The bird hit the window and flew away: the meaning of the sign. Sign: a bird hit the window and flew away - positive or negative sign

As we have already said, a feathered guest can bring with her both good and not so good news. But what can be said about the sign “a bird hit the window and flew away”? Is this prediction very different from the previous one? Let's see whether we should be afraid of something unpleasant from such a visit or whether we can simply ignore the bird knocking on the window.

Ancient beliefs

In ancient times, the sign of a bird knocking on a window and flying away was considered a bad omen. Our ancestors believed that in this way the Universe warns those living in the house about various kinds misfortunes, illnesses and even possible death one of the family members. And this prediction took on a particularly gloomy hue if it was not a city bird, but a forest bird that hit the glass - for example, a cuckoo, a woodpecker, a nutcracker. The most bad omen- if a bird crashes to death against a window. In such a case, as was believed in ancient times, death in the family could not be avoided.

Scientific view

Skeptics who don't take superstitions seriously have their own scientific basis why do birds crash into apartment windows? Firstly, our feathered friends very often simply do not notice the glass, especially when it is perfectly washed. In this case, the bird simply gets hit due to negligence. Sometimes birds fly too close to the windows to escape their predatory counterparts - during a chase, an unsuccessful maneuver can lead to such an “accident”. Also, feathered creatures are often attracted by their own reflection - they believe that there is another bird in front of them, so they try to attract its attention: they knock on the window, and sometimes hit the glass. Therefore, it is not always necessary to try to find out why the bird hit the window and flew away. A sign is not an axiom that must be believed.

Bird species

You can find out what a bird hitting glass could mean if you pay attention to its variety.


Pigeons are city dwellers, so they are the ones who most often create a commotion on our balconies and windows. There are two common opinions about these feathered creatures. According to one, the souls of our deceased relatives and friends take the form of doves to remind us of ourselves or warn about the future important event. According to another version, pigeons know how to warn apartment residents about the impending death of one of their relatives.

If such a bird knocks on the window, it is considered a bad omen, but if it just slightly hit the glass and flew on about its bird business, there is no need to worry, in this way one of the departed simply reminded of himself. By the way, if a bird drums its beak not on the glass, but on the window sill, look more closely: perhaps it is simply pecking at some crumbs scattered under the window. In this case, you don't have to worry at all. If she knocks directly on the glass, try to drive her away without verbal contact - according to shamans, this way you can neutralize the negative program.


If a sparrow inside the house is considered a bad omen, then a bird outside the window does not bring danger, but news related to work or personal life. If a bird crashes into a window and flies away, the omen should not frighten you, but on the contrary, please you: the bird only warns about important things to come. Also, the sparrow can be seen as advice to be careful, not to succumb to provocations, since some kind of deception is possible on the part of ill-wishers.


Tits located outside the walls of your apartment are also not considered dangerous. They say that most often they report monetary gains or success in their plans.


Swallows are considered bearers of good news. Often, when they hit the glass, they report that one of our relatives or old friends really misses us and is looking forward to meeting us. If such a bird knocks on the window, it should not be considered a bad omen. Think about those you haven’t seen for a long time, call or write to dear people with whom you haven’t talked for a long time.


If your window is touched by a swift flying by, expect a new addition to the family. If this bird hits the window, the omen promises imminent pregnancy one of the household, especially if the feathered guest knocked several times in a short period of time.


Storks hit the windows of a home quite rarely, but if this happens, one of the family will soon have a baby, because these birds, as is known, have been associated with childbirth since ancient times.


Crows are mystical guests, closely connected with the other world. You've probably noticed how many of them there are in cemeteries. If a crow hits the glass of your apartment or house, you can expect the death of someone close to you. If grief has recently happened in your family, most likely this is the way the departed person says goodbye to you.

Forest birds

If a forest bird crashes into a window, it is a bad omen, especially if you live far from the forest belt, and birds of this variety never catch your eye. Most often, forest guests warn about serious disasters, mass epidemics, natural disasters, related not specifically to your family, but in general to the area where your home is located. Can be expected serious accidents with many casualties, terrorist attacks, mass poisonings and other global troubles.

