Targeted direction to a university: how to apply for a target one, application, pitfalls. Target area: pros and cons of free training

Russian universities accept applicants for budget and paid departments. Go through the competition to the chosen one educational institution Not all applicants succeed. In this case, the target direction is a great chance to get free higher education.

What is a target direction?

Target direction- this is an official letter legal entity, addressed to the management of a higher educational institution. The document contains a request to enroll a specific applicant in a specific specialty..

There are two types of targeted training. Recruitment is an agreement concluded by state (municipal) bodies. Contract training - training in the direction of industry enterprises.

The admission and training mechanism is regulated (Article 56).

The following characteristic features of targeted reception:

  • applicants undergo a separate competition;
  • the target's training is paid for by the future employer;
  • Upon graduation from a university, a specialist is required to work at an enterprise for a certain period of time.

Any Russian graduate can receive a referral to study. The document is an agreement concluded between the student, employer and educational institution.

The company bears all training costs, including scholarships. The amount of the scholarship exceeds the amount of a regular state benefit and may be equal to the average earnings at the place of work.

The procedure for obtaining a “ticket”

A referral to study can be obtained from the local administration or from an organization interested in young specialists. Many universities offer applicants targeted places at enterprises with which they have a cooperation agreement.

In addition, the organization’s management supports young people with average special education in their quest to continue their studies.

To get the target direction the applicant must prepare the following documents:

  1. Statement of academic performance for the first half of the graduating class (for schoolchildren).
  2. Certificate of secondary education.
  3. A document confirming graduation from a technical school or college.
  4. Characteristics from the place of study or work.
  5. Diplomas, certificates confirming participation and achievements in olympiads and competitions.
  6. A copy of your passport and...

The characteristics are issued by the management of the school or enterprise. It reflects everything positive traits candidate. A package of documents is submitted to the institution with which it is planned to conclude an agreement. The applicant may be invited for a personal interview.

IN referral may be refused, in particular, for the reasons:

  • low academic performance;
  • providing false information;
  • missing the appointment deadline.

The search for an employer willing to pay for university studies should begin approximately six months before graduation. At the same time, the law prohibits educational institutions from entering into agreements with companies that are privately owned and with individual entrepreneurs. Such an employer is given the right to draw up a student agreement (Article 198 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The issuance of a referral to study at a specific institute does not mean that the graduate is automatically enrolled in the first year. The selection committee evaluates the results of the Unified State Exam and selects the strongest applicants.

Pros and cons of targeted training

Before going to study at a university, the applicant must know all the advantages and disadvantages of the chosen path to higher education.

The advantages of such study include:

  • high probability of admission (competition is much lower compared to general conditions);
  • free education;
  • priority admission (in case of failure, you can participate in the main competition in another specialty or at another institute);
  • receiving a scholarship from the company;
  • organization of mandatory internship;
  • assistance in writing a thesis (providing the necessary materials);
  • guaranteed workplace upon graduation from university.

In addition to its undeniable advantages, targeted training has a number of significant shortcomings:

  • obligation to study without academic debt;
  • inability to change the specialty profile (with the exception of interrelated professions);
  • possible employment in a low-wage position;
  • the need to work for a certain period of time in the organization that entered into the contract.

If a graduate changes his mind about returning to the enterprise during his studies, he is obliged to reimburse the funds spent on his preparation. The compensation amount includes:

  1. Tuition payment.
  2. Social benefits (for example,).
  3. A fine of two times the specified costs.

The legislator has provided for certain cases when a specialist can be exempt from mandatory work. The basis for this is the graduate’s conscription into the army, maternity leave, serious illness of the student and other valid reasons.

Employer obligations

The enterprise or government body that issued the referral to the university assumes obligations to ensure high-quality training of the specialist. General responsibilities include:

  1. Timely transfer Money to the account of the university.
  2. Monthly stipend payments.
  3. Providing a job that matches the graduate’s qualifications.

Violation of the terms of the contract by the employer exempts young specialist from the need to work in the organization for a certain time.

When signing a contract for targeted training, the applicant and his parents must carefully study all points of the document. Special attention should be devoted to sections on the rights and responsibilities of the parties.

