles to always be in good shape, you need to constantly train them, just like your body when you play sports. There is a specially designed gymnastics for the face - face building, a set of exercises that, when used regularly, get rid of wrinkles, prolong the elasticity and youth of the skin.

Athletes know how important different sets of exercises are for each individual muscle group. human body. If you pump up your abs every day, those around you will as a result admire an elastic, beautiful, toned stomach without unpleasant fats or folds. If you regularly lift dumbbells, you won’t be ashamed to later expose your ideal muscles, as if carved from stone.

Few people know that in the same way it is necessary to work with the facial muscles, which require constant, regular, daily training. Without this, all age-related changes are quite natural and begin after 20: at 25 years old “ crow's feet", - the forehead wrinkles, - the corners of the lips drop down and nasolabial folds are revealed. Such sad signs of age can be avoided by delaying the onset of old age.

Because modern women aimed at eternal youth and unfading beauty, has gained unprecedented popularity today face building - specially designed gymnastics for the face , a set of exercises that train the facial muscles, making them more elastic and flexible. Every woman can easily master them at home.

Want to learn the art of making healthy face creams? Then

Facebook building: work for results

There is an opinion that by maintaining maximum immobility of facial expressions, you can save the skin from the formation of wrinkles and stretching. This idea of ​​muscle development and function is fundamentally incorrect. Like the rest of the muscles in our body, they need training: if they are not loaded, they lose elasticity, flexibility and vitality, and become flaccid and saggy.

If you regularly do gymnastics for the face, they will more actively begin to resist early aging and acquire tone and freshness. The result will be obvious. As a rule, in in this case You won’t have to wait long for the effect of the exercises. After just a month of Facebook building, you can notice significant changes in the skin and facial contours :

  • the skin becomes elastic to the touch, very elastic;
  • the complexion is restored: it becomes healthy and radiant again, because exercise increases lymph flow and improves blood circulation;
  • the contour of the face acquires clarity, relief, and beautiful outlines;
  • slowly but surely begins to disappear;
  • mimic shallow wrinkles are smoothed out and they are no longer so visible;
  • the skin around the eyes is transformed: bags, dark circles, and a network of wrinkles called “crow’s feet” disappear;
  • correctly performed exercises relieve tension and fatigue from the eyes;
  • the muscles of the lips relax, their contour also becomes clearer, the “wrinkles of grief” in their corners disappear;
  • forehead massage will eliminate facial wrinkles in this part of the face;
  • since the nasolabial muscles will be strengthened, the folds will disappear;
  • saggy jowls will also begin to tighten.

Such a complex effect on almost all age-related changes occurring in the skin of the face cannot be provided by any salon procedures or cosmetics.

Elastic, elastic, tightened skin, a clearly defined facial contour without a hint of age-related changes and aging is a luxury that every woman can independently acquire at almost any age.

Facial exercises only take 10 minutes a day - this is a negligible price to pay for such excellent results. There is no need to think that you won’t succeed: the technique of performing face-building is quite simple.

Instructions for performing facial gymnastics

If gymnastics for the facial muscles is completely new and unusual for you, there is no need to be afraid: you will quickly master it, because today there is a large number of training videos on this issue. Here we need to make a reservation right away: Facebook building is different .

You can choose a set of exercises specifically aimed against the formation of wrinkles, specially designed to get rid of a double chin, jowls or nasolabial folds.

Over time, you can choose any gymnastics, but you should still start with a universal complex, all exercises of which are aimed at rejuvenation and face lifting. By following the basic rules and techniques of Facebook building, you will achieve results very quickly.

