Fortune telling for future children: how many there will be. How to use fortune telling to find out how many children there will be

Magic rituals reveal various information - about love, about life, about career. They will help you find out about future babies - their number, gender, health status. Fortune telling for children implies purity of intentions, a sincere desire to give birth to a baby and belief in magic.

General rules of fortune telling

The result of the rituals depends on the experience of the magician, his desires and goals. But even beginners can carry out rituals on their own and find out all the information about future children. To avoid a rollback or error, the following rules must be followed:

  • strictly follow the instructions;
  • tune in to the ritual;
  • to be left alone;
  • turn off electrical appliances;
  • believe in magic, do not perform fortune telling for fun.

To prepare, it is advised to rest, relax, and turn on your favorite music. Future mother I must be calm, keep the image of the baby in my thoughts and surrender to the hands of fate.

How many children will there be

For young girls, it is very important to know the expected number of babies in advance. This adds confidence and brings the family closer together. The information will help you manage your time correctly. It is important to note that the number of children is determined by the father and mother, and magic gives recommendations for a harmonious flow of life.

On Christmastide

With a wedding ring

An ancient fortune telling that will help a pregnant woman at home find out exactly about the gender of the child. Before telling fortunes to children, you need to remove wedding ring and thread a red thread through it.

Execution of the ritual:

  1. The girl lies on her back, breathes deeply and evenly.
  2. He brings the ring to his stomach, straightens his hand, allowing the thread to move.
  3. Monitors the direction of movement.

If the trajectory resembles a circle, you should expect a boy, and if it is a pendulum, a girl will be born.

Ritual with thread and needle

The truthful results of which have been verified over the years. It will help to find out the sex of the child even for a girl who is not yet planning to become a mother.

The fortuneteller takes a needle and threads a white thread into the eye:

  1. Straightens the leading arm perpendicular to the floor, moves the thumb to the side.
  2. Hold the thread with the other hand and lower the structure three times into the space between thumb and the rest.
  3. He brings the needle to each finger and watches its movement.

The absence of movements predicts that the baby will not appear soon, circular movements mark a boy, from side to side - a girl.

On the water

An ancient fortune telling that not only determines the gender of the baby, but also helps to find out the number of future children. Traditionally, the ceremony is performed on church holidays, but you can try it on a regular day.

To carry out the ritual, you need to pour cold water into a bowl and put it in the freezer overnight. It is better to take spring liquid.

The next morning, take out the container and examine the surface:

  • tubercles predict boys;
  • The pits symbolize the imminent conception of girls.

Smooth ice promises the absence of children in the near future.

Layout on the cards

An integral part of fortune telling. They talk about the future, reveal a secret love relationship, predict probable problems and ways to solve them.

For rituals with cards, you need to buy a new deck, which cannot be played in the future.

Fortune telling will give a clear answer to any query regarding children. To tell fortunes about the number of children, their gender and health, you will need a deck of 36 cards.

The girl shuffles the deck, while simultaneously formulating a disturbing question in her thoughts higher powers. With a sharp movement he takes out one of the playing cards at random. Her suit determines the answer:

  • red - yes;
  • black - no.

There are several cards that have special meaning:

  1. If a woman is concerned about the gender of the baby, then the king and jack promise a boy, and the queen promises a girl.
  2. Ace of hearts - a clear positive answer.
  3. Peaks predict a difficult pregnancy for the mother and problems during childbirth.
  4. The ten of hearts promises fulfillment of a wish and an affirmative answer.

The correct alignment for such fortune telling provides a 100% correct answer.

Then place the faceted glass on the table and tie the ring with a thread. Wait until midnight. Light a candle, lower the ring into the glass by the thread, but so that it does not touch the bottom, and ask an accurate, specific question, for example: “How old will I be when my first child is born.” Then concentrate, hold the thread with the attached ring straight, do not swing it and wait until the ring itself to myself swinging, the glass will begin to touch the sides. Each touch on the edge of the glass is equal to one time. This way you can calculate your age when the baby appears, the number.

Thread a needle, place your palm and, holding the needle in the air, ask: who will be born to you, or. The needle will begin to swing. Wait a little, when it moves from chaotic swaying to one chosen direction, then it’s worth drawing conclusions. So, if the needle swings up and down, like a pendulum, then you will have a boy. If the needle moves in a circle, then you should wait for the appearance.

