Current signature earn from home. Typing for money

Do you want to print, but don't know how? How print, earn money? How much money can you “print” while sitting at home? About this and much more in our interesting article...

It’s not difficult to do this: print text for money. You just need to try. Then register, decide how much money you want daily, and get started. The first money will be printed in 7-8 days, if you are diligent and fulfill orders (don’t be afraid to take even low-fat ones).

Printing work varies. There are orders about construction, relationships and repairs, childbirth and obtaining an insurance certificate, for example. For example, you can work all day, typing texts for money - a very profitable job. Even a beginner can get up to 1000 rubles per day (if you're lucky). If you're unlucky, you'll work all day and get half as much. But the salary is still good! A small specialist can print texts for more than 15 thousand per month. Even a beginner can make money on the Internet based on his literacy. The work is detached from time, you can do it even as a second job - no one will bite you or make a reprimand.

Jobs (you need to print text for money)

Now, when you start printing texts for money, look at what vacancies there are at home - these are:

Earning money on rewriting - a ruble per minute or two GIVES!Print text for money

1. Cleaner for unique texts. Rewriter

You are given a task. Rework non-unique text. You have to do this in a couple of hours: look through the text and type it again (but in your own words). Don’t argue with the customer: he knows better what he needs in the text and what he doesn’t. The end result will be a text that suits both. And the payment will come to your wallet.

And now:

3 ways to earn money using the copywriter method

1. What is rewriting.

Rewriting is the simplest of typing text for money at home.

You have to: learn to read; write correctly. If you know all this, start reading! First, read the text of the order and agree to the terms. Then we read someone else’s text. It is attached to the order or you need to find it yourself - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that the topic is given. Start from it. Have you placed an order on Etxt? Found an article on the Internet on this topic? Great. Now we begin rewriting - writing the text.

The text is read line by line, sentence by sentence - as you like. Then we write. This is a retelling, an exposition - call it what you want. On the Internet this is called rewriting.

Rewrite - text.

Rewriting is the process of its creation.

Thus, rewriting is exactly the type of printing for which you will get paid. Printing at home.

The entire text has been retold - send it to the customer. And submit an application for withdrawal of funds. From 250 you can withdraw to Etxt. Some copywriters work that much per hour... Become one!

2. Copywriting is it!

Copywriting is everything! When copywriting, printing occurs without the help of a source, in the form of the Internet. Only your head and the knowledge that sits in it can help you.

There are also reservations. For example, copywriters can be considered those who take text from several sources. This is also called copywriting (for some reason). Apparently, it depends on the number of sources for rewriting whether it will be called rewriting or copywriting.

How to do it: read (2 texts). We are writing. The same retelling is needed. Don't forget to check the uniqueness of the text, free at Text.

When copywriting, you can change the text, throw out what is not needed, and so on.

3. How do we fulfill orders?

It is better to print text for money at home by fulfilling orders. More money, less time to wait (before receiving money). That's why orders are better.
— go to the section (orders).
— we carry out one or two (we submit 5 applications, wait for approval. Then we carry out, making a retelling).
— cash out money (you can withdraw it to Etkt in 7 days to Qiwi, and from there to the card).

05/16/14 108K

At first glance, the simplest and most convenient way to work remotely is typing at home. Printing a certain number of characters from the provided materials (for example, from a picture) is the simplest thing that can be found on the Internet.

Job seekers can easily find vacancies for such work on many remote work sites.

The essence of typing work at home is very simple. You receive text in the form of a picture or handwritten material, and type it in the program Microsoft Word or its analogues.

You send the finished version of the text to the customer and receive honestly earned money.

What knowledge, skills and technologies will you need?

In what form will you receive the source materials for typing?

There are only three material options:

What payment methods can they offer you?

Can people cheat in this type of work?

Unfortunately, they can!