The nuances will be accepted

Depending on how the feathered guest behaves, the meaning of the sign may change.

  • If there is a bachelor living in the house or unmarried girl, a bird hitting the window could mean an imminent wedding.
  • If the bird lightly tapped its beak and immediately flew away, expect guests to arrive.
  • If the feathered guest was hit several times, but did not die, but flew on, there will soon be a wedding in the house, if there is an unmarried girl among the residents. If the inhabitants of the housing are overwhelmingly men or married couple- you can simply ignore the sign.
  • If a bird constantly hits the window, it is a bad omen. In this case, it does not matter whether the same bird crashes or different ones. Frequent is considered to be two or three strikes in one week. If the birds fight even more often, misfortune awaits not only your family, but also all the inhabitants of the house or entrance. This could be, for example, a fire, burst pipes, gas leak, theft from several apartments at the same time, or something similar.
  • If the glass cracks or breaks after a bird strike, it will be a big disaster, and this is especially true if there is blood and feathers on the glass.

How to neutralize a bad omen?

A bird hit the window and broke - the worst omen. But, nevertheless, its impact can be mitigated if you immediately take a number of actions to ensure your own safety:

  • If you saw where a dead bird fell, pick it up and bury it as far as possible from your home. If the bird is alive and can be helped, take it to the veterinarian, treat it, and then release it into the wild. Do not regret the money spent - by curing the bird, you will protect yourself and your loved ones from possible misfortunes.
  • Replace any cracked or broken glass- better on the same day.
  • If the glass is not cracked, simply wash it thoroughly so that no marks remain.
  • If the bird is dead, the same day after you have buried it, collect some bread crumbs, find a cluster of birds of the same species as your guest, and feed them.
  • Visit church and light candles for the health of yourself and your loved ones.

So, now you know what the sign is when a bird hits the window and flies away. We hope that our article helped you get rid of negative thoughts.

This cute fat girl returned to the forest a couple of hours ago, to her relatives.
Yesterday morning she lay in a snowdrift under my window, not reacting to anything. She didn’t even make an attempt to fly away when I extended my hand to her.
She hit the glass to escape the predator. I heard a sound like someone threw a snowball at the window, and I went out to see if the bird was safe.

This happens quite often, especially in winter time when granivorous birds gather at feeders. Rushing in all directions at the sight of a falcon or hawk, the birds hit various obstacles, primarily windows. Especially those where there are no curtains - the birds simply do not have time to see the glass.

The result of the blow is a concussion, sometimes very severe.

Once I picked up a titmouse, which seemed impossible to help: its head was twisted and thrown back, its beak was wide open, its tongue was hanging out, the bird was breathing heavily and lying on its side.
It took Titmouse more than two days to come to his senses. In total, she spent ten days with me: I needed to make sure that everything was fine with the bird, she was able to eat normally and coordinate her movements, and she had quick reactions. Then I let her go into the forest.
Yesterday my chin didn’t hit so hard and within 24 hours it was completely recovered.

To help a bird that has hit a glass or other obstacle, you need to follow a few simple conditions:
1. Darkness
2. Peace
3. No liquid

That is, the bird needs to be placed in a box or small cage, covered with thick cloth to ensure darkness, and placed somewhere in a far corner where loud sounds, vibration and other irritants will not disturb it. It is very important not to drink under any circumstances! Often people, wanting to help the poor fellow, give her water from a pipette, but this is not necessary. In the acute period of traumatic brain injury, birds should not drink, as this can cause brain swelling.

In mild cases, a few hours of rest are enough for the bird to come to its senses.
In more severe cases, a day after the injury, you can give a few drops of water with glucose at intervals of 3-4 hours to avoid dehydration. For a bird the size of a bullfinch, it is enough to give a drop of ampoule glucose per 5-6 drops of water. Then you need to provide the bird with a water bowl and a feeder with food. It would also be a good idea to add glucose in a dilution of 1 to 10 to drinking water.

As soon as the bird feels better, it will begin to move, rustle, and try to get out of the cage or box.

