Makeup for blue eyes. Beautiful makeup for blue eyes at home

If you look closely, you will notice that blue eyes are quite common. And this is good, because light-eyed beauties find it much easier to choose harmonious makeup than other representatives of the fair sex.

So there is absolutely nothing difficult in choosing the right makeup for blue eyes. The main task is to choose the right shade that will best emphasize the depth and brightness of your appearance. You can also experiment, this allows you to find the ideal option for yourself. It is very difficult to “get to the point” the first time.

If you want to find a universal combination, then pay attention to shades such as gold, silver, soft pink and purple.

In some cases, brown shades and pearl colors look good.

If you need to create the most impressive look, then dark blue is the best option. This color makes blue eyes very expressive, bright and deep.

Turquoise and sea green shades look great.

But saturated pink color will add some mystery and depth. In addition, this is a great option for romantic makeup for blue eyes.

For going to a nightclub or for a party, you can choose dark shadows, even charcoal. This shade can be combined with other shadows. In some situations, even sparkles are appropriate, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Basic makeup rules for a blue-eyed beauty

  1. Experiment. Remember that any shade can suit you, but until you try it, you are unlikely to create something very beautiful. Each shade has its own specificity, and it can only “reveal” with a certain eye color. Any color can highlight the beauty of blue eyes and it is important not to forget about it.
  2. Don’t give up on certain shades in advance. The thing is that it is very difficult to predict which color will become “yours”. In addition, the shadows look completely different on the skin and in the jar.
  3. If you have blue eyes, then you should definitely have lavender eyeshadow in your makeup bag. This option considered absolutely universal.
  4. Smokey eye makeup will add zest and sexiness to your look. Remember that you don’t have to use black shadows; you can choose any other dark shades. It all depends on the clothes and the event. But remember that such makeup does not harmonize well with bright lipsticks.
  5. If you can’t choose a shade, then don’t be upset ahead of time. Apply bronze glitter to your eyelid and tint your eyelashes. This way you will get a very beautiful and effective makeup, without much difficulty. Plus, this makeup refreshes your appearance.

Makeup mistakes for blue eyes

In blue eye makeup, shadows that match the pupils look very bad. This is how the colors merge with each other and look extremely unnatural. If you want to choose a similar shade, then give preference to turquoise or blue shadows.

Not the most the best option for the blue-eyed beauty's makeup is Brown color. Even in clothes they are very bad “friends” with each other. Brown shadows add heaviness and fatigue to the look. But there are also exceptions. If desired, you can choose beautiful shades of brown and create a very interesting image. Copper and bronze colors are used by many famous makeup artists for blue-eyed girls. This is ideal if you have red hair.

Golden shadows are also not even suitable for all representatives of the fairer sex. This option should not be chosen by girls with fair skin. The darker the skin, the better golden shadows look.

Eyeliner is a very important component of any makeup. It can add expressiveness and brightness to the eyes. In addition, it is she who gives femininity and sexuality. Remember one simple, but very important rule: “The darker the eyeliner, the brighter the eye color will appear.” Blue-eyed girls should not buy light eyeliner. The only exception is white eyeliner applied on the inner corner of the eye. Dark green, blue and gray colors will look very good. Many leading makeup artists recommend applying a light layer of powder to your eyeliner. This way the makeup will last much longer and will not “float”. Everyday makeup for blue eyes should not have clear boundaries; everything should be carefully shaded. This can always be done with a brush or sponges.

It is also very important to choose mascara. When painting your eyelashes, you need to draw out each of them very carefully so that you don’t get the effect of “sticky doll eyelashes.” If you apply several layers, then it is better to powder the first one a little. This method allows you to create very beautiful and luxurious eyelashes that will not go unnoticed. For everyday looks, it is better to choose mascara in a gray, brown or plum shade. It’s better to save black and blue for special occasions. They look ridiculous in daytime makeup.

For blue eyes, as an everyday option, it is better to choose natural shades that are close to your skin color. A neutral palette of gray, white and black looks good. To add brightness, you can use a small bright accent, but it is important not to overdo it. It is also worth considering that everything bright colors It is necessary to shade well and thoroughly. Shades that suit blue eyes include blue, peach, coral, green and purple. But remember that the color of the shadows should be in harmony not only with the eyes, but also with the overall color type.

