Congratulations with gratitude to WWII veterans in your own words. Great Patriotic War words of gratitude

We speak for clear skies, for peace
Thank you, veterans!
We thank you for this spring,
For will and tireless work,
Because you fought back the enemy,
They defeated the fascists and drove them away!
We are eternally indebted to you,
After all, you gave your lives!

Low bow to you, words of gratitude,
For a feat of arms, sung in verse,
For strength, courage - the best qualities,
Glorified through the ages.

Thank you very much for the victory,

Great fortitude and courage
You are forever a standard for us.

We are good to you, veterans,
We speak from the heart in a peaceful hour.
We respect your feat very much,
We admire and honor you.

You are in our memory forever,

We will never forget your heroism!

We will be forever grateful to you,
For the victory that you give us,
Gave it in '45
Glory, respect to you.

You fought side by side bravely,
For the homeland and for the family.
So be always healthy
I'm drinking to you today!

He was wounded several times. His military merits are evidenced by awards: the Order of the Red Star, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the Order of the Patriotic War of the 2nd degree, 18 medals.

In 1975 he moved to Astrakhan, his wife’s homeland. For over 10 years he worked at a diesel locomotive repair plant as an engineer in the production and dispatch department.

Since 1987, he has been actively involved in veteran work. Works with youth, is the creator and consultant of the school museum of the 28th Army in high school №1

For the joy of life, paid for by you
This price is not easy.
For being given to the country as a gift
Peace, freedom, tranquility.

We want to thank the veterans

Let's not let history be rewritten!

We know forever: you are the best.
You deserve flowers and awards.
Our pride, strength and courage,
Our permanent squad of heroes.

Today I bow to you,
Native veterans.
Thank you for the peace, tranquility,
For tears, blood and wounds.

Because we are in our native country,
We laugh without looking back.
Because our days are bright,
Cloudless and sweet.

Your stories about the war
It seemed like a nightmare to us.
And it would be doubly scary.
But then you won!

Thank you for our lives!
You saved freedom.
Without you there would be no Fatherland.
You saved her from her enemies!

And with love I will say in silence -

They succeeded in that terrible war.

His relatives support him in this - his son, grandson and two granddaughters.

I know that in the distant fields,
Great-grandfather died in battle.
He gave his life for you and me,
He gave for his homeland.

Dear veterans! Let me express to you the words of my most sincere gratitude, deepest gratitude for your heroic feat in the name of our great Motherland, which you accomplished during the Great Patriotic War.

Millions of people laid down their lives in this struggle. The war came to every home, to every family, awakened the noble rage of the Russian soul, united and raised the Russian strength, with which the fascist horde became acquainted.

So, perhaps, my grandfathers went into battle in the same ranks with you.

Thank you, our veterans,
For your strength and your work,
We will never forget you

Thank you for your concern,
For what you were able to do,
We wish you health, happiness,
We will not stop praising you!

May God give you health and strength,

You live happily and long.

My heart is filled with gratitude and respect for you, because in those hard days for our Motherland, every minute you selflessly did everything to bring have a good day our Great Victory.

I wish you health and mental well-being. And we want you to be sure that your feat will forever remain in our minds and hearts. We promise to honor with honor the history of the great Russian people, the victorious people.

Seregina Kristina, student of grade 4 A, school No. 16
Klin, Moscow region

On Battle of Stalingrad, which lasted 201 days, 251 residents of Balakovo left. During those six months of hostilities, 96 Balakovo residents died.

The significance of the battle is great, just as you, dear veterans, are significant to us. We are sincerely happy for you and proud that you exist, as well as the fact that you accomplished this heroic feat. You stood for your Motherland without sparing your own life and defended it.

Today we prove our devotion by our desire for knowledge, work, and participation in public life.

May your fighting spirit give us confidence in the future.

On behalf of the representatives of today's youth, students of school 13 in the city of Balakovo:

Dear veterans, thank you very much for this victory,
For your courage and courage, will, aspiration,
We want to say our heartfelt congratulations to you -
Health, success, good luck and a happy life.
For pure clear sky century are ready to thank,
We promise to give you smiles, hugs and kindness.

Veterans, I bow at your feet
And with love I will say in silence -
Thank you, dear ones, for protecting us.
They succeeded in that terrible war.

May God give you health and strength,
Don’t rush to leave to see your friends,
I thank you for today's world,
You live happily and long.

Thank you, our veterans,
For your strength and your work,
We will never forget you
After all, your path was difficult and steep,
Thank you for your concern,
For what you were able to do,
We wish you health, happiness,
We will not stop praising you!

