The meaning of the name Tanya and her fate. What does the name Tatyana mean? Let's find out

Tatyana is one of the most common names that has remained popular for many years. Parents are happy to choose this beautiful name to their daughter, without even suspecting that they are thereby predetermining the baby’s fate. What gifts and qualities will Tatyana soon be blessed with, the meaning of the name, character and destiny for girls?

The meaning of the name Tatyana for a girl is brief

Tatyana is a name of Latin origin. You can even find it in ancient handwritten books, quite a few famous personalities females who became famous in ancient times were bearers of this name. The meaning of the name Tatyana for a girl is brief - it can be deciphered as “organizer.” What does it mean? It can be interpreted in different ways. Some believe that this is related to the arrangement of everyday life, others – to the storage of the hearth. Be that as it may, this is all true - Tatyana tries to ensure that there is only comfort and coziness around her.

Why parents often choose the name Tatyana, the meaning of the name, character and fate - all this plays an important role, which helps determine the choice. Adults know very well that the child’s future depends only on them, and from the very baptism they try to give their baby the best.

The meaning of the name greatly influences the fate of the girl, because from childhood she will be an excellent housewife, on whom her mother can confidently rely. The baby will be happy to help with cleaning, cooking, assembling her toys on her own and even sweeping the floor. Parents should encourage all the girl’s efforts - this will help raise a diligent and responsible homemaker.

What does the name Tatyana mean for a girl according to the church calendar?

Many parents who are planning to name their baby that way are interested in what the name Tatyana means for a girl. church calendar and whether she will have patron saints. Despite the fact that there are many great martyrs with this name, a girl can celebrate her name day only once a year - January 18.

How is a girl named Tatyana characterized in the church calendar, the meaning of the name, character and fate? The first thing parents pay attention to when choosing such a name for their baby is its meaning. The interpretation of the church calendar differs little from the ancient Latin or Greek books - it means “organizer” or “founder”. This will to some extent help determine the future for the girl, because from childhood she will strive to put things in order.

In the church calendar you can find a lot of interesting things related to this name. It is mentioned here that Tanya’s entire life will certainly pass under the patronage of the saints. She will be accompanied by luck and success, family life will certainly bring only joy and satisfaction, and a bunch of children and loving husband will certainly become faithful companions.

The secret of the name Tatyana - what is hidden in it?

Does hidden meaning and what is the secret of the name Tatyana? Those who have at least once been interested in interpretation will say with confidence that there is a lot of secret and interesting things in this name. Often girls named by their parents are distinguished by the gift of providence. At first it may even frighten them, but they should not worry - if this ability is not allowed to develop, over time it will completely disappear and will not bother them. If we preserve this gift and promote its development, then very soon Tanya will be able to use it for the benefit of people, helping to cope with the difficult adversities of life.

Another feature of the owners of the name Tatyana is that they easily learn traditional healing. Girls from an early age may be interested in beneficial features plants, they will be happy to study recipes for alternative medicine, communicate with herbalists and healers, and try to adopt their abilities. Many girls will choose the profession of medicine and will save people from diseases with the help of traditional medicine.

Origin of the name Tatyana and its meaning for children

Another one interesting information, which parents should definitely study - the origin of the name Tatyana and its meaning for children. Despite the fact that this name is considered Latin, and it is mentioned in many ancient scrolls and handwritten books, you can also often find it in Greek manuscripts. That is why it is impossible to state with certainty the origin of this name; there is too much controversial information on this topic in ancient books.

Does this name have meaning for children? Parents will be able to make sure that they did not make a mistake with the name for their baby, because her character will simply change from day to day. She will delight her family with the following traits:

  1. curiosity;
  2. gaiety;
  3. goodwill;
  4. readiness to help;
  5. good nature;
  6. responsiveness;
  7. care;
  8. devotion.

