Scenario for a children's holiday "a fabulous journey to the land of May Day games." Scenario of the game program for children "fun broom"

Festive and entertainment program "Peace, work. May!" with a presentation.


3) cultivate a sense of interest in history, a sense of patriotism.

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"Holiday Scenario"

Regional state government educational institution

for orphans and children left without care

parents, "Shuisky orphanage-school»


Compiled by: Kotomina S.V.

Conducted: Kotomina S. V.

Pertseva A.D.

Shuya May 2015

Event passport

Event form:

festive entertainment program

Dates and location of the event

Assembly Hall

Responsible for the event

Kotomina S.V.,

Pertseva A.D.

Event decoration

balloons, musical accompaniment of the script (songs, videos, clips and dance)

Event equipment

Computer, projector, presentation

Event goals

1) continue to introduce the children to the holidays that are celebrated in our country;

2) dwell in detail on the May 1 holiday (tell the history of the holiday, its meaning);

3) cultivate a sense of interest in history, a sense of patriotism, and encourage children to search.

Planned results:

level up general erudition;

acquiring knowledge about the history of the holiday;

consolidation of previously learned information.

The target audience

students in grades 1-7

Holiday scenario – entertainment “Peace, Labor and May”

1 slide

Kotomina S.V.: In our country, the first and second days of May are the last and warmest spring month, are officially holidays. For many decades, people have been resting and celebrating on these days, and today it is the Spring and Labor holiday.

Most people in Russia know and remember that this holiday used to be called and celebrated differently - for many decades.

May 1 - International Workers' Solidarity Day, was popularly called May Day, and everyone in the Soviet Union knew that on this day in every city and every locality countries are holding festive demonstrations in which you must take part.

2 slide

Kushnir Sveta : Once upon a time we managed everything together,

Fun party– MAY DAY!

And they walked joyfully in parades,

Stubbornly believing that we are walking into heaven.

Amina. And even though our country is different now,

I believe that I stayed forever

Many people have a simple commandment in their souls:

“There is no meaning in our life without work.”

Slide 3 (clip “Peace, Labor, May”)

4 slide

Pertseva A.D.: Many people also remember the slogans of this day: Peace, Labor, May - it was wonderful. I must say that people still like to celebrate May 1 today, and not only in Russia. People relax, have fun, go to nature, organize folk festivals with barbecue and cheerful feasts.

Game: “Set the table” (5 slide)

Rules of the game: You need to cover the table with a tablecloth, arrange the cutlery correctly, and arrange the treats beautifully.

(6 slide)

Kotomina S.V. : Meanwhile, historians and sociologists believe that the May 1 holiday has very ancient roots, and began to be celebrated thousands of years ago. IN Ancient Rome people revered the goddess Maya - she was considered the patroness of the earth; fertility, and therefore a rich harvest, was associated with her. People owe the name of the month – May – to this goddess, and on the first day of May feasts, games and entertainment were always held.

Kotomina S.V. Game: “Proper cultivation of vegetables”

(7 slide)

Rules of the game: Tell us how to properly plant and care for vegetables in order to achieve a decent harvest.

Game: "Harvest"

Rules of the game: You need to select only fruits among vegetables and fruits.

Game: “Guess what’s in the bag?!”

Rules of the game: The child places his hand in the bag, without looking into it, and must guess by touch what exactly is in his hand.

Kotomina S.V.: Celebrations were held on the first day of May so that spring agricultural work - plowing, sowing - would receive the blessing of the goddess of fertility. People believed that if on this day they sing and dance until they drop, walk and have fun different ways, then the harvest will definitely be rich, and the goddess will preserve and protect it from all misfortunes.

Children. Glorious holiday of spring,
We are in love with you:

Couldn't be sweeter or more beautiful
You are calling to the open space

You please our eyes,
You promise hope for happiness.

Heaven is deep
The clouds are high
There is greenery, flowers and joy everywhere.

Dear sunny May,
Receive guests
Every moment is yours -
A reward for the heart.

(8 slide)

Song “Spring” (Spanish: Amina and Olya Dobrut)

(9 slide)

Kotomina S.V.: In 1992, International Workers' Day was renamed the Spring and Labor Day. Indeed, May Day is the first and a real holiday spring.

