Breathing exercises. A set of exercises for the respiratory system Respiratory gymnastics what is the name

The respiratory organs are the first to take a hit when they encounter air pollution, bacteria, viruses, fungi and other damaging environmental factors. Their role in maintaining the body's immune defenses cannot be overestimated! During the day, the lungs hold a very large number of suspensions. Physiologists have calculated that this is approximately a bucket of dirt daily! Taking on such a powerful load, the respiratory organs often cannot cope with providing the body with oxygen. And other organs suffer from this: the heart, brain, digestive system.

The book that you are holding in your hands tells about acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory system, as well as other ailments that are directly related to the respiratory system, about the latest methods of treatment, which today restore the lungs and bronchi in the leading clinics of the world. Much attention is paid to such formidable diseases as asthma, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) and tuberculosis. The book includes unique breathing exercises that will help keep the bronchi and lungs in great shape.

Attention! The information contained in this book is not a substitute for medical advice. You should consult with a specialist before taking any recommended action.


Classification of breathing exercises

Breathing exercises that are used in the rehabilitation treatment of patients with respiratory diseases are divided into three groups: dynamic, static And drainage.

At dynamic breathing exercises breathing is carried out with the participation of auxiliary respiratory muscles during the movement of the limbs (arms, legs) and torso.

Static breathing exercises- exercises with enhanced rhythmic breathing, carried out without moving the arms, legs or torso. Here they distinguish:

Exercises that change the type of breathing - full, chest or diaphragmatic. Full breathing is the most correct from the point of view of physiology. During inhalation, the chest expands sequentially in the vertical direction due to the lowering of the diaphragm and in the anteroposterior and lateral directions - as a result of the simultaneous movement of the ribs up, forward and to the sides;

Exercises with dosed resistance: diaphragmatic breathing with overcoming the resistance created by the pressure of the hands of the instructor-methodologist of physical therapy in the region of the edge of the costal arch, closer to the middle of the chest;

Inflatable balls and toys are used for training.

Drainage breathing exercises contain exercises that promote the outflow of discharge from the bronchi into the trachea, from where sputum comes out during coughing (or tapping in the affected area with the instructor's hands). For maximum outflow of sputum, it is necessary to take a position in which the affected area is located above the branching of the trachea.

Before the start of the lesson, the patient is placed in the so-called drainage position for 5-10 minutes. With each lesson, the time spent in the drainage position should gradually decrease.

This is a system of breathing exercises, aimed mainly at the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with the respiratory system, cardiovascular diseases, vegetative-vascular dystonia, sexual disorders in men and women, diabetes, and also for weight loss.

Breathing exercises- are an integral part of physical culture and; since every exercise, every movement of a person is accompanied by inhalation and exhalation.

Breath is the main source of life. A person can live without water and food for several days, and without air for a maximum of a few minutes.

Breath- this is a set of processes that ensure the entry of oxygen into the body and the release of carbon dioxide from it (external respiration) and the use of oxygen by tissues and cells for the oxidation of organic substances with the release of the energy contained in them necessary for life (cellular respiration, tissue respiration).

The structure of the respiratory system

The diaphragm and respiratory muscles of a person work, obeying his consciousness and will, therefore, in order to breathe correctly, it is extremely important to know the structure and mechanism of the respiratory organs.

The human respiratory system structure and functions:

  • nasal cavity It is made up of bones and cartilage and is lined with mucous membranes. The main function is to clean the inhaled air from dust particles, warm and humidify it, and mucus, in turn, prevents the penetration of microbes.
  • Oral cavity- just as the nasal one serves to inhale air, if breathing through the nose is difficult or impossible at all (for example, rhinitis disease).
  • Pharynx connects between the nose and mouth. The main function is to conduct air from the nasal cavity (or mouth) to the larynx, to move the food bolus from the oral cavity to the esophagus.
  • Larynx consists of muscles, unpaired (large) cartilage and contains. The main function is to pass air from the pharynx into the trachea, when air is exhaled, the vocal cords begin to vibrate and form sounds.
  • Trachea continuation of the larynx, consists of 16-20 cartilaginous semi-rings with a mucous membrane. Main function: does not allow air to linger during any neck movements.
  • Lungs a paired respiratory organ, the right one consists of 3, and the left lung of 2 lobes. The lungs are covered with a serous membrane. The lungs also contain: bronchi, pulmonary artery, and exit into 2 pulmonary veins. The main function is the implementation of gas exchange between the air that is in the lung parenchyma and the blood that flows through the pulmonary capillaries.
  • Bronchi enter the left and right lungs. Formed by smooth muscles and hyaline cartilaginous rings that prevent bronchial collapse; the bronchi are lined with a mucous membrane from the inside. The main function is to convey air to the bronchioles.
  • Bronchioles- these are the terminal branches of the bronchial tree, which do not contain cartilage and pass into the alveolar passages of the lungs. The main function is to deliver air to the end point of the alveoli, where gas exchange takes place.

