About signs, rituals and rules when moving to a new apartment. Housewarming signs


Prepare and send invitations to all guests in advance. They must indicate exact address your new home, then it will be easier for those invited to find you, and you won’t have to spend a long time explaining the route over the phone.

If you want to host your own party, you don't have to wait until your house is in perfect shape. Checking into an unrenovated new apartment is not a reason to put off housewarming. The lack of comfort and coziness can be compensated for by a skillfully created cheerful atmosphere.

Nice table housewarming is the first step towards living happily ever after in a new home. You can do without white tablecloths, crystal, china and fancy dishes. The only indispensable attribute of the table should be a large housewarming loaf - a symbol of well-being and prosperity in the house. Prepare light snacks, fruits, sweets and alcoholic drinks for guests.

Decorate the walls and doors in the apartment with comic inscriptions. There is no need to heavily decorate and decorate the house. Several cheerful flower arrangements and balloons will be quite enough.

Think through the scenario. There must be time for a feast, cheerful congratulations, dancing and gifts. Build a common storyline. For example, you can resume construction of your house throughout the evening. Start by laying the foundation, that foundation will be a bountiful table. Then build the walls brick by brick. These building blocks for your celebration will be gifts from friends. Games and competitions will be the roof of your fun. They can be dedicated to the main theme of the celebration.

It is very important that your housewarming party is fun, bright and carefree. Be sure to pick musical accompaniment for the holiday. A cheerful housewarming party is not only a feast, but also competitions in which all guests participate. The options can be very different: dancing with eyes closed, reading tongue twisters, pantomime and others.

Relax after a hard day at work and spend evening in a cheerful friendly company- this is the main dream of any employee. Especially on Friday. How to organize evening so that you can relax properly and not have a headache the next morning?


The first tip is banal, but effective. Download new comedy, prepare more delicious food and have a good laugh at the adventures of movie characters. While viewing the lungs, the brain and body, but endorphins are produced to the fullest. After watching, you can discuss the film with one of your friends or on the Internet, or you can just go to bed with a smile and see colorful dreams all night.

Good way have a fun evening- go to the city park. Just among the kids, fooling around and... Treat yourself to a bright, airy ride and a glass of ice cream, take a ride and experience an incomparable sensation. How long have you been to the park? Feed the swans or squirrels and get a boost of energy and Have a good mood“will never leave you again.”

When leaving an old house or apartment, walk through the rooms, remember the most happy moments that happened to you here. And then, on a small piece of paper, write down how you see your life in your new home: joyful, happy, healthy, rich, with a bunch of kids, and so on. Take the list with you and store it carefully. Everything you wrote will move to new house together with you.

A housewarming is a significant event in the life of every family. It is often customary to celebrate a housewarming as a holiday, so the owners invite friends and relatives to their new home. Housewarming gifts can be anything: from symbolic souvenirs to expensive interior items. It all depends on your budget, imagination and degree of familiarity with the new residents. If you are thinking about a housewarming gift for your loved ones, in this article you will find practical and original tips that will help you make your choice.

Traditional housewarming gifts

If you don’t know what to give to new residents for the holiday, you can turn to traditions. There are several symbolic things that are customary to give to people who have moved to a new home.

  • People often give a money tree as a housewarming gift. This can be a real plant, which is popularly known as such, or an artificial tree made of glass, plastic, beads and other materials. Money Tree considered a symbol of family well-being and success. One is one of the popular traditional gifts for housewarmings.
  • Another symbolic housewarming gift is a figurine of a brownie. It is believed that this item will serve as a talisman in a new home. These souvenir figurines can be found in many home improvement stores or specialty gift stores. They are usually made of fabric or wood, less often they are sculptures made of clay or glass. If you do handicrafts, you can make such a talisman for new residents yourself - they will certainly appreciate your attention.
  • A horseshoe is also an important symbol of comfort, harmony and well-being in the home. Traditionally, it is hung on the door to protect the house from misfortune. Traditionally, a copper horseshoe was given as a gift, but you can choose any other material - for example, wood or plastic.