Here are just a few of the deception options used by scammers:

  • The customer requires an advance payment from the typist at home as insurance that the job will be completed on time. Never make an advance payment! Nobody, not at any job in real life does not pay his bosses money as a guarantee of getting the job done;
  • The customer receives the finished text and disappears without paying for the typing work you did at home. Always take advance payment. It is better to lose less than to waste your time;
  • Purchase of material by mail with postage paid. The customer sends the material by cash on delivery by mail and, supposedly, to minimize his losses, asks you to pay for them. Under such working conditions, it is better to refuse it immediately.

The ideal option is a contract concluded between the customer and the contractor. But, unfortunately, in the world of freelancing, this approach to work is extremely rare.

So is there really such a job as a typist at home and without investment? There is, however, a name for it “copywriting”.

Not so long ago, on the Internet you could find a bunch of offers for typing at home for money.

The scammers offered to rewrite handwritten text and asked to send them money, supposedly to provide guarantees. They disappeared after receiving funds from the victims, so do not trust anyone who suggests you do this with investments.

You can start typing for money from scratch and it will bring a good profit. Of course, this requires certain skills, but even a beginner can obtain them.

The Internet is constantly filling up new information, so the demand for such services is always high. The most important thing is to find worthy customers.

Working with texts at home

At first glance, the work seems simple, sit at home and write texts, but everything is much more complicated. Firstly, you will have to constantly look for orders. Secondly, it takes a lot of time.

If you decide to type for money on the Internet, Please note some features:

  1. You should know the spelling rules well; no one needs articles with numerous errors.
  2. You’ll have to learn to type quickly and a lot; if you create one article a day, you definitely won’t earn much.
  3. The ability to use Word must be at a high level. You will have to not only print symbols, but also design everything beautifully.
  4. Organization also requires special attention. You will have to work daily and for several hours.

The work of typing at home is not difficult in itself, given its subtleties. We have already talked about it in more detail in the article about. Many people do this professionally and earn good money.

Where to look for typing jobs for money?

The Weblancer exchange was created specifically to search for clients and performers. They are added every day different orders, including those related to translations, writing texts and their proofreading. You will choose suitable vacancies yourself and send applications to potential employers:

As a rule, the amount of payment is negotiated individually, although some immediately indicate the price. This exchange gives you a month of free use, then you will have to pay only a dollar a month to gain access to the section with news, articles and reviews.

Having selected any order, you can open it and view additional conditions:

The customer needs descriptions online games and he is ready to pay 70 rubles for them. Every gamer can do a small piece of text of less than 2000 characters; it’s not that difficult. Orders vary, this is a common example. Typically, the more complex the topic, the more they pay (the highest prices for legal and financial articles).

Typing online for money

You don’t have to look for an employer if you become your own boss. To do this, you will have to use copywriting exchanges. There, authors publish articles on a wide variety of topics.

Where do they get them from? They write independently, based on knowledge or use data from other people’s articles. Buyers are site owners who want to fill the resource.

The scheme is extremely simple, and the most important thing is that you can choose the topic yourself. So that you understand what we are talking about, let's look at a few examples:

You too can write articles about what really interests you. Buyers will only see the title and description, and as for the price, everyone decides for themselves what to sell their materials for. The best option for a beginner is 30 rubles per 1000 characters.

Put your texts up for sale, through the most popular exchanges:

  1. Advego is the most popular exchange with high requirements. Even minor errors will not allow the text to pass verification. Therefore, it is better to use the project only with high level knowledge.
  2. Etxt - here errors are treated more simply, but if they are present, buyers will see that there are some shortcomings in the text. This service has its own uniqueness verification program; you will need to download it to your computer.
  3. TextSale - for a beginner this is the best option, since the requirements here are the lowest. But don't try to sell outright slag, because negative reviews the account may be blocked. Not long ago, the exchange began working with rubles rather than dollars.

If you are not able to come up with something yourself, take any blog on the Internet and rewrite the texts in your own words. The main thing is that they are unique, and where you get the information from is absolutely not important. This method is called rewriting, it is easier to do, but sometimes there are problems with uniqueness.

