The Minister of Defense is a thief. Anatoly Serdyukov: biography, family, political career and photo

Former Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov became the curator of the aviation assets of the Rostec state corporation. Under it are concentrated the structures of a corporation with revenue of about 350 billion rubles. in year

Former Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov (Photo: Artem Korotaev/TASS)

Industrial Director

Anatoly Serdyukov will become one of seven industrial directors in the corporation’s areas and will take the position of industrial director of the aviation cluster, a representative of the state corporation told RBC.

From 2007 to 2012, Serdyukov headed the supervisory board of Rostec; he is well acquainted with the specifics of the corporation’s activities, the state corporation said in a statement. IN Lately Serdyukov held the position of adviser to the first deputy general director of the corporation. Serdyukov will not participate in the management bodies of Rostec, the message emphasizes.

Serdyukov takes the place of Alexei Fedorov. The latter confirmed to RBC that he was leaving Rostec, refusing to give reasons for such a decision. The ex-president of the United Aircraft Corporation Fedorov came to Rostec in 2012 and served as director of aviation projects, while also being a member of the board of Rostec.

The Supervisory Board of Rostec decided to introduce the Institute of Industrial Directors in June 2015. This was done as part of a program to optimize and increase the efficiency of the corporation's management system. Industrial directors must form and develop industry competencies in industrial complexes, increase capitalization and value of assets, their investment attractiveness, optimize management structure, Rostec explained in a press release dated October 20.

To aviation assets Rostec includes subholdings "Russian Helicopters" United engine-building corporation, " Technodynamics". Their common revenue in 2014, according to the report “ Rostec ", amounted to about 347 billion rubles.

The Kremlin refused to comment on the information about Serdyukov’s appointment. “I can’t confirm it, I don’t work for Rostec.” This is a state corporation, this is a completely separate structure,” responded the press secretary of the Russian President Dmitry Peskov to the journalist’s request to confirm this information.

Witness Serdyukov

Anatoly Serdyukov, together with his friend, the head of the property relations department of the Ministry of Defense Evgenia Vasilyeva, was involved in a criminal case of theft in the structures of the Ministry of Defense (the Oboronservis case). He was also involved in a criminal case involving military personnel in the improvement of his son-in-law’s property.

On December 6, 2013, Serdyukov became accused in a case of negligence leading to the infliction of major damage (Part 1 of Article 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), but the investigation was terminated due to an amnesty as a “defender of the Fatherland.” In 2012, by secret presidential decree, Serdyukov was awarded the title of Hero of Russia for reforming the armed forces.

Mechanical Tester

In November 2012, Serdyukov resigned as Minister of Defense. Commenting on his future, President Vladimir Putin expressed confidence that he would find a job. “If he wants to find a job somewhere, they will hire him. I don’t think we should interfere: people have the right to work. We’re not in 1937,” the president said. At the same time, information appeared that Serdyukov would become Chemezov’s adviser, but it was not confirmed.

In November 2013, the ex-Minister of Defense was appointed general director of the Federal Research Testing Center for Mechanical Engineering (JSC FIITs M), part of the Rostec state corporation. The state corporation specifically noted that such a decision is not within the competence of its top managers. “Rostec CEO Sergei Chemezov makes decisions only on appointment to the main leadership positions in a corporation. Replacement of positions of heads of individual companies that are not systemically important for Rostec occurs according to clearly defined procedures that do not require the participation of the head of the corporation,” this statement was released by the press service of the state corporation in 2013.

Two years ago, a RIA Novosti correspondent, having visited the new place of work of the ex-Minister of Defense, described it as an institute in an abandoned village near Moscow New Life. 30 FIIC employees occupied the second floor of a six-story administrative building, the remaining areas were rented out to third-party structures. It has a testing ground automotive technology, part of which was leased to car dealers.

Rosoboronexport and Mistral

As Minister of Defense and head supervisory board « Russian Technologies "(now Rostec), Serdyukov several times made decisions that were contrary to the interests of the state corporation.

In 2011, the Ministry of Defense challenged control over the corporatized Federal State Unitary Enterprise Rosoboronexport. Serdyukov, as the head of the supervisory board, proposed transferring the state stake in the newly created OJSC to his department, and not to the state corporation. Chemezov was against such a step and retained the asset for Rostec.

The deal to order Mistral helicopter carriers in France was also not supported by Chemezov. He and other Russian arms manufacturers believed that in this way the Ministry of Defense was ignoring their interests, putting the purchase price at the forefront rather than specifications weapons.