Practical housewarming gifts

Some people don't like useless gifts for obvious reasons. It is much more pleasant for them to receive something that they will actively use than to put an unnecessary souvenir on the shelf. However, practical gifts are often difficult to find if you don't know people well. If the housewarming party is not your closest friend or relative, it is unlikely that you know what color the person wants curtains or what kind of table he needs. However, there are a number of universal gifts that are hard to go wrong with:

  • If you want to please your new residents, but don’t know what to give, you can give them money in beautiful postcard. All people have different attitudes towards such a gift, but practical people should certainly appreciate it. Housewarming is always associated with repairs, furnishings, and the purchase of new things, so money will never be superfluous.
  • Dishes are another universal gift. Even if you don’t know the tastes of the new residents, you will most likely be able to choose a high-quality saucepan, a set of wine glasses or a tea set for them. Gifts for the kitchen – a win-win because these things are always needed in the house.
  • Technology can also become a good gift. A new kettle, iron, music speakers or lamp - all this is quite easy to pick up. At the same time, you need to know that the new residents do not have these things, or that they are going to change them, otherwise there is a risk of giving a second electrical appliance, which will turn out to be unnecessary.
  • Towels and bed linens are another gift that is easy to find. If you know a little about the tastes of new residents, you will be able to please them with such a gift.

Inexpensive housewarming gifts

We are not always ready to give large-scale gifts to our acquaintances - especially considering the fact that we may not guess their wishes, and expensive thing will turn out to be unnecessary. Housewarmings are not celebrated as widely as before, so a symbolic sign of attention is often quite enough.

If you have a limited budget, you can choose very inexpensive but nice housewarming gifts for friends. Basically, these are cute souvenirs or small items needed in everyday life. These include:

  • set of beautiful candles
  • housekeeper
  • set of tea, coffee or chocolate
  • refrigerator magnet
  • pot for indoor plant
  • a table clock
  • set of essential oils
  • beautiful photo frame.

Choosing a housewarming gift can be a difficult task, especially if you don't know the new homeowner very well. However, you can always choose a practical and interesting gift for any budget. The main thing is to approach your choice with soul and sincerely try to please your friends. If you don't know what useful things they need, you can ask directly. When it is inappropriate to ask, you can simply choose something universal and necessary for every day or choose a traditional, original gift.

It is generally accepted that a housewarming party is a very important stage in the life of any family and person, because if everything is done correctly and everything is followed folk signs for a housewarming party, then it will be possible, if not to start life with a clean face, then to save the family from a huge number of problems.

There are a huge number of signs when moving, with their help you can ensure that your new apartment or house is free of negativity. Considering the difficult religious situation in the country (over many centuries, signs and superstitions associated with paganism, Christianity and even atheism have been mixed up in people’s minds), there are more than enough superstitions regarding housewarming.

For example, someone is worried whether they will follow them from their old apartment to a new house, and whether they will like their new habitat or whether they will start to get rowdy.

Quite a long time ago, housewarming signs appeared about who should be invited into a freshly renovated or just purchased and unfurnished apartment. And depending on superstition, the main thing changes actor. For example, someone is sure that the oldest member of the family should be the first to enter a new house. It seems to represent wisdom passed down from generation to generation.

However, one should not forget about the negative nature of this sign. There is something like a belief: whoever enters a new house first will have to be the first to leave it. Times are new now and signs have transformed. Someone lets a cat into the house ahead of them. And someone carries his wife in his arms: supposedly a woman is not allowed to enter a new house through the threshold herself.

Black cat and purebred rooster: signs for housewarming

It is worth saying in more detail about the customs of letting a cat into a new apartment, since this ritual is the most common of all existing ones. According to legend, a cat will have to spend a lot of time in the house, sniff it entirely and explore all the corners. If this is possible, spend the night in the new apartment.

Then, as you understand, another portion of horrors begins: if the next morning everything is fine with the animal, the cat is playful and cheerful, then the owners of the new home also should not worry about later life in his abode. And if the cat is found lifeless, then you should think about it.

By the way, a separate branch of the sign is that the cat will have to lie down somewhere. This place is considered to be favorable and a child’s bed, or even a spouse’s bed, should be placed there. Such customs promise the absence of troubles, because the cat will not advise anything bad. Although there is another interpretation: where the mustachioed-striped one lay down is a negative place, and a bed cannot be placed there.

It is curious that the cat is not the only animal that had the role of test pilot: sometimes a purebred rooster was chosen for this “position”.