You can also ask the spirits about the birth of children. Particularly impressionable people should not engage in this type of fortune telling. So take it large leaf paper, draw two circles. The first circle is large; place all the letters of the alphabet along its base. The second circle is smaller, place the numbers from 1 to 100 on it. When midnight comes, turn off the lights, light the candles, and place a saucer in the center of the circle. Attach the arrow to the base of the saucer in advance. Now all those gathered (no more than 4-5 people), holding onto the edges of the saucer, must ask a certain spirit to come to them. The spirit may be a favorite writer of the last century or another historical figure. The appearance of a spirit can be noticed intuitively. The candle will begin to make a crackling sound, a draft will appear, and the saucer will begin to move. After this you can ask questions. The answers will be made up of letters and numbers, which the saucer arrow will point to.

Another unmistakable method of prediction to myself baby: Imagine that you have already given birth to a baby. Create in your dreams the image of a baby, how you play with him, what you dress him in, how he is or what he is not happy with. This is how you program yourself to be or girls.

Helpful advice

These fortune tellings are best carried out in special days- on the night under the old New Year, on Christmas, Epiphany and on the summer day of Ivan Kupala.


  • fortune telling for the birth of children

The expectant mother quickly wants to know who will be born first: a girl or a boy. Not all methods for determining the sex of an unborn child show the truth. In principle, they are all exemplary. You can do a blood test, an ultrasound, or use folk signs.


Use the safest and most reliable method - ultrasound. But to find out the result, you need to wait almost. Therefore, this option does not suit many people. Ask a gynecologist at antenatal clinic give you a referral for this examination. You can use the services of a private clinic. But not all ultrasound specialists have sufficient knowledge of fetal examination. It happens that the baby’s genital organ cannot be seen, since its specific location in the uterus can make it difficult to see.

Notice that they move less actively in the mother than boys. But this can be compared if a woman has already given birth. It is believed that a mother who waits loses her beauty and quickly gains weight. Acne and rashes appear on the face. The abdomen has a vague and rounded shape. Severe toxicosis begins at first. If you wait, then you will not gain more weight than normal. You look and feel great. The shape of the abdomen is clear and sharp.

Take a genetic test. This test checks your blood for the presence of the Y chromosome. This method determines male gender with fairly high accuracy. And the date of ovulation affects who will be born to you. If conception occurred no earlier than 3 days before the upcoming ovulation, that is large percentage the likelihood of having a male child. This is explained by the fact that the mobile “” seed is less tenacious and dies after a certain period of time.

Please note that the intensity sex life may affect who you give birth to. If a couple has sex very often, then expect a son. When a man abstains from sexual relations for a long time, the woman is most likely to have a daughter. At least that's what popular rumor thinks.

Helpful advice

It is impossible to accurately guess who will be born first, but this does not make the very birth of a baby cease to please parents.


  • How to determine the gender of a child in 2019
  • how to find out who will be born to me in 2019

Tip 3: How to determine the gender of your unborn child before birth

Not all parents want to wait until birth to find out the gender. Therefore, various methods have been developed, from medical to folk, that allow you to clarify in advance whether you will have a boy or a girl.

Any girl eventually begins to think about children. Unfortunately, today science cannot give an answer in advance to the question of how many children and what gender a potential expectant mother will give birth to. This question has become a real mystery, from which the unknown emanates. But our ancestors knew a way to solve such a riddle - to use fortune telling.

There are a large number of methods of fortune telling for children; for this you do not even need to seek help from fortune tellers. The main methods by which fortune telling for the number of children occurs must be remembered by heart.

Fortune telling using thread and needle

To perform such fortune-telling, you will only need help from a friend, since you should not guess using this method on your own.

Step-by-step method of fortune telling for the number of children:

It is worth remembering that the needle should not touch your skin, as such touching can affect the result and ruin it.

It is very easy to explain such fortune telling. The number of oscillations will indicate how many babies there will be, and their type will indicate the gender. If the needle begins to oscillate left and right, it is a boy, but if it describes a circle in the process of oscillating, then it is definitely a girl.

Number of children by date of birth

Numerology - This is the most ancient science in the history of all mankind, therefore most fortune telling is associated with numbers. There are several types of numerology methods to understand how many babies and what gender you will have. It is worth considering two of them in more detail.

First method

In order to understand your number, you should find the sum of all the numbers in your date of birth and add to this number the number of children your parents have (that is, the number of brothers and sisters + yourself).

