Who is Semyonovich's husband? The personal life and family of Anna Semenovich is full of mysteries

The singer, actress and sex symbol of the national stage is the inimitable Anna Semenovich. The girl’s biography tells how long she has come from a figure skater to a show business star. There were many difficulties and obstacles on her way. Now everyone knows who Anna Semenovich is.


A girl was born in Moscow in 1980 into a good family. Her father held the position of director of a fur sewing studio, and her mother worked as an economist in one of the local companies. Anya was not the only child in the family; she has a brother, Kirill. The girl's childhood was happy, but darkened serious illness. When she was little, doctors diagnosed her with rheumatoid arthritis. As a result, she faced six months of hospitalization and intensive treatment. Doctors recommended that she go in for sports. Semenovich’s parents immediately gave preference figure skating. So, while still a little girl, she started skating. Here began a new chapter in the biography of Anna Semenovich.

Little Anya ice skating

She took her first steps in figure skating at the age of three. The girl immediately fell in love with this sport and still loves it no less than singing.

The first serious sporting achievements in the biography of Anna Semenovich appeared in school years. The girl performed a lot and traveled abroad to international competitions. She always had a very beautiful clothes. Many classmates were jealous of Anna Semenovich’s bright sports biography. The children treated her coldly and offended her, so the young figure skater had to change five schools. Having received school education, the girl decided to devote her life to a sports career. Her bright prospects were obvious, she was trained not only by local but also by foreign coaches.

Professional sports

Anna Semenovich had a large number of awards and competitive victories in her life. Growth in the world of sports was due to working with a very professional and competent coaching staff. Honored trainers Tchaikovskaya and Linchuk and Honored Master of Sports Karponosov worked with Semenovich. One of the most important achievements was a place in the top six ice dancers in the world. The year 2000 brought Anna a very bright victory. Her duet with Kostomarov took the Russian championship. Ahead of this talented couple were only Averbukh and Lobacheva. During this period, Anya achieved the title of master of sports.

Then, in the biography of Anna Semenovich, the stage of life abroad began. For three whole years she lived and continuously trained in America. But despite great successes, the final sports stage in the biography of Anna Semenovich has arrived. Height and weight, as many said, were not the real reason care (Anya’s parameters: height 165 cm, weight now 65 kg, but during classes figure skating was 15 kg less). The real reason was much more serious - a meniscus injury. After a very complex operation the girl could no longer think about sports. Although Semenovich tried to make attempts to return but the ice, but unbearable pain, blocked by injections, still forced her to finally leave the big sport. At the time of her return to Russia, the skater was 21 years old. Bobrin, Tarasova and Bestemyanova did her a lot profitable proposition to work in their ballet, but Anya already had other plans, so she refused them.

First steps in show business

At the first stages, the former figure skater had a very difficult time adapting to her new life, but she was not going to stop there. At the age of 21, a new chapter in the biography of Anna Semenovich opened. Her personal life was put on pause; the girl focused all her energy on developing her singing talent. Producer Mishin came to her aid.

Anna got her first experience working in a musical group with him. Mishin took her to the Charlie's Angels team. Unfortunately, the producer did not have enough funds and connections to promote the group, and it was closed very quickly. But her bright appearance and luscious form helped write new interesting chapters into the biography of Anna Semenovich. The girl's height is 165 centimeters, and her bust is a luxurious size five. Thanks to her outstanding features, TV crews noticed Anna and invited her to work. It was from this moment that Semenovich’s musical career took off. At first she hosted various sports and music programs, where she met the group “Brilliant”.

Career in "Brilliant"

On one of the regular working days, Semenovich interviewed the current soloists of the group “Brilliant” Friske, Novikova and Kovalchuk. As soon as the recording of this program hit the screens, the producers of the group immediately noticed Anya’s organic nature next to the girls of the group. Without hesitation, Grozny and Shlykov sent Semenovich an offer to join the group. The aspiring singer instantly agreed, leaving her job as a presenter. Brilliant career in the group lasted several years. Clips with her participation were constantly shown on the screens. These include "Palm trees in pairs" and " Oriental tales"Having gained fame and won the love of a large audience, the singer decided to go solo. She decided to leave the group in 2007.