Mom will certainly be pleased with the baby’s readiness to learn housekeeping. In cooking, she will also have no equal over time, and from an early age she will try to spend a lot of time with her mother in the kitchen, learning the secrets and tricks of cooking. You should not try to draw the girl’s attention to other matters or hobbies - it is quite possible that a future world-famous culinary specialist is growing up in the family.

Character of a girl named Tatyana

What distinctive features can you determine the character of a girl named Tatyana? You can talk about what exactly positive traits connected specifically with Tanya, for too long, because there are many of them:

  1. confidence in one’s strengths and abilities to cope with any difficulties;
  2. cheerful character, excellent sense of humor, which often brings her a lot of problems, because not everyone perceives it;
  3. wonderful intuition, one might say that it even has inexplicable facets;
  4. ease of communication;
  5. excellent ability to make new friends;
  6. indestructible will;
  7. charm;
  8. the ability to stand up for yourself and for loved ones;
  9. practicality and thriftiness;
  10. thrift towards oneself and generosity towards other people;
  11. willingness to always come to the rescue.

At the same time, not everything is so rosy and good, because Tanya also has several negative traits. One of them is the ability to change one’s beliefs and views depending on one’s mood. Even if a minute ago she was completely confident in her decision and even imposed it on others, it can instantly change, and radically in the other direction. It is not considered possible to convince her or put her on the right path - Tatyana is so stubborn that she will refuse to listen even to the voice of reason.

The origin of the name Tatyana has two versions. The first is ancient Greek, according to which it comes from the word “tatto” and means “founder”, “organizer”. The second is ancient Roman. Given name considered to be a derivative of the name of the Sabine king Titus Tatius. IN in this case it takes on the meaning of “peacemaker.”

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Capricorn
  • Patron Planet: Mars
  • Talisman stone: ruby
  • Color: crimson
  • Tree: elm
  • Plant: clover
  • Animal: lynx
  • Favorable day: Saturday

Character traits

The secret of the name Tatyana hides a personality with a very strong and emotional character. This woman is smart, decent, usually balanced, and principled. She has a very strong need to influence her environment, sometimes even the whole world. She loves to be noticed, praised, and singled out.

It begins to show its energy already in early age: participates in everything and everywhere, goes to different clubs and extracurricular activities. The girl has excellent learning abilities, so there are no problems at school. The only thing that can spoil this idyll a little is her tendency to argue and prove that she is right (even with teachers).

Teenager Tatyana shows her emotional strength with might and main. She is a rebel who strives to help people and wants to change to the best all world. Adult Tanya controls herself much better. Calm and brave, she may decide to give up everything, leave her old life behind and start living in a new way, with a clean slate.

Tatyana is a practical and self-sufficient person, often domineering. However, inside she is very romantic and sensual, loves to dream. The owner of this name is sociable, it is quite easy to find contact with her, but, as they say, she has only one or two friends. Prefers to be friends with representatives of the stronger sex. In general, this girl has many acquaintances who know her superficially - she rarely opens her soul to anyone.

The name Tatyana gives its owner the richest inner world and often inflated self-esteem. She always wants to jump over her head, which is why she periodically suffers failures in life. But defeats cannot lead her astray and drive her into depression. She always remains optimistic.

Her specialty is her amazing clairvoyance abilities. She often senses what is about to happen. Therefore, among her loved ones she is sometimes known as a real soothsayer.

Interests and hobbies

Tatyana is very inquisitive, her range of interests is wide. She can get very interested in dancing. Often interested in some kind of sport and realizes his energy in it. He does not like boredom and monotony, therefore, if possible, he disperses them through travel.

Profession and business

Tatyana should choose a type of activity where she will be noticed. She realizes herself well in the creative profession of an actress, singer, journalist, art critic or dancer. He can also become a successful engineer, doctor, teacher, diplomat, lawyer.


Her health is good. As a child, like many children, he often gets sick. Adult woman You should protect yourself from all kinds of physical injuries. It is also necessary to especially monitor the condition of the teeth, eyes and stomach.

