Why do you dream about old work?

Dreaming is a bizarre game of the subconscious. During night dreams, the brain analyzes what it has experienced, and it is precisely the results of this work of the subconscious that often become the content of the vision. Of course, such dreams do not predict the future, but this does not mean that they are meaningless. Often in the symbolism of a dream lies the only thing the right decision in any matter that a person cannot find in everyday life.

As a rule, such visions have social themes inherent in reality. For example, you may dream about work - both current and former. But vision is not always exclusively a projection of the subconscious. What the work is about may also have a hidden meaning, predict some events or warn about something. You can understand a dream only by taking into account the personality of the person who saw it and all aspects of this person’s life.

When does sleep not matter?

Dreams about work are empty in those cases when they are dreamed of by workaholics or by those who understand that they cannot cope with their own responsibilities. People who have great financial responsibility for their family, loved ones, or have debts on mortgages and other loans also have such dreams.

For example, a fairly common nightmare is a dream about being late and getting fired. This vision haunts many people who have stable workplace. In the old days, the plots of such nightmares were somewhat different; people dreamed that they had to beg, to go around the world.

Workaholics who devote excessive amounts of time to their careers and work experience nightmares of a different kind. In their sleep, these people continue to carry out their official duties, and after waking up they do not always immediately understand whether they have come from work or have not yet gone to it. Dreams with similar plot“forced” workaholics also have dreams, for example, this nightmare often haunts waiters and bartenders, especially in the midst of New Year’s banquets and parties.

The same nightmares include dreams about past official duties. Dreaming old work in such an interpretation as returning to life. That is, the plot of the dream unfolds in such a way that in it the person finds himself again working in the old, lower paid and unprestigious job. A dream in which the dreamer’s previous workplace makes him happy speaks of his nostalgia and, perhaps, that not everything is going well at the new job.

When is sleep important?

Understanding whether a dream is important or not is not at all as difficult as it seems. If a dream has meaning and means something, then its plot is remembered by the person down to the smallest detail without any effort.

Moreover, meaningful dreams sometimes I remember long years as if they had dreamed it the day before. The plot of such dreams can be anything, either completely fantastic or taken from reality. Often people dream of old work and colleagues with whom they had warm relations, or experienced hostility. Work responsibilities are an integral part of life modern man, therefore, dreams with a plot twisted on this topic are not uncommon.

What to consider when decrypting?

To correctly understand the work, it is not enough to find an interpretation in any collection. It is important to take into account that whether there were successes or failures there is related to the previous workplace; personal relationships with colleagues also make sense.

In other words, you should take into account all the nuances that were in life in the past period, remember your true attitude to previous work responsibilities.

In addition, the current situation in the dreamer’s life is also important in interpretation. It should be taken into account in its entirety, and not just with regard to work responsibilities. The subconscious sometimes dooms its messages into very intricate forms. For example, a mutual cooling occurs in the family, the spouses are on the verge of divorce. And people met and got married at their former jobs. In such a situation, the dream not only reminds you of happy times, but also suggests that in the present work responsibilities are a source of trouble in your personal life.

It is important to take into account the details of the vision itself - all that are remembered. There are no unimportant details in dreams. If a person remembers that in a dream the walls of the boss’s office were covered with mold or that his colleagues smiled at him, then this is an important detail. What doesn’t matter, a person simply won’t see in a dream or won’t be able to remember after waking up.

What do they write in dream books?

Each dream book interprets such stories differently. Dreaming of an old job - according to the Chinese Collection of Interpretations, indicates a quick manifestation of independence in resolving official issues. The initiative will be based on existing experience and will bring the dreamer success and recognition.

According to Freud’s dream book, what a place of work means is dissatisfaction with the relationship with a partner, or rather, with his specific qualities, which in the past were completely satisfactory or even aroused sympathy.

What could such a dream indicate?

It is impossible to understand what a dream about the past indicates without knowledge about the life and secret thoughts of the dreamer.

For one person, what the old job means in a dream is a symbol of the desire to get away from today's problems and return to the old way of life. For another, this dream becomes evidence of readiness to use accumulated knowledge and experience and take on greater responsibility. Dreams about your previous job may also indicate longing for old friends and colleagues. Or, on the contrary, remind you of where you would not like to return.

Good dream or bad?

In order to understand whether you had a good dream or whether it has a negative meaning, you need to listen to yourself after waking up. If the dream is bad, the person for a long time anxiety does not go away. He does not feel alert and well-rested. In case of good sleep everything is completely the opposite: the person who sees him is full of strength, fresh, cheerful, confident in himself and in everything around him.

