Plan for replacement of specialists form 16. Methodological recommendations for organizing and maintaining military records of citizens in reserve in organizations


1. Female citizens in the reserves belong to the third category:

Officers with military ranks remain in reserve for up to 50 years;

Officers without military ranks - up to 45 years of age.

2. Military personnel who have reached the age limit for being in the reserve or are recognized, in the prescribed manner, as unfit for military service due to health reasons, are transferred by the military commissariat or an official of another body carrying out military registration into retirement and removed from military registration.

Not subject to military registration in military commissariats, citizens exempted from military duty in accordance with Federal law“On conscription and military service”:

Those undergoing military or alternative civilian service;

Those serving a sentence of imprisonment;

Female citizens who do not have a military specialty;

Permanently residing outside the Russian Federation;

Those who have military ranks as officers and are in the reserves of the Foreign Intelligence Service and the Federal Security Service of Russia.

Military registration of the GPZ is carried out according to a personal card (form T-2), which is issued for each Ukrzaliznytsia employee and in which section 2 contains information about military registration (Appendix 14). The main military registration documents on the basis of which section 2 of the employee’s personal card is filled out are:

For GPZ - a military ID or temporary certificate issued in lieu of a military ID;

For citizens subject to conscription military service, - a certificate of a citizen subject to conscription for military service.

Personal cards are stored in the UZ safe, where they are located strictly in alphabetical order in a separate file cabinet, divided into groups:

The first is personal cards of the GPZ from among the doctors;

The second is personal cards of the GPZ from among the paramedical staff;

The third is personal cards of the GPZ from among other KZ specialists.

Personal cards of persons excluded from military registration due to age or health conditions are stored in a general file cabinet.

Military registration is divided into general and special. The general military register includes citizens who are not subject to reservation (they have mobilization orders or are in the free resources of the military registration and enlistment office), and the special one includes those who are duly reserved for the period of mobilization and during wartime. The free resources of the military registration and enlistment office are military reserves that do not have mobilization orders and are not reserved.

GPZ, which are registered with the general military, are divided into two groups:

1. GPZ, which, in accordance with “Lists No. 24 and 29 of positions and professions for which citizens who are in reserve are reserved...” (hereinafter referred to as the List of Positions and Professions) are not entitled to reservation.

2. GPZ, which have mobilization instructions for conscription for the period of mobilization and in wartime in the RF Armed Forces, other troops, military and special formations.

Mobilization order (MP)- a document issued by the military commissariat to citizens who are in the reserve of the RF Armed Forces and are on the general military register, who, for the period of mobilization and wartime, are assigned to commands of the RF Armed Forces, other troops and special health units (SFZ) to perform tasks as intended. This document defines the procedure for the actions of the State Defense Forces upon the announcement of mobilization and in wartime.

There are two types of MP - pink and white flowers. They are glued onto last page GPZ military ID.

Persons liable for military service with MP Pink colour, when mobilization is announced, they are required to arrive at the time and place indicated therein, fulfilling the requirements set out on the reverse side of the MP.

Persons liable for military service with MP white, when mobilization is announced, they are involved by the military commissariat, in agreement with the head of the military establishment, in temporary work to ensure mobilization activities for a period of up to 10 days. Having completed mobilization activities, such GPZ return to permanent place work to continue working. This category of GPZ, subject to reservation conditions in accordance with the List of Positions and Professions, may be subject to reservation.

MP pink have front and back sides. Front side consists of 3 parts:

1. The main part of the MP is filled out by the military commissariat, which indicates the following information about the GPP:

The number of the team to which the GPZ is intended (this number can have a three-, four- or five-digit digital designation, in some cases it is supplemented by a letter designation);

Liter - a subdivision of the team in letter expression;

Military registration specialty number (MS);

Name and code of the position for which the GPZ is intended in the assigned team;

Military rank, last name, first name and patronymic;

Time and place of arrival of the GPZ at the replenishment meeting point (RRP). If it is impossible for the GPZ to arrive at the designated time at the toll point, an additional address and time of arrival are indicated.