Sex and love

It is very important for Tatyana that her sex with her partner is perfect. A girl with this name can give herself completely to the passions of love. She can even seek the attention and affection of the man she likes. In the presence of a handsome guy, he noticeably perks up and uses all his charm to conquer a “new peak.”

Family and marriage

Possessing a strong character, Tatyana wants to be a leader in the family. As a rule, she fails to take this position. In relations with her husband and children, she is characterized by strictness. Maybe you can raise your voice to your family over something trivial. But in reality she adores her family. She is a good housewife, loves to cook and always keeps the house clean.

Meaning of the name: Tatyana is translated from ancient Greek as “organizer”, “determine”, “mistress”.

Origin of the name: According to one version, Tatiana comes from the name of the Sabine king Tatius. In Russia, Tatyana is considered the patron saint of students. In honor of her name day, students celebrate “Tatiana’s Day,” which was introduced after Empress Catherine signed the first decree on the creation of Moscow University. Among Catholics, the martyr Tatiana of Rome is revered.
Other forms of the name: Tanya, Tanyusha, Tatusya, Tatulya, Tusya, Tasha, Tanyukha, Tatuya.

January – 25th;

February – 23rd;

March – 14th;

April – 3rd;

June – 23rd;

July – 21st;

August – 18th;

September – 3rd.

Tatyana - a woman emitting light

Characteristics of the name Tatyana

Tatiana - bright personality With strong character, which contains softness, hardness, emotionality and determination.

In childhood Tanya is very emotional, practical and principled, she knows how to be intrusive and defend her point of view. Such character traits persist throughout life. Among her friends, Tanya is the most active, tries to be a leader, and takes part in various sports and art clubs. Tatyana is restless, stubborn, strives to be independent and independent. At school he shows himself to be an intelligent and self-sufficient child. From childhood, Tanyush needs to be taught discipline.

Having grown up, Tatiana becomes stubborn and domineering. She believes that her word should be authoritative and does not take into account the opinions of other people. Her mood often changes, from joy to deep depression. Tatyana constantly demands increased attention, likes to make claims and insult other people.
Tatyana has very good intuition, she knows how to analyze circumstances, but she often gets bogged down in trifles and misses important things. She has good memory, but due to her character, she remembers only what seems important to her.

Character of the name

By personality type, Tatyana is an introvert; she gives the impression of a self-confident person. In difficult times life situations, is always ready to engage in open struggle. Likes to make hasty decisions. In company she is open, selfish, loves male company. Tatyana is domineering, stubborn, and always strives to be in sight. She has good taste, loves to dress beautifully and be the center of attention. Often, due to his narcissism, he ends up in unpleasant situations. Women with this name need variety; they love to travel and meet new and interesting people.

“Winter” Tatiana – has male character, strong in spirit, responsible and courageous;

“Autumn” - serious, calculating, wise, self-confident;

“Spring” Tanyusha is unpredictable, hysterical, has a good sense of humor, and a rich imagination;

“Summer” - generous, emotional, unbalanced.

Fate of the name

Since childhood, parents have noticed Tatyana's stubbornness; she wants to receive a lot of attention from her parents and be a leader among her peers. They study well at school and often please their parents with good grades or a gold medal. They are interested in various sciences and always participate in school amateur activities. Tatyana has boyish character traits, she is very active and mobile.

Tatyana has a good feeling, has high intelligence, she is analytical and hardworking. Decisiveness in character helps Tanya achieve success in her career, they make good leaders. Such professions as administrator are suitable for Tatyana, Social worker, teacher. They can be entrusted with responsible positions and difficult tasks.

Tatiana has a large number of fans, but she often has no luck with men, the way she tries to manage her husband. She wants to see a strong man next to her who will be a reliable support for her. The owners of this name are very jealous, but they themselves love to flirt with men and be the center of attention.

IN family life Tatyana is a true keeper of the hearth, she loves to do household chores, create coziness and comfort. Tanya likes to be the initiator in the family and to command her husband. She treats relatives pragmatically, always has her own opinion, is quite strict, but loving and caring mother and wife.