For courage and victory
We'll thank you.
Your feat is very great
Important for posterity.

We are immensely grateful
Our veterans.
You gave us the opportunity
Make plans in life.

We want to thank the veterans
For courage and for the courage to say,
We are grateful that we resisted fascism,
Let's not let history be rewritten!

Although your ranks are thinning every year,
You are in our memory forever,
We will tell our children and grandchildren about you,
We will never forget your heroism!

Your stories about the war
It seemed like a nightmare to us.
And it would be doubly scary
But then you won!

Thank you for our lives!
You saved freedom.
Without you there would be no Fatherland.
You saved her from her enemies!

You defended our land
We were charged with faith in happiness.
Low bow to you, veterans,
Let your wounds from the war not hurt.

We respect you immensely,
We wish you joy in a good hour.
Health and warmth all around,
Peace, and not a bit of blizzard.

We are good to you, veterans,
We speak from the heart in a peaceful hour.
We respect your feat very much,
We admire and honor you.

Thank you very much for the victory,
Gratitude and low bow.
Great fortitude and courage
You are forever a standard for us.

You defended the country
You defended your home
So that one day in the spring
The children thanked you

For your feat is not easy
For my peaceful childhood
For the land that they
You have won your inheritance.

On this great day
Please accept our congratulations
With the fact that you saved the world
For you

Your entire chest sparkles with medals,
You have walked heroically along the roads of war.
Even if my head has been gray for a long time,
But you are strong in spirit and memory.

Let the sorrows of life not break you.
Good health, success in all matters,
We wish you well-being,
And we will remember your feat forever.

Today we congratulate you on Victory Day,
And may you all become grandfathers in age.
For your military feat, I bow to you,
He delivered us from the slavery of fascism.

War veterans! There are so few of you left.
You endured everything you had to deal with.
And your whole life is an example for young people.
We suffered so many losses during the war.

We wish you health, veterans,
Let the mental wounds hurt less.
Live longer, attention to you,
I bow to you for what you have given to all of us.

We hasten to congratulate you on your holiday
The most wonderful victory
And we say thank you
Dear great-grandparents.

Because we know the war
Only according to your stories,
For having shots in life
We have never heard

For being a peaceful sun
It shines above our house
Thank you, veterans,
Your grandchildren congratulate you.

Happy Great Victory Day
Happy Victory Day
For our peaceful childhood
Thank you warrior grandfathers!

For us, Victory Day is
Fireworks and parade.
Congratulate veterans
Everyone would be happy.

For them, Victory Day is
Sadness and tears
For those who died
It makes my eyes sad.

For us, Victory Day is
The smell of lilac
Joyful, sunny
Spring day.

For them, Victory Day
Day of silence.
Thank you grandfathers
That there is no war!

What a peaceful sky
Today above us
What have you won?
Why are you with us today!

Unfortunately, not all of today’s descendants know and remember what time was like in those forties, and the number of veterans who went through the war and survived is becoming less and less every year

The Great Patriotic War is a significant milestone in the history of many countries and states, and every generation is obliged to remember, thanks to whom we now celebrate the glorious holiday - Victory Day!

The best, warmest words of gratitude and congratulations, both in prose and in poetry, are read to veterans by their grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and by the soldiers themselves, who gather at memorials and monuments on this day: joy and sadness, celebration and sorrow.

Happy May 9, Victory Day
We all hasten to congratulate you!
May all misfortunes and troubles disappear,
Let it be bright every day and hour!

Dear veterans!
Congratulations to you today,
And on the great Victory Day
We wish you all the best!
We wish you health,
Long life, happy life!
You deserve it all
With your loyalty to the Fatherland.

It was the month of May, it was spring,
When the war ended.
And every year we celebrate Victory Day,
We honor all veterans and congratulate them with flowers.

We are proud of you, we respect you,
We wish you good health!
Let the fireworks play for you in the peaceful sky
Joy and comfort live in the house!

Dear veterans!
You are a great example for us!
How to be faithful, strong, brave
A human being with a soul!
Let Victory Day become far away,
You are still as young!
Happy holiday! And many years to you,
And always, always - spring!

Victory Day has arrived
Veterans are all at the table,
Remember those who did not live
But he treasured Victory!
We will remember the dead
And we will not forget until death,
Their fighting courage,
Have a bright young life!
And we want to congratulate the living!
Leave wishes:
Don't let the years age you!
Always be young!

This day is a symbol of pride for those who defended the freedom and independence of our country, a symbol of determination, the will of the Russian people, a symbol of the dignity of Russia.
With deep gratitude we thank you for perfect feat We wish you health, happiness and prosperity!