(10 slide)

Pertseva A.D.: The symbol of May Day is the Maypole, which is dedicated to agriculture and the resurrection of the image of the Tree of Peace.

It represents life, flowering, spring fertility, health.

(11 slide)

Kotomina S.V.:

(12 slide)

Video about the holiday (12 min)

Video by Dmitry Tarasov, created for cool hours and extracurricular activities on the theme "May 1 - Spring and Labor Holiday"

Dance "Spring Rain"

Footage with rain (13 slide)

(14 slide)

Pertseva A.D.: Happy holiday!!!

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Few people know that the May Day holiday also has pagan roots. The fact is that the month of May was named after the goddess Maya, the goddess of earth and fertility, who was worshiped by the inhabitants of Ancient Italy.

After plowing the lands and sowing, the ancient people solemnly celebrated the first day of May,

so that their spring work does not go to waste and they have a good harvest.

In 1992, International Workers' Day was renamed

V Labour Day .

The symbol of May Day is the Maypole, which is dedicated to agriculture and the resurrection of the image

Trees of the world.

It represents life, flowering, spring fertility, health.

For extracurricular educational activities
6. for preschoolers
7. for preschoolers
8. for preschoolers

We will live in peace and friendship

The scenario takes the form of a trip to different countries.

Children enter the hall with flowers and green branches.

There is a roll call of children.

The holiday is coming, the holiday is coming,
Everything comes to life, sings and blooms.
Spring again, spring again
She is dressed in fresh greenery.

There is joy and fun everywhere,
The firmament is clean and clear,
Housewarming birds are everywhere,
Vanity and chime.

In the bright green fields,
The earth is being renewed.
And the birches are all wearing earrings,
In sticky poplar buds.

The sky is blue today,
All boulevards are green,
We celebrate May Day,
Holiday of friendship and spring.

Our kindergarten funny
Celebrates May Day,
And a spring song
Hurry up and start singing!

The song “This is May” (with movements) is performed, music. E. Tilicheeva, lyrics. N. Naydenova.

They opened with a ringing song
We are a happy holiday,
Let her fly on wings
It will fly around the entire globe.

Let the song meet you everywhere
Wonderful guys
May it be for peace and happiness
Laughter and jokes will ring out.

Childhood only comes once
For guys from any country.
Let none of them know
Grief, hunger, war.

May the world triumph in the world
And the peoples of the earth are friends,
Let all children rejoice
May they live in happiness.

There are no distances for friendship,
There are no barriers for hearts,
Today we are on the May holiday
Hello children of the world!

The song “How Many of Us” is performed, music. O. Khromushina.

The children march to their seats, collect their attributes, and sit down.

Presenter. Dear Guys! Today's holiday will help us visit different countries. But how can we manage to visit different parts of the Earth at once? What to do? Let's remember what heroes of different fairy tales traveled on: Ivan Tsarevich (on gray wolf), Old Man Hottabych (on a flying carpet), a frog traveler (on a twig with ducks), Ivan the peasant son (on a flying ship). You can travel on a horse, on an eagle, on a wolf, on a magic carpet and in walking boots, and you and I will fly on a rocket. Want to?

Well, into the rocket, everyone follows me,
Let's fly around the entire globe.
3,2, 1 - start!

Put your palms together, “Oooh.” The music of the Zodiac ensemble is playing (phonogram).

Presenter. Let's fly!!!
We all looked out the porthole windows. What do we see, what country are we flying over?

1st child.
This is Japan - the land of the rising sun.
We welcome the Japanese.

And here is a girl from Japan, her name is Sakura.
She doesn't look up
All fragile, like porcelain,
In the hair of a Japanese woman -
Tortoise combs,
And in my hand there is a fan
Blows like a breeze.

A Japanese dance is performed.

Japanese. Our Japanese children have favorite toys called kokesses.
These Japanese dolls
Looks like Russian nesting dolls
Only nesting dolls are snub-nosed,
And kokesses are slanted.

Presenter. Let's play with them, guys.

The game “Who is the fastest” is played (4 toys - 5 children, in a circle).

And now we'll board the ship,
The sea path leads to America.

2nd child.
This is America, the country
Rich at all times.
Hello, friends! (2 times)
Sing a song, you and me!

The song is performed on English language. The music of "Lambada" sounds.

What is the name of this dance?
He came to us from America.

