Boiler room operator (stoker). Instructions for the operator (fireman) of a solid fuel boiler room

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0.1. The document comes into force from the moment of approval.

0.2. Document developer: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.3. The document has been approved: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

0.4. Periodic verification of this document is carried out at intervals not exceeding 3 years.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The position "Boiler room operator 2nd category" belongs to the category "Workers".

1.2. Qualification requirements- complete general secondary education and professional training in production, without work experience requirements.

1.3. Knows and applies in practice:
- the principle of operation of serviced boilers, nozzles, steam pipes and methods of regulating their operation;
- structure of furnaces of steam boilers, slag and ash bunkers;
- composition of thermal insulation masses and the main methods of thermal insulation of boilers and steam pipelines;
- purpose and conditions of use of simple and medium-complexity instrumentation;
- construction of mechanisms for the preparation of pulverized fuel, tools and devices for cleaning nozzles and gold and slag removal;
- structure and operating modes of equipment for heat-moderating boiler installations or compressed steam stations, rules for cleaning grates, furnaces, boilers and smoke boxes of steam locomotives;
- permissible pressure and water level in the locomotive boiler during cleaning;
- influence atmospheric air on the condition of the walls of the firebox and fire box;
- procedure for refueling the firebox;
- basic properties of ash and slag;
- the order of movement of railway cranes on tracks and roads;
- rules for planning slag and ash dumps.

1.4. A boiler room operator of the 2nd category is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by order of the organization (enterprise/institution).

1.5. The boiler room operator of the 2nd category reports directly to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.6. A 2nd category boiler room operator supervises the work of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

1.7. During absence, a boiler room operator of the 2nd category is replaced by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Characteristics of work, tasks and job responsibilities

2.1. Serves hot water and steam boilers with a total heating output of up to 12.6 GJ/h (up to 3 Gcal/h) or services individual boiler houses with hot water or steam boilers with a boiler heating output of up to 21 GJ/h (up to 5 Gcal/h), which run on solid fuel.

2.2. Serves boilers of steam railway cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 25 tons.

2.3. Lights, starts, stops boilers and supplies them with water.

2.4. Grinds fuel, loads and stirs the boiler furnace.

2.5. Regulates fuel combustion.

2.6. Using control and measuring instruments, monitors the water level in the boiler, steam pressure and the temperature of the water supplied to the heating system.

2.7. Starts and stops pumps, motors, fans and other auxiliary mechanisms.

2.8. Cleans boiler fittings and appliances.

2.9. Serves heating network boiler installations or compressed steam stations, which are located in the service area of ​​the main units, with a total heat load of up to 42 GJ/h (up to 10 Gcal/h).

2.10. Cleans the mint steam and deaerates the water.

2.11. Maintains the required pressure and temperature of water and steam.

2.12. Participates in flushing, cleaning and repairing the boiler.

2.13. Manually removes slag and ash from the furnaces and bunkers of steam and hot water boilers of industrial and municipal boiler houses and the blowers of gas generators, as well as from the grate for the furnaces, boilers and blowers of steam locomotives.

2.14. Plans slag and ash dumps.

2.15. Knows, understands and applies current regulations relating to his activities.

2.16. Knows and complies with the requirements of regulations on labor protection and environment, complies with the standards, methods and techniques of safe work performance.

3. Rights

3.1. A 2nd category boiler room operator has the right to take actions to prevent and eliminate cases of any violations or inconsistencies.

3.2. A 2nd category boiler room operator has the right to receive all social guarantees provided for by law.

3.3. A boiler room operator of the 2nd category has the right to demand assistance in the performance of his duties. job responsibilities and exercise of rights.

3.4. A boiler room operator of the 2nd category has the right to demand the creation of organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties and the provision necessary equipment and inventory.

3.5. A 2nd category boiler room operator has the right to get acquainted with draft documents relating to his activities.

3.6. A 2nd category boiler room operator has the right to request and receive documents, materials and information necessary to perform his job duties and management orders.

3.7. A 2nd category boiler room operator has the right to improve his professional qualifications.

3.8. A 2nd category boiler room operator has the right to report all violations and inconsistencies identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.

3.9. A 2nd category boiler room operator has the right to familiarize himself with documents defining the rights and responsibilities of his position, and criteria for assessing the quality of performance of job duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The boiler room operator of the 2nd category is responsible for non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of the requirements of this job description obligations and (or) non-use of granted rights.

4.2. A 2nd category boiler room operator is responsible for failure to comply with internal labor regulations, labor protection, safety regulations, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4.3. A 2nd category boiler room operator is responsible for disclosing information about an organization (enterprise/institution) that is a trade secret.

4.4. A 2nd category boiler room operator is responsible for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of the requirements of internal regulatory documents of the organization (enterprise/institution) and legal orders of management.

4.5. A boiler room operator of the 2nd category is responsible for offenses committed in the course of his activities, within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.6. A 2nd category boiler room operator is responsible for causing material damage to an organization (enterprise/institution) within the limits established by current administrative, criminal and civil legislation.

4.7. A boiler room operator of the 2nd category is responsible for the unlawful use of the granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

Industry standard instructions on labor protection
for the driver (fireman) of the boiler installation

solid fuel

in an educational institution

1. General requirements security

1.1.K independent work Men at least 18 years of age may be admitted as a driver (stoker) to service a boiler installation after undergoing a medical examination in the prescribed manner, passing an exam according to the program for a driver (stoker) of a solid fuel boiler plant and receiving the appropriate certificate. Re-testing of this knowledge should be carried out at least once a year.