How many years have passed over the earth?
Since that victorious spring
Graying veteran hair
We must bow now.
To everyone who stood, survived, who could
Protect the country from the Nazis,
Low bow to all of you, God bless you
Live long and happily!

No words can convey the atmosphere of that time, those years of war, the horror and the pride with which the defenders of the Motherland put an end to the Great Patriotic War, reaching Berlin. Eternal bow to them, and eternal memory!

0 0

We want to thank the veterans
For courage and for the courage to say,
We are grateful that we resisted fascism,
Let's not let history be rewritten!

Although your ranks are thinning every year,
You are in our memory forever,
We will tell our children and grandchildren about you,
We will never forget your heroism!

We are good to you, veterans,
We speak from the heart in a peaceful hour.
We respect your feat very much,
We admire and honor you.

Thank you very much for the victory,
Gratitude and low bow.
Great fortitude and courage
You are forever a standard for us.

Thank you very much, our dear veterans. You performed not just feats, you not only defended your Motherland, you accomplished great history and fought for peace and happy life. Thank you for your heroism and dedication, for your courage and for our peace.

Thank you, our veterans,
For your strength and your work,
We will never forget you
After all, your path was difficult and steep,
Thank you for your concern,
For what you were able to do,
We wish you health, happiness,
We will not stop praising you!

Low bow to you, words of gratitude,
For a feat of arms, sung in verse,
For strength, courage - the best qualities,
Glorified through the ages.

For the joy of life, paid for by you
This price is not easy.
For being given to the country as a gift
Peace, freedom, tranquility.

We know forever: you are the best.
You deserve flowers and awards.
Our pride, strength and courage,
Our permanent squad of heroes.

Today I bow to you,
Native veterans.
Thank you for the peace, tranquility,
For tears, blood and wounds.

Because we are in our native country,
We laugh without looking back.
Because our days are bright,
Cloudless and sweet.

We speak for clear skies, for peace
Thank you, veterans!
We thank you for this spring,
For will and tireless work,
Because you fought back the enemy,
They defeated the fascists and drove them away!
We are eternally indebted to you,
After all, you gave your lives!

Veterans, I bow at your feet
And with love I will say in silence -
Thank you, dear ones, for protecting us.
They succeeded in that terrible war.

May God give you health and strength,
Don’t rush to leave to see your friends,
I thank you for today's world,
You live happily and long.

Your stories about the war
It seemed like a nightmare to us.
And it would be doubly scary...
But then you won!

Thank you for our lives!
You saved freedom.
Without you there would be no Fatherland.
You saved her from her enemies!

We are in your debt
Which we cannot make up for!
After all, you fought back the enemy,
We must always remember you
Honor, respect and equal
We all owe it to you!
The hero must remain
In the heart of the one you saved!

We will be forever grateful to you,
For the victory that you give us,
Gave it in '45
Glory, respect to you.

You fought side by side bravely,
For the homeland and for the family.
So be always healthy
I'm drinking to you today!

[in prose 2]

Our dears! Perhaps there are no words in any language in the world that can express all the gratitude from children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren for your immortal feat at the front and in the rear. Therefore, we will not say much - we will bow our knees before you, ordinary heroes, whose deeds will live for centuries! I wish you good health, unquenchable optimism and positive emotions! Happy holiday, veterans! Happy Victory Day!

Dear veterans, you brought us victory by sacrificing yourself, your youth, health and life! Huge gratitude to you for this! For the happiness of seeing the smiling sun, feeling the warm wind, looking at the bright sky. Our gratitude is simply limitless, because there is no measure that could measure the fullness of the happiness you have given us! Live long, look cheerful, rejoice in your heart! Avoid sadness, avoid sadness, because you gave Victory! Great and glorious!

Dear, beloved and respected veterans! This holiday became a cause of great joy and great pain for all people in the country. On this day, we want to thank you with all our hearts for the peace and tranquility that you gave us! Thanks to you, today a clear sky spreads over us and brings peace and order every day! Thank you and low regards! Be always healthy and happy!

Our dear veterans! It was your honor and courage that more than half a century ago gave the right to life to subsequent generations; thanks to you, we have a Motherland - a country that you defended with your blood. I wish you health, warmth and peace, because it was for peace – in the camp and in every family – that you sacrificed your lives almost three generations ago. Solar heat, love and good health!

Above us there is a peaceful, bright sky, we breathe air without the admixture of gunpowder, we walk on safe roads and we know about war only from books and films thanks to you, our dear veterans. With all our hearts, we wish you health, long life, many reasons for joy, as well as love and respect from everyone. We are proud of you and immensely grateful to you, not only today, but every day. Happy Victory Day, dear veterans!