The main part of the MP is certified by the personal signature of the military commissar, secured by the official seal of the military commissariat indicating the date of assignment of the person liable for military service to the assigned command.

2. Control coupons No. 1 and No. 2 also contain the above information about the GPP; one of them is confiscated at the PVP, and the second - upon arrival at the military unit or sanitary protection zone to which it is intended.

On the reverse side of the MP there is brief information for a person liable for military service, indicating:

List of documents that the GPP is required to have upon arrival at the TPP;

Measures of responsibility of the Civil Defense Forces for failure to fulfill assigned duties for the defense of the country.

MP white have the main part and one control coupon, which is confiscated from the GPZ upon arrival at the PVP (if there are no white MP forms at the military commissariat, the person liable for military service can be issued a pink MP with only one control coupon to record the arrival of the GPZ at the PVP).

A UZ specialist in military registration, when working with a military registration facility that has a military record, is obliged to:

Mark on the personal card of the T-2 GPZ form the number of the team to which he is assigned;

Store personal cards of the T-2 form for this category of GPZ separately from GPZ cards that are on general military registration, but do not have MP;

Draw up and have plans for the notification and replacement of GPZs departing during mobilization and in wartime in accordance with the purpose specified in the MP;

Notify the GPZ about the receipt of a summons from the military commissariat and the need to arrive at its destination.

Inform the military commissariat about changes in the personal data of the Civil Defense Forces, about their completion of specialization and/or improvement, about changes in their position, providing copies of supporting documents;

If the MP has highly qualified specialists (having a higher or first qualification category, honorary titles, etc.), then when they reach the age of 35-40 years, it is advisable to retain them for the period of mobilization and wartime at the educational institution in which they work. This will ensure the professional readiness of the healthcare facility and its ability to efficiently carry out the tasks of providing medical care to the population affected by military operations or as a result of these actions.

To this end, such specialists, in cooperation with the military registration and enlistment office, should:

If possible, remove them from the general military register, confiscate MP from them and carry out subsequent reservations (including personal ones);

If it is impossible to remove them from the general military registration without prejudice to the RF Armed Forces, they should, in agreement with the military commissariat, be replaced by young colleagues under the age of 35, issuing the latter with MP and reserving for UZ persons from whom such MP has been confiscated.

Reservation of gas processing plant, working in Uzbekistan - This component military registration of citizens in the reserves of the RF Armed Forces, which includes the implementation of a set of measures to provide certain categories of those liable for military service with a deferment from conscription for military service upon mobilization and in wartime. Reserved GPZs are exempt from conscription for military training in peacetime.

The main task of reserving the GPZ is to assign managers, specialists, skilled workers and employees from among the GPZ to governing bodies and civil health institutions for the period of mobilization and in wartime.

The principles for booking GPZ, that is, the initial provisions on the basis of which their booking is carried out, are:

Taking into account the need for labor resources from among the Civil Defense Forces for the period of mobilization and in wartime for government bodies and civil healthcare institutions and for staffing medical units and institutions of the RF Armed Forces, other troops and special forces;

Priority reservation of gas stations operating in the Ukrzaliznytsia, having mobilization tasks and ensuring the livelihoods of the population;

Establishment of restrictions in granting a deferment from the conscription of the GPZ from among the medical personnel intended for staffing military units permanent readiness and those liable for military service who have especially scarce military skills.

The basis for booking a GPP are:

1. Lists of positions and professions for which GPZ are reserved (for health care - lists No. 24 and 29), approved by the Interdepartmental Commission (IMC) on the reservation of GPZ. These lists include:

Names of structural divisions of government bodies and healthcare institutions (sections of lists and positions);

Name of the positions for which the GPP is reserved;

Conditions for booking the GPZ (VUS, military ranks and age of the GPZ subject to reservation according to the established nomenclature of positions and professions);

Restrictions on booking GPPs that have scarce VUS.