  1. The most important rule: will need to practice daily without missing a single day. Regularity is one of the most important conditions for the success of all facial exercises. Only if the muscles receive constant load (it is recommended to increase it over time) will they be able to acquire the necessary firmness and elasticity. If for some reason you do not find these 10 minutes in your day for face-building, the muscles very quickly atrophy, become decrepit, and lose their acquired tone.
  2. You choose the time for facial gymnastics yourself: it can be in the morning, lunch break at work, evening - any time interval convenient for you in your busy day. Experts say the best option is in the evening, about a couple of hours before going to bed. Skin on this moment is in a semi-relaxed state, already cleaned of makeup. You can vary the duration of face-building of 10 minutes yourself: this is just the recommended minimum, which you can extend up to 20 minutes if you wish, if you are aiming for a faster and more lasting effect from your activities.
  3. Choose a specific set of exercises for the face; as mentioned above, it’s better to start with a universal one. It should contain 8-12 exercises, each of which will need to be performed 6-8 times daily.
  4. After three months of intensive training, when the results will delight you and delight others, you will be able to appreciate weak sides your facial muscles, which are the least amenable to training. Some cosmetic defects can be very persistent: some people can’t get rid of a double chin for a long time, while others still have horizontal folds and wrinkles on their forehead. As soon as you decide on these shortcomings that do not want to leave your pretty face, select face-building specifically for them. You give three months to master a new gymnastics, then change the set of exercises again in accordance with your needs, or you return to the old, universal one. The main thing here is variety, which does not allow the muscles to stop there, getting used to the same complex.
  5. After facial gymnastics is completed, you need to wash with cool water , then pamper your skin with your favorite daily cream.

If you take into account these simple nuances in your homework, face building will turn into a real pleasure for you and will delight you with its amazing results.

After each conscientiously completed exercise, the fatigue and irritation accumulated during the day will go away: only feelings of freshness and complete rest will remain. Magic 10 minutes will give good mood and satisfaction own life. So, the results of Facebook building are appreciated, there is a goal. The instructions have been mastered and adopted. Final stage- choose the appropriate set of exercises for your face.

Exercises for the face and neck

Numerous exercises for the facial muscles give you plenty of choice and at the same time confuse you. When choosing this or that complex, make sure that it contains no more than 12 exercises and that they consistently work out all parts of the face: forehead, eye area, cheeks, nose, lips, chin, neck. Try to do each exercise, practice: do you understand the technology of doing them, how difficult are they for you, are you comfortable doing them. All this is of great importance because within three months you will live with them, and if they are poorly chosen, it is unlikely to give you a feeling of satisfaction and comfort.

  • Exercise against jowls

Take a mouthful of air. Roll the resulting balloon from one cheek to the other, while trying to strain the muscles of both cheeks to the limit.

  • Exercise for forehead wrinkles

Open your eyes wide, as if you were very surprised by something, but try not to wrinkle your forehead. Focus on a certain, arbitrarily chosen point in the distance, freeze with such an expression on your face and your gaze directed into the distance for 10–15 seconds.

  • Lip exercise

Squeeze your lips tightly, try to smile through your strength, disturbing yourself, try to keep your lips in a bow all this time. Then pull them forward as far as possible, pull your cheeks inward, into yourself. Hold this position for at least 10 seconds.

  • Exercise for nasolabial folds

Smile and lightly press your fingertips on the large nasolabial fold. Pinch and slightly lift the skin with your fingers, tense the facial muscles so that your fingers feel strong resistance, but do not let go of the skin.

  • Exercise against sad corners of lips

Stretch your neck as far forward as possible, imagine air kiss. Tighten your facial muscles and start blowing air through your lips. Place your middle and index fingers on your lips, apply light pressure, and try to do the same thing again.

  • Exercise for facial wrinkles

Open your mouth as wide as possible, stick out your tongue, roll your eyes, and freeze in this position for a minute. Then take a deep breath through your nose, clench your fists, and strongly tense all the muscles of your face. Exhale through your mouth, stick out your tongue, and bulge your eyes.

  • Exercise against double chin

This exercise is useful not only for strengthening the muscles of the chin and the entire lower jaw, but also for the shoulders and neck. Tilt your head back as far as possible, feel with the tip of your tongue the tubercle located at the top of the palate, and press it with your tongue. Turn your head as far as possible to the left, stretch your neck. Do the same in the opposite direction.

  • Exercise for vertical wrinkles on the forehead

Press your three middle fingers tightly together (we work with both hands), place them on either side of the vertical wrinkles on your forehead. The ring fingers will be below, at the very edge of the eyebrows. Then stretch the skin with your fingers and begin to slowly move your arms in different directions. Do not let go of the skin for a whole minute, keep it taut all this time, try to move your eyebrows, keep them as tense as possible.