1.2.Upon entry to work and during work, each employee must be given the following briefings: introductory, initial at the workplace, repeated at the workplace (at least once every 6 months), and in case of production necessity and circumstances determined regulations Unscheduled and targeted briefings are carried out on labor protection.

1.3. During work, the driver (fireman) is exposed to the following harmful and dangerous factors:

Physical severity of labor;

Increased temperature, humidity and gas pollution in the boiler room;

Electrical hazard;

Fire hazard;

Possibility of explosion when operating pressure vessels;

The monotony of work

1.4. The driver (fireman) must be provided with the following personal protective equipment:

Suit (jacket, trousers) made of heat-resistant, non-thermal conductive fabric;

Canvas mittens;

Leather boots with thick soles;


Protective glasses;

Protective helmet made of heat-resistant, non-thermal conductive fabric;

Overalls and a helmet-mask with a hose of the required length in case of work in the firebox.

1.5. The driver (stoker) must comply with the work and rest schedule established in the educational institution, as well as fire safety rules. When operating a boiler installation using solid fuel, there must be one foam fire extinguisher for every two fireboxes in the boiler room. In addition - a box of sand, a shovel, a fire hydrant equipped with a fire hose (trunk). A special place must be allocated and designated for smoking. The driver (fireman) must be familiar with the instructions for fire safety operating in the institution.

1.6.Manager educational institution is obliged to obtain permission to operate boilers in accordance with the established procedure, promptly eliminate all defects of the boiler and piping system, check the control and measuring instruments of the boiler room equipment annually at certain times, and also provide the driver (fireman) with the tools necessary for work (shovel, scoop, containers , a lantern with a glass bulb in case of power failure).

1.7. A telephone or alarm system must be installed in the boiler room to communicate with the manager and representative of the institution’s administration.

1.8. The driver (fireman) must clearly know where the first aid kit with medicines and dressings is located in the boiler room, and be able to provide first aid first aid victims of various types damage to the body (bruises, wounds, thermal burns, etc.) using the techniques and methods given in the instructions for first aid in force in the institution.

1.9. It is prohibited to instruct the driver (fireman) servicing the boiler to perform any work that is not related to boiler maintenance while on duty.

1.10. In the event of an accident, the victim must be immediately provided with first aid in accordance with the instructions for first aid. The situation at the scene of the accident must be preserved unchanged in order to conduct an objective investigation of the accident, unless this threatens the life and health of other persons and does not lead to an accident.

1.11.Knowledge and compliance with the requirements of these Instructions is the official responsibility of the driver (stoker), and failure to comply with them entails types of liability established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (disciplinary, material, criminal).

Safety requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, the driver (fireman) must put on the personal protective equipment required by the standards so that there are no hanging or flapping ends.

2.2. When starting work, the driver (fireman) must take over the boilers and boiler room equipment from the previous shift; personally inspect and check their serviceability (position of taps and valves, condition of safety devices, etc.).

2.3. When inspecting the boiler, electric lighting with a voltage of no higher than 12 V should be used. It is prohibited to use kerosene or other lamps with flammable liquids, as well as torches.

2.4. The driver (fireman) is obliged to record the reception of the shift in the logbook. During his duty, the driver (stoker) is responsible for the condition of the boiler room equipment and for the normal operation of the boilers.

2.5. The driver (stoker) must not allow unauthorized persons into the boiler room.

2.6. The boiler room must have a constant flow of air to maintain normal combustion and timely ventilation to avoid gas poisoning.

Safety requirements during operation

3.1. During operation of the boilers, the doors of the boiler room, if there are people in it, should not be closed. The exit from the boiler room in winter must be cleared of snow and ice.

3.2. The boiler should be fired up only with the permission of the head of the educational institution.

3.3.If the boiler is re-lit, you must:

Before closing the boiler manholes and hatches, you must make sure that there are no people or foreign objects inside the boiler and gas ducts;

Check the condition of the boiler lining, the presence and serviceability of fittings, instrumentation, make-up, feed and circulation pumps, as well as explosion valves of the furnace and gas ducts;

Check the presence of the required pressure in the supply water main using a pressure gauge, the serviceability of the make-up valve and check valve on the make-up line.

3.4. Repair of boiler room equipment and delivery of fuel may be allowed to an employee only if there are two or more drivers (stokers) in the shift.

3.5. The heating of the hot water boiler should be done with the valves between the boiler and the system open, gradually with the circulation pump turned on, while observing the readings of control instruments (thermometers, pressure gauges).

3.6. The driver (stoker) should not leave the boiler unattended if there is a fire in the firebox. Every time leaving the boiler room, the driver (stoker) is obliged to stop the blower fans and smoke exhausters.

3.7. When operating a hot water boiler, the driver (stoker) is obliged to:

Constantly maintain the required water temperature in the heating system;

Make sure the system is filled with water;

Check the operation of safety valves at least once per shift, monitor the operation of circulation pumps, motors, fans;

If malfunctions are detected, try to restore normal operation while observing personal safety measures. If this is not possible, inform the person responsible for ensuring the safety of the boiler room.

