Harm from microwave radiation. Is microwave oven harmful to human health?


Heating of food in a microwave oven occurs under the influence of ultrahigh-frequency microwave radiation. Processing food with such radiation does not give it any beneficial properties. The only thing that can be considered positive is that for cooking in microwave oven no vegetable oil required. This means that the food turns out to be dietary.

According to the data World Organization health care, the use of microwave ovens for cooking does not cause any harm to the health of the people consuming it. But data from many independent researchers refute this conclusion.

There is evidence that food cooked in a microwave oven has a malignant effect on the blood. The first to announce this back in 1991 was Dr. Hans Ulrich Hertel, who was fired from a large Swiss company for her research. Her findings have since been confirmed many times by numerous other scientists. According to studies, people who ate food cooked in a microwave oven had a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin in their blood and an increase in the number of leukocytes and cholesterol.

Independent studies have also shown that food cooked in a microwave oven destroys 90% of the vitamins present in it. Steamed or grilled food is much healthier in this regard.

There is another justification for the harmfulness of food cooked in a microwave oven. Research by scientists has shown that water has its own internal structure. Drops of rainwater, as well as water from springs and other natural sources, quickly frozen and examined under a microscope. Such drops had a beautiful harmonious structure, resembling in shape. The structure of the water treated in the microwave was completely destroyed.

Research shows that drinking “living” water, that is, liquid from natural sources, has a beneficial effect on the body. Water exposed to microwave irradiation will, at best, do no good. At worst, it will be harmful to the body. The harmonious structure is destroyed by all the water present in the products placed in the microwave oven.

To date, there is no single scientific point of view that clearly indicates the harm caused to human health by microwave ovens. However, given the evidence from numerous studies, it is better to stop using a microwave oven for cooking, replacing it with a conventional electric oven with heating elements or a steamer.

  • Ameli

    I’m thinking... should I buy either a slow cooker? or a microwave? which is better and which company? who understands this?
    or cook like before on a gas stove...
    And respect to Dmitry!

  • Asya

    Lilya, please share, where did you get the signal about Dallas’ plan to exterminate the Russian population? or after all, not all the gadgets were thrown out of the house and succumbed to info-zombification on the mystical Ren-TV and TV-3? It feels like you are a foreign agent receiving grants from negative comments on this site... As you can see, such arguments can go far.

  • Ameli

    hide your sting of poison... I'm already tired...
    let's get to the point...

  • Heat

    Natalya, practically no GMO plants are grown in hydroponic greenhouses; GMOs are soybeans, corn, sugar beets, etc. and large open areas are sown with them.

  • Yuri

    Anatoly, some people usually set their phone as an alarm clock at night and put it away from them. I do that too. But I didn’t think of using airplane mode. Thanks to Ruslan.

    1. Dmitry Veremeenko

      Yuri. Don't waste your nerves. If you see that a person in a dialogue is not bringing you any benefit, then there is no need to react - I think so. Adrenaline - it ages you a lot. Let Vegans write. Here, everyone understands what they are saying and cannot prove anything. There are some vegans here who want to understand something and discuss with others the language of science. And this is worthy of respect. They themselves choose to be vegans, but they don’t try to convince anyone to be the same.

  • Larisa

    Kefir probably shouldn’t be heated in the microwave either, will the beneficial bacteria die? What is the best cookware to use?

    1. Dmitry Veremeenko

      Of course, kefir cannot be heated. Definitely not plastic. Another ceramic one is most likely possible, but I did not check this fact, but I did not find any harm to the ceramic one.

  • Alexei

    Hello again! I remembered something and wanted to write it down. Namely.
    How to test old and new wetwave in a store to see if it is leaking radiation?
    1. unplug the microwave from the network.
    2. put your mobile phone on the dish and close the door
    3. From another phone we try to dial to our mobile phone
    4. your phone should be inaccessible in the stove, if this is not the case, we throw it away or don’t buy the stove
    Very often, the “tightness” of an old stove is broken due to the accumulation of dirt and grease on the door, which just needs to be washed well.

  • Yuri

    Is there any information about charging phones? How harmful is this? When is your phone nearby charging?

