Ramadan breaking fast schedule. Gifts accepted from Muslims

Yulia Shapko

Reading time: 7 minutes


During the holy month of the Muslim calendar, which is called Ramadan in Arabic, or Ramadan in Turkish, Muslims are required to observe strict fasting - limit yourself in drinking, eating and intimacy.

Following the rules of Ramadan, mature people give up their passions. This is how they cleanse themselves of negativity.

The fast ends with the great holiday of Uraza Bayram.

Features and traditions of Ramadan fasting - what are iftar and suhur?

Posting believers test the strength of the human spirit. Compliance with the rules of Ramadan makes a person reflect on his lifestyle and helps determine the main values ​​in life.

During Ramadan, a Muslim must limit yourself not only in food, but also carnal satisfaction of one’s needs, as well as other addictions - for example, smoking. He must learn control yourself and your emotions.

Observing simple rules post, every Muslim believer should feel poor and hungry, since the available benefits are often perceived as ordinary.

Swearing is prohibited during Ramadan. There is an opportunity to help the needy, the sick and the poor. Muslims believe that prayers and a month of abstinence will enrich everyone who follows the tenets of Islam.

There are two main requirements of fasting:

  1. Follow the rules of fasting sincerely from dawn to dusk
  2. Abstain completely from your passions and needs

Here are a few conditions for what a fasting person should be like:

  • Over 18 years old
  • Muslim
  • Not mentally ill
  • Physically healthy

There are also those for whom fasting is contraindicated, and they have the right not to observe it. These are minor children, the elderly and pregnant women, as well as those women who are menstruating or experiencing postpartum cleansing.

The fast of Ramadan has several traditions

Let's list the most important ones:


Throughout Ramadan Muslims eat their meals early in the morning, before dawn. They believe that Allah will greatly reward such an action.

During traditional suhoor don't overeat, but you should eat enough food. Suhoor gives you strength for the whole day. It helps Muslims to stay sane and not be angry, as hunger often causes anger.

If a believer does not perform suhur, then his day of fasting remains valid, but he will not receive any reward.


Iftar is evening meal, which also takes place during fasting. You need to start breaking your fast immediately after sunset, that is after the last day(or the fourth, penultimate prayer of this day). After Iftar comes Isha - Muslim night prayer(the last of the five obligatory daily prayers).

What not to eat during Ramadan - all the rules and prohibitions

What to eat during Suhoor:

  • Doctors recommend eating complex carbohydrates in the morning - cereal dishes, sprouted grain bread, vegetable salad. Complex carbohydrates provide the body with energy, despite the fact that they take a long time to digest.
  • Dried fruits - dates, nuts - almonds and fruits - are also suitable.

What not to eat during Suhoor

  • Avoid protein foods. It takes a long time to digest, but it loads the liver, which works without interruption during fasting
  • Should not be consumed
  • You should not eat fried, smoked or fatty foods in the morning. They will cause extra stress on the liver and kidneys
  • Avoid eating fish during Suhoor. You'll want to drink afterwards

What not to eat in the evening after adhan

  • Fatty and fried foods. It will harm your health - cause heartburn and put on extra pounds.
  • Exclude from food products instant cooking – various cereals in bags or noodles. You won’t get full of them and literally after an hour or two you’ll want to have another meal. In addition, such products will increase your appetite even more, as they contain salt and other spices.
  • Can't eat sausage and frankfurters. It is better to exclude them from your diet during Ramadan fasting. Sausages affect the kidneys and liver, satisfy hunger for only a few hours, and can also develop thirst.

