A strong love spell on the wind on your own. Strong dryness on the guy

Drying is one of the most effective magical rituals that is used to quickly and effectively achieve results in the love sphere.

The main essence of the additives

Like any other action, each type of drying has its own characteristics and the consequences that they cause and how they differ. However, in explaining what prisushka is, all actions without exception to bind a person to oneself can be characterized by the main features that generalize them to each other, allowing us to know that this is prisushka:

  • first of all, each attachment of a loved one is a type of magic that covers the love area; love spells in the form of an attachment are used to save a marriage, to eliminate a rival, to return a loved one to the family, to attract the attention of the man or woman you like,
  • in contrast to such magical rituals as damage, love spells and lapels, a simple love spell is a ritual exactly performed in magic, much safer than others, since it is aimed only at initiating an active magical action only in the love sphere, without affecting other areas, thus is component love spell effect,
  • a strong dryness of love, performed by professional practicing magicians, is nothing more than a call of black magic (damage), which is not related to the white and light act, since a powerful dryness leading to effective result, can only be executed when accessing dark forces, even carried out at home ordinary people the black suture carries within itself the subordination of the will of a woman or man,
  • a fulfilled and effective love powerful drying spell is dangerous: like black damage, it leads to consequences in the form of longing and boredom for the customer of such a magical ritual, the object of the drying begins to constantly think about the customer of the drying, looking for meetings,
  • the strongest witch spell for drying, performed by a professional magician, becomes the cause of changes occurring in the object of the strongest drying for love appearance, behavior and his health.

Most often, offended wives who have not found the strength to forgive their offender resort to numerous methods of drying and drying a loved one, especially those performed at home. Often, through dry spells, mothers-in-law are driven away from their son in order to get rid of a woman they don’t love. However, as magicians warn, it is the spiritual resentment that serves as the reason for carrying out the drying ritual that becomes a source of danger both for the one who acts as the object (the victim of the drying) and for the one who needs it (the customer).

The principle of action of drying on an object is to carry out a spell on any object or food product, tying it to the selected person. So, among the common rituals is drying on an onion, after which the object of magical action begins to dry according to the customer. You can make a love dryer that works on an item, or you can dry it on a loved one based on a photo. This happens due to the transfer of energy force from the enchanted object to a living object.

Common dry spells and necessary conditions

The main types of additives that are used in the love sphere include:

  • magical influence through the wind,
  • primordial ritual performed using photography,
  • tying a person to food - food and drinks, this can be done with an apple, raw meat, sweets (candy, honey), bread, onion, salt, coffee, sugar, plain water,
  • a strong ritual of binding a beloved guy or girl, done at a distance from the object of drying, without the use of personal objects and things of the object,
  • sucking on a girl or guy using various particles - hair, saliva, nails, as well as through intimacy - sex (sexual attachment),
  • ritual for binding love using silver coins,
  • love addiction with a rope,
  • one of the strongest suctions with reference to runes (runic suction),
  • performing a binding through the object’s personal belongings - underpants, socks, jumper and other items of clothing; the plot can be made on a pin or cufflink or handkerchief belonging to the beloved.

The strength and consequences of the drying depends on how correctly and accurately the ritual is performed:

  • Strong attachment at a distance to a lover you don’t need and for whom you don’t have any affection is prohibited true feelings, otherwise you can expect serious consequences from magic, which can often be dealt with and removed only by professionally performed drying, with prayer in church and a certain ritual,
  • so that magical actions are sure to help, the most effective icings are done on the Christmas holidays, on Christmas Eve - the night before Christmas,
  • You can’t blame same-sex love, since same-sex affection is initially a sin,
  • You cannot carry out heavy attachments using sperm or menstrual blood on your own; sexual black attachment is done only by experienced magicians,
  • You cannot perform a ritual ritual just for the purpose of revenge, without good intentions.

If you violate any rules for the drying ritual, adverse consequences may occur after a few days, which sometimes become impossible to remove. Among the first symptoms of realizing that something has been done wrong are:

  • fast activation accelerated process human aging,
  • decreased immunity and the appearance of various diseases,
  • changes in oncological nature,
  • general weakness,
  • sleep disturbance,
  • sexual dysfunction.

Such changes in state can greatly affect and manifest themselves both in the object of the drying and in the one who ordered this ritual and acted as the performer of the magical action.

You can make any type of icing at home, without resorting to the services of professional magicians. Among the most popular, there are several that are easy to do yourself.