All of the above pictures helped you understand what makeup is suitable for blue eyes. But it is also important to remember some technical points. Without them it is very difficult to create perfect makeup. So if you want to learn how to do makeup for blue eyes that will highlight all your beauty, then the following information is just for you.

Proper makeup for blue eyes has its own characteristics. It is very important to remember the correct shape of the eyebrows, even complexion tone and the base for the shadows. It is without this that it is impossible to imagine the most beautiful makeup. Pay maximum attention to your eyebrows. The correct shape can correct the shape of the face and make the look more “open”. The base for the shadow is the most important detail; it helps to even out the edges of the eyelids and preserve makeup for a long time.

What determines the charm of a woman's gaze? From natural traits? From the mood? From makeup? All this affects how a woman looks and is remembered. We cannot change what nature has given us, but we can decorate what we have. We have already talked about the right one. Makeup for blue eyes is what we will discuss today.

Girls with winter, spring and summer color types can have blue eyes, so the color of the shadows can be either warm or cold. It needs to be selected individually.

To easily and quickly determine which colors are yours, look at your wrists.

If your wrist veins have a bluish, lilac or pink tint, then your colors are cool. If the veins have a green, beige or yellowish tone, then your colors are warm.

The good thing about blue eyes is that you can be very different. Delicate and natural or bright and bold.

Makeup should depend not only on the color of the eyes, but also on their shape. For example, in following example Using arrows, the girl visually elongated the round shape of her eyes.

In the case presented below, on the contrary, the eyes became more round and open.

Bright blue shades will highlight the eye color and make it more saturated. Not all shadows can handle this. Some people buy shadows that are bright at first glance, but on the eyelid they look faded. For a really bold look, use eyeliner, pencil, or liquid eyeshadow.

Before you apply your makeup, think about your accents. What will be the brightest? Lips, eyes, cheekbones?

Most makeup options for blue eyes involve arrows. They help highlight the shape of the eyes.

It is very important to choose the right shade of eyeshadow. If you have a warm skin tone, cool tones will make your eyes look sore. And if you have a cool skin tone, then warm tones will create the effect of circles under the eyes.

This is especially true for shadows on the lower eyelid.

You should not choose particularly dense shadows; the look may turn out heavy. And nature has endowed you with a special gentle charm. Heavy makeup may only be appropriate for evening makeup.

In the next photo, the girl has a warm skin tone and the warm shades are chosen perfectly.

Be very careful about light shadows. It's no secret that light shadows on the inner corners of the eye make your eyes look fresher, but they also have another effect.

Light shadows on the inner corners of the eyes visually make the eyes appear wider set, while the bridge of the nose appears wider. The girl in the next photo has the outer corners of her eyes downturned. Dark shadows lower and weigh them down even more, which really spoils them. general form In addition, the eyes appear smaller.

On next photo arrows make the eye section straight.

And here the arrows and dark shadows visually lift the outer corners up.

If you are not sure which option is best for you, experiment and take a photo with each option. The photo will show it much better, especially in comparison.

The following makeup is not suitable for those who have a heavy and voluminous upper eyelid.

In order for the evening look of blue-eyed people to be as elegant and beautiful as possible, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the ones posted in the previous publication... When performing evening makeup for blue eyes, you can use decorative cosmetics in bolder and richer shades, while it is better not to use light natural tones for this look, because in dim light, makeup can look mediocre and pale.

  • For blue-eyed beauties, bronze, olive, golden, chocolate, silver, and purple tones are perfect for the evening. But dark brown, green, red and charcoal shadows can make your eyes go dark, and the makeup itself can look quite heavy, so such tones are often diluted with other shades.

  • In order to achieve an incredibly attractive look, you can use blue shadows with a characteristic smoky tint. You only need two shades of the chosen color. On the upper eyelids you need to apply a darker tone of blue, gradually expanding the lines towards the outer edges of the eyes. Apply a light shade to the lower eyelids. You can use the same shade in the brow area. To give your eyes even more definition, apply a small amount of dark eye shadow to the corners of your eyes. Apply black eyeliner over the shadows, on the upper eyelids, curving its lines upward at the outer edges of the eyes.

