Business plan for a plastic waste recycling enterprise. What kind of waste can you deal with and what is most profitable?

Recycling waste as a business in Russia is a very profitable direction. First of all, because the garbage is simply lying around underfoot, and the raw materials for such a business are simply unlimited. The second advantage is the support of such a business by local authorities, which will allow you to take out a loan or receive a grant if you do not have your own funds. But there are also several important nuances. In this article we will look at how to do waste recycling profitable business ohm

What is considered the most profitable in the field of waste recycling?

Before opening a mini-factory or workshop, it is first advisable to decide on the raw materials with which you will work.

The most profitable options include:

Car tires

The most promising processing option is pyrolysis. This process consists of decomposing rubber into gases, carbons, metal cord (it can be sold at metallurgical enterprises), synthetic oil. Each of the listed products is in demand on the market; with proper sales organization, you can quickly recoup the costs of opening an enterprise and make a good profit.

Construction garbage

It usually consists of wood, bricks, concrete, metal. When carrying out high-quality sorting, you can recycle concrete, extracting metal particles from it. This will make it possible to obtain recycled crushed stone - the main market is construction organizations.

You can recycle broken glass: its sale is a very profitable business, since such a product is in demand in the production of ceramics, bricks, tiles, etc.

Used paper

The process of processing “wet” waste paper involves the creation of production, which consists of the following stages:

  • Dissolution of paper.
  • Removing fibers and unnecessary objects from it.
  • Heat treatment.
  • Fine cleaning.

Recycled paper can be reused into roofing materials, packaging board, toilet paper etc.

What documents are needed to open a business?

Before you start opening your mini waste recycling plant, you should collect everything Required documents. First, contact the Ministry of Environment to obtain a license: to do this, you first need to undergo an examination and receive a positive conclusion. The cost of the document is about 5 thousand rubles.

In addition, you will need the following documents:

  • Permission from the SES.
  • Project with full description all technological “steps” in waste processing.

But in addition to the documents listed above, it is imperative to draw up a competent business plan, which will account for all expenses and describe the production process. A business plan is needed not only to receive funds from investors, but also for the business owner himself, because having one will allow you to accurately determine the start-up capital, possible expenses, etc.

We are drawing up a business plan for opening a waste processing workshop

Let's take a closer look at what must be included in a business plan - this will allow us to predict and avoid many of the problems that novice entrepreneurs face.

Document narrative

A mini-plant for waste processing is a profitable investment that will bring profit regardless of the economic situation in the country. Many countries, including Russia, are ready to purchase certain types of waste for their business.

Production part

In this paragraph, we necessarily describe the equipment that will be required for the work. These include:

  • Production line required for sorting raw materials.
  • Storage location for raw materials.
  • Press for processing it.

Many entrepreneurs immediately purchase imported equipment, but the products Russian production differ good characteristics, and the cost is an order of magnitude cheaper. The plan should also include the purchase or rental of trucks for transporting raw materials and marketing products.

The average expense at this stage is about $70 thousand. If you have additional funds, purchase a melting furnace, which you will definitely need at the waste processing stage.

Marketing part of the business plan

Beginning entrepreneurs very rarely pay attention to marketing when starting a business in the field of waste recycling, but it depends on it whether your business will be profitable. Only with a competent approach to analyzing competitors can you bypass them and take a leading position in this business. Therefore, be sure to study the market, which will allow you to determine the most profitable direction.

Financial part of the plan

Initial costs will be in the amount of 80-100 thousand dollars, which already includes costs for:

  • Preparation of all documentation.
  • Renting or purchasing premises.
  • Purchase of all machinery and equipment.
  • Purchase of raw materials for processing.
  • Remuneration of company employees.

Where can I get garbage for recycling?

As we have already said, the business in the field of waste recycling will always be popular, since tons of waste, both household and construction, are disposed of every day. Let's count:

On average, one trash can contains:

  • Polymers – about 50%.
  • Polyethylene - about 10%.
  • Food waste – 25%.
  • Paper, cardboard – 10%.
  • Metal, rubber, textiles - about 5%.

Approximately 60% of all of the above is suitable for further processing. True, in Russia, unlike European countries where separate waste collection is carried out, difficulties may arise with waste sorting. Therefore, you will either have to purchase equipment for processing raw materials, or use non-recycled waste - in this case, the return on business will be small, only about 25%.