This article presents typing sites for money, detailed information about this income and much more. Now you can easily start making a profit while sitting at home, just be patient, perseverance will definitely come in handy in this matter.

Good afternoon, dear readers of my blog. I am glad to welcome you to my page. Since you are interested in the article, it means that you are interested in the question: “How to make money on the Internet?”

There are a lot of proposals on how exactly this can be done. These include bets, investments, and viewing advertisements. Of course, such methods work, but I personally am not satisfied with either the return or the amount of the initial investment.

I want to offer you the following, namely: writing texts for money. The work is so difficult, but with effort you can make a good profit.

While traveling through the Internet, I’m sure you have come across offers to become a copywriter more than once. “What is copywriting? What is a copywriter? I think that those who wanted to earn money and find a permanent source of income have asked themselves such questions more than once. Copywriting is professional look activities that creates advertising and presentation texts. A copywriter is a person who, based on his knowledge, creates a unique check.

“What if I don’t know how to create texts?”

Not every person, based on their knowledge, will be able to write a text that will be easy to read and interesting to people. Such people should not be upset, you can become a rewriter. A rewriter, simply put, is the person who rewrites the text in his own words. Did you write retellings at school? I think so, which means you can handle this kind of work.

“Why does anyone need my articles?”

A good question that interests many people, especially those who are just starting out: “Is it possible that you can earn money without investing?” I was also interested in the question: “Why would someone pay me money for my thoughts?” Everything is quite simple. This is necessary for website promotion.


On the Internet you can see many articles that are the same in meaning, but the text is different. “Why do this? Can’t I just copy and paste it into my website?” Unfortunately, no, or fortunately, simply copying articles without presenting the text will not lead to the desired result, namely website promotion. For good output in search engines, the articles need to be unique.

Uniqueness is checked using programs such as: ETXT anti-plagiarism, TurboText, Advego and others. They compare your texts with others and thus give a percentage of uniqueness. On average, uniqueness should be from 95 to 100%. "It's so much? I won’t succeed?” Don't be afraid! It's not much and it's not that difficult to achieve this result.

“How can you start earning money and where?”

Good question, I think on the Internet. “Which genius?” - at best, my blog visitors thought. Don’t worry, of course, I’ll tell you where you can start making money. You can place your own advertisement on it yourself, or advertise on the Internet.

Having extensive experience and a customer base, you can do this boldly and everything will be fine, but my article is intended for beginners, and this method is not suitable for them. It exists specifically for those who want to work on an article exchange. This and ETXT, And Advego, and TurboText.

“What are article exchanges?”

These are specialized sites that are aimed at text customers and copywriters. On the exchange, a person can order an article for himself, setting a price for the work, and a copywriter will complete it. Suitable for beginners ETXT, Advego, TurboText,, WebArtex, Contentmonster and many others.

You can register on exchanges by clicking on the following links:

More about exchanges

The simplest and easiest to use is ETXT. This exchange has a rating system, which determines the level of a copywriter. Don’t worry even with a low rating, you can achieve success.
On the exchange ETXT You can complete a text task and the moderator will assign a level based on its results. Either beginner, intermediate or advanced. There is also a literacy test, its completion will also be noted on your profile.

Advego- a more strict exchange. The pay here is higher, but the conditions for customers are, accordingly, more stringent. True, you can earn money on this exchange not only through copywriting, but also by completing tasks. Such as joining a group, leaving a comment and the like. Yes, yes, yes, imagine that you can get paid for simply joining a group.
TurboText- this is a rapidly developing exchange, the payment on it is higher, but the commission of the system is higher than on the previous two.

To start working on this exchange, you need to register on it and then pass the test. Test tasks on this exchange consist of two parts. First of all, you need to pass a grammar test, in which case you will be given a sentence and answer options.

After this you will need to write an essay. You will be given a score based on the test result. In order to start working on this exchange as a copywriter, your result must be “5”. But don’t get upset and ask questions: “Why did I register? Why did I waste time on this? - if the result is less.