Ritual with the elements

An element that helps to greatly dry out a loved one and cause violent passion, maybe the wind. A magical ritual that lasts a lifetime is considered more effective and is performed when the wind outside is strong enough, accompanied by rain.

The most suitable place for carrying out strong drying at a distance into the wind is an open space. This could be a clearing in the forest or a field. The time does not matter - day or evening.

Among the rules for casting a love spell on an element in order to achieve the desired result in short term, - keeping it a secret from others, when there is no one nearby and no one can hear the spell words of the drying and cannot see the process of performing a magical ritual.

Drying is done with the involvement of the elements on the waning moon. To carry out wind drying, wait until the beginning of this lunar phase and the onset of night, after 12 o'clock, but the ritual should be done before the sun rises.

If it is impossible to perform the ritual in natural conditions, wind drying is available for execution at home, for which it will be enough to open the window slightly and say the text of the spell: “Strong and mighty wind, hear my sincere request for help in returning my beloved, servant of God (name). Let him pine for me and remember me. When the withered branch bends, then the beloved will turn to me. His life will turn into boredom and mortal melancholy. He won’t be able to sleep peacefully without me.”

Onion dryness

Among the ancient prisushki, possessing powerful force, - onion ritual. It needs to be done at once; only a professional magician who knows the basics of white and black magic can make a lapel for such a drying. You will need:

  • small flat onion, beautiful shape, without external damage,
  • the lover’s hair, quietly taken from the object of the love spell (for example, while the person is sleeping or from his pillow),
  • 3 church candles, preferably red,
  • a kitchen knife not used before the ritual.

In the absence of eyewitnesses magical ritual Church candles are lit and lined up. The onion is cut in half with a knife, and the lover’s hair is inserted between the resulting halves. The two parts of the onion are connected together so that the edges exactly coincide with each other, after which you need to read the spell: “Dry your foot and hand, heart and soul, so that your life will be next to me. When the onion dries, then the servant of God... will dry up to me.”

The right time to dry onions is at night, while the onions are growing. lunar phase. Day of the week - first, third, or fourth.

To obtain an accurate result, church candles must burn out completely. The enchanted bow is hidden in a hiding place. The dryer will work when the vegetable dries.

Considering the strong active effect of this drying on the onion, you need to understand that your feelings are really so strong as to dry your beloved for life.

Dryness on clothes

Among the items that are chosen as an attribute for performing the drying ritual, new socks are often used. By purchasing new pair socks, you should try to make a purchase so that besides the seller of the goods and you, there is no one else in the store. At the time of paying for the goods, you need to say a spell to yourself: “I buy new socks, I tame my lover.”

Drying time for new socks is the waxing moon.

At home, a purchased pair of socks is turned inside out and, using a thread of the same color as the textile product itself, a cross is embroidered on each one, accompanied by the words of the spell: “By embroidering the thread with a cross, I sew the beloved servant of God...to myself. Let him feel bad without me. Let him yearn and miss me. Let him come back soon and be near.”

Cross-embroidered charmed socks are left overnight on the windowsill under moonlight. In the morning, the dried socks are presented as a gift to the beloved - the object of the drying.

Dryness in the photo

There are many ways to dry from a photo. Easy to perform, but quite effective, adding a photo of a loved one can permanently dry a girl or a guy. Among the attributes for performing the ritual ritual:

  • a printed photograph where a girl or guy - the subjects of the photograph - are captured alone, without others,
  • photograph with your own image,
  • red silk thread,
  • 2 church candles, preferably red,
  • a fully opened red rose flower,
  • book edition, thick in volume, bound in cardboard,
  • unused gypsy needle,
  • rose oil.

Photos from your phone need to be printed; electronic versions of the images are not suitable to effectively bewitch a person.

For magical actions with the image to help, the most best time when drying is done from a photograph, it is a new moon.

Before drying, the candles placed on the table are lit, the photographs are placed facing each other, and a rose bud is placed between them. A gypsy needle is dipped in rose oil and a silk thread is inserted into it, through which the photographs are stitched together along the edges.

During the process of stitching photos, it is worth checking where the punctures go: make sure that the needle does not get into the images.

The stitched photographs are placed inside the book. The publication is hidden so that no one can detect the book. As the rose bud sewn into the photographs dries, the drying effect will be activated.