Tatyana is in good health, but due to her increased emotionality, she often gets nervous and gets depressed. Special attention should be given gastrointestinal tract and immunity.

Positive traits of the name

Tatyana is decisive, self-confident, open, has a cheerful disposition and a subtle sense of humor. She has good intuition, her premonition never fails. It is easy to communicate with her, but does not lend itself to outside influence.

Negative traits of the name

Tatyana's mood often changes, she is stubborn and domineering, a little cunning. He always adheres to his own opinion and does not listen to other people's advice. The conflicted Tatyana has many friends and enemies.

Compatibility of the name Tatyana

Tatyana's family life does not always go well; she can get married several times. A successful marriage will be with Anatoly, Valery, Sergei, Stepan, Tikhon. The incompatibility of the name is noted with Alexey, Bronislav, Gennady, Kirill, Philip.

Ask men you know what their favorite is female name. And probably many people will name Tatyana. Indeed, it is not only very common, but also loved by many, sonorous, beautiful and feminine.

But ask what the name Tatyana means, and not everyone will answer you! But this beautiful name has a very unusual interpretation and translation, and it big story. The origin of the name Tatyana is ancient Greek; it was the Greeks who began to call their daughters this way, for whom they predicted a great and interesting destiny.

The Greeks had a word “tatto”, which translates as “put”, “establish”, “establish”. It turns out that the meaning of the name Tatyana is “establisher”, “she who establishes” or “she who decides”. Truly, this is a name for a woman in whose hands there will be power!

The name has many forms and synonyms. For example, Tanya, as we call Tatyana for short, is very common in Western countries, is an independent name and has its own separate interpretation. Also known are such forms as Tatiana, Tiana, Taina, Tayana, Tatiana, Taiya.

These names have the same interpretation and decoding, just a different sound. Shortened and affectionate versions of the name: Tanya, Tata, Tanyusha, Tasya, Tanechka, Tanyushka, Tusya, Nyusha, Nyusya, Nyura. According to the church calendar, the name sounds the same, without changes.

Character and features

The general characteristics of the name Tatyana highlight such main qualities as determination, self-confidence, courage and cheerfulness. As a child, Tanya was a leader and a little robber, she loves to play with boys, is not afraid of anything or anyone, and loves active games.

The main meaning of the name Tatyana for a girl is that she grows up as an independent, courageous, independent person and with early years loves to achieve everything she wants. A stubborn, strong, active girl, Tanya does not like it when people put pressure on her and impose their will on her.

This short description already makes it possible to understand and grasp general portrait Tatiana, who is easy to recognize among other girls. When Tanya grows up, she does not lag behind her peers in development, but, on the contrary, even outstrips them. The girl loves to move, plays sports and dances, loves to run, swim, compete, play outdoor games. When Tanya is forced to sit at home, she always invents games for herself, because she has a lot of imagination.

As she grows up, the girl loses her boyish traits and becomes very attractive. She watches her figure, takes care of herself, knows how to present herself and is very relaxed, which is why she always has a lot of friends and fans. For many girlfriends, it’s a big mystery how Tatyana knows how to attract gentlemen and why everyone follows her, because she doesn’t do anything special! But this is a fact.

And the girl is never lonely and does not experience a lack of communication. In addition, she has real close friends with whom she can share everything. They love Tanya for her courage, sincerity and open heart, because she can be trusted with any secret. So, in any case, her fate turns out well, because there is definitely a good people who will come to the rescue, help, support.

Tatyana hates lies, hypocrisy and insincerity. She is who she is, she doesn’t play any roles and feels very subtly when a person is lying or acting out something. Sincerity and the ability to tell the truth in person are one of the main qualities that Tatyana possesses; this is simply of great importance to her. Another quality is amazing intuition. For many, it is a mystery how a girl feels and understands what is unknown to others, knows in advance the outcome of the situation and feels how to do the right thing.