During your studies, it is possible that unforeseen circumstances. In the interests of the student, it is necessary to discuss issues such as academic leave or serious illness.

Most targeted referrals to higher education institutions are issued by the state: law enforcement agencies, healthcare organizations and educational institutions.

How to get a referral to medical school or residency?

Targeted training is extremely popular among future doctors. This is explained by high competition for budget places.

Every year, the Government of the Russian Federation creates a list of categories of specialists that the state needs. Next, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation determines the number of places for targeted students for each Russian university.

Students should contact their local health department. All applications are formed into a single list. After the results of the Unified State Exam are announced, graduates with the best grades receive a ticket to the institute. It is also possible to receive a recommendation for admission to residency. Applicants with secondary education medical education, can independently enter into an agreement with a medical institution.

How to enter one of the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Vouchers to higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are distributed by the regional Department of Internal Affairs. Graduates of specialized classes and young people who have completed conscript service in the army.

In addition to standard documents on academic performance, candidates submit medical certificate about suitability for training and service.

Working in the internal affairs bodies presupposes the presence of certain qualities, for example, resistance to stressful situations. Therefore, applicants undergo additional psychological testing.

Admission to teaching specialties

Target direction for graduates who decide to connect their later life with teaching and raising children, issued by the Education Department of the local administration.

The applicant should check with the university (institute) with which secondary educational institutions the university cooperates. After this, you need to talk with the director of the selected school. Based on the interview results educational institution will send a request to the education department to issue a referral to the target place.

For help in choosing a school, you can contact admissions committee pedagogical university. Most often, graduates are offered to sign an agreement with educational institutions located in rural areas.

Admission conditions, quotas

A referral for targeted training is issued for a specific specialty at a specific higher education institution. The petition cannot be transferred to another person. If an applicant submits documents to another institute, he will participate in the competition for general principles.

The admission quota is calculated annually by the founders of universities(for example, the Ministry of Health or Education). The number of targeted places in technical educational institutions is determined by preliminary applications from employers.

The university (institute) has the right to increase enrollment in agreement with customers. If there are no people willing to apply for the contracted place, the quota is reset to zero.

The essential conditions for targeted admission and training are enshrined in the federal regulations. The obligations of the university, employer and young specialist, determined by law, serve as a guarantee of ensuring their rights.

How to ask for a referral can be found in the following story.

Target direction: pros, cons; termination procedure.

Every applicant knows that in the target area to enter a state university much simpler than on a general basis. Therefore, getting the target direction is almost half the success.

What advantages (advantages) does the target direction provide:

  • Getting into university is much easier. The competition is 1.5 -2 people per place;
  • Entrance tests They essentially consist of a competition of points based on the results of the Unified State Examination.
  • Additional entrance tests are usually not carried out, and if they are held, then only among “target students”. For everyone else entering the budget, a completely different competition is provided. Entrance tests may be the same, but among the “target students” there are 2 people fighting for a place, and among the “state employees” there are 22. The difference is obvious.
  • Studying in the target field is completely free, sometimes the future employer pays for a scholarship and provides housing.
  • A place of work has been provided for the coming years of study, where the future young specialist will gain experience in his specialty.

It also happens that by the time the student graduates, the vacant position for which the student applied has already been filled. In this case, the employer issues an “absentee sheet”, which indicates that there are no vacancies for this specialty. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully read the contract and all its terms.

By the way, applicants most often take a targeted direction to medical universities. As everyone knows, it is very difficult to apply for a government-funded position in this field, big competition And high requirements. There may also be difficulties with future employment, obtaining a targeted direction in medical school, for those, who decided on his choice of profession , a real dream.

Cons (disadvantages) of the target direction

But when the diploma is already in hand, many graduates begin to think about the other side of the coin. Going to work in the target area means getting a non-prestigious job in some village. And no other prospects are foreseen.

Of course, if many young people lack ambition or were educated in such a way that good career, for example, they cannot count on a doctor, and this option will suit them quite well. However, many “targeted” people refuse to work in the direction. For example, in the Novosibirsk region, over six years, almost 400 graduates who were supposed to improve the agro-industrial complex did not fulfill their obligations under the contract. In total, this is about a third of yesterday's students who received a diploma due to the fact that their studies were paid for from the federal budget. And this is just the tip of the iceberg: most departments keep records of their needs for specialists, but do not control whether one or another holder of the coveted “crust” has started work.

