Singer Nyusha showed unique footage from a luxurious wedding in the Maldives (video). Nyusha and Igor Sivov: a love story in the first person and a photo shoot from their honeymoon Nyusha’s husband Igor Sivov: a detailed biography of the famous singer’s husband with photos

In early August, singer Nyusha married Igor Sivov, general adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation. Instead of organizing a lavish celebration in Moscow with hundreds of guests and the press, the couple decided to escape to the Maldives and have a very personal and tender ceremony at the Finolhu Hotel. A total of 50 closest people, ransom, three days of celebration, three wedding dresses, and then Honeymoon on a secluded island at the Amilla Fushi Hotel.

Nyusha is a well-known fan of keeping details of her personal life to herself. But especially for Wedding magazine, she lifted the veil of secrecy and talked about life with her lover, the details of preparations for the wedding and her approach to the role of a wife.

Every love story has its beginning. What was it like between you and Igor? How did you two meet, considering that you work in completely different fields?

There is nothing very interesting or unusual in our dating history. We met in the work process and quite for a long time we were just talking.

How did he manage to win you over? Well looked after?

It seems to me that to such a question I would like to hear the answer that there were billions of roses and serenades under the window. But for me this is not the main thing. I wanted to meet a man who would not only love me, but would also fight desperately for me, like in the Middle Ages, when knights were ready to declare war for a princess or rescue her from high tower. On the one hand, this is romance, and on the other, a manifestation of character and feelings.

Did you give him any special tests?

It was a complete ordeal! But he was not afraid and showed his serious intentions. By the way, in the end it grew into a love of arranging surprises for each other.

That's what the proposal has become in Kenya, hasn't it? Can you share how exactly this happened?

Yes, the offer really came as a surprise to me, as did the trip to Africa itself. I said that I have long dreamed of going there. And literally a few months later we flew to Kenya. The proposal itself was very romantic. It was kind of a classic moment when he got down on one knee and presented a small coconut - well, just a tiny one. He opened it and found a ring inside.

It's very elegant! What brand is this?

Thank you, this is Bvlgari.

In many interviews, you mentioned that you never dreamed of a wedding, you didn’t plan it since childhood, like many girls. When you were proposed to and you were thinking about the holiday, what kind of preparation plan was formed and how did it change over time?

You know, I have my own attitude towards holidays in general. Some artists like the life of a public person, they are ready to tell the press about everything. I am a different person, primarily a creative one. I am ready to share the details of my personal life in portions, but there are nuances that I do not want to talk about. Holidays for me are moments of complete relaxation and comfort, when only close people are nearby. I prefer to be around those with whom I can calmly communicate, without worrying that I somehow look wrong or say something wrong. Of course, singles presentations or other work events are a different matter.

Nyusha is wearing a Vera Wang dress, Wedding by Mercury

My husband and I have been looking for a long time for a place for a wedding where we can really retire and relax. We realized that it would be difficult to do this within the city. We turned to Daria Bikbaeva, the owner of the Wedding VIP agency, thanks to whom any complex wedding-related problems were solved very quickly and professionally, and our wildest dreams became real. Together we quickly found a solution - to go to the islands. This idea seemed to us the most harmonious. Daria organized a wedding where it was very difficult to do so due to the local mentality, and she got us things that were impossible to get on the island. Also, designer Maria Kamenskaya helped us with the decor of the wedding ceremony: she amazingly managed to reflect our inner state and mood. We had the same views on the design style. Naturally, we decided to capture it an important event and especially for this purpose they invited video operator Maksud Sharipov, who came up with many interesting solutions.

“To prevent relationships from turning into everyday life, sometimes you need to be an easy-going cat, and sometimes you need to create small scandals.”

On stage I often have to play a role, try on different images. So I didn’t want to turn the wedding into a show and do something pompous and pretentious, in a castle with big amount decorations This is all absolutely not about me and not about my man.

You know, they say that you don’t shout about feelings. This also applies to weddings. There is no need to shout about it. Everything should be as comfortable as possible. We were both hands-on for simplicity. We did not choose the Finolhu Hotel by chance - a very romantic place with a stunningly beautiful spit and very friendly staff; with varied, tasty and healthy food. We have found our wedding paradise.

That is, the situation did not arise as in “Sex in big city”, when Kerry and Mr. Big’s list of guests grew before their eyes, and a modest ceremony turned into a celebration of universal proportions, because appetites grew and it was inconvenient not to invite someone?

