Business process diagram. Business processes are the basis for effective enterprise management

When comparing notations, the main focus is on creating process diagrams that are simple and understandable to organizational employees.

For business analysts of companies, the theses discussed in the article are a serious reason to think about how effective the approaches they use to developing graphical diagrams of organizational processes are.


One of the most important goals of creating graphical process diagrams is their subsequent use in the organization’s regulatory documents. These schemes, as a rule, employ employees who are not trained in complex notations and do not have the skills system analysis and so on. The simplicity and clarity of the diagrams is very important to them. Complex, confusing diagrams containing many different symbols, are poorly perceived by people, which makes it difficult for them practical use. Therefore, for practical purposes, it is important to correctly select and use the notation (methodology) for describing processes. What criteria should be used to choose such a notation? How to compare different notations with each other? Let's look at several popular notations and try to answer these questions.

Comparison of notations

For comparison, the following process description notations were chosen:

  1. “Simple flowchart” (displaying the movement of documents, using the “Solution” block);
  2. “Simple block diagram” (without displaying the movement of documents, without using “Solution” blocks);
  3. “Procedure” of the Business Studio system (one of the possible presentation options);
  4. ARIS eEPC.

A simple and intuitive process was chosen as a test case. The results of describing this process are presented in Fig. 1-4.

Rice. 1. Process diagram in the “Simple Flowchart” notation in MS Visio (with the movement of documents, using the “Decision” block).

In the diagram fig. 1. The sequence of process operations over time is shown using thick arrows, and the movement of documents is shown using thin dotted arrows. Solution blocks are used in a classic way. They display information (questions) on which the subsequent course of the process “depends”. This approach to using “diamonds” is very common. But in fact, the entire logic of decision-making and the formation of certain outputs (documents) should be contained within the operations of the process. If you think about it, the value (meaning) of drawing these “diamonds” is not obvious. What kind of objects are these: process operations, events? It seems to be neither one nor the other. These are rather operators for making a decision based on some condition. But we are developing a process diagram for people, and not writing a computer program in special language. IN computer program“diamond” would be a full-fledged operation for comparing conditions, etc. But the process diagram needs to show real objects - processes performed by people, documents, Information Systems and so on. Think about it: is it correct to show “diamonds” separately from the process operation on the diagram? Instead you can:

a) describe the logic of decision-making in the form of a sequence of operations on the diagram of the process under consideration;
b) describe the logic in the form of a diagram of the steps of the corresponding subprocess, moving to a lower level;
c) describe the logic in text (in the text attributes of the operation) and subsequently display it in the process execution regulations.

Let us formulate the “pros” and “cons” of the method of using “diamonds” discussed above (Fig. 1).

"Simple flowchart" in MS Visio (with document movement, using the "Solution" block)
"Pros" "Minuses"
  1. A visual display of the “logic” of selecting certain process outputs.
  2. Focusing the performer's attention on the decision point/process branching depending on the conditions.
  1. Moving the decision-making logic “outside” the process operation (incorrect from the point of view of formal process decomposition).
  2. It is inconvenient to document the process (you have to duplicate the “diamonds” with text when creating a text description of the operation).
  3. The process diagram becomes information overload.
  4. "Diamonds" are often used too formally, without real need.

In Fig. 2. shows an example of the same process, only described without the use of “Solution” blocks and documents. It is easy to check that this diagram has 24 fewer graphic elements than the diagram in Fig. 1. Scheme Fig. 2. looks much simpler. The graphic elements do not dazzle the eyes, and from the point of view of information content, this diagram is quite understandable and accessible to the end user. If for each process operation you describe the requirements for its implementation in text, then by combining tabular and graphical presentation forms, you can quite adequately describe the procedure for executing the process for company employees.

Rice. 2. Process diagram in the “Simple flowchart” notation in MS Visio (without document movement, without using the “Decision” block).

“Pros” and “cons” of a graphical representation of the process in the form presented in Fig. 2. are shown below.

In general, the use of diagrams in a format similar to those presented in Fig. 2 is convenient for both developers and employees working on these schemes.