It’s best to enter into an agreement with a landfill or collection point for containers (glass, plastic) - in this case there will be no problems with sorting.

Possible problems in this business

Whatever business you start, it can always entail the risk of not receiving part of the profit. To avoid this, you need to take into account every detail when drawing up a business plan. There are a few useful tips that will help you beat your competitors and become a successful entrepreneur:

  • Study and try to implement new technologies and equipment - this will allow you to stay ahead of your competitors at all stages.
  • Try to enter into agreements for the supply of raw materials with several suppliers so that there is no shortage of goods - otherwise you may have problems supplying finished goods to your customers.
  • Try not to overinflate your starting capital and expand only when absolutely necessary – don’t waste your money.

How to start and why is this business so popular? Read our material.

You will learn how to breed sheep and make this business as profitable as possible.

To open an enterprise for growing greens, read the article: tips on drawing up a business plan and selling goods.

Costs and profits - a few important numbers

In general, as the owners of such businesses note, the invested funds should pay off within 1.5-2 years. Agree, this is quite good timing, while the raw materials for it will never run out, which is no less important. Taking into account the data of existing enterprises, several calculations can be made.

One shift on average processes about 3 tons of waste paper, about 12.-1.5 tons of polymer waste, 250 kg plastic waste. A ton of raw materials costs from 9 to 50 thousand rubles, therefore, the profit of one enterprise per month will be from 150 thousand rubles. up to 3 million rubles (we provided calculations for a medium-sized enterprise).

According to our calculations, which we discussed above, the cost of starting a business is higher than the cost of opening a hairdresser or a small store, but at the same time the payback rate is impressive - it is difficult to find a niche in which you can return the money spent in just a year and a half.

In contact with

Contemporary challenges related to recycling household waste in Russia, are based on limited opportunities to return resources to natural and economic circulation. Running a business based on waste recycling is characterized by the rationality of investments with high degree payback and profitability. In addition, this business option does not require special knowledge.

Business relevance

According to the Ministry natural resources, average Russian family About 1.6 tons of household waste are thrown out annually, including more than 145 kg of plastic and almost 100 kg paper waste, as well as almost a thousand glass bottles. All this garbage is a potential source of raw materials for production activities in the waste processing industry. Waste recycling as a business in Russia is one of the most profitable and promising due to the following circumstances:

  • the emergence of high-quality and affordable domestic equipment that allows you to process household waste in small production areas;
  • annual expansion of the sales market.

In addition, the Ministry of Natural Resources plans to prohibit incineration of waste that may be suitable for further processing. Like any business, waste recycling requires initial financial investments and registration of all necessary title and permitting documentation.

Preparation of a package of documents

The first and most important document that allows you to engage in waste recycling as a business is obtaining a license from the Ministry of Environment. This document must be obtained once. The received license is valid for the entire duration of implementation entrepreneurial activity. Obtaining a license is quite simple. It is enough to register as or with a simplified taxation system and organize an environmental assessment, which issues a conclusion.

Next, a package of documents is collected, including title and design documentation for the premises used, as well as a business plan for waste processing, describing the production technology and permission from the fire inspectorate, SES, water and utilities. The process of collecting and confirming the entire package of documents takes about three months.

It is worth noting that a fairly convenient option is to order turnkey licensing. Firms involved in the preparation of such documentation work with both legal and individuals with individual entrepreneur status. The cost of such a service depends on the type of solid waste processed and the volume of production.

Of greatest interest is a mini-plant for waste processing based on crushing and sorting equipment, a business plan for the use of which is developed according to a standard scheme. The highest profitability is shown by a plant with a Russort production line, with a productivity of 10 tons and a power of 100 kW per hour.

Production premises and personnel

The construction of the plant requires the use of a relatively flat plot of land, the dimensions of which range from 55 by 30 to 80 by 40 meters. The location of production lines may vary depending on the type of access roads. The building must include a sorting room with an area of ​​about 10 by 7 meters. The plant area must be landscaped using road slabs and equipped with a protective net to prevent debris from scattering.

The standard staff of the main personnel, in addition to the manager, foreman and mechanic, includes a team of workers consisting of:

  • sorting line operators;
  • press line operators;
  • hydraulic manipulator operators;
  • drivers.

Five-day work week- 8 hour shift:

  • number of workers - 21 people, including foreman and mechanic;
  • processing volume per shift - 80 tons of solid waste;
  • the volume of processing per year is 19 thousand tons of solid waste.

