Saifiddin Turaev denies paternity of Margarita Terekhova’s son. Margarita Terekhova's son Alexander: In every mother's man I looked for dad Masum Muhammaddrajab, Radio Ozodi

Margarita Terekhova is a theater and film actress, personifying the era of the 70s of Soviet cinema, known for the films “Mirror”, “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers”, “Belorussky Station” and many others. Director of the film "The Seagull" (2006).


Margarita Terekhova was born on August 25, 1942 in the small town of Turinsk, where during those terrible war years the Sverdlovsk Mobile Drama Theater stopped, where Margarita’s parents worked - a native Siberian, Boris Ivanovich Terekhov, and a Polish girl, Galina Stanislavovna Tomashevich. The woman appeared on stage until the ninth month of pregnancy.

Soon Boris was called to the front. During the fighting, he received a shell shock and lost his memory. The next time Margarita saw him as an adult, her father had new family. The girl was raised by her mother, who continued to perform on stage. Terekhova’s childhood was spent behind the scenes, she slept in a box with props and, watching her mother’s performances, studied the entire repertoire.

Margarita was not even three when the family moved to Tashkent, to live with Galina’s sister. This was a forced step - due to the harsh Ural climate The baby caught pneumonia and miraculously made it out of the other world. Sunny Tashkent weather, an abundance of fruits and vegetables - all this quickly put the baby on her feet. Margarita lived in this city until she graduated from school.

In high school, Rita, a tall, thin girl with a thick brown braid, was considered the first beauty. Studying was easy for her - she graduated with a gold medal. Teachers noticed her talent for exact sciences, especially in mathematics. The girl also showed success in sports - she was a member of the Uzbekistan youth basketball team. These skills helped her while studying at a theater university, when her course involved exercises on Meyerhold's biomechanics - girls had to stand on the shoulders of boys and go down the main staircase without holding on to the railing.


In 1959, Margarita entered the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics in National University Uzbekistan (in those years it was called Central Asian state university). But after the second year I realized that I wanted to enter a theater university. This is how Terekhova ended up in Moscow, taking the entrance exams to VGIK.

At first, everything went great - the commission liked the applicant who stood out from the others. “Suddenly some “their” girls appeared, and they didn’t take me,” the actress recalled. Then someone stole all her money from the dorm room where the applicants were housed. The senior students decided to help the “girl with a braid,” as Margarita was called, and gave her a job - a small role in a documentary film.

In the depths of the studio, Terekhova heard a rumor that the famous director from the Mossovet Theater Yuri Zavadsky was taking a new course - incredibly late, at the end of August. On entrance examinations the girl read Natalya’s hysterical monologue from Sholokhov’s “Quiet Don” and Koltsov’s lyrical poems. Apparently, the examiners liked this contrast - Margarita was accepted into the Studio School at the Mossovet Theater. Her name was first on the list.

The next three years flew by. Margarita literally lived in the theater, comprehending acting, standing on the same stage with recognized masters, including Lyubov Orlova, Faina Ranevskaya. This was Zavadsky’s method - he categorically denied the division of actors into “beginners” and “masters”.

From the first days, Margarita became close to classmate Vyacheslav Butenko, who became her husband in her second year. True, immediately after finishing the studio, the couple “ran away.” IN student years Margarita also found her most faithful friend - classmate Natalya Verova.


Margarita Terekhova's first serious role in the theater was Cleopatra in the production of Caesar and Cleopatra. Caesar was played by Rostislav Plyatt. Subsequently, her theatrical repertoire was replenished with roles in the plays “Through the Eyes of a Clown” (Mari, 1968), “Crime and Punishment” (Sonya, 1971), “The Tsar’s Hunt” (Elizabeth, 1977), “Theme with Variations” (Lyubov Sergeevna, 1979) and many others.

In 1964, Margarita Terekhova graduated from the Studio School and became an actress at the Theater. Mossovet, where she worked until 1983. I received housing in a theater dormitory - an eight-meter room in a dilapidated building. But Margarita, completely devoting herself to her favorite work, returned there only to sleep, so she did not notice the devastation.

A year after she graduated from the studio school, in 1965, the film “Hello, it’s me!” was released. Armenian director Frunze Dovlyatyan. Film debut of Terekhova, who played the role of the girl Tatiana, personifying the daring, decisive post-war generation. The poignant drama with Rolan Bykov, Natalya Fateeva and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan won the love of the audience and was nominated for the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. Margarita Terekhova's first film role made her an allied celebrity. “An actress was born - unlike anyone else,” critics said about her.