Solo career

Independent work in music, cinema and television programs turned out to be very successful in the biography of Anna Semenovich. Her personal life and children again faded into the background.

The singer worked diligently on her solo projects. Her first independent work There were clips for the songs “On the Sea” and “Tyrolian Song”. A year later, Semenovich stirred up music world with the video “My God,” and in 2011 she delighted her fans with two new musical works, “Not Madonna” and “Deceived People.”

Actor career

Participation in TV series burst into a new wave in the biography of Anna Semenovich. The personal life of her heroines has always been hot and vibrant. So, in 2004 she managed to star in several films. Among them is the series “The Bachelor”. A year later they began to invite her even more often. So, in 2005, Anna could be seen in such TV series as “Doomed to Become a Star” and “Students”. All the films with Semenovich’s participation did not leave the audience indifferent. Her work in the film “Night Watch” received special attention and recognition. After numerous supporting roles, Anna Semenovich was offered the long-awaited main role. In the series "All So Sudden" she played a sweet and very spontaneous girl.

Participation in TV shows

Anna Semenovich's long-awaited return to the ice happened in 2006. This time there were no sport competitions, and a favorite project by many on Channel One, “Stars on Ice”. Anna danced together with the famous actor Vyacheslav Razbegaev.

In 2007, another show with her participation was released - " glacial period". Semenovich skated on the ice with Alexei Makarov.

Anna attracts new proposals due to her luxurious appearance and amazingly radiant character. So, since 2010, Anna Semenovich could be seen in two programs: “Wife for Rent” and “The Young Lady and the Cook.” As an invited star guest, she participated in one of the KVN programs. This is how television fit harmoniously into the biography of Anna Semenovich.

Personal life and photos with lover

Fans and media representatives have always carefully monitored the singer's love affairs. On the Internet and the yellow press, their number is greatly exaggerated. Smiling and kindness are the main characters in all chapters of Anna Semenovich’s biography. Despite having these qualities, the girl never found a husband. Once she had a long-term relationship, and fans even thought that Anna would soon become his legal wife. But something went wrong...

The singer's chosen one was a successful businessman Dmitry. After meeting at one of the star parties, he became fascinated by the girl and began actively courting her. What Anna liked most about her lover was his care. The times of the “Ice Age” became the stage when work and personal life were perfectly combined in the biography of Anna Semenovich. Children and adults - everyone believed in Anna's relationship with Dmitry. He brought her restaurant meals for the project, and she fell more and more in love. As a result, the lovers decided to move in together. The singer was sure that she had found her soul mate, but the ideal ending to the romance did not happen.

Like any girl, Anna Semenovich dreams of becoming a mother. And if earlier it was difficult to get her to talk about this topic, now she confidently declares plans to have a child by the age of forty, and it does not matter to her whether she has a spouse. In her opinion, she is already mature and self-sufficient enough to raise a child on her own.


Anna's main advantage is visible to the naked eye. Her ample size 5 breasts involuntarily attract the attention of every man. According to the star, she inherited her charms from her mother, and after finishing her sports career and gaining significant weight, everything secret became clear. Journalists simply cannot believe this story and every time in their articles they try to point out the presence of plastic surgery in Anna Semenovich’s biography.

Semenovich Anna Grigorievna is a very charismatic, bright and self-sufficient woman, she is not afraid to live as she wants. Anna tries herself as a TV presenter and actress. She sings incredibly talentedly, both in groups and solo.

She constantly proves that you can achieve anything in the world if you really want it, work hard and rely solely on your own strength.

The only thing in which a girl with an attractive appearance is unlucky is her personal life, the search for a loved one. Semenovich does not have any children, which she has already begun to dream about.

Fans of the actress, singer and simply incredible beauty are eager to find out what her height, weight, and age are. How old Anna Semenovich is has never been a secret, since her date of birth is publicly available.

Anna was born in 1980, which means she is already thirty-seven years old. The zodiac circle gave the girl the sign of dreamy, sensitive, creative and imaginative Pisces. Eastern horoscope endowed him with character traits characteristic of Monkeys, namely, resourcefulness, artistry and the ability to come out unscathed.

