Should you be afraid of "The Bride"? Review of a new horror film. Post-mortem photographs of the Victorian era

Creepy by modern standards, the tradition was popular in the Victorian era of the 19th century. Namely, the tradition of taking photographs of recently deceased relatives, called “Memento mori”, which translates...

Creepy by modern standards, the tradition was popular in the Victorian era of the 19th century.
Namely, the tradition of taking photographs of recently deceased relatives, called “Memento mori,” which translated means “remember death.”

When it comes to the Victorian era, most people think of horse-drawn carriages, ladies' corsets and Charles Dickens. And hardly anyone thinks about what the people of that era did when they came to the funeral. This may seem shocking today, but at that time, when someone died in the house, the first person the family of the unfortunate person turned to was a photographer. Our review contains posthumous photographs of people who lived in the Victorian era.

The sister and brothers next to the dead child look very frightened.
In the second half of the 19th century, the Victorians had new tradition– take photographs of dead people. Historians believe that at that time the services of a photographer were very expensive, and not many could afford such luxury during their lifetime. And only death and desire to do in last time something meaningful related to a loved one made them shell out for a photo. It is known that in the 1860s a photograph cost about $7, which is comparable to $200 today.

Last photo with daughter
Another one probable cause such unusual Victorian fashion is the “cult of death” that existed in that era. This cult was started by Queen Victoria herself, who, after the death of her husband Prince Albert in 1861, never stopped mourning. At that time in England, after the death of someone close, women wore black for 4 years, and over the next 4 years they could only appear in white, gray or purple. Men wore mourning bands on their sleeves for a whole year.

Unfortunately, he didn't fall asleep.
People wanted their deceased relatives to look as natural as possible, and photographers had their own techniques for this. A special tripod was widely used, which was installed behind the back of the deceased and made it possible to fix him in a standing position. It is by the presence of subtle traces of this device in the photo that in some cases it is only possible to determine that the photo shows a dead person.

This is how they photographed dead people standing...

... and sitting.
In this photo, 18-year-old Ann Davidson with beautifully styled hair, in a white dress, surrounded by white roses, is already dead. It is known that the girl was hit by a train, only top part body, which was captured by the photographer. The girl's hands are arranged as if she were sorting flowers.

Ann Davidson, hit by a train.

This story has not been edited. Its spelling and punctuation are preserved in their original form.

These 21 post-mortem photographs victorian era alarming. How it was?

The Victorian era was a very "Gothic" period in human history. One of the most exciting traditions of the era was the practice of post-mortem photography (that is, photographing the dead). By today's standards this would be taboo, but at the time it was considered quite normal.

This doesn't mean that these photos are any less creepy to look at today; on the contrary, it probably makes them even creepier. Here are 21 of the most disturbing examples of Victorian post-mortem photography we could find. Attention. #13 might really shock you.

1.) In an effort to produce the opposite effect of "creepiness", such "mementos" (English - "memorable gifts", "souvenirs"), on the contrary, were made to "commemorate" deceased loved ones.

2.) For this reason, many photographers have tried to make their "clients" look alive.

3.) Photographers use various tricks to make their “clients” more life-like.

4.) One of the most common techniques they used was to put people next to their favorite things and creatures (like this man in a chair with his dogs).

5.) Or this girl is here with her toys.

6.) In some cases, photographers tried to pretend that dead man sleeping

8.) Notice how the photographer uses the person's hand to support their head?

9.) Notice the strange position of the curtain behind the boy? It is likely that someone behind her is supporting the boy's head.

10.) This girl was placed sideways on a chair so as to hide the support device.

11.) She looks almost alive in this photo.

12.) Do you see anything strange in the background? This girl is sitting on someone's lap. While the photo was being taken, someone held her in place.

13.) In this photo, the girl standing in the middle is a deceased person. The photographer tried to make her more alive, relying on his teachers.

14.) In other cases, it was not possible to make the “clients” look like they were alive.

15.) It was normal for family members to pose with deceased loved ones for these photographs.

16.) You might say that this is difficult for living family members. The expression of great suffering on the parents' faces is obvious.

17.) One can only imagine what it would be like to pose next to a deceased close relative. At that time, photography was slow and you couldn't move until the photo was ready.