IN business sphere Tatyana's fate is going great; those around her often think that she is just lucky. Sometimes this is true, fortune favors this young woman who always knows exactly what she wants.

Her courage, honesty and ambition are helpers in achieving big goals, and often Tatyana begins to earn good money at a time when her peers are still graduating from college. He loves and knows how to work, is not lazy and is not afraid of difficulties, and most importantly, he knows how to use his qualities to his advantage.

Tatyana may become interested in purely male activities - for example, choose the profession of a policeman, investigator, judge or lawyer. She is also attracted to business and any areas where she needs to defend her position, compete with competitors, and achieve her goal. Boring, monotonous activities are not for her.

Income is of great importance for a girl, so Tatyana chooses a “grain” profession and provides for herself without problems. He can open his own business or continue the business of his parents. She can become the director of a company, where she can get a job as a simple secretary or assistant.

In terms of career, Tanya’s fate is developing brilliantly; her intuition helps her achieve success and avoid any failures. And those around you will only be amazed at how the girl copes with such volumes of work and never gets discouraged.

Among other things, Tatyana is a gifted and creative person. Has for her great importance realization of talents, so even if Tatyana does not choose a creative profession, then at least she will show a creative approach in her work and surprise everyone with her creative thinking, non-standard solution tasks, original ideas.

In her free time from work, the girl will definitely engage in her own development. Might get a few additional education, go to all kinds of courses, trainings, engage in creativity. In a word, her life is very active and varied, and her destiny is bright and eventful!

Personal front

Having met a man she likes, Tatyana is transformed. She hides her stubbornness, ambition and strength and becomes charmingly weak, feminine and flirtatious. She charms men at first sight, but does not immediately strive for a serious relationship, not seeing the point in them. The girl is independent, she gets along well with her inner world and loves to live alone, managing her own time.

So that's enough for a long time Tatyana goes on dates, meets guys and enjoys their courtship. Tatyana's romance usually does not last too long, although there may be serious relationship, if the guy is really worthy.

But one day this woman truly falls in love, she meets a man who is able to win the heart of even such an independent and wayward young lady, and then her fate changes completely. The man of her dreams is a strong, free and very developed person with a deep inner world, not limited by small everyday problems.

He has great ambitions, is very active, constantly develops and strives to learn everything new, does not stand still. This man knows what he wants and knows how to achieve it. Such a hero will win Tatyana’s heart and become an ideal husband for her.

Name compatibility plays a big role in any relationship. Tatyana and Dmitry, Oleg or Yuri, Anton, Mikhail or Evgeniy - these relationships can work out well, but with other names, for example Vladimir, Igor, Sergey or Maxim, something may not work out. Often the reason is compatibility, and its level will show what the couple’s chances are.

1. Ideal compatibility of names: Tatyana and, Egor, Dmitry, Anton, Evgeny, Oleg, Daniil, Leonid, Mikhail, Yuri.

2. Good compatibility: Roman, Alexey, Stanislav, Semyon, Grigory, Konstantin, Eduard, Ilya, Vyacheslav, Boris.

3. Low compatibility: Nikolay, Maxim, Bronislav, Vladimir, Valentin, Igor, Timofey, Fedor, Kirill, Pavel.

The men with whom Tatiana perfect compatibility, can easily count on strong relationships and a harmonious marriage.

These names - Anton, Mikhail and others - fit perfectly with the name Tatyana, the characters are compatible, and the relationship will be wonderful. From the first meeting, this couple will not only have attraction, but also mutual understanding, family connection, and they will make a great family.

As for good compatibility, the names Alexey, Alexander, Roman and the rest are suitable for Tatyana as friends, but close ones romantic relationship may not get better right away. If there is a desire, relationships and a family can be built, but you will have to make an effort.

But Sergey, Vladimir, Igor and others who are on the low compatibility list must be patient, because their relationship with Tatyana will be difficult. But a man who is not afraid of difficulties can ignore compatibility and achieve his goal, then everything will work out!

