Use a thesis statement. A Quick Guide to Writing a Abstract

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Almost everyone has heard the concept of “thesis” at least once in their life. This is one of those words whose meaning is intuitively clear. However, it is not always possible to precisely formulate what a thesis is in Russian language and literature.

What is a thesis?

This word is ambiguous and is used in different areas life. Most often the use is associated with science and philosophy, but the term is also used in literature and music, and can also act as a proper noun.

Understanding what a thesis is in literature or any other field is not so difficult if you pay attention to the etymology of the word. It is taken from the ancient Greek language, where it is translated as “position” or “statement”. Thus, the word thesis means some key idea expressed briefly in one sentence.

This concept is especially important when annotating literature. Abstract is summary whatever it is, a peculiar characteristic of the work. As a rule, they are made of many theses, that is, key provisions. Such annotations are often written for scientific papers and term papers.

Thesis in logic

In science, this concept is most often associated with the description of any work, and in the field of logic this term is key to the process of justification. When it is necessary to explain a phenomenon, a person must operate with theses, which must have their own arguments.

When someone tries to prove the correctness (or incorrectness) of a certain thesis, he must strictly follow two rules. The first is that the meaning of the original statement should not change until the very end of the discussion. This often happens - trying to argue for some not very reliable thesis, a person gradually replaces it with a more accurate and strong one.

The second rule is that such statements should not allow ambiguity. Their wording must be clear so that there is no ambiguity or uncertainty. Situations often arise when the prover provides a certain argument, but it remains unclear what exactly he was trying to prove.

In logic, examples of theses are controversial expressions that encourage discussion. Classic options are statements like “God exists” and “There are no good artists in modern art.”

TESIS system

This is the name given to the system electronic document management, which is actively used in a variety of processes. It automates the management of certain business elements, such as document flow or office work.

The TESIS system was developed in Russia in 2010. Since then, it has been updated several times, with some updates occurring within the same year. Since mid-2016, the program has been included in the Unified Register.

The functionality of THESIS is related to various aspects. For example, the system is capable of managing tasks. She organizes them, controls the deadlines, and with her help you can appoint a controller and performers. All projects can be easily imported from Microsoft Project.

From the point of view of document management, the program makes it possible to create them based on existing tasks, allows easy approval, assigning clear access rights, and also has a number of attachments. THESIS is equipped with an electronic office and many different modules.

Other meanings of the word thesis

This concept can be used when analyzing bars in music. They can be divided into impact and non-impact components. The unstressed, that is, light parts, will be called arsises, and the heavy, percussive parts will be called theses.

This word is used in Hegel's philosophy. It denotes the initial stage of development of dialectics. If we are talking about linguistics, then in this case the concept appears in the phrases “theses of the verbal structure” and “theses of the nominative structure.” The concepts differ depending on whether the predicate contains a verb.

The way of working depends on this. You can write abstracts for an existing text in order to briefly outline what it says. There are times when he first briefly outlines the essence of the work, and then writes a voluminous text. Typically, these theses relate to the production that is proposed to be discussed, present the results of a study or a new methodology.

Determine the purpose of the work and the relevance of the proposed topic. Briefly formulate it and write it down.

Briefly describe existing points of view on this problem. Tell us how your point of view differs from what others offer. If the abstract is dedicated to a new research methodology, tell us about existing methods and what is new about the one you are proposing. Determine its advantages and disadvantages.

Suggest the most optimal research methodology. If the abstract is written for a work devoted to research results, outline the basic principles of this methodology and the scientific hypothesis. Tell us about the methods used, principles and sampling parameters. Introduce future readers or listeners to the intermediate results, if any, and the main ones. Do it.


Theses must be logically connected to each other. Moreover, their proof may be in the text of the main work.

Abstracts should reveal the content great job, but don't repeat it. There is no need to rewrite the entire report, nor should you tear out random phrases from it.

Before writing a thesis, you need to deeply understand the essence of the problem that is presented in the work.

Theses differ from other scientific texts in their small volume.

Helpful advice

Theses are of two types. Some are compiled for the work of another author, others for own work.

The thesis should be brief, but it must express a capacious and deep thought.

Claims must be substantiated. The justification is given either orally, or it is in the work.