Five-day work week - 2 shifts of 12 hours:

  • number of workers - 40 people, including 2 foreman and 2 mechanics;
  • processing volume per shift - 115 tons of solid waste;
  • the volume of processing per year is 39 thousand tons of solid waste.

Seven-day work week - 24-hour operation:

  • number of workers - 80 people, including 2 foreman and 2 mechanics;
  • processing volume per shift - 230 tons of solid waste;
  • the volume of processing per year is 80 thousand tons of solid waste.

The work is carried out in four shifts, each with 19 workers, a mechanic and a foreman.

Equipment selection

Modern standards and requirements require equipping the complex with the following equipment:

  • press for recyclable materials and “tailings”;
  • hydraulic manipulator;
  • container capacity of 15 cubic meters for broken glass;
  • feeding and sorting conveyors;
  • a basket for secondary raw materials with a volume of 8 cubic meters;
  • hydraulic stacker and trolley with scales;
  • a sorting booth of 168 square meters with twenty working sorting posts for sixteen types of waste;
  • KAMAZ-multilift.

In addition, the area of ​​the frameless hangar should be about 430 square meters, including household compartments with locker rooms, showers and toilets, a manager’s room and a relaxation area for service personnel, as well as an individual boiler room.

Process technology

The technology used in solid waste processing plants may vary depending on the equipment and the final destination of the raw materials, but the main processes are standard and consist of the following steps:

  • unloading garbage trucks at the unloading site;
  • loading of waste mass onto the feed inclined conveyor belt using a hydraulic petal gripper of a hydraulic manipulator;
  • lifting waste by the feed conveyor onto the sorting conveyor belt;
  • manual sorting of waste with the selection of useful fractions that accumulate in special baskets;
  • unloading the remaining mass into the press compactor, which is located near the end of the plant;
  • compaction of waste into press containers;
  • pressing of recyclable materials into special bales, ready for shipment to consumers.

Income/expenses and profitability

Starting investments:

  • the cost of the mini-plant is 30 million rubles.

Economic indicators:

  • annual volume of solid waste - 33 thousand tons;
  • the annual volume of sorted recyclables is 5 thousand tons;
  • capital investments for the acquisition of the plant - 30 million rubles;
  • annual depreciation rate of fixed assets - 3 million rubles;
  • annual diesel costs - 356 thousand rubles;
  • annual transportation costs - 8.3 thousand rubles;
  • annual equipment maintenance costs - 81 thousand rubles;
  • annual costs for equipment repairs - 150 thousand rubles;
  • annual payment for electricity - 650 thousand rubles;
  • annual volume wages— 3.85 million rubles;
  • annual payroll taxes - 1.1 million rubles;
  • expenses for workwear - 48 thousand rubles.

Total expenses: 9.2 million rubles. in year.

  • maximum consumption of secondary raw materials per ton is 1.8 thousand rubles;
  • annual sales volumes of secondary raw materials, including VAT - 17 million rubles;
  • profit before taxes - 8 million rubles;
  • VAT -1.4 million rubles;

Income: 6 million rubles.

The estimated payback period is about three years.

Mini-plants for processing solid waste belong to the category of prefabricated ones, and the average construction time is about three months. A high-quality and reliable line for such an enterprise can be purchased for an amount of 30 million rubles, and inexpensive and modern construction solutions make it possible to minimize start-up costs.

The productivity of such production is standard conditions is about one hundred tons per shift, which is comparable in volume to twelve KAMAZ trucks of waste. With such indicators, the payback threshold does not exceed four years.

Purpose of this project is the creation of production, main activity which is the processing of waste with the further production of valuable fractions that are suitable for processing and subsequent compaction by 5-7 times and briquetting into blocks. The business plan provides calculations of investment and profitability for an enterprise with a capacity of 100,000 tons per year, and also assumes possible expansion into a network of processing complexes.

A business plan for waste recycling is an opportunity to assess the prospects for implementing a waste disposal project, reduce the environmental load, improve the sanitary situation, and comprehensively solve the problem of solid waste.

This business plan involves the creation of a production infrastructure for plastic processing, as well as the opening of production, the basis of which is the production of marketable products secondary production: paving slabs, building and finishing structures, environmentally friendly insulation, packaging containers, compost, etc.

