Funny and funny stories from the life of famous people. Interesting facts from the life of famous people


Faina Ranevskaya


For a long time, actors have used one technique to better enter the role before the performance. While changing in the dressing room, they completely undress and remain without clothes for several minutes. This helps them take a break from their mundane image and prepare them for the role. Then the actor puts on a suit and goes on stage.

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Once Faina Ranevskaya before the performance, practicing this method, stood in the dressing room in front of the mirror completely naked and smoked.


At that moment, the administrator rushed into the dressing room impulsively, apparently in order to report something important. But when he saw the "picture", he froze on the threshold in silent amazement. Ranevskaya watched him through the mirror. Finally, after a pause, she asked:


Is it okay that I smoke?

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Mark Twain



One day, Mark Twain received a letter in which there was only one word: "Pig."

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Once at a social event, Mark Twain talked with one unpleasant person. To smooth over the awkwardness, he decided to compliment her:


You are simply adorable today!


To which the rude lady threw:


I cannot say the same about you.


Mark Twain was not taken aback:


But you can do as I do! Lie!

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In the 19th century in Britain, an actor named Foote enjoyed great fame. Once, while traveling around the country, he stopped for the night in a small town.


Having ordered lunch for himself in the tavern, he ate it with pleasure, and to the courteous question of the innkeeper whether he liked the dinner, the actor, being in an excellent mood, replied:


I dined best today in England


Except for our mayor, ”the innkeeper prompted him politely.


Nonsense! I definitely dined the best!


Except for the mayor, ”the innkeeper said again.


The verbal skirmish escalated into a conflict, and the innkeeper dragged the actor to the same mayor. The mayor, after listening to the innkeeper, told Foote that in their city everyone was ordered to show every respect for the mayor and to mention him at every opportunity. And violators of this order are promised either a fine or a day in prison. The actor immediately paid a fine and, outraged ridiculous story, in his hearts he said:


I've never seen such a fool in my life as this innkeeper!

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Except for the mayor, of course.

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Alexander II



One landowner, who received the title for his merits, and not from birth, and did not have a noble birth, really wanted to send his son to study at the University. At that time, it was necessary to seek special permission from the sovereign for admission. And the landowner undertook to compose a letter to the king. Since he himself was an illiterate person, problems with composing the letter arose from the very beginning - he did not know how to turn to the sovereign. Somewhere he heard that tall persons are called "august". But why it was so, the landowner did not know. It happened in September, and the landowner decided that the most the best way to address the sovereign at this time will be like this: "The most saintly sovereign ...".


The received message from Alexander II was very amusing. He ruled:


Admit a son to the University and teach there so that he is not as illiterate as his father.






Walking speed
A passer-by asked the philosopher Socrates:
- How many hours is it to get to the city?
Socrates replied:
- Go ...
The traveler went, and when he had walked twenty steps, Socrates shouted:
- Two hours!
- What didn't you tell me right away? - he was indignant.
- And how did I know how fast you will go!


Socratic calm
Few people endure patiently when they speak ill of them in absentia. Socrates, the great Athenian philosopher, listened with the greatest indifference to how he was reprimanded for the eyes.
“If they beat me in absentia,” the philosopher always said, “then I won't say a word even then.


Peter I


Death prevented the presentation of the award
Remember the lines of Pushkin's "Poltava": "... Where is Mazepa? Where is the villain? Where did Judas run in fear?" Comparison of Mazepa with Judas, who was paid thirty pieces of silver for betrayal, from the point of view of numismatics has a special meaning.
Upon learning of Mazepa's betrayal, Peter I decided to "pay" the traitor with a kind of coin. This coin was made specially - weighing about 4 kg and with the appropriate inscription. According to Peter's plan, the notorious hetman, as a sign of his betrayal, had to wear a giant coin around his neck for the rest of his life. Only Mazepa's death prevented the tsar from implementing this plan.


Drunkenness medal
Great Peter did not respect overly passionate drinkers. According to his decree, drunkards who went to prisons were hung around their necks with a cast iron medal weighing 17 pounds (about 7 kg) with the inscription "For drunkenness".