2. Resolutions of the International Commission for Internal Affairs defining the conditions and procedure for booking a gas reserve;

3. Resolutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the provision of a personal deferment of the State Penitentiary Order.

GPZ reserved for healthcare are provided with a deferment from conscription during mobilization and in wartime for up to 6 months, which can subsequently be extended for a longer period.

The following GPPs are not subject to booking:

Discharged from military service into the 1st category reserve during the first 5 years;

Not called up for any reason for military service before reaching 27 years of age.

A personal deferment from conscription for mobilization and in wartime is provided by the MVK to qualified specialists from among the state military personnel, who are extremely necessary to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the educational establishment in wartime, at the request of the heads of these institutions with the provision of special notices (form No. 4 - Appendix 17) . The deferral period is determined by the IAC.

Deferments from conscription granted by the Civil Defense Ministry may be canceled in the following cases:

Availability of a decision by the International Internal Affairs Committee to cancel the deferment;

Transfer of a civil servant to a position for which deferment, including personal deferment, is not provided;

Changes in military registration characteristics (age, military training, military rank);

Exclusion of GPZ from military registration due to illness or upon reaching the age limit for being in the reserve;

Dismissal of the GPZ from the UZ, in which a deferment from conscription was granted;

Expulsion of students, trainees, cadets and graduate students from an educational institution vocational education, in which a deferment from conscription was granted;

GPZ travel abroad for a period of more than 3 months;

Liquidation of UZ.

GPZs entitled to a deferment from conscription, but not reserved due to the fault of the UZ administration, are subject to conscription into the RF Armed Forces upon mobilization.

GPZ appointed acting duties for regular vacant positions of management or specialists of the healthcare institution (chief physicians, directors, heads of departments, etc.) are booked on an equal basis with employees approved in these positions.

Reservation of a gas treatment facility in Uzbekistan provides for:

Maintaining a record of the gas reserves at the place of work (study);

Determination of the number of personnel required for the period of mobilization and in wartime (including managers, specialists, workers and employees) from among the GPP;

Development of proposals for making changes to the List of positions and professions for which GPPs are reserved;

Registration of documents for the reserved GPZ for the right to a deferment from conscription for military service and their registration with special military records;

Providing analysis of KZ security labor resources from among the GPZ for the period of mobilization and in wartime;

Providing reports to regulatory authorities on the ongoing work on booking the gas processing plant.

The procedure for organizing work on military registration and reservation of military reserves

Officials of military registration units (military registration specialists) UZ:

1. When carrying out work on military registration and reservation, GPZ are obliged to:

When applying for a job, check with the GPZ the presence and authenticity of military registration documents (military tickets or temporary certificates issued in their place; certificates of citizens subject to conscription for military service), the authenticity of the entries in them, marks on military registration at the place of residence or place temporary stay, availability of MP and tokens with personal numbers RF Armed Forces (if there are marks on their delivery in military tickets);

Fill out personal cards in accordance with the entries in military registration documents, while specifying information about marital status, education, place of work, position, place of residence or place of temporary stay;

Explain to the GPZ the procedure for fulfilling their duties on military registration, mobilization training and mobilization established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, monitor their implementation and inform the GPZ about responsibility for failure to fulfill these duties;

Inform military commissariats about unspecified corrections, inaccuracies and forgeries found in military registration documents, incomplete numbers of sheets and cases of failure by the Civil Defense Ministry to fulfill obligations in the field of military registration;

Send citizens who are subject to military registration to the military commissariat that carries out military registration at their place of residence;

Send within 2 weeks, at the request of military commissariats, the information necessary for entering into military registration documents about citizens who are registered with the military, as well as about citizens who are not, but are required to be registered with the military;

Send, within 2 weeks, to military commissariats or local governments information about citizens subject to military registration and those hired or dismissed from work, or enrolled in studies and expelled from educational institutions;