In Fig. 3. A process diagram is presented, formed in the “Procedure” notation of the Business Studio modeling environment. The scheme has several features. Firstly, the “Decision” blocks are not used in a standard way - not as a graphic element to display a question and branching, but as a full-fledged process operation associated with decision making. In Business Studio, the “diamond” has almost all the attributes of a full-fledged process, but cannot be decomposed (perhaps the system developers will make this possible over time). Using a “diamond” (instead of a quadrangle) makes the diagram more visual. At the same time, you can enter any text information into the attributes of the “diamond”: description, beginning, completion, deadline requirements, etc.

The second feature of the process diagram presented in Fig. 3., is the use of arrows. To display a sequence of operations, you can use an arrow with a single tip - the “precedence” arrow. You can use a double-headed arrow to show document movement. But it is in Business Studio that you can use only one type of arrows - “precedence” arrows. In this case, you can bind to named arrows required amount documents that are defined in the directory of activity objects. This approach makes it possible:

  • significantly reduce the number of graphic elements in the process diagram, and at the same time:
  • display the necessary information about incoming and outgoing documents in the process regulations.

Thus, without cluttering the diagram with unnecessary elements, we can nevertheless fully describe the process and upload all the necessary information into the regulations.

“Pros” and “cons” of a graphical representation of the process in the form presented in Fig. 3. are shown below.

Rice. 3. “Procedure” of the Business Studio system (option with non-traditional use of “Solution” blocks).

When using Business Studio, the Procedure notation can be used in slightly different ways. The author of the article is inclined to the approach presented in Fig. 3.

In Fig. Figure 4 shows a diagram of the process under consideration, developed in the ARIS eEPC notation. Note that some process operations did not fit on the diagram. This partial diagram of a simple process, written in ARIS eEPC notation, contains four logic statements and eight events! The person reading the diagram must be able to correctly interpret all of these logical operators. Without special training and some skills in reading such diagrams, an ordinary employee is unlikely to be able to understand the logic of the process in question without a detailed text description or the help of a qualified business analyst.

Note that the process diagram in the ARIS eEPC notation takes up significantly more space than the diagrams presented in Fig. 1-3. The complexity of forming such a scheme is also significantly higher.

In general, if you are not going to buy SAP R/3, then choosing and using the ARIS eEPC notation is not, from the point of view of the author of the article, the optimal solution. It is worth paying attention to notations for describing processes that are more visual and intuitive for performers. However, some may find the ARIS eEPC notation more visual and understandable. To a certain extent, this is a matter of taste.

Rice. 4. Process diagram in ARIS eEPC notation (built in Business Studio).

Description of the process for subsequent automation purposes

It is interesting to look at the process diagram in question if it is described in the BPMN 2.0 notation. This notation is intended to describe "executing" processes, i.e. processes supported by the BPM system.

Your opinion about using BPMN 2.0. shares A.A. Belaychuk - CEO"Business Console" company:

In Fig. Figure 5 depicts the same process in BPMN notation. As we can see, this figure is similar to Fig. 1: in BPMN notation, tasks are depicted as rectangles, forks as diamonds, and data as an icon similar to a document. Control flows are solid lines, data flows are dotted.

It should be taken into account that this diagram uses only a small part of the BPMN notation: only one type of fork out of 5 available in the palette, one type of task out of 8. In addition to a wider palette, this notation is distinguished by the ability to model not only an isolated workflow, but also several processes , interacting with each other through messages or data. In addition, this notation is more strict: it defines not only icons, but also the rules by which they can be combined with each other. The need for such rules is dictated by the fact that the BPMN notation is focused not only on the fact that people will read it, but also on direct execution by special software- the “engine” of the BPM system.

At the same time, as shown this example, when using a limited subset of the BPMN palette, it turns out to be no more complicated than a conventional flowchart. Well, for those who want to master BPMN professionally, we recommend specialized trainings.

Rice. 5. Process diagram in BPMN 2.0 notation.

Life practice

In Fig. Figure 6 shows a fragment of a process diagram developed by business analysts of a very specific company in the notation they invented. The diagram is built using the principles of the “Simple Flowchart” - the “Solution” block is used in its classic version. In addition, the diagram shows many other symbols used in a non-standard way.

When forming the diagram in Fig. 6, business analysts obviously “struggled” for clarity and maximum understandability for the average user. They sought to minimize, or even eliminate, textual commentary on process diagrams. The performers were simply printed with an A3 format diagram, upon reading which everything immediately became clear: what to do, how, what documents to use, etc.

The scheme under consideration is not, of course, an example of simplicity and clarity. But it was formed to convey maximum useful information to those involved in the process.