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Philosopher and God
French writer and the philosopher Voltaire was asked in what relationship he is about God, whether he does not show disrespect to God. He answered with dignity:
- Unfortunately, many have noticed the opposite long ago. I have been bowing to God for many years, but he has never replied to any of my most polite bows.

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When Voltaire was asked if he would undertake to write the history of his king, he answered sharply:
- Never! That would be the surest way to lose your royal pension.

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Spectacular sharpness
One scientist, wishing to see Voltaire, specially went to Fernet, where he was very affectionately received by the writer's niece, Madame Denis. However, Voltaire himself did not appear. Before leaving, the guest wrote to the owner: "I considered you a god and now I am finally convinced that I am right, since it is impossible to see you."
Voltaire liked this sharpness so much that he ran after its author and kissed him.

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Like chestnuts
Voltaire's books, which denounced the churchmen, were subject to censorship persecution. The censors sentenced one of the books to be burned. Voltaire remarked in this connection:
- All the better! My books are like chestnuts: the more they roast, the more people buy them.



Voltaire's friend
Voltaire had a doctor friend with whom he willingly spent evenings when he was healthy. But as soon as he got sick, he immediately wrote a note to the doctor: "Dear doctor! Be kind, do not come today: I am sick."

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Voltaire's review
One young playwright asked Voltaire to listen to his new play. After reading his work to him, he was impatiently awaiting Voltaire's opinion.
“That's what, young man,” Voltaire said after a long pause. “You can write such things when you become old and famous. Before that, you need to write something better.

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Oracle error
A young man came to the old Viennese Kapellmeister and, holding out an envelope with a letter of introduction from his first music teacher, shyly asked him to teach him counterpoint.
Having opened the envelope, the conductor read: "The bearer of this is an empty dreamer who is obsessed with the fact that he can make a revolution in music. He has no talent at all, and he, of course, will not compose anything decent in his entire life. His name is Joseph Haydn." ...



Bull minuet
The great Austrian composer Joseph Haydn, to his great surprise, once saw a guest in his house - a butcher, who turned out to be a lover and connoisseur of his works.
- Maestro, - the butcher respectfully took off his hat, - the other day my daughter's wedding. Email me a beautiful new minuet. To whom should I turn with such an important request, if not the glorified Haydn?
A day later, the butcher received a precious gift from the composer, and a few days later he decided to thank him. Haydn heard deafening sounds, in which he hardly recognized the melody of his minuet. Going to the window, he saw by his porch a magnificent bull with gilded horns, a happy butcher with his daughter and son-in-law, and a whole orchestra of itinerant musicians. The butcher took a step forward and said with feeling:
- Sir, I think that only the best of his bulls can be the best expression of gratitude for a wonderful minuet on the part of a butcher.
Since then, this C major minuet of Haydn has become known as the "Minuet of the Bull."



Witty revenge
Haydn once conducted an orchestra in London. He knew that many Englishmen sometimes go to concerts, not so much for the pleasure of listening to music, as according to tradition. Some London concert-hall goers have developed the habit of falling asleep in their comfy chairs while performing. Haydn had to make sure that no exception was made for him. This circumstance greatly annoyed the composer, and he decided to take revenge on indifferent listeners.
Revenge was witty. Haydn wrote a new symphony especially for Londoners.
At the most critical moment, when part of the audience began to nod off, there was a thunderous beat of a big drum. And every time, as soon as the listeners calmed down and settled down to sleep again, a drumbeat was heard.
Since then, this symphony has been called "Symphony with Timpani Beats", or "Surprise".

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Eye gauge
When they asked Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov what an eye is, the great commander replied:
- An eye gauge - this means you need to climb a tree, survey the enemy camp and immediately congratulate yourself on your victory.
This is what he did under Rymnik.

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As for whom
One officer's wife once complained to A.V.Suvorov about her husband:
“Your Grace, he treats me ill.
“It doesn’t concern me,” the general replied.
- But he scolds you behind your back ...
- And this, mother, does not concern you.