Minister of Defense Russian Federation. Took this position in February 2007. Member of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, since November 2007 - Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Russian Technologies State Corporation. Previously, he held the post of head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia (since 2004), in state tax authorities since 2000, before that he worked in trading network selling furniture. Candidate of Economic and Legal Sciences.
Anatoly Eduardovich Serdyukov was born on January 8, 1962 in the village of Kholmsky, Abinsk region Krasnodar region. In 1984 he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Soviet Trade with a degree in economics.
In 1984-1993, Serdyukov held the position of deputy manager, later - head of section of store number 3 of Lenmebeltorg, as well as deputy director for commercial work of Lenmebeltorg. In 1993-2000, Serdyukov was deputy director, later - marketing director, general director of Mebel-Market JSC.
In 2000, Serdyukov defended his dissertation, becoming a candidate of economic sciences.
In 2000, he became deputy head of the Inspectorate of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties of Russia at interdistrict level No. 1 in St. Petersburg, working with the largest taxpayers of the city.
In 2001, Serdyukov received a second higher education- legal, graduating from St. Petersburg State University.
In May 2001, Serdyukov was appointed deputy head of the Department of the Ministry of Taxes of Russia for St. Petersburg, and in November 2001 he became head of the Department. Under the leadership of Serdyukov, the UMNS for St. Petersburg was developed efficient technology refund of export VAT, which Serdyukov called “prevention of false exports to early stage"In fact, this meant that tax officials, together with the tax police, checked the company even before the transaction was concluded. This made it possible to significantly increase tax collection.
On March 2, 2004, Serdyukov was appointed Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties (Gennady Bukaev was the minister at that time). On March 16, after the resignation of Bukaev along with other members of Mikhail Kasyanov’s cabinet, Serdyukov was appointed acting minister.
On July 27, 2004, Serdyukov became the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. In May 2005, a number of changes were made to the Regulations on the Ministry of Taxes and the Ministry of Finance of Russia, as a result of which Serdyukov, as the head of the service, received the right to appoint heads of interregional, interdistrict, district tax inspectorates, as well as their deputies.
In August 2005, Serdyukov informed the president that the tax collection plan in the first half of 2005 had been exceeded by 238 billion rubles. That same month, according to the Vedomosti newspaper, the tax collection plan was canceled.
In June 2006, the service headed by Serdyukov, as a result of amendments made to the Regulations on the Federal Tax Service, received the authority to maintain the Unified State Automated Information System. According to media reports, the “alcohol crisis” - a sharply increased deficit - is to blame for the emergence of alcoholic products in the country - representatives of the department assigned the responsibility to the only developer software for the system - FSUE "NTC "Atlas"" FSB of Russia.
On February 15, 2007, Serdyukov was appointed by Russian President Vladimir Putin as Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. In this post he replaced Sergei Ivanov. The former head of the defense department, who previously combined this position with the post of Deputy Prime Minister, was promoted to the rank of First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation on the same day.
Also in February 2007 (a week before his appointment as head of the Moscow Region), Serdyukov joined the new board of directors of Khimprom OJSC, and headed the board from March 2007 to August 2009.
On April 12, 2007, Serdyukov was included in the Russian Security Council.
On September 12, 2007, Serdyukov became the acting Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation due to the fact that the Chairman of the Russian Government, Mikhail Fradkov, asked President Putin to resign his entire cabinet. The prime minister justified his request by the desire to give the president freedom of personnel decisions on the eve of parliamentary and presidential elections. Putin accepted the resignation, asking the prime minister and other ministers to temporarily perform their duties.
On September 18, 2007, Serdyukov submitted his resignation to the president. It was reported that he decided to leave the post of Russian Defense Minister because he was related to the new Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov (Zubkov, the former St. Petersburg leader of Serdyukov, is his father-in-law). Putin did not accept Serdyukov’s resignation. This became known on September 24, when the president unveiled the new composition of the cabinet of ministers - Serdyukov retained his previous portfolio.
In November 2007, Serdyukov took the post of chairman of the supervisory board of the state corporation Rostekhnologii, created in the same month, which was headed by the former general director of Rosoboronexport Sergei Chemezov.
In March 2008, First Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev won the presidential elections. On May 7, 2008, he took office as President of Russia, after which the government resigned. On May 12, 2008, Putin, approved by the chairman of the government, made appointments to the government of the Russian Federation. Serdyukov again became head of the Ministry of Defense.
In August 2008, during the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict, Serdyukov was the coordinator of the “peace enforcement operation” of the Georgian side, carried out by units of the Russian army.
In March 2012, Putin was re-elected president. In May, shortly after he took office, Medvedev was confirmed as prime minister. Serdyukov retained his post in the new government.
Serdyukov is married for the second time to Yulia Zubkova. He has two daughters - from his first and second marriages.

