Life at your fingertips: incredible facts about prima ballerina Ekaterina Kukhar. Before Anastasia appeared in the house, mother was the queen

Has the right to criticize participants. Innate talent and hard work on herself made her one of the best ballerinas in the world, for whose performances people buy up tickets just to see Catherine on pointe shoes. There were ups and downs in her life. They cut her pointe shoes, but no one managed to stop her passion for dancing...

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Kukhar was born on January 18, 1982 in Kyiv. Also in early childhood she became interested in dancing. She was invited to join a gymnastics group after seeing her on a playground in one of the districts of Kyiv. However, during training, the girl was brought to tears, and she did not go to these classes again, choosing ballet.

Ekaterina Kukhar

The year 1997 for Ekaterina Kukhar was marked by a victory in the competition, the prize of which was an internship in Switzerland. In 1999, she graduated with honors from the Kiev Choreographic School, where her teacher was Tatyana Tayakina. Professionals from Kukhar were made titanic by training and eminent teachers Valery Kovtun, Lyudmila Smorgacheva, Nikolai Pryadchenko, Eleonora Steblyak, Raisa Khilko, Elvira Tarasova, Abdyev Rejepmyrat. While still in her first year, the girl made her stage debut in the role of Masha from The Nutcracker on stage Bunka Kaikan in Japan.


In 1999, the girl was invited to join the troupe of the National Opera. T. Shevchenko. Ekaterina Kukhar, who has traveled all over the world, has given performances. She performed leading roles on stages in Europe, Canada, the USA, Japan, Korea and China. Now she, together with her partner (and husband) Alexander Stoyanov, occupy the position of premiers of the National Opera. T. Shevchenko. The couple performs all the main roles of classical ballet productions.

Ekaterina Kukhar became a multiple winner of many international festivals, later becoming a member of the jury. One of her highest achievements was her judging at a competition in France Conservatoire national supérieur de music et de danse de Paris. Kuhar herself explains this by saying that the French ballet school is a very closed society, and getting into a jury of this level is a high honor for a foreigner.

In 2014, Ekaterina was invited to perform at Palace of Congresses in Paris. Together with her partner Alexander Stoyanov, she brought the ballet Romeo and Juliet. There were 3,723 seats in the hall allocated for performances, and all of Kuhar’s performances were sold out. One of the modern critics, Maggie Foer, called the couple of Ekaterina Kuhar and Alexander Stoyanov the best in Europe. He highlighted their grace and lightness, and also noted that it was impossible to take your eyes off their tandem.

MONATIK, Ekaterina Kukhar and Vlad Yama

In 2017, she was invited to the role of one of the judges of the country's favorite dance show Dance with stars. Vlad Yama and MONATIK. Ekaterina Kukhar is remembered by many TV viewers as the strictest judge of all, and it is her anger that many participants fear. In 2018, Kuhar continued her mission on the dance show.

Personal life

Ballerina Ekaterina Kukhar does not like to talk about her personal life. It is known that the ballerina was already married and left her husband for Alexander Stoyanov while she was 7 months pregnant. She gave birth to a son, Timur, who is already 8 years old; the man is raising him as his own. Kuhar did not sign with Alexander, but only got married. She explained her decision by saying that the stamp in her passport means nothing to her.

Ekaterina Kukhar and Alexander Stoyanov

By the way, the love story between the two dancers is very tender. The young people met in 2006; they were paired up for ballet Nutcracker. When Alexander came to work at the National Opera of Ukraine, Ekaterina Kukhar was already a prima singer. After training, she gave two marks to her new partner. He, in turn, left her goodies on the nightstand.

Since then, the couple's life has had ups and downs. One of the ballerina's greatest tragedies still brings tears to her eyes. The fact is that in 2014 she. Her family and the stage helped her survive the pain - she transferred all the suffering to Juliet, who was left without a lover. This role of Kuhar leaves no one indifferent.

Ekaterina Kukhar and Alexander Stoyanov with their son Timur

Two years ago, Ekaterina and Alexander became the parents of their first child together. The girl was named Nastya, and they are already predicting a future for her in dance. Ekaterina notes her daughter’s flexibility and musicality, and hopes that she will choose her parents’ profession. Son Timur during a visit to the ballet Nutcracker with I told my mom “No.” In turn, his parents decided not to put pressure on him.