Small towns
- Alexander Vasilievich, - they asked Suvorov, - how do you assess the game in small towns?
- Playing with small towns develops the eye, speed and onslaught, - the commander answered. I beat with a bat - this is quickness. I beat with a bat - this is an onslaught.

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Grateful subject
Archduchess Marie Antoinette took little Mozart, the future composer, through the Vienna palace. The boy slipped on the parquet floor and fell. The Archduchess hastened to pick him up.
- You are very kind, - the young musician told her, - I will marry you.
Marie Antoinette passed on Mozart's words to her mother.
- Why do you want to marry Her Highness? the empress asked.
“Out of gratitude,” Mozart replied.



Once a noble Salzburg dignitary decided to talk with the young Mozart, who by that time had already gained world fame. How to address a boy - that was what confused the nobleman. To say "you" to Mozart is inconvenient, his fame is too great, to say "you" is too much honor for a boy ... But a solution has been found:
- We were in France and England? Have we had great success? - asked the dignitary.
- But I seem to have never met you anywhere except Salzburg! interrupted by the simple-minded Wolfgang.

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How to do it
One young man asked Mozart how to write symphonies.
“You’re still very young,” Mozart replied. “Why don’t you start with ballads?”
- But you composed the symphony when you were only nine years old ...
“That's right,” agreed Mozart, “but I didn't ask anyone how to do it.

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Envious people are not an ally
Haydn had many envious people among mediocre composers. One of them decided to recruit ... Mozart as his allies. He invited the great composer to a concert in which Haydn's quartet was performed, and during the performance he indignantly spoke to Mozart.
- I would never write that.
“Me too,” Mozart answered briskly, “and do you know why? Neither you nor me, these lovely melodies would never enter our heads


All of us with early childhood imitate some actors or models. But it is worth remembering that they are also ordinary people, and some of them also happen interesting stories that happened to each of us. In this article, we propose to get acquainted with some interesting facts about celebrities that you might not know.

Interesting facts about celebrities # 1. Karate player Taylor Lautner

Interesting facts about celebrities # 2. Ashton Kutcher - biochemist

The idol of millions of girls, the subject of imitation of many guys, is not just a hero soap operas... Before becoming a famous and sought-after actor, Ashton studied at the university a very unusual subject - biochemical engineering. Who would have thought that such a handsome man has not only an attractive appearance, but also such knowledge?

Interesting facts about celebrities # 3. Johnny Depp and the clowns

The brave and incredibly charming "Jack Sparrow" admitted in a recent interview that clowns and memes scare him. And you can understand him, they really look intimidating.

Interesting facts about celebrities # 4. Nicole Kidman and mottephobia

The famous Australian actress Nicole Kidman shocked the public with her unusual statement. She admitted that from early childhood she suffered from mottephobia (in other words, a fear of butterflies). As a child, returning from school, at the gate of the house, she noticed a large butterfly. Usually girls react to these insects differently, but Nicole did not like the butterfly, and she had to climb over the fence. From that moment on, she tried hard to fight this phobia, but to no avail. According to the actress, she is not afraid of cockroaches, bugs or even spiders. But she considers the touch of butterflies unpleasant and disgusting.

Interesting facts about celebrities # 5. George Clooney and bullying

Charming and attractive Doug Ross from the TV series " Ambulance"Was the most beloved character in the series. This role made George Clooney the highest paid and in-demand actor in Hollywood. But everything was not always good for him. When George was a teenager, he faced child abuse. He had peripheral facial nerve palsy. The guy endured the cruel ridicule of his classmates for a whole year. But this disease receded as quickly as it appeared.

Interesting facts about celebrities # 6. Halle Berry and the department store

Halle Berry's parents apparently loved the local Halle’s store very much, since they named their beloved daughter that name. Parents famous actress explain this choice of name by the fact that it is a kind of tribute to the store. Maybe once Halle Berry was ashamed of her name, but now everyone knows it, and the actress's famous speech at the Oscars will forever remain in our memory.