Termination of target direction

The legislation provides that a graduate who has studied for five years at the expense of the federal budget must reimburse the cost of his studies if he does not go to work in the field. In practice, for example, in the same Novosibirsk region, “refuseniks” reimbursed only 23% of the money spent on them. The remaining amount - and this is more than 15 million rubles - can be considered lost. There is nothing to say about how things are in other spheres of the economy, even if the “refuseniks” are not taken into account.

However, the widespread failure to appear at the place of work as assigned led to the fact that the prosecutor's office became interested in this offense. Thanks to the active work of law enforcement agencies, graduates who received a diploma in targeted training and refused to go on assignment are obligated by the court to compensate for budget losses. According to the first court decision, two graduates must pay 504 thousand rubles to the treasury.

Nevertheless, despite all the horror stories, “targeted” people strive to stay in big cities. Many of them start working while studying so that, having received a diploma, they can take cash loan and pay tuition reimbursement. After this, young professionals can be considered free from all obligations, build a career in large companies and receive good money for their work.

However, even the payment of compensation in the amount of the cost of training does not please the officials who are responsible for the availability of specialists of various profiles in the regions, because the place of a qualified specialist in the outback remains vacant.

Graduates admit that many of them are ready to work in their field, but upon arriving at the place of potential employment, it turns out that they cannot be provided with either housing or a salary with which to make ends meet. Naturally, it will obviously not be possible to resolve the issue only by collecting money from graduates who received a diploma with money from the federal budget.

In the heat of the admissions campaign, applicants are almost ready to sell their souls to the devil for such a coveted place at the university. For some, a destination becomes their lifeline. What kind of document this is, who can get it and where, as well as the pros and cons of targeted training, we will tell you further.

What is a target direction?

The target direction allows you to receive free vocational, secondary vocational, higher (bachelor's and master's) and postgraduate education (postgraduate, doctoral) education. An agreement on targeted training is a document that is signed by three parties: the applicant, the customer organization and the educational institution.

Organizations that need certain specialists can submit applications to local or republican government bodies, which are subordinate to educational institutions where such specialists are trained. Then the governing bodies, where applications for targeted training are received, generate figures target set taking into account the planned reception and report this information to the Ministry of Education, customer organizations and educational institutions.

Public and private organizations can apply for targeted training.

Who is the target area intended for?

Not everyone can have a goal. Targeted training is provided for regional organizations where there is a shortage of specialists. Thus, residents of regional centers and the capital are not yet entitled to training in the target area. Registration does not play a key role, i.e. you can take the target from an organization that is not located in the city where the applicant is registered. The main thing is in which organization the applicant wants to take the target direction, whether it has such an opportunity. However, the Ministry of Education plans to change the conditions for providing targeted direction.

We plan to provide the possibility of targeted training of specialists with higher education in certain specialties in demand by the economy for organizations, regardless of their location. Today, targeted direction can be provided by organizations located exclusively in certain populated areas. At the same time, we are observing a trend where even in regional cities there are not enough specialists in one or another profile.

Igor Karpenko, Minister of Education of Belarus

How to get the target direction?

There are two ways to go. Call the admissions office of a university, college or lyceum and find out from which organizations you can submit a target application for the specialty of interest. If you are more focused on the place of work, then contact the organization where you would like to work and ask about the opportunity to receive a targeted assignment.

You can acquire a targeted area of ​​study at the admissions office of an educational institution, provided that there are vacancies for targeted training.

Does the target direction guarantee 100% admission?

The number of places for targeted students is limited and amounts to up to 60% of the enrollment plan for agricultural specialties, up to 50% for health care specialties and up to 40% for all others. Having received the long-awaited assignment in your hands, you should not relax, because at the university (lyceum, college) you will have to go through a competition among target students. For example, three places for targeted training are allocated for a certain specialty, but there are five applicants. They will choose from them first three With the largest number points, the remaining two can participate in the general competition.