All-Union success

Two years later, the next landmark work in the actress’s filmography was released - the melodrama “Running on the Waves,” based on the novel by Alexander Green. Significant not only because in this film the actress played two roles at once - Beach Saniel, the wife of Captain Gez, and Frazi Grant, the girl from the legend. On the set, Margarita was inflamed with feelings for her partner, the popular Bulgarian actor Sava Khashimov. When work on “Runner” came to an end, the actress was 4 months pregnant.

The film “Belorussky Station” (1971), a classic of Soviet military cinema, became truly a cult film. “Terehova played the most modern woman at that time - a smoker who knew a lot about men. “She is a separate theater,” this is how Mikhail Boyarsky assessed Margarita’s performance.

The seventies passed under the auspices of Margarita Terekhova. She played Masha in the film adaptation of Chekhov's story "My Life" along with Stanislav Lyubshin, Alisa Freindlikh, Yuri Solomin; Tasya in “Monologue”, Natalia in Pyotr Fomenko’s film “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth"; Diana in "Dog in the Manger".

Meeting Andrei Tarkovsky

It was fateful for Terekhova to meet director Andrei Tarkovsky in 1972 at the Mosfilm studio, where the actress came to audition for the film Solaris. The role of Khari was eventually given to Natalya Bondarchuk, but the director, whom Terekhova has repeatedly called the greatest filmmaker of our time, remembered Margarita - primarily due to her thick golden hair. When auditions began for the film “Mirror,” a reflection on loved ones, Tarkovsky called the actress to the film studio. At auditions for main role she even beat Marina Vladi.

If it is true that in life every actress needs to wait for “her” director, then Andrei Tarkovsky definitely became that director in Terekhova’s life. Terekhova described the period of work under his leadership as “bliss and best time in life [I] wanted to fly like a bird.” Only once did she dare to go against his opinion - when she was required to chop off the heads of a rooster in the frame. “I’m an actress, not a flayer,” Terekhova was indignant, and the scene was changed.

Margarita Terekhova in the film “Mirror”

In addition to "Mirror", Terekhova collaborated with Tarkovsky when he staged the play "Hamlet" on the stage of the Lenkom Theater, and this was, perhaps, the most controversial Hamlet in the history of the Russian theater - in the final main character“resurrected” all the fallen. Margarita played Gertrude, Hamlet - Anatoly Solonitsyn, Laertes - Nikolai Karachentsov, Ophelia - Inna Churikova.


Margarita Terekhova excellently played the role of the treacherous Milady in the cult film directed by Georgy Yungvald-Khilkevich “D’Artagnan and the Three Musketeers,” released in 1979. The director wanted to give the role to Elena Solovey, but the actress refused due to pregnancy, and he remembered Terekhova.

Margarita Terekhova worked on the image very seriously, completely immersed in history. She taught herself horse riding and galloped dashingly in front of the cameras, although before that she had never even approached horses; found out that the prototype of her heroine was a real agent of Cardinal Richelieu, who exposed the political intrigues of Anne of Austria. Terekhova created a vivid image of an insidious intriguer who found her protector-patron in the cardinal and, under his cover, carried out her plans.

Margarita Terekhova – Milady's Song

When creating her character, Terekhova came up with many phrases and lines, such as: “Throw the victim into the mouth of Baal, throw the martyr to the lions.” The actress found this quote in the volume of Lope de Vega. During filming, a red spot in the shape of a lily mystically appeared on the actress’s shoulder.

Director's activities and works of the 90s

In the 80s, the actress acted much less, making her mark in a couple of memorable films in the first half of the decade (“Pious Martha”, “Graphomaniac”, etc.). Perhaps new heroes and heroines have come to replace her, or perhaps Tarkovsky at one time set her acting ambitions so high that she could no longer act in low-quality films.

The actress focused on the theater - in 1982 she left the Mossovet, created the “Balaganchik” program with Igor Talkov and traveled half the country with her. In 1987, Margarita returned to the Theater. Mossovet.

In 1990, Terekhova starred in the film “Only for Crazy People, or Sister of Mercy” by Estonian director Arvo Iho.

In 1994, she staged the play “Under the Roof” with GITIS students; in 1996, she applied to shoot a film based on Chekhov’s “The Seagull” - it was her long-time dream - but was refused. In the same year she was awarded the title People's Artist Russia.

In 2002, Terekhova finally managed to make her dream come true and begin filming “The Seagull.” Terekhova cast herself and her children, Anna and Alexander, in the main roles. In other roles, Margarita Borisovna used Yuri Solomin and Andrei Sokolov. The film was filmed at Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's Melikhovo estate and in the vicinity of Pereslavl on Lake Pleshcheyevo.