So, it is obvious that when describing processes you need to strive for simplicity and clarity for employees.
The use of complex, formalized notations when describing processes leads to:

  • difficulties in using (interpreting) diagrams by ordinary employees;
  • the impossibility (difficulty) of organizing work to describe processes by employees of departments who have not undergone special training;
  • a significant increase in the labor costs of business analysts for the formation of schemes;
  • additional difficulties when documenting circuits (large volume, etc.);

Therefore, you should not clutter the process diagram with various graphic elements. But if you use them, it is better that they carry useful information for employees, rather than being simply a consequence of the formal application of modeling notations.

, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Executive Director of LLC "", Head. Department of Business Process Management of the National Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “IEF “Synergy”, founder of the portal

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  • This manual will review the main traditional and "latest" statistical methods of quality control, adopted and developed for the practical use of TQM (Total Quality Manager) in different countries(Japan, UK, America and Far East).

    The most famous of these methods were the “seven tools of quality control,” which were first widely used in “quality circles” in Japan and then in other countries due to their high efficiency and accessibility for ordinary enterprise workers. These “seven tools” include : flowcharts, checklists, scatter diagram, Pareto diagram, cause-and-effect diagram, control charts, histograms.

    Along with the previously known “seven quality control tools,” this manual will consider the “newest” tools that are currently in practical use.

    The founder of the creation of “quality circles” was Kaoru Ishikawa (1915 - 1989). Quality circles developed from the original idea of ​​creating peer-to-peer groups aimed at learning statistical management techniques in their field.

    1. Essential tools for total quality

    These tools are used as systematic approaches to quality improvement, each of which is important, and their role is expressed in the following:

    1) Block diagram ( block diagram ) - used to diagrammatically describe the steps in a process.

    2) Scatter diagram - scatter ( Scatter diagram ) - used to determine the form of relationship between parameters.

    3) Pareto chart (Pa reto diagram ) - used to identify the most significant problems.

    4) Cause and effect diagram ( Cause and effect diagramm ) - used to identify the causes of problems that arise,

    5) Bar chart ( Histogram ) - used to visually depict the general spread of parameters.

    6) Controllability control charts (Control charts) trol chart ) - are used to find out how controllable the process is and what the spread of parameters is.

    7) Checklists (Sop tr O l leaf ) - are used to identify the frequency of occurrence of deviations (errors).

    The nature and content of each of these instruments is set out in British Standard B8 7850: Part 2.

    Process flow diagram

    A flowchart is a schematic representation of the steps involved in performing any process; the order in which individual operations follow, using special symbols that reflect the nature of those operations, as shown in Figure 1.1.

    The process of creating and analyzing a flowchart allows you to identify the source of the problem.

    Rice. 1.1. Symbols used in flowcharts

    (Source: B5 7850: part 2:1992): 1 - description of the document, 2 - beginning and end of the stage, 3 - description of the activity, 4 - decision making, 5 - indicating the direction of flow from one stage of work to another, 6 - description of the base data.

    An example of a document development flowchart.

    Rice. 1.2. Block diagram (for document development) (Source: 35 7850: Part 2:1992)

    Test task No. 1

    Develop a flowchart for the process improvement cycle and identify tools and techniques that can be used.

    Scatter plot

    A scatter plot is constructed as a graph of the relationship between two parameters, which allows you to determine whether there is a relationship between these parameters. If such a relationship exists, it is possible to eliminate the deviation of one parameter by influencing the other. In this case, three types of relationship are possible - positive, negative relationship, and no relationship.

    The scattering diagram is shown in Fig. 1.3.

    Rice. 1.3. Scatter plot

    Test task No. 2

    Give an example where the correlation between two parameters of the object under study will be presented.

    Correlation is a concept that reflects the presence of a connection between phenomena, processes and the quantities that characterize them.

    Pareto chart

    The Pareto diagram, named after its author, the Italian economist Pareto (1845-1923), allows you to visualize the amount of losses depending on various defects. This allows you to first focus on eliminating those defects that lead to the greatest losses.

    To account for the cumulative percentage of losses from several defects, a cumulative curve is constructed.

    An example of a Pareto chart is shown in Fig. 1.4. and reflects the likelihood of a certain type of phone malfunction.

    Rice. 1.4. Pareto diagram: 1 - noise available. 2 - line break, 3 - alarm, 4 - no answer, 5 - no call

    Pareto chart is production document and meets the logic of quality systems in ISO standards.