1st child.
May the children of America be happy
Let's dance Lambada for them.

The dance "Lambada" is performed.

Invites us to fly
Light wing aircraft.
Let's fly over the ocean
Where Africa awaits us.

2nd child.
In Africa, rivers are this wide
In Africa the mountains are so high
There are crocodiles, hippos,
Monkeys, elephants, sperm whales,
And then there are parrots -
This is Africa!

The Chunga-Changa dance is performed. A “Negro” child runs out.

Negro kid.
I'm just a black, black negro
A small child from distant Africa.
I live under palm trees
And I dance and I sing.

The Papuans dance is performed.

And now back to the ship,
Greece is waiting for us, full speed ahead.

Four children come out in Greek costumes.

Greece is free,
Young and eternal
Greek children
Let's dance "Sirtaki" together.

The dance "Sirtaki" is performed.

And now, baby,
It's time to play.
The game "Ring" is played.

The whistle of a steam locomotive is heard.

We hear a whistle signal,
Hey, hurry up, driver,
The train is moving along the rails,
The railway leads to Italy.

Ciao, friends!
Glorifying friendship, peace and work,
We sing the most beautiful songs.
I am with all of Italy together
I will sing for you, ladies and gentlemen,
A soulful song.

The song “Santa Lucia” is played (phonogram).

That's how many friends we have,
And it's always more fun with friends.
To France, abroad
Our train is rushing again.

Children come out dressed as musketeers.

1st Musketeer.
France is waiting for brave heroes,
Hey musketeers, let's go!

2nd Musketeer.
Friendship and brotherhood -
The main thing is wealth!

3rd Musketeer. One for all and all for one!

They sing the song of the musketeers from the film “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers.”

Presenter. Guys, who knows what the musketeers rode?

Children. On horseback.

Presenter. Now we'll play. Here is a French woman in a white dress and a hat. By the way, France is a trendsetter. We must choose two riders. The French woman has a white scarf. You need to ride on horseback to the girl and take the scarf. Snake around the “obstacle” pins. Who is faster?

The game is being played.

1st child.
It is necessary that the children of the whole Earth
Happiness and joy grew.
Now look ahead
Germany is waiting for us!

Starts the car engine
Cheerful German driver.

2nd child.
We are connected by strong friendship
From the children of the German country,
We will perform for the guys
Game of German preschool children.

The round dance game “Ding-ding-ding, a letter to you” is played.

1st child.
Fairy Sun - (2 times)
Don't spare your rays
Let it be warmer and stronger
There will be friendship among all children!

We'll board the rocket again,
We flew halfway around the world.

3, 2, 1 - start!

A girl dressed as an Indian comes out.

I meet you in India
Congratulations on May 1st!
I will charm everyone with my outfit
And I’ll dance an Indian dance for you.

"Indian dance" is performed.

The driver starts the engine again.
We are sitting on the bus
We look at each other.
He's calling the guys now
Home, to Russia, to kindergarten.
A child comes out in a Russian costume.

2nd child.
Here are our native forests and fields,
This is our native land!

The Russian folk dance “Sudarushka” is performed.

1st child.
So many cheerful and joyful faces.
Know that friendship has no boundaries anywhere,
Children on the planet know
That friendship and peace are more valuable than anything in the world.

2nd child.
You are my friend, and he and I.
We are all true friends.
We are the guys, we are the guys
We are preschool kids.
So we need to live
Fun and friendly.

The dance “Kolo” (Ukrainian folk melody) is performed.

So that adults and children
Lived happily in the world, what do you need?
All. Peace and friendship!

Let smiles fly above the earth,
Happy May and spring.
Spring is coming and May is coming,
A cheerful round dance is sung.

“Vesnyanka” (Ukrainian folk song) sounds.

Presenter. May 1 is a nice, warm day. Let the sun shine tenderly, let the flowers bloom, let the guests, mothers and all our friends smile. Let it always be like this!

1st child.
Let's hold hands and stand in a circle.
Every man is a friend to man,
Let's hold hands and let him go
A huge round dance across the earth!

Everyone sings the song “Big Round Dance” together. B. Savelyeva, lyrics. A. Zhigalkina, A. Khait.