Firstly, the test can be taken again after some time. And, secondly, in addition to writing texts, there are other vacancies. You can perform microtasks.

Microtasks in TurboText

A relatively new feature that has been added to exchanges. It allows users of the exchange who have passed test, and to those who did not pass it.

They include: writing reviews, comments, joining a group and more. User feedback on performing these tasks is only positive, because you can complete an easy task with good pay. The price of this type of work is lower than copywriting.

“Who can register on exchanges?”

This kind of work is available to every person. Persons who live in both Russia and Ukraine can register. The main thing is that this way of earning money is possible without investments. The only thing you need is knowledge of grammar, punctuation and an understanding of what you are writing about.

All good things come to an end and, unfortunately, so does our communication with you. I hope I could help those who are looking for work. Of course, it is difficult to answer all questions in one article. But I hope that the base that I provided will be enough for the first time. I recommend that beginning copywriters go to link and watch lessons for a copywriter.

Have you decided to make money from comments? No problem! A lot of good reviews about this site. But in order to earn a decent living, you need to pass the exam after registration.


I hope my article was useful to you. Don't be afraid, get started and approach everything with humor. .

The copywriter died. After the process of weighing his soul went through, the arrow ended up in the middle. He turned out to have an equal number of good and bad deeds. Therefore, he was asked to independently determine where to go: to Hell or Paradise. In order for the choice to be informed, an excursion was organized for him. So, a copywriter goes into Hell and observes the following picture: copywriters sit there and constantly write, without lifting their fingers from the keys, and the Devil walks over them and constantly yells: “Surrender! Delivery in 10 minutes! Faster!". I looked at the copywriter and went on an excursion to Paradise with the hope that it should be better here. But upon arrival, he observes a similar picture: the copywriters write and write, and God walks around and says: “Delivery in 10 minutes,” but only in a calm and gentle voice. After everything he saw, the copywriter asks Peter: “What’s the difference?” To which Peter replies: “In Paradise, the rating is not lowered, the payment is always increased, and the order is accepted instantly.”

Printing texts for money at home is another type of earning money on the Internet, which can be considered one of the simplest. This is not classic copywriting or rewriting, which I wrote about in this material, this is work of a slightly different nature. The rewriter is required to be attentive, competent, and able to quickly navigate new topic, but from a typist (that’s the name of this profession) all you need is attentiveness. It is also advisable to be able to type quickly.

What is the job and how much do they pay?

The work is extremely simple: you need to transfer text from a source to electronic form. The source is usually a scanned document. This can be either printed or handwritten text. This could be text on foreign language, mathematical or chemical formulas. This also includes transcribing audio recordings and videos when you need to transfer the entire speech into an electronic document.

Thus, you only need to be very careful to type texts without typos. Typing speed is an important quality, but it is not necessary to get this job. However, typing speed directly affects the amount of earnings, so if you can only type with two fingers and looking at the keyboard, then this job is definitely not for you.

Payment varies and depends on the type of source. If this is a printed text in Russian, then the cost of such work is usually around 30-35 rubles per A4 sheet. If this is a handwritten sheet, then the payment will already be in the region of 40-60 rubles. Also, a lot depends on the complexity and type of content; if the text contains tables or formulas, then the cost of the work increases. There may be separate requirements for text formatting, which also affect the cost.

If you calculate the payment in symbols, then it comes out to approximately 15-18 rubles per thousand symbols. This is much cheaper than the prices for the work of copywriters and even rewriters (well, not counting beginners who work on exchanges for pennies), but if you type quickly, then you can earn even more per hour of time. It is far from a fact that a copywriter who is paid 100 rubles per thousand characters will earn more in three hours than a typist. When printing text, the latter does not need to think about uniqueness, keywords, their density and other things that slow down the work.

If you are interested in this job, I recommend that you take an online typing speed test. It is difficult to determine the optimal speed, but if you type less than 8-10 thousand characters per hour, then you need to work on your typing speed. You need to print without errors.