The introduced waste recycling technology makes it possible to return valuable secondary resources (paper, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, cardboard, plastic, glass) back into circulation, reduce the number of landfills and landfills, and simplify waste storage. The project has significant economic and environmental significance.

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Analysis of potential consumers and sales market

The problem of solid waste does not lose its relevance, since it is directly related to the normal life of the population, sanitary cleaning of cities, security environment and resource saving. The waste that is generated as a result of human activity is nothing more than a heterogeneous mixture of multi-level morphological composition. A city dweller annually produces more than 200-300 kg of waste. Delaying the removal and disposal process leads to global epidemics and serious urban pollution. The business plan suggests extracting maximum benefit from recyclable raw materials and make it an energy source.

The attractiveness of this type of activity is observed both in the category of private and larger-scale investment. Conducted research indicates that services and products of this enterprise will be in steady demand among production and procurement companies of secondary resources, industrial enterprises and paper mills.

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Business case based on process features

As a result of processing waste plastic, secondary polyvinyl chloride, polyamide, polyethylene and polypropylene are formed. Any enterprise whose activities are not related to food and pharmaceutical packaging can use recycled plastic.

Sales of recycled polyethylene are carried out in the average price range from 8.8 to 18 rubles per 1 kg. Proper organization technological process makes it possible to obtain 0.8 kg of polyethylene from 1 kg of plastic. The entire mass of waste thrown out daily by the population consists of 25% food waste, 10% - paper, 50% - polymers, the rest is textiles, metal, glass and rubber.

Classic disposal methods this moment ineffective, potentially dangerous due to the occurrence of “landfill gas”, which provokes the greenhouse effect.

Methods for recycling various wastes

Solid waste in the form of plastic packaging is the most difficult to recycle. There is currently talk about introducing a waste separation system, but the legislative framework does not regulate this process. Therefore, a business plan will help to analyze all prospects for creating primary capital in this segment and assess the opportunity to occupy a production niche.

Using a press for sorting and recycling solid waste within a month, you can get 8 tons of waste paper, 1,000 kg of polymers, 200 kg of aluminum cans and plastic bottles. A ton of recyclable materials is estimated: waste paper - 1,500 rubles, polymers - 9,000 rubles, aluminum cans- 15,000 rub. Such indicators allow us to expect production profits of 17,000-18,000 rubles per month.

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Technological features of the project implementation

The business plan involves the implementation of a project designed for an area of ​​600 m², including a processing workshop - 500 m² and a warehouse - 100 m². Each of the above premises must comply with the standards and requirements of sanitary and fire safety. Implementing these requirements will require a capital investment of $2,000 to $3,000. When choosing premises, preference should be given to the urban outskirts or industrial zone of the city; the minimum distance from residential buildings is 600 m.

To process solid waste, you need a sorting line, a crusher, a press, a storage hopper, a magnet and a number of other technical devices, the choice of which will depend on the scale of the enterprise and the investment base. When choosing between domestic and imported equipment, take into account the fact that domestic models are simple and economical to maintain, but are not inferior in performance, efficiency and versatility.

A special feature of solid waste processing is that it involves the use of manual labor. For this reason, even for a small enterprise, the business plan is designed for 40-50 service personnel. The shift work schedule involves working a shift of 10-15 people with an average salary of 15,000-20,000 rubles.

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Investment requirement of the project

The analysis allows us to conclude that the creation of an integrated waste processing enterprise requires an investment of 20 million dollars. Such a complex will make it possible to effectively process all types of solid waste, including rubber, plastic, wood, glass, paper, and metal. To organize a workshop whose activities are based on the disposal of one type of waste, about $150,000 is required.

Launching an enterprise of this type requires obtaining a number of permits. First of all, we are talking about a license from the Ministry of Ecology, which allows for the collection and processing of solid waste. To obtain it, it is necessary to undergo an environmental assessment, the results of which are confirmed by an environmental report.

Having received this conclusion and design documentation and description technological processes processing plant, it is necessary to obtain permission from the city's municipal and water management, sanitary and fire service. It is mandatory to obtain permission from the waste department of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation to generate and dispose of waste on its territory. Obtaining permits and licenses takes about 4 months, which also takes into account the business plan.

The countries of the European Union, unlike the Russian Federation, are experiencing a shortage of raw materials in all positions and have many years of experience in its recovery from waste.

Numerous environmental charters in the EU aim to reduce the number of landfills, as they require large areas and expensive storage technology.