Despite the prohibitions and strict rules, there are benefits from fasting:

  • Refusal of carnal passions
    A person must understand that he is not a slave to his body. Fasting is a serious reason to give up intimacy. Only by abstaining from sin can a person preserve his purity of soul.
  • Self improvement
    By observing fasting, a believer is more attentive to himself. He gives birth to new character traits, such as humility, tolerance, obedience. Feeling poverty and deprivation, he becomes more resilient, gets rid of fear, begins to believe more and more and learns what was previously hidden.
  • Gratitude
    Having gone through refusing food, a Muslim becomes closer to his Creator. He realizes that the innumerable benefits that Allah sends are given to man for a reason. The believer gains a sense of gratitude for the gifts sent.
  • An opportunity to experience mercy
    Fasting reminds people of the poor, and also encourages them to be merciful and help those in need. Having gone through this test, the believer remembers kindness and humanity, as well as the fact that everyone is equal before God.
  • Economy
    Fasting teaches people to be economical, limit themselves and curb their desires.
  • Improves health
    The benefit to a person’s physical health is manifested in the fact that digestive system resting. Within a month, the intestines are completely cleansed of waste, toxins and harmful substances.

Holy Ramadan schedule until 2020 - when does Ramadan fasting begin and end?

IN 2015 Ramadan fasting begins on June 18 and ends on July 17.

Here are the following dates for Holy Ramadan:

2016– from June 6 to July 5.
2017– from May 26 to June 25.
2018– from May 17 to June 16.
2019– from May 6 to June 5.
2020– from April 23 to May 22.

Violation of the Ramadan fast - actions that interrupt the Muslim fast of Ramadan, and punishments

It is worth noting that the rules of Ramadan fasting apply only during daytime days. Some actions performed during fasting are considered prohibited.

Actions that interrupt Muslim Ramadan include:

  • Special or intentional meal
  • Unspoken intention to fast
  • Masturbation or sexual intercourse
  • Smoking
  • Spontaneous vomiting
  • Administration of rectal or vaginal medications

However are lenient towards similar actions. Despite their similarities, they don't break the fast.

They include:

  • Unintentional meal
  • Administering medications using injections
  • Kisses
  • Caresses, if they do not lead to ejaculation
  • Teeth cleaning
  • Blood donation
  • Period
  • Involuntary vomiting
  • Failure to perform prayers

Punishments for those who break the Ramadan fast:

Those who unintentionally broke the fast due to illness, must perform the missed day of fasting on any other day.

For sexual intercourse committed in daylight hours day, the believer is obliged to defend another 60 days of fasting, or feed 60 needy people.

Fasting Ramadan is a holy holiday in Islam, lasting a whole month. This is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. It received its name in honor of the sacred month of the calendar.

Let's figure out what this sacred holiday is and why it is so important for its believers. Ramadan is famous throughout the world because, according to tradition, it is held in strict fasting and prayer. Fasting means abstaining from food, drink, entertainment and bad thoughts, and leading the believer in thought and prayer.

This holiday helps a person get closer to God. Rapprochement occurs through several types of cleansing:

Physical, which involves restricting food and drink intake.
Spiritually, while fasting, entertainment, pleasure, sex, and thoughts about sinful deeds are prohibited.

The main meaning of this holiday and compliance with all restrictions is the opportunity to show loyalty to Allah and pacify the negative qualities in a person that push him to commit evil. It is believed that by limiting oneself in the joys of life, a person has time to think about his evil and insidious actions committed over the year, which entail everything negative in his life.

It is worth noting that Ramadan does not coincide with other holy holidays. Its onset is strictly due to the fact that the Islamic calendar is lunar, and all months begin from the moment of the new moon. Since Islam is a world religion, the timing of Ramadan is different countries will take place differently, with the appearance of the moon.

What is prohibited to do during Ramadan:

With the onset of Ramadan, conscious consumption of food and drink during the day, smoking of various tobaccos, including hookahs, are prohibited, and quenching sexual thirst is strictly prohibited.

What is allowed to do during Ramadan:

During Ramadan, unconscious eating, kissing, caresses that will not lead to ejaculation, bathing and brushing teeth, donating blood, and involuntary vomiting are allowed.

Muslims are sure that during Ramadan the importance of performing good deeds and pilgrimage increases 700 times. During this month, the shaitan is chained, and good deeds reach Allah faster and better. At this time, Muslims approach prayers more responsibly than usual, reading holy book Quran, perform good deeds, give donations to the poor and give obligatory charity.