    It is advisable to build a Pareto diagram every month so that the quality service immediately determines the cause of the defect and outlines operational measures to eliminate it.

    Test task No. 3

    Identify the causes of defects in the production process and, based on the constructed Pareto diagram, establish the maximum losses from defects in order to take prompt action to eliminate them.

    Cause and effect diagrams and brainstorming

    The Ishikawa fishbone cause-and-effect diagram (Figure 1.5) first appeared and was used in Japan to identify the causes of process failure when obvious violations are difficult to detect. When constructing a diagram, the so-called “brainstorming method” is used, which is recommended for identifying possible causes.

    To do this, follow the following rules:

    a) a group of workers is formed (about six specialists), from which management is removed,

    b) the anonymity of statements is maintained,

    c) lower-ranking employees speak first,

    d) limited time for conducting examinations.

    e) an Ishikawa diagram is constructed and a discussion begins

    The cause-and-effect diagram is used, as a rule, when analyzing defects that lead to the greatest losses.

    It allows you to identify the causes of such defects and focus on eliminating them. In this case, five main causal factors are analyzed: information, man, machine (equipment), material and method of work.

    Fig.1.5. Ishikawa Causal Diagram

    An example of a fully expanded cause-and-effect diagram (for analyzing poor quality photocopies) is shown in Fig. 1.6.

    From a methodology point of view, the generation of flowcharts is carried out in the same way as in the IDEF3 notation, although for the sake of simplicity, logic symbols can be omitted. To the right of the process flow diagram there is space for a description of the functions performed, the results of their execution, performers, numbers of incoming and outgoing documents.

    The result is a clear and adequate description of the process that can be used by:

    · process personnel - to familiarize themselves with the requirements and implement the process;

    · process managers - to check compliance and comprehensively analyze the process;

    · internal and external auditors - to check and assess compliance with the established requirements of QMS processes;

    · project teams- to improve and reengineer processes, as well as to implement various enterprise management information systems.

    Block diagram elements

    Document. The symbol displays data presented on the medium in a readable form (machine diagram, document for optical or magnetic reading, microfilm, roll of tape with summary data, data entry forms).

    Data. The symbol displays data, the storage medium is not defined. This figure is often used to write various algorithms, because for the algorithm the source of information is not significant and it is determined only during the implementation of the program.

    Manual input The symbol displays data entered manually during processing from any type of device (keyboard, switches, buttons, light pen, bar code strips).

    Process The symbol represents the function of processing data of any kind (performing a specific operation or group of operations resulting in a change in the meaning, form or arrangement of information or in determining which of several directions of flow should be followed).

    Preparation The symbol represents the modification of an instruction or group of instructions to affect some subsequent function (setting a switch, modifying an index register, or initializing a program). Often used to set the parameters of the loop counting operator \ (see example flowchart below).

    Solution A symbol represents a decision or switch-type function that has one input and a number of alternative outputs, one and only one of which can be activated after evaluating the conditions defined within the symbol. The corresponding calculation results can be written adjacent to the lines representing these paths. Used to denote an IF statement or loop boundaries with post- and preconditions.

    Connector The symbol represents an exit to part of a circuit and an entrance from another part of that circuit and is used to break a line and continue it elsewhere. Corresponding connector symbols must contain the same unique designator.

    Terminator The symbol displays the exit to the external environment and the entrance from external environment(beginning or end of program outline, external use, and source or destination of data).

    Comment The symbol is used to add descriptive comments or explanatory notes for the purpose of explanation or notes. The dotted lines in a comment symbol are associated with a corresponding symbol or can outline a group of symbols. The text of comments or notes should be placed near the bounding shape.

    The block diagram is drawn up taking into account the following rules.

    1. A basic flowchart of the process is drawn strictly from top to bottom, which is a reflection of the simplest and most economical version of the process without any complications or deviations.

    2. Inputs and outputs are indicated by ellipses, stages (operations) by a rectangle, and a complication point by a rhombus. The rectangle contains the name of the stage (in verbal form), the performer of the stage.

    3. Basic flowcharts consist not only of stages (operations) of the process, but also contain questions that reveal the essence of the point of complication. If we answer “no” to this question, then the process follows the basic model; if the answer is “yes,” then the process becomes more complicated.