It turned out to be much more profitable to master deep recycling of waste and turn this process into a profitable business.

Recycling industrial and household waste containing polymeric materials is an excellent business idea, but relatively new, so competition in it is poorly developed.

The initial investment threshold for starting in this industry is low.

It increases depending on the depth of processing of the feedstock, but at the same time profitability increases.

With the right approach, polymer recycling will be an excellent area of ​​financing, especially in times of crisis. This due to the low cost of raw materials in relation to primary materials.

Separate waste collection will not soon be introduced in the Russian Federation, since the population does not have culture of keeping living space clean.

This greatly hinders the development of the entire industry.

Because it's not sorted household waste is a very dubious raw material for relatively simple and cheap processing facilities, there are not many people willing to occupy the niche for its recycling.

The best thing to do at the first stage will be the accumulation and sorting of raw materials. This will help you learn to navigate plastic brands, create a raw material base for future production.

You can read about plastic labeling in the article “How to sort plastic for recycling?”

Industrial premises

To collect, sort and process waste, space is needed, and the more, the better. First you need at least 50 square meters. This will be enough only at first to begin the simplest processing, which consists of sorting raw materials.

At least 20 more meters of area will be needed for the press; The more complex the equipment becomes, the larger the area it occupies will become.

This type of business with deep processing requires a premises of 1000 square meters or more. Requirements for the workshop include the presence of an ASU, alarm and fire extinguishing systems, water and sewerage supplies.

The size of the required area can be systematized using the following list:

  1. Workshop for sorting and primary processing of recyclable materials - 100 m 2.
  2. Primary washing and crushing of raw materials - 500 m2.
  3. Thermal processing and production of secondary granulate - 100 m 2.
  4. Production of products using regenerated polymer granules (for one piece of equipment) - 100 m 2.

Despite the large total area of ​​the workshop, you should not be afraid of this, since half of the 1000 m2 will be occupied by storage areas for the intermediate fraction.


Waste such as plastic PET bottle, if it is not a preform, take up a lot of space.

To store this raw material, it is processed with a compactor, or simply pressed.

The simplest mechanical lever press is easy to make yourself and organize the process at home.

Industrial pressing equipment very expensive.

For a novice entrepreneur, the best choice would be a used press, which can be purchased through online advertisements.

You should not be afraid of used equipment of this class; it is primitive in its design, and its repair is not particularly difficult.

The situation with deep processing is more complicated. This is beyond the power of many private entrepreneurs.

To obtain recycled PET fluff the required minimum of machines includes:

  1. Roller shredder.
  2. Rotary crusher.
  3. Floccation sink.
  4. Rotary dryer.
  5. Polymer agglamerator.
  6. Strand granulator (a more expensive option is a granulator with water ring cutting).
  7. Extruder or injection molding machine for polymers.

Such an extensive list of machines implies a geographical dispersion of manufacturers and suppliers.

The most famous brands in our country are manufacturing companies from Taiwan and the Celestial Empire PRC.

These are giants like:

  1. Hemingstone Taiwan.
  2. "Kingsil" China.
  3. "LuMeng" Taiwan.
  4. "Din Queen" Taiwan.

There are also domestic producers. The quality of their equipment is not comparable even to manufacturers from China, but it also finds its buyer.

More well-known companies are:

  1. "Aleko-Polymer" - Rostov-on-Don.
  2. "Nazarov-System" - Sochi.
  3. LLC "Masterpress" - Moscow.
  4. LLC Industrial Polymer Technologies.
  5. LLC "Boom Polymers"

In fact, many of them turn out to be only dealers in dubious counterfeits from Southeast Asia.

When choosing equipment for future production, the main and most important thing is the help of a qualified specialist.

An incorrect configuration or the wrong choice of machine tool manufacturer will be very expensive, even leading to bankruptcy. There are many cases when a very wealthy investor suffered huge losses precisely at the stage of equipping production.

Price order on the equipment market next:

  1. Shredder - from 400 to 800 thousand rubles.
  2. Rotary crusher - from 300 to 600 thousand rubles.
  3. Floccation washing - from 1.5 to 10 million rubles.
  4. Rotary dryer - from 100 to 800 thousand rubles.
  5. Polymer agglamator - from 800 thousand rubles. up to 1.5 million rubles
  6. Strand granulator - from 1.5 to 5 million rubles.
  7. Polymer extruder - from 1 million rubles. up to 20 million rubles

These prices are very relative, since the composition of the technological chain is strictly individual. Basic equipment requires special equipment, which may cost more than basic equipment.