Anna Semenovich bust size is another popular search on the Internet, so we want to clarify that the woman’s breasts are real, just like her busty mother. Its size is officially established as something between the fifth and sixth.

Anna Semenovich: the photo in her youth and now is the same photograph, since the girl is still quite young and beautiful. Her height reaches one meter and sixty-eight centimeters, and her height is set at sixty-five kilograms.

Biography of Anna Semenovich

The biography of Anna Semenovich is quite ordinary; it indicates that with a strong desire, you can overcome the disease and achieve incredible success in any field of sports or creativity. Little Anyutka was born in the capital of our Motherland, so she had more chances for self-development than her peers from the provinces.

His father, Grigory Semenovich, was the director of a large atelier for sewing products made from high-quality fur. His clients were the mighty of the world this and their wives.

Mother - Tatyana Semenovich - worked as an ordinary economist at a state enterprise. At the same time, she devoted a lot of time to raising and communicating with her own children, who considered her their friend, respected her and listened to her opinion.

Brother - Kirill Semenovich - is six years younger than his star sister; he did not really like Anya, who constantly fussed with him, trying to raise him. As children, they constantly fought and lived like a cat and a dog. Kirill hated sports, studied very mediocrely, refused to serve in the army, and his parents could not do anything about it.

But Anna still calls her thirty-year-old brother “little”, and he is happy about this, because he knows that his sister is the most precious thing to him. Kirill always rushed to defend her with his fists, and Anya got him a prestigious job, which the guy does not talk about, specifying only that he is a programmer.

Going back, we can clarify that little Anya became seriously ill with arthritis as a child and was constantly in hospitals. As soon as the baby got on her feet at the age of three, her parents sent her to singing and figure skating, in which she achieved incredible success.

Anya studied well at school, but constantly changed educational establishments and faced the envy of classmates. The girl never had friends, because she constantly traveled abroad to competitions and bought expensive things.

After school, Semenovich said that she intended to connect her life with sports, and entered the Moscow Academy of Physical Education and Sports. Since the beginning of the two thousandth, Anna performed in a duet with Roman Kostomarov, constantly taking prizes, however, the girl suffered a meniscus injury. After the operation, she was unable to perform on ice, returned from the States and decisively rejected the offer to work in ballet.

Filmography: films starring Anna Semenovich

The girl’s filmography was filled with works in the films and TV series “Night Watch”, “Bachelors”, “Balzac’s Age”, “Students”, “Doomed to Be a Star”, “All So Sudden”. Anna Semenovich repeatedly starred in music videos and sang in duets, which she continues to do successfully today.

The girl performed in a number of musical groups, including “Brilliant”, “Charlie’s Angels”, and since 2008 she has been actively touring, performing solo career. During the same period, she made a career as a TV presenter, appearing in programs on TV channels 7TV, STS, TVS, Channel 3, although she resolutely refused to cooperate with the prestigious Muz-TV.

By that time, she was constantly participating in candid photo shoots. Anna Semenovich, “Maxim” is a tandem for all times, since the beauty appeared on its pages three times. At the same time, she received the titles “Miss Bust” and “Miss Charm”, by the way, well deserved.

Since 2006, she performed in the television shows “Ice Age” and “Stars on Ice”, but failed to take first place, although she showed excellent results, remembering childhood and youth.

Personal life of Anna Semenovich

Anna Semenovich's personal life has always been filled with whirlwind romances, literally to the eyeballs. The fact is that the girl always understood that she was incredibly beautiful, so she could manipulate her fans as she pleased, benefiting from these even short-term relationships.

After contacting her producer Daniil Mishin, a wealthier and more influential man appeared in the singer’s life, about whom nothing is known except that his name was Ruslan. The guy was successful businessman. The guy in love took his beloved to the UAE, took her for a ride on his own yacht and settled her in a luxurious penthouse. At the same time, Anna was showered expensive gifts, received an apartment, a luxury car and jewelry as a gift from Ruslan. By the way, Semenovich never married him.