Name day

Everyone knows about Tatyana’s Day - it’s a day that students love so much, because it’s theirs official holiday and a long-awaited day off. What date is this celebrated? fun party, everyone also knows - January 25 according to the modern calendar.

But not everyone knows that this holiday exists thanks to the Roman martyr Tatiana, who gave her life for her faith. And many centuries later in Rus', it was on the day of the angel Tatiana that the first university was founded, and this day became the day of the student.

Tatiana's name day is celebrated not only on January 25, there are many more dates, since there were many saints with this name. Orthodox name days Tatiana is celebrated on the following dates:

  • January 19 and 25.
  • July 17th.
  • September 14 and 23.
  • October 3, 11 and 21.
  • December 3 and 23.

You can safely call a girl the name Tatyana with confidence that a big one is waiting for her, interesting life, full of wonderful events and great achievements. This wonderful name not only gives its owner an amazing character, but also predetermines her a long, bright and happy destiny!

1. Personality: emitting light

2.Color: blue

3. Main features: will - intuition - activity - sexuality

4. Totem plant: blueberry

5. Totem animal: lynx

6. Sign: Scorpio

7. Type. It is enough to look into the eyes of a girl with this name to understand what the look of our foremother Eve was like: they have the passion of the first morning rays. They are very impudent - real tomboys, they lie in wait for the victim, like their totem animal is the lynx. Growing up, they give the impression of people possessing some secret knowledge reading the book of life.

8. Psyche. Introverts are not easily influenced and have incredible memories.

9. Will. Strong. Tatyana wants to have everything. And immediately! He only believes in himself.

10. Excitability. Strong, which, fortunately, is balanced by a titanic will.

11. Reaction speed. The type is hot and hot. These women resist everyone, which often interferes with their lives. They are vindictive, proud, conflictual and scandalous. They do not listen to other people's advice, no matter how useful it may be.

12. Activity. At school they have many problems, they argue with teachers and especially have conflicts with female teachers. Tatyana's dream is to become an actress, painter, singer, sculptor.

13. Intuition. They are guided by clairvoyance. They have a presentiment, guess, and envelop you with their charm. Men become convinced of this very quickly.

14. Intelligence. Too analytical. Their lynx eyes miss nothing. Thanks to their cuteness and charm, they can win over not only their loved ones.

15. Receptivity. Very picky. They love only what belongs to them. Tatiana is a queen in need of subjects.

16. Morality. Not too strict. It seems to them that they have the right to dispose of moral principles and change them at their own discretion.

17. Health. They have fragile bones and a very “impressive” stomach. We do not recommend neglecting your diet and having dinner late. Accidents related to motor vehicles are possible. As a child, you need to take care of your eyes.

18. Sexuality. Sex for them is all or nothing. Everything - when they love. Nothing - when they don't like you.

19. Field of activity. Medicine, especially paramedicine. They can become experienced engineers. They know how to tell stories and make people listen to themselves.

20. Sociability. They receive guests they like, but turn others out the door. It would be great if they chose a phlegmatic husband. By the way, they like to collect men indiscriminately.

21. Conclusion. It is almost impossible to draw any definite conclusion. They constantly start everything from scratch, neither marriage nor emerging maturity is an obstacle for them.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Designated”, “Assigned” (Greek)

Energy of the name and character: Tatyana is an emotional and firm name. Whatever you say, there is a certain determination and self-confidence in him, and such qualities can hardly be called useless today. As a child, Tanya is often a leader among her peers, and many boyish traits can be found in her character. It happens that it is difficult for parents to keep track of their active daughter, although it is difficult to call her especially naughty. These are simply costs of a living nature, and by devoting some time to raising Tanya, you can direct her energy in some safe, or even useful direction.