What old work means in dreams is completely individual. Such visions can warn about something or not carry any meaning, be both good and bad.

In order to look into the future, it is not necessary to go to a fortune teller, since almost every night a person receives signs of fate through. When interpreting, it is important to take into account all the details of the plot and the emotional load.

Why do you dream about your former job?

Basically, such a dream indicates that the time has come to change something in life. The Dream Interpretation recommends correcting existing errors so that everything will work out. In some cases former job is a reflection of dissatisfaction with the new location. A dream where former work colleagues appeared may symbolize longing for them. It could also be an approach warning dangerous situation, which will negatively affect your reputation. The dream book recommends beingware of thieves and insincere people. Looking at the building where you used to work means that some changes will soon occur. If it turns out to be destroyed, it means that some problems may arise in the work.

A dream in which your former job appeared and you understood that everything was going well for them symbolizes the fulfillment of an old dream. Seeing a person who replaced you in your previous place means that some troubles will arise at your new job. If you returned to your former job and are doing an excellent job with the task, this is a harbinger of an improvement in your financial condition. Seeing your former job in a dream means your responsibilities in real life you are dismissive, which may result in a reprimand and even dismissal. One of the dream books contains information according to which such a dream indicates that you want to return the past, and this may apply to both the work and love spheres. If you want to get your old job, then you often think about it in reality. The dream book says that you can do this.

Traditionally, work is dreamed of as an omen of conflicts with relatives and friends. In any case, if in a dream everything was fine at work, it means that at home everything will be exactly the opposite - you cannot avoid quarrels out of nowhere, and subsequent unsuccessful attempts reconciliation.

What if you dream about your former job?

A former job is an even more unpleasant dream guest than a regular job. The fact is that people often leave a job with scandals, and if the job became ex-works recently, that is, not even a couple of months have passed since the dismissal, such a dream may be an expression of the fact that deep down there are still doubts about the advisability of the dismissal. In addition, such a dream also means that this psychological situation never received its logical conclusion, and in the dream there is simply an attempt to complete this situation so that it does not disturb the peace of the sleeper. Known fact, that in a dream a person’s brain does not rest, and without such dream work, many simply wake up in the middle of the night, and cannot understand why, but such nervous irritation wakes them up.

But it's not always that simple. It also happens that you dream about your former job long after you were fired. In fact, it turns out to be quite an interesting dream from the point of view of interpretation. It may correspond to not one, but even several interpretations.

Why do you dream about your former job many years after being fired? If in this dream your former job gives you great pleasure, it means that too much time in real life is spent on thinking, regrets, soul-searching, and the like. It's time to stop wasting valuable minutes of your life on this. Former work in a dream can also cause anger, irritation and reluctance to fulfill one's official duties. After such a dream, it’s worth thinking about whether everything is good now in relationships with family and friends? Such a dream means that they experience the same irritation and dissatisfaction when communicating. Perhaps you should pay them a little more or a little less attention. A boring former job symbolizes the emergence of a new source of income.

What does it portend?

If a former job is dreamed of by a person who cannot find a job after leaving his previous job, he can expect an imminent offer that will definitely interest him. This may not only be new job, but also return to the old one with changes in better side conditions. It is also worth paying attention to the mood of your colleagues. If they had a positive attitude, helped with their advice and took on some part of the work for free, it means that some issue in life has remained unresolved for a long time, which should be resolved in the near future. Did your colleagues make you nervous, put a spoke in your wheels, and in every possible way interfere with the work process? This dream shows that the same person is lurking in the immediate environment.

Why do you dream about a former job in which the bosses clearly underestimated and did not provide opportunities for development and advancement? career ladder? Such a dream means doubts about personal competence on some particularly important issue right now.

A former job, like work in general, is not the most pleasant thing you can see in a dream. The only thing that remains is to understand that it was just a dream and try to quickly focus on the meaning of the dream, and not on its unpleasant content.

Why do you dream about your former job? Dream books call it a symbol of regret about time that cannot be returned. You should expect change, but be wary of scams. There are also positive meanings of such a vision in a dream: personal growth, salary increases, success with colleagues - it all depends on the details.

Longing for the past, stress

Why do you dream about seeing your former boss? Perhaps now the dreamer lacks the opportunity to ask him for advice and help. He was close in spirit, but now there is no such person near the sleeping person.

Did you discuss work issues with your previous boss in a dream? The dream book warns: in reality it will arise stressful situation, and perhaps several.

Who did you see?