Provide annually in September to the relevant military commissariats lists of young men aged 15-16 years, and before November 1 - lists of young men subject to military registration next year;

At least once a year, check the information on the military registration of the GPZ in personal cards with the military registration documents of the military commissariats;

Enter information about changes into personal cards marital status, education, structural unit of the institution, position, place of residence, state of health of the State Medical Institution and report changes to the military commissariat within 2 weeks;

Notify citizens about calls to military commissariats and ensure the possibility of their timely appearance at the places indicated by military commissariats, including during the period of mobilization and in wartime;

Issue, in accordance with the established procedure, documents on deferment from conscription for military service to military personnel reserved for military service;

Apply to higher authorities for the provision of personal deferments from conscription to military service to the Civil Defense Forces.

2. When preparing documents to grant reserved military personnel a deferment from conscription into military service, the following requirements must be observed:

A certificate of deferment from conscription for mobilization and in wartime and notices of the enrollment of the Civil Defense Forces in special military registration (Form No. 4) are issued within 10 days;

Identifications, notices and personal cards (form T-2) are filled out with a pen and ink of the same color; blots and erasures are not allowed; changes to these documents are allowed no more than two times;

In the notice, the lines “home address of the GPZ” and “name of the military registration and enlistment office in which the GPZ is registered with the military” are filled in in pencil;

In the certificate and notice of deferment from conscription, the duration of the deferment (in months) is indicated in words in the corresponding line, and in the line “based on” - the number of the List of Positions and Professions, its section and the item for which the reservation of the Civil Defense Order was made, or the date and number are indicated resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on granting the Civil Defense Forces a personal deferment from conscription, as well as the number of the notice of the granting of such a deferment (form No. 3);

Completed forms of notifications about the enrollment of the Civil Defense Department for special military registration are signed by the head of the UZ, and his signature is certified by the official seal of the UZ;

Forms No. 4 and No. 3 (when applying for a personal deferment) filled out at the GPZ are delivered to the military commissariat at the location of the UZ for registration of deferments from conscription and are submitted against signature in the transfer log (form No. 11) of special military registration forms;

Receipt of completed forms No. 4 and No. 3 from the military commissariats to the GPZ is also carried out with a receipt of receipt in the journal of Form No. 11.

3. When conducting work on booking a military reserve, military registration specialists are required to have the following information:

Total number of working citizens;

Number of gas stations booked for UZ;

Number of ILIs with mobilization orders.

In relation to the military service, military commissariats carry out:

Monitoring the correctness of the booking of gas reserves in the Ukrzaliznytsia;

Providing the forms of documents necessary to obtain a deferment from conscription for military service and monitoring the correctness of their expenditure;

Registration of a deferment from conscription of the Civil Defense Forces during mobilization and in wartime, in accordance with the Lists of positions and professions for which the Civil Defense Forces are reserved and in accordance with the resolutions of the International Military Commission;

4. When canceling deferments from conscription into the RF Armed Forces for mobilization and in wartime, military registration specialists are obliged to:

Cancel the certificate of deferment from conscription into the RF Armed Forces (form No. 4) and cancel the marks in personal cards on the enrollment of the Civil Defense Forces for special military registration;

Notify within 5 days the military commissariats in which the military personnel are registered with the military, the date and reason for the cancellation of the granted deferments from conscription;

Hand over canceled draft deferment certificates to the military commissariat where they were issued;

Make an entry in the journal of special military registration forms (form No. 13) about the use of conscription deferment certificates.

5. When a GPZ changes their place of residence, specialists from military registration units check with them about their new home addresses and check whether they are registered with the military commissariat at the new place of residence. Upon receipt of notifications from military commissariats for these citizens (form No. 4), military registration specialists make appropriate changes to them and send them back for enrollment in special military registration.