In terms of its energy, this name is quite earthly, it does not call Tanya to the transcendental distances, does not awaken the imagination, but it inclines us to decisively achieve what we want today. In fact, among the Tatyanas there are a lot of practical people who are not accustomed to waiting for weather by the sea and who live by the principle: “A person’s happiness is in his hands.” Sometimes, however, this activity develops in Tanya into excessive impulsiveness and impetuosity, which can complicate her life more than once. However, self-confidence usually gives her optimism. It is most favorable when Tanya’s mobility is combined with a sense of humor, which, by the way, is greatly facilitated by the general energy of the name. At least this allows her to avoid a good half of the possible conflicts and misunderstandings in her life.

Most often, Tanya is quite sociable and sociable, although, perhaps, she is still too self-centered and in the process of forging her happiness may not really take into account those around her and even close people. In general, she, as a rule, has a somewhat exaggerated sense of ownership, which she sometimes perceives as love. This is manifested in the fact that Tatyana simply begins to try to subjugate her family to her will. Nevertheless, she is unlikely to be happy if her husband turns into an obedient and resigned creature, since this will sharply reduce his value in Tanya’s eyes. For this reason, in her family life there is either an eternal war of characters, or Tanya’s discontent is steadily growing. Both of these can end very sadly. However, often the logical and calculating Tatyana finds some kind of compromise.

Tanya is usually a good housewife, although she is rarely satisfied with this role alone. Her active nature and great pride desires some kind of success or public recognition. Undoubtedly, a decisive character can help her make a career, but success is unlikely to make Tanya truly happy. Perhaps it still doesn’t bother her to live in the interests of her loved ones anymore, because then her love will be more tolerant, and therefore simple human happiness will become more accessible.

The name's trace in history:

Tatyana Mitkova

Why did Tatyana Mitkova, a popular TV presenter, never become a musician at one time, contrary to the wishes of her parents? It's difficult to answer this question, but perhaps it was her name that swayed her towards a different career. Indeed, the father and mother wanted one thing for their daughter, but she herself, with her strong energetic character, could hardly fully express herself in music, and therefore, having graduated from music school at the request of her parents, she entered not just anywhere, but the Faculty of Journalism Moscow State University.

Her career was fast and dizzying, but everything that Tatyana Mitkova achieved, she achieved herself, thanks to her exceptional performance, assertiveness and, as a consequence of these qualities, professionalism. First serious challenge The young journalist had to endure a lot of strength in 1991, when she, as the host of a news program, refused to read out a commentary forced on her about the events in Vilnius on January 13–14. For this, the obstinate Mitkova was fired from Ostankino, but already in the fall of the same year, the American Association to Protect Journalists awarded her the prize “For Highly Professional Fulfillment of Journalistic Duty,” and in 1994, by decree of the President of the Republic of Lithuania, she was awarded the medal “In Memory of January 13th.” .

Anyone who has ever seen Mitkova’s performance, her presentation of news and comments on it, could not help but be surprised at how easily her behavior combines such different things as firmness and femininity, seriousness and charm. The image of a successful TV presenter? However, as Tatyana Mitkova herself says about herself: “I’m not an artist at all and I don’t know how to play. Smiling and energy correspond to my character.”

According to Higir

Comes from the Latin Tatius - the name of the Sabine king. According to another version, Tatiana is of ancient Greek origin: organizer, founder.

Since childhood, she has been distinguished by her emotionality and at the same time the ability to stand up for herself, pragmatism and adherence to principles, although her principles can change depending on her mood. He tries to be a leader among his peers. IN school years attends sports clubs, a dance club, dancing - the weakness of many Tatyanas, she is burdened by monotony. Adult Tatyana is quite stubborn and domineering, knows what she wants and does not like objections. She will always try to insist on her own. Will cope well with any work, especially if it happens in front of the immediate superior; being a boss herself, she has the habit of pulling her subordinates back and “putting” them in their place.

In public she is artistic, self-centered, and loves male company. At home she is somewhat tyrannical and shouts at her family. In family life she is often unhappy, because she strives to lead her husband and at the same time wants a strong, courageous person to be next to her. The children are a little afraid of Tatyana: she is strict and quick-tempered, and can yell at them for no particular reason. She does not have many friends, sentimentality is alien to her, and a pragmatic approach dominates in relations with others, including her mother-in-law.