If the target places are not filled, they may, at the discretion of the educational institution, be transferred to general competition or leave it vacant. In the second case, for free places, having concluded an agreement on targeted training, in the same specialty or a similar one, and also from a paid department.

A contract for targeted training is considered valid when it is signed by three parties. Therefore, you can take the target direction and not submit it to the selection committee (participate in the general competition).

By the way, a target student is no different from other state employees, except for the period of service.

Many target places are highlighted

How long to work in the target area?

Those who have received higher education - at least five years, specialized secondary education - at least three years, vocational and technical - at least two. At the request of the graduate, the period of compulsory service may include, for example, the period of completion military service by conscription or in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, other troops and military formations Belarus, maternity leave(until the child reaches the age of three years). Studying in master's and postgraduate programs does not affect the reduction of working time.

Reasons for termination of the target agreement

During training, the contract may be terminated for the following reasons:

— determination of disability for a citizen under 18 years of age;

— establishing a citizen’s disability of group I or II;

— determination of one of the parents or the husband (wife) of a citizen with a disability of group I or II or a disability for a citizen’s child;

— the occurrence of medical contraindications to work in the acquired specialty (specialty area, specialization) and assigned qualifications;

— liquidation of the customer organization;

— early termination of educational relations due to circumstances beyond the control of the citizen or educational institution.

The reasons not to work in the target direction are stated in. This may happen due to disability, illnesses incompatible with work in the specialty, liquidation of the institution that issued the target referral, etc.

If absolutely, you can return the funds spent on training.

Is it worth taking the target direction?

The conclusion of such an agreement is suitable for those applicants who plan to return to their native land after studying or want to secure a job in advance. If for you the main objective- training on a budget, it is better to think seven times before deciding to conclude this agreement. Nobody knows how life will turn out in a few years, and Lifebuoy can be a huge burden. Legal advice will not be superfluous when signing such a serious document.

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What’s the catch and is it worth becoming a target at all?

Technical Secretary of the VSU Admissions Committee in 2018

Targeted admission guarantees admission and employment for applicants, and specialists for companies. To get into targeted training, you must enter into an agreement with the company and pass the Unified State Examination minimum score, which was installed by the university.

Rules of the Ministry of Education

The Ministry of Education describes the rules for targeted admission in Chapter XI order about admission to universities. For 2018 the following rules apply:

  • The number of places is determined by the organization. When the company has decided how many target students it needs, it negotiates this with the university and faculty. Targeted places are usually taken from budget ones - they are not entered into a separate competition.
  • Such places can only be ordered by state authorities, state corporations or companies that have a state share in their authorized capital.
  • The agreement will be tripartite: you, the university and the organization.

Targets go out of competition. This happens because the company enters into contracts with as many people as it has requested target locations. This I do not like Ministry of Education. They believe that there should be the same competition for the target places as for Unified State Exam scores.

Agreement with the organization

The Ministry's order does not contain a word about employment and other responsibilities of the enterprise. Does not regulate the order and requirements for the student. All responsibilities will be specified in your agreement with the company. Therefore, study it carefully before agreeing to targeted training. Each organization will have its own contract, but you can look at typical example such an agreement.

If you are satisfied with the company's conditions, prepare for an interview or test. The company needs to understand whether you are suitable for them or not. You may be asked to take a test on certain subjects or just have a chat to make sure you are serious.

The company benefits from the target because they 100% get a specialist for the job. According to the contract, you will have to work for several years in the company. Usually this period is 3-5 years.

Keep in mind that there are companies that strongly control their students. For example, they take exams and coursework together with teachers. And there are those who do not particularly monitor their future employees. Be prepared for both.

Please note what will happen if you are expelled or you yourself want to leave the university. This happens not only because of poor studies, but also due to family circumstances. You will probably have to pay the entire cost of training, which is 300-600 thousand rubles, depending on the specialty and university.

How to become a target

As you can imagine, this is not easy. To find out targeted admission quotas, contact the university or, if you know for sure that the company is recruiting targeted students, contact the human resources department. Ask under what conditions it is possible to become a target.

Unfortunately, in many state companies Such places are given to the children of employees or friends. Be prepared for this and don't be discouraged. The Ministry of Education does not regulate in any way who should get the target places.