Our dear veteran defenders! That's right - defenders of our homeland! A huge holiday is approaching, perhaps the most significant in our history - Victory Day. The holiday of victory over evil - fascism. Celebrations to you, strength of spirit and perseverance. This is your holiday, your victory in the name of our future. Low bow to you from us, those whose future you defended, health, longevity and optimism to you!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on Victory Day! I would like to sincerely wish you good health, peace and prosperity! Live long, happily, joyfully, surrounded by loving, caring family! Thank you very much for the world, for the fact that we live in free, happy country! Thank you for your courage, hard work and will to win!

Dear veterans, we congratulate you on the long-awaited Victory Day! Every year the horrors of the Great Patriotic War recede further and further, but our gratitude becomes stronger and stronger! Thank you for your courage, for your courage, for your care, for giving us this peaceful life! Please accept our deepest bow and wishes to feel the care and love of your loved ones every day!

Another anniversary of the Great Victory has arrived! This triumphant and great day is an eternal reminder of the strength and courage, heroism and unshakable will of our grandparents. Thank you, our dear veterans, for the fact that you once risked your life, your happiness, your destiny for the sake of the future the whole country, for the sake of the future of your descendants, for the sake of all of us. We remember those who never returned from that terrible war, those who never learned that a great victory has arrived. Eternal memory to the heroes! The pain of loss and the fire of memories will remain with us forever. But to those veterans whose warm hearts are still beating, I would like to wish only clear clear skies, good health and not a lonely old age. Let your grandchildren and great-grandchildren be a worthy continuation of your glorious family!

Our dear veterans! Today is the most important holiday for the whole country - Victory Day! Today’s generation is indebted to you and only you for the peace that you defended in bloody battles. You went to the front very young, went through pain, experienced losses. You have suffered for your and our common victory! We will never forget ourselves and tell our children about your courage and self-sacrifice. I wish you health, peace and tranquility!

[in prose] [in prose 2]

More for Victory Day on our website:

There are events in history that remain in people's memory for centuries. The Great Patriotic War can rightly be included among them. There are few of us left who were direct participants in those events. In order to show those who at the cost of their lives defended the freedom and independence of our country, schoolchildren write letters to war veterans.

We offer options for those words of gratitude that modern teenagers can express to their great-grandparents.

Appeal to great-grandfather

A letter to a World War II veteran can be written as part of the “We Know! We remember! We are proud! Your attitude towards those people who left their family and friends in order to go to the battlefields can be expressed as follows:

“Dear great-grandfather, I didn’t find you, but I know for sure that you were in that terrible war. I heard many times from my grandmother about what a wonderful person you were: kind, affectionate, patient. It’s a pity, my dear great-grandfather, that I never saw you, but I am rightfully proud that it was you who had to defend the freedom and independence of our country at the cost of your life. I will always be proud of you!”

Our dear veterans!

We offer another letter to a war veteran from a schoolboy:

“Hello, dear veteran of the Great Patriotic War! Is a 2nd grade student writing to you? We have never met, but I know for sure that you are a brave and courageous person. After all, only people like you, my dear veteran, could defeat the fascists and protect our country from the invaders.

Perhaps you took part in the battle on Kursk Bulge or fought near Moscow, or took Berlin by storm. Or maybe you, together with other soldiers, did not allow the Nazis to pass through Stalingrad! From fiction I know a little about how hard it was at the front. But, despite the fact that you had to lose friends, you survived, showed heroism and courage during the attacks. I am proud, dear veteran, that I live in the country that you defended! Thank you for not sparing your life so that I could live and study at school!”

Option to thank war heroes

How to compose the Great Patriotic War from a schoolchild? A similar event is held before Victory Day. Guys primary school Together with their mentors, they write words of gratitude to those people who gave Russia freedom and independence.

Here is another version of a letter to war veterans:

“Good afternoon, dear veteran. It is difficult for me to express words of gratitude for the fact that today I can breathe, speak, hear my loved ones, smile at the sun, swim in the warm sea. It is you, risking your own life, defended our country. It was you who did not surrender to the fascists, went on the attack, died so that our country would be a free and independent power.”

How can you end such a letter? Children can show their gratitude to a veteran of the Great Patriotic War with their drawings and poems of their own composition.

Russia is proud of its sons!