6. When leaving a booked gas station in business trips, for study, on vacation or for treatment for a period of more than 3 months while maintaining their positions, military registration specialists of the Ukrzaliznytsia issue them certificates of Form No. 4 for the duration of their departure against a signature in the certificate issuance sheet (Form No. 9a). Using these certificates, the military commissariats of the places of temporary residence of the GPP enroll them in special military registration. Notifications to the GPZ received from the military registration and enlistment offices at the main place of residence are stored in the UZ until the GPZ returns from places of temporary stay.

7. When moving reserved GPZ to other positions in the UZ, changing qualifications or military registration characteristics (VUS, military rank, age, etc.) giving the right to make a reservation, the granted deferments are preserved. In these cases, specialists of military registration units are obliged to make the necessary changes to the certificates of Form No. 4 within 10 days and submit them to the military commissariat.

8. When working with GPZ from among students of educational institutions of higher and secondary vocational education, graduate students of educational and research institutions of the penultimate and final years of study, you should know that deferments from conscription for mobilization and in wartime are provided to them regardless of age or military rank , composition, profile and VUS, unless the lists of positions and professions provide for other booking conditions.

Enrollment of this category of GPZ for special military registration is carried out according to lists (form No. 14), signed by the heads of the military unit, which are sent to the military commissariats at the place of residence of the GPZ annually by November 1. Second copies of these lists are kept in the files of the institutions that prepared the lists. In the personal cards of reserved GPPs, in the line “is on special military registration” it is indicated: “List of positions and professions No. ____, section No. ____, item No. ___, list of refs. No. _________, day ___, month _______, year _____, filed in file No. ____.”

Certificates of deferment from conscription into the RF Armed Forces and notices of enrollment in special military registration for this category of civil military forces in peacetime are not filled out, but with the announcement of mobilization, they are filled out and issued at military commissariats in the prescribed manner.

9. In everyday conditions, to ensure the mobilization readiness of healthcare in each of its institutions, military registration units (military registration specialists) develop (maintain, execute) the following documents:

Order “On the organization of military registration and reservation of citizens in reserve”

A work plan for the year for the implementation of military registration and reservation of the military reserve, approved by the head of the military service;

GPZ notification plan when mobilization is announced;

Plan for replacing specialists called up for military service upon mobilization and in wartime;

Action plan for presenting to the Civil Defense Forces certificates of deferment from conscription for military service during mobilization and during wartime;

List of authorized persons for the delivery of certificates of conscription deferment to reserved military personnel;

Statement for the issuance of certificates of deferment of reserved military reserves from conscription for military service upon mobilization and in wartime;

A statement for the issuance of certificates of deferment from conscription for military service by authorized persons for their subsequent delivery to reserved military personnel;

Memo to the commissioner for the delivery of certificates of deferment from conscription to reserved military personnel during mobilization and in wartime;

A statement for the issuance of certificates of deferment from conscription for military service to reserved military personnel when they leave for a period of more than 3 months;

Journal of special military registration forms;

Military ID Log;

Logbook for recording the transfer of special military registration forms, military IDs and personal cards;

Personal card form T-2;

Card file for recording personal cards of form T-2 for the Civil Defense Forces and for citizens subject to conscription;

Organization registration card;

Draft order on the procedure for registration and issuance of draft deferment certificates by the Civil Defense Forces during mobilization and in wartime;

Log of inspections of the state of military registration and reservation of the Civil Defense Forces;

Receipt for acceptance of military ID;

Table of GPZ ages subject to exclusion from military registration;

Analysis of labor supply;

Case of incoming and outgoing (separately) documents on issues of military registration and reservation of military reserves;

Other documents in accordance with the requirements of military commissariats.