  • For those women who are close and familiar with passion and brightness, we can recommend makeup in a pronounced blue tones with characteristic golden notes. In this case, you can choose 4 shades of eyeshadow: dark blue, intense blue, golden and purple. Apply shadows from bottom to top on the upper eyelids in stripes in this order: intense blue, then dark blue and then purple. Apply golden shadow directly under the eyebrows. The sequence can be safely changed, blue-eyed young ladies can conduct all sorts of experiments!

  • If you need to distinguish yourself and create a refined, outstanding “sea wave” make-up, use aquamarine eyeshadow, as well as light blue and golden tones with a cold tint. Apply aquamarine as a general background to the upper eyelids. Shade the borders of the lower and upper eyelids with blue, and use gold to make a thin arrow on the upper eyelid. Next, apply eyeliner to your eyelids and apply mascara. In this case, you can also experiment by diluting the image with purple or turquoise shades.

  • To highlight the natural brightness of the eyes, make eyelashes using a black or dark gray pencil.
  • If bright makeup is meant, then there is no need to use rich blush, since in this case all attention will be diverted from the eyes.
  • Makeup looks very good if you first sculpt your face, which can be done using a corrector or bronzer in a cool brown shade.
  • If you have any doubts about choosing the optimal eyeshadow color, you can choose the universal option. To do this, just draw a regular black arrow and use red lipstick. This option, as a rule, suits all color types, regardless of the shade of the eyes and hair.

  • The correct, beautiful and most acceptable evening makeup for blue eyes will largely depend on the correctly applied base and correctly shaped eyebrows. Don't forget to cover your face with loose transparent (or shimmering) powder. Using a wide brush, apply blush to the cheekbones (towards the temples). Without these little things, as it seems to many girls, even the most impeccably executed makeup will seem untidy, and the image as a whole may be ruined.

Now, for clarity, let’s see how one of the evening makeup options is done step by step:

Step 1: Prepare your skin. Cleanse and moisturize the entire eye area. Large quantity It won’t take time, but you will be guaranteed a great result. Tip: for preliminary preparation of sensitive skin, it is best to take a light milk or light cream that will not contain any kind of fragrance. In some cases, you may need a concealer that will quickly hide dark circles under your eyes.

Step 2. In this look we will shift all the main colorful accents to the lower eyelid area. This is how you can emphasize the color of your eyes and the beauty of your cut. Use black kajal to draw a thin line. You need to lead it from the inner corners of the eyes outwards, strenuously stretching it far beyond the outer corners. This step will help to visually enlarge your eyes.

Step 3. To ensure that the shadows are firmly fixed and do not crumble during the blinking process, be sure to use a base. Apply it locally using a brush to the area located under the arrow. This step, among other things, can enhance the color of the shadows. Under the black arrow, draw another thin line using a silver (white) pencil or eyeliner. After that white area it is necessary to divide the length into three zones. Apply bright yellow shadows to the area that gravitates towards the bridge of the nose.

Step 4. In the central area of ​​the white line, the initiative should be transferred to light green pearlescent color. In the place where the two shades will connect, you should get a beautiful rich gradient.

Step 5. The outer area of ​​the white line should be painted with a soft blue color. Blend all three shades. The tones used always look harmonious and very advantageous, as they suit blue eyes amazingly.

Step 6. Do not ignore the upper eyelid, which in this case it is advisable to paint over with pearlescent beige shadows. This step will even out the entire surface of the skin while simultaneously brightening it. After you apply light shadows, your eyelids will look like silk, and the makeup itself will look romantic and fresh.

Step 7. To properly balance and complete the look, you need to carefully paint over the eyelashes and eyebrows. To do this, use a soft pencil and suitable mascara. For especially important special occasions, bunches or strips of false eyelashes are suitable.

Step by step makeup completed!

The magic of water or how you can make beautiful makeup for blue eyes

Rich makeup in deep blue tones adds depth to the look. This makeup works real miracles! Stages of its implementation:

1. Shade the folds of the eyelids a little with matte gray shadows, then blend;

2. Using a black soft pencil, shade the outline of the moving eyelid;

3. Using a brush, blend the pencil over the entire surface of the eyelids.

4. Choose a dark blue eyeshadow with a beautiful satin texture and apply it to the center of the upper eyelids.

5. Blend the boundaries of the shades with a brush.

6. Outline the eye contour with a black pencil.

7. Finish the Make Up with a layer of lengthening mascara. See photo below.

Step-by-step instructions for applying evening makeup for blue-eyed ladies in the photo:

Evening makeup for blue eyes: photo

Mysterious blue eyes of a heavenly hue are considered angelic, truly gentle and a little naive. Blue-eyed girls attract with their innocent look and captivating depth of eyes. To further emphasize the beauty of the look, use makeup. The play of color and shadow allows you to highlight the blue tint of the iris. Today's sitewebsite will show how to do makeup for blue eyes, step-by-step photos of applying makeup will help you learn how to do great makeup.