Apple dryness

Paradise fruit is often an attribute for love buds performed independently at home. However effective ritual becomes only when the apple is plucked from the branch by the performer with his own hands. To carry out drying you will need:

  • ripe apple with red peel,
  • red thread,
  • a photo with the face of a loved one, and the size of the photo should be the size of an apple,
  • kitchen knife with wooden handle.

The rules for this ritual are similar to others: you need to make sure that there is no one in the room, and, as usual, light a church candle. With a knife, the apple is cut into two equal parts, between which a photograph is placed, the halves are tied with a red thread, accompanied by the words of the spell: “I ask for help from the magical servants to find happiness with the servant of God... So that you will be with me in joy and in sorrow, in a hundred years and through a hundred paths. Just as an apple dries and withers, so my beloved servant of God...dries up to me.”

Rope binding

To perform the binding ritual, a simple rope is suitable. Among the requirements for the main attribute of the ritual are: White color And natural material. To carry out the ceremony, they take a rope of sufficient length and, sitting down at the table, imagining the image of a loved one, begin to tie knots on it, without counting them. When the length of the rope runs out, the results are summed up:

  • the resulting even number of imposed knots means that magic will become your assistant and will assist in attracting the attention of your lover,
  • an odd number of resulting knots means that an attempt to dry a loved one in in this case will not be successful.

At unsuccessful attempt The ritual of drying on a rope is resorted to again after some time.

In the case of a positive result, the words of the conspiracy are read on a rope tied with an even number of knots: “No matter how the rope twists, there will be a knot. No matter how God’s servant…flees from me, he will become mine.”

After a night, the charmed rope needs to be thrown on the threshold of the beloved’s house. The dryness will work on the rope when a person steps over it.

It is known that people exist and interact in the energy-information space. Various types of influences stretch artificial channels between you and the “object” of influence.

What is dryness? Don't think that this is a simple love spell; in fact, these things are completely different. If a love spell is needed in order to attract the attention of the desired object, then dryness is akin to damage. It works completely differently. With the help of dryness, they invade the energy shell of the “rabbit” (the one you want to influence) and impose feelings that are completely alien to him.

This is the most ordinary violence, only energetic. In addition, the energy of the dried substance simply leaks through artificial channels, which often leads to death. Men very often experience strokes, heart attacks, and blood clots - these are the most common causes of male mortality.

Reviews and consequences of dryness

With dryness, they ensure that the object literally “dries up” without you, and exists only next to you. An incorrectly performed ritual leads to the death of the “rabbit.” I get dry different types: from weak to strongest. However, no one can predict how this or that dry spell will behave at work.

It's like a lottery. Perhaps an exhausted, sick and exhausted “rabbit” will crawl to your lap, but you won’t need him like that. Then why ruin someone else's human destiny? And even if you achieve your goal, you will live with a man, realizing that he does not love you... Are you really worthy of just a surrogate of love? Don't you value yourself low?

Remember that if you truly love a person, do not risk his life. If you want to take revenge, then stop and think, are you ready to turn into a killer, go against the laws of the Universe and cause irreparable harm to others, and to yourself?

If a man offended you so much, and if it was unfair, remember, fate knows how to punish him, and rest assured, this will happen without your participation. You don't need to do anything at all for this. Cause-and-effect relationships exist and work perfectly. And you have no right to interfere in the universe, because you are not God.

It often happens that your feelings are not true love to a person, and your selfishness, momentary eccentric desire can ruin the life of another person. Think about this before taking on such responsibility. Know that everything you have done will come back to you and hurt your descendants. When you finally meet the man of your dreams and want some quiet time with him family happiness, troubles will fall on your head - know that this is retribution for past mistakes and pride, guided by which you decided to play God.

Keep in mind that without special magical protections You should never do anything to yourself or your loved ones!
All you have the right to is to protect yourself and your family, and to be treated if you have suffered from someone else's magic. Remove photos of your family, children and loved ones from the Internet.

Now there are many willing, unprincipled and immoral individuals who simply test the effects of various dangerous rituals on so-called “rabbits”, and then cynically write on various witchcraft forums about how it worked for them. Download your photos from social networks very simple. Even domestic animals are subject to various experimental influences.

Remember that even among your acquaintances, the nicest people at first glance, there may be people who like to experiment on you. After all, few can calmly pass by someone else’s happiness and well-being. After all, even banal envy can punch a hole in your energy field. Just imagine. If the envious person also reads a spell without knowing how it works correctly. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, be careful. Don’t boast about your happiness left and right, keep it to yourself.