10. KM based on the results of work during calendar year, as of December 31, submit reports on the status of work on military registration and reservation of the State Military Reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation to the health care management bodies according to their subordination, which, in turn, submit reports to the health care management body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

Part annual report includes the following documents:

Report on the state of work on military registration and reservation of UZ personnel with conclusions and proposals;

Report on the number of working and reserved citizens in reserve (form No. 6) with an explanatory note to it;

Table of distribution of medical specialists of UZ by VUS;

Analysis of the provision of UZ with labor resources from among the GPP for the period of mobilization and in wartime;

List of personnel working in Ukrzaliznytsia (compiled by categories of employees in alphabetical order);

Organization registration card (form No. 18).

The healthcare management body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, on the basis of summary data, submits an annual report to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia in accordance with the established deadlines.

In children's preschool educational institution in 2018, from 23 to 27 people worked in different months, in 2019 - 27 people (of which one employee is on maternity leave). In what order should an institution submit to the Social Insurance Fund the information necessary for the appointment and payment of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, the birth of a child and other benefits related to maternity: in electronic form or on paper (the institution is located in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation participating in the pilot project)? The buyer - a VAT payer has the right to take advantage of the deduction of the tax presented to him on goods, works, services, property rights if the requirements prescribed in Art. 171 and 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation conditions: the purchase is intended for a transaction subject to VAT and is registered, the buyer has an invoice issued accordingly. However, if this document is received late, the taxpayer may have additional questions. For what period should the deduction be claimed? How can it be transferred to subsequent tax periods and not miscalculate the deadline allotted by the legislator for this event? Is it possible to defer only part of the deduction? Four courts, including the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, denied citizen Zh. the right to register a new LLC “D”. The formal basis for this refusal was the applicant’s failure to provide the necessary requirements for state registration documents, namely that the application in form P11001 does not contain information about the person who has the right to act on behalf of the legal entity without a power of attorney, about the address of the permanent executive body legal entity within its location, and there are also signs that the founders do not have - legal entities LLC “P”, LLC “B” and their managers have the opportunity to exercise management in the legal entity being created.

Changing the VAT rate in itself does not seem to cause difficulties for accounting employees. Indeed, you charge large amounts to be paid to the budget and that’s it... However, difficulties may arise during the transition from a lower rate to a higher one. In this article we will provide an overview of the latest explanations from officials on this topic related to the performance of work and the provision of services. In April 2019, an error was identified: depreciation was not accrued for library collection objects accepted for accounting and put into operation in August 2018. What corrective entries need to be made in budget accounting?

Employers are required to maintain military records (MR) of employees and reservations for citizens in the reserves. This is provided for by a number of regulatory documents, namely:

  • Federal Law of May 31, 1996 No. 61-FZ “On Defense”;
  • Federal Law No. 31-FZ of February 26, 1997 “On mobilization preparation and mobilization in Russian Federation»;
  • Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On Military Duty and Military Service”;
  • By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 14, 1992 No. 890 “On the organization of work on the reservation of citizens of the Russian Federation who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal bodies executive power who have reserves and work in organs state power, local governments and organizations”;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 No. 719 “On approval of the Regulations on military registration”;
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 17, 2010 No. 156 “On approval of the Rules for the reservation of citizens of the Russian Federation who are in the reserve of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies that have reserves, and who work in government bodies, local governments and organizations.”

The Instructions for booking for the period of mobilization and wartime for citizens of the Russian Federation who are in reserve will help you understand the specifics of booking and maintaining military records, and Guidelines on maintaining military records in organizations (updated in 2017).

Fulfillment of the complex stated in regulations requirements will allow in case of mobilization or in wartime to ensure uninterrupted operation enterprises, authorities and local administrations.

Sample wartime replacement plan

Organizations that deal with the reservation of citizens in reserve must have documents regulating the procedure for action in the event of mobilization. One of them is a plan for replacing specialists called up for military service, the so-called Form No. 16.

As you can see, the form is presented in the form of a table, which indicates:

  • information about citizens in the reserve who are subject to conscription: full name, in which structural units they work, what positions they hold;
  • information about the citizens who will replace departing specialists: full name, name of the departments where they are registered, what positions they occupy, what relation they have to the service.