Anya was not used to being alone for a long time and very soon she was enjoying the company of Igor Akkuratov, an influential banker. The girl said that they were just friends, but the friendship grew into romantic relationship. For the sake of Igor, Semenovich stopped acting in candid photo shoots and left her native group “Brilliant”. The guy showered his beloved with gifts and even offered to become his wife, but she simply left him without explanation.

There is no further accurate information about the personal life of the once loving Anna Semenovich. Although she has repeatedly stated that she is ready to settle down and marry her beloved and loving person. She even visited Murom, where she prayed to the patrons of lovers Peter and Fevronia.

Fans believe that this sincere prayer helped, since Semenovich met her current loved one - Dmitry Kashintsev, who is almost five years older than the chosen one. He not only managed to warm Anna with his warmth and understanding, but he was also the only one who did not dictate demands in relation to show business and career growth.

At the same time, many ill-wishers call the relationship between Dmitry and Anna friendship and a successful PR move, attributing the actress and singer to an affair with some rich foreigner.

Family of Anna Semenovich

Anna Semenovich’s family was the most ordinary and Soviet, but they lived a little richer. It's all about her dad for a long time worked as the manager of a fur studio, so he could afford to bring it into the family more money, dressing the most stylish women that time.

The family loved and cared for the baby incredibly, as she grew up as a very sick child. Mom spent almost all her time with little Anya, trying to alleviate her condition as much as possible and get her back on her feet.

The love and care of her parents helped Semenovich heal and find herself in sports life. Parents today continue to support all the endeavors of their beloved daughter, claiming that they are not at all shocked by her candid photographs in men's magazines.

Children of Anna Semenovich

Anna Semenovich's children have not yet been born, because the girl has not found a guy with whom she is ready to give birth to babies. By the way, many evil tongues directly link the absence of children with a woman’s sports career, since the load on the pelvis in figure skating is incredible.

Anna Semenovich's lack of children is often associated with hormonal problems, which allegedly provoke rapid breast growth. The woman denies this kind of problem, pointing out that the object of her pride was inherited from her mother and grandmother.

The actress, singer and TV presenter does not have children yet, since she has not yet found the one and only beloved who will be close to her in spirit, hobbies and will be able to share her nomadic life. Anna clarifies that the father of her future children should be a real prince on a white horse: a loving, gentle, caring and simply incredible daddy who will touchingly take care of his heirs.

By the way, Anna is not at all against a large and friendly family with several kids, since she remembers how her brother took care of her, although he was much younger than his sister.

Anna Semenovich's ex-husband - Daniil Mishin

Ex-husband Anna Semenovich - Daniil Mishin - is the only person who managed to live with the beauty in an official marriage for several years. The man worked as a director, but he was far from very popular and successful, and also absolutely not rich. At the same time, the romance was quite unexpected and stormy, since the young people dated for about three years, while Daniil repeatedly traveled to his beloved in the States.
He appeared in life when Anna left big sport due to injury and began to look for herself in show business. Then Daniil helped his future wife organize the group “Charlie’s Angels”, however, he was unable to finance this project financially.

Semenovich moved to the musical group "Brilliant", becoming a mega-famous. The talented beauty constantly went on tour, starred in candid photo shoots, became the country's sex symbol, but life at home became worse and worse from this.
Mishin clarified that his constant companions family life became an empty refrigerator, quarrels, misunderstandings and complete absence intimate relationships. During the divorce proceedings, the spouses poured a huge amount of dirt on each other, but, oddly enough, Daniil said that his ex-wife’s breasts were real.

The most interesting thing is that it is still impossible to say for sure whether the marriage was legal or civil, since there is no reliable information about this. One way or another, the girl chose her career, as well as the well-being of other fans, over family and care for her beloved.

Photo by Anna Semenovich in Maxim magazine

Anna Semenovich's photo appeared in Maxim magazine more than once, namely three times in different years. By the way, for the first time it graced the pages and cover of a men's magazine in the late spring of 2007; later, candid photos of the fatal beauty could be seen on the pages of the global publishing house Playboy in the spring of 2012.