The peculiarity of workshop equipment costing is personalized approach to a specific type of finished product, the region of its location, the cost of electricity, the presence of a working and qualified population.

Sources of raw materials

The main source of secondary raw materials for European processors is the sorting center.

Domestic entrepreneurs do not have this opportunity, and the “landfill” taken from landfills is practically unsuitable for recycling due to toxicity and decomposition.

In Russia, small business has firmly occupied a niche suppliers of independently accumulated and sorted polymers.

This type of activity is organized simply. An individual entrepreneur who owns his own freight transport is engaged in the commercial collection of recyclable materials from small enterprises, shops, trading centers, factories, cafes and other organizations where they accumulate.

Licensing of activities

Contrary to the opinion of many representatives of regulatory authorities, disposal and recycling polymer materials are not licensed activities.

No matter how much government officials would like to warm their hands, they will not succeed.

If a recycler honestly shows its business operations and complies with the requirements of the Labor Code, no one regulates the nature of processing.

Essentially secondary polymers do not pose any danger to others and their health if they are not used in food production.

But with such violations, criminal consequences arise, since reuse PET, polyethylene, polypropylene, etc. food packaging is prohibited by sanitary and epidemiological standards.

Workshop business plan

Based on the demand for a specific product containing a polymer, the possibility of using recycled materials in it is calculated. An example is production of large-mesh polyethylene mesh for gardeners and builders.

A business plan for recycling plastic waste into pellets begins with calculating the likely profit:

  1. The cost of primary polypropylene is 120 rubles/kg, secondary 80 rubles/kg.
  2. The wholesale cost of a kilogram of finished product made from primary material is 200 rubles/kg.
  3. Overhead costs in the selling price up to 30%.
  4. Associated costs for advertising, lobbying interests of sellers of raw materials (due to the lack of separate collection waste and government control, the recyclables market is very corrupt) 5%.

The result of the sale of products made from primary material, according to reviews from the owners of such a business, will be, at best, 5% of net profit.

Since the cost of secondary granulate is 70%-80% of the primary material, its use will increase overall profitability.

However, ready-made secondary granulate of the required brand is very rare, and you should not count on very high profits.

At best, this is no more than 10% of net profit from turnover.

Costing business plan for a workshop for the production of polymer mesh from recycled materials:

  1. Cost of equipment, consisting of a polyethylene mesh extruder, associated waste crusher, auxiliary mechanisms, warehouse equipment, personnel tools - 3 million rubles.
  2. Rent suitable premises of 200 m 2 - 60 thousand rubles.
  3. Salary staff of 4 people - 120 thousand rubles.
  4. Overheads for electricity, production costs- 100 thousand rubles.
  5. Gross annual profit with 24-hour operation is 31 million rubles.
  6. The annual cost of consumed secondary pellets is 24.8 million rubles.
  7. Profit before tax - 2.84 million rubles.
  8. Payback period enterprises - from 3 to 4 years.

Technologies for recycling plastic waste

Polymer recycling is carried out thanks to their thermoplasticity and the possibility of re-molding finished products from them.

This process can be repeated up to five to seven times until the molecular structure of the material is completely destroyed.

Regeneration technology consists of cleaning recyclable materials from foreign contaminants, grinding and thermal granulation.

Read more about all these processes in the article “Plastic Processing Technology”.

Ready-made projects and ideas for plastic recycling

Ranking business projects by level of investment, we can highlight four main directions:

  1. Collection and sorting of polymer waste with subsequent sale to large processors.
  2. Production of secondary flakes for sale.
  3. A full range of recycling activities with the production of finished secondary granulate.
  4. Full cycle production of polymer products based on recycled granules.

Waste collection and sorting

To start this activity, you just need to open an individual entrepreneur and rent (if possible, buy) a truck.

The rest depends from connections with owners of large retail outlets, because they will become the main supplier of raw materials.

No less important factors for a novice businessman are readiness for hard physical work and patience.

Production of secondary flakes

In this case, a washing line is required. The cost of such equipment starts from 2 million rubles, so a good start is needed here.

Full cycle with processing into granules

A ticket to this area costs from 10 million rubles. The stage of processing into granules will be a development of well-established previous ones after eight to ten years of successful operation.