Let's take a closer look. For example, your date of birth is 03/20/1993, you have two sisters and one brother. So your number will be output using following formula: 2+0+0+3+1+9+9+3=27= 2+7=9 (by date), as well as 3+1=4 (by number in the family). The result is: 4+9=3

Second method

The result after fortune telling will directly depend not only on your fertile number, but also on the fertile number of your partner. It is for this reason that two dates should be used for fortune telling - your date of birth and the date of birth of your spouse.

For example, your date of birth is December 10, 1985, and your spouse’s is January 15, 1984. As a result of computational operations, your total reproductive number: 1+0+1+2+1+9+8+5=27=9, and your other half: 1+5+0+1+1+9+8+4 =29=11+11+1=2.


  1. If your fertile number is higher than your partner's, then your first child will be a boy.
  2. If your fertile age is lower than your partner's, then your first child will be a girl.
  3. If the reproductive numbers differ by no more than two, then it is almost impossible to understand the sex of the child, since the chance of error is very high.
  4. If such numbers are the same, then your married couple simply will not be able to have a child together.

Fortune telling by stones

If you are interested in knowing how many babies you will have, and whether you will have any at all, then you can ask for help from the stones. The features of fortune telling on stones will be described below. This method is not at all similar to fortune telling by date of birth.

This fortune telling is quite easy and does not require any expenses. large quantity time. To carry out fortune telling, you should use a basin of water, ten stones and a special marker. Write numbers from zero to ten on the stones with a marker and lower them into the water. Try to arrange the stones on the bottom in such a way that they do not overlap each other.

Over time, the water will erase all the numbers from the stones except one. This figure will indicate the number of heirs you will have in the future.

Tarot cards

Card reading- This is the oldest method of fortune telling. To get a certain prediction, you should use a deck of Tarot cards.

To begin, take a deck of cards in your hands and formulate your question as clearly as possible (for example: “How many children will I have, full name?”). You can ask a question either out loud or to yourself.

Afterwards, take three cards out of the deck of cards and count them from right to left (you can view the meaning of each card both in the deck itself and through an Internet search).

  1. The first card characterizes your past;
  2. The second card is the future;
  3. The third card is the answer to your question itself.

Fortune telling by hand

One who prefers to use palmistry, should familiarize yourself in more detail with determining the number of babies by hand.

To begin, expand right hand palm up and carefully examine the lines under the little finger. The number of lines will indicate the number of babies expectant mother. If the line is long, it will be a boy, and if it is short, it will be a girl.

The severity, clarity and thickness of such a line will indicate the health of the child. The better the line is expressed, the better the baby’s health will be. If it is unclear, there are breaks - the child will be born very weak and susceptible to diseases.

As is clear, the lines in the arm area can change throughout life just like the fate of man itself. Creating dramatic changes in its Everyday life, you are able to change the fate of your descendants along with this, so it is better to carry out fortune telling several times every five years.

On matches

This fortune telling is quite simple, as it only helps to find out the gender of the unborn child. To carry out fortune telling, you will need a bowl of water and a match.

Fortune telling plan:

It is worth paying attention: if the match does not burn completely on the first try, then there is no need to repeat fortune-telling. The Universe is not ready to answer this question for you right now.

On coins

To carry out fortune telling you need use a handful of coins of the same denomination.

This method cannot tell about the future of children, their health, character, but at the same time it will be quite accurate.

Coffee grounds

This kind of fortune telling is more comfortable and cozy.

Fortune telling for Christmastide

This fortune telling is also quite simple.. To get started, take a small piece of paper and write numbers from one to five on it. Then carefully fold each piece of paper and place it under the pillow. In the morning, immediately after waking up, you need to pull out one of the leaves. He will tell you the number of your children in the future.

On chilly water

Another type of winter Christmas fortune telling is considered to be freezing of water. In the evening it is worth collecting a ladle with cold water. Place the pan outside and carefully examine the ice that has formed in the morning. By the number of pits you can easily understand how many girls you will have, and by the number of tubercles - how many boys.

Question for a child

It's no secret that Small child amazes with his sensitivity and knowledge in some issues. To implement the most simple fortune telling It is worth asking about the number of future babies the child has. To do this, you must comply with some conditions: the question should be asked to a boy or girl aged four to six years unexpectedly, without additional training. The question should be formulated simply and briefly, for example: “Masha, tell me, how many children will I have?”

How younger age the child being asked, the more reliable the answer.

You should choose only one method of fortune telling for yourself and use it only once. This condition cannot be ignored. Otherwise, fate may play a joke on you, and you will never receive a reliable answer to your question.

Many women want to know how many babies they will have, their gender and health indicators. In some cases, a person simply needs to look into the future.