In ancient times, our great-great-grandfathers were convinced that the rooster was a natural exorcist capable of expelling evil spirits from a new apartment. At the same time, he also has the ability to increase the wealth in the house and give the owners offspring. It is difficult to explain what the logic of the sign is, and therefore it is not very popular.

Fire sign for housewarming: powerful protection

Ancient beliefs mention that you should definitely bring a fire lit in an old house to a new home. To make it clearer: this is roughly how the Olympic flame is transported around the world every 4 years, only here you can do without pretentiousness and torches. It is better to give the new residents some gifts before moving, like a candle or lamp, so that they have something to carry the fire with.

The ritual of transferring fire is carried out with the aim of installing protection over a new apartment or house from various subtle dirty tricks, such as malicious spirits. In addition, with the help of fire, a brownie could easily move from house to house.

Usually, a brownie can be lured quite simply without the help of a torch, but if the process causes difficulties, then it is better to try this fiery omen, otherwise the brownie will become sad and bring suffering to the new owners.

Many folk traditions emphasize that a cat living in a house is almost a relative of the brownie. And if the brownie suddenly leaves the home for some personal reason, then the cat takes care of it as a “substitute” for the spirit.

It seems that it was this funny superstition that in very ancient times was the reason for the widespread acquisition of cats in all households.

Another very interesting sign regarding the cat is that the main rule of its establishment in the old days was: the color of the animal’s fur should either match or be very similar to the color of the owner’s hair. An absolutely inexplicable superstition, which is not practiced these days and few people know about it.

Modern signs for housewarming

Because today everything more people learns about the features of bioenergy, then the traditions turn out to be appropriate, justified at least from some aspect, from a logical point of view. For example, in order not to leave behind their own energy footprint (no matter whether good or bad), people try not to leave a single speck of garbage in their previous apartment.

It is clear that leaving such “gifts” as a full trash can to new owners is simply impolite, but such behavior is dictated not only by the rules of good manners. The fact is that there are people who sincerely believe: the garbage they left in an old place can serve as an absorbent for negative energy and broadcast it to a new apartment.

And if you are completely unlucky, then through this garbage someone can cause damage to the previous owners. It is unlikely, of course, that this will happen, but it is still better to take care and be careful.

Returning again to the brownie, one cannot help but recall his most favorite item, regardless of place of residence and time. Any old woman knew that brownies loved brooms. And if you had a broom in your old apartment, then be sure to take it with you when you move. With its help, the brownie will quickly move in after you and get comfortable in the new apartment.

By the way, it is recommended to install brooms in a corner where no one will take it (except for the brownie himself), with the handle down. This is exactly what the symbolic designation looks like: everything negative and bad is promptly swept out of the house and will never return here again. Actually, this is precisely the responsibilities of the brownie.

Don't whistle and don't keep what's broken, otherwise there will be trouble.

It is unlikely that there are people who have not heard of the famous belief: do not whistle, otherwise there will be no money. Well, with regard to any living space, whether old or new, this sign is 100 percent correct. Most people know that if you whistle in the house in front of one of your grandparents, you can get a well-deserved slap on the head. And it’s good if you don’t bring lack of money to the house.

And under no circumstances should you keep broken, cracked dishes, or containers with chipped edges in the house. Any faulty item must be removed from the home so as not to cause disruption in the energy sector. One way or another, the unfinished will still be broken soon, because any process itself tends to end.

Finally, you can tell us one rather positive sign for a housewarming party: immediately at the moment of starting readiness, when all things are already packed, when leaving the old apartment, throw a few coins on the floor. There are several in each room. It is believed that such a ritual should bring happiness to both old and new owners.

Are you buying a new house or apartment and want to invite guests to show off your new home and celebrate your housewarming? If this is your first new home, you may have never thrown a housewarming party before and don't know where to start. Housewarming parties can be fun, fun, and cost-effective if you plan the party responsibly.


Part 1

Party planning

    Make a guest list. Start creating a guest list before sending out invitations. Don't forget to include friends, family members, and work colleagues whom you want to invite to your housewarming party.

    Select a date. Don’t gather guests immediately after moving, you need to unpack things, tidy up and decorate your home, but you also shouldn’t delay the housewarming celebration.

    Send out invitations. Invitations to most parties must be sent out at least 2 weeks before the event. If the party is for a close circle of friends, you can invite friends a little later.