  • Exercise for horizontal wrinkles on the forehead

Place your index fingers above your eyebrows and try to follow their curved shape with your fingers. Raise your eyebrows in surprise, while resisting them with your fingers.

Don't be afraid to experiment and create your own set of exercises. The ideal gymnastics for the face and neck is the one that gives you pleasure and works out. If you feel that some exercise is not working for you, replace it with another, even if it is from a different complex, the main thing is that it trains the same group of facial muscles.

Competent, careful selection of a set of exercises for the face is a very important undertaking, on which further results will largely depend.

Set yourself a goal, pursue it persistently, without deviating from the intended path, and then you can forget about complexes about your age.

Gymnastics for the face: 10 minutes a day to prolong youthfulness and freshness of the skin

4 /5 - Ratings: 75

For effective fight With age-related changes in the face and its rejuvenation, it is necessary to use face-building - a special set of exercises. Gymnastics will help make the skin elastic, improve its tone, and reduce fine wrinkles. If signs of facial aging have not yet appeared, perform exercises for preventive purposes.

Gymnastics for the face against wrinkles

There are a large number of different techniques aimed at reducing age-related changes in the skin in the forehead, lips, cheeks, and around the eyes. The following are distinguished: effective exercises for the face against wrinkles:

  • faceforming developed by Benita Cantieni;
  • Camilla Wohler's technique;
  • yoga for face;
  • facelift of Maria Runge;
  • Carol Maggio Complex;
  • Tibetan, Japanese massage;
  • facial bodyflex;
  • shaping;
  • Facebook building by Eva Fraser;
  • gymnastics by Reinhold Benz.

According to the opinions of the creators of the author's methods, regular exercise helps to train the facial muscles, maintains their tone, and helps reduce fine expression lines or deeper wrinkles. In order for gymnastics to give the desired effect, several conditions must be met:

  1. It is recommended to start periodic training at the age of 25. After reaching this age, the skin begins to gradually fade. From the age of 35 you should exercise at least 5 times a week.
  2. Efficiency morning exercises higher than in the evening, so you should set aside a few minutes for gymnastics after getting up. In addition, some simple manipulations aimed at correcting problem areas can be performed at any time. free time.
  3. Before training, it is recommended to remove makeup, take a contrast shower, and self-massage the face and neck.
  4. To control your exercise technique, perform them while standing in front of a mirror. You need to keep your back straight - this will help improve blood circulation.
  5. After gymnastics, do a massage, concentrating on problem areas. Apply moisturizing cream or milk to the face, neck and décolleté.

Around eyes

Over time, small facial wrinkles appear on the skin in the eye area. As age-related changes develop, bags, drooping corners, and sagging of the upper eyelid may occur. To prevent or correct such defects, the following complex is required:

  1. Fix the skin near the outer corner of the eye with your index finger, and near the inner corner with your middle finger. Using force, press your upper eyelid onto your lower eyelid. At the same time, try not to squint. Hold your eyes in this position for 2-3 seconds, then open them wide. Do 15–20 reps. Do the workout 3-5 times in 7 days.
  2. Leave your fingers on the corners of your eyes. Turn your gaze to the ceiling, lifting your lower eyelid. Hold the position for 5 seconds, relax. Complete 20 reps. Do the exercise 3-5 times a week.
  3. Direct your gaze straight ahead. Open your eyes as wide as possible, while trying to extend your eyeball a little. Pause for 2 seconds. The next step is to close your eyes. Repeat the exercise 15 times. Do gymnastics 3-5 times every 7 days.

On the forehead

Face fitness will help you cope with wrinkles on the forehead without the use of paralyzing drugs nervous system. To achieve the desired effect, you should regularly do the following exercises for the facial muscles:

  1. Place your palms so that your little fingers fix the skin above the eyebrows. Use your remaining fingers to prevent your forehead from wrinkling. Raise your eyebrows up, overcoming the resistance of your hands, then relax your muscles. Do 20 repetitions (hold the position for 8-10 seconds on the last one). Do the exercise every 2 days.
  2. Place your little fingers over inner edge eyebrows The index fingers should meet in the center of the forehead. Try to bring your eyebrows together, while preventing the skin of your face from moving. Repeat the exercise 15–20 times. The frequency of execution is every other day.