The abstract should not contain any emotional assessments. They should be written in a dry, scientific style, but at the same time understandable. Any reader or listener should be able to understand the problem.


  • how to write a thesis

Often in the lives of not only professional scientists, but students and even schoolchildren, situations arise when it is necessary to write theses scientific work, report or speech. And while professionals cope with this task quite easily due to their extensive experience, students often have difficulties. This is explained by the fact that scientific theses are inherently different from traditional written works and their composition is subject to different rules.


According to the accepted interpretation in science, a thesis is a specific provable statement or position. Abstracts of an article, report or other scientific work call a set of individual provisions that are in a logical relationship with each other. Therefore, the main thesis is to reveal and generalize the content of some larger work(scientific article, coursework or work, dissertations, etc.). Usually, theses for speaking at conferences or symposiums, as well as for scientific publications.

If you need to write theses for some reason already finished work other, proceed as follows. Read the whole thing carefully and highlight the main ideas in it. Mark the most important thoughts with a pencil. Break the entire text into separate, logically complete pieces.

In each of the resulting parts, find main idea and write it out separately. As a result, you should get a summary containing all the main provisions of the analyzed work. Now read the summary you received again and think about how the ideas contained in it can be expressed as best as possible.

Not all schools teach such a necessary and important skill as writing a thesis statement. Often one of the texts that students present to their classmates is an essay - covering the situation in the world of science in accordance with a certain topic.

But after finishing school, students turn into students. And this time the supervisor says that you need to draw up abstracts for course work or for a conference. But at the same time, he does not specify how exactly to write these theses. He believes that this knowledge should be from school or should be with us a priori. But you can learn this, it’s not that difficult. 2-3 pages of abstracts not only paint a portrait of the researcher, but also form the basis of a successful text.

Abstracts and how they are written

Some students think that this short review coursework or scientific article. Others say that it is recorded conference material or a regular list of basic points. They are all both true and mistaken.

Abstracts– not a big, but full-fledged article. It includes the main provisions of the scientific article/dissertation. Nevertheless, it is written in clear and specific language, this is a brief summary of the entire enormous work. Of course there are certain rules on writing abstracts for various types scientific activity, but, in essence, their goal is the same - to acquaint the reader with the content of the work, explain what its relevance and uniqueness are, what issues you are solving and what your evidence base is. In addition, such an article should be structured logically so that those listening understand what you want to convey to them.

The word “thesis” has several meanings. But, as a rule, it is most often applied to science.

In the world of science, abstracts of submitted works are constantly published in newsletters. Their role for researchers is enormous: such a seal is taken into account when applying for the next scientific title.

But theses are used not only in science. If we take theses as an Internet product, then they are necessary for an overview of the main topic of the site or its window. In addition, clients often offer small statements that the copywriter must expand on. As you can see - so a short word contains many different meanings.

Building a thesis - choosing a topic

This is 2-3 pages of printed text, which is written “12 crucibles” in a Word document (up to ten minutes of leisurely reading). As a rule, about 15 minutes are allotted for the report, so there is an opportunity to talk about what could not be included in the summary. This article should be clearly structured. The topic is the first step to writing a thesis paper. It must be specific and directly related to the meaning of the article. In addition, it must be suitable for the theme of the event itself. It must include uniqueness. No more than 1.5 lines are allocated to the topic. There are 2 approaches to writing abstracts:

1) choose a topic that you want to research and, based on it, write a short article;

2) first write the abstract, and then come up with a title.

You can do it the way you like and feel comfortable. This is purely individual. However, students very often do not have this opportunity, because the topic is mainly given to them by the teacher.


Relevance. There should be no lyrics in this small article. Already the first line of text should contain valuable information data. Everything should be strictly on topic. The first sentence is very important, and must answer 2 questions at the same time: “What am I writing about?” And "Why is it important?". Thanks to such an introduction, listeners/readers will find out what is relevant in your work, or is it an ordinary abstract that has been listed for a long time known facts. Speakers who have spoken repeatedly begin their thesis paper with certain clichés. As a rule, the introduction does not take more than one paragraph.