Interesting facts about celebrities # 7. Demi Moore and the bandage

Demi Moore, one of the most beautiful and desirable women in the world, can give odds to any other young modern girl... But she wasn't always so pretty. Unfortunately, Demi suffered from strabismus since childhood. The girl was very complex, which is why she wore an eye patch. But fortunately, with the help of two operations, the defect was corrected.

Interesting facts about celebrities # 8. Matthew McConaughey - a good heart

Once Matthew McConaughey, who is also included in the selection of "interesting facts about celebrities", during strong hurricane Katrina was not afraid and began to help all the animals that suffered from the flood. A year later, he saw a terrible picture: two young men mocked a kitten. McConaughey immediately took the set on fire to himself. I am glad that he was not afraid and did not pass by such a picture. Well done!

Interesting facts about celebrities # 9. Naomi Watts and the elevators

Each person has his own special phobias, Someone is afraid of spiders, and someone of elevators. Naomi Watts has been claustrophobic since childhood. The actress says that in order to enter the elevator, she needs to carefully prepare herself for this.

Interesting facts about celebrities # 10. Jessica Alba and the strange phobia

Looking at Jessica Alba, you see a well-groomed girl. Regardless of whether she is at home or at a social event, her image is carefully selected. And this can be traced not only in her appearance but also in her house. Jessica Alba's house is always tidy, everything is always in place. If suddenly there is chaos in her home, something is out of place, then the girl starts hysterical.

So our article about interesting facts about celebrities has come to an end, where we got acquainted with incredible facts from the life of famous American stars. Even famous actors who have everything they want are not perfect, each of them has the same problems as we do. But their main difference from us is that they went forward to their dreams and did not imitate anyone. All of them became famous due to their uniqueness. If this article is read by someone who considers himself unlucky or just complex because of some nonsense (or not nonsense) - just do not pay attention to it, but move forward and everything will be fine.

That's all for us... We are very glad that you looked at our site and spent a little time to enrich with new knowledge.

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Facts fill our lives, they are everywhere! How more facts they open up to us, the more educated and erudite we become. And this is also a fact! This article contains several interesting and amazing moments of life famous people that not many people know about.

Actor Woody Harrelson's father was a hit man

Have famous people there are often famous parents, but not all of them became famous thanks to good deeds... Father Hollywood actor Woody Harrelson was known criminal Charles W. Harrelson, sentenced to 2 life sentences for the murder of federal judge Jonathan Wood.

Subsequently, the son often visited Charles in prison, and, according to him, he was a well-read and educated person. Woody even tried to challenge the court's decision, but he failed.
Interesting fact: Charles Harrelson for some reason claimed that he was involved in the assassination of Kennedy, but later retracted his words. Conspiracy theorists still consider Charles Harrelson to be one of the suspicious vagrants discovered near the scene of the murder, but this is nothing more than speculation.

Duchess Margarita Multash was not at all "the ugliest woman in the world"

The 14th century Countess of Tyrol and Duchess of Bavaria, Margarete Maultasch, is widely believed to be "the ugliest woman in history." The portrait that you now see in front of you and the very nickname of Margarita are often used as "proof" of this statement. It is just one letter different from the German word Maultasche - "dumpling", or literally "mouth-wallet".
However, some researchers believe that the word "maultash" did not mean the ugly appearance of the duchess, but came from the name of her castle in South Tyrol. As for the portrait, it was painted by the Flemish painter Quentin Masseys in the 16th century and is a caricature.
If we look at other images of Margarita, including the lifetime on her personal seal, we will see, even if not a written beauty, but quite attractive woman with a good figure.

So where did the myth about “the most ugly woman in history"? The fact is that Margarita dared to an unheard-of insolence for that time: she kicked out her disgusted husband, to whom she was married at the age of 11, and became the wife of a loved one.

Margarita Multash simply did not let her first husband Johann Heinrich (he is on the left) go home to the castle when he returned from hunting. Apparently, the spouse did not use great love not only with his wife, but also with the citizens of Tyrol, since they all refused to give him shelter.
Frustrated, Johann found support from the Patriarch of Aquileia, as a result of which Margaret and her new husband Ludwig of Bavaria (in the picture he is on the right) were excommunicated for a long time, and ridiculous rumors began to circulate about the duchess.