    Plan your snacks. For housewarming parties it is common to cook buffet table, so guests can explore your home while enjoying snacks.

    If your budget allows, order catering. You can avoid some of the hassle of planning a party by hiring professionals to prepare the food. Make sure you know how to serve the food you order and that you can pick it up on time or it will be delivered on the day of the party.

    Consider what drinks you will serve. Review your guest list and consider what drinks you will serve based on your guests' preferences. If you are submitting alcoholic drinks, do not forget to prepare a selection of non-alcoholic drinks.

    Part 2

    Home preparation
    1. Unpack the boxes. Make sure your home is ready for guests to explore. If you don't have time to unpack all the boxes, at least tidy up the areas where guests will be: kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom.

      • Stash unpacked boxes in a closet or stack them neatly in a corner.
      • Remember that during housewarming parties, guests like to explore all the rooms, so if some areas aren't ready for everyone to see yet, they should still be in order.
    2. Decorate the house. Even if people understand that your home may not be 100% perfect in every corner, still make an effort to hang some decorations around the house. Completely bare walls make a home feel uncomfortable and inhospitable, so adding some paintings and decorations will give your home a completely different look.

      • Be practical when decorating your home. If you know that you will have guests with small children, do not place breakable decorations within their reach.
      • Make sure all your furniture is well assembled and all hooks are securely fastened so that none of your guests get hurt.
    3. Add the finishing touches. Candles, a selection of good music, and pleasant little things will make a favorable impression on your guests, and they will have pleasant memories of your new home.

      Get yourself in order. Even though guests will be looking at your home, you as the host also need to look good. Wear comfortable but smart clothes. If you have to cook, wear an apron to avoid getting your outfit dirty.

      Keep pets in a safe place. Even if your pets are friendly, a large group of people can be really stressful for them. Lock the animals in a separate room (be sure to leave them food and fresh water) until guests arrive. This will protect your new home from additional dirt, avoid problems with guests who are allergic to animal hair, and the animals will feel more comfortable.

    Part 3

    Communication with guests

      Personally greet arriving guests. Even if you have a lot to do, you should personally meet and greet each guest and not delegate this to other guests. A warm welcome will be their first impression of your home and will set the tone for the entire party.

      Offer guests drinks. When a guest arrives, pour him a drink. List the drinks you can offer. If the guest refuses, show him where the drinks are and offer to pour himself when he wants.

    1. Show your guest around the house. You may want to wait until there is a group of several people, so you can show them the house rather than drive them individual excursions. Guests love to look into all the rooms of a new home, even the pantry and closet.

      • If some rooms are not ready, ask your guests for advice on how they would suggest organizing the space. Firstly, it will distract guests from unpacked boxes, and secondly, it will give guests the opportunity to help you.
      • Feel free to ask guests not to look into certain rooms. After all, this is your home; you are not obligated to show guests every corner of it.

Buying a new home is associated not only with the euphoria of the acquisition, but also with such hassles as running around to various authorities to re-register papers, transporting accumulated property and labor-intensive repairs, which never go without nerves...

But finally all worries are behind us, the walls are covered with fresh wallpaper, and the bathroom sparkles with new plumbing. All the furniture is in its place, and even the flowers have bloomed ahead of schedule after transplanting into new pots. So it's time to celebrate a housewarming party! The signs and customs associated with this unusual celebration are very interesting and varied. Our grandparents attached great importance to them, but whether to follow the wisdom of the older generation or not is up to the owners of the house to decide.

We invite you to get acquainted with the traditions in order to arrange an unforgettable holiday, think through competitions with symbolic prizes, and maybe feel like theater actors and act out skits at a housewarming party. This article will be useful both for the happy owners of a new home, and for those who decided to congratulate them on this important event.

Red corner, cat and rooster

So, housewarming! Signs, customs and traditions associated with it came to us from the distant past. It was believed that whoever entered the house first would be the first to leave it, so it was customary for the oldest man in the family to enter the new home first, who thus seemed to sacrifice himself to the pagan gods. When Christianity supplanted paganism, this custom became more humane, and instead of the eldest in the family, the cat was the first to be let into new houses and left there for a while. The place where the cat fell asleep was considered bright, and it was there that the icons and lamp were placed. Why a cat and not a male cat? The answer is simple: due to feline behavior, cats mark corners and furniture, and these traces of a crime have a very specific smell, which is very difficult to remove.