    1. Dmitry Veremeenko

      Yuri. I haven't studied this issue

  • Anonymous

    I doubt it's harmful.
    Modern chargers use a pulse converter. The mains voltage is rectified and converted into a voltage with a frequency of about 20-50 kHz, which is supplied to a small transformer; increasing the frequency makes charging small and easy, because More current cycles pass per second, which means that the energy of a unit period stored in the magnetic field of the transformer is less and the transformer itself is smaller. After the transformer, the voltage is rectified again and supplied to the phone.
    To effectively radiate in the range of 20-100 kHz, you need multi-meter antennas, and not a centimeter-sized transformer in charge. The wire to the phone cannot emit radio waves, there is already direct current. The charging power is 5-10W and it goes into the phone and heating the charger; a very tiny part is spent in the form of radio emission. As for chargers for laptops, the principle is the same, but many of them are also surrounded by a metal screen inside so that there is less interference and better heat distribution.
    True, there is such a problem that low-quality chargers do not have filters at the input (they save on them) and release high-frequency interference into the network wires, which can emit it better. But even more people crap on the Internet energy saving light bulbs, containing the same high-frequency converters, perhaps the most RF interference in the network will be the cheap power supply of the computer, where they also saved on input filters.
    Personally, I do not consider this level of radiation at frequencies of 20-100 kHz to be powerful and dangerous enough to affect the body. In any case, the charger makes noise on the air at the energy-saving level, and many computer blocks The power supplies will make much more noise. And any devices with commutator motors where brushes spark make noise in this way on the radio.
    But this is still an insignificant radiation and the frequencies differ by orders of magnitude from the frequency of a microwave or telephone. I think such frequencies should be absorbed worse by the body than higher ones, but I’m not sure about this.
    In any case, charging is no more harmful than energy saving ones, and if you bother, you can end up having to replace all the light bulbs with incandescent ones and throw everything away modern sources power supply, a vacuum cleaner and a mixer, put an LC filter at the entrance of the wiring to the apartment so that the neighbor’s HF interference does not penetrate and wrap itself in foil :)

  • Dmitry Veremeenko

    Sweeteners are a lie to yourself. When we eat them, they stimulate the appetite just like sugar. And even if he does not have CGP, then the very increase in food eaten is harmful. The safest sweetener is xylitol. It's even useful.
    I don’t know if osomaltose is harmful at all, but “Numerous studies have shown that taking isomalt has little effect on glucose and insulin levels in healthy people and patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes (G. Siebert et al., 1975; W Bachmann et al., 1984; D. Thiebaud et al., 1984; M. Drost et al., 1980).

  • For as many years as microwave ovens have existed, articles have appeared in the press about the terrible dangers of microwave ovens. At the same time, the reader is bombarded with a whole sea of ​​frightening terms like “molecular rot”, “rupture of molecules” and other pseudoscientific horror stories, which in fact do not exist and cannot exist.

    Of course, many of us have forgotten even the information about physics that was obtained from a school textbook, not to mention deeper knowledge.

    It is easy to manipulate the consciousness in conditions of insufficient awareness of the audience, while referring to certain studies conducted unknown where or by whom, and declare that a microwave causes great and undeniable harm, that its use is unacceptable for human health and that food cooked in it is not very good. useful. Solid "no".

    No, we can’t talk about the complete and absolute safety of a microwave oven either. But the word “harm” is inappropriate here, otherwise no one would cook in it. Everything in life has both positive and negative qualities, the microwave oven is no exception. A reasonable person finds the most rational path, taking into account the real facts and not thinking that Appliances(in particular a microwave oven) can cause irreparable harm to his health.

    Unfortunately, in reality, microwave research into whether there is any benefit or harm from microwave ovens has been few and far between. But one thing is clear: cooking with a microwave oven is neither harmful nor dangerous.

    Let's look at how real the harm of a microwave oven is to human health and whether it exists at all, whether there is any benefit from this device, and whether it is possible to cook in the oven. To do this, you will have to remember something from physics.

    How does a microwave oven work?