While fasting, it is obligatory to pay alms (zakat al-filter). This payment is obligatory for Muslims and has precise measurement. The alms amount is 1 saa. Saa is a measure of weight equal to 3500 g. In different cities they are used for donation different products. So in Europe they pay zakat al-filter with wheat and barley, in the Middle East with dates, in Southeast Asia with rice.

How to eat during Ramadan:

The basis of fasting in Ramadan is quite simple; you should not consume food or water while the sun is shining in the sky. The morning meal - suhoor - should be eaten until glimpses of the sun appear in the sky. The evening reception (iftar) can begin only when the sun disappears behind the sky. The meal usually starts with dates and water. Before eating, it is obligatory to read a prayer.

And of course prerequisite While fasting, there is niyat (intention) to perform it. It manifests itself in reading prayers and performing rituals. The intention is pronounced every day between night and morning prayers.

Who may be exempt from fasting during Ramadan:

Fasting is mandatory, but certain categories of people may be exempt from the strict conditions of saum. Minors and people with mental disabilities are exempt from fasting. If a believer goes on a trip, he begins to fast upon his return. Pregnant women, women breastfeeding children, and menstruating women are also exempt. Elderly people who cannot control their food prepare food for the poor.

Breaking the fast in Ramadan and its consequences.

It may happen that a believer breaks his Saum due to a serious illness or due to Haida (menstruation). In such a case, the believer can rehabilitate himself before Allah, and he must fast one day until the next Ramadan, or must provide a certain amount beggars If a believer has sexual intercourse during the daytime, he must compensate for this violation with six ten days of continuous fasting, or feed sixty poor people. Breaking fasting without a valid reason is considered a sin.

End of Ramadan

The last ten days of fasting are the most important for Muslims. Many of them follow the example of Muhammad and retire to say prayers. To do this, they hide in the mosque.

Glorious holiday of Ramadan

After the end of the restrictions, Ramadan ends, three days of holiday begin, which are accompanied by breaking the fast. The first day is considered a non-working day, and schools can have holidays for all three days.

Cohabitation of several religions and conditions for non-fasters
It should also be noted that during Ramadan, for people who do not fast, out of respect for Muslims, it is not advisable to ostentatiously eat food in the daytime, smoke, chew gum, or play loud music in in public places. This unspoken rule also exists in countries with mixed religions, for example in Israel, as well as in cities where Arabs and Jews live together.

Ramadan 2019: when

In 2019, Ramadan begins from May 5 to June 3. It should be noted that people await the onset of this holiday with impatience and reverence, because Ramadan is not just great holiday, but a personal miracle of the soul and body of every Muslim.

The month of Ramadan is a time of Muslim fasting. For 30 days, believers are required to limit themselves in food, drink, alcohol, smoking and other earthly pleasures. Such a test will help prove your devotion to the Almighty. The beginning of Ramadan is important event for all Muslims. Believers are waiting even more for the end of Lent. Within a month, you need to read the Koran and prove your loyalty to Allah. In addition, there are many restrictions and prohibitions. If the fast is not observed, punishment will follow.

Rules for fasting

Ramadan begins on May 16 and will last until June 14. During this time, from dawn to order, it is prohibited to eat or drink.

Note! During the holy month, it is forbidden to use foul language, lie and slander.

The fasting schedule changes daily. Breakfast is called suhur. IN morning time You can eat fruits and dairy products. After breakfast, Muslims need to say a prayer.

The next meal was called iftar. It comes after evening prayer. It is advisable to eat dates at this time. The most important period for believers is the 10 days of fasting. At this time, Muslims honor the memory of Muhammad. It is believed that after Ramadan a person purifies himself and receives the blessing of the Almighty.

The food calendar varies depending on the region of residence. This is due to the fact that sunrise and sunset in different cities occur at certain times.