3.8. During work, the driver (fireman) must comply with the following basic safety requirements:

Do not turn on electrical equipment in the absence of protective equipment (insulating stands, protective grounding, etc.);

Do not operate boiler room equipment without guarding moving and rotating parts (belts, couplings, shafts, etc.)

Beware of burns when removing slag and coal from the firebox, when pouring hot slag and when throwing flames out of the firebox;

If smoke passes from the boiler into the boiler room, stop the boiler operation, ventilate the room and find out the reason for the cessation of draft.

3.9. If it is necessary to stop the boiler as soon as possible after the combustion of fuel (coal) in the furnace has stopped, remove the heat from the grate, leaving the damper and combustion doors open. Carefully pour water over the heat and ash removed from the firebox;

3.10. It is prohibited to carry out kindling if the measuring and safety devices are faulty;

3.11. Work on internal cleaning of boilers and chimneys should be carried out only by two people, to assist each other. The admission of people into the boiler, furnace, chimneys, installation and removal of plugs, opening of valves must be carried out with the permission of the person responsible for the operation of the boiler room, with entry in the logbook.

3.12.Before opening the firebox door, stop blowing enough so that the flame does not eject from the firebox;

3.13.If the power supply is interrupted, immediately turn on the emergency lighting and turn off all electric motors.

3.14. The driver (stoker) is obliged to immediately stop the boilers and notify the person responsible for work in the boiler room in cases specifically specified in the job description.

Safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. In the event of an emergency in the boiler room or another emergency outside the boiler room, but in the immediate vicinity of it, the driver (stoker) is obliged to report it to the immediate supervisor or a representative of the administration of the institution, in the event of a fire - to the fire department. The driver (stoker) himself must remain at his post and not leave the boiler room.

4.2. If the emergency situation is related to the boiler room, then after sending messages (see above), the personnel must take measures to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing means, without stopping monitoring the boilers.

4.3.At the most possible types emergency situations in the boiler room, emergency action plans must be developed and studied by the staff in advance.

4.4. If it is impossible to quickly extinguish the fire and it threatens the boilers, it is necessary to stop the boilers in an emergency, in this case it is necessary to intensively water the boilers with water, drain the water from the hydraulic seal, while simultaneously directing the steam into the atmosphere, release water into the water heating boiler system and take extinguishing measures source of fire.

4.5. Boiler room personnel must know the location of property and fire extinguishing equipment in the boiler room and be able to use them.

4.6. The driver (fireman) must be able to provide first aid to victims in emergency situations; The type of assistance and methods of delivery depend on the nature of the injury to the victims.

4.7. Sequence and rules for performing techniques medical care must comply with the instructions for first aid in force in the educational institution.

4.8. In case of various types of injuries, victims, as a rule, are taken to medical institutions. The exception is cases of complete preservation of the normal functioning of the human body, without loss of ability to work.

Safety requirements after completion of work

5.1. At the end of the shift, if the shiftman does not show up for work, the driver (fireman) must continue to work, notifying the immediate supervisor or a representative of the administration of the institution about the absence of the shiftman.

5.2. When handing over a shift, the driver (fireman) is obliged to inform the shift worker about all malfunctions noticed while working in the boiler room. The handover of the shift must be recorded in the logbook.

5.3. When accepting and handing over a shift, both drivers (stokers) sign in the logbook, and the condition of the equipment must be especially noted.

5.4.After this, the driver (stoker) must take a shower with the obligatory use of neutral detergents.

5.5.Personal protective equipment must be processed and placed in a locker for special clothing.

"I affirm"


Municipal educational institution "Lozhinskaya main

comprehensive school"






1. General provisions

1.1. This job description has been developed on the basis of the tariff and qualification characteristics for the industry-wide profession of the worker “stoker”.
1.2. A fireman is hired and dismissed by the school director on the recommendation of the school’s deputy director for administrative and economic work, without presenting requirements for education and work experience.
1.3. The fireman reports directly to the deputy school director for administrative and economic work (supervisor).
1.4. In his work, the fireman is guided by the rules and instructions for the protection of buildings and structures; general rules and standards of labor protection, industrial sanitation and fire protection, as well as the Charter and Internal Labor Regulations of the school and these Instructions.

2. Functions

The main purpose of the position of a stoker is to heat buildings and structures during scheduled hours and during after school hours.

3. Job responsibilities

The fireman performs the following duties:
3.1. checks the integrity of the heating system and the availability of fire-fighting equipment; serviceability of alarms, telephones, lighting together with a representative of the administration or a replacement fireman;
3.2. makes external and internal rounds heating system, checking the quality of heat supplied to classrooms and school premises (at least three times per shift);
3.3. when identifying malfunctions in the heating system, reports this to the person to whom he is subordinate, a representative of the administration;
3.4. if a fire occurs at the facility, raises the alarm, notifies the fire brigade and the police officer on duty, and takes measures to extinguish the fire;
3.5. carries out reception and delivery of duty, with the corresponding entry in the journal;
3.6. complies with safety rules when servicing electrical appliances.
3.7. The employee is obliged to comply with the requirements of the internal regulations:
- maintain discipline;
- treat equipment, tools, instruments, materials, and workwear with care;
- to keep clean workplace;
- undergo periodic medical examinations.
3.8. The consumption of alcoholic beverages and drugs is not permitted in the workplace.
3.9. Follow fire safety rules.
3.10. Maintain personal hygiene rules
3.11. For violation of the instructions, the employee is held accountable.