    A magnetron is built into the microwave body, emitting electromagnetic waves of a certain frequency. Certain, because electromagnetic radiation with a different wavelength is used in many industries, and some devices should not interfere with the operation of others. In particular, mobile phones, radars, etc.

    The world is permeated with electromagnetic radiation, and yet there is still no evidence that anyone has suffered from it.

    This means that the harm is not so significant, and food heated in a microwave does not become poisonous (it is just as harmful as food cooked on a stove). Research aimed at clarifying the influence of electromagnetic radiation on humans is being carried out, but their results rarely become sensations.

    Since the wavelength produced by the magnetron of a microwave oven is sufficiently long, the radiation does not penetrate outward through the insulated walls of the device and does not cause harm. Food is prepared beautifully in such conditions. Of course, if the insulating layer of the microwave oven is not damaged (otherwise there may be harm to human health, but it is not the device as such that is to blame, but the fact that the oven’s service life has expired).

    When cooking in modern models, perfectly protected, you can even bury your nose in the glass of the door during the process, and no harm will be done. But it’s time to get rid of old stoves, and not only because they are morally outdated.

    In older models, the protection was not so perfect, as stated in the instructions for each of them: it was not recommended to be near a working microwave oven at a distance closer than 1.5 meters when food was being prepared there. There was harm to health, and the manufacturers did not hide it.

    Regarding horror stories about whether the microwave is harmful as a method of processing food, the following can be said. When you cook food on an electric stove or over a fire, the process goes like this:

    • First, the bottom and walls of the dish heat up, and then the temperature of the food in the dish also rises (the food begins to cook). When heated, water molecules begin to move more actively; the higher the temperature, the faster the movement. The movement is chaotic.
    • If food is heated too much, vitamins are destroyed and proteins are denatured. This is not harmful - protein denaturation is the purpose of heat treatment. There is no point in arguing about how great the benefits of thermally processed foods are, or whether everyone should switch to a raw food diet. Everyone is free to decide for themselves what to eat and how to cook.

    If you use a microwave oven, the above process will differ in two ways:

    • Heating does not occur from the walls of the cookware, but in the product itself. Microwaves affect the water molecules contained in any product, causing them to rotate at high speed. The rotation of molecules creates molecular friction, due to which heating occurs. Faster spinning water molecules closer to the surface transfer energy to molecules located deeper. Thus, the food is heated throughout the entire volume, and not just at the walls of the dish. The same movement of molecules occurs, only it is more ordered.
    • Heating extremely rarely exceeds 100°C, since only water is heated. That is why, without the additional grill function, it is impossible to get a crispy crust on the surface of the product in the microwave. But due to the fact that the products are heated throughout the entire volume at once, significantly less time is spent on cooking. This is an undoubted benefit: much more vitamins are retained in an easily digestible form.

    However, you can’t do without the negative: short-term exposure to temperature does not kill all bacteria. For example, studies have shown that salmonella easily survives after food is processed in the microwave.

    Is it possible to consider that because of this microwave oven is harmful to health? No. On a regular stove, you can cook food just as poorly and become infected with salmonella or other pathogenic bacteria. The benefits and harms of microwave ovens in this case are determined not by the way the products are processed, but by the correctness of the culinary process.

    Myths and reality

    In articles that roam the network from resource to resource, the results of one or another study in different countries. Moreover, in the vast majority of cases, it is impossible to find the original results, as well as information about those who conducted these studies.

    All articles that use scientific terms and describe impossible processes raise doubts. For example, science does not know the process called “molecular rot” in horror stories. Namely, this very mysterious rot is cited as an argument in disputes about whether a microwave oven is harmful to health.

    Some mysterious “scientists” report that as a result of exposure to microwaves, “water molecules are torn apart.” This is, to put it mildly, sheer nonsense. When a water molecule breaks down, it breaks down into two elements: oxygen and hydrogen, and not into some molecular fragments. It is hardly necessary to remind that both of these gases are constantly present in the atmosphere and do not cause harm. Destroying a water molecule is not as easy as it is presented in articles.

    Research is mentioned that when processed in a microwave oven, the structure of water is disrupted. And as evidence, reports are given that water after a microwave becomes “dead”, in contrast to natural, “living” water. And “dead” water, of course, causes harm, destroying fine structures throughout the body.