Who draws up and approves the document

The head of the organization is responsible for the VU and booking. But the direct maintenance of documentation may be carried out by another person appointed by the relevant order. In many companies, this responsibility is assigned to the HR department. Therefore, a plan for replacing specialists will have to be drawn up and signed by the head of the human resources department, and then approved by the head of the organization.

Please note that the plan must be reviewed every six months. Considering that the list of citizens in the reserves changes, such regular clarifications are necessary so that the enterprise always has a clear algorithm for replacing specialists in the event of mobilization or the declaration of a wartime regime.

Mobilization and in wartime, working

IN ____________________________________________

(name of company)

Citizens in reserve subject to conscription upon mobilization and in wartime

Who is being replaced by

name of the regular structural unit

position held

surname, first name

and middle name





job title

surname. Name

and middle name

Head of the mobilization body (HR department)


(signature, initials, surname)

Folder No. 2

with documents for work on notifying citizens,

in stock in work time on signal

military commissariat

1. Notification order.

2. Alert plan.

3. Alert card.

4. Statement for issuing notification cards.

5. Summary notification card.

6. Mobilization order card.

For administrative use


Directors _________________________________

№ ______________

"____"_______________200__ Moscow

"About measures to organize notification in

working hours of those called up for mobilization

citizens in reserve, at their place of work"

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On mobilization preparation and mobilization in the Russian Federation" dated February 26, 1997 No. 31-FZ, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Regulations on conscription for military service for the mobilization of citizens assigned to military units (intended in special formations) for military service in military positions provided for by wartime states, or sending them to work in positions of civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations, bodies and special forces" dated October 19, 1998 No. 1216, Decision of the Narrowed meeting of the administration of ______________________ district dated ____________ No. _________:


1. To notify during working hours citizens who are called up for mobilization and are in reserve, at their place of work, create a headquarters for notification and carrying out defense measures consisting of:

Ivanov I.I. – deputy director of the organization – chief of staff

warning and defense activities.

Svetlova T.G. – Head of HR Department – ​​Deputy Head

headquarters for warning and defense


The head of the warning and defense operations headquarters should develop a plan for notifying during working hours those called up for mobilization of citizens who are in reserve at their place of work, which will include responsible executors, the allocation of premises, transport and communications, and develop appropriate instructions for the executors.

Submit the plan for approval "____"_____200__

2. The head of the military registration unit ____________________, during ______________ 200__, must ensure the appearance of all citizens in the reserve who have mobilization instructions on their military ID cards at the military commissariats to clarify the registration data and make marks from the military commissariat on the mobilization instructions. Establish control over the appearance of citizens in the reserve at the military commissariat.

When hiring, require citizens in the reserves to report to the military commissariat at their place of residence.

After the arrival of citizens in the reserve from the military commissariat, check the information on military registration of personal T-2 cards with military ID cards. Based on the mobilization order, marked with the letters “U”, “P”, “VO” and “M”, record the team number in the personal T-2 card and fill out the corresponding notification card at the place of work. Warning cards for citizens in reserve should be stored in a file cabinet in groups corresponding to the indices “U”, “P”, “VO” and “M” according to increasing numbers of teams (batches), in them by workshops (departments, services).

In your future work, ensure systematic control over the maintenance of a card index of notification cards at the place of work and its constant readiness to notify citizens in reserve.

3. The heads of workshops (departments, services) during the period of notification during working hours of citizens called up for mobilization who are in reserve, immediately release them from work and monitor their timely dispatch to the assembly points of military commissariats.

in cases of collective trips outside the city on weekends, holidays and pre-holidays, inform the person on duty at the enterprise with the exact address of the place of stay.

4. For financial workers (accountants, timekeepers of workshops (departments, services), when registering the next leave of citizens in the reserve, a long business trip, acceptance of summonses for payment of the time of stay of citizens in the reserve, when called to the military commissariat, must be carried out only if there is a mark of military accounting unit on the relevant document.