The watchman has the right:
4.1. for the allocation and equipment of a special room;
4.2. to receive special clothing according to established standards;
4.3. refuse assigned work if a situation arises that is dangerous for
surrounding people and his health.

5. Responsibility

5.1. In boiler rooms it is PROHIBITED:
a) CARRY out work not related to the operation of the boiler room;
b) allow into the boiler room and entrust supervision of the operation of motors and boilers
to unauthorized persons;
c) ignite boiler installations without first purging them with air;
d) leave boilers in operation unattended;
e) do not allow persons who have not received special training to work, and also
persons who were intoxicated;
e) store supplies solid fuel exceeding the daily requirement;
g) light stoves with kerosene;
h) heat stoves with faulty and open doors, as well as use
for burning firewood longer than the depth of the firebox
i) remove glass covers from indoor lighting fixtures.
5.2. For non-performance or improper performance without good reasons The internal labor regulations of the school, legal orders and regulations of the school administration and other local regulations, job responsibilities established by these Instructions, the fireman bears disciplinary liability in the manner prescribed by labor legislation.
5.3. For culpable harm to the school or participants educational process damage in connection with the performance (non-performance) of his official duties, the fireman bears financial liability in the manner and within the limits established by labor and (or) civil legislation.

6. Relationships. Relationships by position

6.1. works in a normal working day (without the right to sleep) according to a schedule drawn up based on a 40-hour working week, and approved by the school director on the proposal of the deputy school director for administrative and economic work of the caretaker);
6.2. undergoes safety and fire safety training under the guidance of the school’s deputy director for administrative and economic work (supply manager).

Chairman of the trade union committee
___________ /___________________/
Protocol No. ____ dated “__”___ 2019

Name of institution
_________ N.V. Andreychuk
Order No.__ dated "_"._.2019

on labor protection for a driver (fireman) of a solid fuel boiler house

1. General safety requirements
1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age may be allowed to work independently as a driver (stoker) of a boiler house using a water-heating (steam) boiler using solid fuel (coal, firewood, peat) after undergoing a medical examination in the prescribed manner, special technical training, and passing an examination in program for the driver (fireman) of a solid fuel boiler installation and obtaining the appropriate certificate, familiarization with this labor safety instructions for the operator (fireman) of a solid fuel boiler room. Before being allowed to work independently, the driver (fireman) must undergo an internship (2-15 days) to develop practical skills.
1.2.1. introductory and initial briefings at the workplace upon hiring;
1.2.2. repeated instruction during work at least once every 6 months;
  • upon the introduction of new and revised regulations on labor protection or amendments to them;
  • when it changes technological process, replacement or modernization of boiler room equipment, instruments and tools, raw materials (fuel), materials;
  • in case of violation by the fireman of regulatory legal acts on labor protection, which could lead or led to injury, accident or poisoning;
  • at the request of supervisory and control authorities, the school director;
  • during breaks in work for more than 6 months;
  • upon receipt of information materials about accidents and accidents that occurred at similar boiler houses.

1.3. Also, the driver (stoker) of a hot water or solid fuel steam boiler in a boiler room must undergo instructions on industrial sanitation, fire safety, methods and methods of providing first-aid to victims, and must be familiarized with the working conditions, rights and benefits for working in hazardous and hazardous conditions. hazardous conditions labor, on the procedure for action in case of accidents.

  • suit (jacket, trousers) made of heat-resistant, non-thermal conductive fabric;
  • canvas mittens;
  • leather boots with thick soles;
  • respirator;
  • protective glasses;
  • overalls.

1.5. The driver (stoker) of the boiler room is obliged to monitor the serviceability of work clothes, timely hand over them for washing and repair, and keep the locker for storing personal protective equipment clean and tidy.

  • physical difficulty of labor;
  • increased concentration of harmful substances in the air working area boiler room;
  • elevated temperature equipment surfaces, increased air temperature in the working area;
  • increased level of noise and vibration in the boiler room.
  • high humidity;
  • limited space
  • insufficient illumination of the work area.
  • electrical and fire hazards;
  • probability of explosion during operation of pressure vessels;
  • monotony of work.
  • know the requirements set out in the “Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers”, “Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels”, the manufacturer’s instructions for operating the boiler, technological instructions and labor protection instructions;
  • have a clear understanding of the dangerous and harmful production factors associated with the performance of work and know the basic methods of protection against their effects;
  • know the electrical and explosion safety requirements when performing work and be able to use fire extinguishing equipment;
  • use personal protective equipment (special clothing, special shoes and other personal protective equipment) when performing work;
  • be able to provide first aid to the victim;
  • comply with internal labor regulations;
  • work and rest schedules established at school.
  • know sanitary and hygienic working conditions and comply with industrial sanitation requirements.