    But readers would do well to remember that the water in their cup of tea right now may be exposed to electromagnetic radiation from a nearby mobile phone or Wi-Fi. Should you be afraid of the microwave if you are not going to give up any wireless internet, nor from mobile communications? If there is harm from electromagnetic radiation, then it also comes from these devices.

    But there are also very real recommendations that can reduce the harm caused to health when using a microwave oven. This applies to utensils used for cooking. Research has shown that it is better not to put plastic containers in the oven. Even those that have a symbol indicating that they are suitable for use in a microwave oven. It's best to avoid any plastic. Under the influence of temperature, many of them are released into environment substances that can cause actual rather than hypothetical harm.

    But glass is practically safe, as are high-quality ceramics. Use high-quality glass and ceramics for your microwave, and the health hazards will be reduced.

    Whether you use the microwave or throw it in the trash is up to you. Perhaps for impressionable people who react vividly to horror stories from the press, a microwave oven can actually be harmful to health, solely due to self-hypnosis, since there is no significant harm from it! But then it is worth abandoning other inventions that use electromagnetic waves to work in order to be consistent. No means no! Without any exceptions. And even such medical procedures as UHF, for example, will have to be forgotten.

    Using a microwave oven makes life easier for many people. The lack of information about the operation of the device gives rise to rumors and myths. Is there any harm to human health from microwave ovens? Or is the device safe and does not cause negative consequences?

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The first microwave ovens appeared in Germany during World War II. A device was required that would speed up the process of preparing food and heating it in military conditions.

    During use, the Germans discovered the negative effects of the microwave and abandoned its use. Schemes of the device appeared among Russian and American researchers. However, after long experiments, a ban appeared in the USSR on the creation of mechanisms as harmful devices to human health.

    Many people were interested in whether it is true or fiction that the stove has a negative effect on a person? Testing the operation of the microwave continues to dispel or confirm myths about the dangers of the device.

    When the stove operates, energy is emitted. Radio waves reach lengths from a few millimeters to thirty centimeters. Microwaves are used in microwave ovens, also for telephone communications and radio broadcasts, and for transmitting signals via the Internet.

    The main element in a microwave oven is the magnetron. When the device operates, electricity is converted into microwave radiation, which acts on food molecules. As a result, the movement of water particles accelerates so much that the food is heated by friction.

    So is there any benefit or harm from a microwave oven? The device is useful in everyday life. It makes it possible to cook or reheat food in a short time, no added fat.

    However, radiation can harm the human body, so scientists continue to study the action of the device. What harm does the device cause?

    Waves generated during the work process affect the work internal organs and systems. When using a faulty device, the danger increases several times. Despite the manufacturers' claims that the device is safe, harm exists when using microwaves.

    Scientists have determined what changes are diagnosed in the body of adults and children after prolonged exposure to the stove. According to doctors, the cause of many diseases is radiation and the following changes occur:


    1. The composition of blood and lymphatic fluid changes;
    2. Pathologies in the functioning of the brain;
    3. Deformation of cell membranes;
    4. Destruction of nerve endings, disruptions in the nervous system;
    5. The risk of developing malignant tumors increases;

    What happens to food in the microwave?

    Is there any harm from using the appliance for cooking? Cooking and heating food in the microwave is quite fast. However, the resulting waves act on the products, changing their structure.

    The beneficial properties disappear, dishes take on an unnatural shape. Violation of the molecular structure of food adversely affects health and leads to various disorders and disruption of the assimilation process.

    May occur:

    • Disorders of the digestive tract;
    • Weakened immune system, frequent illnesses;
    • Increased risk of cancer;

    Using a microwave oven to cook and defrost foods leads to the formation and accumulation of carcinogens in them. Instead of useful compounds, glycosides, galactoses, and various isomers appear in food, which have bad influence on the stomach, intestines and nervous system.

    Why is a microwave oven harmful to humans?