Marie Antoinette ordered to build a village for herself in which she could lead the life of a "commoner"

The brilliant atmosphere of Versailles and the need to observe court etiquette acted depressingly on the queen, therefore, as an outlet, she ordered to build for herself not far from the Les Trianon palace a tiny village with a mill, a farm, a dovecote, a pond and a cottage, which was much more comfortable than the palace chambers. All this reminded Marie Antoinette of her childhood, which was spent in the gardens of the Viennese palace, where she played with relatives, governesses and dogs.

In her private village, the queen dressed up as an ordinary shepherdess or milkmaid and walked with her children and closest friends, and it seems that it was there that she was truly happy. After the Great French Revolution, the village of Marie Antoinette was abandoned, but now it is restored and open to the public.

Abraham Lincoln gave such an impressive speech that no journalist could record it.

On May 29, 1856, in Bloomington, Illinois, Abraham Lincoln gave a speech that is traditionally considered lost, since all the reporters present at this event were literally hypnotized by the words of the future president (Lincoln became him in 1861) and simply forgot to record from it at least one word. We have no doubts about the oratorical talent of "Uncle Abe", but, you must admit, it still sounds incredible.

There is another version, according to which the text was deliberately lost, since Lincoln's speech was filled with a passionate condemnation of slavery, for the abolition of which at that time, alas, not everyone advocated. Nevertheless " lost speech”Made a huge impression on the audience, and a memorial plaque was subsequently erected in honor of this event, which still exists today.

Queen Victoria's best friend was the groom John Brown

Queen Victoria of Britain is a rare exception among monarchs (at least in the old days) for the reason that she married for love and continued to adore her husband, Prince Albert, all her life. Do I need to explain that his early death was the hardest blow for her?
And who knows how she would have survived this event, if not for the support best friend queen. It was the Scottish groom, John Brown, who, like his relatives, served the queen faithfully at Balmoral Castle. Walks and conversations with John helped Victoria recover from the loss, although she did not take off her mourning for Albert until the end of her life.
Of course, evil tongues immediately ridiculed the relationship, which, according to Queen Victoria herself, was a warm and loving friendship. There were sarcastic cartoons like the one you see now, and the Queen began to be called "Mrs. Brown" behind her back.

Be that as it may, Victoria was strongly attached to John Brown and highly valued him, because after his death she ordered to install a statue in his honor, which was done. It is believed that before her death, the queen bequeathed her to be buried along with a portrait of her beloved husband Albert in one hand and a portrait of John's best friend in the other.
The story of Victoria and John Brown was filmed in 1997, and 10 years later another film called Victoria and Abdul was released. It tells about the relationship of the queen with another "favorite", whose name was Abdul Karim.
As expected, this friendship was also condemned, although it is known for certain that the queen signed her letters to the young handsome man only as "your loving mother."

Composer Arnold Schoenberg was so afraid of the number 13 that he called it "12a". He died on July 13 13 minutes before midnight

The founder of the new Viennese school, composer Arnold Schoenberg (pictured with his wife Gertrude and daughter Nuria) had a rare phobia - the fear of the number 13, or triskaidekaphobia. Schoenberg was born on the 13th and all his life considered this figure a bad omen.
As we have already mentioned, the composer renamed 13 to 12a, and the same fate affected his last opera, which Schoenberg called Moses und Aron instead of Moses und Aaron just for so that the number of letters in the title is not 13.
And yet the last day of Arnold Schoenberg's life was precisely the fateful number. On July 13, 1951, he lay in bed all day, feeling the approaching death. The wife tried to persuade the composer to “stop this nonsense” and get up, but he refused, and at 11:47 pm he actually died, having uttered the word “harmony” before that.