1.8. The boiler room worker must comply with fire safety rules. When operating a boiler installation using solid fuel, there must be one fire extinguisher for every two fireboxes. In addition - a box of sand, a shovel, a fire hydrant equipped with a fire hose (trunk). The driver (stoker) must be familiar with the instructions on fire safety measures in the boiler room of a general education institution.
1.9. The school director is obliged to obtain permission to operate boilers in accordance with the established procedure, and promptly eliminate all defects in the boiler and piping system; annually, at a certain time, check the control and measuring instruments of the boiler room equipment; provide the boiler room operator (stoker) with the necessary tools for work (shovel, scoop, containers, lantern with glass bulb in case of power outage).
1.10. A telephone or alarm must be installed in the boiler room of the school to communicate with the director or deputy director for administrative and economic work.
1.11. The operator (fireman) of a solid fuel boiler house must clearly know where the first aid kit with medicines and dressings is located in the room, and be able to provide first aid to victims of various types of injuries (bruises, wounds, thermal burns, etc.).
1.12. It is prohibited to instruct the driver (fireman) of a water-heating (steam) boiler to perform any work that is not related to boiler maintenance while on duty.
1.13. The operator must not leave the boilers unattended until combustion in the furnace has completely stopped, remove any remaining fuel from it, engage in extraneous activities, expose himself to danger and be in places where work is being carried out that is not directly related to the work he is directly performing.
1.14. The driver (fireman) of the boiler room school is not allowed to take and return duty during the liquidation of accidents in the boiler room. While on duty, it is prohibited to sleep or drink alcoholic beverages.
1.15. Unauthorized persons have access to the boiler room only with the permission of the director of the educational institution.
1.16. The boiler room, boilers and all equipment must be kept in good condition and properly clean. It is prohibited to clutter the boiler room or store any materials or objects in it. Passages in the boiler room and exits from it must always be free. Doors exiting the boiler room should be easy to open.
1.17. The driver (fireman) of the boiler room must report directly to the deputy director for administrative and economic work (supervisor) about all noticed malfunctions of equipment, mechanisms, and instruments, make an entry in the shift log and not begin work until they are eliminated.
1.18. The boiler room operator (stoker) must not follow instructions from the school administration that contradict the instructions regarding the work he is performing and may lead to an accident.
1.19. The victim or eyewitness must immediately report each accident in the boiler room to the school director (if absent, another official), who is obliged to organize first aid for the victim and his delivery to the medical center; Before the commission of investigation begins, preserve the situation at the workplace and the condition of the equipment as they were at the time of the incident, if this does not threaten the life and health of surrounding workers and does not lead to an accident.
1.20. Knowledge and compliance with the requirements of this instruction is the official responsibility of the driver (fireman), and failure to comply with them entails types of liability established by law. Russian Federation(disciplinary, material, criminal).

2. Safety requirements before starting work
2.1. Before starting work, the driver (fireman) of the boiler room school must put on the personal protective equipment required by the standards so that there are no hanging or flapping ends.
2.2. When starting work, the driver (fireman) must familiarize himself with the entries in the shift (watch) log and accept boilers and boiler room equipment from the previous shift.
  • condition and serviceability of the boiler, furnace, fittings, fittings;
  • presence on the boiler of a plate indicating the registration number, permitted pressure, date, month and year of the next internal inspection and hydraulic test;
  • position, density and ease of opening and closing taps, valves and gate valves, water level in boilers;
  • condition of water indicating devices, pressure gauges, feeding devices, fittings, safety valves;
  • steam pressure in all working steam boilers, water pressure in hot water boilers;
  • serviceability of safety valves by purging them and inspecting the correctness of securing the cargo;
  • operation of all feed and circulation pumps available in the boiler room by briefly putting them into operation;
  • make sure there are no breaks or leaks in the steam, hot and cold water, in serviceability of valves and three-way valves.
  • the condition and operation of the ventilation system, as well as smoke exhausters, paying attention to the absence of vibration, noise and knocks during their operation;
  • the position of the air dampers, the amount of thrust and blowing;
  • compliance of the boiler operating mode with the specified parameters;
  • safety automation and emergency protection and alarm systems;
  • illumination of the workplace, state of emergency lighting, portable electric lamps;
  • condition of control and measuring instruments;
  • serviceability of the phone;
  • availability and serviceability of working tools.

2.4. When inspecting the boiler, electric lighting with a voltage of no higher than 12 V should be used. It is prohibited to use kerosene or other lamps with flammable liquids, as well as torches.
2.5. You should make sure that fire protection equipment is available and in good working order, that the first aid kit is available and complete with the necessary medications and dressings, and that technological and other instructions are available.
2.6. The person handing over the shift must inform the driver (fireman) of the boiler room taking over the shift about all malfunctions noticed during the work process.
2.7. The driver (fireman) is obliged to record the reception of the shift in the shift (watch) log, indicating the results of checking the boilers and related equipment.
2.8. Ensure a constant flow of air into the boiler room to maintain normal combustion and timely ventilation to avoid gas poisoning.
2.9. The boiler room driver (stoker) must inform the school director about identified violations of labor safety requirements that he cannot eliminate on his own so that measures can be taken to eliminate them.

3. Safety requirements during operation
3.1. During his duty, the driver (fireman) of the school boiler room is responsible for the condition of the boiler room equipment and for the normal operation of the boilers.
3.2. The driver (stoker) must not allow unauthorized persons into the boiler room.
3.3. The boiler should be fired only with the permission of the director of the educational institution, by making an entry in the logbook.
  • serviceability of the firebox, shut-off and control devices;
  • serviceability of instrumentation, fittings, feeding devices, smoke exhausters and fans;
  • filling the boiler with water by starting the feed and circulation pumps;
  • the presence of the required pressure in the supply water main according to the pressure gauge, the serviceability of the make-up valve and the check valve on the make-up line.
  • absence of plugs on supply lines;
  • absence of people and foreign objects in the firebox;
  • adjust the draft in the upper part of the firebox, setting the vacuum in the firebox to 2-3 mm of water column.