18.) In this photo you can see that the dead girl is in better focus than her parents, this is because they moved while the photo was taken.

19.) There's something about her eyes in this photo.

20.) This one is pretty obvious. [ What? not quite clear- translator].

21.) I'm not sure which one is the deceased one.

I was almost speechless. The first impression of the photographs is definitely creepy, but the overall effect they produce is very strong. You might think it's weird for parents to pose for a photo with their dead dead child, but at that time such a demonstration of grief, not hidden from the public, was also considered a manifestation of spiritual courage.

Creepy by modern standards, the tradition was popular in the Victorian era of the 19th century.
Namely, the tradition of taking photographs of recently deceased relatives, called “Memento mori,” which translated means “remember death.”

When it comes to the Victorian era, most people think of horse-drawn carriages, ladies' corsets and Charles Dickens. And hardly anyone thinks about what the people of that era did when they came to the funeral. This may seem shocking today, but at that time, when someone died in the house, the first person the family of the unfortunate person turned to was a photographer. Our review contains posthumous photographs of people who lived in the Victorian era.

In the second half of the 19th century, the Victorians developed a new tradition of taking photographs of dead people. Historians believe that at that time the services of a photographer were very expensive, and not many could afford such luxury during their lifetime. And only death and the desire to do something meaningful for the last time, connected with a loved one, forced them to fork out for a photograph. It is known that in the 1860s a photograph cost about $7, which is comparable to $200 today.

Another probable reason for such unusual Victorian fashion is the “cult of death” that existed in that era. This cult was started by Queen Victoria herself, who, after the death of her husband Prince Albert in 1861, never stopped mourning. At that time in England, after the death of someone close to them, women wore black for 4 years, and over the next 4 years they could only appear in white, gray or purple clothes. Men wore mourning bands on their sleeves for a whole year.

People wanted their deceased relatives to look as natural as possible, and photographers had their own techniques for this. A special tripod was widely used, which was installed behind the back of the deceased and made it possible to fix him in a standing position. It is by the presence of subtle traces of this device in the photo that in some cases it is only possible to determine that the photo shows a dead person.

To make posthumous portraits stand out from the crowd, photographers often included symbols in the image that clearly indicated that the child was already dead: a flower with a broken stem, an upside-down rose in the hands, a clock whose hands point to the time of death.

Today, post-mortem photographs are highly collectible. The most large collection photographs of the Victorian era belong to Thomas Harris from New York. He comments on his unusual hobby as follows: “These photographs calm you down and make you think about the priceless gift of life.”

While most of those preserved in modern society rituals include harmless traditions common throughout the world, others, less well known, can be extremely painful and cruel. Unusual and dangerous rituals can be found in different corners peace. We will tell you about several of them in this collection.

(Total 11 photos)

1. Cannibalism.

Aghori Babas who live in the Indian city of Varanasi are famous for eating the dead. They believe that man's greatest fear is the fear of death, and that this fear is an obstacle to spiritual liberation. By eating a dead person, you can get rid of fear and stand on Right way enlightenment.

There are five types of people who cannot be cremated according to Hinduism: saints, children, pregnant women, unmarried women, people who died from leprosy or snake bites. These people are attached to the sacred river Ganges, from where they are subsequently pulled out and ritually consumed by the Aghori.

2. Dance of the Sun.

Native Americans were known to perform numerous rituals to honor the spirits of the land. Rituals are a means of communication with great spirits, and self-sacrifice means maintaining direct contact with the Tree of Life. The ritual of making direct contact with the Tree proceeds as follows: the skin on the chest of the participants is pierced with a skewer, which is attached with a rope to a pole representing the Tree of Life. Participants move back and forth, trying to escape while the skin of their chest is still tied to the post. This dance can last for several hours.

3. Self-flagellation.

Every year during the holy month of Muharram, followers of Shia Islam carry out a ritual of mass self-flagellation to commemorate the martyrdom of Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. Men beat their bodies with blades attached to chains. In a state of religious trance, they practically do not feel pain.