Nutrition calendar: details

date Day of the week Suhur Iftar
16.05 Wednesday 01:44 19:51
17.05 Thursday 01:43 19:52
18.05 Friday 01:41 19:54
19.05 Saturday 01:39 19:56
20.05 Sunday 01:38 19:58
21.05 Monday 01:36 19:59
22.05 Tuesday 01:34 20:01
23.05 Wednesday 01:33 20:03
24.05 Thursday 01:31 20:04
25.05 Friday 01:30 20:06
26.05 Saturday 01:29 20:08
27.05 Sunday 01:27 20:09
28.05 Monday 01:26 20:11
29.05 Tuesday 01:25 20:12
30.05 Wednesday 01:24 20:13
31.05 Thursday 01:22 20:15
01.06 Friday 01:21 20:16
02.06 Saturday 01:20 20:17
03.06 Sunday 01:19 20:19
04.06 Monday 01:18 20:20
05.06 Tuesday 01:18 20:21
06.06 Wednesday 01:17 20:22
07.06 Thursday 01:16 20:23
08.06 Friday 01:15 20:24
09.06 Saturday 01:15 20:25
10.06 Sunday 01:14 20:26
11.06 Monday 01:14 20:27
12.06 Tuesday 01:13 20:28
13.06 Wednesday 01:13 20:28
14.06 Thursday 01:13 20:29

Ramadan 2018 is a time of cleansing the spirit and body from everything unclean. Uraza is the name of the Muslim fast during the Holy month, whose name is Ramadan.

Uraz 2018 begins on May 16 at moonrise and ends on the evening of June 13. On the morning of June 14 2018 The holiday of Eid al-Fitr (Eid al-Fitr) will begin. Fasting in Ramadan begins before sunrise (an hour or two) and ends at sunset.

What should you not do during Ramadan 2018?

How not to break the fast in Ramadan 2018? In order to hold the Uraza correctly, you need:

  1. Be a Muslim
  2. To be capable - healthy, in a clear mind
  3. Accept Intentions (Niyat).

During fasting you cannot:

  • drink,
  • There is,
  • give injections that are substitutes for food and drink,
  • lose consciousness (a fasting person who feels the threat of losing consciousness must break the fast and then make up for the remaining days). Losing consciousness between Fajr and Maghrib invalidates the fast.
  • enter into intimate relationships, masturbate,
  • take medications and alcohol, drugs,
  • smoke.
  • Chew chewing gum.
  • Cleanse the body in an unnatural way (enemas, artificial vomiting).
  • Sing, dance, listen to music loudly.

As night falls, the restrictions are lifted.

The fast lasts differently each year, but usually lasts 29 or 30 days, and each year the fast begins 10 days earlier than the previous year.

Ramadan 2018: Beginning and features of fasting

The official start date of the month of Ramadan (which means “sultry” and “hot”) in 2018 is May 17. But in fact, the Uraza fast will begin at sunset on May 16 and end at sunset on June 14.

Ramadan crowns one of the most important holidays in the Muslim world - Eid al-Adha. On the holiday, all restrictions on the fast of Uraza cease to apply. Believers greet each other with the words “Eid Mubarak!” (Blessed holiday).

During the holy month, believers of both sexes must strictly observe the two fundamental tenets of Islam - prayer and fasting. From sunrise to sunset, Muslims have a number of strict requirements and restrictions, the violation of which leads to breaking the fast.

Uraz 2018: beginning - requirements

During the month of Ramadan, every Muslim must do the following at the appropriate time:

  • Know the beginning and end of fasting time. It is necessary to know the timing of the adoption of the Intention.
  • Read prayers, read the Koran and confirm your intention (niyat) to participate in this holiday in the name of Allah.
  • Refrain from temptations and bad thoughts and intentions.
  • Perform good deeds: give alms, help those in need and bring food to the poor.

Eid 2018: exceptions

There is a certain list of persons who, due to certain factors, may be exempt from fasting. These include:

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women (fasting is compensated at other times).
  • Women who have postpartum or menstrual bleeding. (the post will be refunded at another time).
  • Mentally ill, elderly people,
  • Patients who may be harmed by fasting (fasting is compensated at another time).
  • Believers and soldiers wandering around the world or country (fasting is compensated at another time).

Ramadan 2018: fasting schedule for every day

Having learned when the holy month of Ramadan 2018 begins, it will also be useful to announce the fasting schedule for each day of the holy month.