I just didn’t want this. In general, to be honest, I was a little surprised when my colleagues began to come up to me and ask where the wedding would be and where they should come. I didn't know how to react. And you don’t want to offend the person, but at the same time you don’t know how to explain that he wasn’t invited. And yes, there were awkward situations when I explained that we were organizing a holiday only for the family. I hope no one was offended.

I myself am a frequent guest at weddings, only as an artist. Sometimes a holiday is beautiful, but people cannot relax. It’s as if the couple is having a wedding in order to surprise and impress everyone. This approach disgusts me.

Did your lover somehow participate in the preparations for the wedding?

Yes, we have distributed responsibilities. It covers the practical side of issues: budget, transport, meeting guests, that is organizational issues. I deal more with the creative part of the holiday: decor, entertaining guests. And, of course, no one will choose but me Wedding Dress.

Definitely! Have you sought the help of a stylist to create your wedding look?

Yes, it’s rare that a girl knows exactly how she wants to look on her wedding day. Unless it is thought through with small age. For example, the richer the choice, the more lost I get. In addition, outside opinions are important to me. I love everything bright, unusual, and sometimes this can be too much, I need to “slow down.” It was the same with the wedding dress.

Nyusha is wearing a Monique Lhuillier dress, Wedding by Mercury

“Initially, I thought about a fluffy dress, a cake dress. But friends and stylists stopped me in time. “You’re going to the islands, wait, do you want to collect all the sand on the beach?”

And how did you choose the dress?

To be honest, I visited several stores and did not find anything suitable.

Don't have a dream dress?

Yes exactly. When it comes to clothing, I am very picky and demanding. I rarely find something I like in stores. That’s why I order custom tailoring or buy things on set, because it’s important to me that it be something unusual. And even more so, I wanted a special wedding dress. So three different brands made them for me: Humariff, Enteley and Diverse shop. However, there is also an outfit from Elie Saab for the first day and welcome dinner. But it's a jumpsuit!

Your work areas with Igor are very different. What are your common interests and what do you do together?

In fact, we willingly involve each other in our work. I learn something new about his activities, he immerses himself in my creative world. Within reason, of course. Together we try to try something new. We are easy-going, we can take off and fly to the ends of the earth tomorrow. It seems to me important when you coincide with your soulmate in terms of your state of mind. Moreover, we are quite different in character. But this is only a plus: in family life a man needs to complement a woman and vice versa.

Now we have started doing yoga. Although this is not an easy task for men, because concentration and calmness are important. My man is quite impulsive and active in life, and here he steps over himself a little and learns to be more balanced.

By the way, about temperament. You have a rather daring stage image. How different is he from the real you?

In any case, a woman adapts a little to a man. In our family, everything is very harmonious, and I occupy a position of comfort, tenderness, without losing the part that is responsible for the spice and spice in the relationship. I have a strong character, which has helped me achieve certain successes in my profession.

That is, if anything happens, you can break the plates too.

Certainly can. So that the relationship does not turn into household channel, sometimes you need to be an easy-going cat, and sometimes you need to create small scandals that will only cheer you up once again. There is no other way; complete peace cannot be achieved. And the lack of emotions can even lead to separation.

They say that it is almost impossible for a woman to be successful both in her career and in her personal life. What do you think about it?

I don’t know why they say this, especially since we all see how easy it is Hollywood actors or singers. I think it depends on temperament. You can live a measured life, wake up at 12 noon and go to bed at 10 pm, or you can get up at 7-8 am and go to bed at 2 am. For me there is no such thing as “impossible” if I want something badly. This is how I achieved everything in my life. Desire can overcome any obstacle, it’s just important to understand what you want. If you want to combine raising a child and a career, then you just need to plan it out, maybe resort to additional help from your mother and nanny. Watching modern women, I don’t have even the slightest doubt that this is feasible.

Are you planning to have children in the near future?

I generally plan for children from the age of 18!

That is, you weren’t thinking about a wedding, but were planning a child.

Yes, a strange moment. But children are an integral part of every woman’s life, we are created for this.

But are you ready at some point to pay more attention to your family than your career?

Absolutely, because, again, I am a woman, and this is my primary role. I'm not afraid that my schedule will change, my priorities will shift. Serious work has already been done behind me. It’s not that I plan to relax, but I understand that in any case, the family and the child require attention.