To organize children's leisure time at school extracurricular activities and in summer health centers and holiday camps a variety of entertainment and activities will be very useful, because children simply love to play. It is especially good if these programs are dedicated to a specific topic - it is more exciting and educational. We offer a new scenario game program for children “Funny Broom”, written by a wonderful author and experienced children's party host A. Zaitsev.

Scenario of the game program "Jolly Broom".

(Music sounds - the presenter comes out in the guise of a janitor, he has a broom and a bucket. He sweeps, notices the audience.)

Street cleaner (leading ): I have a question for you: she is twisted, tied, impaled, and dancing around the yard. Think what or who is this? I give three possible answers: a victim of a maniac, a violent ballerina, a broom. Those who thought - a broom are right. But you, it seems to me, thought loudest of all!

Auction "Relatives of the Broom"

Street cleaner(Addresses one of the spectators): Can you name objects that are “relatives” of the broom, so to speak - representatives of the “clan of purity”?

(The player offers his options. For example, a broom, a mop, a vacuum cleaner, a lazy person... The winner is the one who remembers and names the last option or the one who names them the most.

Music plays in the background - The janitor presents a prize to the auction winner.)

Fun competition "Defile on a broom"

Street cleaner: The broom is not only an assistant in the fight for cleanliness, but also a significant object in Russian folk tales. In particular, one of the heroines of these fairy tales, Baba Yaga, actively used a broom as a means of transportation.

(addresses the audience) If it’s not difficult for you, remember who else from literary heroes flew on a broom?

(Viewer responses: Margarita, Solokha, Harry Potter, fairy-tale witches... The janitor invites the quiz participants to come up to him and demonstrate a fashion show with a broom, sounds are playing in the background musical melodies, for each output - its own.)

Relay "Team flight"

Street cleaner: I’ll tell you a secret: a certain technology is used to make flying brooms. There are family grade brooms, sports brooms, racing brooms, toy brooms and taxi brooms.

With family brooms, convenience and safety are at the forefront.

Sports ones have maneuverability and speed.

Taxi drivers have several seats. It is this type of panicle that I suggest you mount and take an exclusive team flight.

(The janitor divides the players into two teams and arranges a relay race between them.)

Street cleaner: The conditions for the relay are simple. The first participant in the competition sits astride a broom and flies from me to the buckets and back. Then the second player of the team joins him, and together they move along the same trajectory. Then a third player joins. The crew that comes first to the finish line becomes the winner.

(A relay race takes place, cheerful music sounds in the background. Rewarding: winners - bagels, losers - dryers.

Street cleaner: I think each of you can tell me: how many parts does a broom have?

(Answers from the audience.)

Street cleaner: So, together we found out that the broom consists of three parts: the sweeping part - the bundle, the holding one - the handle and the fastening - the string.

Relay race - Chistofeta

Street cleaner: According to popular belief, a broom should not be kept at home, it should be left outside, with the handle down, then it helps attract wealth. I don’t know if this is really true, but the fact that sometimes I find money while cleaning the yard is for sure. I suggest you try your luck too. Let's organize a relay race - a clean fete. Who found coins on the street? And who left them for good weather?

(Reaction of the guys. Two teams of three people are recruited. The teams are given a broom, dustpan and bucket.)

Street cleaner: Get organized with these simple tools. But first, distribute them among your teams.

(The janitor scatters fake banknotes on the playground.)

Street cleaner: I ask the participants of the relay race - cleanliness - to distribute themselves throughout our territory: players with buckets stand on finish line, players with brooms on the starting line, and players with dustpans between them in the center of the court.

(Players take their places.)

Street cleaner: Now the music will play for two minutes. During this time, teams are asked to clear the area of ​​scattered banknotes. This must be done using the team method: the first participant sweeps the bill with a broom up to the scoop of the second player, who runs to the bucket, which is in the hands of the third team member. You need to collect one bill at a time. The team that assembled large quantity money - receives a bonus. Let's start!

(The relay race is taking place. Cheerful music is playing in the background)

Street cleaner: The relay has ended. The team of young janitors that wins the cleanliness relay race is awarded prizes!

(The award ceremony is taking place. Carouses or fanfare sounds in the background)

Street cleaner: The team that takes second prize will also be awarded a bonus if they can guess by eye five times how much money they have collected.

Street cleaner: You see: they cleaned up the yard and competed.