Text basis

Examples and arguments. An inexperienced speaker usually wants to both give examples to support his research and make deep conclusions. At this point, the “golden mean” rule is very important. A simple list of facts will be meaningless, and unreasoned conclusions will look like loud statements. Structured logic will help you write great text. There are several ways to write a thesis statement correctly. The most famous and often used is analysis of the logic of thought. How and why did you come to such conclusions? Where did you come from? How did they analyze them? It’s okay if at first you describe your train of thoughts in bullet points. Based on them, it will be much easier for you to create a presentation and prepare Handout. But it’s better to present the points themselves in living language rather than in fixed language. As for examples, no more than two are needed to confirm each point.


This is the result of everything that has been said before. It repeats the introduction, but rephrased in the past tense. “So, we have justified...” is the most famous conclusion phrase. It would not be superfluous to again remind listeners/readers of the relevance of the work. Conclusions must be categorical. Mentioning the entire list of references that you used is very stupid. It will be enough to name 4-5 works that you have used or that are very authoritative in some area.

How to submit abstracts

The conference organizing committee determines the basic requirements for the presentation of abstracts and brings them to the attention of possible participants. Their implementation is strictly necessary, since the slightest violation leads to large costs for compiling a collection of abstracts, and this may become a reason for refusal by the organizing committee.

As a rule, their volume is 1-2 pages of machine text. But the leading role is played by the title, the names of the authors and the names of organizations.

Reports at the conference

At such events, participants are advised to write abstracts in advance. Sometimes they are published in collections. Regardless of whether the text will be printed, it has its own specifics. This text should be as concise as possible - because in this case, the speaker has time to develop the topic. Often conference abstracts are limited to one page, sometimes two. This is necessary in order to prepare the reader for your report and keep him up to date. You need to be prepared that after the speech you will be asked questions. Therefore, you should think in advance about weak points in arguments to be prepared for unexpected questions. The report, of course, should be broader and deeper than the abstract. Otherwise, there is no point in your speech, since the audience already holds in their hands what you have briefly said. But exceeding the allotted time is a sign of bad taste. Prepare your speech and practice it – it should take up to 15 minutes.


Theses must be composed logically. Their argumentation is sometimes presented in the main part of the text. They should reflect the essence of a huge study, but not rehash it. There is no need to write the entire work again, but there is no need to take some phrases out of context either. Before you start writing them, fully understand the problem you are researching. They differ from other texts in their laconic volume.

There are two types of theses:

— the first to write about someone else’s work;

- the second - to their own.

Abstracts must be written short, but very succinct. The provisions must be justified. Arguments can be given orally, or they are present in the text.

There should be no emotional assessment in them. This must be a strict text scientific style, but at the same time clear. Any audience should be able to understand the essence of the problem and take part in its solution.

If you have no experience in writing abstracts and don’t know where to start, ask your supervisor for help, don’t be afraid. It is important to understand the essence of the work from the very beginning and not waste time. Writing a thesis is not difficult if you have a good understanding of the topic and problem of your work, have really researched it, and have not become familiar with it superficially. If this is so, then your theses will provide a complete amount of information about the work, and many unnecessary questions will not arise for you. Therefore, work on this from the very beginning, it is important to get the hang of it, and in the future no difficulties will arise. Try to write abstracts not only for scientific papers, but also for literary texts.

What is a thesis? This word has Greek origin. Translated into Russian, “thesis” means thought, scientific position. So, theses are very clearly and briefly formulated main provisions of a scientific work, report, message, article. The significance of such provisions is that all large and sometimes cumbersome material is given in the form of brief, consistent formulations. In essence, theses are a small and quite capacious Research Article, which is the basis for a message, lecture or report. They are usually published in special conference proceedings. A small volume is how theses differ from other types of scientific papers.

Having figured out what a thesis is, it’s worth starting to write the main provisions. This must be done sequentially, taking into account the series useful recommendations.

Firstly, it is necessary to decide whether these will be abstracts for a work that has already been completed, or for a work that is just being conceived. If there is no work yet, then a thesis statement of its essence will be necessary. That is, it is necessary to clearly formulate the main provisions related to the scientific problem and the proposed methods for solving it.