At the same time, Anna Semenovich showed all her charms far from fully; her luxurious breasts were constantly covered with her hands or some objects. Photo sessions with Semenovich received explicit names, for example, Pansies. At the same time, they were intended to emphasize that the breasts and body of the singer and actress were not subjected to plastic surgery.

The shooting of Anna Semenovich took place in the publishing house, while she behaved like a professional model, without any complexes and taking candid poses. The young girl was filming in the finest lace underwear and completely naked, the men, drooling, noted that Anna did not have enough hands to cover her breasts.

Even before filming in popular true men's magazines, numerous high-quality swimsuit photographs from personal archives and professional photo shoots appeared on the Internet. The woman teases fans on Instagram by posting a photo in a one-piece black swimsuit against the backdrop of a white yacht, continuing a tradition that started back in 2012.

Luxurious photographs in swimsuits closed and open type of various colors were laid out from holidays in countries such as Thailand, Greece, the UAE and other resorts.

Instagram and Wikipedia Anna Semenovich

Instagram and Wikipedia of Anna Semenovich have existed on an official basis for several years, since she is an incredibly talented and bright person. On Anna’s Wikipedia page you can really find only truthful and reliable facts that relate to her childhood and education, parents and personal life. There is a lot of information about Semenovich’s sports, television, cinematic and musical activities, including his discography and videos.

At least 1,300,000 people have subscribed to Semenovich’s Instagram profile and visit the page every day. There are photographs and videos related to the personal and creative life of the fatal beauties. You can comment on these photos, knowing that Anna will read these words personally.

Anna Semenovich - Russian singer, actress, TV presenter, ex-soloist who started creative career after an injury that put an end to her sporting achievements.

In addition to her singing talent, Anna is also famous for her curves, which at one time made the girl the owner of the title “Miss Bust”.

Childhood and youth

Anna Grigorievna Semenovich was born in 1980 in Moscow in the family of the director of a fur studio, Grigory Timofeevich, and economist Tatyana Dmitrievna Semenovich. The parents raised two children - the eldest Anna and her younger brother Kirill.

At the age of 2, Anya became seriously ill and spent six months in the hospital with a diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. After discharge, doctors advised the parents to send the girl to a sports school.

The choice fell on figure skating. The little girl started skating at the age of 3, and she liked this activity, as well as singing, which Anya did all her free time from figure skating.

Already in her school years, Anna Semenovich achieved significant results in sports. She regularly traveled to competitions, including abroad. As a child, she had to change 5 schools; the girl had difficulty finding mutual language with classmates. They envied her because, having the opportunity to travel abroad, Anya bought branded items there.

After school, Semenovich decided to connect her life with figure skating and entered the Moscow Academy physical culture. She was immediately identified as a promising athlete. Famous coaches in the world of figure skating worked with her.

Figure skating

Under the guidance of talented teachers - Honored Trainer of the USSR, Honored Trainer of Russia Natalya Linichuk and Honored Master of Sports Gennady Karponosov - Anna made great progress. The athlete has repeatedly won prizes at international competitions. At one time, she even entered the list of the 6 strongest ice dance skaters in the world.

Speech by Anna Semenovich and Roman Kostomarov

Anna's sports biography has bright pages. In 2000, the duo of figure skaters and Anna Semenovich, under the guidance of coach Natalya Linichuk, became the champion of Russia. They were considered the second duet after and. Semenovich is an international master of sports in figure skating and ice dancing.

The figure skater lived in the United States of America for 3 years and trained there. But the girl had to leave big sport. A meniscus injury and subsequent surgery put an end to his sports career. Anna still tried to return to professional sports, but her injured knee hurt unbearably. She rode for six months, constantly supporting herself with injections. But it couldn't go on like this.

At 21, Semenovich returned to Russia. Here she was offered a job in the ballet, and, but Anna refused.


For six months, Anna got used to the idea that her career in sports was already behind her. But I had to look for myself in something else, because at 21 my whole life is ahead of me. And the girl remembered another hobby - singing. Producer Daniil Mishin helped her with this. Semenovich began performing in a group called Charlie's Angels. But financial difficulties did not allow the group to be promoted, and Charlie's Angels ceased to exist.