How amazing this word “janitor” is. How many cognate words does he have: yard, courtyard, backyards, nobleman, palace, butler, composer Dvorak, mongrel - “yard terrier”...

There are also “windshield wipers” on cars; they are responsible for keeping the windows clean.

Game "Hockey with a broom"

Street cleaner: And in winter my broom turns into sports equipment. It happens as if you hit an ice cube with it. Why not a hockey stick?

(Addresses one of the spectators.) Ever played hockey? Come on, stand up, spread your legs wider to create a gate.

(The janitor takes a wad of paper out of his pocket and pretends to play hockey. The song “Cowards Don’t Play Hockey” is playing in the background.)

Now you try to do the same.

(The janitor and the player change roles. Music plays in the background)

Well done!

(Gives a prize.)

Auction "Rhyme"

Street cleaner: This is what my broom is like - a broom, as nimble as a bee. ABOUT! Rhyme! Can you find a rhyme for the word “broom”?

(The Rhyme auction is taking place: Christmas tree, coffee grinder, shelf, bangs, skullcap, T-shirt...)

Broom Transformation Game

Street cleaner: I praise this item, it has no equal in the world of things!

She works like a bee, her name is... panicle! And my broom can be turned into a guitar. (Depicts playing a guitar. Guitar sounds in the background) Try turning the broom into something else.

(The game “Broom Transformations” takes place: guitar, shovel, tightrope pole, ninja pole, barbell, gun, cue, fishing rod... Appropriate music sounds in the background for each exit.)

Competition "The most dexterous"

Street cleaner: With the help of a broom you can find out who is the most dexterous in our company. I ask those who wish to stand in a line and remember how agility is tested.

(The janitor puts the broom vertically, releases it, scrolls in place 360 ​​degrees and catches the broom.)

Let's try?!

(The game is playing, music is playing in the background.)

Competition "Most Flexible"

Street cleaner: Those who are not tired can test their flexibility. But first you need to stand to my left in a column, one behind the other.

(Children complete the task. The leader holds the broom parallel to the floor.)

Street cleaner: Try, bending backwards, to walk one after another under the stick, which I will slowly lower down.

(The game is in progress. A cheerful melody sounds in the background)

Game "Catch the Broom"

Street cleaner: Anyone can participate in the next game. It's called "Catch the Broom." Everyone stands in a circle and settles in numerical order.

(Players complete the task.)

Street cleaner: Remember your numbers! I will stand in the center of the circle and place the broom vertically. I’ll call out a number, and the one whose number is, runs out and catches the broom. If he catches it, he becomes the leader; if he doesn’t catch it, he rides in a circle on a broom and returns to his place.

(The game is going on, funny melodies are playing in the background)

Game "Ghost"

Street cleaner: And now I offer you another game. It's called "Ghost". The music will play for twenty seconds, and during this time you turn into ghosts: you disappear from this site

and appear in your seats. Time has passed.

(Music sounds - the guys return to their seats.)

Street cleaner: It's time for me to continue my work. There's still a lot to do in the yard. And don’t forget to say hello to the janitors in your yards. Bye!

(The final melody sounds, the presenter leaves.)

Sailor (M1) and Sailor (M2) come out.

M1. What do you have?

M2. This is an old manuscript. So I decided to somehow clean up the attic. I started sorting through all sorts of old things and suddenly - this!

M1. Let me have a look .(takes, examines). Ugh, boring. There aren't even any pictures.

M2. Well of course not! This is an Old Manuscript, not Cosmopolitan magazine.

M1. So what's wrong with this manuscript? Something valuable?

M2. It says that there is a Source of Eternal Joy. Anyone who manages to find it will experience... eternal joy.

M1. Wow! I already want to find this very source.

M2. Then let's go! (take a few steps, then suddenly stop)

M1. Do you know exactly where to go?

M2. Well, of course, I’m a sailor after all! I can understand geographical maps. Look: there is north, there is south, there is west, and there is east. Or vice versa…

M1. Give it to me (picks up the manuscript). You need to walk three steps north, three steps south, jump, turn around in place...

Jack Sparrow Appears.

DV. Oh, are you already learning the ritual dance that revives the source of joy?

The sailors look at the captain in surprise.

DV. I heard you are looking for the Source of Eternal Joy? But don't know how to get there? Is it worth starting a business when you don’t know how to complete it?