4. Vine jumping.

In the village of Bunlap, which is located on an island in Pacific Ocean, a ritual called Gkol is performed. This ritual is, in a way, the predecessor of bungee jumping. The villagers sing, dance, some beat drums, and some men prepare for dangerous jumps. They tie vines around their ankles and jump from very high wooden towers built specifically for this ritual. Participants in the ritual do not seem to be very concerned about the possibility of breaking bones. They just jump and fly upside down. It is believed that the higher a person starts, the greater the blessing of the gods he will receive.

5. Voodoo and spiritual possessions.

Followers of the Voodoo cult can be found in some parts West Africa. One of the rituals is to accept into oneself, as into a kind of vessel, some other soul or spirit. In the photograph, a person connects with the spirit of the Earth, Sakpata. The spirit takes over the body, but the person remains conscious. After the ritual, the spirit does not leave the person for 3 days.

6. Sky burials.

In Tibet, Buddhists practice a strange sacred ritual called Jhator, or sky burial. Buddhists believe in the circle of rebirth, which means that there is no need to preserve bodies after death because the soul has moved on to another realm. It is customary to give the bodies of the dead to vultures as alms. In order to get rid of the body as quickly as possible, a special person cuts the corpse into pieces and scatters it around for the birds to eat.

7. Fire walks.

The festival takes place in Penang, Malaysia. One of the cleansing rituals involves walking barefoot on burning coals. It is believed that fire scares away evil spirits, strengthens male strength and helps to free yourself from bad thoughts. For this purpose, hundreds of people walk along the lights.

8. Dancing with the dead.

Famadihana, which means "turning of the bone", is a traditional festival that takes place in Madagascar. Participants believe that the faster the body decomposes, the faster the spirit reaches the afterlife. Therefore, they dig up their loved ones in order to dance with them to music around the grave, and then rebury them. This strange ritual is performed every 2-7 years.

9. Piercing.

The annual Vegetarian Festival in Phuket, Thailand is a highly dangerous ritual that requires participants to pierce their cheeks with swords, knives, spears, hooks and the like. It is believed that during the ritual the gods put their bodies into a trance, protect them from evil and bring them good luck in the future.

10. Death rites.

The Amazonian Yanomami tribe is one of the most primitive in the world. In their opinion, death is not a natural phenomenon. It is customary in the tribe to cremate a deceased person, and mix his ashes with bananas and eat them so that the spirit of the deceased member of the tribe continues to live among their own.

11. Scarification.

The Kaningara tribe from Papua New Guinea practice a very unusual ritual that is aimed at strengthening the spiritual connection between members of the tribe and their environment. One of the ritual ceremonies is held in the “House of the Spirit”. The teenagers live in seclusion in the Spirit House for two months. After this period of isolation, they prepare for an initiation ceremony that recognizes their transition to manhood. During the ritual, the person's skin is cut with bamboo fragments. The resulting notches resemble crocodile skin. The people of this tribe believe that crocodiles are the creators of people. The marks on the body symbolize the teeth marks of a crocodile that ate the boy and left behind an adult man.

    A video featuring strange creature, which horrified everyone! Frightened local residents immediately took the mysterious cub to the hospital so that they could explain who he was.
    When the scientists received the test results, they were speechless. After all, everything comes down to the fact that this is...
    All over the world in Lately Many strange phenomena began to occur. Either a huge fish of an incomprehensible species swims ashore, or a huge crab hides at the pier. Huge two-kilogram fish fall from the sky instead of rain. I can imagine the faces of those people whose heads they began to fall on.

    In general, what is not happening: dogs and cats began to talk human language. Wow, some people only start talking at the age of seven, but these people don’t have time to grow up and already swear like people.
    And such a phenomenon has never happened before. Where could this come from? From the photos and videos it is clear that this is not a person, but from some side it resembles a human body.

    A video featuring a strange creature has appeared on the Internet...
    This thing, very similar to the werewolf from Hollywood nightmares, was found in the Pahang area, Malaysia. Frightened local residents immediately took the mysterious cub to the hospital so that they could explain who he was. When the scientists received the test results, they were speechless.
    After all, everything converges on the fact that this is really a werewolf cub! Did they say this as a joke, or is it really true? One can only guess, since Additional Information was not voiced, and the creature itself was left in the laboratory for additional tests (according to them).
    But if they didn’t want to hide something, they would have provided more information, at least the results of the tests themselves, right? In general, this creature left behind a lot of questions after its appearance, and local residents are sure that they are not being told something.