Watch the video in which Ekaterina Kuhar plays the role of Carmen:

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Prima ballerina Ekaterina Kukhar trains 6 days a week.

Sleeping at lunchtime helps her regain her strength. However, long periods of forced rest, like an airplane flight, are difficult to endure, says Ekaterina, reports

How do you recover after intense physical exertion on stage?

I work 6 days a week. Our working day begins with a classics lesson at 10 or 11 am. On the eve of a three-act performance, the rehearsal lasts 12 hours. After that, I come home and feel so exhausted that I need to eat and sleep so that my body is in good shape again by the evening. On a working day, the body simply requires a break to sleep. In the morning, it would happen that I would plan a lot of things, but I would return from rehearsal and feel as if the “off” button had been pressed inside me.

Perhaps you eat everything, but only a little?

I can afford absolutely everything now, but in reasonable quantities. I know how to stand on my own throat if necessary. In Switzerland, six months ago, I lost so much weight that a nutritionist friend took me to her Geneva apartment and put me on cream with airy meringue for a week. She said: “Your pack is already dangling and walking separately from you.” She weighed 41 and a half then. I have a personal barrier. If I weigh less than 42, I feel thin. During the holidays I gained a little weight. I think 43 and a half is small. Although my husband likes it better this way. Our German friend calls Sasha and me elves. He said: “When I saw you for the first time, I had a feeling that you would break if I touched you.”

When I became pregnant, I went to the doctor for an ultrasound. I say: “It seems to me that I am in a position.” He looked at me with an ironic look: “Girl, you don’t have fat for pregnancy. Go gain weight first. And then come again.” When I discovered that I was really pregnant, I was very surprised.

How do you cope with physical activity and excitement on the day of the performance?

On the day of the performance, I eat carbohydrates at lunch. I really like spaghetti. You need to draw strength from somewhere. I can even drink tea with chocolate candy.

I always worry before a performance. Moreover, on the native stage it is much stronger than abroad. There is a lot of responsibility at home. In addition, the stage of the National Opera has a special feature - a large slope, an inclination, so that the viewer can see better. When guest artists come to us, they are all shocked. Because of the slope, the dancer is forced to hold his body in a completely different way. We are taught to keep our body slightly above our feet. If you stand on our stage like that, you will fall. You have to tilt your body back.

Is there an optimal height in ballet?

The main thing is that the height of the partner and partner in a couple matches. I am short - 62 meters. But from the stage it seems that I am tall. Spectators who come up after the performance are very surprised. All the performers on stage appear taller than usual.

My husband is not much taller than me. But he has long legs and a beautiful foot with a high arch. Somehow he was invited to the next tour. We had only seen Sasha on stage before. They found him a very tall partner—one meter 80 centimeters. A couple often performs an underarm pirouette: the ballerina gets on pointe shoes, raises her arm, and the partner on top must give her his hand to twirl it. Sasha danced with her, but her height really bothered him.

The prima ballerina of the National Opera on the project “Dancing with Stars” established herself as a demanding and objective member of the jury, which attracted the attention of fans of the dance show.

She is not afraid to express her opinion, will firmly stand her ground and demand professionalism from participants. Ekaterina has the same attitude towards her work on the floor! However, at the same time she is fragile and graceful. And if at work general portrait Ekaterina Kuhar is clear, what kind of Ekaterina will appear to us in her personal life? What life difficulties did she have to go through to succeed in her business and become what she is now?

Let to fame, personal life and Interesting Facts from the life of the famous dancer - in our material!

Ekaterina Kukhar – brief information

Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Place of birth: Kyiv

Height: 160 cm

Childhood of Ekaterina Kukhar

The girl's love for dancing began when she was about 5 years old, when her parents sent her to a special school. Even at that time, teachers paid attention to her good data and decided to include her in a special group. Little Katya was interested in everything related to dancing, so it became her hobby. Each time she began to open up more and demonstrate her talent. After some time, Catherine became one of the best students.

In 1992, Ekaterina studied externally, and 7 years later she graduated from the Kiev State Choreographic School. After which, in 1997, he became the winner of the competition and won a trip to Switzerland for practice. Katya showed herself so well that, while studying only in her first year, she was offered to take part in the famous production of Tchaikovsky’s “The Nutcracker”, and she played the role of Masha in the ballet on the famous stage in Japan.