3.5. Ignition of the boiler should be carried out at low heat and reduced draft, while ensuring uniform heating of its parts and monitoring the movement of boiler elements during thermal expansion.

  • use flammable materials (gasoline, kerosene, etc.);
  • stand against the fire doors.

3.7. It is prohibited to carry out kindling if the measuring and safety devices are faulty.
3.8. While the boilers are operating, the doors of the boiler room, if there are people in it, should not be closed. The exit from the boiler room in winter must be cleared of snow and ice.
3.9. The boiler room, boilers and all equipment, passages must be kept in good condition and proper cleanliness.
3.10. Repair of boiler room equipment and delivery of fuel may be permitted to an employee only if there are two or more drivers (stokers) in the shift.
3.11. The heating of the hot water boiler should be done with the valves between the boiler and the system open, gradually with the circulation pump turned on, while observing the readings of control instruments (thermometers, pressure gauges).
3.12. The driver (stoker) should not leave the boiler unattended if there is a fire in the firebox.

  • monitor the serviceability of the boiler and all boiler room equipment and strictly adhere to the established operating mode of the boiler;
  • ensure normal combustion of fuel in the boiler furnace;
  • support normal level water in the boiler and its uniform supply with water, while the water level must not be allowed to fall below the permissible level lower level or rose above the permissible highest level;
  • monitor the maintenance of normal steam pressure in the boiler, the temperature of superheated steam, and feed water after the economizer (for steam boilers);
  • support normal pressure water before and after the boiler, water temperature at the outlet of the boiler (for hot water boilers);
  • constantly maintain the required water temperature in the heating system;
  • check the operation of safety valves at least once per shift, monitor the operation of circulation pumps, motors, fans;
  • periodically check the operation of pressure gauges, safety valves and water indicating devices;
  • regularly clean the firebox, clean the heating surfaces of the boiler from soot, slag or ash;
  • If malfunctions are detected, try to restore the normal course of work in compliance with personal safety measures, and record the identified malfunctions in the shift log. If it is not possible to restore the malfunction, inform the person responsible for ensuring the safety of the boiler room.
  • do not turn on electrical equipment in the absence of protective equipment (insulating stands, protective grounding, etc.);
  • Do not operate the boiler room equipment without guarding the moving and rotating parts (belts, couplings, shafts, etc.).
  • Beware of burns when removing slag and ash from the firebox, or when throwing the flame out of the firebox;
  • if smoke passes from the boiler into the boiler room, stop the boiler operation, ventilate the room and find out the reason for the cessation of draft;
  • do not tap seams or weld boiler elements;
  • do not feed raw water to boilers equipped with devices for pre-boiler water treatment;
  • open and close fittings with blows of a hammer or other objects, as well as with the help of elongated levers;
  • jam the safety valves or put additional load on them;
  • Before opening the fire door, stop the blowing so much that the flame does not escape from the firebox.

3.15. Uniform combustion of solid fuel should be ensured over the entire area of ​​the grate, feeding it evenly in small portions with weakened blast; when the boiler load increases, it is necessary to first increase the draft, then increase the blast, and if the load decreases, first reduce the blast, then the draft; Clean the firebox regularly, every 4–5 hours; If the blower stops, you should immediately open the ash door to avoid burning the grate.

  • to burn out, with reduced blast and draft, the remaining fuel in the firebox;
  • stop blowing and reduce cravings;
  • disconnect the boiler from the steam line after combustion in the furnace has completely stopped and steam extraction has stopped, and if there is a superheater, open the blowdown (at the steam boiler); if, after disconnecting the boiler from the steam line, the pressure rises, the blowing of the superheater should be increased;
  • open the water bypass in addition to the boiler, after which the boiler is disconnected from the heating network (for a hot water boiler);
  • stop blowing and reduce cravings;
  • clean the firebox and slag or ash bins;
  • stop the draft by closing the smoke damper, combustion and ash doors (with a mechanical firebox, stop the draft after the grate has cooled);
  • cool down the boiler and drain water from it;
  • make an entry in the shift journal.

3.17. If it is necessary to stop the boiler as soon as possible after the fuel has stopped burning in the furnace, remove the heat from the grate, leaving the damper and combustion doors open. Slag and ash removed from the furnace must be carefully filled with water. Exhaust ventilation is turned on in the room above the place where they are poured.
3.18. Water can be drained from the boiler only with the permission of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boiler, after the pressure in the boiler has completely decreased. The fireman must drain the water slowly, using a raised safety valve or open air valves.
3.19. Work on internal cleaning of boilers and chimneys should be carried out only by two people, to help each other. Clean the furnace from slag and ash at least 2 times per shift. The admission of people into the boiler, furnace, chimneys, installation and removal of plugs, opening of valves must be carried out with the permission of the person responsible for the operation of the boiler room, with entry in the logbook.
3.20. Repairs to boiler elements may only be carried out in the absence of pressure. Before opening hatches and hatches located within the water space, the water from the boiler elements must be drained.
3.21. Work inside the boiler furnaces may only be carried out at a temperature not exceeding 50°C with the written permission of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers.