Secondly, it is necessary to analyze the work and understand its structure. If you have yet to write it, then you need to think it through well, present it and write down the names of the proposed chapters. The abstract must include the purpose, objectives, relevance of the work, put forward scientific hypothesis. It is necessary to briefly formulate the main problem, indicate the object and subject of scientific development. You should list the methods and techniques used, name their advantages, talk about the principles to which the work corresponds, and the parameters of the sample taken.

Thirdly, if the work is completed, then the abstract must indicate the main results of the experiment, and if this is important, then intermediate ones. One of the main provisions is the general conclusion. It indicates whether the previously put forward hypothesis has been achieved and confirmed.

Theses are not just a set of phrases. There must be a logical connection between the provisions. Anyone who understands what a thesis is will not repeat his entire work in the written theses, but will only reveal its main content.

So, these theses should consist of the following components:

Work theme;

A short introduction, which indicates the degree of knowledge of the topic and the existing problems, clearly states the purpose of the work, describes its tasks, relevance, object and subject of research, formulates research methods and a scientific hypothesis;

a brief description of main stages of work;

Conclusions with all conclusions and results;

List of main sources used (at least two);

If necessary, the text also includes appendices with basic graphs, diagrams, and drawings.

Abstracts usually accompany printed and conference presentations dedicated to them. Their text must be formatted in accordance with the requirements set by the organizers of a particular conference or other event.

Knowing what a thesis is, you need to understand how theses differ from a speech. Theses - the result, they play the role of the basis of an oral presentation and are the key to its success.

Use theses correctly and for their intended purpose - after reading them, a person forms an opinion about the entire scientific work, report or lecture.

Creating a scientific paper is one thing. But speaking at a conference, presenting strong facts, being interesting, not letting the audience get bored, and appearing in front of hundreds of unfamiliar faces is not an easy task.

There is something similar to preparing for a conference. But there are also some nuances.

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Why is it so important to know how conference abstracts are written?

Participation in a scientific conference is the ultimate dream of any scientist. That's where everyone gathers authority figures who will notice or not notice your bright thoughts.

Knowing how to correctly write and format abstracts for a conference will be useful to many even earlier. Even at school, particularly successful students have the opportunity to participate in such an event. Another example - student years when young scientists begin to take their first steps in science.

A successful presentation at the conference will be a confident application for participation in the scientific community. If you are noticed (in in a good way), in the future we can reach greater heights.

And one more point why it is so important to follow the rules for writing abstracts for a conference: poor preparation will cast the main scientific work, and sometimes even the personality of the author, in an unfavorable light.

Conversely, a good structure, a competent plan and compliance with all the requirements of the abstracts for the conference will allow you to get several advantages at once:

  1. To unlock the potential scientific work.
  2. Pay attention to yourself and your work.
  3. Attract financing.
  4. Establish yourself as a new scientific author.

Please note that abstracts marked by the commission have every chance of being published free of charge in collections of scientific articles, conference proceedings, etc.

What are conference abstracts?

Writing abstracts for a conference is the process of collecting into a single whole the interrelated and logically constructed main provisions of the entire scientific work (,), where the main evidence and justification should be given.

Theses are briefly formulated main provisions, the main thoughts of a scientific work, report, article, term paper or dissertation.

There are several main purposes for writing abstracts:

  • providing a concise, compelling summary,
  • revealing the essence of the work,
  • acquaintance with the main ideas and results of the work.

If you take a closer look at the requirements for formatting abstracts for a conference, you can see a clear similarity with. Here you also need to keep the volume small - only 2-3 A4 sheets, which display the main ideas of a complete scientific work.

Sample abstracts for a scientific conference:

Types of abstracts

Before making abstracts for the conference, you should carefully study them for the following reasons:

  1. By authorship of the main scientific work. When compiling them, publications of other authors, as well as their own scientific work, can be used. In the first case, someone else's work is thoroughly studied, its essence and main ideas are highlighted. Based on the prepared data, the author formulates certain provisions that will be displayed in the report. In the second case, it is assumed that the author, through research, has acquired a clear understanding of the issue being studied. And here main task is to concisely and succinctly display the problem under consideration to the public.
  2. At the location of the performance. Before making abstracts for a conference, you need to understand where they will be presented (seminars, journals, international conferences and so on).
  3. According to presentation form. This could be a presentation with a speech, a publication, an absentee hearing, etc. This point directly depends on the previous one. An example of writing abstracts for correspondence scientific conference will be brevity, information content, and capacity, so that they can be published in a scientific collection of conference articles. In a presentation, a certain lyrical digression is acceptable, and in some cases an appropriate joke will be useful.
  4. In order of writing. Such abstracts of a conference report can be written before the main body is created. scientific work, or when the work is already ready (following her example). If the work is done on the basis of finished material, it consists of clearly highlighting important points and giving integrity to the whole work. A sample of abstracts for a conference before creating the main work is the most common type. Its difficulty lies in the fact that the material has not yet been fully studied by the author, and therefore he does not yet have a clear idea of ​​what to write about. Here you need to work out a clear plan with the smallest details, on the basis of which the text will be written.
  5. By main content. It may contain a statement of the problem, describe a new method of work, the results of interesting research, and so on.
  6. By complexity(difficult, medium, simple). At the same time, simple theses deal with the disclosure of the main problem, medium ones (main ones, consisting of many simple ones) consist of fundamentally important ideas and provisions of the main scientific work, and complex ones consist of both simple and main theses that will reveal the essence of the scientific work as fully as possible .
  7. By style of presentation(nominative or verbal structure). Theses of the verb structure look like a short scientific description and consist mainly of verbal predicates. Theses of the nominative structure are characterized by the absence of verbal predicates and are distinguished by a laconic recording of scientific data.

So we looked at the main points of how abstracts for the conference are drawn up. Now let's move on to the main thing: how to write them?

How to write abstracts for a conference: rules and sample

The structure of this type of work will depend entirely on what type of thesis you decide to work on.

If you are writing a text that will describe the problem posed, it should include the following information blocks:

  • description of the purpose of the work and setting of tasks;
  • small lit. review, analysis of current points of view and methods;
  • presenting your own thoughts on the problem;
  • possible ways of developing the problem;
  • summing up, assessing the results achieved.

If you are writing a text based on research results, it is better to use a slightly different structure:

  • a brief introduction, revealing the relevance of the topic;
  • description of the purpose of the work;
  • general provisions, main hypotheses;
  • methods and methodologies used;
  • bringing calculations and data;
  • generating intermediate results, conducting analysis;
  • acquaintance with the main results;
  • final analysis, summing up.

And here is an example of how abstracts are written for a conference based on the example of working with new techniques:

  • brief introduction, description of methods, areas of application;
  • description of the purpose of the work and setting tasks when developing a new technique;
  • familiarization with available methods, literature analysis;
  • acquaintance with a new technique;
  • description of the scope of application;
  • realistic assessment of advantages and limitations;
  • conclusions and the degree of implementation of the assigned tasks, description of the error of the methodology.

Requirements for conference abstracts: how to prepare them correctly

Before starting work, be sure to contact your supervisor. He should show what abstracts for the conference look like, show examples and samples, how to make them, and also how to format them.

In addition to the scientific supervisor, the organizing committee holding the conference can provide rules for registration.

It is extremely important to pay attention to design Special attention. Errors and inaccuracies may result in refusal to perform. Why is everything so strict? It’s just that any deviations can cause delays in the layout of works and their further placement in libraries and publications.

And here are the basic design rules:

  • main font - Times New Roman,
  • size 12-14 size,
  • single or one and a half line spacing,
  • registration of the list of references exactly according to GOST 7.1-2003.

The title of the work must indicate the author's information: his last name, first name, patronymic, place of study/work, country and city. Sometimes it is necessary to annotate abstracts for a conference, but this happens extremely rarely. Therefore, we will not dwell on this point.

The main thing is to define a clear algorithm for creating abstracts for the conference. Here is a checklist to help you, with the help of which you will be able to make a real “bomb” and “blow up” the scientific world with your speech:

Don't worry. If you have already reached the point where you want to participate in the conference, then more than half of these requirements are already firmly in your head. Well, if time flies mercilessly, and you cannot find even a minute to prepare, you do not have to refuse to participate. You can simply apply for conference abstracts from student service specialists and calmly enjoy the world of facts, scientific reports and in-depth knowledge.