The amount of air that ventilates the lungs in 1 minute is called MOD (minute breathing volume). MOD is equal to the product of the tidal volume and the respiratory rate (the number of respiratory movements in 1 min, equal to a person about 15-18) and in an adult at rest is 5-8 l/min.

Types of breathing: superficial and deep, rare and frequent, upper, middle (thoracic breathing.) and lower (abdominal breathing.).

Goals of breathing exercises

Performing breathing exercises has 2 main goals:

  1. Purposefully influence the respiratory system, increasing its functional reserves.
  2. And by influencing the respiratory system to make changes in the functional systems and various organs.

People have been using breathing exercises since ancient times. Over the centuries, attitudes towards these exercises have changed, but interest in them has never faded.

Experts from different countries breathing exercises to that number of effective factors contributing to recovery and increasing the resistance of the human body to various diseases.

Types of breathing exercises

Nowadays, there are a huge number of:

  • gymnastic( , Bodyflex, Tai Chi),
  • martial arts(Wushu)
  • complexes(Yoga),
  • methods(K. P. Buteyko, Yu. G. Vilunas, N. A. Agadzhanyan, Yu. Bulanova, V. F. Frolova),
  • systems(I.P. Muller, L. Kofler, O. Lobanova - E. Lukyanova),
  • exercises(included in the warm-up) associated with breathing.

Let's take a look at a few below:

Yoga- a concept in Indian culture, meaning in a broad sense a set of various mental, physical and spiritual practices developed in different areas of Buddhism and Hinduism. The main goal of which is the management of the physiological and mental functions of the human body in order to achieve by each individual an unearthly mental and spiritual state.

Pranayama- is the fourth stage (level) of Ashtanga yoga. Pranayama (in yoga) is the control of prana (Qi-life energies) through breathing exercises.

wushu- a term that is used to refer to Chinese martial arts, and modern sports created on their basis, as well as health and breathing gymnasts.

qigong neigong- the Wushu direction, which includes complexes of meditative and breathing exercises, dietary and hygienic prescriptions, as well as a special type of spiritual education.

This is a healing method that was created several decades ago by Strelnikova A.N. This paradoxical respiratory gymnastics has been used and is used for diseases of the respiratory system, as well as vegetative-vascular dystonia, cardiovascular diseases, obesity, disorders associated with sexual activity in women and women.

Bodyflex is a breathing exercise that uses aerobic respiration to rejuvenate and improve the body. Bodyflex was built on the synthesis of the knowledge of ancient sciences (one of them is “self-healing Ayurveda”), as well as Tibetan breathing and yoga. The basic principle of bodyflex breathing exercises is the burning of body fat and the formation of a muscular frame and mass using diaphragmatic, aerobic breathing in synthesis with isometric stretching exercises. In other words, this breathing exercises for weight loss.

This is the treatment of deep breathing diseases by the method of volitional normalization (elimination) of deep breathing (VLHD). K. P. Buteyko is a well-known physiologist, academician. In the Buteyko clinic, diseases were treated: cardiovascular and bronchopulmonary systems, allergic diseases, ENT diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as for the preventive purpose of immune-depressive conditions.

Muller system is a complex of physical and breathing exercises without additional load, aimed at maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Müller I.P. is a famous German naturalist, doctor, professor and, of course, an athlete. Muller believed that there are no miraculous cures, but it's all about a healthy lifestyle. Muller also believed that the most important of all floor exercises are breathing exercises.

Dear blog readers, if you have tried one of the varieties of breathing exercises, leave comments or reviews. Someone will find this very useful!

After 45 years, migraines and insomnia begin to overcome us, the heart is “naughty”, the pressure jumps. And all this seems to be for no reason. After all, a glass of wine on the weekend, a few smoked cigarettes, an irregular work schedule and the lack of sports, as it seems to us, do not affect the body.

Of course, all this affects our physical form and internal state. With such a schedule, the body does not just get tired, it suffers from a catastrophic lack of oxygen. You can “saturate” it with the help of physical activity, training and active movement. However, we do not have enough time for this.