Of course, there is nothing negative in such petty fortune-telling: they cannot harm a person in any way. But there is no need to get carried away and try to find out the fate of the child, as this may not change it for the better.

Attention, TODAY only!

There is such a widespread belief that the main purpose of a woman is to bear and give birth to a child. Someone may argue with this, someone may support such an idea, but it cannot be denied that the birth of a baby is a real miracle that an ordinary woman is capable of. But why does it happen that when you really want to become a mother, a miracle doesn’t happen? Women in panic turn to fortune tellers with one question: “Will I have a child?” What advice can you give them?

Comes from childhood

Remember yourself at school and kindergarten. Surely, together with her girlfriends, they chose grooms from among their classmates, and then planned the ideal number of children. There were even “proven” ways to find out if you will have children. Usually, this was considered as wrinkles on inside wrists, told fortunes using cards and books.

The family never seemed complete without a child. We understood this in childhood. But for the time being, the question “Will I have a child?” It only caused panic, since such a surprise is extremely undesirable for people under 18 years of age. This is regularly discussed at school, at home, and in the media. But at the same time sex life Teenagers start drinking quite early, but don’t think much about birth control.

But now the woman turns 18, 20, 25, and has no children. Naturally, she begins to worry. He goes to the doctor and gets examined. Even if the results are good, the excitement still remains. Behind inner peace The lady goes to fortune tellers and palmists.

The stars will tell

In fact, going to a fortune teller will not give a guarantee in this matter, but it will make a hole in your budget, so think three times before going. However, you were going to the fortune teller not for a guarantee card, but for faith in a bright future. So it’s stopping you from doing home fortune-telling. "Will I have a baby?" - main question, to which you need to get an answer.

Ideally, you need to tell fortunes on major church holidays, when general human light energy accumulates. These are holidays such as Christmas, Epiphany, Easter and Trinity. You can also, of course, use numerology to find out about your future based on your date of birth.

Guessing on a pendulum

Let's start with the simplest thing - you are at home alone and have no time limit. It's time to try simple and easy fortune telling on a pendulum, for which you will need a ring or a needle and thread white. Thread the thread through the ring (or needle). Now left hand turn your palm up and forefinger take it back. Lower the resulting pendulum three times (alternately with your thumb, index and middle fingers). Again, pass the pendulum between your thumb and index finger.

Now raise it above your left palm. If the pendulum begins to swing, then you will have a boy, and if the movements of the pendulum are circular, then you will be the mother of a girl. To the question “Will I have a child?” With such fortune telling, you can get a comprehensive answer, since after the first time you can repeat the actions.

If the pendulum no longer moves, then you are expecting only one child. Fortune telling has no restrictions, it can be carried out at any age, but it is worth considering that for women with children, the pendulum will show all offspring - both born and planned.

What does numerology say?

"How many children will you have?" - a difficult and vexing question. But you don’t have to answer this to anyone! And to satisfy your personal interest, take advantage of interesting numerological fortune telling. Take a piece of paper and a pen. Write down your date of birth by numbers and add everything up. To the resulting result, add the number of children in your family (along with you). As a result, there should be one number left. So she will show you what you were destined for. If the result is one, then you have every chance of becoming pregnant, but there is a risk of miscarriages.

If your result is a two, then there will be one child, and subsequent conception may become a problem. Women with the result - three - find it difficult to find a man from whom they want to give birth. The “four” may have two children of different sexes, with a strong age difference. The "five" has every chance of giving birth to twins or twins. “Six” will become a mother of many children, but, however, she can change husbands throughout her life.

“Seven” by itself is not ready for motherhood and therefore often considers itself to be in the “child-free” category. She can have children, but does not want to. But the “eight” probably won’t be able to experience the joy of motherhood, unless she takes an adopted baby. The amorous “nine” is destined to have two children, but her temper and rebelliousness of spirit can force her to leave her lover.

According to "grandmother's" recipes

The question "Will I have a child?" often asked by girls who have been tortured by relatives who are eager to babysit their baby. Knowledgeable people can advise true signs to become a mother sooner. For example, you need to buy baby things before conception: rattles and booties.

It is worth visiting places of pilgrimage, planting ficus and willow at home and gently hinting to loved ones that you would not mind receiving pearl beads as a gift. This sure signs that pregnancy is just around the corner. A sign is considered to be a stray kitten sitting under the door, rapid growth of house plants. By the way, grandmothers advise you to eat grains, nuts and milk. With them, you won’t have to wait long for pregnancy.