M1. Has Jack Sparrow himself really come to us? Well, of course, what would we do without him?

DV. First of all - CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow, chick. And secondly, I am always where there is profit.

M2. And what benefit do you get from our adventure?

DV. The life of a pirate is difficult and dangerous and sometimes there is so little joy in it.

M2. And we just found the manuscript! They just didn’t understand anything there.

(looks at the manuscript) everything is clear - you need a captain and a fun, crazy team. The point is that you need a captain because he has a ship. And the command is to revive the source.

M2. Where will we get the team?

M1. Isn’t this a team ( points to the audience)

M2. Yes, this is a team! Let's go!

DV. Do not rush. After all, the path to treasures and adventures is full of dangers. Are you ready for difficulties? I see that among our friends there are also daredevils and they are determined to achieve their goal. They are your competitors, cabin boy. I suggest everyone take the young adventurer course! In order not to lose treasures, you need to always be on alert. Let's check your attentiveness.

Game "Fish"

A game of attention. Imagine that my left hand- this is the Sea (makes a wave-like movement) and the right one is a fish (right palm depicts a fish that swims, wriggling). When a fish swims out of the sea, i.e. right hand rises above your left hand, then you clap your hands. So, let's begin!". The leader initially makes slow movements. Then he introduces deceptive movements, speeds up the pace, giving him a standing ovation.

M2. Captain, is it true that there are a wide variety of sea creatures in the sea?

DV. True, cabin boy. And in order not to get to them for lunch, you need to pretend to be a marine figure.

M2. Friends, you must divide into groups of five people. While the music is playing, dance as best you can. And as soon as the music stops, you must turn into the figure that we tell you.

A game " Marine figure freeze" - lifebuoy




M1. Yes, it worked out well. But is this all that real adventurers should be able to do?

DV. You're right. Let's move on to more difficult tests . There's a whole flotilla of us here! All sailors take their places on the ships! This is a frigate called the Amazon - just for girls. A frigate called “Sea Wolves” is only for boys. But the little boat called “Decrepile Skeleton” is for parents! All aboard! (spectators are divided into teams)

Relay races:

Dangerous reefs(run around the cones with the whole team)

Ride a cannonball(Pinch the ball with your knees and jump)

Pearl divers(put white balls into baskets)

Tug of War

M1. How to achieve joy?

Far East. This requires a ritual dance. You were just learning it.

Learn the dance (5 minutes)

DV. Well, well, it's time to go.

M2. Captain, I'm with you!

M1. And I!

M2. We don't take girls.

Far East. You, beautiful lady, will remain on the shore and ensure that the crew performs the dance. And the cabin boy and I will get to the place, cast a spell and revive the source.

Jack and the Sailor board the catamaran and set sail. While they are sailing, all this time the Sailor is dancing with the crew.

When DV and M2. swim to the place, DV casts a spell.


From clear streams from the mountain range
Seething, foaming, young like a maiden
She turned into streams of water

Great, brilliant, like a queen.

She quenches people's thirst
Drinking water, a priceless source
Serves as a road for ships
And he receives everything for his imperishable work!

The fountain turns on, fanfare. (12.00)

M1. And now, friends, we are going to the Island of Fun, where we will have a fun day! Behind me!

Presenter 1. Good afternoon! We are pleased to welcome you to the game program “Kaleidoscope of Fun”.

Presenter 2. Remember the kaleidoscope - this cute magical toy from your childhood. You look through a small hole, and behind it is a magical world. Turned it a little and the pattern changed beyond recognition.

Presenter 1. Later, as adults, we learned that a kaleidoscope is just a set of colored pieces of glass and a triangular mirror prism. Let's look into this mirror prism, and what will we see there?

Presenter 2. What does the magical world of a kaleidoscope consist of? First of all, let's find out the color scheme; our kaleidoscope uses three primary colors, and we'll find out which ones now.

Game “Red, Yellow, Green”

I explain the rules of the game. When I show a green card, everyone stomps, a yellow card, everyone claps, a red card, everyone is silent. Shows cards, participants perform actions.

Presenter 1. So you and I found out what 3 primary colors are the basis of our kaleidoscope.

Presenter 2. What magical patterns do our colors form, or maybe these are colorful and mysterious paintings. Now you have to guess what is shown in our kaleidoscope. We call 12 people, divide them into 2 teams of 6 people.