As a result, our brain “fails” from a lack of oxygen, cells renew themselves reluctantly, the heart ceases to withstand stress, blood vessels lose their elasticity. The lack of sufficient oxygen in the tissues of the body is a direct path to metabolic problems, coronary heart disease, impaired blood supply to the brain and stroke.

If there is no time for sports, then you can quickly restore the oxygen balance in the body in two ways: with the help of breathing exercises or special simulators developed by scientists to improve blood circulation in the body. Let's see what is more effective and preferable.

Types of breathing exercises and their features

1. Breathing exercises Strelnikova

What's this?

The technique, created in the 30s of the twentieth century, was originally intended for singers, but gained popularity as it effectively heals the body.

What tasks does it solve?

  • Improvement of metabolic processes
  • Elimination of deviations in the broncho-pulmonary system
  • Restoration of nasal breathing
  • Increase body tone, immunity
  • Strengthening the cardiovascular system

What do we have to do?

It is necessary every second to briefly, actively and intensely inhale air through the nose into the very depths of the lungs. You should not think about exhalation, it happens by itself. They start with 4-16 breaths with short breaks, gradually increasing their number to 1200-2000 in one workout.

2. Buteyko breathing exercises

What's this?

The creator himself called his gymnastics, developed in 1952, "a method of volitional elimination of deep breathing." Konstantin Buteyko considered the cause of many diseases to be the lack of carbon dioxide in the blood. To saturate the body with CO2, he developed a shallow breathing technique, including delays, slowdowns.

What tasks does it solve?

  • Bronchial asthma, bronchitis.
  • Pneumosclerosis.
  • Pneumonia.
  • Allergy.
  • Emphysema of the lungs.
  • Angina.
  • Hypertension.
  • Cerebral circulation disorders.

What do we have to do?

One of the main exercises is to hold the breath until a feeling of lack of air appears. It is necessary to stay in this state for as long as possible, feeding the lungs only with small, shallow breaths. As soon as there is a need for more air, you need to start the exercise again.

3. Muller breathing exercises

What's this?

The book of the German naturalist Johannes Müller "My System", published in 1904, became a bestseller. The system involves deep breathing in a certain rhythm without pauses, delays, short breaths. The author claims that it is enough to give exercises 5-10 minutes a day.

What tasks does it solve?

  • Working out the joints, spine
  • Strengthening lung function
  • Normalization of digestion processes
  • Improvement of blood circulation

What do we have to do?

Muller divides all exercises into two groups. Natural slow breathing along with bending forward on exhalation and backward on inhalation. And fast breathing, in which for each inhalation / exhalation it is necessary to make several inclinations / straightenings.

4. Breathing exercises Bodyflex

What's this?

The system was developed by the American athlete Childers Greer based on yoga exercises. The idea is to increase the amount of carbon dioxide in the body to further improve oxygen supply.

What tasks does it solve?

  • Weight loss
  • Acceleration of the metabolic process
  • Increased lymph flow
  • General body rejuvenation
  • Acceleration of cleaning processes

What do we have to do?

Particular attention is paid to diaphragmatic breathing: full exhalation through the mouth, quick, full and sharp inhalation through the nose so that the lungs are filled with oxygen, sharp exhalation through the mouth, holding the breath and full breath.

5. Jianfei breathing exercises

What's this?

Traditional Chinese system, proven in practice for centuries. It is considered one of the most effective ways to lose weight by cleaning the body of harmful substances.

What tasks does it solve?

  • Metabolism improvement
  • Improving gas exchange in tissues
  • Normalization of acid-base balance
  • Strengthening immunity
  • Weight loss

What do we have to do?

Only 3 exercises: "Wave", "Frog" and "Lotus". For example, the latter is performed in the lotus position, with hands folded on the stomach and eyes closed. Within 5 minutes you need to breathe in concentration. Then 5 minutes - freely and relaxed. Another 10 minutes - at your usual pace.

6. Breathing simulator "Samozdrav"

What's this?

The device for the prevention of numerous diseases was created in 1998 by a duet of talented scientists - engineer Yuri Mishustin and physiologist Nikolai Agadzhanyan.

Combines the principles of breathing exercises Strelnikova, Buteyko. It is also built on the principle of saturating the body with carbon dioxide. It has established itself as an excellent alternative to any breathing exercises and sports activities.

What tasks does it solve?