Production of polymer products

Products of such production can be:

  • package;
  • technical tanks and pipes;
  • plastic mesh;
  • shrink films;
  • electrical cable;
  • PVC and EVA shoes.

This stage of processing is the most capital-intensive, but also the most profitable. It may take more than 10 years to reach it and gain a strong foothold in the market.

Until this point, the business owner needs to think about where to sell the recycled plastic.

In this material:

The issue of waste disposal and recycling in modern cities is very acute, so the plastic recycling business is very relevant. But before opening such an enterprise, it is necessary to draw up a business plan for it.

brief information

There is a lot of waste, but there are very few recycling plants. Since the niche is practically free, businessmen should consider opening their own processing plant.

The state actively supports entrepreneurs who decide to start a business in this area, because recycling plastic reduces the level of environmental pollution. On initial stage State assistance can be a great help for enterprise development.

The result of processing will be raw materials that can be sold to manufacturers of plastic containers.

Among the advantages of such a business are the following:

  • accessibility for beginning entrepreneurs;
  • You need a small amount to start;
  • no problems with the sale of raw materials, because there is no substitute for plastic yet;
  • quick payback of the project;
  • simple processing technology.

It is also worth noting that energy costs for recycling plastic are 88% lower when compared to its production.

How to register a business

Before you start your business, you need to determine its registration form. If the production is small, then an individual entrepreneur would be an ideal option. When planning a large plant and expansion into the regions, it is better to immediately organize an LLC. Another good thing about this form is that you can attract money from investors to develop the enterprise.

If we talk about the material implementation of the project, the plant can be stationary or portable. The latter is adapted to move between settlements. A stationary plant setup will require renting or purchasing a site. The site must be at least 3000 m².

The solution may be a long-term lease of the territory of closed or abandoned enterprises. It is important that the site can be divided into several parts. It is necessary to allocate an area for warehouses, a plastic processing workshop and premises for the administration of the plant.

It is important that communications approach the building. Access roads, access to water supply and electrical networks are required.

Equipment costs

The biggest expenses when starting a business are the purchase and installation of technological lines. There are two ways to recycle plastic. The first of them is technological, and the second is chemical. The method of processing plastic using special mechanisms is considered less expensive. It consists of the following steps:

  • crushing of raw materials;
  • agglomeration;
  • granulation stage.

The development of a business plan should be based on market indicators. You need to calculate the average cost of services and choose the best option.

An important point will be waste sorting. First, the raw materials are divided into plain and colored. Then it is grouped as PVC and PET.

First, the waste is thoroughly crushed. The fine crumbs formed at this stage are sintered, thereby creating an agglomerate. On last stage raw materials are produced in the form of granules. It is sold to enterprises that produce plastic containers.

The production line consists of the following parts:

  • machine for removing stickers from bottles and caps;
  • crushing plant;
  • transportation tape;
  • boiler for removing excess elements from raw materials;
  • washing device;
  • dryer and air dryer;
  • containers for finished products.

You will have to spend around 3-4 million rubles to purchase equipment.

Raw materials for processing can be taken from landfills, free of charge or for a small fee from companies operating in the food industry. You can open plastic collection points.

Payroll and advertising expenses

The amount of these expenses will depend on how many people will work at the enterprise. We need to hire workers for the workshop. Security and accounting can be outsourced. In addition, the company will need to hire managers who will work with clients and drivers. A cleaning lady will be needed.

It is worth allocating about 300 thousand rubles for the wage fund, but it all depends on the scale of the enterprise.

Promoting your services on the market should be an important task that the administrative staff of the processing enterprise should work on. It is important to constantly expand using all advertising channels. It is useful to post notices about accepting plastic waste near houses. You can negotiate with HOA chairmen, and then install a plastic collection container in the yard of the house.

To start a project, you will need 3.5-4 million rubles, but the exact expenses depend on how large-scale production the entrepreneur plans to open.