Instead of a cat, the main character, who played the role of “pioneer,” was a rooster. He was associated with fire and the hearth. The rooster was launched into the house, where he was supposed to drive out all the lurking evil spirits with a loud crow. After the rooster performed the “act of exorcism,” its fate was sealed: jellied meat (aka jelly) was cooked from it and served to all the guests who came to the housewarming party. Signs, customs and beliefs associated with people and living creatures ended there, and rituals aimed at otherworldly forces were used.

Lover of milk and sweets

The true keeper of the house is considered to be none other than the brownie. Moreover, if a rooster in a city apartment is found exclusively in soup, then a brownie is a completely common occurrence. This good spirit, who considers himself the owner of the home, his duty is to help the family with whom he shares his territory. If the brownie doesn’t like something, for example, unwashed dishes or a dirty floor, he begins to organize “demonstration performances” with light bulbs burning out and various things missing, such as keys, mobile phone and a wallet. In addition, the brownie does not tolerate family members quarreling with each other, and if this happens, it does not allow you to sleep at night, making various sounds.

To greet the brownie, he needs to leave something tasty on a plate, for example, candy or cookies, and also pour a glass of milk, which he is a big fan of! The brownie's favorite item is a broom (they say that he often hides behind it, watching his charges). Therefore, the broom should always be clean and not disheveled.

To enhance protection, an icon must be brought into the new house, which, together with the brownie, will protect the household from all kinds of evil.

Modern Magic

What should those who don’t believe in the brownie do, and a housewarming party is just around the corner? Signs, customs and traditions associated with moving to a new home do not necessarily have to be based on religion or long-standing beliefs.

To live happily in a new home, the first thing you need to do is open all the windows wide and let in more fresh air. After this, you need to turn off all the taps for at least a few minutes. will wash away all the negativity, and Fresh air will bring pure energy. The last (control!) blow to the evil spirits is candles lit throughout the house and cheerful music. All this will envelop your home in a bright aura and fill it with joy and happiness.

Bread, salt and... cake!

Variations on the theme of gifts

And, of course, it’s worth talking separately about gifts. As a rule, when entering a new home, you need to give them something that will be useful in one way or another in the household:

  • kitchen utensils (cutting boards, containers for spices, beautiful jars for storing bulk products);
  • household appliances (yoghurt maker, coffee grinder, blender, mixer, bread maker, microwave oven, kitchen scale, fondue set);
  • tableware (plates, salad bowls, tea set, glasses, candy dish, honey container, baking dishes, sushi set);
  • textiles (tablecloth, beautiful potholders, napkins, bed linen, set of towels, ;
  • decor (paintings, photo frames, clocks, figurines, photo albums, sconces).

Every gift contains a bit of joke

In addition to the traditional ones, you can give comic ones, for example, an antenna for a future 3D TV or a set of trempels, whose task is to hold on their “shoulders” a collection of fur coats, which will definitely appear at the hospitable hostess of the house.

In addition, new residents will certainly like the alarm clock, which will not let you oversleep your happiness, or the bell, which calls all household members to the table, and computer lovers will appreciate a table for a laptop or a mouse pad.

And money is happiness

More recently, it was not customary to give money for housewarming, but modern life made its own adjustments to and finance can be a wonderful gift, especially for young couples who are just starting out life together. Making a cash gift is simple: just put the banknotes in a beautiful cardboard house or box.

New Year in a new house

And if the housewarming happens just before the New Year, then it’s easier than ever to please the owners of the house with a gift: Christmas tree garlands, cheerfully flashing with multi-colored sparkles, will be very useful in the household! In addition, you can give Christmas decorations, figurines of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, knitted snowmen and other New Year's decor. A good gift would be napkin rings, an ice bucket for a bottle of champagne, and beautiful candlesticks.

In a word, if a housewarming is planned, signs, customs and traditions should not be left aside, and the celebration of this should not be neglected joyful event together with dear guests. This is a great opportunity not only to acquire the things you need for your household, but also to have a fun start new life! Be sure to celebrate a rare and such a bright holiday - housewarming, and life will become more colorful and brighter!