    4. To the right of the complication points, process deviations are drawn. Without completing the variance work, you cannot return to the basic process model.

    5. The process flow diagram is placed on the left. Opposite each stage there is information about the requirements for the method of performing work at this stage or a link to a regulatory document, as well as information about input and output documents and messages.

    6. When developing the first version of flowcharts, you can use a different color to highlight blocks of operations that do not exist, but which, in the opinion of the process manager, should exist.

    7. The resulting process flow diagram should be analyzed for compliance with the requirements. First, it should reflect the PDCA cycle (plan - do - check - improve actions). Secondly, the process must comply with the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard and the internal requirements of the organization for the implementation of these works. Thirdly, it is advisable to agree on the flowchart with the managers of the consumer processes to take into account their requirements.

    8. A separate type of analysis of the process model - the presence and reflection of the necessary components in the block diagram effective management, including clear requirements for products and work performance, as well as actions in case of process deviations.

    Software FCEditor, Flowchart builder.

    Technology and organization of production of products and services

    1 The concepts of “Production process” and “Technological process”. Classification of technological processes by type of work performed, by levels of differentiation and unification.

    Production is the process of creating material things in the form of products and services.

    Technology– this is the determination of cumulative processing methods performed in the optimal sequence with optimal technological conditions. Technology is the science that studies the processes and methods of manufacturing and assembly in order to establish patterns.

    Manufacturing process– this is the entire set of actions on materials and semi-finished products from the moment they arrive at the enterprise until the finished product is sent to the consumer.

    The main part of the production process is technological process, during the implementation of which certain qualitative changes occur in the object of labor (changes in shapes and sizes, structure and physical and mechanical properties of the material of the part, appearance, relative position surfaces of individual parts (part surfaces). The task of TP is also to determine the state of the object of labor, i.e. control of quality parameters is also a function of the TP.

    Technological processes can be classified according to different criteria. According to GOST 3.1109-82, the technological process can be classified as a forming and assembly processing method. That's why technological processes can be classified by individual technological methods performance: casting, pressure treatment, cutting, surface-plastic deformation, heat treatment, electrophysical and electrochemical processing, coating, fitting and formation of joints during assembly, etc.

    According to the degree of unification(number of products covered by the process) technological processes are divided into single and unified.

    At single technological process production or repair of a product of the same name, standard size and design occurs, regardless of the type of production. Such processes are being developed for original products.

    At unified technological process(standard and group) produce groups of products with common design and technological features.

    At standard technological process produce groups of products with common design and technological features. A typical technological process consists of standard technological operations characterized by the unity of content and sequence of the technological process for a group of products with common design and technological features. For example, shafts are a class of cylindrical parts in which the length is more than twice the diameter.

    Group technological process is the process of manufacturing a group of products with different design, but common technological features.

    The group technological process includes group operations of joint production of a group of products with different design, but common technological features. Group operations are located in the sequence of the technological route for manufacturing this group of products.

    Grouping of parts of different configurations can be carried out according to the prevailing types of processing (determined by the commonality of the processed surfaces), the unity of technological equipment and the commonality of machine setup. A group technological operation is carried out at specialized workstations designed for the manufacture or repair of one product or group of products with one adjustment and separate sub-adjustments (for different parts of the group) over a long period of time.

    Setup- this is preparation technological equipment and technological equipment for performing the technological operation. For example, a device is installed, the speed or feed is switched, the set temperature is adjusted, etc.

    Adjustment- these are additional adjustments of technological equipment and (or) technological equipment when performing a technological operation to restore the parameter values ​​achieved during adjustment.

    According to the level of achievements of science and technology distinguish between promising and working technological processes.

    Promising process corresponds to modern achievements of science and technology, the methods and means of implementation of which must be fully or partially mastered at the enterprise.

    The working process is carried out according to working (available at the enterprise) technological and (or) design documentation.

    By stage of development, state of technological preparation of production (TPP) and standardization technological processes are divided into design, temporary and standard.

    Design process carried out according to preliminary design technological documentation and is being developed to test methods for manufacturing parts that need to be put into production in the future.

    Temporary process used at an enterprise for a limited period of time due to the lack of proper equipment or due to an accident until replacement with a more modern one.

    Standard Process established by the standard.

    Comprehensive process in addition to technological operations, it contains a set of operations for loading and unloading, moving, monitoring and cleaning of processed workpieces during the technological process. Complex technological processes are used on automatic lines.