    Babies are cute and adorable, but they don't pee-pee and poop when their parents have time to prepare.
    We've rounded up some of the craziest baby photoshoots that show the dirty side of parenting. Parents - current or future - watch and enjoy...

    Babies are cute and adorable, but they don't pee-pee and poop when their parents have time...

    All these photos were found in the most hidden corners of the world wide web. Where, so to speak, no human mouse clicked.

    Although you may have already seen some of them. Take courage, move your children away from the screen, and keep a plastic bag nearby just in case.

    A selection of frightening photographs of unknown origin. The faint of heart should not enter.

    And so on. Now, as you know, this is a hot topic. I also remembered the Indian-Pakistani theme - there is a train somewhere here.

    But in fact, these photographs are almost 25 years old and the events that they depict can be found on the Internet using the phrase “La nave dolce” or “sweet ship.”

    On August 7, 1991, in the Albanian port of Durazzo, a routine unloading of Cuban sugar from the ship VLORA was underway. Suddenly a crowd of people approached him, which in the blink of an eye turned into an avalanche.

    She stormed the ship and its captain Nalim Miladi was ordered to set a course for Italy. No amount of persuasion or threats from the port guard helped.

    The captain’s assurances that the Vlora’s engine was in disrepair also did not help. A total of 20 thousand people boarded the ship. Among them were women, children and old people.

    The captain was forced to obey. The faulty ship approached the Italian coast only a day later. But in Brindisi they categorically refused to accept Vlora.

    They did not want to accept desperate passengers at the next port. In Bari. The captain radioed that the situation on the ship was close to disaster. Water and provisions have run out, the ship urgently needs repairs. The port authorities gave up. The Vlora was allowed to moor at the pier.

    But what to do with such an avalanche of hungry, exhausted people?

    For Italy, this event was out of the ordinary. In December of this year 1991, it collapsed Soviet Union. And two years earlier, the Berlin Wall was solemnly torn down. Europe greeted these events with delight, not suspecting what awaited them in the near future. And now the Italian government urgently needed to allocate 20 thousand somewhere unexpected guests. With difficulty, local police managed to escort the crowd to Victoria Stadium.

    It was decided to deport everyone back to Albania.
    When the Vlora passengers found out about this, mass riots began. The local police were unable to cope with the maddened crowd. But it was also impossible to leave people hungry. Provisions were dropped into the stadium from helicopters. Then the government of the country resorted to deception.

    The Albanians were promised that everyone, without exception, would be transported to Rome by plane.
    In fact, the planes were heading for Tirana. Two to three thousand people managed to escape. Among them was Kledi Kadu. 17 year old dancer. Now he has become a very famous person in Italy. In Daniele Vicari's film The Sweet Ship, Cledi recalls the events of that day:
    Kledi Kadu interviews ballet soloist Vladimir Derevianko.

    Kledi says that the Russian school of ballet has always fascinated him.
    - I still feel like I'm thirsty.
    The thirst was so painful that I drank sea ​​water, which only made things worse.
    He was asked: - What has changed in 20 years in Italy in relation to emigrants?
    - The Italians have lost interest in them. There was no such indifference before.

    Summer is approaching, and people are increasingly eager to shed their boring clothes. Of course, it comes to funny things, and it’s all due to excessive arrogance and reluctance to treat your wardrobe a little more consciously.

    In the era of modern gadgets, when every individual has a phone with a camera and access to the Internet, it becomes possible to look at the most careless and tastelessly dressed. And this happens year after year!

    Today our photo selection is dedicated to leggings. It seems that they came into fashion back in the late 90s and since then they have been appearing on city streets in quite a wave-like pattern.

    Here we show a series of pictures from around the world, and all you will see are leggings. If in doubt, then just take a closer look! We left everything as it is, without embellishment.

    What can you see on this planet! The funny thing is that wearers of leggings do not seem to notice their mistakes at all or they simply do not care about the opinions of others. Well, there is some truth in this too!
    Share this collection with others, let them smile looking at these crazy photos!