Where to look for work?

The main disadvantage of printing texts at home is that it is difficult to find a job. When we're talking about about writing texts, then everything is much simpler here, which I wrote about in a separate article, the link to which I gave at the beginning of this material. It’s simpler because there are several orders of magnitude more customers (employers). An interesting feature of printing texts at home is the presence of a large number of scammers, which I will discuss in detail below.

If you are looking for such work, then you should work only with publishing houses, copywriting exchanges and specialized companies. Let's take a closer look at all the options.

Publishing house

There are many publishing houses in Russia, but it is quite difficult to get a job as a typist. Not everyone needs such employees, since authors today for the most part submit manuscripts to in electronic format. If necessary, publishing houses work with other companies on an outsourcing basis. However, they sometimes have such vacancies; it’s best to look at their websites in the “Vacancies” section.

The advantage here is that if you get a job in a publishing house, you will be wealthy permanent job. They have a certain salary, but in any case, the size wages will be tied to volumes. Well, or you will have a minimum monthly plan.

Freelance exchanges

There are very few orders for printing texts here, but they do exist. Much more often, audio or video transcription is required. You can find work on freelance exchanges, but you shouldn’t count on large volumes.

Specialized companies

There are few of them, but this is the best option. I mean sites like typing-text.rf. First of all, you should look for a job printing texts at home in such companies. They don’t always need employees, but if you get a job and complete tasks without making mistakes or missing deadlines, then you are guaranteed a stable and good monthly income.

This option is preferable to publishing. Simply because many publishing houses themselves turn to such companies. I recommend sending your resume to such companies. Even if they don’t answer you right away or tell you that there are no vacancies, they may remember you themselves when they need employees.

There are other ways to find a job, but they are either irrelevant or dangerous. For example, on thematic Internet forums (about making money on the Internet or website promotion), I have not seen such vacancies over the past few years. And I don’t recommend using unpopular, highly specialized sites to find a job at all. Why? I'll tell you in detail in the next section.

About fraud

In the field of printing texts at home for money, there are simply a huge number of scammers. The scheme is extremely simple: you are required to pay an “insurance premium”, after which you get a job. Once the work is completed, the insurance premium and payment will be sent back to you. At best, you will simply lose your insurance premium, and at worst, you will also do work that no one needs, that is, you will also waste your time.

Most often, such scammers create vacancies on job search sites. Just go in and look for “printing texts at home” or “typing machine”. Surely you will find a large number of proposals. Such advertisements can sometimes even be found in local newspapers. At first glance, the scheme looks primitive, but it works great. Let me give you a striking example.

You can find the website of a certain publishing house "Harlequin", which is located in Moscow and which requires typists. On their website (which was clearly done on the knee in 10 minutes) you can find the following text:

Of course, there is no publishing house at the address listed on their website. And if you look for reviews about this work on the Internet, you will only find stories of deceived people who transferred 300-400 rubles. And this is just one example.

Remember: If potential employer requires you to transfer money to him as an “insurance premium” or for any other reason, then you should not even think about it. You immediately forget about him. There is no need to transfer any money anywhere. 100% of such requests are deception.

Previously, fraudulent vacancies could be easily identified due to inadequate prices; for printing texts at home, they offered up to 3-5 thousand rubles per day. It goes without saying that a lot of people fell for such “tasty” offers at one time. Today, scammers have become more cunning; they are already carefully disguising vacancies as real job, usually offering market prices.

It is precisely because of the abundance of scammers in this area that I recommended only three ways to find a job in this area. But even here you need to be careful. Have you landed on the website of a publisher unknown to you? Look for information about it on the Internet or reviews.

Printing texts at home cannot be called a very promising job, since it is quite difficult to find work here. But this is quite simple work that is well paid (if fast speed printing). If you want to make money on the Internet, then this option should not be discounted. After all, you don't need any specific skills, and if you don't find a job, you have nothing to lose. The main thing is to be careful and never send any “insurance contributions” to anyone.