Catherine has had a tempered character since childhood, and she previously told reporters about this. “Each profession has its own characteristics. If my parents told me as a child:

“All the kids have a lot of free time, but you, poor thing, have only rehearsals from morning to evening at the ballet school,” I would think about this with horror and after each rehearsal I would complain about life, feel sorry for myself, and so on. But I had a different attitude, that this was the norm. Therefore, I took this lifestyle and workload for granted.”

In 1999, Ekaterina received a diploma from the Academy of Arts.

Way to success

Ekaterina Kukhar’s excellent skills and talent were developed by such teachers as Valery Kovtun, Lyudmila Smorgacheva and many others. She was also invited to join the troupe of the National Opera of Ukraine in 1999. Therefore, she was able to visit Europe, Asia, Canada and the United States. There she played leading roles.

2014 is a special year for Ekaterina Kukhar. This year she is invited to Paris and offered the role of Juliet in the famous production of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. However, she does not come there herself, but with her partner Alexander Stoyanov, who played the role of Romeo. It is noteworthy that the hall was designed for 3,700 seats, and this contributed to a real sensation! The couple staged 6 performances, and each of them was a success in the creative circles of Paris.

Ekaterina Kukhar and Alexander Stoyanov - career in a duet

Their duet formed in 2006. Their first performance together was in a production of The Nutcracker in Ukraine.

However, a few months later, they visited China with their performance. Today, this duet is one of the most popular and in demand not only in Ukraine, but also abroad.

In 2011, on their own initiative, they performed at Vladimir Malakhov’s charity gala concert. 2 years pass and they are invited by Farah Ruzimatov to his gala concert in Japan. Gradually, their performances are gaining momentum and they are invited from all over the world, because their concerts are always sold out. Ekaterina talked about the National Opera Theater of Ukraine:

“Our theater management creates the most comfortable conditions for us and meets us in the formation of the repertoire and schedule. This gives soloists the opportunity to go on personal tours abroad. By the way, this is important, since not all theaters give the artist the opportunity to tour. And our theater allows and supports us in this, because in this way we popularize Ukraine and Ukrainian culture. Ukraine is not only embroidered shirts, excellent Ukrainian cuisine, Andrei Shevchenko and the Klitschko brothers, but also Ukrainian ballet. Our ballet school is one of the strongest and most popular in the world. Ukrainian ballet dancers are welcomed on any stage in the world; our performances are always sold out.”


“A man, like a woman, must combine many different qualities. But I have always wondered why some of my friends suffer and suffer from unhappy love for men for whom they mean nothing... I value a man for whom ONLY I exist. This may be selfish, but I am absolutely not interested in men who change women like gloves. For me, they exist only as friends and I have enough of them,” says Ekaterina.

Ekaterina Kukhar met Alexander Stoyanov in 2006, when they were assigned to perform as a duet.

The schedule was tight, but that didn't stop them from finding mutual language and show concern for each other. Later, real romantic feelings were born between them, and soon love, which helped to cope with many difficulties in life. However, global recognition did not deprive talented Ekaterina memories that weigh on the soul. The ballerina lost her first child. It was ballet that helped her get out of depression, she noted this more than once in her interviews. “The loss of the child was because her lungs did not open. And when Alexander was offered to help Okhmatdyt a year ago and purchase an artificial respiration device, it was like a sign from above,” Kukhar said earlier with tears in her eyes.

Ekaterina notes that this tragedy turned her whole life upside down and changed her as a person and taught her a lot. Fortunately, after a while the creative tandem still managed to have children - son Timur and daughter Anastasia.

The spouses do not have a stamp in their passports, because they believe that there is absolutely no need to officially confirm their love. However, they note that the wedding has already taken place. However, even without this you can see how they are very passionate about each other and they have truly deep feelings.

The prima ballerina spoke about the main tragedy of her life.

Ballerina of the National Opera and judge of “Dancing with Stars” Ekaterina Kukhar, who for the first time spoke about her sick daughter, says “Social Life”.

Much time has passed since then, but the pain of the loss remains. According to Catherine, this tragedy turned her whole life upside down and changed her as a person and taught her a lot.

