Homemade sloe jam. Secrets of making delicious sloe jam at home

Sloe jam is rarely made, which is a pity!

Black or dark blue blackthorn berries with a white waxy coating have a pleasant sour and slightly tart taste. The jam it makes is quite thick due to the gelling substances contained in the berries. The fruits soaked in syrup look like marmalade balls covered with delicate skin. Even unripe blackthorn fruits have such tender flesh that they burst easily when making jam. Therefore, it should be strictly observed temperature regime and do not overheat the syrup.

You can make sloe jam with or without seeds. Today we will cook it with seeds.


According to this recipe, each kilogram of berries yields 800 ml of jam.

  • turn 1 kg
  • granulated sugar 1 kg
  • water 200 ml

How to make thorn jam with seeds

  1. At the preparatory stage, it is necessary to carefully but thoroughly wash the sloe under a diffuse stream of cold water. At the same time, all stalks should be removed, soft, damaged, and pest-infected berries should be sorted.

  2. To prevent the fruits from cracking during cooking and to better absorb sugar from the syrup, they must first be blanched. But this should be done not in boiling water, but with water cooled to 80 degrees.

  3. After 10 minutes the turn should be transferred to cold water and cool. Then each berry must be pierced in several places with a toothpick.

  4. After this, you should prepare the syrup. To do this, you need to dissolve granulated sugar in water in a spacious enamel pan. At first you get a thick mixture. It needs to be heated slowly. To prevent the granulated sugar that has settled on the bottom from burning, it must be stirred constantly, moving the spoon from bottom to top.

  5. Pour the prepared sloe berries into the boiling syrup and remove the pan from the heat. The fruits should cool slowly along with the syrup, absorbing the sugar from it. The exposure must last at least 5 hours. After which everything must be brought to a boil again. The foam should be carefully collected from the surface of the syrup.

  6. The finished jam should have a viscous, uniform consistency. If the syrup is too liquid, then it must be poured into a separate container and boiled until thickened.

  7. Sloe jam should be carefully transferred into clean, dry jars. If you immediately close them with lids, condensation will form on them. It will then drip onto the surface of the jam and shorten its shelf life. Therefore, it is better to wait 10-15 minutes and only then roll up the jars.

Ready sloe jam can be stored in a dark cupboard for 12 months.

There are a great many varieties of plums. After all, the black sloe is the wild ancestor of the plum, and the degree of domestication and crossing has produced many varieties of different sizes, shapes and tastes.
Blackthorn plums make simply magical jam. After all, blackthorn has a more pronounced taste than its domestic relative.

Sweet and sour taste, with a subtle hint of tartness, distinguishes blackthorn wild plum jam from all other types of plum jam.

For 2 kg plums:

  • 1 kg sugar,
  • And optional vanilla.

Wash the blackthorn. Cut the fruit in half and remove the seeds.

Place the plums in a saucepan and sprinkle them with sugar. Shake the pan a couple of times to mix the sugar with the blackthorn and leave it overnight. The plums should release their juice and become saturated with sugar.

The next day, put the pan on the fire and bring the jam to a boil. Note 5 minutes, and once those five minutes have passed, remove the pan from the heat. Cover the jam with a lid and let it sit for an hour.

During this time, prepare the jars and lids. Sterilize them and dry them.

Put the jam back on the fire, stir it, and as soon as it boils, take a large spoon, put the jam in the jars and roll it up.

There is no need to pasteurize blackthorn jam. Immediately screw on the lids and cover with a blanket until completely cooled.

The shelf life of “five-minute” jam at room temperature is about a year.

Blackthorn jam in a slow cooker


  • 1 kg blackthorn
  • 1 kg sugar.

Peel the blackthorn, place it in a slow cooker and add sugar. Stir the plums thoroughly and leave for half an hour so that the plums release their juice.

Now close the lid of the multicooker and let it cook in the “stew” mode for 40 minutes.

About 10 minutes after the start of cooking, it is advisable to stir the blackthorn again for more even stewing.

As soon as the multicooker timer tells you that the jam is ready, you can put it in jars, close it and put it in your storage bins.

Jam from unripe blackthorn with seeds

It happens that we come across unripe plums and it is impossible to remove the seeds from them. From such plums you can make jam with seeds, which is in no way inferior in taste to jam from ripe fruits.

Wash the fruits and pierce the blackthorn skin with a fork or toothpick in several places.

This is necessary to prevent the skin from bursting and sliding off the plum. Otherwise you'll end up with yellow flesh on the side and sad dark skins on top. If you forgot to prick the skin, don’t worry and make jam from the jam.

But since you haven’t forgotten, let’s continue.

For unripe blackthorn, you need to take a little more sugar.

For 1 kg of blackthorn - 1.5-2 kg of sugar.