On Christmastide

Well, there is one on the topic “When will I give birth to a baby?” There is only one fortune telling, which is distinguished by its simplicity. You don’t need to cook anything special. On the night of Christmastide, go to bed with this question in your head, and before that, put a ring in a glass of water and take it out into the cold. If the ice on the water is smooth in the morning, then you can’t expect any offspring this year. If there are indentations on it, then you will have a daughter, and if there are tubercles, then you will have a son.

Every girl sooner or later thinks about children. Unfortunately, today science is not able to determine in advance how many children and what gender of the baby a potential mother will give birth to. This question has become something of a sacred secret, a riddle that reeks of wonder and the unknown. However, our ancestors knew a wonderful way to reveal any secret: fortune telling.

There are various fortune telling to find out the number of children and even their gender

There are a lot of ways to carry out fortune telling on children, without even turning to fortune tellers! The main methods used truthful fortune telling for the number of children, you need to know it by heart.

Fortune telling with thread and needle

One of the most popular methods of telling fortunes for children at home. In this fortune telling, you will need the help of a friend, since fortune telling in this way on your own is not recommended.

Fortune telling order:

  1. Take a white or red silk thread, no more than ten to twelve centimeters long.
  2. Thread the needle and ask your friend to gently lift the thread above your palm so that the needle is motionless.
  3. Wait until the needle begins to vibrate on its own.
  4. Count the number of vibrations, and also pay attention to their shape.

IMPORTANT: the needle should not touch the palm, as touching may give the wrong result.

Decoding fortune telling is quite simple. The number of children there will be is indicated by the number of vibrations, and their gender is indicated by the shape of the vibrations. If the needle oscillated left and right, there would be a boy, if during the oscillations it described a circle, it would be a girl.

Fortune telling by date of birth

Numerology is one of the oldest sciences in human history, and therefore many fortune tellings are associated with numbers. There are several numerological methods to determine how many babies and what gender you will have. Let's look at two of them.

First way

To determine your number, you need to find the sum of all the numbers on your date of birth and add to the resulting number the number of children your parents have (that is, the number of brothers and sisters + you).

Let's look at an example. Let's say your date of birth is 03/12/1997, you have two sisters and a half-brother on your father's side. Thus, your number is: 1+2+0+3+1+9+9+7=41=4+1=5 (by date) and 2+1+1= 4 (by the number of children in the family). Result: 5+4=9.

  1. 1 – Women with this number are destined to become mothers of many children. Work is unlikely to bring them happiness, but family affairs will go like clockwork. Most likely number of children: five.
  2. 2 – This number shows that you will not be able to have many children. After the birth of your first baby, which is easy, you are unlikely to be able to conceive and carry a second one. If you want to have a second child, you will have to contact artificial methods fertilization and preservation of the fetus. Most likely number of children: one.
  3. 3 – Three involves the development of two situational scenarios. First: the birth of an only child at a fairly late age. Second: infertility of you or your chosen one. The decision to adopt a child from orphanage will not bring you happiness, you will experience difficulties in family life. Most likely number of children: zero.
  4. 4 – You will become the mother of a boy and a girl, between whom there will be an age difference of about five to six years. Most likely number of children: two.
  5. 5 – Your number promises you to be the mother of twins or even triplets, most likely girls. Most likely number of children: three.
  6. 6 – You are destined to be a mother of three. Two of them will be born before the age of thirty, but the third one will appear only at the age of forty. Most likely number of children: three.
  7. 7 – You are not destined to have children. This will become a burden for you and your loved ones. Enjoy your solitude. Most likely number of children: zero.
  8. 8 – The birth of the first two will be easy, but you will not be able to give birth to the third. Most likely number of children: two.
  9. 9 – You are unlikely to be able to give birth to children on your own. However, using artificial insemination will help you easily get pregnant, carry to term and give birth to a healthy boy. Most likely number of children: zero.

Did you see the number 9? Most likely, you will not be able to give birth on your own and artificial insemination will help you

Second way

The result of fortune telling depends not only on your “childbearing” number, but also on the “childbearing” number of the potential father of your babies. Therefore, for fortune telling, you need to use two dates - your date of birth and the date of birth of your partner.

Let's give an example of calculating the “childbearing” number. Let's say your date of birth: 12/10/1985, and your partner's: 01/15/1984. Thus, your “childbearing” number: 1+0+1+2+1+9+8+5=27=9, and your partner’s: 1+5+0+1+1+9+8+4=29 =11=1+1=2.