Fortunately, Anna, with her bright appearance and innate artistry, was noticed and invited to work on television. Thus began a new, musical chapter in Semenovich’s biography. At first she hosted sports programs, but then she was accepted into the “Adrenaline Party” music program on the STS channel. There she met the group “Brilliant”.

Once a TV presenter interviewed, and. By this time, Anna had already won the titles “Miss Bust” and “Miss Charm”. Apparently, she looked so natural with everyone that immediately after recording the program, the group’s producers Andrei Grozny and Andrei Shlykov invited her to join the “Brilliant” group. Anya agreed, quitting her job on television.

Anna Semenovich in the group “Brilliant”

Semenovich shone in the “Brilliant” group for several years. The most famous videos in which fans of the group saw Anna were “Orange Song”, “ New Year's song", "Palm Trees in Pairs", "My Brother Paratrooper" and "Oriental Tales".

The singer realized that she had enough charisma and recognition to start a solo career. In 2007, Semenovich left “Brilliant” and plunged into solo musical career, cinema and television. As time has shown, she did the right thing, the risk was worth it.

Group "Brilliant" - "Palms in Pairs"

In 2008, Anna's fans saw her first videos. These were videos for the songs “To the Seas” and “Tyrolian Song”. A year later, a video for the song “My God” was released, and in 2011, 2 more: “Not Madonna” and “Deceived People.”

In 2016, the solo single “Not Just Love” was released, which was included in the top 100 hits in Russia and the CIS countries. A year later, Semenovich delighted fans with the new track “I Want to Be with You.”

Anna Semenovich - “Not Just Love”

The bright and popular Anna Semenovich is gladly invited to participate in various programs and projects. In 2010-2011, she participated in the reality show “Wife for Rent,” and since July 2010, together with Mikhail Plotnikov, she hosted the culinary show “The Young Lady and the Cook” on the TV Center channel. The actress also appeared in one of the programs of the Cheerful and Resourceful Club, where she acted as a guest star.

Personal life

Anna's personal life has always been the center of attention of fans and journalists. The girl is credited with many novels, but most of them are rumors. Semenovich tries in every possible way to protect his romantic interests from prying eyes and almost never talks about his chosen ones.

It would seem that some time ago Anna decided on her choice and found the only one with whom she was ready to be together. This is a businessman named Dmitry, who is 5 years older than Semenovich. The artist met him in the company of mutual friends. The young man immediately began to court Anna.

During the Ice Age show, Dmitry brought lunches from a restaurant to training. And not only to her, but to all participants in the show. Such care and generosity finally won over Anna, and she agreed to live with Dmitry. Semenovich claimed that she had finally found the man of her dreams, but the matter did not end with the wedding.

Anna has a bright appearance, but the main advantage that attracts attention strong half humanity - the singer's breasts. The girl is the happy owner of a bust of size 5 and a half. The singer claims that she got her curvy figure from her mother. In addition, after completing her sports career, she gained some weight, especially in the shoulders and chest area.

Bust of Anna Semenovich is her “highlight”

At the same time, the artist tried to watch her figure: with a height of 169 cm, her weight did not exceed 60 kg. Journalists and colleagues of the star find it difficult to believe that the matter was done without plastic surgery.

External attractiveness and enviable forms do not yet help improve your personal life. And if in her youth the singer avoided the topic of motherhood and possible pregnancy, then at the beginning of 2017 she told reporters that by the age of 40 she wanted to have a child. At the same time, it doesn’t matter to her whether she has a husband or not. Semenovich stated that she was ready to raise the heir alone.

The celebrity constantly keeps fans on their toes. Her candid photos are published in popular men's magazines - Maxim, Penguin, FHM, XXL. In addition, she starred in a television advertisement for a drug to increase potency. But the most popular with her participation was another video - “Anya and Fruits”, in which Semenovich advertised ice cream.

But in his "Instagram" On exceptional occasions, the singer pampers fans with pictures in a swimsuit or in seductive outfits with a cleavage. The actress loves to surprise her subscribers with shots in concert costumes, as well as photos without makeup.