    There is no exact data on the dangers of microwave ovens. When using the device, scientists identify the following problems:

    List of negative actions:

    1. Under the influence of microwaves, serious and irreversible changes occur in the cortex and its functioning is disrupted.
    2. Food cooked in a microwave oven acquires an incorrect structure and is poorly absorbed by the body. Digestive system does not accept such food, tries to get rid of it. Nutrients do not enter inside.
    3. Scientists have found that microwaves negatively affect the male and female hormonal systems, disrupt their functioning, and cause serious changes.
    4. Modified food does not contain useful substances; minerals and vitamins do not enter the body. The possibility of the formation of carcinogenic compounds in products that cause cancer cannot be ruled out.
    5. Stomach cancer and blood cancer are diseases that are most often diagnosed in microwave food lovers.
    6. Prolonged stay near the device provokes memory impairment, decreased concentration and attention.
    7. Scientific fact - microwave meals have an adverse effect on the lymphatic system, the immune system weakens, the person often gets sick.

    It is worth noting that all changes are irreversible, and accumulation of harmful substances also occurs.

    How to check a microwave oven for radiation?

    There are several ways to check how dangerous a microwave oven is for humans. Some of them are peculiar, but it is possible to carry out a similar test at home.

    Here are some tips:

    • IN this method You will need two mobile devices. One is placed in the device, the door is closed. They're calling from the second. If the signal passes well, this indicates high permeability of the walls of the microwave and serious radiation.
    • Set the oven power to 700-800 W. Place a glass of water inside and turn on the microwave for a couple of minutes. Water for given time should come to a boil. If the result is boiling water, then the stove is working properly and does not allow harmful waves to pass through.
    • Excessive radiation is present if the microwave door becomes very hot during operation.
    • If Fluorescent Lamp lights up near a working microwave, this indicates poor protection and high propagation of harmful waves.

    The best and exact way determine the harm of the device - use of special equipment. The detector is used during operation of the device. A glass of water is heated in the microwave. If the indicator remains green after checking, then the device is working properly.

    How to use a microwave oven correctly to reduce harmful effects on the body? Compliance with the following simple rules will help cope with negative radiation.

    1. It is not recommended to place the device near the place where you eat; it is better to place it in places where there is rare presence.
    2. Do not use metal utensils in the appliance. It is possible that parts of the device may be damaged, which will lead to incorrect operation and increased emission of harmful radiation.
    3. It is better not to cook food in a microwave oven; it is recommended to only heat or defrost food in it.
    4. People with built-in stimulants should not be present near the device, so as not to disrupt the operation.
    5. After use, the device must be washed and not left dirty.

    At correct use, the harmful effects of microwave ovens are significantly reduced. It is not recommended to abuse food prepared in such a household appliance. If you notice problems with the microwave, you should stop using it and call a repairman.

    Video: the dangers of a microwave with Elena Malysheva

    The first microwave ovens were jokingly called bachelor's kitchen appliances. Perhaps the first generation of these devices justified this definition. But now microwaves have added so many different functions that their talents have become truly countless.

    This device is controlled by a processor, which, based on the given parameters, can itself offer a recipe. And soon this wonderful culinary assistant will learn to perceive the voice commands of her mistress.

    But, contemplating the leisurely rotation of defrosted products or the heating of already ready meals, you involuntarily ask yourself whether a microwave oven has an effect on the human body? This question is far from idle.

    The physics of a microwave oven

    Let's remember the basic concepts school course physics. The heating effect in a microwave is achieved due to the effect of microwave radiation on the products in the oven.

    The source of these radiations is the magnetron. Microwave radiation frequency is 2450 GHz. The electrical component of this radiation has an orienting effect on the dipole molecules of the substance. A dipole is a molecule with charges of opposite signs at its different ends. The electric field manages to rotate the dipoles 180 degrees 5.9 billion times per second. This frantic speed leads to friction of molecules and heating of the substance consisting of them.

    Microwave radiation penetrates no deeper than 3 cm, and further heating is carried out due to heat transfer from the outer layers to the inner ones. Pronounced dipoles are water molecules. Therefore, liquids and moisture-containing foods heat up faster. Molecules vegetable oils- not dipoles. Do not try to heat them in the microwave.

    Microwave radiation used in a microwave oven has a wavelength of about 12 cm. Being on the frequency scale between radio and infrared waves, they have similar properties to them.