How else does it happen?

My friend is studying at the target. She has an unusual situation: the company bought the target places not from budget, but from paid quotas. After training, the girl will need to work for 5 years at the enterprise. There is progress monitoring; company representatives come to the defense of course students. But all the defenses go quite smoothly. The company does not pay a stipend.

Is it necessary to become a target at all?

To become a target, you need either connections or free time to search for an organization. This may take up your time to prepare for the Unified State Exam, and in the end the contract with the organization will not suit you. You will have to work in this company for several years after defending your diploma, and you will have to refuse other offers and opportunities that may arise during your studies. Conclusion - you are tying your hands.

All schoolchildren and their parents sooner or later have a question: what to do after finishing 11th grade? Where to apply? Where to get a profession? There are more and more opportunities to continue studying. And one of the options for reliable receipt is targeted.

What do I need to do? First you need to decide on future profession. Then find an appropriate company where you could work after graduation. If its management is interested in a young qualified worker, then the future student is given a referral to study in the required specialty. Or you can contact the municipality, where employers send applications for specialists.

To the admissions committee (only for one university and for a specific specialty), the applicant must submit, in addition to all other documents, an application for a targeted education and a referral from the enterprise within the established time frame. Receiving a targeted direction does not mean 100% admission to budget-funded education. There is also a competition among target audiences. If the result is positive, a tripartite agreement is concluded between the educational institution, the enterprise and the student.

What are the benefits of targeted learning?

  • The results of the Unified State Exam for admission to a university for targeted students may be lower than those established for other, ordinary applicants.
  • Since the order for the admission of targeted applicants is issued earlier than the order for the admission of applicants from the main stream, targeted students who did not pass the competition can try to get into the university on a general basis.
  • The child receives education free of charge. But budget places a little in all educational institutions. Not all students can afford to study for a fee. In addition, the target recipient receives a scholarship.
  • The internship takes place at the enterprise that provided the target direction. Consequently, even before getting a job, he will know both the intricacies of production and the workforce. It’s always calmer to start working in an already familiar place among familiar people.
  • Easier to write term papers during study: all materials, especially for innovative scientific developments in the direction of interest to the employer, will be provided by the enterprise itself.
  • There is no need to worry about not finding a job after college. By concluding an agreement, the child is guaranteed a job for at least three years after graduation.
  • The employer does not require work experience. On the contrary, there is an opportunity to purchase it.

But is everything so beautiful and cloudless? Do you really just need to find an enterprise that will subsequently pay for the child’s education, take a referral - and get the coveted education, and on a budgetary basis, and even pay a stipend. Why then does not everyone take advantage of this opportunity?

When choosing a target income, it is necessary to take into account some nuances.

What kind of fly in the ointment can there be in the huge barrel of honey called target education?

  • You have to independently find a company interested in a specific specialist.
  • A target student is obliged (!) to study well.
  • If, during the process of studying, a child suddenly feels that his calling is a completely different profession and there is a desire to enroll or transfer to an educational institution of a completely different profile, he is still obliged to graduate from the university in the specialty specified in the contract and work the allotted time.
  • It is necessary to work for the three years specified in the contract at the enterprise that provided the targeted direction for training. Regardless of the fact that, perhaps, the child would already like to work in another place, or he has a more prestigious offer for which he needs to get a job as soon as possible after graduation, otherwise they will take another person.
  • If a student lives (or intends to live), for example, in St. Petersburg, and received a referral from an enterprise in Voronezh (hence, it paid for all the years of his studies), he will go to Voronezh. As they say, debt is worth paying.
  • Can a young specialist refuse to work? In principle, it can. But first, he will return to the company the entire amount spent on his training.
  • Perhaps you won’t like the work very much, relationships in the team won’t work out, wage doesn't seem tall enough. Maybe there is no prospect for this position career growth, but there are a lot of difficulties that arise during labor relations. But you will need to make every effort to join the team and do work at the enterprise that has done so much for your child, essentially without knowing him at all.

Therefore, before settling on the target admission, you need to think very carefully, weigh all the pros and cons, and then boldly go towards the intended goal, but with with open eyes, understanding the consequences, taking full responsibility.