Winston Churchill loved animals, and one of his pets was a lion

The British Prime Minister was a big animal lover. V different time Churchill had cats Nelson and Jock, the poodle Rufus, the bulldog Dodo, as well as cows, pigs, fish, butterflies, swans and other pets.
But, perhaps, the most unusual of the pets was a lion named Rota, who was presented to the premiere as a gift as a kitten, and after a while he wisely assigned the growing king of animals to the London Zoo. Rota grew up and became the father of 4 lion cubs, and Churchill visited him at the zoo and fed him with his own meat.

Pablo Escobar was photographed against the background of the White House in the USA

Drug lord Escobar was not always on the run. In 1981, he completely legally visited the United States and even took pictures with his son Juan Pablo in front of the White House in Washington. This photograph was taken by Pablo's wife Maria Victoria, and was first shown in the film "The Sins of My Father", based on the book by Juan Pablo Escobar, who officially changed his name to Sebastian Marroquin and now lives in Argentina.

Steve Jobs rarely took a shower, as he believed that his diet suppressed bodily odors. He was wrong

Every person has their own oddities, and great people are no exception. Colleagues who worked with Steve Jobs at Atari recalled that he believed that his plant-based diet prevented the smell of sweat, and, accordingly, taking a shower every day was no longer necessary. But Jobs was wrong. And so much so that in the company he was quickly transferred to the night shift, where there was especially no one to complain about the unpleasant smell.

Princess Diana stopped wearing Chanel after divorcing Prince Charles for a very personal reason

According to designer Jayson Brunsdon, after her divorce from Charles, Lady Dee refused to put on shoes and, possibly, other things from Chanel, due to the fact that the logo of this brand reminded Diana of her unfaithful husband and rival Camilla Parker-Bowles (you see her in the photo next to Diana).

The letters on the CC logo - the initials of Coco Chanel - became "Camilla & Charles" for Diana. It is not known whether she subsequently changed her mind, but Brunsdon assures that Lady Dee had nothing against the brand itself, she simply could not see these ill-fated letters CC.

In contact with

Famous people seem to everyone else almost perfect, it seems that they immediately became famous, or that they cannot get into funny and ridiculous situations. But, in fact, they are the same people as everyone else. Not everyone immediately understood what exactly they were talented in, and some did not immediately receive recognition. Reading interesting stories from, you begin to treat them not only as special personalities, but also as people who can make mistakes, get into ridiculous situations and achieve their goals.

Jules Verne

This is not just an adventure novel writer, but one of those writers who could foresee some things. Jules Verne belonged to this category, and his works were favorite books not only for children, but also for adults. They contained not only fantastic inventions for that time, but also colorful descriptions of nature, deep sea... And the life of Jules Verne was as bright and a bit mysterious as his novels.

  1. Back in 1839, the boy, who was only 11 years old, went to the port of Nantes, where the schooner Coralie was. It was on her that this boy went as a cabin boy. This ship was supposed to go to the fabulous and mysterious India, where he so dreamed of getting. But he was spotted in time and landed on the shore. Many years later, already as a grown man, he told others that his vocation was in the sea business. And he regretted that then he could not become a sailor. This boy was Jules Verne.
  2. People often said that his novels described technologies that would be invented in the future. One of these stories is associated with the legend of the writer's family. Allegedly, in 1863, the writer finished work on the novel "Paris in the 20th century". He returned from the publishing house puzzled: the publisher refused to print the manuscript because it is too fantastic! And unexpectedly in 1989, Verne's great-grandson discovered that very novel and the inventions that were described in the book actually existed.
  3. Jules Verne is one of those writers who popularized science in society thanks to his writing talent. Therefore, for many designers and engineers spaceships, as well as astronauts and astronauts, his books have become desktop. His talent and faith in science was rewarded: a large crater on back side The moon.

The famous Russian writer, whose talent was most vividly revealed in drama, managed to completely change the idea of ​​what a play should be. In his works, Anton Pavlovich was able to very accurately select expressions that would describe all the weaknesses of human nature. At the same time, the writer himself was philanthropic and throughout his life urged everyone to "take care of a person in themselves." Chekhov did not like to write about himself, but notebooks the writer, his letters, the memories of people who happened to communicate with him, allow you to get acquainted with interesting facts from the life of Anton Pavlovich.