Anna Semenovich now

The singer is active creative life, she has practically no time to rest: concerts and tours alternate with filming videos and TV series. Sometimes Anna has to endure a cold on her feet. A curious incident happened to the singer after she posted a photo of her arm with an IV in place. The artist needed only one procedure in order not to get sick and to fully hold the concert, and fans on the Internet have already sounded the alarm, pretty much frightening Anna’s relatives with their messages. The situation was later resolved successfully.

Anna Semenovich - “I want to be with you”

The artist manages to travel: the singer spent several days in Prague, and visited Greece with her brother.

Semenovich is also trying his hand as a video blogger. On Instagram, she posts “Jimmy and Anya” sketches about the love of “a Hindu with the body of a child for a woman with the figure of a goddess.” Shevgi Akhadov, a member of the RUDN University KVN team, played together with Semenovich.

The videos were about the singer's accidental acquaintance in India with a young man who, according to local traditions, became her husband. Together with the artist, the young man flies to Moscow, where Anna introduces him to her friends as her personal assistant. Videos are being recruited a large number of views from the artist’s fans, so Semenovich has already started showing the 2nd season.

In the summer of 2018, the premiere of a video for the dance musical composition “Story” took place, the plot of which was dedicated to a resort theme. The video was directed by Alexander Igudin, with whom the singer has worked not for the first time.

Anna Semenovich - “Story” (clip premiere 2018)

The 3rd season of the TV series “” began airing on television, in which Anna played the role of the hero’s erotic fantasy

  • 2017 - “Doctor Richter”
  • It looks like she finally got married to the delight of all her fans. The singer announced this on her personal blog. The girl is now vacationing in Thailand, which she does not show to the public. One day Anna posted a photo romantic dinner with champagne. One of her fans wished her beloved singer to get married this year, to which Semenovich replied to her in the comments that she was already married. This message caused a flurry of questions about when and where this happened and why Anna has not yet shown wedding photos. But Semenovich has left these questions unanswered for now.

    Romantic evening of Anna and her husband Photo: Instagram

    The singer tries to keep her personal life secret. Like Vera Brezhneva, she is sure that “happiness loves silence.” And when asked why she so carefully hides her lover from strangers, the star replies: “This is my man. Why do I need to show it to someone? It is not necessary". So far, all that is known is that the chosen one Semenovich is a businessman, and he permanently lives and works in Switzerland. Therefore, Anna became a frequent guest of this European country. Not so long ago lovers, but on New Year holidays flew away to the sea and sun.

    Photo: Instagram

    Meanwhile, on the artist’s personal blog there is a heated discussion of the new marital status singers. Some people believe that Anna really got married and didn’t tell the public anything. And someone is sure that the girl simply lives in a civil marriage and considers herself a married woman.