With the exception of an appearance in the Russian-French independent drama “A Trip to Mother” (2014), “The Seagull” is the last acting work of Margarita Terekhova. Since 2006, the actress has been suffering from Alzheimer's disease, which is getting worse every year. In this regard, she left the theater, no longer acts in films and has withdrawn from public life.

Personal life of Margarita Terekhova

The personal life of Margarita Terekhova did not work out. She had a lot of fans, and quite a few fellow actors would give anything to be with her. But life decided otherwise.

Margarita Terekhova’s first husband is her student love, classmate Vyacheslav Butenko. But after six months it became clear that the hasty marriage was a mistake. In the photo: Alexey Gabrilovich

The artist’s next love was, as we mentioned above, the Bulgarian actor Sava Khashimov. Their romance flared up on the set of the melodrama “Running on the Waves.” And although Khashimov was married, he left his family for the sake of the “Russian beauty.”

Margarita became pregnant. Sava found out about this upon returning to Bulgaria and immediately rushed to write a letter proposing marriage, which Terekhova accepted. Khashimov arrived in Moscow, the couple got married and began to live in a dorm room that the Mossovet Theater knocked out for Margarita.

Their daughter Anna was born in August 1967. She was not even two years old when her parents’ marriage cracked. Sava returned to his homeland. Her mother helped raise baby Margarita; she just had to be sent to Moscow because her house in Tashkent was destroyed by a natural disaster.

Margarita Terekhova with her son Alexander Life line. Margarita Terekhova

Anna is raising her son Mikhail (born 1987), Alexander is raising her daughter Vera (2015, mother is former lead singer of VIA Gra Tatyana Naynik).

Margarita Terekhova now

In December 2018, Margarita Terekhova’s daughter told reporters that the actress had not communicated with the press for 12 years due to Alzheimer’s disease. The disease is progressing: Margarita is almost unconscious of herself, does not walk and reacts to almost nothing.

Daughter Margarita Terekhova asks for help

In a conversation with Radio Ozodi, the former presidential candidate of Tajikistan considered it unethical for journalists to interfere in people’s personal lives and expressed dislike for the fact that this topic is periodically discussed in the press.

IN Russian media On August 1, the issue of the paternity of Sayfiddin Turaev in relation to the son of Margarita Terekhova, Alexander Terekhov, was again indirectly raised. In particular, Last messages talk about upcoming wedding Alexandra Terekhova with the lead singer of the group " VIA Gra". Reports say that "Alexander was born after a passionate but short affair of his mother with the director of a large clothing factory in Tajikistan named Turaev. However, he was married, and there was no talk of marriage. Alexander now works in the film industry." Wikipedia page dedicated to biography

71-year-old Margarita Terekhova reports that Alexander was born on July 12, 1981 during his marriage to his third husband, Georgiy Gavrilov. The son was named Alexander Georgievich Gavrilov, and later the name was changed to Alexander Terekhov and “Turaev”. There are rumors in the Russian press that Turaev and Terekhova met in 1977, when director Valery Akhadov invited the actress to film the film “Who Will Go to Truskavets?” based on the work of the same name by Masud Ibragimbekov.

In an interview with Radio Ozodi, a famous Tajik businessman and former politician said that he does not recognize his son as a popular Russian actress- Alexandra Terekhova to hers. Speaking about the topic of the alleged paternity of 68-year-old Sayfiddin Turaev in relation to Alexander Terekhov, he stated:

No that's not true. I remember how the guy’s father spoke on NTV and denied all these rumors.

When asked whether he knew Ms. Terekhova, Turaev said that in 1981 Moscow “organized a seminar in Ura-Tube (now Istaravshan) with the participation of artists. She came with her friend." According to Turaev, at that time he headed the outer knitwear factory in Ura-Tube and their company was entrusted with the responsibility of helping to organize the seminar.

She also arrived. She was very famous and respected. Our factory also became famous for its successes and people in Moscow knew about us. We

shared experiences with others. The Moscow delegation got acquainted with how issues are organized here social protection people, studies, sports, culture and other issues. Among the guests were many artists working in model houses. One of them was friends with her and brought her with her. Terekhova stayed here for 20 days or a month. She was treated with all respect and hospitality. She visited schools and kindergartens, because everyone loved her. She was a great actress. We showed hospitality. She established friendships with many factory workers, and when they went to Moscow, it turns out they visited her too. We didn't know her either, but she turned out to be wonderful person. She has a lot positive qualities, this is a worthy person. But she also realized that she had not encountered the qualities that are inherent in our people anywhere. She was very happy. She never forgot about this trip and our people.