    What is the harm from a microwave oven?

    People are happy to believe rumors and myths. Let's check the existing rumors about the dangers of microwave ovens.

    First of all, let's talk about the risk posed by radiation from a microwave oven. Among nutritionists and physicists, debates on this topic flare up and then subside.

    Let's look at the possible negative impacts. Direct harm is possible in the form of radiation emanating from a working microwave.

    A negative side factor may be the deformation and destruction of molecules and the creation of radiolytic compounds, that is, non-existent in nature, under the influence of the same ultra high frequencies. The microwave's impact on food doesn't end there.

    Microwave radiation can cause ionization of water molecules (the loss or acquisition of an extra electron by an atom). And this already changes its structure.

    The harmfulness of such water to living organisms was tested by an experiment on two identical plants, one of which was watered with ordinary boiled water, the other with water boiled in a microwave. The experiment was stopped on the 9th day because the second plant died. It was then that this water was dubbed “dead” water, extending this term to products that had been cooked with microwave radiation.

    What can be countered to these arguments? Only the scientifically based opinion of physicists who claim that waves of this length do not have an ionizing effect on living tissue. Consequently, they cannot affect the atomic-molecular structure of a substance, but can only cause its heating... Moreover, since the coefficient useful action magnetron reaches 80%, cooking products happens extremely quickly. And the prepared dishes lose a minimum of nutrients.

    Further, the microwave oven body itself reflects the resulting radiation, preventing it from passing out. The glass part of the door is screened with a metal mesh, which does not allow “harmful” waves to pass out. When the door is opened, the automation immediately turns off the magnetron. By the way, its power is very high - several hundred watts. If, when you open the door, the protection that turns off the magnetron does not work, and you find yourself at the mercy of the radiation from the generator, then severe harm and even burns to your internal organs are guaranteed!

    It would seem that the harm from the microwave is neutralized by its thoughtful design. But confidence in its complete safety will be greatly shaken if we tell you that insidious microwaves have the ability to literally “leak” through tiny cracks and holes and are perfectly absorbed by moisture-containing objects, which is what human body. The reason for the appearance of cracks may not be a manufacturing defect, but a careless housewife who allowed carbon deposits to accumulate on the door.

    When discussing the harm caused by a microwave oven, we should not forget about the cumulative effect of microwave radiation. If there is indeed even a slight leak, the harmful effects will accumulate as the appliance is used. The harm caused can be expressed:

    • dizzy;
    • drowsiness;
    • in blurred vision;
    • in the appearance of signs of heart failure;
    • Children may experience unreasonable crying and nervousness.

    How to check a microwave oven for radiation and leaks

    On the vast expanses of the Internet you can find descriptions of several ways to test a microwave oven for radiation.

    However, the effectiveness of all the proposed methods may be questionable. Testing using cellular devices is unreliable simply because the operating frequencies of mobile phones and microwaves are different.

    The most reliable method is to check using a special microwave radiation detector. Place a glass of water in the microwave cold water, close the door and turn on the oven.

    Bringing the detector close to its front wall, we trace it around the perimeter and diagonal of the door, fixing it at the corners. If there is no radiation, the indicator needle will not leave the green zone of the scale. If it is within the red zone, there is a leakage of microwave radiation. The method is effective and absolutely reliable.

    Rules for safe use of a microwave oven

    The officially permissible microwave radiation that a microwave oven can expose to a person without harm to his health throughout its entire “life” two centimeters from the front wall is approximately 5 milliwatts (mW) of microwave radiation per square centimeter. This figure is much lower than the maximum permissible level. And as you move away from the microwave oven, the wave energy decreases very quickly.

    All microwaves have two independent systems blocking, which eliminates accidental discovery doors of the operating device.

    The question of why a microwave oven is dangerous is more reasonable to consider from the perspective of when it is dangerous.

    Even if you have made sure that your microwave oven is sealed, you should not commit obvious violations when using it.

    If you use the microwave correctly, place it correctly in the kitchen, and keep it clean, then the microwave oven does not pose any harm to human health. Enjoy it for your health!