  • if your “fertile” number is significantly higher than your partner’s, your first-born will be a boy;
  • if your “fertile” number is significantly less than your partner’s, your first-born will be a girl;
  • if the “childbearing” numbers differ by no more than two, then it is almost impossible to determine the gender of the first-born, since there is a high chance of error;
  • if these numbers are the same, then your couple will not be able to have a child together.

Fortune telling by stones

If you're wondering, "How many children will I have, or will I ever have children?", you can ask the rocks. The features of fortune telling on stones are outlined below. This method is not similar to fortune telling by date of birth.

This fortune telling is quite simple and does not require much time. For fortune telling you will need a container of water, ten stones and a marker. Write numbers from zero to nine on the rocks with a marker and soak them in water. Try to arrange the stones on the bottom so that they do not overlap each other.

Over time, the water will erase the numbers from all the stones except one. The remaining number is the number of heirs you will have.

Card reading

Fortune telling with cards is one of the oldest methods of fortune telling. To get a prediction, use a deck of Tarot cards.

One of the oldest methods of fortune telling is Tarot cards.

Take the deck in your hands and ask your question as clearly as possible (the Universe loves specifics!), for example: “How many children will I have, full name?” You can ask either out loud or to yourself.

Then take three cards from the deck and start reading them from right to left (you can find the meaning of each card both in the deck itself and on the Internet).

  1. The first card is your past.
  2. The second card is your chances of having a baby, what you are doing right or wrong for this today.
  3. The third card is a direct answer to your question.

Fortune telling by hand

For adherents of palmistry, this section tells how to tell fortunes based on the number of children by hand.

  1. Turn your right hand palm up and look closely at the lines under your little finger. The number of lines indicates the number of children the expectant mother has. If the line is long, a boy will be born, if the line is short, a girl will be born.
  2. The severity, clarity and thickness of the line indicate the health of the child. The clearer the line, the luckier the child will be with health. If the lines are poorly defined and have breaks, the child will be weak and prone to illness.

As you know, the lines on the hand can change throughout life as much as a person’s fate. By making fundamental changes in your life, you can change the fate of your descendants, so for accuracy it is worth carrying out such fortune-telling once or twice every five years.

Fortune telling with matches

Fortune telling is quite simple, but it only allows you to find out the gender of the firstborn. To carry it out you will need matches and a bowl of water.

Fortune telling plan:

  1. Fill the container with water.
  2. Light one match and let it burn completely.
  3. Place the burnt match in water.
  4. If the match remains floating on the surface, there will be a girl; if it drowns, there will be a boy.
  5. Please note: if the match does not burn completely the first time, you should not repeat the fortune telling. The Universe is not ready to give an answer right now.

Coin fortune telling

For fortune telling, you will need a handful of coins of the same denomination.

  1. Take them in your palms and ask out loud: “How many children will I have?”
  2. Toss the coins and count the ones that land on heads.
  3. Their number is exactly the number of children you will have (it is worth keeping in mind that we're talking about not only about natural children, but also about adopted ones).
  4. To find out the gender of your future children, leave only those coins that came up heads and, again taking them in your palms, ask: “What gender will my children be?”
  5. Flip the coins.
  6. The number of girls is indicated by coins that land on heads, and the number of boys - on heads.

This method is not able to tell about the future of children, their health, character, but it is quite accurate.

This is the most enjoyable fortune telling.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds is considered the most enjoyable

To begin with, you should prepare strong coffee to taste (but under no circumstances add milk or cream). When brewing coffee, mentally ask yourself questions like: “Will there be children?”, “How many will there be?”, “What gender?” and so on.

  1. Sip your coffee slowly while continuing to ask the same questions. It's important not to be distracted from your thoughts, so choose a time when no one is home and turn off your phone.
  2. When there are one or two sips left to the bottom of the cup, shake the coffee clockwise and invert the cup. Wait a few minutes (1-3) before inverting the cup.
  3. After turning, look carefully for traces of coffee.
  4. The number of round spots, the number of boys you will have.
  5. The number of oval marks indicates the number of girls.


Many girls are interested in knowing how many children they will have, their gender, whether the children will be healthy, and what awaits them in the future. Looking into the future is sometimes simply necessary.

In the article, we looked at common methods of fortune telling for children, including: fortune telling on cards, stones, coins, using a thread and a needle, by date of birth.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with such petty fortune-telling: they cannot harm the child in any way. However, you should not get carried away with this and try to find out the fate of the child, as this can only change it not for the better.