According to Turaev, after 1982-1983. all contacts were interrupted.

Sayfiddin Turaev considers it unethical that representatives of the press often try to interfere in people’s personal lives, without understanding the truth they try to analyze other people’s lives. He recalled that the concepts existing in the West about what can be brought up for open discussion on topics of a personal nature contradict the national traditions of the Tajik people.

Sayfiddin Turaev, a famous former entrepreneur and politician, father of 6 children, was born and lived in Ura-Tube. Graduated from the Moscow Textile Institute (1973), studied at the Academy National economy under the Council of Ministers of the USSR (1989-91). From 1973 to 1986 he worked at the Ura-Tube Outer Textile Factory, rising from the position of production workshop foreman to factory director. In 1986-89 he served as Minister of Consumer Services of the Tajik SSR. In 1991-92 - First Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Council. In October 1999 he ran for president of Tajikistan.

Masum Muhammaddrajab, Radio Ozodi

Star Soviet cinema Margarita Terekhova lived a long life creative life, having managed to do a lot for her. She starred in dozens of films, creating the most interesting beautiful images, and for many it has also become the ideal of beauty and femininity. The children of Margarita Terekhova also decided to connect their lives with cinema, but realized themselves in the profession in different ways.

A lot is known about the daughter of the actress Anna - she is a popular theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia, who began her career at the age of fifteen with a role in the film-play “Girl, where do you live?” But Margarita Terekhova’s son Alexander is only at the beginning creative path, and the list of his film works is still very short.

Anna and Alexander Terekhov have different fathers - Margarita Borisovna gave birth to a daughter from her first husband, the Bulgarian actor Savva Khashimov, with whom she starred in the film “Running on the Waves,” and a son from another man.

At one time, Sasha’s paternity was attributed to such famous personalities, like Andrei Tarkovsky, Alexander Kaidanovsky, Igor Talkov, but Terekhova, who always tried to keep her personal life secret, many years later admitted that she gave birth to Alexander from Sayfiddin Turaev, the director of one of the Tajik clothing factories.

The actress said that she met Turaev during the filming of the film “Who Will Go to Truskavets.” Her relationship with Sasha's father was short-lived - Turaev was married, Terekhova did not want to impose herself on him, and decided to raise her son alone.

It was very difficult for the actress to combine work with raising her son, and Alexander rarely saw his mother as a child:

“Mom has an acting nature. Constant filming, traveling... Often I was left to my own devices. As a child, some unfamiliar women and even my mother’s fans sat with me. I didn't always like it. And then I began to be alone and it was wonderful,” recalls the son of Margarita Terekhova.

After school, Alexander entered GITIS, although he never dreamed of becoming an actor, which is probably why he only lasted two years of study.

But he has not moved away from the creative profession and dreams of becoming a director. One of the films in which Alexander Terekhov appeared as an actor was the film “The Seagull,” directed by his mother. In the film, he and his sister Anna played the main roles.

The personal life of Alexander Terekhov was happy - he married actress Tatyana Naynik, and had already become a father - together with his wife they are raising their daughter Vera.

Alexander himself, when he was little, was worried that he did not have a father, and when he grew up, he made an attempt to get to know him and for this he went to Tajikistan.

Terekhov spoke about his trip in the documentary film “Margarita Terekhova. Fathers and Sons".

It is known that in one of his interviews with Tajik radio, Saifiddin Turaev said that he had nothing to do with Terekhova’s son, but only had a business relationship with the actress.

Margarita Terekhova was then part of a delegation visiting the factory, the director of which was Turaev. The actress, according to Saifiddin, became friends with many of his factory workers, who later even came to visit her. After that meeting, Turaev and Terekhova never communicated again and, apparently, did not seek to establish any kind of relationship.

Margarita Terekhova’s second husband, director Georgy Gavrilov, always considered Alexander his son, who, however, did not live with her very long.

Now Alexander Terekhov no longer makes attempts to meet his real alleged father, having decided that if he was interested in him, then Turaev himself would seek a meeting.

Actress Margarita Terekhova, beloved by millions, has not appeared on screens for a long time. IN last years she suffers from Alzheimer's disease. This illness came into the life of Margarita Terekhova’s family gradually and unnoticed. No one could even imagine that this could affect such a strong, beautiful and self-confident woman. She memorized huge texts and starred in several films a year. The romantic beauty from "Running on the Waves", the irresistible Diana from "Dog in the Manger", the fatal Milady from "The Three Musketeers". Wild success, crowds of fans, expensive gifts, declarations of love. It would seem, who, if not her, was destined to find true female happiness?