Anatoly Eduardovich Serdyukov, famous statesman Russia, economist, born in 1962, on January 8 in the village of Kholmskaya, Abinsk district, in Krasnodar region. Zodiac sign - Sagittarius. From 2007 to November 6, 2012 he served as Minister of Defense of Russia.

State Corporation "Russian Technologies", position of Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Education of Anatoly Serdyukov

1984 - Institute of Soviet Trade in Leningrad
2001 - St. Petersburg State University, Faculty of Law
2004 - received the title of Candidate of Economic Sciences
2006 - received the title of Doctor of Economic Sciences
2007 - Military Academy General Staff RF Armed Forces, courses at the academy

Biography of Anatoly Serdyukov

I started working after finishing 8th grade. He worked as a driver and completed his education at night school. 1984 was the year of graduation from the Leningrad Institute of Soviet Trade. Served in the ranks of the USSR Armed Forces in 1984-1965. During his service, he completed officer courses and was transferred to the reserve.

1985 - 1991 - deputy head of section; head Section No. 3 of Lenmebeltorg. 1991-1993 - deputy. Commercial Directors at work.

JSC "Furniture-Market": 1993 - deputy general director; 1993-1995 - Marketing Director; 1995-2000 - General Director.

2000 took off in his career - marriage to Yulia Pokhlebenina (second wife), daughter of Viktor Zubkov, who was then the head of the department of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties in St. Petersburg. Serdyukov becomes a civil servant.

Service in the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Anatoly Serdyukov

2000-2001 - served as deputy of the Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 1 for St. Petersburg. May 2001 - deputy Head of the Department of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of Russia for St. Petersburg, November 2001 - head of the Department.

February 2004 - became the head of the department of the Ministry of Taxes and Taxes of the Russian Federation for Moscow

March 2004 Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties, March 16, 204 - acting. Minister of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties

06/27/2004 - became the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

2006 - last place in terms of profitability among members of the Government of the Russian Federation (earnings 1.25 million rubles)

Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov

He was appointed to this position due to the need to have a person with economic education. He launched a radical reform of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to give them a new look. The start of the reform was announced on October 14, 2008. The reform affected all the main elements of the RF Armed Forces.

On Serdyukov’s initiative, a new military uniform, which meets all modern requirements.

2007 brought the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of Khimprom OJSC (March 26) and permanent membership of the Security Council of the Russian Federation (from April 9).

In 2007, he declassified documents of the Red Army and the Red Army, which related to 1941-1945

While working as the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, he carried out a large-scale personnel reshuffle of the top military leadership. Replaced almost all deputy ministers. The commanders-in-chief of the armed forces, the commanders of the military branches, the heads of the General Staff, etc. were replaced.

2007 On September 18, Serdyukov submitted his resignation. Base - family ties with Prime Minister Zubkov. The request was rejected, and he retained the post of Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

2009 July 23 to 2011 June 30 - position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Oboronservice

The end of October 2012 brought a scandal around Oboronservis OJSC. On November 6, 2012, Serdyukov was removed from the post of Minister of Defense. According to the president's explanation: for failure to manage the property of the Ministry of Defense.

Corporation "Russian Technologies"

Rumors about the appointment of Serdyukov as an adviser to the general director of the Russian Technologies Corporation, on November 14, 2012, were not confirmed.

Criticism of Anatoly Serdyukov

After his resignation from the post of Minister of Defense, Serdyukov was called an effective Minister of Defense, but errors in leadership were pointed out. However, experts expressed many complaints about Serdyukov, based on the transformations being carried out in the RF Armed Forces.

His reduction of the army, the liquidation of the corps of warrant officers and midshipmen, the delay in placing the state defense order, etc. were criticized.

Some members of the public council under the Ministry of Defense believe that Serdyukov’s actions are correct, aimed at confronting the “rogue generals” who are holding on to their positions. Serdyukov was the first to begin real reform of the Armed Forces.