  • extinguish burning fuel in the firebox by filling it with water;
  • leave boilers not cleaned of scale, slag, ash, soot and dirt.

3.23. If there is a power outage in the boiler room, immediately turn on the emergency lighting and turn off all electric motors.
3.24. The driver (fireman) is obliged to immediately stop the boilers and notify the person responsible for work in the boiler room in cases specifically specified in the job description.
3.25. It is prohibited to work with faulty tools, devices and personal protective equipment; if they are discovered, the driver (stoker) must report this to the deputy director for administrative and economic work of the school.

4. Safety requirements in emergency situations
4.1. In the event of an emergency in the boiler room or another emergency outside the boiler room, but in the immediate vicinity of it, the driver (stoker) is obliged to report it to the school director, and in the event of a fire, to the fire department. The priority actions of the driver (fireman) should be the evacuation of workers from the affected area hazardous factors fire on the human body.
4.2. If the emergency situation is related to the boiler room, then after notifying the school director and reporting to the fire department, the boiler room personnel must take measures to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing means, without ceasing monitoring of the boilers. In case of fire, turn off supply and exhaust ventilation in the boiler room.
4.3. When electrical equipment catches fire, only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers should be used to extinguish it. At the same time, you should not direct a stream of carbon dioxide and powder towards people. When using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, to avoid frostbite, do not touch the fire extinguisher mouth with your hand.
4.4. When extinguishing a fire with sand, do not raise the shovel or shovel to eye level to avoid sand getting into them.
4.5. When a person’s clothing catches fire, it is necessary to extinguish the fire as quickly as possible, but you should not put out the flame with unprotected hands. Clothes that ignite should be quickly discarded, torn off, or extinguished by pouring water. A thick cloth or tarpaulin can be thrown over a person wearing burning clothes, which must be removed after the flame has been extinguished in order to reduce the thermal effect on the person’s skin. In this case, you should not cover a person’s head, as this can lead to damage to the respiratory tract and poisoning by toxic combustion products.

  • if a malfunction of the safety valve is detected;
  • if the pressure in the boiler drum has risen above the permitted value by 10% and continues to rise;
  • reducing the water level below the lowest permissible level, in this case replenishing the boiler with water is prohibited;
  • increasing the water level above the highest permissible level;
  • stopping all feed pumps;
  • termination of all water level indicators;
  • reducing water flow through the hot water boiler below the minimum permissible value;
  • reducing the water pressure in the hot water boiler circuit below the permissible level;
  • when the water temperature behind the boiler rises above 115 degrees C.
  • malfunction of automatic safety or alarm systems;
  • when all circulation pumps stop operating.
  • when cracks, bulges, or gaps in welds are detected in the main elements of the boiler.
  • when there is a power outage.
  • if a fire occurs in the boiler room, threatening the stokers of the boiler room or the boiler.

4.7. The cause and time of emergency shutdown of the boiler must be recorded in the shift log, indicating the date and time (hours, minutes).
4.8. For the most possible types of emergency situations in the boiler room, emergency action plans must be developed in advance and studied by the stokers.

  • turn off the draft, stop the fuel supply, remove ash or slag if possible and carefully fill it with water;
  • intensively water the boilers;
  • drain water from the hydraulic seal while simultaneously releasing steam into the atmosphere (for steam boilers);
  • release water into the hot water boiler system and take measures to extinguish the fire.

4.10. Boiler room operators (stokers) must know the location of property and fire extinguishing equipment in the boiler room and be able to use them effectively.
4.11. The driver (fireman) must be able to provide first aid to victims in emergency situations; The type of assistance and methods of delivery depend on the nature of the injury to the victims.
4.12. In case of injury or illness, the driver (fireman) must stop working, notify the boiler room manager, the school director, and seek help from the nearest medical facility.
4.13. The driver (fireman) is obliged to notify the school director (if absent, another official) about any situation that threatens the life and health of people, malfunction of equipment, inventory, fire extinguishing means, as well as violation of these instructions.

5. Safety requirements after completion of work

  • complete all work on switching equipment, ongoing work, inspections and walk-throughs to transfer the shift to a replacement;
  • clean the workplace and attached equipment;
  • To avoid a fire or explosion, it is prohibited to use flammable and combustible substances (kerosene, gasoline, acetone, etc.) when cleaning.
  • It is prohibited to wrap cleaning material around your hand or fingers when wiping the outer surface of operating mechanisms.

5.2. The driver (fireman) of the boiler school at the end of the shift is obliged to hand over the boiler installation in complete cleanliness and order. Before leaving your shift, you must make sure that the ash in the bunker or storage area is extinguished.
5.3. At the end of the shift, if the shift worker does not show up for work, the driver (fireman) must continue to work, notifying the deputy director for administrative and economic work (supervisor) about the shift's absence.
5.4. The boiler room driver (fireman) taking over the shift must write down change magazine all malfunctions discovered by him upon entering the shift and sign in the log together with the boiler room driver (fireman) handing over the shift.
5.5. When accepting and handing over a shift, both drivers (stokers) sign in the logbook, and the condition of the equipment must be especially noted.
5.6. In the event of detection of defects and malfunctions that impede the further safe operation of the boiler, the driver (stoker) taking over the shift must immediately notify the deputy director for administrative and economic work (supply manager) of the educational institution.