If she gets scared when you approach, actively jumps, and you don’t notice any awkward or strange movements like rhythmically turning her head or throwing her body to the side, you can safely release the bird.

It is better to release it in the same place where you picked it up. Most likely, her friends and family are somewhere nearby, who will be very happy about her safe return. And they will probably start asking where she has been. :)

Anything can happen on the roads. An unpleasant event happened to you: while maneuvering between other cars or entering a sharp turn, you accidentally hit a bird that got in your way. It is natural to experience shock in such a situation! Even if involuntarily, you caused the death of a living being, and this to a normal person will not bring joy. But in addition to a spoiled mood, many begin to experience real fear, because a killed bird is a disgusting omen. Is this really so or can the coming misfortune be averted?

What does it mean if a bird crashes into glass and dies?

Most often, birds are hit by a windshield. They have almost no chance of surviving such a collision. However, if the winged “reckless driver” was only stunned, you can try to help him and thereby prevent the misfortunes promised by the sign. Is it too late to save the bird? Then pay attention to what species it belongs to.

  • A downed dove, a symbol of love, portends an imminent separation from your soulmate. If you want superstition to become empty and unfulfilled, analyze your behavior for Lately and try changing it. Maybe you're not attentive enough dear person or, on the contrary, are you too jealous?
    Sometimes the dove is interpreted as a messenger. The bird died, which means the news will not reach you on time, and you will miss something. Be extremely careful in making decisions and do not make hasty conclusions. Perhaps everything is not at all what you think.
  • The sparrow represents the loss of something material and important to you. Take a closer look at the items that are dear to your heart.
  • An owl that died on your hood somewhere on a forest road warns of a gap in the budget. Soon I'll have to part with a large sum, so reduce your spending.
  • The crow is a controversial symbol. Various signs They consider it a harbinger of death, divorce, or wedding. Choose the interpretation yourself, but remember: what you mentally “feed” is what will happen.
  • A bird of a different breed testifies: you do not understand well what you are doing, and in pursuit of an insignificant goal you risk ruining something important. Everything can be under attack - relationships, a good deal, someone's respect... Isn't it time to reassess values?

If you get caught in a car

A dove with a twig in its beak is the best omen

A car, of course, is not a home (although this statement is controversial for truckers and avid car enthusiasts), but we spend a lot of time in it. Therefore, it is advised to interpret the omens of a feathered guest who has climbed into a car accordingly.

  • The dove brought you some news and, most likely, good news, especially if it had a blade of grass or a twig clamped in its beak.
  • A sparrow is a reason to be twice as careful while driving, since, according to legend, its appearance threatens the death of the driver or passengers. On the other hand, if you believe in omens, then you must understand: they are sent as a warning so that a person has time to accept necessary measures. Follow the rules strictly traffic, don’t drive while drunk or tired, and nothing bad will happen. At the same time, carry out a technical inspection of the car - it won’t be superfluous.
  • The crow symbolizes illness. And these birds also have amazing intelligence and curiosity, so it’s not surprising that one of them decided to sneak into the abandoned open window. Perhaps she was attracted by some item or a lunch box forgotten on the seat.

Got in the car

Sometimes birds are attracted to the shiny surface of a car.

There is a specific “car” interpretation on this score, which explains any visit of a feathered guest with upcoming financial losses. At the same time, it is not so important which part of the car the bird has chosen - the hood, roof or bumper. Your wallet should still lose weight soon. But it does matter whether the guest left litter behind or did not commit vandalism.

  • A “decorated” car roof portends a breakdown.
  • The hood means an accident or at least trouble on the road. Although there is still a chance for good news. If you managed to catch a pest red-handed and know for sure that a pigeon was frolicking on your car, some superstitions advise not to worry and just wait for favorable news.
  • If a bird sits on a mirror, hits it and knocks with its beak, this means that it is mating season, and your “swallow” has just become a victim of the harassment of some overly hot male bird. Or he decided to clean the beak of an imaginary opponent.