  • Removal of vascular spasms
  • Improving blood flow in all organs (especially the heart and brain)
  • Treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous systems
  • Recovery after heart attacks and strokes
  • Increasing physical endurance
  • Eliminate the effects of stress
  • Normalization of CO2 levels in the body

What do we have to do?

It is enough to give classes 20-30 minutes a day at any time convenient for you. Classes start with 3-10 minute sessions. The technique is extremely simple - you just need to breathe in a calm rhythm through the simulator's capnicator, sitting at a table or on a sofa.

At the same time, a respiratory mixture with a certain concentration of oxygen and CO2 is formed in the chambers of Samozdrav. Its inhalation is entirely similar to the effects of physical exertion in the gym and breathing exercises.

Unlike other types of breathing exercises, here you do not need to use a special technique, count seconds on your own, or take an unusual position. It is enough just to note the time of the lesson and breathe in the usual mode.

Breathing exercises are an easy way to strengthen the body, get rid of migraines, insomnia and prevent a number of diseases. Choose the type of breathing exercises that is convenient for you and start improving your health.

Modern methods of physical therapy widely use breathing exercises. Importance of breathing exercises:

Train the ability to voluntarily control breathing

form the correct biomechanics of breathing

increase ventilation, lymph and blood circulation in the lungs

reduce spasm of bronchi and bronchioles, improve their patency

Promotes mucus secretion

Strengthen respiratory muscles

accelerate the resorption of the pathological focus in the lung

reduce respiratory distress

Classification breathing exercises:

1 Static breathing exercises

2 Dynamic breathing exercises

3 Special breathing exercises:

"local" breathing exercises (for preferential ventilation of a certain area of ​​the lungs - upper thoracic, lower thoracic and other breathing)

sound breathing exercises (pronunciation of hissing, whistling, vowels, vibrating sounds and their combinations, counting numbers, reciting verses, etc.)

Drainage positions and exercises performed in these positions

paradoxical breathing exercises

Breathing exercises aimed at limiting the volume of inhaled air and training to hold the breath while inhaling.

1. STATIC breathing exercises are carried out only with the participation of the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. This group includes:

1. exercises that change the type of breathing: - full breathing,

Chest breathing (in I.P. lying, sitting, standing, take a long breath through the nose. At this time, the chest expands, the movements of the anterior abdominal wall are limited. Slow exhalation through the nose.);

Diaphragmatic breathing (ip lying down, sitting or standing) Exhale, take a long breath through the nose. The stomach at this time protrudes forward. When exhaling through the nose, the anterior abdominal wall retracts.

Cleansing breath (ip lying down, sitting or standing). Exhale, take a long breath through the nose, pressing the left nostril with your finger. Exhale slowly, pressing the right nostril. Take the next breath through the left nostril.

2. exercises with metered resistance (the hands of the instructor, the patient on separate parts of the chest; sandbags; the use of inflatable toys).

3. static drainage exercises contribute to the outflow of secretions from the bronchi into the trachea, from where sputum is evacuated during coughing.

2. DYNAMIC breathing exercises (DDU) combine the phases of breathing with the movements of the arms, shoulder girdle, torso in a certain way. These exercises are aimed primarily at the formation of a rational combination of breathing and movement. When performing DDU, it is important to coordinate the amplitude and pace of the exercise with the depth and rhythm of breathing. It must be remembered that inhalation is combined with straightening the torso, spreading the arms to the sides, exhalation - with bending the torso, squatting, bringing and lowering the arms. To improve the ventilation of the tops of both lungs, it is better to perform exercises with the upper shoulder girdle released (hands on the waist), while tilting the torso to the side with fixation or raising the opposite arm and while inhaling, ventilation in the lower sections on the side of the raised arm is improved.

Breathing exercises- These are special exercises for the development of respiratory muscles.

There are many systems of breathing exercises. These are the breathing exercises of yogis, created many centuries ago, and paradoxical gymnastics, developed by A.N. Strelnikova. This is the breathing system of K. P. Buteyko, who came to a more than paradoxical conclusion that “the shallower the depth of breathing, the healthier the person, the younger, etc.”, and many other respiratory gymnastics systems created in the West and East.

The general principles, which are recognized by all specialists in breathing, with the exception of the creators of paradoxical systems, are the following:

    breathing should be rhythmic, uniform;

    breathing should be deep;

    it is desirable to breathe through the nose, although when running or other physical exertion of great intensity, you can breathe simultaneously through the nose and a half-open mouth;

    the rhythm of breathing should be in accordance with the rhythm of the physical exercises performed;

    the rate of breathing depends on the degree of preparedness of the student and on the pace at which physical exercises are performed (running, walking, etc.);

    walking, running, swimming are excellent breathing exercises in themselves;

Normal human breathing is very superficial, it captures only a third of the volume of the lungs. With motor load, breathing deepens somewhat, but mainly due to acceleration. Special exercises make most of the lungs work, thereby increasing the amount of oxygen entering the blood.