Critical articles addressed to Serdyukov give him the nicknames “furniture maker”, “feldmebel”, etc., which remind us that he worked as the director of a furniture factory.

Personal life of Anatoly Serdyukov

He was the eldest in his family. He has a sister, Galina Eduardovna Puzikova, a businessman, specializing in vegetable growing. My sister's husband is Valery Nikolaevich Puzikov, a businessman.

Was married twice. Serdyukova's first wife is Tatyana Anatolyevna, a businessman. Son Sergei (born 1986) lived with his mother in St. Petersburg.

Second wife - Yulia Viktorovna Pokhlebenina (Zubkova), developer. In 2010, her income was 5 times more than Serdyukov’s income. From second marriage - stepdaughter Anastasia (born 1993), lawyer, student of the law faculty of the University in St. Petersburg since 2011.

The daughter from her second marriage, Natalya, is in primary school.

Hobbies of Anatoly Serdyukov
Serdyukov gets carried away alpine skiing, fishing and hunting. In 2009, he created an Internet site providing legal assistance to military personnel

Awards of Anatoly Serdyukov

2006 - Medal "For Merit"
2008 - Certificate of honor from the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation for active participation and assistance in holding presidential elections
2009 - Order of the Holy Blessed Prince Daniel Moscow III degrees
2009 - Order of Friendship of Peoples.

There is probably no end to the level of indignation for every resident of Russia. How is it possible that Vasilyeva not only is not in prison, but is also living happily now? No, of course, she was imprisoned first, for only a month out of 5 years. The court sentenced her to 5 years in prison.

Speaking about what to call this, there is only one conclusion. Not a single official of the Russian Federation obeys our laws. They live in their own world of lawlessness, impunity and corruption.

That huge scandal are still remembered not only in our country, but throughout the world. Many journalists rightfully consider him the most corrupt in history. What do you call it when the main accused is released after a month, and her accomplice simply resigns?

So why was Vasilyeva accused? The thing is that her official salary was at the level of the average Moscow manager, only 150 thousand rubles, and according to the criminal case, almost half a billion worth of property was seized from her! How is this possible, you ask?

Naturally, such a picture began to interest everyone. Journalists quickly found out that Vasilyeva is none other than the mistress of Anatoly Serdyukov, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

How is Evgenia Vasilyeva doing now?

As they say, and in the most literal sense, the life of a worker and part-time mistress of the former Minister of Defense shines with all its colors. Later a short time After serving her sentence, having taken a break, so to speak, Vasilyeva became a businesswoman. More precisely, she went into the jewelry business, and I must say quite successfully.

Today she has several of her own companies, and she is actively involved in the production of diamonds.

How is Serdyukov doing?

Anatoly Eduardovich did not long grieve for his familiar place in the Ministry of Defense. After the scandalous dismissal, Serdyukov got a job at FIITs M. This office was part of Russian Technologies.

Already in October 2015, the former minister went even further and took a post at Rostec as industrial director.

A few months later, Serdyukov became a member of the directors of the Russian Helicopters Corporation, but this was not enough for him. At the beginning of 2016 he found himself chairman of the HOA"Milk-6". By the way, this is a completely different story, filled with new scandals.

It would seem that what else is needed for complete happiness? But no! Already in July 2017, Anatoly Serdyukov became none other than the chairman of the directors of the aircraft manufacturing company PJSC Rostvertol.

That's how it is, my dears. Us, ordinary people you have to work for years, shed your sweat, just to feed your children. And what do they care, they came to power, stole hundreds of millions of our money for themselves, ended up in a pre-trial detention center at best, and again live a full life.

By the way, do you know that our dear Anatoly Eduardovich is also on the board of directors of KamAZ? Look at this topic for a short but truthful report.

Anatoly Eduardovich Serdyukov headed the Personnel and Remuneration Committee and the Strategy Committee under the Board of Directors of UEC JSC. Back in 2012, he served as Russia’s Minister of Defense, and already in 2013, Serdyukov was accused in a case of negligence leading to major damage. But the investigation was terminated, since Serdyukov was amnestied as a “defender of the Fatherland.” The portal has collected Interesting Facts about the past and present of the country's former defense minister.

The childhood of Anatoly Serdyukov

Anatoly Serdyukov was born on January 8, 1962 in the village of Kholmsky, Abinsky district, Krasnodar region. Mom is a collective farmer, dad is a lumberjack, there are younger sister. When Serdyukov was ten years old and his sister was six, their parents died. The children moved to live with their grandmother in the village. Chernomorsky neighboring Seversky district.