Place the plums in a saucepan, add sugar and stir. Leave on for a long time blackthorn with sugar makes no sense, because unripe fruits They won't give you juice. But you can fix this by pouring a glass of water into the pan. This will not make the jam runny. After all, in fact, water will only compensate for the lack of juice.

Eat important point when cooking unripe sloe plums, this is the beginning of cooking. You need to heat it very slowly so that the plums do not burn. As soon as the blackthorn boils, wait 5 minutes, then remove the pan from the heat, cover it with a lid and leave to cool completely.

The jam is cooked in 3-4 stages, if you have the patience for it. Be sure to skim off any foam that forms during the boiling process.

Checking the readiness of the jam is done drop by drop.

If a drop does not flow, then the jam is ready. You can put it in jars and wait for winter.

How to make five-minute jam from plums, watch the video:

Fruits and berries


Sloe jam with seeds for the winter, making at home is not at all as simple as it might seem at first glance. Probably everyone knows that sloe has quite specific berries, because when fresh they seem to have a dense structure, but if they are used incorrectly in cooking, this characteristic becomes exactly the opposite. In our case, this does not benefit us at all! To make sloe jam, softening the berries would only be a necessary process. However, to prepare jam from such fruits according to this step-by-step photo recipe, you must strictly follow the recommendations given below, after which the thorns in the preparation will remain intact and not overcooked.

In this simple recipe with step by step photos and detailed instructions Preparing jam from thorn fruits with seeds for the winter occurs in three stages of five minutes each. The interval between the three stages of cooking should be at least six hours. This is very important, because under no circumstances should the thorn delicacy be overcooked, thus not becoming overcooked and turning into a mush that we don’t need. No less important stage is also the preliminary preparation of fruits. Firstly, to make this recipe a reality, you need to use only hard-density fruits; soft thorns are not suitable for this recipe. Secondly, before preparing the thorn delicacy, the berries must be pierced with a toothpick so that later their flesh and skin do not burst or change in appearance. Sloe jam prepared in this way will please everyone with its not only amazing taste, but also funny appearance Same.

So, let's start cooking using this simple step-by-step photo recipe!



    Let’s immediately prepare all the ingredients given in this recipe to prepare delicious sloe jam for the winter.

    After that, we will start processing the turn. First of all, you need to rinse it very well. However, you should immediately be warned that using ordinary water white coating It’s not easy to wash berries. For this we need an ingredient such as soda.

    By dissolving one teaspoon of soda powder in one liter of boiling water, we will obtain the soda solution into which we will subsequently need to place the washed thorn fruits. The berries must be kept in water with soda for no more than half a minute, after which they should be removed from this solution and immediately doused with cold water..

    As already mentioned, to prevent the berries from bursting when cooking jam, they must first be pricked with a toothpick in several areas at once, which is what we now propose to do.

    At this stage you need to boil the sugar syrup. To do this, take sugar and dissolve it in water, then bring the sweet liquid to a boil.

    Next, place the prepared fruits in boiling syrup, and then boil the berry jam for five minutes. After boiling for five minutes, remove the thorn delicacy from the stove and set aside in a convenient place for six hours. During this time, the thorns will be thoroughly soaked in sugar syrup..

    After six hours, the infused dessert must be boiled again for five minutes, after which it must be set aside for the same number of hours as the previous time. In total, this procedure must be carried out three times, and after that the finished jam must be hermetically sealed in sterile jars.

    Delicious jam from sloe berries with seeds is ready for the winter.

    Bon appetit!

Not everyone is familiar with thorn fruits and not everyone likes their tart taste when eaten fresh. But many products made from blackthorn fruits - jam, preserves, pastilles, tinctures and other homemade preparations - are in great demand and popularity.

Many housewives those who know the benefits They try to keep blackthorn berries on hand and prepare homemade preparations for the winter from such a wonderful healer. These unusually healthy berry fruits are widely used to treat many ailments. The thorn is especially useful when colds, disorder digestive system, in the fight against nausea, for calming nervous system and for many other ailments.

Sloe jam has always been and is the most popular among housewives. It's easy and simple to prepare, and the results are delicious! Since the fruit itself has a lot of substances necessary for the human body and is rich in microelements and vitamins, homemade preparation is also very useful.

To prepare jam, you need to select ripe, ripe berries. It is not advisable to use overripe fruits, since hard fruits are much more suitable for harvesting. If the berries have not yet fully ripened, it is advisable to peel them before cooking. To do this, you need to pour boiling water over the berries and carefully remove the skin.

Determining the ripeness of a blackthorn fruit is quite simple. Ripe sloe berries with pink flesh and dark blue skin.

Blackthorn jam is prepared very quickly. To get delicious homemade only 6-12 minutes are enough.

Sloe jam contains only natural ingredients:

  • thorn;
  • sugar;
  • water.