    March 13, 2010, 11:58

    Anna Semenovich revealed the secrets of her personal life to Komsomolskaya Pravda. And finally she spoke about her new lover. “They want to marry me off!” - Anna, your first significant milestone happened. Thirty years is age. It’s easy to guess that all you all want is to “get married quickly”... - I can guess what dictates the desire of some women to get me married quickly. They are afraid of competition in my face. But no matter how much I laugh it off, the truth is the truth: anyone to a normal woman, including me, we need not only to realize ourselves in the profession, but also to become a mother and wife. One of my friends went to live in America. “Anh, only at the age of 35 does a woman begin to think about having children,” she tells me. Until thirty they build a career, from thirty to thirty-five they decide on their chosen one. And then they give birth to children. And since Soviet times, it has been customary in our country that you need to run to the registry office because of your school desk. My first civil marriage was from a very early youth. I was 18 years old, he was 22 years old. Such a child's first love. Poems, surprises, romance. We lived together for three years. But they separated. - And what didn’t work out? “I wasn’t thinking about family then, I wanted to build a career.” But Dana wanted children. So we parted. The second civil marriage happened at a later age. We lived together for five years. But one day it became a question of choice. He was going to go abroad and wanted me to go with him. And I was just beginning the life I dreamed of: filming, concerts. I again decided that my career was more important. But we managed not to remain enemies. Both congratulated me on my thirtieth birthday!
    “There are so many single men, and I...” - To be close married man- is this unhappy love? “I’m sure that seventy percent of women go through this.” And I admit, I was in love with a married man. I knew that he had a family, but I agreed to this relationship. How do they think in such cases: “We need to wait. He feels bad with his wife, but I will make him happy!” But time passes and nothing changes. I was smart enough to understand that, even if it all ends in a wedding, there are people whom I will hurt very much in my life. At a minimum, this is his wife and small children. I decided not to take sin on my soul. Although it is incredibly difficult to break such love. “My Dima is not a singer or an actor!” - Anya, tell us about your lover. You've been hiding him from everyone for so long! - His name is Dmitry. He is not a singer, not an actor. And I’m not used to his photos appearing in magazines or newspapers. He's doing business. Single. I try not to step on the same rake twice! He has a great sense of humor. And he respects my wishes. We met in the company of mutual friends. They began to communicate and meet. I'm in love! We are in a candy-bouquet period. - Why did you hide it? - I'm afraid to talk too much about him so as not to jinx the relationship. Not all men can handle publicity. And if the situation had not happened when, at my birthday, photographers from under the table secretly took pictures of Dima, I would still be silent about our relationship. But, alas... I - beautiful woman. And it would be strange if I weren’t surrounded by fans. It would be even more surprising if I didn’t have a beloved man. I don't guess what will happen next. But so far, pah-pah, everything is fine with us. - Anna, is Dmitry calm about your work? Not jealous? - Men are unique creatures. They first want to meet a beautiful and popular woman, and after some time they achieve that a beautiful woman was at home. But it’s difficult to make a housewife out of me. - Do you think a woman needs to earn money herself? - I think that no woman in our country can earn as much as a man earns in business. The entire economy is rigged for men. In order for me to support myself at a decent level, I have to plow rather than work. From morning till night. - But you dreamed of being a star? - We often want what we don’t understand. Once upon a time, when I was fourteen, it seemed to me that oysters were the most delicious, because they were the most expensive dish. And now I come to the competition in Seoul. They bring me oysters. I try and understand: what disgusting, I would rather eat a sandwich! Who came up with the idea that champagne and oysters are chic?! Everything is learned through experience. “The more he loves, the more he invests” - To understand what a man is like, you need to talk to him. Wait a year and a half. At first, everyone is beautiful and good. They shower you with flowers and take you to restaurants. And then once - and a situation arises when you need to lean on a man’s shoulder. And this is where the secret doors of the soul begin to open. For example, a girl urgently needs financial aid, and he is not going to help her. I’m sure that if a man is wealthy, but doesn’t spend money on you, it means he’s just using you and doesn’t plan a serious future. As one of my adult friends says: “Anya, the more he invested in you, the more he loves you!” - Yes, but men often think the opposite. If a woman evaluates gifts, it means that she is driven by selfish motives. - Believe me, only greedy men think this way! (Laughs.) I was lucky. My men have always been generous. To the best of your ability. When you communicate with a person, you understand the level of his capitalization. Whether he is rich, middle class or poor. With my first common-law husband We didn't live richly. But he spent almost everything on me with pleasure. He was pleased to go to the store and dress up not himself, but me. He bought himself one pair of pants and three skirts for me. I have only shoes, and I have three pairs. My second civilian was no less caring. He gave me a car and helped me with my apartment. Thanks to him, I have some capital. And, even though we broke up, he helped me financially for some time. This shows that he was serious about me! -Have you told this theory to your men? - If a man is a man, he doesn’t need to explain anything. We're just embarrassed to talk about money. But why? “If you made a lot of money, it means you are smart. And if you’re smart, that means I’ll have smart children from you!” - this is what the woman thinks. There are no stupid and rich men. - Do you think so? - Sure! Okay, let's say a stupid man can make money one day a large sum. But in order to stay at this financial level, increase and preserve capital, he will need a remarkable mind! After all, it’s the same for women: it’s easy to lose weight (you can cheat and not eat for a week!), but it’s more difficult to maintain thinness. - Anna, do you think your Dmitry is smart? - I think more than that!