All letters to war veterans are a tribute to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren. We bring to your attention another option school essay, dedicated to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War:

“Who are you, unknown soldier? The one who, at the cost of his life, defended the independence of the country. The one who gave the last piece of bread to hungry children, while he himself went on the attack? I am convinced that it is you, the unknown soldier, who deserve awards and honors. I am proud to be born and grow up in a country that once gave birth to a Hero like you. I understand perfectly well that my letter cannot bring back those people who died on the battlefields of that terrible, merciless war. But I want my peers to understand that it was you, the unknown soldier, who gave us a bright and carefree childhood.”

Victory Volunteers

All letters to war veterans, written by ordinary schoolchildren, can be folded in the form of front-line triangles and distributed to veterans before May 9. Undoubtedly, sincere words gratitude written by children will not leave the participants of the Great Patriotic War indifferent. Currently in Russia there is a movement called “Volunteers of Victory”. The guys not only deliver letters to war veterans, but also prepare congratulations for them in the form of songs or poems. Such a movement is an organization in which young and active citizens of Russia take care of people who became defenders for the country during difficult war years.

Appeal to a veteran

How can modern schoolchildren express their gratitude to those people who defended the freedom and independence of the country at Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk? A letter of appeal to veterans is an option to demonstrate your respect to veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

We present the text of a letter written by an elementary school student to his great-grandmother, whom the child had never seen with his own eyes.

“Hello, my dear great-grandmother. It so happens that you and I don’t know each other. But I know a lot about you from my grandmother and mother. You were only 15 years old when that terrible war began, but you went to the front and served as a sister of mercy.

Grandma told me about how you pulled out soldiers on your back, risking your own life. You were a little older than me when you received your first award - the medal "For Courage". I'm proud of you, my dear great-grandmother. When I look at old photographs in our family album, I see your open and happy smile. You never told your grandmother about how hard it was at the front. I am proud to have such a great-grandmother! I dream of being as brave and honest, and also loving and defending my country!”

Thank you! Thank you I say
To all veterans for living.
Because I see forests and fields,
Because our land is free.

Thank you for the quiet and peaceful dawn,
It’s more expensive, and it’s true, because it doesn’t exist.
Have you learned the price of your victory,
When they lost friends during shelling.

When you read the letter in silence,
Just imagining your own face in your thoughts.
Thank you for your strength in that fierce war.
And thank you doubly for your humanity.

Now, bowing before your tears,
I will say thank you with an open heart
Because I breathe freely in the world,
I don’t live under the yoke of fascists.

Thank you very much, veterans!
Thank you for peace throughout the world,
For every battle that left a scar on my heart,
For resisting the war!

We wish you health, longevity,
Hope in the heart, and spring in the soul,
So that your grandchildren and children are nearby,
So that there is no more war in the world!

Today we want to say thank you,
For our freedom, we value it.
For a peaceful sky, peace of mind,
For fearlessly you rushed into battle!

You showed everyone during those war years
Greatness, strength, a huge country.
Thank you very much to all of you veterans,
We all admire you immensely!

Our dear veterans!
We know: your wounds do not heal,
And there’s no escape from it,
Because there are scars on the heart.

The war claimed many lives,
But the memory remains, forever.
We will bow to those great years
And we will thank you for the victory.

Enjoy the peaceful silence,
But don’t lose your fighting spirit.
Thank you for the sun, for the dawn.
Health to you, warmth and-for many years.

For courage and victory
We'll thank you.
Your feat is very great
Important for posterity.

We are immensely grateful
Our veterans.
You gave us the opportunity
Make plans in life.

For clear skies, for peace and quiet
To you, veterans, our bow to you!
Your services to the Motherland are countless,
For this today you have glory and honor -
For not giving your enemies a chance.
We wish you health and joy!

Difficult years survived the wars
You have defeated all your merciless enemies.
You saved our huge country,
Those years proudly went down in history.
Thank you very much veterans,
We are proud and admire you!

Thank you for the peace that surrounds us all,
That the sun is shining, giving bright light.
Your feat is great, everyone around you knows it,
There is simply no one more courageous than you.

Imagine the war that happened, veterans,
We are scared and in pain, but you survived,
Don't let tired wounds bother you,
You will be full of strength and health!

We know that in your memory,
You can hear it as if it was just yesterday,
Those roaring cannonades,
Lead death blizzard.

And your feat, years, centuries,
Even if thousands of years pass,
No one will ever forget
History will not erase blood!

We are forever grateful to you,
We send our bow to you.
For a serene generation,
For a peaceful sky around.

Without you there would be no us,
We wouldn't know the happiness of life.
Thank you our dears,
That they were loyal to our fatherland!

Thank you for the clear sky above us,
For the smiles and laughter of our children.
Thank you for still being there,
This makes our souls warmer!