The proportions of the ingredients vary, but the generally common ratio is one to one. Or you can try the option - add 2 glasses of water and 1.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg per year. The amount of water and sugar depends on how thick and sweet you want the jam. To make the taste of the jam more rich, you can add any fruits and other berries to your taste.

How to make thorn jam

  1. Carefully sort through the prepared fruits, remove rotten, wilted and wrinkled berries, remove leaves and, if possible, seeds;
  2. Rinse the selected berries, place in a colander and let the water drain. Next, the fruits need to be allowed to dry by placing them on paper towels;
  3. If other fruits or berries are added to the jam, prepare them by first peeling and cutting them;
  4. Place the prepared ingredients in a container, adding sugar. Pour in a small amount of water so that it covers all the fruits. Close the container with a lid and leave the mixture for 3-5 hours;
  5. The fruits should be steeped to the consistency of syrup.
  6. Next, the berries in the syrup must be brought to a boil over low heat. To save the maximum useful substances contained in berries, it is advisable to reduce the boiling time. At the same time, when the mass begins to thicken, it is necessary to constantly stir so that the jam does not burn and remove the foam that appears. The original volume will decrease by about 3 times. You should get a mass of thick consistency. If the resulting cooked mass does not spread, then your jam is ready to eat!

Most varieties of blackthorn have many seeds, which are quite difficult to remove from the inside. Many housewives prepare jam directly with the seeds. This way the process will go much faster. If the seeds have not been previously removed from the fruit, already cooked berries can be rubbed through a sieve.

You can also prepare jam in a slow cooker, using the “stew” program.

Jam freshly prepared at home must be placed in pre-sterilized jars and sealed with metal lids. Then the jars need to be turned upside down and cooled. Cooled jars should be turned back upside down so that the jam does not stick to the lids. You need to store finished products in a cool place - a cellar or refrigerator.

Sloe jam is very tasty, tender, aromatic, and most importantly healthy! You can add it to porridge, any baked goods, or simply serve it with tea. Bon appetit!

The astringency of sloe and its inherent sourness harmonize especially well in the jam made from it. The preparation turns out to be aromatic, pleasant to the taste and extremely healthy, thanks to the numerous valuable properties of the dark blue fruit.

Sloe jam without seeds - a simple recipe for the winter


  • thorns (seedless) – 1.9 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1.9 kg;
  • purified water – 95 ml.


Both ripe soft thorn fruits and slightly harsh ones are suitable for jam. They must be rinsed under cool running water and removed from the stems and seeds. Place the halves in an enamel bowl, sprinkling the layers with sugar, and leave for four hours at room conditions.

Now pour some water into the container with the workpiece and place it on the stove burner. The fire under the vessel should not be too strong, otherwise the sugar will burn faster than it will melt.

Heat the sloe mass with frequent stirring until it boils and cook with barely noticeable signs of boiling for forty minutes. We now remove the vessel with jam from the heat, and allow it to cool at room conditions and infuse for ten hours. After the time has passed, bring the workpiece to a boil again and let it simmer for another thirty minutes. When ready, pour the hot, aromatic jam into pre-prepared and dry jars. We seal them tightly with boiled lids and turn them over under a warm blanket for slow cooling and self-sterilization.

How to make Pyatiminutka jam from seedless sloe?


  • thorns (seedless) – 1.9 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1.9 kg.


The minimum time of heat treatment will help to preserve the vitamins and valuable properties of the thorn as much as possible. Let's make Five Minute jam. To do this, wash the thorn fruits under cool water and soak them in cold water for two or three hours. After this, we remove the seeds, weigh the resulting halves and pour the same amount of granulated sugar into a container suitable for making jam. We leave the vessel with the workpiece for twenty-four hours, after which we place it on the stove, heat the contents with frequent stirring to a boil and boil for five minutes. Leave the sloe mass until it cools, and then bring it to a boil again and cook for five minutes. Fragrant and healthy jam Pour it hot into sterile and dry jars, seal it tightly and turn it upside down under a warm blanket or blanket for self-sterilization and slow cooling.

Sloe jam without seeds - recipe in a slow cooker


  • thorns (seedless) – 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar – 1.2 kg;
  • purified water – 75 ml.


It is especially convenient to cook sloe jam in. To do this, remove the seeds from the washed fruits, place the halves in a multi-pan, sprinkle with granulated sugar, add a little water and leave the mixture for four hours at room conditions. During this time, the thorn will release juice and become softer. If desired, sloe jam can be supplemented with apples, cherry plums or pears. In this case, it is necessary to peel the fruit, cut the fruit in half, and then into small slices, also removing the cores with seeds. If desired, add additional components to the preparation immediately along with thorns and sugar.

To further prepare thorn jam, set the device to the “Stew” mode for thirty minutes. Don’t forget to stir the contents of the multicooker container before starting cooking.

Pour the finished aromatic thorn jam into dry sterile glass vessels, seal them hermetically with boiled lids and let them cool slowly under a blanket or blanket.