Houses with candles

To perform the ritual you need: darkness, candles and a photo of your loved one. You need to look at the photo with love for 13 minutes, and then clearly read the spell 3 times without hesitation.
If someone interferes with you during the ritual, you will have to start all over again.


On the window

The plot is read in any bad weather. The worse the weather outside, the harder it will work. Repeat once a week.

To the wind

It often happens that when we fall in love, the object of our feelings does not reciprocate. Maybe he doesn’t pay attention, seeing more flashy rivals, maybe he’s far away or he doesn’t have enough time to look at you, because each person has feelings in their own way. The way out of this situation is a love spell ritual. But when deciding to hold it, a common problem is the lack of access to housing, things and photographs of a loved one. But carrying out a love spell on the wind will bring the desired result. With it you can.

Typically, the wind love spell ritual is a multiple call, recited three or nine times. Girls are supposed to perform magic without a headdress, as in most other magical rituals. The hair is also loosened during this ritual so that it can freely develop in the wind.

A love spell on the wind does not always turn out to be as strong as some other rituals (especially those classified as black magic), but, unlike drinking or casting a spell on a thing, they can act at a great distance. This ritual can attract not only the object of the love spell to you, but also other men. This conspiracy is used for several weeks in a row (but no more than a month). It is preferable to start during the waxing moon, which will increase the feelings experienced. The effect of the ritual will appear over the next month.

Love spells for the wind

To perform a love spell in the wind, wait for windy weather (some magicians can do this on their own). At dawn, you need to go out onto the balcony or onto the street, facing the rising sun and say the words of the conspiracy. Then close your eyes and relax, enjoying the silence. After such a ritual, you may feel tired and slightly weak. But don’t be alarmed, this is a sure sign that the love spell will produce results. This happens because the wind takes away some of your strength in return for your request, but by the evening you will feel great.

“As the wind unravels and braids my braids,
So let the beloved (name of the chosen one) braid them and unravel them,
Let him not know any other joy, how to curl and curl around me,
Caress me day and night.
Don't eat, don't drink, don't sleep,
Until my eyes can see.
My word is flint, my will is unbreakable.
May it be so forever and ever.”

Second version of the plot:

“Thirty winds, thirty whirlwinds, fly from behind the mountains, find fierce melancholy, and find it
on (name of the chosen one). Let him be bored, grieve, and not see the white light without me (his name). Drive him to me during the day in the sun, and at night in the moon. Bring on him torment and longing for me (your name). May it be so forever and ever.”

Love spell ritual using the wind and photography

Perhaps use another ritual if you have a photo of the desired person. This ritual is a variation. Take Blank sheet paper, fold it in half, draw an infinity sign (a figure eight inverted horizontally) on the outside. Inside the sheet, write the name of the love spell victim and insert a photo of your loved one into the folded sheet.

Start the love spell itself half an hour before midnight, place a sheet of paper with your name and photo on your palm, and cover it with your other palm for a while. This way, the photo will be saturated with your energy. Five minutes before midnight, burn a photo and a piece of paper with the name of your betrothed. At exactly twelve o'clock at night, blow the ashes out the open window. The result will appear within three weeks and will last no more than three months. After which it is possible to repeat the love spell ritual.

If you want to make a strong, long-lasting love spell in the wind, do this. When you go outside, read the spell, once into the wind, a second time against the wind:

“Vetrograd, brother of the four elements.
Don't go to the forest or to the clearing,
Yes, not to the dry wasteland, cursed.
Find and bring to me, (your name), your beloved (his name).
Twist his legs and arms,
Pour sweet pangs into your heart for me.
So that you don’t eat my name, don’t drink it,
He came to me from all directions!
My image would seem to be everywhere:
Below, above, on land, and on water.
He would look at me, but he wouldn’t stop looking at me,
He would have caressed me, but he didn’t caress me.
Like a hungry beast is not satisfied,
Never had enough of me in bed!
I give my words to the wind,
I speak with conspiracy deeds.
Key, lock, tongue."

There is another love spell in the wind, which is suitable for someone who dreams of marrying his chosen one. The plot is read on the street or in open window, but make sure that there are no people nearby (preferably at a later time).

“Fly, wind, not to heaven,
Go, wind, not down low,
But to (lover's name) and to his brains.
Let him think, let him suffer,
Let him not know a moment of peace,
My face remembers everywhere:
Always and everywhere, in the body and in the soul.
Let him not fall asleep
In his thoughts, and let him call me out loud,
Me, my lawful wife (your name).
Let it be so forever and ever, forever and ever.”