5. Citizens who are in the reserve and are subject to conscription for military service upon mobilization, working in the organization, if their surname, marital status, place of residence, or education change, report to the military registration unit of the organization within three days.

In all cases of being called to the military registration unit, appear exactly on time and have a military ID and passport with you.

6. Order to declare interested.

I reserve control over the execution of the order.


"____" _____________200__

For administrative use


Head of the organization

Tell me, should only those with mobilization orders be included in the Replacement Plan for specialists called up for military service upon mobilization and in wartime?


Answer to the question:

The employee responsible for military registration conducts a systematic analysis of the provision of organizations with labor resources in wartime from among citizens in reserve, and prepares proposals on this issue, draws up plans for replacing specialists who leave during mobilization and in wartime, develops and implements the necessary measures for training personnel to replace citizens in the reserves subject to conscription for military service.

  • The replacement plan is developed in advance and put into effect by order (instruction) of the head of the enterprise (institution) after the announcement of mobilization.
  • The plan is updated once every six months as of January 1 and July 1 of the current calendar year, as well as when an enterprise (institution) switches to wartime staff.
  • The appointment of managers and specialists to positions to replace those leaving for mobilization and in wartime is carried out after their training (retraining) under accelerated training (retraining) programs developed by the personnel department in advance, in peacetime, and approved by the head of the enterprise (institution).

Example of filling:


replacement of specialists called up for military service upon mobilization and in wartime, working in …………….

No. Who is being replaced by
Position held Full Name Position held Full Name attitude towards military service
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. DShO Pediatrician Kirova K.M. DShO Pediatrician Milova O.N. booked
2. 2 pediatric department Academic doctor Dimov I.A. 1 pediatric department Uch. doctor Shilok T.D. booked
3. 2 pediatric department Academic doctor Dolim Sh.Zh. 1 pediatric department Uch. doctor Kondrashova I.N. booked
4. x-ray cable X-ray doctor Topol O.N. x-ray room Radiologist Kur N.M. booked
5. ENT doctor Dergat P.Yu. ENT cab. ENT doctor Plotnikova T.E. Removed by age

Those. in the column “Citizens in the reserve, subject to conscription upon mobilization and in wartime” you indicate citizens who can be drafted (will be drafted), and in the column “Replaced by” you indicate the replacement, i.e. specialists who are either reserved, deregistered due to age, or are not liable for military service at all.

The form of this plan is given in the collection of System materials.

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

Form No. 16

replacement of specialists called up for military service upon mobilization and in wartime, working in
(name of company)

No. Citizens in reserve subject to conscription upon mobilization and in wartime Who is being replaced by
name of the regular structural unit position held last name, first name and patronymic name of the regular structural unit position held last name, first name and patronymic attitude towards military service
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

With respect and wishes for comfortable work, Ekaterina Zaitseva,

HR System expert

The most important changes this spring!

  • There have been important changes in the work of HR officers that must be taken into account in 2019. Check in the game format whether you have taken into account all the innovations. Solve all the problems and receive a useful gift from the editors of the “Personnel Business” magazine.

  • Read in the article: Why does a HR manager need to check accounting, whether new reports need to be submitted in January, and what code to approve for the timesheet in 2019

  • The editors of the magazine "Personnel Business" found out which habits of personnel officers take a lot of time, but are almost useless. And some of them may even cause bewilderment to the GIT inspector.

  • Inspectors from GIT and Roskomnadzor told us what documents should now under no circumstances be required of newcomers when applying for employment. Surely you have some papers from this list. We have compiled full list and selected a safe replacement for each prohibited document.

  • If you pay vacation pay for the day too late, the company will be fined 50,000 rubles. Reduce the notice period for layoffs by at least a day - the court will reinstate the employee at work. We have studied judicial practice and have prepared safe recommendations for you.