    Non-complex process includes mainly technological operations.

    By description detail technological processes come with route, route-operational and operational descriptions.

    Route description of the technological process- this is an abbreviated description of all technological operations in the route map in the sequence of their execution without indicating transitions and technological modes.

    Route and operational description of the technological process- this is an abbreviated description of technological operations in the route map in the sequence of their execution with a full description of individual operations in other technological documents.

    Operational description of the technological process- This Full description all technological operations in the sequence of their execution, indicating transitions and technological modes.

    Vladimir Repin

    General Director of Vladimir Repin Management LLC

    Member of ABPMP Russia

    Management Consultant

    Business trainer

    Candidate of Technical Sciences

    The article discusses the issues of choosing a notation for describing processes for the purpose of subsequent regulation. Frequently used Work Flow notations are compared, such as: “Simple flowchart” in MS Visio, “Procedure” in Business Studio, ARIS eEPC notation and others. When comparing notations, the main focus is on creating process diagrams that are simple and understandable to organizational employees.

    For business analysts of companies, the theses discussed in the article are a serious reason to think about how effective the approaches they use to developing graphical diagrams of organizational processes are.


    One of the most important goals of creating graphical process diagrams is their subsequent use in the organization’s regulatory documents. These schemes, as a rule, are used by employees who are not trained in complex notations, do not have system analysis skills, etc. The simplicity and clarity of the schemes are very important to them. Complex, confusing diagrams containing many different symbols are poorly understood by people, which makes them difficult to use in practice. Therefore, for practical purposes, it is important to correctly select and use the notation (methodology) for describing processes. What criteria should be used to choose such a notation? How to compare different notations with each other? Let's look at several examples of describing a business process using popular notations and try to answer these questions.

    Comparison of notations

    For comparison, the following process description notations were chosen:

    1. “Simple flowchart” (displaying the movement of documents, using the “Solution” block);
    2. “Simple block diagram” (without displaying the movement of documents, without using “Solution” blocks);
    3. “Procedure” of the Business Studio system (one of the possible presentation options);
    4. ARIS eEPC.

    A simple and intuitive process was chosen as a test case. The results of describing this process are presented in Fig. 1-4.

    Rice. 1. Process diagram in the “Simple flowchart” notation in MS Visio (with the movement of documents, using the “Solution” block)

    In the diagram presented in Fig. 1, the sequence of process operations over time is shown using thick arrows, and the movement of documents is shown using thin dotted arrows. Solution blocks are used in a classic way. They display information (questions) on which the subsequent course of the process “depends”. This approach to using “diamonds” is very common. But in fact, the entire logic of decision-making and the formation of certain outputs (documents) should be contained within the operations of the process. If you think about it, the value (meaning) of drawing these “diamonds” is not obvious. What kind of objects are these: process operations, events? It seems to be neither one nor the other. These are rather operators for making a decision based on some condition. But we are developing a process diagram for people, and not writing a computer program in a special language. In a computer program, a “diamond” would be a full-fledged operation for comparing conditions, etc. But the process diagram needs to show real objects - processes performed by people, documents, information systems, etc. Think about whether it is correct to show “diamonds” separately from process operations on the diagram? Instead you can:

    • Describe the logic of decision making in the form of a sequence of operations on the diagram of the process under consideration;
    • Describe the logic in the form of a diagram of the steps of the corresponding subprocess, moving to the next level;
    • Describe the logic in text (in the text attributes of the operation) and subsequently display it in the process execution regulations.

    Let us formulate the “pros” and “cons” of the method of using “diamonds” discussed above (Fig. 1).

    "Simple flowchart" in MS Visio (with document movement, using the "Solution" block)

    In Fig. Figure 2 shows an example of the same process, only described without the use of “Solution” blocks and documents. It is easy to check that this diagram has 24 fewer graphic elements than the diagram in Fig. 1. Scheme Fig. 2 looks much simpler. The graphic elements do not dazzle the eyes, and from the point of view of information content, this diagram is quite understandable and accessible to the end user. If for each process operation you describe the requirements for its implementation in text, then by combining tabular and graphical presentation forms, you can quite adequately describe the procedure for executing the process for company employees.

    Rice. 2. Process diagram in the “Simple flowchart” notation in MS Visio (without document movement, without using the “Solution” block)

    “Pros” and “cons” of a graphical representation of the process in the form presented in Fig. 2 are shown below.