Ways to neutralize bad omens

In fact, meeting with a car is a bad omen rather for the bird itself

On forums and in social networks Car enthusiasts who are inclined to dramatize events are so afraid of signs associated with birds that they rashly offer to sell the “defiled” car out of harm’s way. They say that a downed bird indicates the possibility of hitting a pedestrian, droppings promise an accident, and in general one cannot expect good things from the duet of a bird and a car. But you still shouldn’t go to extremes.

  • If you're really feeling pretty worked up, go to church and negotiate with the priest about consecrating the car. This action will definitely reassure a believer and give him the confidence he needs while driving.
  • If you hit a bird, go to the car wash and remove all traces of the accident. Be sure to replace cracked glass.
  • After the bird’s visit to the salon, check the car for any “goodies” and wash them thoroughly, if any are found. And the point here is not in signs, but in diseases that are spread by city pigeons and crows.
  • Legend advises not to wash off droppings from a car. But there is a sign here: if you wait for the rain every time, you will soon have to paint your car, and this will surely come true. It’s better to choose the golden mean - go on business for which you got into the car, and only then wash off the bird’s surprises.
  • Water - a universal neutralizer will accept. Take a shower or rinse your face and hands at the nearest pump and ignore the bad omens. There are a lot of birds in the city, and they come into contact with cars every day, but the vast majority of cars then return home safely. Don't let signs deprive you of peace of mind.

Scientific explanation

Why do birds still die on the roads? Scientists also became interested in this issue and even conducted a full-fledged study. A careful examination of photo and video materials from the sites of such collisions made it possible to establish that birds do not know how to take into account the speed of a car rushing along the road, but they quite accurately estimate the distance to it. So, if there is more than 100 m between the desperate flyer and the windshield of your car, the bird will easily dodge the collision. But only as long as you are driving below 95 km/h! If you exceed this limit, the bird will not have enough reaction to turn to the side - the car will overtake it faster. So we are not talking about signs at all. Only about speeds.

Hit by car Living being- the event is sad in any case. But don't let it poison your thoughts for many days to come. Consider the incident as a signal to be more careful on the road, and nothing bad will happen to you or other passengers.

An incomprehensible phenomenon frightens or raises questions among people. For example, such as a bird hitting a window. What could this mean? There are several explanations for this behavior of birds, one of which is a mystical rationale.

Where did the belief about birds come from?

The roots of the sign originate in the distant past. In those days, people believed that birds were deities who were divided into “light” and “dark”.

Good harbingers included pigeons, swallows, and storks. TO dark forces: crows, owls, eagle owls, sparrows.

One version is that the bird contains the soul of a deceased relative or loved one. According to beliefs, the soul in this way tries to notify about future events, which can be both bad and good.

Currently, belief in the mystical significance of the bird remains. Basically, the upcoming event is associated with the color of the bird and its behavior.

A bird hit the window at home or at work - what is it for?

Common signs are:

If you analyze all the signs, you can note the general ones. Thus, the actions of birds that do not cause them damage can be interpreted positively. For example, a bird hit the window and flew away - good news. Conversely, injured or dead birds promise misfortune, trouble or death.

Interpretation by suit

Depending on the type of bird, news or upcoming events can be either positive or negative:

How to prevent disaster

You can ward off trouble from yourself and your loved ones by doing the following:

  • If the struck bird is alive, then you should help it, feed it and release it into the wild. The dead bird should be carefully placed in a bag or box and buried away from the house.
  • Rinse the window with running water. Replace broken or cracked glass with new glass.
  • Feed the birds away from home, preferably the breed that was hit.
  • Go to church and light a candle for health and peace.

Among experts in superstitions and signs, the following ritual actions are used:

  • Each person at home at the moment of knocking must tie a scarlet ribbon to the window handle. It is believed that such manipulations will turn trouble away from home.
  • Rowan will help ward off misfortune. It is necessary to collect bunches according to the number of windows in the house or apartment. Place the collected twigs with berries between the window frames.
  • Temporarily leave the apartment. To do this, place a wooden board on the outside of the window, thereby showing that no one lives in the house. The building should be left for a while. If you have pets, you should also take them with you.
  • A ransom from trouble. The ceremony must be performed by a younger family member (at least 7 years old). They gather in the house small coins, which relate to the intersection. The money should be left with the words “Take the trouble, don’t touch us.”
  • Ask the “owner of the house” for help. At night, the brownie is left with a saucer of milk, a bun or gingerbread. The actions are repeated 3 nights in a row with a request to take the trouble away from the family and home.