To the point home life: Do you cook at home?

Yes, I really like to cook. I can quickly prepare lunch and do it just fine without a microwave. After all, there are quick-to-prepare, yet healthy and satisfying foods.

For example, what do you like to cook?

The easiest thing to prepare is, of course, salads. For example, cucumbers, tomatoes, greens - arugula, spinach, - bread. You can prepare minced meat cutlets with vegetables in advance, and then simply heat them in the oven and add them in pieces to the salad, pour over olive oil, add Italian seasoning. It turns out very tasty. In the morning I like to make buckwheat soba noodles with vegetables.

Doesn’t Igor ask you to prepare him something more serious, heavier?

No, especially since he also prefers healthy food and does not demand steaks from me at all. Fortunately, we are very similar taste preferences. But sometimes, of course, you want something more nutritious.

Do you have the same ones? quick recipes self-care? A guide to “how to look great in 5 minutes”?

As for specific measures, I probably won’t tell you anything new: you need to take care of yourself, visit a cosmetologist at least once every two to three weeks, and take care of your skin every day. Before the wedding, by the way, a visit to a cosmetologist is written in red on my calendar; during the month this is task number one. I need to moisturize my skin well, since I will be under the sun for a long time.

Besides, we are what we eat. Healthy eating has a big impact on appearance. And, of course, sleep. Although in my profession there are difficult periods when it is impossible to get a good night’s sleep. But the main thing, it seems to me, is the internal state.

4 weeks later...

“We chose the Finolhu Hotel not by chance - a very romantic place with a stunningly beautiful spit and very friendly staff”

For their wedding ceremony, Nyusha and Igor chose the Finolhu hotel in the Maldives. Escape from the Moscow bustle and city rhythm - DONE!

Producer: Maria Sakvarelidze

Interview: Olga Bebekina

Filming location: Wedding by Mercury, Barvikha Luxury Village, Finolhu Hotel, Maldives

Igor Veniaminovich Sivov - active political figure, former KVN member. Born in Kazan on June 9, 1980. He held key positions in the field of sports. On this moment works in International Federation student sports as an advisor to the president. He attracted media attention after starting a relationship with singer Nyusha.


Igor Sivov is an avid KVN player. During my school days I was fond of hockey. While studying at TISBI (Tatar Institute for Business Promotion - 1997-2002), where he studied international relations, he played in KVN for the university team. Afterwards he moved to “Four Tatars”.

The former partners became fast friends and are now family friends. There he met Vladimir Leonov and Damir Fattakhov, also influential political figures.

After graduation, he receives the post of deputy director of the student club (2002-2008).

Sivov headed the Municipal Unitary Enterprise “Directorate holiday programs» Kazan - organized the city's planned events.

In parallel with this, he holds the position of deputy general director Universiade 2013.

In 2014, he received the post of head of the executive committee of Kazan.

In 2016, he became General Advisor to the President of the International University Sports Federation FISU.

First wife Alena Sivova and their children

The first wife of Igor, who was then just beginning his career as an official, was dance teacher Alena Naumova.

The marriage took place in 2006, and in the same year the couple had their first child, Matvey.

Sivov basically does not talk about his personal life; his ex-wife gives bits of information. The girl admits that at first the marriage seemed ideal, but over time it cracked. In 2013, Igor meets Nyusha and becomes very distant from his wife.

There are rumors that in order to save the marriage, the girl decided to have a second pregnancy. Whether this is true or not, the marriage still broke up. Igor left the family when youngest son it was only six months.

Alena suffered this blow extremely hard, because in addition to the divorce, her mother also passed away during this period. The girl pulled herself out of depression: she radically changed her image - she cut off her luxurious hair. long hair, returned to dancing and began to conquer the business.

With mom and Matvey

With father and sons

Igor's second wife became famous Russian star- Nyusha.

The couple met in Kazan. Then Sivov organized the Universiade, and Nyusha was on tour. Now they admit that it was love at first sight.

“I won’t give it up, I won’t let him go,” Igor thought then.

Rumors about the affair began to spread during Igor’s appointment to the post of adviser to the FISU president. Then a photo of the lovers in a restaurant went viral.

After 4 years of relationship, having received a divorce from ex-wife Alena Sivova, Igor proposes to Nyusha. He decided to do this in an original way. More three months spent on preparation.