If you don’t have a photo of a guy and you don’t know how to bewitch him, a strong blow to the wind without a photo of your loved one will help in this situation. Learn by heart the words of a strong love spell and if you don’t have a photo, then loudly say the love spell into the wind (facing the window) into the open window, once against the wind (turning away from the window and looking at your door) the words of a strong love spell for the wind:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Vetrograd, you are a brother to the four elements.
Go not to the forest, not to the clearing, not to the dry wasteland, damn you.
Find and bring to me, God's servant (name), God's servant (name).
Twist his legs and arms, drive love pangs into his heart for me.
May he not eat my name, may he not drink it, may he come to me from all roads and paths,
It would seem that I am in my image everywhere: above, below, on earth, on water.
If he looked at me, he wouldn’t admire me enough; if he showed mercy to me, he wouldn’t have mercy.
Just as a hungry animal would not be satisfied, it would not be satiated with me in bed for a century.
I am his blood, I am his food, I am his gold...
I convey my word to the wind, I speak in a conspiracy.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

This drying in its own way magical power is equivalent to love spells, but its effect lasts no more than a year. Strong drying the good thing is that if you decide to break up, you won’t have to turn around and torment the guy you once loved.

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Love spells - sugar spells act on the principle of tying a person to oneself, cause mortal melancholy and do not allow a person not to eat or sleep without the person who ordered the love spell. Drying a person means causing him longing and a desire to be near you. Prisushki are simple to perform and often do not even require photographs or things of your loved one. These love spells often have a narrow focus and, as a result, begin to act very quickly; sometimes the effect of such a love spell is calculated in several days.

Consequences of a love spell

However, a love spell does not provide a complete guarantee of a strong relationship. Most often, drying only causes longing for you, but does not ignite the feelings of the person being bewitched. Therefore, it is better to back up love spells with other love spell methods.

Moreover, if a person has strong will and categorically does not want to be with you, carrying out drying without knowledge of the laws of magic can end in failure. The person will be drawn to you with incredible force, but he will fight in every possible way against the influence of the love spell, not in any way submitting to your plan. The consequences of drying out can literally dry out a person, leading to illness, exhaustion from suffering, and drunkenness. Therefore, the methods of love spells must be handled very carefully.

Conditions for a love spell

The principle of operation of a love spell is more suitable for black methods of influence, since in its essence it involves negative energy by forcing a person to take any action towards you. Prisushki are often made for love spells at a distance, again in a negative sense, tying a person, making him yearn for you, miss you, and not find a place for himself at a distance. Sometimes, with the help of dryers, they influence the physical desire of the victim.

Methods of love spells for melancholy

To evoke the melancholy of a loved one, you can use this ritual method. Three days before and after the love spell on a girl for melancholy, you need to observe a bloodless fast. On the day of the ritual, without combing or washing your face, go to the market, take a piece of fresh bloody meat on the bones there, and when you get home, recite a spell on the meat:

“Like a dog running after a bitch, chasing, howling at the stars,

So that Slave (Name) follows me everywhere, howling in anguish.

The dog barks, the door is closed, the bone is buried,

So do I God's servant(your Name), the heart of a slave (man's name)

I lock, I lock, I bury, I bury.

Teeth, lips, key in the ocean - the sea"

After this, cut the meat from the bone and feed it to street dogs, and bury the bone at a crossroads.

It is extremely important to understand that love spells for melancholy and drying are dangerous and if there are any additions to the plot annotation, they must be performed exactly. In this ritual, the bone must be buried, and the meat must be given to dogs, and not your own!

Love spell to cast your loved one to the wind

Often for love spells in response to longing, it is the power of the wind that is used, since the wind can penetrate into any corners, it can convey your message to your loved one or just as quickly dry it up. This drying spell should be read in windy weather, with heartfelt thanks to the air elemental for their assistance and future results. It is often said that a wind-sucking love spell can work even if you are at home and reading through an open window. However, this is not entirely true, since in this case the ritual will require your own strength, which is rarely found among people who do not regularly practice magic. Therefore, it is better for such a ritual to be in an open field or in any open area where you can physically feel the power of the wind currents. The main thing is that your feet should be as close to the ground as possible, drawing support and strength from it for the ritual. It’s also a good idea to cast a love spell on the wind before entering the house honey water(stir clockwise a few tablespoons of honey into warm water) and drink in small sips.