Game “Artists”

Sheets of paper according to the number of teams are attached to the wall at knee height. Participants are given markers. The goal is to draw an object without talking (a person). Each participant takes turns. The latter names the drawing.

Presenter 1. As we see, our magic kaleidoscope is inhabited by residents, but the trouble is, our residents’ hairstyles are mixed up. Let us help them.

“Malvina Relay”

8 people are invited. (4 boys, 4 girls). Two teams line up in two columns, one at a time (boy - girl - boy - girl). The first player turns around at the signal and ties a long hair ribbon on the head of the next player. Then the second player unties the bow, turns around and ties the ribbon on the next player's head. So until the last player unties the ribbon.

Presenter 2. So we saw what kind of residents live in our magic kaleidoscope.

Presenter 1. What language do they speak?

We call 10 people, 2 teams

Game “Gossip”

Each player is given the endings of the words. The first halves of the words are written on pieces of paper in the box. The players' task is to place the piece of paper with the beginning of the word at the desired ending. The box is passed from one end to the other.

Presenter 2. Well, we have visited the magical world of the kaleidoscope. Now let’s see how our kaleidoscope will turn out, and what the pattern will be in it, and for this we will create it ourselves. At the exit there is a poster with figures of different colors lying nearby. If you liked the program, paint our kaleidoscope with a red figure; if it did not cause either delight or disappointment, paint it yellow; if you didn’t like everything that happens here, then feel free to hang a green figure.

Scenario for the first round of the competition

“Fun Seekers”

Presenter: Hello, participants of the regional competition “Adventurers”. Today we will go on an exciting journey through the country “CODE”, during which you will encounter obstacles that you can easily overcome. But before we go on a trip, we need to get acquainted.


Divide the children into teams of 8-10 people. The task of each team is to quickly carry out the leader’s commands. The speed and correctness of execution is assessed.

  • build according to the initial letter of names;
  • build by the initial letter of the last name;
  • build according to the initial letter of the zodiac sign;
  • build according to the initial letter of the month in which you were born;
  • unite in groups, those who have a sister, brother;
  • unite in groups, those who have a cat, dog, other animal in the house.

Host: Now, I’ll check how well you know each other? A blanket is thrown over the participants. Participants must name the person in front of them by name. Whoever names it faster takes the losing player to his team. The team that transfers the most participants wins.

Presenter: Each team needs to come up with a name for their team and choose a captain.


One flower, two flowers
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs
Forged, forged
Scissors, scissors
Running in place, running in place,
Bunnies, bunnies
Come on, let's go together, let's go together
Boys, girls.

“Knead, knead the dough”

The guys stand in a circle, holding hands. Repeating the words “Knead, knead the dough” in unison, they come together as tightly as possible. To the words “Inflate the bubble, but don’t burst,” they disperse as widely as possible, trying to break the circle, and those whose circle has broken stand in a circle and are already kneaded. Those in the circle have the right to burst the bubble. The strongest and most dexterous ones win.

Host: Now we can safely go on a journey. (We are transported to the country “CODE”, cosmic music sounds). Here comes the first obstacle. On the way we met the inhabitants of the planet, who were bewitched by an evil sorceress. Let us help them.


Children stand in a circle and repeat the words and movements after the leader.

Aunt Motya has four sons
Aunt Motya has four sons
They didn't eat, they didn't drink
And they repeated it like this

The driver names one by one the parts of the body that need to be used to make the movements shown. All movements do not stop.

Host: Okay, you have dealt with the witchcraft of the evil sorceress. And so we can rest.


Let's imagine that we are all atoms. Atoms look like this: bend your elbows and press your hands to your shoulders. Atoms are constantly moving and from time to time they combine into molecules. The number of atoms in molecules can be different, it will be determined by what number I name. We all start moving around this room. The molecule looks like this: they stand facing each other with outstretched arms.


Work with cards in groups. Find the extra word and explain why.


Let's close our eyes and imagine that the sun is shining brightly outside, but suddenly a cloud appeared in the sky, which gradually turned into a huge cloud. And so, one drop fell (we knock with one finger), the second fell, and it began to rain (we knock with all our fingers). Suddenly lightning flashed (clap our hands) and thunder rang out (stomp our feet), it blew strong wind. But gradually the rain began to subside, and now 3,2,1 drops fell on the ground and the sun came out.