The marriage proposal happened on a planned vacation. Only the future husband hid the destination, and they headed to Kenya. The couple loves adventures, Nyusha was delighted with the area. Arriving at the local aborigines, they began to dance with them. And then, out of nowhere, a small chair appears. The girl is asked to sit down and take part in an unusual ritual. And so, Igor kneels down, takes out a small coconut and opens it. A cute diamond ring can be seen from it.

The girl was shocked, and having come to her senses a little, she shouted “Yes!”

Wedding of Igor and Nyusha

For a couple, official marriage is not just a stamp in the passport, not a formality.

They decided to have a wedding on Kanufushi island at the Finolhu hotel.

The groom did not see the wedding dress before the wedding. Of course, the bride had three of them! The girl purchased some of the outfits in France when she celebrated her bachelorette party there, where she had her pajama party. Igor also celebrated his bachelor party, only in Amsterdam and Cologne, when the World Hockey Championship was held there. He and his friends are athletes.

The wedding took place on the deck above the pool at sunset.

Nyusha says that the most touching moment in her life was going to the altar when she met the gaze of her beloved.

Video of the wedding, which Nyusha shared on Instagram:

In the evening, the couple rocked up at a nightclub where Paris Hilton was the DJ. There, the couple accidentally crossed paths with Leonardo DiCaprio. The actor even danced with the bride!

The organization of the event was on the shoulders of the husband. According to him, the responsibility wedding was no less important than the Universiade.

In May 2018, Nyusha posted on Instagram photo with a rounded belly and officially confirmed that the couple will soon have a baby.

Igor Sivov now

Igor Sivov continues to hold the post of General Advisor to the President of FISU.

FISO Academy

Plans to hold a set of projectors in Kazan. He lives with his family in three cities - Moscow, Kazan and Lausanne - the headquarters of the International University Sports Federation in Switzerland. Passionate about his work and highly regarded by management, he looks forward with enthusiasm and is preparing for the birth of his third child.

Co school friends and teachers

Visits an orphanage

Igor Veniaminovich Sivov – chief adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), husband Russian singer.

Igor Sivov was born in Kazan on June 9, 1980. He graduated from gymnasium N°122 in 1997 and immediately became a student of the faculty international relations Academy of Management (Tatar Institute for Business Assistance). During his studies, Igor was a member of the KVN team “Four Tatars” of the first composition. At the festival of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful in Jurmala in 1999, the team led by captain Ildar Fatkhutdinov earned gold.

Some team members subsequently went into show business. Stanislav Staroverov was involved in writing the script for the series “Voronin”, Dmitry Chernykh and Rustam Khabibullin created the duet “Neighbors”, which participated in the program “Slaughter League”.

After graduating from the university, Igor Sivov holds the position of deputy director of the student club at the Academy of Management. The young man worked in this position until 2008, after which he went to the municipality in the Directorate of Holiday Programs. Having assessed the professional qualities of the new employee, Igor Veniaminovich Sivov is appointed manager of this project.

Sports and politics

In 2008, preparations for the Universiade began in Kazan, which was scheduled for 2013. The capital of Tatarstan was chosen in an international vote by the University Sports Federation, held in Brussels. Kazan competed with the Spanish city of Vigo and the South Korean city of Gwangju, but won with 20 out of 27 votes.

An organizing committee for the XXVII World Summer Universiade is being created in Russia, the head of which is appointed by the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Igor Veniaminovich Sivov is invited to the position of Deputy General Director of the Executive Directorate of the Autonomous non-profit organization. For three years, Igor Veniaminovich performed part-time duties, and in 2011 he became permanently employed. The young official worked in this post until 2014.

Igor Veniaminovich’s abilities were appreciated, and in 2014 Sivov was invited to the Executive Committee Office as director. In the same year, the official received awards “In memory of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan” and the Order “For Services to the Fatherland.” Sivov’s responsibilities included supervising all economic and legal processes carried out in the city.

Personal life

Igor Veniaminovich was married to Elena Vladimirovna Sivova. The couple have two children. But in 2016, the couple separated, officially filing for divorce. In 2017, information appeared in the press that Igor Sivov proposed to the singer Russian stage Anna Shurochkina, better known as Nyusha, author of the singles “Higher”, “It Hurts”, “Alone”.

The young people met in 2013 at the Kazan Universiade. Then they began a close relationship. For some time, Igor and Nyusha tried to build a personal life separately from each other. It is known that Anna met with a Russian hip-hopper.