Remember who dreamed:

  • employees - risky transactions should be avoided, as you can lose money;
  • boss - the sleeping person is overly worried about changes in his personal life, at work;
  • director - personal growth, a surge of energy, but we must not forget about self-criticism;
  • the man foreshadows the dreamer love affair at work, for a man - problems;
  • a woman promises a man interest in a girl, and a woman - complications.

Also, seeing employees in a dream means: professional skills acquired earlier will help you succeed in a new field. You need to actively use this and establish yourself as an excellent employee.

A dream about a woman foreshadows difficulties with new colleagues or superiors.

Meaning according to Miller's dream book

Receiving a reprimand in a dream from the director of your former job or quarreling with him promises new discoveries, excellent success, harmony, and joy.

Regrets about the past

Why do you dream about returning to your former job? The dream book states: a person is not satisfied with something in his current place, but he considers the old one to be better. Also, a dream about such a return indicates: you should not waste time and energy on the unrealistic, because you cannot enter the same river twice.

Did you dream about the place of your former work, the building where it was located? Changes are ahead. Is the building destroyed? Business problems are possible.

Seeing colleagues with whom you worked at your old place means you miss them, because you have not yet become close to the new ones. Also, a dream about colleagues, according to the dream book, warns of a dangerous situation when you can lose valuables or reputation. You need to be wary of fraud, betrayal, and theft.

Shift the focus to relationships

Seeing colleagues from your old job in a dream means: it is important for you to find out the opinion of a person who has known you for a long time on some issue, and to get advice from him. Perhaps you will meet an old friend.

Why do you dream of a friend, relative, or acquaintance as the employer of your former job? The dream book emphasizes: it is difficult for the sleeping person to establish a relationship with him.

If an employer plays the role of a spouse, friend, or relative in a dream, it means that professional and career interests occupy too much of a place, crowding out his friends and family from a person’s life.

Positive interpretations

Did you dream that you were called to your former job? The interpretation of the dream is as follows: you will be well received if you decide to return, although the dream may not come true exactly.

If in a dream you see yourself in a work team and understand that this is your old job, then this means that fate is giving you a chance to correct your mistakes or try a “backup option.” Recall in your memory all the events of your dream, and dream books will help you understand why you are dreaming.

Opinion of G. Miller

According to Miller's dream book, a dream in which you dreamed that you were working hard at your old job means success and prosperity where you work in this moment. It's worse if you get a beating from former leader, since this means conflict with colleagues.

What is your occupation

Often, when deciphering dreams about an old job, dream books recommend paying attention to the profession that is “supposedly former” in night vision:

  • see yourself as a doctor - to health problems;
  • I dreamed that you were a teacher - your advice will greatly help someone;
  • a worker at a factory or construction site is a sign of a difficult but well-paid job;
  • you see yourself as a scientist or professor - to sharpen your intuition;

You are a leader, or change is coming!

Did you dream about returning to your old job, but not as an ordinary employee, but as a manager? To understand why this is a dream, pay attention to the interpretations of the dream offered by Eastern dream book: you have gone very far in your dreams and plans, and they will come true very soon.

In a dream, did you and your former boss switch positions? A very good dream, denoting a noticeable improvement in business affairs. Did returning in a new status cause a lot of discontent among employees? Beware of betrayal and traps, advises Pastor Loff’s dream book.

Dismissal as a symbol of a “second attempt”

It's not very nice when you get fired. If in a dream you felt the same negative emotions as in reality when quitting your old job, and at the same time experienced being fired again, then be prepared for the fact that in reality you may be asked to return.

Did you dream that after they signed your resignation letter, you were immediately asked to return? Your income will increase significantly, and this will happen without any effort on your part. Did circumstances force you to return to your old job in a dream? Don’t give in to difficulties, and then you will achieve everything you dreamed of.

Dream deja vu is a sign of dissatisfaction with oneself

Tsvetkov’s dream book offers an interesting interpretation of what it means to dream of being employed at your previous place of work, as it happened in reality. In his opinion, the cordiality of colleagues that you see in your nightly dreams may be a symbol of hypocrisy.

It is not difficult to find out what it means to dream of performing your duties in a workplace that previously belonged to you. This suggests that you are not happy with your current position in your new place. Do you dream that colleagues who were previously open with you are trying to avoid you? The way you position yourself in a new team will not help you, but, on the contrary, will hinder your career. Former colleagues in a dream they laugh at you - you are embarrassed about the lifestyle you have chosen for yourself in given time, assures the Lunar Dream Book.