Presenter: Our first journey through the country “CODE” has ended. See you in the second round.

Scenario for the second round of the competition

“Fun Seekers”

Hello, we are glad to welcome you, young seekers, to our hall.

GAME is coming out:

Hello guys
You are visiting us
And I’ll reveal my name to you now
I am unable to hide my name,
After all, you have heard it thousands of times.
You know me by sight
And, remaining faithful to me,
You accept with delight
Everywhere you see me.
I walk with you to school,
I meet you at the yard -
A funny, cheerful and noisy game.
I cure all diseases,
And the kids know:
There is nothing healthier in the world
Medicines than game.
When you hang your nose,
I'm kidding you
And I'm fast and fun
I'm curing you out of boredom.
Now you recognize me
And it's time for you yourself
Say that you guessed right
What should you call me?

Well, here we are, meeting you. Good afternoon guys. Do you want to travel? Let's close our eyes and count to 5 and be transported to the planet IGR. (At this time the card is brought out).

Host: So we ended up on the island, and this is a map of the planet IGR. Let's see where we are. (Look at the map where the winning schools of the 1st round are marked). But the second round of the game has already ended, and today we gathered on the planet of games in order to determine the winners of the second round. And the winners will be determined by the jury. Now let's continue our journey. Are you ready to play?

Listen carefully to the task. You need to repeat the last syllable of the phrase twice, remember?

Get ready kids! -pa, pa
The game begins! -pa, pa
Are you always good? - Yes Yes
Or only sometimes? - Yes Yes
How does the rooster crow in the village? - uh, uh
Yes, not an owl, but a rooster! - uh, uh
What time is it? - hour, hour
What time will it be in an hour? - hour, hour
Think, think head! - wa, wa
Are you tired of answering? – chat, chat
Isn't it time to shut up? - chat, chat(those who do not repeat the last syllable lose).

Host: Dear participants of the competition, look at your invitations. Each invitation has a tree, divide into teams based on the number of apples on the tree.

Competition No. 1. There are a lot of words in the Russian language where you can change one letter to get a new word. For example: night - b points - d points - To points The teams are given two words, your task is to continue the line. One player comes up and inserts one letter to make a new word. Whose team does it quickly and correctly will win.

1 team court, - ort, -ort, -ort; moth, -ol, -ol, -ol

2 commands, -en, -en, -en; ok, -ok, -ok, -ok

3 command tin, -is, -is, -is; pose, -osa, -osa, -osa

Game: Let's continue our journey.

Dear seekers, unite by the color of your invitation.

Competition No. 2. The task of the teams, after consulting, is to prepare the game with the audience and other teams. (5-7 minutes to prepare).

Host: In the meantime, our teams are preparing, we will play a quiz with you. Whoever raises their hand first answers the question. You will be given 4 answer options, you must choose the correct one.

  1. What was Karabas-Barabas in charge of? circus, theater, zoo, parking lot.
  2. What are Italians proud of? Statue of Liberty Colosseum, stone sculptures, pyramids.
  3. What is a woman's bow called? Entre, curtsy, na, trick.
  4. Who became the very first pet? Cow, mammoth, cat, dog.
  5. Around which table did King Arthur's knights gather? Feast, card, operational, round.
  6. What is a wireless one-way communication device called? Telegraph, pager, telephone, walkie-talkie.
  7. What is the main symbol Olympic Games? Olympic bear, olympic flame, air balloons, stadium.
  8. What is the name of the device for soft transportation of goods from air to ground? Elevator, crane, catapult, parachute.
  9. What do you call an old, experienced sailor? Sea serpent, sea horse, sea ​​wolf, sea ​​Devil.

Presenter: Results of the 2nd competition. We attach badges to the winning team. The teams take their places.

Competition No. 3. And now our participants will be divided into teams based on geometric shapes at the invitation. Teams need to tell the fairy tale “The Ryaba Hen” in the genre of tragedy, comedy, musical.

While our participants are preparing, we will conduct auction “Capitals of the World”.

Please name the capitals of the world. Whoever calls last is the winner.

We attach badges to the winning team. The teams take their places.

Let's see which participant has the most stickers, he is the winner (award).

Each player is awarded game technology grade book And invitation to third round of the competition.