    "Simple flowchart" in MS Visio (without document movement, without using the "Solution" block)

    In general, the use of diagrams in a format similar to those presented in Fig. 2 is convenient for both developers and employees working on these schemes.

    In Fig. Figure 3 shows a process diagram generated in the “Procedure” notation of the Business Studio modeling environment. The scheme has several features. Firstly, the “Decision” blocks are used in a non-standard way - not as a graphic element to display a question and branching, but as a full-fledged process operation associated with decision making. In Business Studio, the “diamond” has almost all the attributes of a full-fledged process, but cannot be decomposed (perhaps the system developers will make this possible over time). Using a “diamond” (instead of a quadrangle) makes the diagram more visual. At the same time, you can enter any text information into the “diamond” attributes: description, beginning, completion, deadline requirements, etc.

    The second feature of the process diagram presented in Fig. 3, is the application of arrows. To display a sequence of operations, you can use an arrow with a single tip - the "precedence" arrow. You can use a double-headed arrow to show document movement. However, in Business Studio you can get by with using only one type of arrows - “precedence” arrows. At the same time, the required number of documents that are defined in the directory of activity objects can be linked to named arrows.

    This approach makes it possible:

    • Significantly reduce the number of graphic elements on the process diagram, and at the same time;
    • Display in the process regulations the necessary information about incoming and outgoing documents.

    Thus, without cluttering the diagram with unnecessary elements, we can nevertheless fully describe the process and upload all the necessary information into the regulations.

    The fact that the name of the arrow does not depend on the documents that are attached to it allows you to name the arrows on the diagram in the most understandable and convenient way for employees. For example, a set of specific documents can be linked to the precedence arrow “A set of reports has been prepared.” The name of the arrow in this case indicates to the performer the event that completed the previous operation called “Generate collection report for the day.” (Note that in the methodology of the STU company, the arrow after the process operation is an entity, not an event. After the “Decisions” block, you can show possible results solutions).

    Rice. 3. “Procedure” of the Business Studio system (option with non-traditional use of “Solution” blocks)

    “Pros” and “cons” of a graphical representation of the process in the form presented in Fig. 3 are shown below.

    “Procedure” of the Business Studio system (option with non-traditional use of “Solution” blocks)

    When using Business Studio, the Procedure notation can be used in slightly different ways. The author of the article is inclined to the approach presented in Fig. 3.

    In Fig. Figure 4 shows a diagram of the process under consideration, developed in the ARIS eEPC notation. Note that some process operations did not fit on the diagram. This partial diagram of a simple process, written in ARIS eEPC notation, contains four logic statements and eight events! The person reading the diagram must be able to correctly interpret all of these logical operators. Without special training and some skills in reading such diagrams, an ordinary employee is unlikely to be able to understand the logic of the process in question without a detailed text description or the help of a qualified business analyst.

    Note that the process diagram in the ARIS eEPC notation takes up significantly more space than the diagrams presented in Fig. 1-3. The complexity of forming such a scheme is also significantly higher.

    Rice. 4. Process diagram in ARIS eEPC notation (built in Business Studio)

    Process diagram in ARIS eEPC notation (built in Business Studio)

    In general, if you are not going to buy SAP R/3, then choosing and using the ARIS eEPC notation is not, from the point of view of the author of the article, the optimal solution. It is worth paying attention to notations for describing processes that are more visual and intuitive for performers. However, some may find the ARIS eEPC notation more visual and understandable. To a certain extent, this is a matter of taste.

    Description of the process for subsequent automation purposes

    It is interesting to consider the above example of a business process description if it is presented in BPMN 2.0 notation. This notation is intended to describe “executable” processes, i.e. processes that the BPM system supports.

    Your opinion about using BPMN 2.0. A. A. Belaichuk, General Director of the Business Console company, shares:

    "In Fig. Figure 5 depicts the same process in BPMN notation. As we can see, this figure is similar to Fig. 1: in BPMN notation, tasks are depicted as rectangles, forks as diamonds, and data as an icon similar to a document. Control flows are solid lines, data flows are dotted.