Katerina Kukhar

“The loss of the child was because her lungs did not open. And when Alexander (Ekaterina’s husband – editor’s note) a year ago was offered to help Okhmatdyt and purchase an artificial respiration apparatus, it was like a sign from above,” Kukhar said with tears in her eyes .

This child was desired and long-awaited for the ballerina.

Ease of flight on stage and a number of trials in life - Ekaterina Kukhar’s path to recognition and popularity was thorny. She cannot talk about the main tragedy of her life - the loss of a child - without tears. Together with the troupe of the National Opera of Ukraine and together with her husband Alexander Stoyanov, Ekaterina toured France for almost two months, and completed her tour in Belgium. There, Ekaterina Osadchaya met with Ukrainian stars, looked at the preparations for the final performance of the tour, and also asked about personal things.

"When this tragedy happened, and it happened on later When they were almost giving birth, I couldn’t get out of bed for about a month. I took very strong antidepressants, sleeping pills and cried, cried, cried. In life, probably, every person is sent his own test and his own cross,” noted Kuhar.

Katerina Kukhar

Catherine admitted that after the tragedy she even wanted to leave ballet forever. The teacher brought her back to life. She invited Kuhar to prepare new batch and play Juliet.

"When I went on stage, I was able to pour out the pain of loss, when Juliet loses Romeo, when she realizes that he died auditorium", added the ballet star.

Ekaterina Kukhar is a famous Ukrainian prima ballerina. She was born on January 18 (Capricorn according to the horoscope) 1982 in Kyiv. Her height is 160 centimeters and her weight reaches 42 kilograms.

The girl began to love dancing at the age of five, when her parents sent her to a special school. Seeing a beautiful girl with pretty good data, the teachers decide to include her in a special group. The girl really had a great interest in her new hobby, and the talent that had been carefully hidden began to slowly emerge, giving young Catherine the opportunity to become one of the best students.

Thus, in 1992 she studied externally and after 7 years graduated from the Kiev State Choreographic School. In 1999 he received a diploma from the Academy of Arts. In addition, in 1997 he became the winner of the competition and won a trip to Switzerland for an internship. The girl showed herself so well that, being only in her first year, she was able to take part in Tchaikovsky’s famous production of “The Nutcracker,” playing the role of Masha in the ballet on the famous stage in Japan.

Path to glory

In order for Ekaterina Kukhar to be able to conquer the whole world with her talent in the future, such teachers as Valery Kovtun, Lyudmila Smorgacheva and many others worked on her. She was also invited to join the troupe of the National Opera of Ukraine in 1999. So she was able to visit Europe, Asia, Canada and the USA. There she could play leading roles.

In 2014, Ekaterina Kukhar was invited to Paris so that she could please the audience with her presence. She is offered the role of Juliet in Shakespeare's production of Romeo and Juliet. But from Ukraine she also brings her partner Alexander Stoyanov, who was supposed to play the role of Romeo. At that time there were over 3,700 seats in the hall, which contributed to a real sell-out. The couple was able to stage 6 performances and make a splash in the creative circles of Paris.

Duo career

The duet of Alexander Stoyanov and Ekaterina Kukhar was first formed in 2006. Their debut performance was a role in the production of “The Nutcracker” on the stage of their native Ukraine. A few months later they were able to visit China with their performances. Currently, they have been able to gain a lot of popularity not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. A well-known critic gave a short description of this couple and said that today this particular duet, in his opinion, is considered the most talented and beautiful in all of Europe.

In 2011, they voluntarily take part in Vladimir Malakhov’s charity gala concert. Two years later, they are invited by Farah Ruzimatov to Japan for his gala concert. And their trips don’t stop there, they perform both at home and abroad, receiving invitations from all over the world, because their concerts are always a great success.


Alexander Stoyanov and Ekaterina Kukhar met in 2006, when they were paired up for further performances. Despite the intensity of the work, they were still able to find a common language and even began to show non-business tenderness. Yes, it appeared real love, which helped them cope with many difficulties, including the loss of a child.

But fortunately, the couple still managed to have a wonderful son, Timur, and a beautiful daughter named Anastasia. The spouses do not have a stamp in their passport, but they claim that the wedding still took place, and official confirmation of their love is completely unnecessary. They are so passionate about each other that even on stage you can notice their deep feelings, which create an unprecedented effect.