1. There has always been a place for medicine in Chekhov's life. After all, initially he saw his calling to be a doctor, and writing stories, plays and humorous notes for him is just a way to earn extra money. Among the teachers at the medical faculty, where the writer studied, was the famous Nikolai Sklifosovsky. Later Anton Pavlovich began to work as a doctor.

After some time, there was a change of priorities, and in January 1886 a plaque was removed from its door, which said what the doctor was taking there. The point was not only that Anton Pavlovich began to seriously engage in writing, but a difficult case occurred in his practice: two of his patients died of typhus. During his famous trip to Sakhalin, Chekhov wrote that he was already ready to leave medicine.

But, in fact, he always continued to be a doctor. Anton Pavlovich attended various medical congresses to be aware of latest news in this area. On his estate in Melikhovo, he continued to provide medical assistance to all those in need, healed the sick in Yalta. Even being already seriously ill, Anton Pavlovich was ready to go to Far East not as a writer, but as a doctor.

2. It was Chekhov who "gave" Sakhalin to Russia. In 1890, the playwright made the most difficult expedition to Sakhalin, which was a place of exile for prisoners and convicts. One newspaper described this trip as significant event... Anton Pavlovich approached the journey responsibly: he studied history Russian prison, all kinds of records about the island, the works of historians, geographers and ethnographers about Sakhalin.

When Chekhov went to Sakhalin, then this place was not fully explored, uninteresting to anyone, there was not even accurate data on the population. The trip lasted three months, during which the writer made a population census, studied the life of the convicts. It was thanks to Anton Pavlovich that Russian and foreign researchers became interested in the island.

3. Chekhov was engaged in charity work, which was not limited to one medical help... He raised funds for those in need, built schools, opened public libraries, to which he donated his numerous books, which were of museum value. Well, and of course, he helped all the sick and even arranged for those who had little money in a sanatorium. All his life he followed his commandment: "Take care of the man in yourself!"

An outstanding scientist who laid the foundations of chemistry, the creator of the periodic table, a professor - the life of such a talented person as Dmitry Mendeleev was just as interesting. There was a place in it very interesting facts that open the scientist on the other side.

1. The most important well-known fact of the biography of a scientist is famous dream in which he dreamed periodic table chemical elements... As much as she does not give a certain aura of mystery to Mendeleev's personality, but this is not so. Dmitry Ivanovich created this table through a lot of research and reflection.

The periodic law was discovered in 1869. On February 17, the scientist made a sketch of a table on the back of one letter, in which it was written about a request to come and help the production. Later, Mendeleev wrote on separate cards the names of all chemical elements known at that time, as well as atomic weight, and arranged them in order. Therefore, the trip was postponed, and Dmitry Ivanovich himself plunged into work, which resulted in the periodic table of chemical elements. And in 1870, the scientist managed to calculate the atomic mass of those elements that had not yet been studied, which is why there were "empty" places in his table, later filled with new elements.

2. Despite its many scientific works and important discoveries, Dmitry Ivanovich never received Nobel Prize... Although he was nominated more than once to receive it, each time it was awarded to a different doctor. In 1905 Mendeleev was among the candidates, but a German chemist became the laureate. In 1906 it was decided to present the award to Dmitry Ivanovich, but then the Royal Swedish Academy changed its mind and presented the award to the French scientist.

In 1907, a proposal was made to split the prize between the Italian scientist and Mendeleev. But on February 2, 1907, the 72-year-old outstanding scientist passed away. Possible cause, for which Dmitry Ivanovich did not become a laureate, they call the conflict between him and the Nobel brothers. It arose out of disagreements over the introduction of a tax on oil, thanks to which the brothers were able to get rich and control some of the Russian stocks.

Swedes spread rumors of exhaustion oil field... A special commission was created, among whose members was Mendeleev. He was opposed to the introduction of the tax, and denied the rumor put out by the Nobel brothers, which became the reason for the conflict between the Nobels and the scientist.