But in 2016, Igor and Nyusha began to live together, and at the end of January, a photo of the girl appeared on the singer’s Instagram page, in which she shows wedding ring. For some time, the name of the man Nyusha was marrying was hidden by the singer. But in May 2017, the artist and her future husband in the Barvikha Luxury Village concert hall at the closing ceremony of the Kontinental Hockey League (KHL) season. The young people started a comic argument on stage over the announcement of the winners among the judges.

In 2017, Igor Sivov proposed to Anna Shurochkina while on vacation in Kenya. Nyusha told fans that the wedding would take place in the summer of 2017, but already in July the media reported about it in Kazan. Fans of the singer are confident that the wedding ceremony took place in the strictest secrecy due to the couple’s busy schedule, and the magnificent celebration itself took place later.

In May 2018, Nyusha officially confirmed that. The singer spoke about joyful event on social networks to get rid of rumors and speculation once and for all. The girl asked the media and fans to treat her current situation with understanding.

Igor Sivov now

Happens in 2016 new round V political biography Igor Sivov. A government official is being transferred from the municipal level to the international level. Igor Sivov becomes the chief adviser to the president of the International University Sports Federation (FISU), the highest body of the university world movement.

The organization was created in 1949, and Lausanne, Switzerland, was immediately chosen as its headquarters. The scope of FISU's activities includes holding competitions among students under the age of 28. Currently the organization unites 167 countries.

On November 7, 2018, Sivov and Nyusha became parents for the first time. On Instagram, the singer published a black and white photo of the baby, signing it: “Our little angel.”

The child was born in one of the prestigious clinics in Miami, where the girl flew away long before the expected date of birth. She chose the clinic in the second trimester of pregnancy. For the first time after birth, Nyusha and her daughter will remain in the USA until the baby is ready for a long flight.

08/15/2017 Show business

It became known where the luxurious wedding of Nyusha and Igor Sivov took place (VIDEO)

As many fans managed to guess, the wedding of singer Nyusha and her lover Igor Sivov took place in the most romantic archipelago in the world - the Maldives. The official marriage took place in Kazan in mid-July, and the couple decided to celebrate on the islands.

The Super public had at its disposal exclusive video, sent to the editorial office by a citizen journalist. The groom, surrounded by friends, came to the bride’s hut with a ransom and sang Timur Temirov’s song “Sky Above the Earth,” writes Life.

In the Maldives, Nyusha and her husband truly created a paradise for newlyweds. The lovers stayed at the five-star Finolhu hotel, where a night costs almost 100 thousand rubles. Nyusha and Igor divided the holiday into three days, and each event took place in different restaurants. At the pre-wedding dinner, all the guests and the spouses themselves appeared in white outfits; the company enjoyed rolls and fresh fish in a Japanese restaurant. The day after the wedding, the newlyweds and their friends and family threw a beach party at the Fish, Crab & Shark restaurant.

Among those invited to the fairy-tale wedding was actor Konstantin Khabensky, and Nyusha and Igor Sivov entrusted Dmitry Khrustalev to lead the celebration. However, celebrities keep their presence at the celebration secret at the request of the newlyweds. Nyusha's RP director Denis Vorobyov and the newlyweds declined to comment.

Let us remind you that Nyusha and the General Advisor to the President of the International University Sports Federation, Igor Sivov, met during the Universiade in Kazan, but passionate feelings flared up between them only at the beginning of autumn last year. Now the lovers live in three cities: in Swiss Lausanne, where the headquarters of the International University Sports Federation is located, Moscow and Kazan.

In his Instagram the star published a photo in which fans saw an engagement ring on ring finger singers.

In the photo, Nyusha showed off her one-piece swimsuit. She asked her followers how they felt about this type of beachwear. But the singer could not distract attentive fans from the intriguing jewelry that appeared on her hand.

After that Nyusha showed joint photo with her beloved, in which Sivova’s face was demonstrated close-up. This selfie was the first in the singer’s personal archive, which depicted her lover.

Let us remember that Nyusha’s secret marriage became known in mid-July 2017. Then Russian media reported that the singer signed with Sivov in one of the registry offices of Kazan. Fans of Nyusha believe that she has really changed her marital status, since she previously stated that she would get married secretly from everyone and go on a honeymoon to the Maldives, where, by the way, she is now vacationing.