What do bird strikes on a window mean?

Bird strikes on the window may well be explainable on an everyday and scientific level. For example:

Using the house as a shelter. Small birds that are looking for shelter from predators can behave this way. They fly into the first room they come across or stumble upon transparent glass without having time to react to what is happening.

Our ancestors attributed to birds a connection with the other world, which communicated with deceased relatives. Many considered them to be messengers of angels who convey important messages to people and tried to warn through them about serious events. At the same time, a significant part of the signs about the bird hitting the window also promised good news.

Hit the window and flew away

The most ambiguous sign, which has an ambivalent interpretation: the bird brought with it very bad things (severe illness or death close relative) or good news (solution to an important matter or problem).

If the bird continues to hit the window with its beak, not wanting to fly away, this is an unkind sign, a warning that you need to be careful in your movements in the very near future, especially if you have a long journey ahead.

But if the bird continues to hit the window of a girl of marriageable age, you should expect the arrival of matchmakers soon.

A light one-time knock on the window, according to ancient traditions, meant the imminent arrival of guests. And as many knocking birds as there will be, so many guests should be expected.

The interpretation of the sign also depends on the breed of bird:

  • The swallow brings good news from loved ones and relatives.
  • A swift or stork is knocking for a long-awaited pregnancy.
  • The tit foretells great joy, happiness and success. According to legends, this particular breed was considered a relative of the legendary Blue Bird, carrying happiness on its wings, a messenger of the forces of light.
  • The sparrow portends financial losses, financial deception, fraud or robbery of the owners.
  • The dove has long been considered a connection between the world of the living and the dead, which is why it conveys sad news about deteriorating health or near death relatives.
  • Knock forest birds(cuckoo, owl or eagle owl) carried the most terrible news - the spread of epidemics and other natural disasters.

Hit the window and broke

The worst omen is if the bird hits and dies. This speaks of the coming or upcoming death of a very close person or relative. Another bad interpretation is close natural disaster, which birds can feel long before its onset.

Read also detailed meaning will accept if a pigeon hits the window, sits on the windowsill or has built a nest on the balcony

What to do

Soften the severity bad omen you can do the following:

  • Inspect the scene of the incident. If the bird is alive but injured, give it first aid, feed it and release it into the wild. If she died, bury her as far from home as possible.
  • Wash the window thoroughly after the impact; if it is cracked, replace it as soon as possible.
  • Be sure to feed the birds outside as soon as possible, away from the house, and it is advisable to find the exact breed that hit the window.
  • Light candles in church for the health of your family and friends, and you can also feed the birds there.

Dream Interpretation

A dream about a bird hitting a window also most often does not carry good news. It is believed that birds in a dream symbolize the souls of deceased relatives. The dream foreshadows serious illness or death of close relatives, especially if the bird died after the strike.

Another interpretation of the dream is receiving news from a loved one whom the dreamer has not seen for a long time.

However, for a woman who wants to get pregnant or get married, if a bird hits the window in a dream, it is a good sign.

What does it really mean

Nowadays, there are quite logical explanations for why a bird can hit the window of an apartment building:

  • Fleeing from a predator, especially if it is small in size. The bird simply does not see the transparent window and strives to get into the first shelter it comes across.
  • A bird through the window could see something very attractive or tasty on the windowsill or table by the window. Usually these are young birds just getting acquainted with the world, who still have little idea of ​​the structure of a human home.

  • The bird may be simply drunk. In the thaw or late autumn Many fruits remain on the trees, which begin to ferment under the influence of positive temperatures. As a result, the birds, drunk on rowan berries, lose orientation in space and accidentally hit the window.
  • The bird mistakes its reflection in the window for one like itself and tries to attract its attention by knocking.