  • tidy up the workplace, put away tools and materials in a place intended for these purposes;
  • remove and put in order special clothing and other personal protective equipment, put them in the designated place for storage, and, if necessary, hand them over for washing (dry cleaning) or repair;
  • wash your hands and face warm water with soap or similar detergents (it is not allowed to use substances not intended for this purpose for washing), if possible, take a shower.

5.8. It is prohibited to accept and hand over shifts during emergency response and during critical switching operations.

The instructions were developed by: __________ /_______________________/

I have read the instructions
"___"_____20___ __________ /_______________________/

Compiled in _____ copies. I approve ________________________________ (initials, surname) _________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ (name of the employer, (manager or other person, his organizational and legal authority authorized to approve the form, address, telephone number, job description address) email, OGRN, INN/KPP) "__ "___________ ____ city N _____ "__"___________ ____ city

JOB DESCRIPTION for a driver (fireman) of a 2nd category boiler house (approximate form)


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a 2nd category boiler room operator.

1.2. A person with _____________________ education and work experience of at least _____ years is appointed to the position of boiler room operator of the 2nd category.

1.3. A boiler room operator of the 2nd category is appointed and dismissed by the head of the organization upon the recommendation of ____________________.

1.4. A boiler room operator of the 2nd category reports directly to _____________________.

1.5. A 2nd category boiler room operator must know:

The operating principle of serviced boilers, nozzles, steam-air ducts and methods of regulating their operation;

Installation of furnaces for steam boilers, slag and ash bunkers;

The composition of thermal insulation masses and the main methods of thermal insulation of boilers and steam pipelines;

Purpose and conditions of use of simple and medium complexity instrumentation;

Construction of mechanisms for preparing pulverized fuel, tools and devices for cleaning nozzles and removing ash and slag;

Design and operating modes of equipment for heating network boiler installations or compressed steam stations;

Rules for cleaning grates, furnaces and boilers of the smoke box of steam locomotives;

Permissible pressure and water level in the locomotive boiler during cleaning;

The influence of atmospheric air on the condition of the walls of the firebox and fire box;

The procedure for refueling the firebox;

Basic properties of ash and slag;

The order of movement of railway cranes on tracks and roads;

Rules for planning slag and ash dumps.


2.1. A boiler room operator of the 2nd category carries out:

2.1.1. Maintenance of hot water and steam boilers with a total heating output of up to 12.6 GJ/h (up to 3 Gcal/h) or maintenance in the boiler room of individual hot water or steam boilers with a boiler heating output of up to 21 GJ/h (up to 5 Gcal/h), operating on solids fuel

2.1.2. Maintenance of boilers for steam railway cranes with a lifting capacity of up to 25 tons.

2.1.3. Kindling, starting, stopping boilers and feeding them with water.

2.1.4. Crushing fuel, loading and screwing the boiler furnace.

2.1.5. Regulation of fuel combustion.

2.1.6. Monitoring the water level in the boiler, steam pressure and temperature of the water supplied to the heating system using control and measuring instruments.

2.1.7. Starting and stopping pumps, motors, fans and other auxiliary mechanisms.

2.1.8. Cleaning boiler fittings and appliances.

2.1.9. Maintenance of heating network boiler installations or compressed steam stations located in the service area of ​​the main units, with a total heat load of up to 42 GJ/h (up to 10 Gcal/h).

2.1.10. Purification of crushed steam and deaeration of water.

2.1.11. Maintaining the specified pressure and temperature of water and steam.

2.1.12. Participation in flushing, cleaning and repairing the boiler.

2.1.13. Manual removal of slag and tar from the furnaces and bunkers of steam and hot water boilers of industrial and municipal boiler houses and the blowers of gas generators, as well as from the grates, furnaces, boilers and blowers of steam locomotives.

2.1.14. Layout of slag and ash dumps.

2.1.15. ___________________________________.


3.1. A boiler room operator of the 2nd category has the right:

3.1.1. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties.

3.1.2. Pass certification in the prescribed manner with the right to receive the appropriate qualification category.

3.1.3. Improve your skills.

3.1.4. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management relating to its activities.

3.1.5. Submit proposals on issues related to your activities for consideration by your immediate supervisor.

3.1.6. Receive from employees of the organization the information necessary to carry out its activities.

3.1.7. ____________________________________.


4.1. A boiler room operator of the 2nd category is responsible for:

4.1.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of their duties provided for in this job description - in accordance with the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.1.2. For offenses committed during the period of its activities - in accordance with the current civil, administrative and criminal legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.1.3. For causing material damage - in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.1.4. For violation of the internal labor regulations, fire safety and safety regulations established in the organization.

4.1.5. ____________________________________.


5.1. The work schedule of a 2nd category boiler room operator is determined in accordance with the Internal Labor Regulations established in the organization.

5.2. In accordance with _______________, the employer evaluates the performance of a 2nd category boiler room operator. The set of measures for assessing effectiveness was approved by ___________________ and includes:

- ___________________________

- ___________________________

- ___________________________

The job description was developed on the basis of _______________________ __________________________________________________________________________. (name, number and date of the document) Head of the structural unit _____________________________ _____________________ (initials, surname) (signature) "__"___________ ____ city Agreed by: legal service _____________________________ _____________________ (initials, surname) (signature) "__"___________ ____ city read the instructions: (or: received the instructions) _____________________________ _____________________ (initials, surname) (signature) "__"___________ ____ g.