3. Despite the fact that for the majority Mendeleev's surname is associated with chemistry, in fact, works devoted to chemistry accounted for only 10% of the total scientific research... Dmitry Ivanovich was also interested in shipbuilding and participated in the development of navigation in arctic waters... And he devoted about 40 works to this area.

Mendeleev took an active part in the construction of the first Arctic icebreaker "Ermak", which was launched on October 29, 1898. For his active participation in the study of the development of the Arctic, a ridge was named in his honor, which is located under water in the North Arctic, discovered in 1949 ...

The facts written above are just a small part of the cases that happened with these outstanding people... But these stories show that famous personalities they did not always immediately determine their vocation, they tried to set an example to other people and follow their principles. Therefore, interesting stories from the lives of great people can inspire humanity to do something important for the development of science or contribute to art or just help other people.

It is customary to call great people with a capital letter those individuals who have made an invaluable contribution to the science or culture of mankind. For many, they are an example to follow. These people have created and continue to create history. They are the progress of our existence. Therefore, we have selected for you the most unusual and interesting facts about great people that will allow you to reevaluate humanity as a whole.

  • 1. Napoleon Bonaparte - the great French commander and statesman- there was a drinking bowl made from the skull of Cagliostro, a recognized adventurer and mystic. At the age of 26, Bonaparte conquered Italy. It is also surprising that Napoleon had a fear of cats.
  • 2. The queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, tested the effectiveness of poisons on slaves by giving them a drink from a cup. There is evidence that this great woman was married to her brother Ptolemy. It is also interesting that Cleopatra was not actually Egyptian. Macedonian, Greek and Iranian blood flowed in her veins.
  • 3. Lafayette ( full name Marie Joseph Paul Yves Roche Gilbert du Mautier, Marquis de La Fayette) became General of the American Army at the age of 19.
  • 4. John Jay (first American judge The Supreme Court USA from 1789 to 1795) bought slaves in order to free them.

  • 5. The ancestors of the famous statesman of Great Britain and the greatest British in history (according to a BBC poll in 2002) Winston Churchill on the maternal side were Indians.
  • 7. One of the gifts for Queen Victoria's wedding was oversized cheese. Its diameter was 3 meters, and its weight was half a ton.

  • 8. At the court of the Spanish king Alfonso there was a position of hymn. This man was supposed to tell the king when the anthem is played. The fact is that Alfonso was completely deaf.
  • 9. The emperor of Rome Nero was married to ... a man, one of his slaves.

  • 10. The height of Peter I the Great, the last Tsar of All Russia of the Romanov dynasty and the first Emperor of All Russia, was 2 meters 13 centimeters. In those days, such parameters were very rare, since even the average statistical indicators of the growth of men were less than that of contemporary representatives the stronger sex.
  • 11. Louis XIV, King of France and Navarre, had 413 beds.

  • 12. Niels Bohr and his brother Haralt Bohr, known throughout the world as a physicist and mathematician, were also footballers. At the same time, Harald even played for the Danish national team.
  • 13. Interesting Facts about great people concern their unusual predilections. So, the German composer Ludwig van Beethoven brewed coffee strictly from 64 beans.

  • 14. Queen Victoria of Britain, who ruled from 1819-1901, spoke English with a German accent.
  • 15. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, an Austrian composer, began composing music at the age of 3.

  • 16. English writer and poet Rudyard Kipling wrote his works only in black ink.
  • 17. No less famous writer Charles Dickens worked in a northward direction. He also slept, lying with his head in this direction. In addition, after writing 50 lines of his work, he drank a glass of hot water.

  • 18. The emperor of Rome Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath on his head in order to cover the resulting bald spot.
  • 19. The work of the artist Rodin "The Thinker" is a portrait of the poet Dante.

  • 20. The first person to explain why the sky is blue was Leonardo da Vinci, an Italian painter, scientist, sculptor, writer and inventor all rolled into one.
  • 21. Henry Ford, successful businessman, had only secondary education.

  • 22. French fashion designer Coco Chanel once worked as a saleswoman in a knitwear store. Soon it was her hobby, making exquisite hats, that conquered the female world of Paris.