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no matter Auto Jewelry and accessories Hotels Children's franchises Home business Online stores IT and Internet Cafes and restaurants Inexpensive franchises Shoes Training and education Clothing Leisure and entertainment Food Gifts Manufacturing Miscellaneous Retail Sports, health and beauty Construction Household goods Health products Business services (b2b) Services for the population Financial services

Investments: Investments 3,000,000 - 6,000,000 ₽

The Moscow Jewelry Factory specializes in the production and sale of jewelry made of precious metals and stones. Today the company is the country's largest manufacturer of diamond jewelry. MUZ is part of an international holding. The holding of companies carries out a full cycle of production and sale of jewelry: Enterprises engaged in cutting diamonds Own production of jewelry (includes two…

Investments: Investments 1,400,000 - 1,800,000 ₽

The Crown® brand was founded in 1986 in Canada. At the moment, more than 1000 integrated corrosion protection stations are successfully operating in the world. The unique product T40, which was specially developed by the company's engineers, allows comprehensive protection of vehicles from the harmful effects of the environment. The composition of the inhibitor is protected by a patent, production is organized only at the Krown® company plant in Canada. Every year more than 1,000,000 transport...

Investments: Investments 150,000 - 198,000 ₽

The construction market in Russia continues to grow steadily; by selling construction services and materials with us, you can be calm and confident in the future. Let's figure out what we make money from: Sale of non-metallic materials from the quarry (sand, crushed stone, asphalt, gravel, slag, peat, etc.) Services of special equipment (we successfully cooperate with more than 150 owners of special equipment, whom we attract based on our...

Investments: Investments 499,000 - 1,500,000 ₽

The Avista Module Engineering group of companies has been introducing innovations and creating trends in the prefabricated construction market for 11 years. Founded by Vadim Ravilievich Kulubekov. The company specializes in providing comprehensive services for the design, production, delivery, construction and completion of prefabricated buildings for administrative, domestic and industrial purposes. The products are manufactured at a plant in Novosibirsk. The company’s product range includes prefabricated cabins, modular dormitories, modular canteens,…

Investments: Investments 50,000 - 750,000 ₽

SOFTIUM schools have created a special environment for developing interest and programming skills in children from 6 to 14 years old. In a short period of time, we have won the trust and love of hundreds of children in different cities of Russia, as well as in Kazakhstan. When creating our school, we took into account and eliminated all the shortcomings of conventional computer courses and programming courses for children. IN…

Investments: Investments 450,000 - 800,000 ₽

We have been working in the LED lighting market for more than 5 years. Expert and practical experience allows us to implement lighting projects of any complexity. Today, our portfolio includes more than 100 objects, our portfolio of partners includes the largest manufacturers, our team includes the best specialists in branch. Our product is the most modern and energy efficient sources available today...

Investments: Investments 550,000 - 2,000,000 ₽

Open yours chemical production with NPK "AtomHim"! You will be able to produce in your region the following products: - auto chemicals and auto cosmetics - non-freezing liquid - antifreeze and antifreeze - household chemicals - liquid soap - prof. chemistry for enterprises. You can implement it, offer it best price than dealers for similar products. The research and production company AtomHim operates in the field of...

Investments: Investments 4,000,000 - 8,000,000 ₽

INGLOT is a wide network of branded salons of European professional decorative cosmetics and skin care products. Our brand independently creates cosmetic products, accessories and equipment, currently uniting more than 700 retail outlets around the world. The mission of our company is the production of cosmetics High Quality at a price affordable for everyone. These are products you can trust...

Investments: Investments 1,000,000 - 2,000,000 ₽

In 2016, the company made a full launch of automated production of the joint venture “First Furniture Factory-ALNO”, rebranding of the factory, new the lineup for various segments and the premium kitchen brand Bruno Piatti. A joint venture with the Piatti Factory made it possible to produce kitchens according to Swiss quality standards. Today, the First Furniture-ALNO is: -52,000 m2 of production and warehouse space. -Capacity – 50,000 sets of furniture...

Investments: Investments 1,500,000 - 3,500,000 ₽

H-Point is a workshop that provides services for the production and repair of high-pressure hoses and rigid pipelines. The first H-POINT enterprise opened in 2010. Today, our workshops successfully operate in Russia, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan. The idea of ​​creating such workshops came from the Hydravia company, the largest supplier of equipment for the manufacture of hoses, hoses and hoses in Russia and the CIS countries...

Investments: Investments 990,000 - 1,500,000 ₽

Senor Doner is a regional chain of grill cafes. We use modern technologies analytics and optimization to create a business that will work for decades, improving every day. Our Menu consists of a wide selection of dishes. The main dishes include locomotive goods - doner kebab (shawarma) and shaverbox, there are also other groups of goods - snacks (Potatoes...