Presents readers with a calendar for the month of Ramadan 2018 for the territory of Azerbaijan, which was compiled based on calculations by the Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (ANAS).

According to the fatwa, May 17 is the first day of Ramadan. The nights of Laylat al-Ghadr will fall from the 18th to the 19th, from the 20th to the 21st, from the 22nd to the 23rd, from the 26th to the 27th days of the month of Ramadan (according to the Gregorian calendar from 3 on 4, from 5 to 6, from 7 to 8, from 11 to 12 June). Ramadan will be celebrated on the first day of the Muslim month of Shawwal - June 15. On the same day, festive prayers will be performed in mosques in Azerbaijan.

The Caucasus Muslims Office calls on everyone to be patient during the month of Ramadan and perform charitable deeds in the name of Allah. Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims and is called the Crown of the Year, Shahrullah (the month of Allah) and Ziyafatullah (the feast of Allah). Exactly this month Holy Quran began to condescend to the Prophet Muhammad (CAC). During this month, Allah sends great blessings to people, forgives them their sins, ennobles them and bestows them. Just as autumn rain cleanses the earth from all dust, so the month of Ramadan cleanses the soul of believers from sins.

Below is a table of fasting for residents of Baku and its suburbs:

For residents of cities remote from the capital, the time varies from the table presented (in minutes):

Agdam +11, Agdash +10, Agsu +5, Agjabedi +10, Agstafa +18, Astara +4, Babek + 18, Balaken +5, Beylagan +10, Barda +11, Gokchay +8, Ganja +14, Gedabek + 16, Goranboy +12, Goradiz +10, Gokgol +14, Gakh +11, Gazakh +19, Gazymammed +4, Gabala +8, Guba +5, Gusar +4, Jalilabad +6, Jabrayil +12, Julfa +18, Dashkesen +15, Yevlakh +11, Zagatala +15, Zangilan +13, Zardab +9, Ismayilli +6, Imishli +7, Kelbajar +15, Kurdemir +6, Lachin +14, Lankaran +5, Lerik +7, Masalli + 5, Maraza +3, Mingachevir +11, Nakhchivan +18, Neftchala +3, Oguz +11, Orudubad +16, Saatli +6, Sabirabad +6, Salyan +4, Siyazen +3, Sumgayit +1, Terter +12, Tovuz +16, Ujar +8, Fizuli +11, Khachmaz +4, Shamakhi +6, Shahbuz +18, Sheki +12, Shamkir +15, Sharur +18, Shusha +13, Shabran +4, Shirvan +4, Yardimli + 8 minutes.

Daily prayers for the Holy month of Ramadan:

How to fast correctly

The Almighty has determined the order of fasting during the blessed month of Ramadan. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is obligatory for every Muslim who is conscious, of legal age and capable of fasting in accordance with Sharia law.

Every day, after the morning meal (imsak), before starting the fast, it is necessary to say a prayer (niyyet), as well as during breaking the fast (iftar). You can learn about prayers from special religious literature.

It is advisable to open the iftar fast with a date, clean water, milk or something sweet. Under no circumstances should you consume foods that contain pork or alcohol additives while eating. It is not advisable to eat too heavily either in the morning or in the evening, it burdens the body and is harmful to health. It is also advisable to feed those who are fasting in the evening. According to the hadith, the one who feeds a fasting person in the evening will receive the same reward as the one who fasted.

Restrictions and features during fasting

During the period between morning and evening prayers, you cannot perform certain actions:

1) You cannot deliberately lie when swearing in the names of Allah, prophets and imams.

2) You can’t eat or drink. In addition, nothing should enter the body through natural openings. For example, it is forbidden for water to enter the ear hole, or for thick fog, smoke and steam to enter the body through the mouth or nose (flour, dust, cigarette smoke, etc. in the air), chewing gum and performing enemas are also prohibited . You can taste food (if a person prepares food), but do not swallow it, but spit it out. If food is swallowed out of forgetfulness or unconsciously, then the weapon is not considered interrupted. After the morning meal (imsak) before fasting, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the mouth and between the teeth of food debris, since if small food debris is swallowed during fasting, this breaks the fast.