Makeup colors for blue eyes

To emphasize and highlight the blue tint of the iris, you need to use the rule of color. Opposite colors located opposite on the color wheel are called contrasting colors. They perfectly emphasize and highlight each other in a pair and look bright. For blue color Peach shades and all shadows that contain red and orange pigment are great. Lilac and violet colors also look great with blue eye makeup.

It is better not to use blue and blue shades on the entire eyelid without other additional colors; use them as an accent. Also, gray, silver, golden and brownish-red shadows are great for blue eyes. All these colors can be combined and create your perfect eye makeup. For example, a very successful makeup for blue eyes can be done using peach eyeshadow in 3 shades (light, medium, dark), which are applied to the upper eyelid as follows - the lightest shade is applied to the inner corner of the eyes, the middle tone of the eyeshadow is applied to the middle of the eyelid, and dark peach-colored shadows are applied to the outer corner and crease of the upper eyelid. The lower eyelid and waterline (the line between the lower eyelashes and the eye) are emphasized with a blue pencil. It turns out very beautiful!

Makeup for blue eyes with gray shadows: step by step

We invite you to familiarize yourself with step by step photos performing beautiful makeup for those with blue eyes.

1. Apply light pearl shadows to the upper eyelid.

2. Apply gray shadows to the outer corner and crease of the upper eyelid. Blend the transition between the shadows well.

3. Now draw an arrow on the upper eyelid with a gray pencil.

4. We will line the lower eyelid with shadows or a soft golden pencil.

The result is light and at the same time beautiful, attractive makeup, gently emphasizing the beauty of blue eyes.

Makeup for blue eyes with peach shadows

Very impressive makeup for blue eyes with peach shadows. We advise all blue-eyed girls to try it.

1. Apply a light beige eyeshadow that matches your skin tone to the entire upper eyelid.

2. Apply peachy orange eyeshadow into the crease of the upper eyelid. Shade the edges of the shadows well. Smooth and natural transitions are very important.

The right makeup for blue eyes can not only add depth and expressiveness to the look, but also highlight the unique color. First of all, blue-eyed people need to know which shades of eyeshadow are preferable to use in makeup.

So, blue eyes go perfectly with soft pink, gold, silver and purple flowers. These shades, along with turquoise and azure, are suitable for any type of appearance. Rich pink, burgundy, and blue shades will add super depth to the look, but they should be used wisely so as not to create a tired effect. Light blue eye shadow should be avoided, especially in combination with black eyeliner.

The second rule is the appropriateness of makeup. For daytime, choose a neutral color scheme. Champagne color, tan color is perfect for fair-haired girls, brown is recommended for red-haired girls, and taupe is recommended for brown-haired and brunette girls. An excellent option for any type of appearance is light shadows on the moving eyelid, a darkened outer corner and brown or gray eyeliner.

Are you going to fun party or a party? Then we recommend doing makeup to match the dress and be sure to be bright and fancy. To do this, use purple, orange, azure, pink shades. Colored shadows can be applied in different ways: all over the eyelid, in the crease, or simply as an accent. Inspiration and bright ideas You will find festive makeup for blue eyes in the photo below.

Makeup with colored shadows for blue eyes

When doing evening makeup for blue eyes, you need to remember the rich shades of shadows and take out pigments, sparkles, glitters and false eyelashes from the bins. But remember that bright, rich makeup is suitable only for blue-eyed brunettes, and blondes, even in evening makeup, should avoid unusual shades. You can also safely experiment with the shape of the arrows, repeating trendy images from fashion shows.

Photo of evening makeup for blue eyes

When choosing makeup for the bride's blue eyes, give preference to shades of eye shadow that look most flattering: taupe, pale pink, lavender, silver and gold. A great option for the cold season is black and gray shadows in smokey eye makeup.