    It should be taken into account that this diagram uses only a small part of the BPMN notation: only one type of fork out of 5 available in the palette, one type of task out of 8. In addition to a wider palette, this notation is distinguished by the ability to model not only an isolated workflow, but also several processes , interacting with each other through messages or data. In addition, this notation is more strict: it defines not only icons, but also the rules by which they can be combined with each other. The need for such rules is dictated by the fact that the BPMN notation is focused not only on the fact that it will be read by people, but also on direct execution by special software - the “engine” of the BPM system.

    At the same time, as this example shows, when using a limited subset of the palette, BPMN turns out to be no more complicated than a conventional flowchart. Well, for those who want to master BPMN professionally, we recommend specialized training”

    Rice. 5. Process diagram in BPMN 2.0 notation

    Life practice

    In Fig. Figure 6 shows a fragment of a process diagram developed by business analysts of a very specific company in the notation they invented. The diagram is built using the principles of the “Simple flowchart” - the “Solution” block is used in its classic version. In addition, the diagram shows many other symbols used in a non-standard way.

    Rice. 6. Examples of a process diagram for one of the companies

    When forming the diagram Fig. 6, business analysts obviously “struggled” for clarity and maximum understandability for the average user. They sought to minimize, or even eliminate, textual commentary on process diagrams. The performers were simply printed with an A3 format diagram, upon reading which everything immediately became clear: what to do, how, what documents to use, etc.

    The scheme under consideration is not, of course, an example of simplicity and clarity. But it was formed to convey maximum useful information to those involved in the process.


    So, it is obvious that when describing processes you need to strive for simplicity and clarity for employees.

    The use of complex, formalized notations when describing processes leads to:

    • Difficulties in using (interpreting) diagrams by ordinary employees;
    • The impossibility (difficulty) of organizing work to describe processes by employees of departments who have not undergone special training;
    • A significant increase in the labor costs of business analysts for the formation of schemes;
    • Additional difficulties when documenting circuits (large volume, etc.).

    Therefore, you should not clutter the process diagram with various graphic elements. But even if you use them, it is better that they carry useful information for employees, and are not simply a consequence of the formal application of modeling notations. - communication environment for professionals - processes, projects, efficiency

    A flowchart is a graphical description of the flow of activities in a business process. The value of a flowchart is that it is usually much easier to understand something by looking at a graphical representation of an object than by studying it verbal description. There is a well-known saying: “It is better to see once than to hear a hundred times.”
    There are many ways to graphically represent flowcharts. They are described in the book by B. Andersen and P. Pettersen. The most common is the use of different symbols to represent different actions. Arrows are needed to indicate connections between various actions. If we talk about the symbols themselves, then there are many options for their depiction: from complex drawings to elementary rectangles and lines. There is no point in arguing that in this particular case one designation is better than another. A general understanding of the meaning of the flowchart symbols by the user is important. Next in Fig. 3.3 shows the most common flowchart symbols:
    (J is the start or end point of an operation;
    [ J step or action of the process;
    lt;0 decision point;
    / 7 input or output;
    [_. | document.
    In addition to the flowchart symbol itself, it can be labeled to indicate the resources or equipment required, or to define the conditions under which the activity in question is performed. Returning to the process from the example, for which a relationship map was previously constructed, let’s build a block diagram for it, for example, in the form shown in Fig. 3.3.
    Apparently, this flowchart could be more detailed if, for example, it included process suppliers, relevant negotiations with suppliers and consumers, etc. However, the given block diagram is sufficient to illustrate the principles of its construction. One can, of course, object, and quite reasonably, that from this flowchart it is not clear who is performing what task. For this purpose, there are special interfunctional block diagrams. These are discussed in the next paragraph.
    Group of secretaries government agency experiences great difficulties when working with documents and other materials.
    Once the documents are completed, they can be difficult to find when needed. The secretariat staff suspected that some of them used different criteria for sorting than others. Therefore it was decided common decision hold together

    Rice. 3.3. Delivery Process Flowchart

    an accurate analysis of how office work is conducted now and how it really needs to be organized. For these purposes, it was decided to build a block diagram.
    The secretariat staff gathered in the conference room and were armed with a white board and small pieces of yellow sticky paper. It soon became clear that everyone acted in approximately the same way when filling out documents, but there were different opinions regarding where completed documents should be stored. After heated debates, it was possible to come to an agreement on both issues: how to fill out documents correctly and how to sort them correctly. Shown in Fig. 3.4 block diagram is the result of this discussion.

    Rice. 3.4. Flowchart for sorting completed documents