He likes to dress fashionably, but, not having much imagination, he usually pays a lot of money for ready-made clothes. A lover of home canning, thrifty. In the family he often initiates repairs, alterations, and rearrangement of furniture.

With age, more tolerance appears in the character of these women, which has a beneficial effect on family relationships. He doesn’t like to complain to his girlfriends about life. She is jealous, but stubbornly hides her jealousy. She cannot stand monotony; long trips and travel are her passion.

Among all Tatyana, the calmest is Mikhailovna, the gifted and quite calm is Vladimirovna, the very stubborn is Nikolaevna.

It is better to prefer Mark, Oleg, Ivan, Anatoly, Valery or Sergei to Albert, Stanislav, Vyacheslav or Gennady Tatyana.

According to Mendelev

The name is bright, good and beautiful, although not very shiny and eye-catching. It presupposes in its bearer a large and courageous personality, and in Tanya character traits and the signs of the name are expressed somewhat more clearly.

Tatyana is a simple person (not primitive!) and accepts life as it is, without any illusions. In the “offender-offended” pair, she equally often finds herself in both roles. Without being tormented by long thoughts, she can respond blow to blow, offense to offense (or what seemed to her an offense). Her actions, as a rule, are harsh, and Tatyana does not care about the impression they make - the result is important. Strong will, determination combined with high receptivity, even gullibility, do not always contribute to good relationships with friends or family, but Tanya rarely regrets anything and is not inclined to correct the consequences of her actions. All these, in general, masculine qualities may well be combined with a sweet, pleasant, attractive appearance, and the choleric temperament can be hidden under the veil of restraint and modesty.

Her sociability and activity are significantly above average. Intelligence is quite high, but is always aimed at solving practical problems - no abstractions or abstract reasoning. She highly values ​​material wealth, and it is unlikely that there will be such a “darling” with whom she will agree to be happy in a hut. In love, in the structure of the family, she is guided by purely practical considerations. She perceives all kinds of beauty, music, works of art very superficially, although it happens that something affects her deeply - but this is the exception, not the rule.

Having arranged her life, Tatyana tries not to change it anymore; she values ​​\u200b\u200bsteadiness and stability. Years of quiet life can dull the speed of reaction and the correct assessment of the situation. But if necessary, she will again become energetic and expansive, not very shy about her means.

Tatyana's color is intense red.

According to Popov

This is whose heart is conquered on the edge of the abyss. But this does not bring happiness to Tatyana. For there are few men capable of stunning with surprise. Therefore, having once experienced an explosion of feelings, Tatyanas often remain proud single mothers for the rest of their lives.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

She is emotional, powerful, knows well what she needs, and knows how to get her way. She loves to conquer men, and in their company she is transformed - she becomes lively, charming, flirtatious. Tatyana captivates men with her caring nature, surrounds them with warmth and tenderness, -

she can be an excellent partner for those who are interested in her for more than just sex. She loves strong, courageous men, it gives her pleasure to defeat them and dominate in the sexual process. In bed, Tatyana can be aggressive, easily excited, and takes initiative. In the caresses of a man, he expects humility, some submissive admiration. Sometimes it can hurt your partner. Deceived and disappointed in sex, she doubles her energy in the professional or social sphere. Tatyana loves to publicly expose her feelings and emotions, because she perceives such behavior as a unique form of freedom. She has a very sensitive body, especially her chest and lower back. During intimacy, Tatyana strives to please only herself, and therefore often sees in her partner only a tool to satisfy her passion.

“Winter” Tatyana is vain, she can be happy if she understands that in sex life If you want to win as much as possible, you need to be able to give, and not just take. She is jealous, but stubbornly hides it. He does not advertise his love affairs. Failures in intimate life experiences hard times, withdrawing into himself. She is ingenuous with men, sometimes excessively, and this brings her a lot of suffering.