3) You cannot have sexual intercourse during fasting. It is also undesirable for spouses to engage in intimate caresses that excite each other. Intimate relationships after fasting are allowed, but with the condition of complete ablution before morning prayer. Note that if an orgasm occurs during sleep (wet dream), this does not lead to stopping the fast. In this case, you should swim and continue fasting.

4) Vomiting, if it occurs deliberately, breaks the fast. If a fasting person vomits against his will, then the fast is not broken, you just need to rinse your mouth.

5) The appearance of menstruation even before sunset breaks the fast. Women are not prohibited from using cosmetics and incense, but it is better to abstain, because lipstick can enter the body, and this is unacceptable during fasting.

6) It is better not to perform actions that cause blood loss, including tooth extraction. If the gums bleed and the fasting person swallows blood with saliva, then the fast is broken. Taking medication also breaks the fast. Injections are given to sick people for whom fasting is not advisable, but after recovery the person must make up for these days.

7) Swallowing saliva and phlegm does not break the fast, as does rinsing the mouth and bathing. Only the person bathing must be careful not to swallow the water or plunge headlong into the water. For example, do not jump into the pool or sea.

Release from fasting

Fasting is obligatory for all believers, except minors, the elderly and seriously ill, the insane, pregnant women and nursing mothers, travelers and those on the battlefield.

“Whoever of you finds this month, let him fast, and whoever is sick or on a journey, let him fast on other days. Allah desires ease for you and does not desire difficulties, and that you fast completely and completely and glorify the Lord for that , that He led you to the true path, maybe you will be grateful! - it is said in the Koran.

It is a sin for a woman to fast during menstruation and postpartum cleansing, but after cleansing she must make up for the missed days of fasting. The same as for a sick person, after recovery, and do this before the month of Ramadan next year. But if a person is sick or old, and cannot keep the fast in any way, then for each missed day of fasting he must feed the poor person to his fill. If the fast was missed voluntarily, due to negligence or neglect, then this is a grave sin and a heavy fine is imposed (ask about the amount at the mosque).

Night of Predestination

The exact date of the revelation of the Quran is unknown, but for centuries Muslim believers have been celebrating the holy night of Laylat al-Ghadr in the last 10 days of Ramadan at night on the odd days of the month (Ehya Gejesi). It received a different name - the Night of Predetermination of Fate, because it is believed that it is on this night that the Almighty determines the fate of a person for the coming year. The Qur'an says: "We sent it (the Qur'an) down on the Night of Predestination. How do you know what the Night of Predestination is? The Night of Predestination is better than a thousand months. On this night the angels and the Spirit (Jabrail) descend, with the permission of their Lord, to fulfill His commands "On this night - sending greetings until dawn."

As a rule, some Muslims celebrate this night from the 18th to the 19th, from the 20th to the 21st and from the 22nd to the 23rd of the month of Ramadan. Others believe that the Holy Night falls precisely on the night from the 26th to the 27th of the month of Ramadan.

Fasting improves health

Compliance with fasting according to all the rules purifies a Muslim not only spiritually, but also improves health. If a person constantly eats and drinks heavily, without giving the body rest, then the body accumulates toxic substances. The human body, tired of systematically eating throughout the year, rests during this month. At the same time, a kind of renewal occurs in our body. This is what the Prophet Muhammad (S) said about this: “Keep the rules and you will become healthier.”

According to doctors, fasting strengthens immune system, improving the functional parameters of lymphocytes tenfold, as well as increasing the content of cells responsible for immunity; prevents obesity; prevents the formation of excess acidity, which is main reason stomach ulcers; protects against the formation of kidney stones, as it increases the sodium content in the blood, preventing calcification processes; restrains sexual instincts, especially in young people, thereby protecting the body from mental and physical disorders; abstaining from drinking increases the body’s energy and learning ability, improves memory; activates and optimizes metabolic processes taking place in cells with the participation of glucose, fats and proteins.