Around the lips

The area around the lips lends itself well to training. The result will be visible after just a few sessions. To get rid of age-related changes, the following complex is recommended:

  1. Place your palms vertically on your lips. The little fingers should be near the wings of the nose. Pull your lips forward until a feeling of fatigue appears in the lower part of your face. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to 30 times. Perform the exercise 3-5 times/week.
  2. Pulling your lips into a regular oval, pronounce the sound “o”. The skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle should be stretched. Use your middle and index fingers to press the corners of your mouth. Try to cover your teeth with your lips. Repeat the action until fatigue appears (up to 30 times). Frequency of execution – 3–4 rubles/week.

Exercises for the oval face

With age, the oval of the face loses its clear contour, and a double chin may form. The skin in the neck area loses its elasticity and becomes flabby. Facelift exercises will help prevent these problems:

  1. Take a sitting position, relax your face, close your mouth. Press your tongue on the upper palate, applying force. In the first approach, do 10-15 quick movements, in the second - one repetition, holding the load for 8 seconds. Do the exercise daily.
  2. Make a fist and place it between your chin and neck. Try to open your mouth by pressing on the limb. Do it at a fast pace 10 times. For the second approach, hold the load for 8 seconds. Frequency – every day.
  3. Pull your lips forward, pronouncing the sound “u”, while straining your neck. Then quickly stretch your lips with the “i” sound. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Perform 10–15 repetitions. Frequency – daily.
  4. Start upper lip for the bottom one. Slowly turn your face to the right and up, count to 8. Repeat on the other side. Do the exercise 10 times. Do gymnastics every day.
  5. Clasp your palms and clasp the back of your head. Trying to tilt your head back, press on your hands for 10 seconds. Do 6 repetitions daily.

Cheek lift exercises

Exercises to strengthen the facial muscles in the cheek area help tighten the skin and maintain its elasticity. It is recommended to perform the complex even if there are no wrinkles in this area yet:

  1. Press your cheeks with your palms. Try to inflate them with maximum effort. Hold the position for 5 seconds, repeat 15 times. Exercise every other day.
  2. Leave the same starting position. Puff up your cheeks one at a time. Do 15 repetitions on each side. Frequency of execution: every 2 days.
  3. Place your index fingers between the lower row of teeth and the inner surface of your cheeks. Pull these areas of your face in. The cheeks should be between the teeth. In this case, you need to press on your fingers. Do 15 reps. The frequency of execution is every other day.
  4. Here's another dessert spoon exercise: Do 15 repetitions every 2 days.


By regularly performing a simple complex of facial gymnastics, the muscles restore their natural tone. The oval of the face becomes clearer and more toned. To get visible results, you need to regularly perform the complex for at least a month.

Facelift exercises at home will help maintain skin tone

Before starting gymnastics, you need to thoroughly cleanse the skin, lubricate it with a nourishing cream and do a light facial massage. Facial gymnastics includes the following exercises:

  • to get rid of a double chin and tighten the facial muscles, open your mouth and rhythmically move your chin back and forth;
  • to prevent and combat wrinkles around the lips and improve their blood circulation, pronounce slowly the vowel sounds: A-U-O-E-Y. To smooth out nasolabial folds, press your upper lip to your teeth and pull it down when pronouncing sounds;
  • A simple exercise will also help strengthen the lip area - retract your lips and sharply open them;
  • To relax muscles and smooth out wrinkles, you need to suck in your upper and lower lips alternately, while taking in air. 10 movements of each will be enough;
  • An exercise similar to rinsing will help get rid of wrinkles on your face and give it a healthy color. Inflate one cheek, and then transfer the air to the other. It is important to tense your muscles well and not make sudden movements;
  • To strengthen the muscles of the chin and maintain a clear contour of the face, straighten your shoulders, straighten your back, throw back your head, and purse your lips. Maintain this position for 5 seconds. 5–6 repetitions are enough;
  • open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue as much as possible, round your lips, and press your tongue between your lips;
  • close your lips and smile as wide as possible, then stretch them out as if for a kiss. Perform alternating such exercises until you feel tired.