In elementary school, the future Minister of Defense did not have good grades and often received C's and F's. But after moving to the eighth grade, the situation improved. Anatoly went to evening school in order to have time to earn money and feed his family. Serdyukov became a “good student” and managed to combine work and study.

The beginning of the career of a future high-ranking official

After graduating from school, Anatoly Eduardovich moved to Leningrad. He entered the Institute of Soviet Trade (today renamed the Institute of Trade and Economics). In 1984, he successfully graduated from university and joined the army. After completing his service, he worked at Lenmebeltorg for six years. From 1991 to 1993, the future Minister of Defense of Russia served as deputy director of this furniture organization. From 1993 to 2000, Serdyukov rose through career ladder: he was appointed marketing director, and then general director of Mebel-Market.

Serdyukov in civil service

Serdyukov's career took off. In 2000, Anatoly Eduardovich came to public service. Serdyukov’s first appointment was the post of deputy head of the Tax Service Inspectorate for St. Petersburg. A year later, in May, he moved to the position of deputy head of the Ministry of Taxes and Duties for Northern Palmyra. And five months later he became the head of this department. He worked in this position until February 2004.

In 2004, he was appointed Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties, temporarily acting as Minister of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Duties. And since July 2004, he held the post of head of the Federal Tax Service (FTS) of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Already in the first half of the year next year The service exceeded the plan tax collections almost 240 billion rubles.

Serdyukov and the Russian army

In 2007, Serdyukov became head of the Russian Ministry of Defense. At that time he had the rank of senior lieutenant. A year later, Anatoly Eduardovich carried out a large-scale reform. He set a goal to achieve maximum efficiency of the army and reduce military personnel to one million people. The reductions primarily affected the officer corps.

Perhaps the most high-profile reform can be called new uniform for the army. “Outfits” for the military were invented by Valentin Yudashkin. Instead of boots, the military received boots, and in winter, servicemen began to complain that the uniform was too cold and the quality of the fabrics was poor.

In 2012, the system of monetary allowances for military personnel changed. In addition, Serdyukov was going to reduce the number of military camps from seven and a half thousand to 300.

Serdyukov's reform caused sharp criticism from the military.

Scandal in the Ministry of Defense

In October 2012, around Serdyukov and former head Department of Property Relations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation Evgenia Vasilyeva, a scandal broke out involving the Oboronservis company. An organization controlled by the department was created in 2008 to manage non-military property of the Armed Forces. The investigation's version was as follows: Ministry of Defense officials selected liquid land plots and real estate of Oboronservis and invested in them large sums money and sold at reduced prices to affiliated companies. The amount of damage amounted to more than 3 billion rubles. The money (as well as jewelry and antiques) was seized during a search in Vasilyeva’s apartment. Five criminal cases of fraud were opened. In November 2012, Vladimir Putin dismissed Serdyukov from the post of Minister of Defense.

Family and personal life of Serdyukov

Anatoly Eduardovich is married to Yulia Zubkova (daughter of former Prime Minister Viktor Zubkov), this is his second marriage.

Serdyukova’s first wife is Tatyana Anatolyevna Serdyukova. They met when the ex-minister worked at the Mebel-Market company.

There is a son from his first marriage, a daughter from his second marriage and an adopted daughter.

What is Serdyukov doing now?

At the end of 2013, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case against Serdyukov. He was accused of negligence causing major damage to the state. In February 2014, the investigation was closed. The fact is that the former minister was granted amnesty on the 20th anniversary of the adoption Russian Constitution. Criminal cases against the ex-minister have been closed.

In August 2016, Serdyukov was approved as Chairman of the Strategy Committee and the Personnel and Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of United Engine Corporation JSC (UEC, aircraft engine production, part of Rostec).


The list of Serdyukov's awards includes the medal "For Merit" (FSSP, November 22, 2006), a certificate of honor from the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation (April 2, 2008) for active assistance and significant assistance in organizing and conducting the presidential elections of the Russian Federation. Moreover, he awarded the order Holy Blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow, III degree (2009, Russian Orthodox Church). Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill awarded Serdyukov with the Order “In consideration and contribution for the construction of the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the city of Sestroretsk.” Also among the awards is the Order of Friendship of Peoples (Belarus, 2009).