Breathing exercises have three main purposes (E.P. Zhuravlev, 1977).

    Improve breathing during exercise: ventilate the lungs, eliminate possible oxygen debt and help the heart work harder.

    Improve the breathing apparatus and maintain its performance at a high level.

    Develop the ability to breathe always correctly, thereby providing a constant massaging effect on the internal organs (alimentary tract, liver, etc.).

The basis of respiratory movements is the correct sequence of filling the lungs with air when inhaling and, most importantly, releasing them from oxygen-depleted air when exhaling. This ensures: a) uniform participation in breathing of all lobes of the lungs, which makes it possible to avoid congestion in their individual parts; b) wave-like breathing, which has a beneficial effect on the internal organs with its massaging effect. With the full and uniform use of all lobes of the lungs, it is possible to avoid certain diseases, as well as the premature onset of senile predisposition to atrophy of inactive parts of the lung tissue.

Yogis believe that the more often a person breathes, the less he lives. Breathing should be less frequent, but inhale deeper: the respiratory rate should be within 10 breaths and 10 exhalations per 1 minute in a calm state or should not exceed 40 full respiratory acts in the same time during intense physical work. Breathe rhythmically and mainly through the nose.

Proper breathing is based on full breath of yogis. It is done like this. Standing or sitting straight, with the chest expanded, exhale to the end, and then push the stomach forward as far as possible with the downward force of the diaphragm. Then, without releasing the stomach, inhaling the air, push the middle ribs apart. Then expand the upper ribs up to the clavicular (raising the clavicles up). Now the lungs are filled with air well. But in order for it to get into the most peripheral lung cells, it is necessary, holding the breath (at the end of inhalation), to draw in the stomach - as much as possible. Then from

movements from the bottom up, the lungs will still “swell up”, pushing the chest apart. A few seconds - and, without lowering the diaphragm, make a slow exhalation. You need to focus on every act of breathing. While inhaling, imagine how the vital forces from the air rush into the lungs; during a pause after inhalation, they seem to spread throughout the body, and each of its cells and organs receives a charge of energy and vivacity. As you exhale, imagine how all the “slags” and ailments come out of the body with a stream of air. Breathing goes in a certain, relaxed rhythm. At the initial stage, it is recommended to breathe like this: inhale - 8 s, hold the breath - 4 s, exhale - 8 s, delay - 4. In walking, you can synchronize your breathing with the number of steps or the pulse.

For a healthy person, 10-15 minutes of full breathing per day is enough. Full breathing has a very diverse effect on the body: all respiratory organs are strengthened and healed, the vital capacity of the lungs increases, the activity of the cardiovascular system improves, and blood pressure normalizes. It also has a positive effect on the nervous system: it improves mood, relieves anxiety, and gives self-confidence.

Purifying breath. After taking a slow full breath, hold the air for a short while and then exhale it with short and strong jerks through the lips, folded in a tube, without puffing out the cheeks. Press the tip of the tongue against the lower incisors, but do not strain it. The force of the shocks must be damped. Each subsequent portion of exhaled air should be less than the previous one. At first, you can perform no more than three acts of cleansing breathing. This breathing vents the residual air, carbon dioxide, lingering in the lungs. It is effective for fatigue.

Energizing breath- blowing out the candles. Take a full breath and hold your breath for as long as you like. Fold your lips into a tube and exhale all the air in three sharp exhalations, as if trying to blow out a burning candle. With the first exhalation, the air leaves the abdomen, with the second - from the chest, with the third - from the tops of the lungs. The head and torso are held straight. The exercise is performed strongly, with enthusiasm.

Stimulating hissing breath. Full inhalation, delay and extended exhalation through the mouth. The air comes out sequentially from the abdomen, chest, tops of the lungs as slowly and completely as possible, making a whistling sound, as when pronouncing the sound “s”. The resistance to the escaping air creates the tongue.

Breathing exercises are best included in the preparatory and final parts of physical exercises.

The most pronounced effect is caused by those programs in which the optimal combination of frequency, duration and intensity of classes is assumed. The desired results can only be obtained after long weeks of training, programs

lasting 8-10 weeks cause only minor changes in the body.