The effect of such gymnastics will be noticeable only if it is performed regularly.

How to properly perform facelift exercises

Preparation required for facial gymnastics:

  • you will need a mirror to see if the exercises are being performed correctly;
  • there is no need to rush, the tension in the muscles should be maximum;
  • It is important to do gymnastics daily.

Keeping your facial muscles toned will allow you to maintain the firmness and elasticity of your skin for a long time without spending a lot of time and money. The effect from such activities is no worse than from salon procedures.

Over the years, the oval of the face changes and loses its attractiveness. This mainly occurs due to sagging skin on the cheeks and chin. Exercises to tighten the oval of the face will help restore skin tone in these places. These exercises, provided they are performed regularly, give visible results after just a week of implementation.

Exercise 1

This exercise tones almost all the muscles of the face and perfectly removes signs of fatigue, so it is ideal for morning exercises faces.

Take a deep breath and puff out your cheeks, evenly distributing the air inside them. Keep your lips tightly closed. Place your palms on your cheeks so that your fingers are on your ears. Press on your cheeks, but use your cheeks to resist the pressure of your hands. Hold for 5 seconds and then relax your face. The exercise must be repeated 5-10 times.

Exercise 2

Stand in front of the mirror and round your lips in the shape of the letter O. Press your tongue to your cheek and your cheek to your tongue. Try to keep the pressure between them as maximum as possible. Move your tongue across your cheek. Do about 20 strokes on each cheek.

It's good if when doing this exercise there is a feeling of tension at the base of the tongue, because this means that the muscles on the chin are also involved in the exercise.

Exercise 3

This exercise trains the cheek muscle and strengthens the muscles of the eyes and mouth.

Open your mouth, stretching your lips as far as possible into an O shape and pressing your upper lip to your teeth. Place your index fingers along the lower edge of the eye sockets without pressing. Smile only at the corners of your mouth and again stretch your lips in an O shape. At the same time, muscle tension should be felt under your fingers. The exercise must be repeated 30 times.

Exercise 4

This exercise makes your face look thinner.

Open your mouth, rolling your lips inward over your teeth. Use your palms to slowly move from bottom to top along the sides of your face. This exercise should be done until a feeling of fatigue and even burning appears in the facial muscles.

If you perform these four exercises every day, lasting positive results will be noticeable within a month.

Another set of exercises for lifting facial skin

There are other sets of exercises aimed at improving the shape of the face. For example, self-lifting or facial gymnastics from Camilla Voler.

Exercise 1

This exercise, aimed at improving the shape of the face and preventing sagging cheeks, is called “Chicken”.

To perform it, you need to smile with your lips folded in the shape of an O. Your fingers should be pressed to the temples near the eyes, slightly stretching the skin so that “crow’s feet” do not form. Then you should gradually increase the muscle tension in the lower part of the cheeks to the limit. After counting to five, relax. First you need to perform the exercise 5 times, and over time gradually increase the number of repetitions to 15.

Exercise 2

The exercise is called “Smile”. To perform it, you need to smile as hard as possible without unclenching your teeth. Cover your face with your hands so that the little fingers hold the nasolabial folds, and the middle and ring fingers- “crow's feet”. You need to bring the tension in your cheek muscles to the limit and, counting to five, relax. Like the first exercise, we repeat it first 5 times, and then more and more, up to 15.

Exercise 3

Exercise "Hamster". You need to pronounce the sound “A” loudly. There is no need to open your mouth wide, but rather stretch your lips into a smile. Gradually bringing muscle tension to the limit, count to five and relax the muscles. We repeat the exercise first 5 times, and then up to 15.

Exercise 4

Putting your fingers to the corners of your mouth, we pronounce the sound “I”. We bring muscle tension to the maximum, count to five and relax. Repeat 5 times. Later the number of repetitions is increased to 10.

When applying cream, performing facial massage or any other facial manipulation, try not to make “downward” movements in the cheek area.

Exercises for tightening the oval face video