In an interview with Boris Korchevnikov, the actress’s daughter Anna Terekhova spoke frankly about her mother’s life. Margarita was born in acting family. The mother raised the girl alone; the father did not take part in her upbringing. Terekhova met him when she was already an adult. By that time, she had already graduated from college and starred in the film “Hello, it’s me!”

Margarita Terekhova met Anna’s father, Bulgarian actor Savva Khashimov, on the set of the film “Running on the Waves.” The young actress already had a marriage with actor Vyacheslav Butenko. At that time, Khashimov was married, but after meeting Terekhova, he decided to get a divorce. In 1967, their daughter Anna was born. The couple lived together for about two years and soon decided to separate. “Mom had a stunning career at that moment. And dad, loving her, also wanted to work in Moscow, but it was very difficult for a Bulgarian actor to get a job here. And in Bulgaria they loved him very much, he was popular,” said Anna.

Margarita was always a good mother, but at the same time she was very worried that she was spending little time with her daughter. Anna was a very modest child, and Margarita enrolled her daughter in various sports sections to develop character. The girl did gymnastics, horse riding, swimming, and tennis.

In 1981, Margarita had a son, Alexander. The child’s father was Tajik businessman Sayfiddin Turaev, whom Terekhova met at an acting meeting in Tajikistan. At that time she was 38 years old. “I’m used to being alone with my mother. Therefore, when she said she was pregnant, it was a shock for me,” Anna admitted. After the birth of the child, Margarita did not communicate with Sasha’s father. At that time, she was already married to director Georgiy Gavrilov.

Anna Terekhova followed in the footsteps famous parents and also became an actress. Her first husband was actor Valery Borovinskikh. They lived together for about two years, in 1987 their son Mikhail was born. Then he appeared in her life new man- actor Nikolai Dobrynin. But the relationship with him did not work out either. The couple were together for about eight years, after which they decided to separate.

Today Anna takes care of her mother. According to her, Margarita Terekhova, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, became a “child.” She does not understand what is happening to her, she can only speak individual words. “I can see in her eyes that she recognizes her family. I can tell her something, read poetry. She listens to me very carefully, reacts to familiar names,” said Anna.

Documentary " Margarita Terekhova. Fathers and Sons", which viewers of Channel One will see on Saturday, October 17, will tell a dramatic story from the life of a well-known actress.

The son of Margarita Terekhova, Alexander Terekhov, over his 34 years, has heard many different versions about whose son he really is - Andrei Tarkovsky, Igor Talkov, Alexander Kaidanovsky... It's time to find out who his son is real father. Sasha has been working towards this for a long time. Through resentment, doubt and forgiveness.

Margarita Terekhova never advertised her personal life - who she married, from whom she gave birth to a son and daughter. Only once did she admit: “It so happened that I gave birth to a son and a daughter from different men. I am often asked about Sasha's father. I can only say that this is oriental man, whom I met in Tajikistan. If Savva Khashimov was a great actor by profession, then this one was an artist by life...”

But if daughter Anna was lucky and she managed to meet and communicate with her father, a Bulgarian actor Savva Khashimov(died in January 2012), then son Alexander still has not seen his father. While filming documentary Channel One, Alexander Terekhov himself was preparing to become a father. His girlfriend (and now wife) Tatyana Naynik I was pregnant and expecting a girl. Verochka - the parents decided to give their daughter this name - was supposed to be born on August 25, just on the birthday of her famous grandmother Margarita Borisovna Terekhova. It was then that Alexander Terekhov decided to go to Tajikistan for Vera’s grandfather.

“We already have a grandmother, but now we need a grandfather! Both my sister Anya and I were raised without a father. And I really want to have it complete family! So I’m flying to my grandfather, I want him to hold his granddaughter in his arms when we leave the maternity hospital. Tajikistan, wait for me!” - he said on the eve of departure from Sheremetyevo airport. You will learn from the film how Tajikistan met Alexander Terekhov, under what “extraordinary circumstances” his meeting with his father took place in one of the remote areas.

Taking part in the film: Alexander Terekhov(son of Margarita Terekhova), Anna Terekhova (actress, daughter of Margarita Terekhova), Tatyana Naynik(daughter-in-law of Margarita Terekhova), Alexander Karin(stuntman), Inessa Ryabinina(friend of Terekhova), Mikhail Kosyrev(director), Natalia Verova(actress, friend of Terekhova),
